Site Navigation; Link to the Chapters.
Chapter 1,
Chapter 2,
Chapter 3,
Chapter 4,
Chapter 5,
Chapter 6,
(Link to the end of the website)
As a rough guide to these websites go to Chapters 3, 3A & 3B (navigation links to all websites also at the end of chapter 3b) which leads you out into the other chapters and the adjacent website 'Sonas' see link above. All chapters can be read individually. (The latest post is therefore within Chapter 3b or in the Sovereignty of nations website) To search individual items or names, click on 'find' in the system tab in the browser (top right on most PC's or Phones) & it will list every time it is a topic.
Purpose of these websites.
These two websites seek to answer the education debate (as websites they have baffled many people) Should education be free ? or at the other extreme should a student leave University (degree or post masters degree) with $50,000 or more, as a personal debt in their early 20's. Often having reached that age, debt level and education stage many ironically change track and careers as they realised they had made a mistake. The answer is a child's education should begin with their parents (who are not a brick in the wall) and both possibilities of free education and paying are options. If a child were to digest the contents of these two websites before they were 10 or 12 years of age they would be advanced enough to step forward confidently and choose their subjects at 14 years of age having guessed what they might like to do as a career or what they may not wish to do. (family businesses are an exception, but not every child may wish to follow on in the footsteps. Working 10 months and studying in the summer months is also traditional) Many older cultures did not expect a person to realise their ambitions until they were 26 to 30 years of age. Today we expect a child or young adult to know roughly what they intend to choose whether it is academia or a trade in their mid teens. Then from 14 years of age they begin to choose examinations and university and accumulate the resultant debt. This is aside from the pressure of the examinations. Many of the subjects are weak in any case. The two websites also cross reference the different subjects to show how different subjects are connected. They also add the media itself as a layer of education, and hopefully they also add a sense of wonder, mystery and awe at the world we live in. There are instances on these websites when that possibility should dawn on people. Each chapter can be read on their own also.The websites are aimed at the ages of 6 to 16 and for the very young they are slow and deliberately composed. The elderly also prefer large text. As such they are best read on a large screen, the subject matter will still be relevant in years time.Children can absorb levels of education beyond the current system and 'common core'education in the USA is considered dire.The Dalai Lama's children in Tibet without travelling the world could in theory study it all (see chapter 4) The websites are a self contained University and/or a small 'Yeshiva' in certain chapters (That study will be continued in the facebook page named in the book advertised "the uncreated creator" and a new blog to be listed in the future) (Parental education proceeds alongside school education which could begin later at age 6 or 7 yeas of age. Parental guidance only slightly advised here). These 3 websites also promote free speech and seek to consider all points of view
Link back to the top of the website
The two websites hosted here are designed to also aid students of history, finance/economics and politics and other disciplines to research areas otherwise unavailable as reference material. They also provide a chronological media catalogue of news stories surrounding some events over an extended period. Adding a wide ranging choice of political opinions and news sources to past events and current affairs adds one extra layer of research, and the media is framing opinion and attitudes increasingly. Past events and historical context also assist when hoax or fabricated news or articles are in doubt, or when genuine news and input is questioned, hence the subjects can assist with context. The websites also provide insights into ancient history.They will also assist children aged between 6 and 16, to look back and decide which political party,or economist or newsgroup was the most consistent (in their integrity and promises ) and accurate in discerning events
The events of the last 5 years and since 09.11.2001 (9/11) and the Global banking and financial crash of September 2008 (which began on 7.8.2007) in which the Congress in the USA rejected bailout proposals (29.9.2008) This was followed days later by the Emergency economic stabilization act 2008. when congress accepted the bailout proposals. Oil prices were to blame and the sub-prime mortgages which were bet upon with derivatives.(an each way secondary bet, to fail or to succeed with a payout either way as an option you do not commit too ! Or in other words a $700 Billion bailout). Free enterprise should be free to work not framed by Statism or so called (as defined as) socialism, which is not protecting workers or the middle class, and people prefer nationalism and higher wages. Now (some) mortgages can have a customer insurance "bet" built into the mortgage inclusive derivative, in case of losing work, and accidents or market upsets. Instead of separate mortgage insurance, it is (the derivative insurance) included in the mortgage payment. Sub-primers can win the bet also.This pays the mortgage if problems arise. Yet paying decent wages, to pay a lower fixed term mortgage,(or fixed for 8 years etc) for the term is less considered. This crisis like 9/11 should never have occurred. Promises made from 2004 to 2008 were reneged upon once power was obtained and every criticism of the previous administration was copied and added too after 2008. It is little known that the Democrats accepted a deal after congress had democratically voted not too. Debt has tripled since then, and the world has changed. Many of these events are unique in world history, especially as the visual communications revolution have brought them into every home. The events as far as possible should be recorded and witnessed. The world from the 1880's to the present day have been the most eventful in terms of war, and slavery is still alive. 'Manufacturing Consent' (As Noam Chomsky puts it) or instead 'Manufacturing Dissent' could be equally subjective during these periods.
(Former Feudal Capitalist states which became Socialist and Communist have now reverted to Capitalism again, ...but not all of them to Democracy. Two differing theories suggest, Socialism is the final stage of societal development, others that Capitalism is (the landless in both still require well paid 100% employment)
The chapters below 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 and the adjacent website and chapter 3 and chapter 5 discuss through the media and real events the problem which faces the west. Marxist theory and Capitalist theory dispute who benefits from the exchange of labour for wages, the employee or the employer. Labour and Labour power give rise to surplus value.(first proposed by Adam Smith and then Karl Marx ) Profit it is thought as a worker does not exploit his labour time actually worked against his labour power. Wages being hourly, weekly or monthly a worker can only increase his benefit by higher wages or reduced hours for the same wages. (14 minute lecture) An employer would not hire a worker if the value of his labour was lower than the profit or return the employer experienced.
There are various direct methods and essays analyzing this in greater detail within the chapters named above. An employer would say that without his investment the argument would not exist as a model in the first place (i.e. creating the production, business or company) and so the debate goes on.
However the West is now Trillions in debt which erodes the contract of exchange between employer and employee, making the exchange more intense and disagreeable. Debt erodes the value of the money and borrowing to begin a venture, which automatically has extra reduced margins in the long term business plan. Taxes become a wealth redistribution service as opposed to creating local and national services a country requires. Society creates ever increasing tax free foundations to prevent family land savings disappearing (see chapter 4 and the pdf named "bank reform 2" which suggests a tax foundation for the lowest class in society but which discusses all aspects of Labour value and connected themes 35 - 40 paragraphs down from the beginning of chapter 4 ) and Debt increases taxes on the employer and employee, direct and indirect and less homemade production of food and goods means imports will rise and prices will increase further reducing the margins or profit and a living wage for both. Achieving a higher wage would become more acceptable to employers without these extra national debt burdens, whilst still producing profit (still unacceptable in deep communist thought) whilst prices would also reduce increasing wage value.
Conventional economics do not cite the powerful advantages a trust or foundation can add to a cause or societal need. (see chapter 4) Tax free deductible foundations and trusts (as one example) can donate the interest on the principle amount to a charity of their choosing.(and then avoid taxation) This is a major source of wealth in the world today. Norway has taken the idea further and provides a "oil fund" or Government pension fund which is a rainy day savings (a very rainy day) for all its citizens. Its worth is estimated at $850 Billion and its funds generates 1 Trillion for its citizens to save or draw from for national needs. Norway turned one idea upside down in effect but still made prosperity and wealth (as opposed to reducing wages and national wealth) for everyone.
Producing a society which has a very good living wage, high profits and cheap goods (localism) for consumption is a preferred condition for society in preference to chaos, stagnation and growth which is medium but is contributing to the demise of the nation. Germany in its south west region of Swabia along with homegrown corporations has always tried to achieve this aim against the general economic grain of the EU and achieved not just with time banks or local currencies but nationally available credit which does not hinder stock market trading ) If you follow chapter 2 above and chapter 3 in the adjacent website you will see that debt is actually being used as a weapon (WMD) against the West (from the east)
Basel 1,2 & 3. Banking reforms Since 2008 and the banking collapse one aspect which has changed and which would also allow for increased investment and borrowing are the risk assessment measures put in place to reduce undue risk across all definitions (credit, market, insurance and operational risk etc) These are the Basel 1, 2 and 3 reforms (and the European Solvency Directive) a quote from the Bank of International Settlements Basel 3 is as follows; ' When we realise that the BIS Basel 3 report "Consultative Document Strengthening the resilience of the bankingsector" Page 2 in the Executive summary (point 4) April 2010 states, "Ultimately the public sector had to step in with unprecedented injections of liquidity, capital support and guarantees, exposing the taxpayer to large losses". BIS Basel 3 report April 2010. So taxpayers are also protected
This will allow for increased investment and for credit investment measures expansion without a potential collapse of note or previous magnitudes. Chapter 2 below adds one possible further measure, (the money supply solution) which would stabilize western markets and everyday working practices of workers, business and import / export operations and alleviate credit and market risk and all risk across the board (Even a 10% increase in "MO" would go a long way to achieving this,there are two types of MO)
Chapter 4 (and 3) explores every and any possibility which would end Child and woman slavery of any kind.
Child slavery has also increased despite the communication's revolution, yet so has the potential ability to end it, instead of passively accepting the situation decade after decade.Many victims need to re-learn how to think critically. If Children aged 6 to 16 can be trafficked and bought and sold, then they can receive an alternative education (even it is mistakenly considered advanced for their age or too stark) in order to learn about the real world and avoid and defeat such problems.
If parents think their children are not watching or reading far worse online (despite filters and passwords etc) then they are mistaken.
Most children and teenagers on the planet do not get any education at all. Trafficked or abused children who have missed out on education through their ordeal (who were not killed or who have not committed suicide) will also find these two websites helpful. The problem of child and woman trafficking and abuse is vast worldwide. Despite, satellite surveillance, the intelligence services, charities, law enforcement and all possible funds coming forth or appearing, modern slavery and cruelty is alive and well and is not abolished. World political leaders and religious leaders have condemned the modern slave trade, and financial services and financial institutions are also combining to eliminate what amounts to a shameful blight on society. It is is difficult to comprehend in the 21st century such practices exist. (see Human Trafficking map worldwide) For further details see chapter 4 in this page and chapter 6 in the adjoining website. (23.09.2015)
As a quick guide to these two webpages, Chapter 3 in this website page and also chapter 6 and are practical systems of use to society. The adjacent website is educational and will have a new website / blog from Chapter 5 in the future. The rest is supporting and educational. Chapter 3 and began by simply seeking like-minded people who were interested in its aims and whittled them down to just a few, forming different projects which were interconnected. From a large list of people on social media which unfortunately took more than one social media page as there were different subjects. 3 in total but many business's & corporations have different social media pages plus their own personal pages such as Linkedin etc. They can become onerous but as info pages they are useful and rather than "market research" they can bring real opinions and views.
Similar project models over the last few years now complected have been copied in other countries (and each have different designs or approaches for the traditions of that country and which encourage growth and independence or self sufficiency ) and exist already, and they are beginning new freeholds, or communities and small towns (in one case) depending on how open and accommodating the country they reside within is. Finance can be procured from above or from the 'ground up' or both. Anyone can copy it taking the time required and learning as you go. The idea drew inspiration from previous attempts since the internet was formed (even before Facebook or similar social media) Many countries in the economic crisis had 'surplus labour' and the time to begin new ideas
Community Interest Companies (or variants upon it) and the funding (unmentionable) idea.
(December 2015) An idea in the making is a Charity company for social needs to fill a funding gap. The ideal business structure for this will be a Community Interest Company, (as one option and which is a conservative idea) which is half a business and half a charity. This would assist many social projects. (see also Many countries have introduced legislation to enable such companies to begin, whilst others are slow to make those changes.(yet this will go ahead and applications will be made from December 2015 see also the end of chapter 3 and Chapter 4 below)
This funding model (which is not "free") is derided by those who do not understand economics could work with standard bank debt, mezzanine finance, equity and EIIS, venture capital and bonds. It is simply called "funding without borrowing" for internal projects only in a nation (or at small interest to pay costs) The last method "bonds" especially since the Paris Climate summit in December 2015 could also be funded with very low interest free credit and/or complete interest free credit. This last point is derided yet 196 countries have signed up to bonds which will fund development on very low interest free credit. If it is low interest or free interest, the money still has to be repaid hence it is only the interest that is "free" or to cover seigniorage costs. In the past it has also been employed by every nation on earth including America (before 1870) and it is not a socialist idea but a return to conservative economics. This is explained as follows; (by Dr Matthias Kroll who studied political economics, sociology and law at the Hamburg University for Economics and Politics)
" An alternative way of financing and providing sums larger than 100 billion dollars to the GCF could be the involvement of central banks. These can never become insolvent in their own currency due to their monopoly of issuing the legal tender – even if they purchase non-performing assets"
and he adds
" When central banks buy new Green Climate Bonds, and record this in their balance sheets, they also gain a new monetary policy tool. The advantage of this new tool is that it leads directly to the purchase of new goods and services. The real economy is thus stimulated without a need for the usual detour of credit creation by private banks. This means that no new debtors and creditors need be found. The new money is created, debt-free. The disbursal by the GCF would be directly injected into the system of the nation's banks, and their reserves at the central bank would rise. Should excess reserves result, the banks could reduce these reserves by lowering their refinancing at the central bank. The money supply would thus fall again. Banks would reduce their reserves at the central bank, which they do not need to refinance credit creation, and thereby reduce the money supply, because of the endogeneity of the money supply. The Bank of England has recently identified this as the correct description of monetary policy practice.[2] The effect of the endogeneity of the money supply is especially important when central banks buy more Green Climate Bonds (for a short period of time as start-up financing) than needed for actual money creation. This process contributes to the money creation and the resultant money supply reduction offsetting each other, so that the money supply grows as much as the economy requires to expand to full potential
Green Climate Bonds should have a duration of at least 100 years and would ideally only bear small, if any, interest rates. Due to their very long term, Green Climate Bonds would become permanent assets of the central banks and thus form the foundation of regular money creation"
Taking this idea further the resultant debt or money to pay back can be reduced (see along this webpage) to a shorter time even to one year. This is termed producing an asset and reducing the debt to zero. The asset is produced and is paid off. This reduces overheads and costs down the line making planning less volatile for those who cannot help themselves or find work. It has been used to build homes, help oil companies and also social needs.
Extending this idea to help the disabled and children occurs (in theory but a growing accepted theory) as they (in the economic debate) are left in between the ideological discussion and fall through the funding net. Even private funding requires top up funding which can be expensive. This model (community interest companies as described above) maximises funding options to include 1. interest rated bank debt or bonds, 2. interest free credit as described above and 3. charity donations. 4. finance paid off over a very short term. This would also assist disabled war veterans and disabled children. An objection i received from someone "across the pond" is that it was a "socialist idea", but in actual fact it is a conservative idea in origin and this person said they supported disabled veterans? and objected to the burgeoning national debt ? which eats into funds, but which can be managed especially when its purpose is honestly spelt out.
The truth is that this zero interest rate model if a nation employs it alone, then that nation will stagnate in the import / export international finance reality. However if a nation employs a purely bank debt, mezzanine, equity, venture capital model it will implode eventually, and both of these "types" can be viewed in a number of countries around the world especially since 2008. It can run separately (as a MO money supply fund) from the market and stock - market and will not interfere with it. It will ironically stabilize a market / stock market economy (i.e the sub-prime & other problems) It can only go so far. These ideas were once turned into reality by a great economist yet not perfect as no one is (last link has the stamp scrip story) in the 1930's Irving Fisher (Phd Yale, a very clever man, the first economic noble prize winner and a reformed member of the CPLPL A, Congregational Protestants Peoples Liberation Party of America in his youth. He put countless people to work with his schemes in a time of destitution called the Great Depression in the 1930's. This money or "stamp scrip" was spent, creating activity and saved in banks creating deposits for loans again)
To add; that if you pursue certain aspects of this idea which is a boon to society given the caveats above (and the 'lost in translation' problem) you will be threatened with being blacklisted and derided, however since the bridge between the different opinions on this matter is actually mutually beneficial (more than is first realised even) then it is worth pursuing it. For more details see the end of Chapter 3 and the decisions of the Paris climate Cop 21 conference.
Western Banking 2016 / 2017
The choice in banking is either excessive regulation or no regulation which produced the banking crash. Over regulating the banks caused stagnation and some would say this leads to socialism or its successor communism. The idea of increasing the MO money supply (debt free) in circulation allows free market (and services and society needs such as disabled rights) to flourish without as much regulation or restricting economic growth whilst maintaining regulation.
As you read down into chapter 2 and its pdfs and on to the Irish banking inquiry in chapter 1 (which mentions also the film "the big short" or here also ) you could note that senior banking figures including merchant banks in Wall Street and the London banks were concerned about the weak foundations of lending at the sub - prime level which of course if it collapsed would cause all to fall. Once this is corrected it provides a solid foundation for nations and companies. China allows Gold to be swapped for coin at working class, business level which is similar to a buoyant "MO" money supply. Japan once only relied on this method without investing in the market and stagnated but fed everyone and kept them working, and Germany had a form of this circulating in its money supply. All 3 of these countries continued to trade on the markets and were cushioned against collapse although it could be managed better. Bitcoin still has inflation / deflation worries and without the Internet it would revert to a physical lets system. To strengthen the West this problem (solved) would give it a solid foundation whilst still engaging in the Market globally to create a boom and a strong economy (with or without oil prices rising, which will rise into the 4th quarter of 2016, then dip and then accelerate into 2017) which could be 10 times bigger than the last.
Chapter 1
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The following PDF is a background to World War Two and the creation of Israel and modern Europe. Chapters 1 through to 6 are in essence background information which has taken existing theories of politics, economics and spirituality and looked at their validity. In an age where (for instance) the IMF can now state ( October 2012) that austerity is not working, and they got it wrong "IMF: We got effect of austerity wrong" 9.10.2012 amidst massive unemployment, homelessness and poverty must question how any institution or supporting media or journalism in general can be taken seriously especially over the last four years.
The Giant experiment of Austerity (Europe) and Keynesian deficit spending (USA) known as 'quantitative easing' (filling in debt holes) has been wrecking economies across the West since 2008 - 2010. It is perceived that the USA is faring better but at the expense of enormous public debt to the cost of Trillions. Therefore Americans actually own less than before Obama began. (who has ran up largest debt in US history)
Europe has the chance to rid themselves of austerity merchants across the EU, which is based across left and right and all political parties (who have the same policy). Many existing 'Anti-austerity' politicians and hopeful candidates are anti-austerity as they want to retain their salaries (so of course they have been anti-austerity you can elect them out now) see the analysis from the Huffington Post next link down. ( entitled Getting Out of Recession: European Austerity v. American Deficit Finance -- Which One Is Effective?)
(Chapter 1) EU, Rome London Israel |
This chapter and website in general is the background to a book of two chapters, allowing further research if required. The first chapter is in the PDF above (EU, Rome London Israel). The Book is entitled 'The Uncreated Creator A middleway consideration of the Temple' and is available as an EBOOK worldwide for the minimum price allowable.
This is the third edition of this book and discussions of its contents through conversation, email or social media has led to a deeper exploration of the issues. It is essentially the same book but has allowed disputes, opinions and problems which have existed for centuries (or much longer) to open up. This book allows this accumulated feedback to enter into its script, and many technical problems which were left slightly incomplete or merely suggested to allow a wider discussion.
For all those who bought the first edition and do not want to re-purchase you can join facebook at and discuss any issues (and see topics relating to the first book edition) with many people and find further information. It is priced to be as cheap as possible and to allow publication as cheap as possible. The information on the facebook page is for people who cannot afford to buy a book (possibly 1/3 of the world) or who do not have apps or technology for sufficient periods of time to enjoy such luxuries. If so they can enjoy some of the books information within the photo albums for free, including also the 'look inside' section of the Amazon book. As such it is presented in this manner. The bibliography is also published in the facebook page the sources of which are as broad as possible. The book is a panoramic view of the Temple in Jerusalem and also the surrounding theology and faith which is of course many thousands of years old. The sources are numerous and designed to be as wide as possible.
These two websites are ancillary to the book and they are to provide background information to it on questions people always ask or inquire into and which often distracts from the main topic, although they are pertinent issues, and interesting subjects in themselves. All of the information is factually correct, which should shock people as the world of history, politics and economics and human suffering is beyond bearing for many countries and communities worldwide. The websites are compiled on old fashioned word press which is often difficult to complete (you may notice)
The book and ancillary websites (and not every chapter in the websites will be of interest to all) are amateur but are educational and enjoyable subjects in what is a fascinating and interesting topic, and they allow further research. It is not fiction, and many people within the facebook page have contributed in some way or other but it does not pretend to be all encompassing. The rest of the explanation is within the books introduction (the Amazon 'look inside') which is also free.
An alternative link is available here
As mentioned it comprises two further chapters with seven subheadings. Chapter 1, 1) The Temple. 2) Zionism 3) Zion 4) The Ark of the Covenant. 5) Sacred Geometry Chapter 2 6) The Truths. 7) The war in the Heavens.
The first subheading ‘The Temple’ is slightly technical in order to introduce aspects of sacred geometry and other subjects as it progresses. Sacred Geometry, Zion, Religion, History, Esoteric beliefs, Ancient Megaliths, Astro-Archaeology and Astro-Theology are all included, and it examines theology, history and politics as taught or as perceived. The Book works best in IPAD or the Free Kindle reader.
The book can be considered an introduction to the very basics of theology and political theocracy, and as such it will guide you through the subjects which are varied and exist today as they did thousands of years ago. It combines Western thought which includes 'Pre-History' and Greek (Hellenism) thought, the Cabala, Judaism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Evangelicalism, and finally Hebrew and Messianic Nazarene theology and Zion, and can be considered a basic course into those subjects which were once revered, and an integral part of Western Culture. Two new authors in December 2015 are added, for their insights into theology and history.
30% of the money raised form the book will go to a charity named within the and and/or ‘competition’ Tab.
The two websites here will allow ideas and views to be researched further which has been their aim since they were produced.
Chapter 2
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Money Creation UK Parliament debated Money Creation in 2014. Banking Thesis of 2005 into 2007 / 8, and the financial crash. Central banking uses and problems
Hear this Sovereign money debate in 2014 following the bank crash and bank bailouts of 2007 - 2008 "Michael Meacher MP at the historic debate in UK Parliament on Money Creation" 'UK parliament to debate money creation (20.11.2014) for the first time in 170 years' with Steve Baker MP and Bill Cash MP see here for full 2 hour version in 2014 or mid length version of highlights from same debate Money creation (Bitchute) is 'paper money' but fiat paper money and electronic money as broad money and as opposed to MO notes and coins (which is explained below) issued through national treasuries and also see the documentary below "97 % Money Cut"
'UK parliament to debate money creation (20.11.2014) for the first time in 170 years'. Money creation is regarded as insignificant in the overall economic debate. Yet with all the banking scandal and austerity and unemployment suffered on the public and business's and banking solutions are sought. The following chapters give alternative's and solutions. Big business shy's away from this topic, (which due to a lack of understanding cannot grasp that buoyant debt free currency supplies solves many wage/margin profit problems for employer or employee) corporations are printing their own currency (electronically as opposed to fiat cash and notes) and global debt levels have now hit $100 Trillion (or here) which could trigger the next global crisis.(this is despite claims inflation of prices in assets cancel out the debts, if so why does the debt continue to rise) Today in 2020 this $100 trillion debt has become $255 Trillion in April 2020. Debt rises every year despite tweaking pension or insurance funds, and the solutions eventually assist the public to discern who is (politicians) actually telling you the truth and protecting the future. 100% employment and money creation solutions are possible, which of course stabilizes, business, employment and government. Having practical examples (say within construction, especially for health and medical requirements which of course also strengthens a population) with contributions from professionals in construction and banking, even at a basic level or starting point helps the public to grasp the gravity of the problem which remains unsolved, but which has solutions for the employed (and unemployed) and business
In 2020 the debate between treasury issued coinage (which can also be notes and both can be classed as 'MO' in the MO, M1 - M5 designation in central banks) and central banking issued currency is analysed for the pros and cons of each system (many societies can have both for instance, and the IMF has called for Global debt reduction and stability in economics) see 'What's Behind the Fed's Manufactured Coin Shortage?' by Best Evidence or here again once more on Bitchute ) In 2016 the debate on QE for the people took place also in Britain "QE for people" demo at the Bank of England" and information from 'Positive Money' on youtube and from the World Economic Forum Youtube (see chapter 3 below on this last link)
Added in 06.03.2024... Then see Justin Walker: The Bradbury Pound and Fraudulent Banking (or here again once more ) which should teach people to keep cash. Bear this in mind when considering in 1933 everyone in the USA was turned into a corporation by proxy in order that to avoid total bankruptcy debt was issued against "a person" i.e you and everyone you know to this day as security (collateral securitisation) for central banks to continue issuing debt globally (so it was in the USA but in effect it was for the whole world, and which was certain by 1945 - 1948 see "How US Citizens became enemies of the State within and of their own county, and human 'collateral' for loans. How it spread to everyone Globally"
Today the monetary system by design from the 1860's - 1880's into 1913 (the creation of the central banks) has captured (you will own nothing and be happy) all debts and even (intended soon) all assets that are not in debt "The World is now a 'Securitised Tokenized Asset' as are all people on it ? The Financial Meltdown Matrix" ("You will own nothing and be happy") This shorter version of the film at the end has 5 o6 supporting economists, but the Great taking goes into greater detail
In 1933 fwd over every decade those in debt were in trouble in a crash. The difference now is even those who have assets and are not in debt and have paid off those assets or who owned for generations (even) will also be liable for asset removal in the tokenization of securities and currencies and all the world's assets and with the last link above (with 5 or 6 other economists adding a view in a shorter version above ) this is fully explained (in what is a difficult subject for many to grasp) by David Rogers Webb in (a future event.... all world debt should be cancelled without conditions) (for real Law see the adjacent website "The sovereignty of nations" and an introduction here Maritime Admiralty Law, the Law of the Sea or here on youtube or again on bitchute
In 2005, the thesis below (in the four pdfs) was designed to ask 349 Banks and building societies and finance houses if they will lend interest free credit, and if 428 Construction firms, developers and investors if they would like to receive interest free credit. This totals 777 institutions in total. Many were unaware that this issuance already existed as a method of currency credit or issuance.
80.6 % of 428 Construction companies, Property Developers and Investors, said they would like to receive interest free credit, and 1.8 % of 329 Banks (6 in total) & Finance Houses, said they would like to give interest free credit. Although 19% of all Banks, & Finance Houses said they thought interest free credit would benifit the economy, 36% said they felt constrained from of interest free credit (67% said they did not ?), clearly it is not been offered despite the demand.
Out of 777 institutions surveyed 35.08 % or 273 Construction companies, Property Developers and Investors, Banks and Finance Houses (would) have said they would wish to raise the matter with the Government on the matter of a new procurement model. This is not just thinking it is a good idea, but proactive.
Objections to this proposal often quote the Bank of Japans “lost decades” era (1990s…forward), which lowered interest rates to zero, and demand (GDP) for money as bonds fell, causing what is known as a “liquidity trap”. However monies still circulated and the system worked, but its GDP assessment did not, hence Joseph Stiglitz Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (2001) says GDP is not an indicator of real wealth, only bank growth at interest. (a significant part of GDP)
“One reason is that some believe that the charging of interest sets up a growth compulsion in the economy and that, as perpetual economic growth is unsustainable, the development of a no-interest bearing banking system is a key towards building a sustainable economy”
Douthwaite, Richard and Jopling, John (editors) 2004 Growth, The Celtic Cancer, Why the global economy damages our health and society. & (article) How interest free banking works, The case of Jak by Ana Carrie. Feasta Review number 2
Since many institutions wanted interest free credit, and many were prepared to give interest free credit, it is clear that a liquidity trap is created by denying the supply of credit and demand is constant or steady. In a recession (or in a boom) people want credit (and debits) but not as a bond with interest or as a bond in any case. During the economic disaster the banks have created over the last three years, they have not had a “liquidity trap” (quantitative easing) but people (society worldwide) has, (credit crunch) it is estimated that world bailouts have exceeded 100 Trillion dollars, yet money is still found for war, and not people, and inflation worries (which can be cured) are nonsense
The thesis below in one of four pdf’s (Banking reform 1, thesis ) is technical and not designed to be an easy read. The first pdf can be followed, and the second pdf (4.0 Quantitative analysis) is a part of the first but separated to make it easy to follow.
Pdf 3 & 4 are the lists of the institutions contacted, the entire responses are not included as 777 pieces of paper are too large for a pdf.
What is interesting about this unusual approach is many of the banking (wholesale and retail and construction companies) thought it was a good idea. The ones that understood the point of the exercise in my opinion are the ones which should be employed to run an economy. Many agreed this method could indeed be employed for social needs.
Video Documentary for those who do not wish to read the thesis contents, a documentary made in 2009 entitled,
"97% Owned - Positive Money Cut" available on youtube follows its theme very closely. It is also an excellent documentary which relates how democracy & economic democracy is subverted, but also how full employment on high wages can produce stability.
(Alternative link )
Very similar to the thesis, the documentary differs slightly. Private Commercial banks are creating money out of nothing, but not into employment and manufacturing, (Jobs) hence there is no demand, no spending. More effort is put into convincing society that it can do nothing than actually doing anything. Collating this money back into one central bank under public control preferably, would direct these funds into work, wages and spending, and an economy can service its own internal needs creating work for it as a society, before it worries about exporting and currency fluctuations. Nominal interest rates at zero will produce real interest rates at zero without inflation. That is the point of a stable economy. Private agreements in the high street or commercial loans after this (for large amounts) are a private deal which could expect a rate of return and a profit, but that is a private deal albeit the benefit for them at 0%, real interest rates to pass on at 1- 4 % privately (without bailouts), the capital sum from the public bank is then repaid, and the public will have the benefit of employment and infrastructure. Every private company cannot borrow, those that cannot are not the client but the employed, this very low (zero) inflationary model is not a taxpayers burden. Those that abuse the system will be barred and those that do not will be prudent, private businesses that really are entrepreneurs instead of the pretence we currently have. Savers also benefit from this private arrangement; society requires the right to work, have shelter, food and the right to happiness.
Public ventures, local councils, local authorities and the elected naturally are funded by this system DeJure.
Another example is Seigniorage, it can be made to zero cost, and a debt free system instead of 2, or 3- 4% debt free currency, (as currently exists) it could be 100% or indeed 97%. Further following the logical direction employed construction and infrastructure and social needs (as assets with value set against the currency produced) can also offset the national debt figure without further taxation. As of course profits by Seigniorage have been exceeded by national debt and subsequent interest payments by a very large margin. Inflation also does not reduce bond debt over time, as of course debts in every country have consistently risen over the last 100 years. Debt free circulation, hard money cash can be made to last hundreds of years, offsetting costs. Electronic money created by society can also be debt free, interest free and a large circulating total amount (97%). Circulated for society. (Families, employment, self employment) The Bank of England have recently introduced the possibility of plastic money (people may laugh but if it survives wear and tear then the cost of Seignorage depreciates ). Also if it is not backed by Gold and Silver, which are also inflationary if charged or loaned at interest then it does not matter if the money is plastic, paper or wood. Genghis khan in the 1190's once used tree bark as money, it was accepted under his immediate authority so to speak)
Once taxpayers bailed out the banks the link between money creation and public liability as the real owners through the treasury and finance departments of "government" became clear (2008 -2013) it was also realised that private banks cannot always be sued. (The libor/euribor scandal being an exception) In which case elected representatives are surplus and powerless to this system as is the voting system. Partly nationalising central banks and former private banks has only produced nationalised debts to the public, whilst banks are now back in profit. Fully nationalising the central banks and allowing "the people" to create their own money is real economic democracy.
The 'MO' money designation for internal circulation (cash and notes for freedom) with Money creation and 95% of the World's population.
It also points out that MO as a part of the money supply existed as high as 21% in 1963, and previously it could have been as high as 100% compared to 3 or 4 % which exists today There is no economic reason why it has to exist at only 3 or 4% and you can see it does not increase debt levels as it circulates (see down below under the Occupy movement and beside the Irish banking inquiry headings) This is because it is not charged at interest to the public. A nation does not charge itself interest to distribute its own internal money supply. It exists outside of the M1 – M4 money designation. Today in Britain it would take around £70 billion to circulate for it to achieve fair value against prices. It is the interest at source which causes first inflation and this is a separate issue from ‘Fractional reserve banking’ which occurs after first money is printed. You can have ‘MO’ with or without fractional reserve banking. This MO supply was reduced down slowly over time from the 1960’s (but even then it was circulated at 21% of the money supply at 0% interest known as narrow money notes and coins) It was then taken away slowly, yet without public debate and for no reason at all over than to profit from what should be free. It is however not ‘free money’ as it requires work and reward as normal. It flow and amount is regulated for the sake of fair prices at fair value. The other money designations M1 to M4 (broad money) can exist at interest or not and MO circulating does not hinder import export or the stockmarket.
See ‘Zeitgeist - Money Mechanics Part 1’. At 1 minute 30 seconds fwd. Interest on the money created, creates a need for more money to be printed to pay the interest. Money and interest are two spate items. Money 100% is not the same as Money with interest as this requires 100% + 2 or 3% or whatever. So it can never be paid back as the missing money to pay the interest is printed again .... at interest !. In other words it is the interest which creates the inflation requiring new money to be printed.
(‘Zeitgeist - Money Mechanics Part 2’.) ( Zeitgeist Money Mechanics Part 1 on Bitchute and again Zeitgeist Money Mechanics Part 2 on Bitchute )
Crypto The End of Freedom! 1988 Economist magazine until today
For M1 to M4 interest can be attached, but this thesis particularly wanted to draw out that non electronic money circulating at 0% interest internally can remove inflation and price instability in an economy. It made sure that the question could not be ignored.
Participants in this thesis/survey (in the 4 pdfs above in the last heading to understand this mercurial subject ) responded by 52 % (and not every reply is contained with the 4 pdf's above, 100 or so arrived after the due date and could not be counted ) who understood what this means passed comments as to how this could work. The public is told this is a non - issue of low importance. Most people do not have Gold or Silver and live day to day from wages and it is more important for them, but they make up 95 % of the world's population. Of the 261 questionnaires returned in time 82.4% said they thought interest free would be a good idea, and surprisingly 35.08% of the returned questionnaires said they would wish to raise the matter of a new procurement model in banking and construction along these ideas. It could work in any procurement area and still provide profitable banking and construction.. Many pointed out occasions when it had been employed. They were also directed back to this website to read the results, and many MSM media conversations began as well as alternative media, and continued beyond 2005/6 into 2007. Most people do not have Gold or Silver and live day to day from wages and it is more important for them, but they make up 95 % of the world. Essentially every transaction made in any nation every day, year in and year out and in every nation is devaluing the currency. It is also adding Trillions in debt to every economy and/or every economy unnecessarily against every transaction everyone makes every day. Why would any nation need to charge interest on its circulating money supply (produced in a private bank by printing or in a nations treasury by printing out of nothing) This method increases prices by inflating the economy. It is interest which inflates at printing source in an economy, after which a secondary interest charge is introduced to reduce borrowing which will reduce 'inflation' but as every note (except for 4%, it was 21% in 1963 see images above) by putting borrowers off from borrowing extra. This is absurd. (the four pdfs above also contain instances when the MO was employed to help construction. If every item on a quantity surveyors list is purchased at interest i.e. every brick and any item, then inflation is built into the very fabric of society ) Private construction can be charged interest if they borrow from banks, but those monies are or should be equity not loans charged at interest from the central bank, as this acts as a hidden tax on taxpayers and many PPP/PFI loans do the same ) Every day stable prices keep prices low and wages higher producing a boom in spending without inflation for working and middle-class consumers. see Ron Paul on prices 'Ron Paul takes on the Federal Reserve' or here Ron Paul 'Ron Paul, Fed is going to self destruct' or here 'End the Fed | Ron Paul' The MI to M4 designations are not affected by 0% MO it also does not affect the Stock market negatively. The culprit is printing interest on MO which acts then as a hidden tax in direct proportion to the amount of MO in circulation at interest. Solve this first and see prices stabilise and keep their stability over decades. MO is of course monitored and its circulating amount determines value whether it is Gold, silver, notes or coins, but taking the money supply back into the treasury is essential. A solid economy only produces a better stockmarket and increases 100% employment. As every transaction unnoticed contributes to this debt in Trillions the IMF is worried about (but who never seem to mention this problem or 'MO') then this solution is good for the debt reduction they are so concerned about ? It is either ignored or the public are told it is not important or worse an illusion. Look at the worlds total debt of $250 Trillion by those who manage or economies as experts ? (this method also separates the world from oppression especially 'digital money' AI demands as long as you keep cash) (see also chapter 3b on the adjacent website)
The deliberate failure? of the "Occupy" movement (are they ‘Extinction Rebellion’)
Click here to return to Brexit & Elections October 15th 2019
click here to return to the newnewjerusalem website and post dated 30.11.2019
click here to return to the post in the adjacent website Chapter 3a on the US midterm elections 2022
N.B. All videos and links are named in case of broken links
Many left wing movements can organise and protest and create upheaval but are they motivated to go further, or is the leadership instructed to go no further than a certain point. In the USA during the Presidential elections it transpired that the Democrats had hired people to create violence at the Republican meetings and then blame those meetings for the violence. After the election riots and destruction took place across America which was also blamed on George Soros who has been behind the Russia investigation in his purple revolution, and also the recent Ukraine impeachment ‘inquiry’. A few years before this in 2010 / 2011, the ‘Occupy movement’ surrounded the banking sectors of the world. If they had taken possession of the banks? what then ?
The banking reforms (Basel 3 regulations see chapter 1 above) were already taking shape by the time the Occupy movement began, and the demands of the occupy were secondary or third demands. Demands were met but Austerity followed, and George Soros encouraged Austerity year after year. A pointless act which did not defeat inflation problems (as suggested they would) but created up to 30% unemployment in many countries. Stockmarket traders would not have been able to bet against housing sub - prime mortgage tranches / bundles, if the problem had not existed in the first place. Are these demonstrations bourgeois, with a hint of twee "I phone" ? Anarchists sometimes provide energy in transforming situations, but later in life babies of Anarchists need feeding, over an extended period and they will not liberate themselves from selfish eating habits and sleeping desires and Anarchists who are now elderly or retired need help and care. Therefore a question arises as what is the point of many actions if they achieve nothing or they deliberately achieve nothing. Constructive changes to society are positive and build society up. Society has always (eventually) employed a intermediary method of exchange (currency) as capital for trade and it has always run into problems ( always in every era, including labour as currency) These problems effected the 2008 financial crash, they effect the working class in prices of goods and services, they decrease margins in cash-flow between employer and employee and eventual they make exports un-competitive. This is a problem which is undermining the western economy along with bad trade deals.
Many people in the Dublin Occupy movement commented that nothing was happening, after a week, this a was correct observation. Tens of thousands were camped out around the banks around the world. Therefore the only rational decision was to enter the bank (you are allowed to exchange old Punts for Euros at a set value) and ask them what they would want. I did this and surprisingly they were not averse to an extra currency (for internal circulation only) circulating like a giant let system. As long as it did not cause external exchange or inflation problems. Occupy were informed of the developments as outlined in the next paragraph but were not really interested. One idea for instance regarding the ‘parallel punt’ was put formally to the Occupy movement. This idea was also discussed and formulated within Trinity University in Dublin with lecturers contributing to the scheme.
What the 'parallel punt' (or similar) is not; 1. It is not an increase in the money supply above what is the norm. The MO - M4 money supply is the supply method we use it simply replaces the money taken from the economy in a recession, it can be subtracted again also. The MO money designation is notes and cash which currently accounts for around 3 - 4% of the supply debt-free and interest-free. All the rest is charged at interest and is debt money and is worse than paper or coins which are supplied free (debt money is simply money we owe ourselves but which now is never paid down or canceled unlike other times in history) The MO is not technically fiat currency as it is backed by the people and the treasury government. It can be backed by Gold, Silver or Platinum. These precious metals in the past have also been lent at interest = debt. 2. As such it is not 'doubling money' as QTM (Quantity theory of money) and it is not a method which John Law mistakenly employed in the late 1700s. 3. The vast majority of people in the world cannot afford Gold and Silver or any precious metals to provide value. Their governments cannot afford Gold or Silver, therefore they exist in this economy (97% Owned, Positive Money Cut) 4. In the USA pundits advise people to buy Gold or Silver and that is good, except if they cannot afford it. In the EU in the bloc individual nations have no fiscal control and would have to break free and then buy Gold and Silver or the ECB would have to change its policy but which does not seem likely. 5. Cryptocurrency is a Trojan horse. Even though they state bitcoin is finite (and that is good) it takes more energy than it would require to power a small city. Energy = money and in the future bitcoins is going to have to produce more to keep up with demand. Further, the myth that it will decentralized is mute when the powers that be own the logarithm as they do in China (thanks to Eric Shmidt and Google) The cashless society has led to dramatic predictions but this is occurring (without the chip yet) in China via 5G / 6G see 'China's TERRIFYING Social Credit System' or here in the USA (version) 6. Most people want a reset, not a collapse and for the stockmarket to be put on a sound footing (as opposed to the recent past) yet if al this did collapse the vast majority of people would not care, as it is outside their area of 'trade' (food, housing, travel etc). 7. A collapse in the world system will lead to the Maoist China system, a new monetary unit (SDR or XR) has to be based upon Gold and Silver or the people who are honest, running the treasury. The parallel punt (which can be temporary to allow a transition) idea or similar is not hard to work out (as one idea ) and recessions are deliberately created, where they begin is the question, the parallel punt or parallel franc, or Deutschmark or pound or Drachma etc. The freedom to earn as little or to be content, or as much as you like is down to the individual as Liberty not the state. The parallel currency is a remedy to recession.
Gold-backed currency In 1907 during the Gold-backed currency era, the central bank (before the central reserve bank was created in 1913) too many promises to pay (IOU'S) were distributed for the amount of Gold held. Shares were issued for a new venture in the United Copper Company. When depositors wanted their shares recognized and eventually their notes exchanged back for Gold (which can be done internally in China today still) of course the bank could not match the demand. This shows the flaw or possible flaw in the Gold-backed system, although the notes themselves do bear the 'promise to pay' contract on them and depositors can force a court to uphold that promise. The resultant bank run ruined lives and business's (video youtube 'Panic of 1907' )
It simply parallels an existing currency. (or it can be employed if a country leaves that currency area such as the EU or Yen etc) Every recession is created by withdrawing currency form circulation (Austerity or poverty is created as one example) When money is added to the economy and it circulates an economy recovers. It is that simple. The Occupy movement were not interested. This is because these so called movements of the left are run by Socialist / Communist millionaires and billionaire’s who want everything for themselves, and need socialism to convince the masses to live in poverty, austerity or in a ‘finite’ world an also to reduce the population. ‘Scarcity’ as a concept is a con, but in realising this, it does not mean you want or have to be ‘rich’. Materialism (whether it is the possession of things or a belief that Spirit does not exist ) is not real wealth and a Billionaires money is but a drop in the ocean. As the saying goes you cannot take it with you at the end, yet increase and looking after your family and home or town and country are your rights. There are many groups and peoples around the world who value (paid down or paid off) land ownership and home ownership as a means to eradicate their poverty. Liberty (to repeat) means you can earn as much or as little as you like without stealth taxation and new increased taxes (with a nation having 100% employment and a controlled emigration system not bowing to slave labour, by importing cheap labour and outsourcing jobs and industry out of the country)
In 2011 Following the Occupy movement, and before it came the 'Arab Spring' (2010 /2011) uprisings, it resulted in massive Christian persecutions, which morphed into attacks on any spiritual belief as is currently occurring in China under the Communist party, including enslavement by digital social credit systems.(and eventual 'chip' cashless system for all as prompted by Obama et al as UBI or universal basic income. (except for themselves as millionaires including Obama) Christians are by far the biggest group to be killed and beheaded. The USA has rights such as free speech, privacy and liberty written into its constitution which is why it is under attack.
Christian Genocide(s) The long-running Arab Spring uprisings which began in 2011, and which increased in intensity into 2014 and 2015 and still continuing today, were recognised by the current US administration as an urgent problem and Genocide against Christians of all denominations in December 2018. This is not the first attempt by the West to resolve the terror in the Middle East.
Pope Francis named the Christian Genocide in 2015. The UK parliament on the 21.04.2016, voted unanimously to declare the Christian Genocide as a Genocide in the Middle East. This followed on from John Kerry's pronouncement of the Genocide on 17/03/2016 and also the US House of Representative's pronouncement on the 15/03/2016, followed by the European Parliament's announcement of the Genocide on the 04 & 05 / 02/ 2016. Following the UK parliament vote, the government did not then fully name it as 'genocide' and has not officially recognised the designation. Although the vote does make that statement, it was still not far enough for MP's who have fought for the vote. President Obama on his trip to the UK and France in 2016 reluctantly named the Armenian Genocide of 1.5 Million Christians by Turkey (1915 – 1925) a "mass atrocity" following the protest and demonstrations of 60,000 people, who marched in remembrance of it, and who protested outside the Turkish embassy in Wilshire boulevard in Los Angeles at that time. 40 US states out of 50 declared the Armenian genocide, a genocide as calls for action were made in the spring of 2016 by the Archbishop of Washington, Cardinal Donald Wuerl and the then Secretary of State John Kerry. It is Christians who were murdered and who are being targeted for Genocide.
The Sacramento Bee concludes Obama's legacy is Genocide, in reference to the Christian genocide in the Middle East, and today areas like Nigeria, Egypt and the lesser reported areas of the Levant are still living through the tribulation Christians are facing extinction in the middle east pleads the Archbishop of Canterbury in 2017. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, and the Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Vincent Nichols made the following joint statement on the 17.04.2019 The Knights of Columbus, and a broad array of faith-based organisations supported President Trump's bill entitled 'H.R. 390, the Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act of 2018'. It is a start writes the Baptist Union, which is reporting on ongoing connected persecutions and terror, as hopes continue that President Erdogan of Turkey (as he has promised in his dual attempt to re-establish the Ottoman Empire by force) will press on with the safe zone plan for the Middle East for the Kurd's and Christian's and wider. However Erdogan has said instead he hopes to 'recreate' the former Ottoman Empire and which began in 2011 with the attacks on Greece (economically and upon its borders)
The whole United Nations migration protocols (the UN migration compact UN Agenda 20/30 ) is a scam which is using deception to force nations to accept 240 million (to begin with) people from other nations to take over countries. It is lucrative trafficking and when trafficking is tackled and stopped 'migration' stops as it is a criminal scam overseen by the UN who have themselves been caught trafficking children. Destroying the family is a part of that agenda as is destroying local communities. When the trafficking ban was in full force (in Jan 2019) ‘migration’ slowed into the EU. This trafficking/migration has been a concern for decades Even as 70 traffickers are arrested in August 2019 in the EU (and see Lauren Southern’s ‘Borderless’ documentary) and for example 103 were arrested in 2013 in the EU and in 2016 Europol coordinated a mass arrest of traffickers in the EU (and yet it continues) it is an epidemic. There are so many arrests but estimates suggest only 20 % of trafficking is discovered. The final approval is overseen by EU technocrats who have used a smaller fact that Matteo Salvini (last link who was recently replaced by a ‘migration specialist’ similar to communist migration specialist Federica Mogherini ) the leader of Italy, banned a boat from landing. The ‘boats’ were / are paid for by George Soros for many years. Many on the left are paid to facilitate the trafficking and it is ideological and not an emergency that requires western assistance and taxpayers in aid payments (when there are homeless and unemployed nationally at home ) any more than climate change is an emergency. Nations are not consulted, neither are local communities as they are discovering. Useless politicians are simply installed to assist with the agenda and that is all they do, but you can vote them out or as they did in Romania, jail them. The ultimate aim of the UN 2030 agenda (and see The David Knight show and video 'ID 2020: Global Digital ID Pushed Via Vaccines' ) is to create a global slave system for everyone worldwide. and it has already in motion. worldwide in every continent, and it is the open border 'progressive socialist-communist' left undertaking it on your behalf (XO Extinction Rebellion etc) and which is the social credit system + the chip processed at new October 2019 quantum speeds via blockchain and cryptocurrencies. It is not a ''singularity" new age evolution but regression, into a global gulag resembling North Korea or China (see chapter 5 below)
In 2019 we have seen the rise of Extinction Rebellion who are the occupy movement mark 2. Consider the following videos. ‘ The Truth About Extinction Rebellion’ Apr 26, 2019 or the next video ‘Extinction Rebellion Are Paid Professional Demonstrators - The Proof!’
A recent article states they are paid by Soros. The media also repeated each other on the ‘dire warning’ (facebook video “ Democrats Announce The Date World Will END!” ) of the end of the world in 12 years ( exactly 20/30 ?) It is of course nothing to do with environmental concerns. Similar claims by the United Nations dating back to 1989 were made concerning the year 2000. In 1998 rising sea levels could destroy the earth the UN warned in 1989, and by the year 2000 we would be underwater. See video ‘The End Is Nigh! Over 40 Years Of Doomsday Predictions In Media’ Melting ice caps (with a higher mass than liquid water) reduces sea levels as they melt by displacement, but it seems they are not melting in any case, and this is according to Leonard Nimoy and scientists who formed a consensus in 1979 (video “Ice Age Scare 1979 Leonard Nimoy”) In 1979 it was estimated that a tax was needed (climate carbon tax) to the tune of 37 or 39 $Trillion to cover ice with a black soot to prevent the ice from taking over the world (see vids above)
Next see recent people’s parliaments in action (they have called for a peoples parliament not to bring Democracy or a Constitutional Republic but to enslave and remove existing rights and common law. ‘SOYCIALISTS OF AMERICA’ (or here) Production was the mantra of the Marxist left before 1933, (before Cultural Marxism) but now they would be classed as environmentally unsound and possibly ‘triggering to his anxiety’ (see vid above) or they also would be ‘mis-gendering terrorists’ However if you consider what is actually going on in China and which is the aim of Marixst theory into Cultural Marxism and Post- modernism (and have an insight on how they are exporting into the USA and Europe see ‘Social Credit Score USA’ or here ) or alternatively here ‘Everyone In China Is Getting A 'Social Credit Score' & ‘Exporting dystopia: China’s social credit system | The Weekly’ All prepared courtesy of Obama, Soros and Clinton. 1. ‘Exposing China's Digital Dystopian Dictatorship | Foreign Correspondent’ 2. ‘China to assign social credit scores to citizens by 2020’ 3. ‘China's TERRIFYING Social Credit System’ (or longer version here ‘CHINA’S SOCIAL CREDIT SYSTEM IS THE MOST TERRIFYING THING EVER’ ) when openly China says it wants to rule the New World Order
What the Soycialists of America (to repeat ‘SOYCIALISTS OF AMERICA’ or here or here as an MP4 Video file) do not tell you. (the 'jazz hands' and other hand signals were a part of the occupy movement in 2010/2011 also, and were in efect brought in to stifle debate into 'progressive stack' lists usually ending in those who were pre-chosen to speak). The last video here cuts off just before a Chinese Communist tank bursts through the back wall, and flattens a third of the room, killing them instantly (a recent example of tanks in Hong Kong August 2019, and see ‘The Truth About the Hong Kong Protests’ prior to the five demands and after their first demand was met, and which is not a ‘colour revolution’ as they are fighting Maoism and Communism as also the new social credit slavery system which is also now in the USA) The other 1/3 were removed for organ harvesting, with the last 1/3 sent to gulags for re-education. Yet the ‘Soycialists’ were still waving ‘Jazz hands’ or complaining they were ‘mis-gendered’ as they were put on the surgeons table in Communist Beijing to remove their actual gender parts ( or here or over the years for the Fulan Gong and the links show recent tribunals confirming the ‘medical practice’ of selling organs for money from the millions of prisoners in the thousands of internment camps) or they were still shouting you are 'triggering my anxiety'. The peoples paid representatives in Soycialism are the useful idiots who are the first to be shot along with the ‘intellectuals’ Contrary to many views the intelligence services oppose these ideologies.
Extinction Rebellion grew out of a campaign group called 'Rising Up!' in 2016. Rising up in turn included smaller groups which formed out of the 'Occupy movement' of 2011 and 2012 and which also protested in Ireland and New York." but achieved very little. (see the adjacent website and chapter 2 and sub heading The deliberate failure? of the "Occupy" movement Rising Up! was formed by activists who have also been part of Compassionate Revolution, Earth First! Occupy, Plan Stupid, Radical Think Tank and Reclaim the Power.' Rising Up!' as a campaign group is also linked to 'Compassionate Revolution' which was birthed in the Occupy movement" Planned Parenthood the world’s leading suppliers of abortion on demand via its abortion clinics also teamed up with the Occupy movement in 2011 Saving the planet from extinction but by extinction, are the "anti-natalists" who believe the world is overpopulated, and we all should stop having children, and perhaps humanity itself should end. Why does extinction rebellion not protest outside abortion clinics with now 1 billion abortions since the early 1980’s ? American citizens are forced to take out Obamacare (with no choice) but it offered to illegal immigrants for free ? Abortion is extinction as yje US administration signs to remove the Obamacare abortion mandate. The BBC reporting upon the anti - natalists, in August of this year noted one of their philosophical positions "Judging from posts in the anti-natalist groups, there's clearly a large overlap between their ideas and environmental activism. "I feel that it is selfish to have children at this time," adds Nancy a vegan, plastic-free, animal rights enthusiast and yoga instructor from the Philippines."The reality is that the children being born into the world are creating more destruction for the environment." (etc) The world is under-populated.
Of course there are many sincere people protesting (to move towards 100% employment) a lack of new business and jobs, to reduce the overbearing and unnatural debt levels which includes the national debt, the derivatives bubble (last article; Warren Buffet as the world Derivative debt bubble hits $1 quadrillion = $1000 Trillion in 2018 and now a lot more) and future unfunded commitments which are shared with all the EU nations far beyond the derivates debt bubble (unfunded commitments can plan ahead 50 years) and which amount to untold €Quad- Trillions. No nation can reform its economy when irresponsible derivative products are allowed to ruin stability. In the USA, the derivatives bubble is over $500 Trillion dollars whilst the US national debt is $22 trillion) This is a terrible problem. Organic locally grown food is great for urban areas and communities, but farmers who have been growing foods before Monsanto began spraying them, know more about the environment than any Green party. Farmers and any small trader can now become producer and merchant cutting out the middleman locally (localism) and export any excess as nations can also. Local small and medium manufacturing can begin again with high technology but also people will return to manufacturing hand made objects, this is why people collect old furniture and odds and ends as they were made well and were beautiful. This is real free trade without the inflationary debt. Whilst people have been looking up at the skies at ‘global warming’ and ‘global cooling’, soils have been destroyed hardening them with chemicals requiring new GMO seeds to grow in the soils which are dry and do not have nutrients within them (hard ground and less trees = water rain runoff = flash floods) yet farmers are not given the means to change products at the wholesalers ? and are told they are safe ?. Years later we learn that vaccinations do cause harm to people, such as the Thalidomide babies ?
The carbon tax is just a tax (one more) a fraudulent tax to pile upon people. The ETS (emission trading scheme) is seen overall to be a fraud with multiple frauds at many levels. Many scammers were jailed (for buying cross country permits) but it is not just that the measurement and verification process (‘ M & V’ of carbon emissions, see chapter 3 ) is incorrect and badly estimated or counted against actual carbon reductions, but also the price of carbon and carbon permits is itself a flawed price trading system in which the value of carbon bears no relation to a commodities actual price (whether it a cartel price and fixed, or supply is limited to increase the price, or whether trading itself sets the price as open market value). These problems also extend back into 2009 ( The EU - ETS was launched in 2005) and the cap and trade system (which caps emission’s a nation can emit but which is ignored by China and Russia also) has caused serious job losses and restricted expansion of companies in the west as far back as 2014 and before Carbon tax cybersecurity fraud has also increased and the VAT carbon tax scandal The Global Carbon tax fraud and its trial in 2016 and ongoing has repercussions around the world and which began as far back as 2007. It is not just an EU problem but also a Global debate. Many people wonder what is the nature of the contentious problem. Many countries protesting against the carbon tax in just preventing a Carbon tax rise does not go far enough for them they state as they continue to protest. Citing the carbon tax as a fraud they feel it is an unnecessary tax which is directed by the ICCC. (International commission on climate change ) via the UN into the world’s governments. The only country Greta Thunberg did not ask to reduce emission was China, yet they are increasing production of coal and buying the carbon credits making sure the money comes to them. It is ideological and also stymies western economies.
It is this aspect of the world’s economy i.e. global derivatives in the Quadrillions combined with the (now) $244 Trillion (Jan 2019) global debt bubble (IMF estimation and which is owed by everyone on the planet) which is the real cause of the instability in the global markets and world economies ( especially at fiscal / tax levels) not the USA trade war with China.
These activities and more recently from Extinction Rebellion and Great Thunberg are to distract you from the rolling out of 5G / 6G (the real ‘weather’ problem on terra firma or in space ) which is aimed at imprisoning the population around it (slowly in the west) by the destruction of free speech, (virtue signalling and politically correct neurotics who are assisting that aim) A recent ‘climate change’ in the USA involved a Chinese port in the USA being removed from their control and back to the USA, as outsourced jobs were haemorrhaging into Asia. (thanks to Clinton and Obama and human trafficking etc) Extinction rebellion distract from this.
The similarities with the US 2016 election and the Occupy movement of 2010 / 2011 are obvious. Their roots are also within ‘Common Purpose’ which has now hijacked the crypto currency craze, which is why any nation should keep cash (or Gold) circulating within its economy for freedom and privacy (for further details see the adjacent website and chapter 3a)
An example (although of course poverty does exist and there are groups who need social consideration such as the disabled, disabled veterans etc) is the Social Justice 'Warriors' and their con video the 'social justice scam artists' the 'sharia law' of the west who have deceived all the protesters which is no longer on you tube (video ' the social justice scam ' which in this video points out they scammed the protesters and the church, protestant and catholic with good deeds or perhaps not so good deeds) Supposedly against statism it is fronted by controlling soviet style entities which have no achievement only to control. During the occupy movement many select SJW took money from the causes, fellow protestors, the public and took the money from the oppressed minorities the same as an extortion racket would. This turned the movement under the control of SJW and the higher groups controlling them by bizarre methods. Social justice ( 'You tube video 'SJW Progressive Stack idiots' ) warriors like this were (some and by other groups who are not working class or interested in social justice but to mislead) trained by 'common purpose' who also hijacked the protests (forcing a select few to progressive stack and take over the meetings but essentially doing nothing and using 'jazz hands' or 'virtue signalling' to determine who speaks) away from genuine aims and genuine people. CP are not 'conservative' in origin in Britain or the EU or even any working or middle-class initiative. (see also you tube video 'Cult of Indiscriminateness - SJW's Explained' ) In the EU they encourage any form of instability, and even the EU is rejecting its ideas. It is even rejected by the EU think tanks, who have changed position and direction, largely because its policies are nothing to do with the working class, manufacturing or jobs, nothing to do with the middle class or any class as its associated organisation relates. It also promotes Islam above the traditional faith. Like North Korea it is a hybrid communist idea. Lunatics) Aside from critical theory there is also a briefer explanation of the ever increasing (video; Steffen Königer German AfD Politician about Gendermania English Subtitles) layers of identity and classification which is also shown here as the(video you tube ''The Progressive Stack Explained' 'progressive stack' (Manufacturing and exports and/ or common sense are hijacked in any discussion as one example) And see you tube video 'SJW Explained properly Everyone should listen and understand' The 'Whiteness test' and critical theory, the system of classification of 'types' turned into a neurotic system of manic causes and endless distinctions which are never addressed and the genuine people are left mystified. In other words, this movement was not generated in the working or middle class but in a think tank outside the west, then imported into Universities and is completely artificial. It is scientific and blends many 'types' of neurotic ideas (not just non-existent sexism or racism, but it creates them first) but they are not beneficial, organic or wholesome. North Korea exports terrorism, and soviet brainwashing is evident in the movement i.e. a cult according to those who have left it (See also chapter 4 and the heading 'Family planning as an ideology' & under it the heading 'The USA & the Presidential, National and State elections November 2016 and the media' )
It is important to know this, as it exposes the "austerity" ( which later Obama and Hillary Clinton backed in Europe and the USA, and her intended policy post the US election in November 2016. In the EU unemployment reached up to 30%) and quantitative easing errors, which ultimately failed. These currency ideas which the central bank ultimately would agree too if it remained an internal currency only (as Trinity college and the parallel punt spokespeople pointed out from the beginning) This then allows for SME's and jobs to grow as there is more cash and business start up cash in circulation. It could help the moratorium on hiring in local councils and encourage hiring in business. Anyone in Ireland can walk into the central bank and change an old punt for euros and then experience an economic theory in practice. ( it is also the same in other countries) The left live in the never never adding everything onto the debt. Everything will be ok even down the line by a few decades (and they will have left office or retired anyway) Consideration that debt can be paid down or projects can be accounted for against the produced asset is not on their radar. These last two examples can occur in small government scenarios, (they are not 'free' money examples) that's what banking is for. These issues only underpin society and prevent a collapse at the lowest income level. (Disabled, Children and the elderly and even job creation start ups) The west needs some of these ideas.
During the Occupy movement in Dublin, and on entering the central bank in early 2012 (instead of simply just camping outside, or worrying that 'Common Purpose' the Lucis Trust or George Soros was behind the occupy movement as was claimed) it was ascertained through staff in the central bank that it was possible to change old Punts (Irish currency) into Euro's. It was also possible in theory to change Euro's back into Punts. An old £€ 20 punt note was exchanged for €25 euro. In theory it could be returned for €25.00 receiving the old note £€20 back, staff agreed this could be done. Therefore using the central bank as auditor of accumulated punts (The Parallel Punt ) could circulate as a secondary internal currency within Ireland. The Parallel punt was an idea formulated by Trinity College Dublin and Feasta. The context of the idea simply replaced money taken out of the economy during the collapse of the economy, by floating a secondary internal currency like a giant lets system, or as a similar idea to Nobel prize winning economist Irving Fisher 'stamp Scrip' His stamp scrip which was put into practice (as a macroeconomic national policy within the USA) to employ the unemployed in the 1930's great depression. A theoretical idea which alleviated poverty and hardship in which millions were returned to work. Inflation would be checked and stabilised as currency lost in the economy was simply replaced to levels in circulation before the collapse. Inflation arising after months or years above those levels is further stabilised by reducing the amount of circulating notes in the country and during a recession, hoarding (or savings) is less likely to occur as people need to spend. This means inflation or deflation is also reduced. Taxes could be paid with the parallel punt but since they can be exchanged for Euros then complicating the levels of currency in the economy need not need be a concern.
The Punt or Irish Pound can be studied here. The printing press to deliver an internal punt again is still in operation (and the central bank staff were aware of this) and still exists, and many of the notes and coins were designed by William Butler Yeats the poet. The parallel punt DOES NOT replace the Euro, and it does not mean leaving the Euro. A new circulating currency can have any name or designation. The Occupy movement were informed of the development and in theory the central bank had no objection nor would any bank as it creates a deposit and new business. But the Occupy movement were not interested at all and no intention of actually providing a or any solution other than just endlessly protesting, hence it was all fake. You could just walk into the central bank and ask them ? Hoarding and other circulation problems may mean a review of the amount in circulation every year but debt and balance of accounts for internal currencies are easier to manage and correct. It also eases international monetary policy.
Once circulated both could co-exist with each other or one could replace the other. Organising committees, people's courts and councils are ineffective without a means to fund them. If the economic system cannot be changed why do we vote for politicians at all? especially when they explain they cannot interfere with commercial decisions. It is also the solution against Austerity and quantitative easing (which is still a problem in Greece for example?) This could enable (at least) funding to reach vital social services (the homeless, the disabled, the elderly and children etc) but could go further to create employment, and it could be utilized in every European Country EU country to add to the economy (in place of current austerity and quantitative easing which seems to be the narrow choice of left and right political parties ? ) as an emergency backup and/or to bolster the economy if required.
This is how ALL currencies began and floating any new currency has to start somewhere.
An example of politicians and bureaucrat's scaremongering the public in 2008 – 2010 was the announcement that money would run out If a bailout (and in Ireland a bank guarantee) was not procured.
By using this available debt free funding even (ironically) the 'markets' will never face liquidity or subprime problems in the future, and in the event of separation from the virtual stock market economy any society can empower itself into full employment and prosperity.
The occupy movement did not occupy any bank but threatened to do so unless banking reform occurred.
1. The Parallel Punt
2. Greeks write off Billions with more to come
It is within the European Unions Constitution that Bailouts from the internal Central bank (ECB) or from any external sources like the IMF are illegal. This original treaty requirement has been set aside. It would naturally lead to debt cancellation if applied, as its Economic Democratic rules stipulate. Every European country (and any other country or nation should also adopt these rules) is under this rule including Ireland. Greece the founder of democracy should demand its referendum or overthrow its new coalition government to form an anti-debt, anti austerity coalition, with a return of all assets, and reverse its privatisations.
World Economic Forum, Davos Switzerland 2012 Economics
European Stability Mechanism treaty referendum 31.5.2012 or (as the link keeps changing, the you tube link is entitled) THE SHOCKING TRUTH OF THE PENDING EU COLLAPSE!! MAKE VIRAL ALL!! Or THE SHOCKING TRUTH OF THE PENDING EU COLLPASE !! MAKE VIRAL ALL !!
Does this Empower Europe or emasculate it?
The Stability Mechanism born out of the Stability and Growth pact, but which has changed its fiscal agreement, is anything but stable, as events since the Lisbon treaty have shown. The City of London (financial centre) fund will require British taxpayers, and European taxpayers to bail out the fund, which will have one fiscal office/dept of finance (instead of the 27 currently). Taxpayers are in effect borrowing their own money at interest ? when other sources aside from Bonds are available…so why do ministers (the Greek &/ Italian Prime minsters are unelected) keep pushing the Imf ESM fund ? Sweden for example has many concessions on this treaty and total debt cancellation should be a term of the treaty and referendum, but Fine Gael have ignored this question (and should resign)
Its new Bretton Woods IMF / EU rules are designed to wreck the economies of Europe, Britain and America. Politicians who persuade you to vote for it or similar are simply working for it and nothing more.
The IMF although a United Nations body, like the World Bank was born in the City of London. (Financial centre)
How could a stable money supply actually work?
Firstly Central banks already have this supply. All money (with or without central banking) is classed as MO, M1, M2, M3, or M4. (See the 3 graphics following this paragraph)
MO, M1, M2, & M3 Combined = M4.(the total money supply of any description) The recent advancement of Bitcoin for example is actually in one aspect of its operation a digital currency or bitcoin It is therefore classed as 'MO' in theory. All non debt currencies like lets systems or non interesting bearing money as coins or digital is 'MO'. Let sysytems eventually become Credit Unions and credit unions Building societies, then to major banks.
"MO" is a source of debt free money which already exists, but which has been reduced dramatically over many decades. Today economists say debt free money is not viable either politically or academically. Further if it did exist ? (it is stated) it would not be viable economically. Yet it is viable, and is capable of sustaining an economy and creating jobs and of course it already exists ? and has for many hundreds (thousands) of years.
Further the Bank of England as one example funds business directly without going to banks of second instance on the high street, although they could in some instances pass on the loan as a public service, if the bank was public (this occurred during height of the the recession, which could be 'MO' funds in theory) and use's enticements to let other banks offer cheaper rates under its authority.
An increase in 'MO' would help open market operations defeat inflation and build investment and create jobs. The recent announcement by the EU to perceivable reduce carbon targets in part was to create jobs, in part to stabilise the EU/ETS carbon trading platform which will be enhanced (ironically) by more jobs and SME (small business enterprises) development, over single non European countries (any country) or over the whole of Europe producing a sustainable boom (in effect strengthening the weakest part)
Under CSR corporate social governance and ESG environmental social governance (which includes banking) it could help fund REAL sustainable development and jobs. In other words our existing banking/central banking which is also pushing this agenda could open the way for this type of funding to renew society. It could also work alongside LETS systems and BITCOIN and others without contradiction. This is a part of 'Natural Capital and Nature's Fortune and banks are just as likely to comply.
Therefore at working class or small business levels of society an increase in existing "MO" could also exist below the level of exchange trading and stock markets. It consists of Billions not Millions of funds which self regulate (with financial management also) for societies needs. It could stabilise mortgage bonds by job creation, without excess interest, thereby reducing inflation and a spiralling mortgage crash into subprime lending, which causes the whole of society to crash. This protects society, homeowners, schools, hospitals etc.
100 % employment with no inflation and stabilised housing. The current building regulations for example will need to meet passive house standards by 20/20.This (with debt cancellation to clear the way) would produce a boom and stability which of course for risk analysis long term projections are calculated accordingly.
To understand how debt free money has been removed from society over many decades and how it would stabilise society now see the examples below (technical illustrations with text which apply to any countries central bank or financial system) which are also contained at and A.
Please note 'MO' is not Quantitative Easing nor is it Keynesian economics, it also does not mean existing or traditional banking, bonds or capital raising loans or finance are affected. Rather it stabilises the whole system of the western economy and could re-invigorate banking investment.
Click to view pages
Alternatively the 3 Images above are also reproduced in the pdf entitled 'Banking Reform
Thesis 1' pages 18 - 20 , a few paragraphs up |
Irish Banking inquiry. (March 2015 fwd) following the Irish banking collapse of 2007 - 2011
Following the destruction the Irish economy collapsed in 2009, and a bank bailout ensued with the largest being Anglo - Irish bank. In December 2020 Fianna Fail claimed that there had not been a bank bailout in 2010, (under their term in Government) echoing claims that the Tara complex also was not damaged. yet subsequent prosecutions and secret tapes (see Bitchute and 'Anglo Irish banks, and the admittance of a bank bailout in 2007 - 2010' and see the description box for more links) show clearly that indeed there had been a huge bank bailout. Therefore why did they agree to them (the road destruction and the bailout ?) or here on facebook but taken from the Niall Boyln show and 'Anglo Tapes - The Reality' (Iceland collectively as people in 1 country all decided not to bail out the banks) The Irish bank bailout is still within the media (MSM) today ? beginning in 2007
Since 8.2.2020 the Irish national debt has how’ve changed. The debt was €198 Billion in 2017 and in 2019 it was €217 billion. Now it was €230 Billion (but suddenly lost €9 billion on the 15.08.2020 to €221 billion) In August 2020 it has grown to €236 from €198 Billion (Interest Payments Per Year 10,413,049,249 & Interest Payments Per Second & 330€ National Debt Per Citizen 49,340€ Debt as % of GDP 75.01% GDP Of Ireland 314,030,076,156€ Ireland Population 4,774,087) Each citizen now owes €50,000aisde from mortgages and private debt. Each citizen owed €42,000 in august 2019 and 50 % of all tax take goes into paying this debt. In August 2020 each citizen still owes €46,384 ? which would mean the National debt is now at €236 Billion not €221. This debt clock says €195 billion whilst the national statistics office has €231 Billion as of July 2020 and here again this debt clock confirms €236 Billion as of June 2020
From 2008 – 2010 the decision to pay the bank bailouts was taken and most of it was not Irish debt. Iceland chose to not pay. In March - June 2020 in Germany, a recent German court case or German constitutional court found “In summary the GCC found that a hugely significant part of recent European Central Bank (ECB) monetary activities – some €2.2 trillion of bond purchases – had no legal authority, negating an earlier ECJ ruling. It was saying in effect that whatever the ECJ might rule, if that were against the German constitution, the latter was sovereign, and the ECJ subservient. And the German constitution, at least for Germans, is immutable” ) It is easier to get rid of the technocracy left communist dystopia as every year it is simply plugging holes when the whole EU / IMF debt should be cancelled ) All EU bailouts are illegal and this is in the Lisbon treaty and is a part of EU law but is sovereign law also. In 2009 Ireland guaranteed global debt 40% of which was not even Irish debt in the bank bailout of 2008 / 2009. Today for each person in Ireland (without personal debt or Mortgage) each person owes €42,500. The debt (see below) was €198 Billion in 2017 and in 2019 it was €217 billion. Now it is €230 Billion. The public finances are not being handled in any way. Anglo Irish bank and via smaller banks offered 10% return on borrowing in most cases, but in the collapse they could not repay, but had to meet the loan obligation. This was part of the ‘bail – out’ under Fianna Fail, and towns in rural Ireland are still closed down or just getting by. Ireland pys 16.5 million per day (in 2018 it is now higher) towards the national debt bailout and 50% of all taxes go to servicing the debt.
Professor Alan Ahearne of NUI Galway University in Ireland appeared before the banking inquiry and his views are available on various recordings on the internet. One of his most interesting propositions which he mentioned in detail suggests that economists in public service or private analysts did not have or include a model of banking in their analysis or in their forecasting models ? this was apparent to him since 2004 or before (when he also suggests that banking concerns should have began in Ireland) He also suggests that he warned the Government before the crash occurred and these concerns were based upon models and bank crashes which occurred in other countries. Comparing the Irish banks to those circumstances he suggests showed comparable cause and effect patterns. (which could produce credit flows which are not quantitative easing or austerity, and the EU is looking to produce growth by quantitative easing in March 2015 fwd). Alternatives such as the KFW bank produce planning in housing and services and utility (which can offer low interest rate bonds on credit to satisfactory building energy saving (beyond building regulation) standards which produce an income for home owners in energy savings and home energy production.(and a cleaner, organic environment)
Departments that do not specialise in economics (such as Property or Surveying departments which in Ireland's economy was the biggest tax intake for the government) wishing to establish a model which included banking analysis (would have to invent one) and if it could be accepted as an appropriate form of research could inquire of construction firms or banking institutions as to the form of loan or bond they preferred. Although this may on the surface give basic results and a basic model to work from it is a beginning. It seeks to ascertain if loan requirements in the economy are based on actual demand or is the economy being inflated by the banks. Of course banks are a business but the national interest (of any country) is paramount and a concern which ultimately benefit the banks anyway.
(see all in this chapter above)
This may also give an insight into the anti-inflationary model open market operations and monetarism (in the MO/M4 currency flow) could alternatively produce. (See further in chapter 3 Take Britain's low inflation which is (in effect) lowering prices and therefore increasing wages, which have been forced down by the falling oil and gas prices. This result is proving popular with consumers, and loans of course could also benefit form cheaper interest rates, spurring growth and economic activity, 100% employment and stability eroding the sub prime risk market in any area of economic funding. Other comments so far on the banking inquiry are from the Irish Times and US expert William Black 1 The Economist 2, & Economist Peter Bacon 3, Patrick Honohan has two opinions, A & B ( B= Anglo should have been allowed to fail) The banking collapse could have been avoided, and Ireland should be loosed from the bind it is in guaranteeing Europe and let its economy and others prosper. There are obviously mixed opinions on Nama which as a holding company for property could have also held property for free, for start ups and hospitals and schools and increased the governments property portfolio value. (taking profit beyond the discount debate) The fear of regulation and surveillance (IMF Surveillance conference 2013/2014) which produces austerity and backward economies is a fear which is lost when societies have 100% employment and a high standard of living.
Ireland's economy in 2015, 7 years after the crash is now viewed as Europes fastest growing economy. Further the low inflation model which has been boosted by falling oil prices, have produced a windfall for the British exchequer. The result in Ireland is not due to quantitative easing since the EU did not employ this method for recovery. Britians low inflation boon began before the oil price slump during Austerity but, it is low inflation which has solved the price/wage problem (ignored by the Labour / Liberal Democrat parties and earlier Conservative parties). So quantitative easing and austerity do not bring solutions, yet both of these boons above in Ireland and Britain could have occurred from 2009 onwards with a political will behind such a drive. Unemployment, homelessness, suicides and emigration could have been avoided with a cross political party effort and will which acknowledges the area of economics which (see 3 or 4 paragraphs up) Professor Aherne suggest did not have a working model to aid political analysis (2004 and before and now in many cases)
Oil prices falling have vastly reduced inflation (many countries do not have an oil economy or a economy of note) which is secondary inflation after currency creation. Opec acknowledge it as a crisis. The meeting produced a decision not to raise oil prices around the world (see also chapter 3) Non OPEC and OPEC countries battle out the call for oil prices yet the cost of oil is largely 80% taxes which of course have also reduced as energy prices fall. The real oil price could be brought up (eg $44 or $20 for a barrel of oil but £25 or $10 are taxes) to £48 to help fund exploration and which could see investment in renewable energy as an alternative. Taxes reduced on a barrel of oil, further lowering the price will (as mentioned the low inflation low oil price British exchequer boon) continues to bring in increased Exchequer funds. Less imported oil also raises the exchequer coffers and increases national investment. These principle's of price/taxes could also apply to renewable energy. The USA is continuing its oil boom and maintaining low inflation, and increased job creation. Finding a balance in oil taxes and a barrel of oil price by keeping it low will mean OPEC can no longer inflate the economy creating unsustainable economies. Renewable energy output is increasing worldwide regardless of oil prices (as is oil output) as legislation carbon / targets for renewable's are enshrined in law nationally.For 100% employment (deflation in prices for workers and households is a good thing which stabilizes eventually in stable money currency circulation, giving business's certainty) in a low inflation economy with a high standard of living is possible, and the current situation should be allowed to continue. This is how a long boom can be sustained and a boom / bust avoided.
The Irish banking inquiry is not an abstract exercise as current world economics is looking to make changes to governance and economic concerns. (the recession has not befitted anyone) A key finding in the banking inquiry concerns the Wage calculations which were as high as 8 or 11 times a wage in order to afford a Mortgage (a home) before the 2008 crash. ( as mentioned no working model existed to analyse this process.) Asset investment inflated home prices (heavy oil and gas profits for example) and wages could not keep up. with rising house prices.Workers exposed to this in a downturn were left without a plan, the problem then collapsed the whole mortgage system (sub -prime). Currently the EU is seeking a partnership with the EU - US TRANSATLANTIC TRADE DEAL and aspects of it especially in relation to Wages are discussed in the EU Monetary union meetings. (Brendan Keenan article in the Independent) Yet if wages are restricted, then how can people meet Mortgage obligations ? Renewable Energy will check the rise of Oil and Gas prices, forcing down inflation and its system does not just place value on a property by being a energy efficient building, it also allows homeowners (including also business, farms and local authorities the latter could begin new a new division as an Esco within their remit) to make money from their homes in energy production with forthcoming changes. As house prices rise a different outlook could sustain a boom for decades, and a new renewable industry hundreds of thousands of jobs, aside from the boom currently ongoing. Ireland's economy is well placed to prosper.
This would still allow for the market to flourish and stabilise the west which has been floundering from boom to bust for decades. This includes every EU country and America and the East Australia and New Zealand. Once analysed and put into practice it strengthens Western economies and is one of the reasons (i.e. without correction the west is in a deteriorating malaise) economies are hindered. Proffessor Yunus in the next para corrects an economy from the ground upwards. Yet top heavy / volatile economies often crash from the top. Correcting these facts only strengthens employment and trade and produces a high quality of living.
A further view from Muhammad Yunus, Nobel peace prise winner, founder of the Grameen Bank, an institution that provides microcredit to poor people with no collateral, to help its clients establish creditworthiness and financial self-sufficiency, Muhammad Yunus and Grameen bank won the Nobel peace prize in 2006. Professor Yunus explained quite simply that in setting up a bank with no experience he would simply do the opposite of what a bank would do*. Consequently his loans were repaid and people built and carried on business without debt, and with dignity.
Yunus, Muhammed. (2007) Creating a World Without Poverty, Social Business and the Future of Capitalism. Public Affairs
And also
Creating A World Without Poverty You tube, School of International and Public Affairs conference 27.1.2011 (*see youtube video at 16min 35 seconds and 17 minutes and 10 seconds)
Professor Yunus differentiates as to what is an economy, the poor and the rich.
Basel 1,2 & 3. Banking reforms Since 2008 and the banking collapse one aspect which has changed and which would also allow for increased investment and borrowing are the risk assessment measures put in place to reduce undue risk across all definitions (credit, market, insurance and operational risk etc) These are the Basel 1, 2 and 3 reforms (and the European Solvency Directive) a quote from the Bank of International Settlements Basel 3 is as follows; ' When we realise that the BIS Basel 3 report "Consultative Document Strengthening the resilience of the bankingsector" Page 2 in the Executive summary (point 4) April 2010 states, "Ultimately the public sector had to step in with unprecedented injections of liquidity, capital support and guarantees, exposing the taxpayer to large losses". BIS Basel 3 report April 2010.So taxpayers are also protected
This will allow for (even) aggressive investment measures and for credit investment measures expansion without a potential collapse of note or previous magnitudes. This Chapter 2 below has discussed one possible further measure, (the money supply solution) which would stabilize western markets and everyday working practices of workers, business and import / export operations and alleviate credit and market risk and all risk across the board (Even a 10% increase in "MO" would go a long way to achieving this,there are two types of MO) The information below examines the economy of Greece and the Ukraine and connected information. Chapter 3 is related to it namely the economy of energy supply.
Irish banking enquiry 08.12.2015 (draws to a possible close, although many issues are unresolved and may take a further enquiry)
As the Irish banking enquiry draws to an end (maybe) and regardless of the fact it may never be published as some have refused to sign off on the report, it has emerged that the Irish banking enquiry is not actually all Irish debt related. There are various levels of disquiet about the report which as yet have not been vocalised. The spectacle has shocked people around the world and the evidence has shocked and outraged Irish people at home. It is suggested that the report does not go far enough yet if that is the case, then the reduced amount on view has been enough to convince many already. They are convinced that the banking fraud as an event in 2007 / 2008, which has surrounding criminal prosecutions even during the investigation, really is not a Irish made fraud alone, if at all.
Ordinary people feel the enormous burden of the debt has been thrust upon the Irish banks and the guarantee was thrust upon the Irish people. The banking guarantee, guaranteed other banks which held foreign debt without a referendum or vote. Anglo - Irish bank was closed insolvent. Many have suggested Ireland should pull out (like Britain, Catalan and Greece) of the EU and also pursue legal action, but at the very least there is a call to refuse to pay other nations debts who have not been questioned or examined and which are not subject to Irish finance history in any way. This is not just the view of a " few rebel farmers " but of Patrick Honohan the Central bank governor, in conference to the IMF. Clearly the issue is not resolved. Ireland's overall debt is €350 Billion of which nearly €200 billion is not their debt.This should be forgiven.
Iceland has shown that freeing up debt allows genuine bondholders to be repaid once the engine of the economy kickstarts again. The event called the 2007/2008 banking crash was not its fault, it was not Irelands fault either. As an event it was out of both countries hands. However the suggested debt cancellation is not a system practice or a suggested precedent but solely due to this irregular event in history. Iceland's abrupt attitude (The Viking or VI – King, or 6 Kings Spirit ) actually speeded up the banking reforms the finance sector required and helped the Basel reforms to focus. Icelands decisions to let failed banks fail, actually helped its banking sector to recover and this is now the conservative view (2015) Today its functions are more secure than ever. Its economy reaching liquidity albeit in a hostile atmosphere soon produced more than it had in previous years making it attractive for investment again. The resultant activity and profit, created increased investment and confidence instead of stagnation, and there are alternative payment methods to consider also. Ireland's economy freed from the debt burden could shorten repayment times especially if a deal was done to reduce individuals debts (amounts) in return for a large singular payment. Ireland's share of its oil and gas revenues could be increased to pay part of its actual debts. It has also allowed other countries to recover which is another reason debt forgiveness should be given.
As the matter has dragged on for many years the freeing up of this onerous and time consuming debt issue, into a resolution could pave the way for a faster recovery which would make more money in the short and long terms than the current slow begrudged payments ever could. Land management decisions are negatively impacted in this negative debt environment as are energy issues in a micro-economic respect. Resolving this issue and cancelling or mitigating €200 billion (approx) incrementally could bring about a faster recovery making the former €200 billion seem like a drop in the ocean compared to a liquid economy producing wealth and sustainable economic growth which to date Ireland has managed, yet it could do far better with the anchor up, and still fulfill genuine bondholders terms. It astounds people who wish to see the EU succeed and advance that sensible policies are not pursued in relation to ongoing debt from the unforeseen banking collapse. Europe would be in a much stronger position today if it had followed Iceland's example (and also had the Basel 3 reforms in 2008/9 which would have made it even stronger, and this may well be the way forward as a future combination. If these provisions had been in place Irish debt would not be nearly as high ) in genuine areas, which begs the question of who (or why) let the implosion go so deep with scare stories and overly dramatic scenarios. A second public enquiry may reveal these questions. Irish debt is grossly unfair. The freed up connected economies could bring a renaissance to Northern Europe, Europe and the USA.
Irish banking enquiry 20.01.2016
The Irish banking enquiry report is due to be published by the end of January 2016. It suggests the ECB could have done more, but in any case property developers have threaten to sue certain aspects of the report. They feel NAMA has taken their properties and it also should be held more accountable. The developers succeeded in their requests in part.
One news item states the following; The Irish Times understands the draft report dismisses the suggestion that Anglo Irish Bank would have defaulted on the morning of September 30th if a guarantee was not agreed the night before. The committee is expected to find that the Central Bank lobbied for a guarantee on the night of September 29th but had a plan in place if one was not agreed. The report, which runs to 450 pages, is said also to dismiss the idea that the blanket bank guarantee was decided on the night of September 29th, 2008.
It is expected to outline how the option was being examined for months ahead of the decision being made by the Fianna Fáil-Green coalition. The report, which has now been agreed by the members, is said to criticise successive governments for ignoring advice from the Department of Finance. The inquiry heard that the department had been warning of risks to the economy for 10 years before the crash.
Obviously this conflicts with earlier reports on the urgent requirement to guarantee Anglo Irish bank or that a guarantee was actually required, and a warning on the problem was received and known before the department of finance from the London banks a week (only 5 days before) who were warned by the ECB and German banks that something catastrophic may be wrong. The public were not warned in time however, and this is the point of the Basel 3 document " When we realise that the BIS Basel 3 report "Consultative Document Strengthening the resilience of the bankingsector" Page 2 in the Executive summary (point 4) April 2010 states, "Ultimately the public sector had to step in with unprecedented injections of liquidity, capital support and guarantees, exposing the taxpayer to large losses". It is agreed that the sub-prime mortgage problems in the USA had a knock on effect causing the meltdown. Yet as warnings were given up to 10 years before and Professor Morgan Kelly who was threatened with incineration by Anglo and the Anglo tapes, speaks here in April 2007 at 4 minutes 30 seconds fwd) and others had given their warnings in many universities.
The alternative plan the Central bank had in place (see above) needs to be fully explained ? but Ireland's debts should be cleared in whatever way is reasonable.
Professor Kelly's advice was repeated in evidence from Professor Alan Ahearne who suggested past events do give an indication of a future bust. These past events were not statistically quantitative, but qualitative parallels in numbers and circumstance from previous housing booms and busts ? why, because as Alan Ahearne stated in his banking enquiry evidence, there is no real time model which lets analysis monitor risk, appetite and capacity, not just in banks of second instance (highstreet etc) but in central banks also. Theoretically there is no limit to mortgage lending as long as people have wages to meet the payments which requires an income (work) but as the lending amount increases the search for profit drills down to the street level (sub-prime) and ignores their lack of wages and liquidity. Although repeated many times increasing the MO (non debt amounts) would counteract this and provide breathing space for small business and shops to employ more staff etc. Rigorously checking wages to mortgage ratios and not accepting very high risk clients is the other, but these people would then still require work to rent and buy a house. At this general election time what proposals do the left have to build homes and how will they actually pay for them without hoisting it onto the national debt (the usual escape and defer plan)
What is going on in Ireland to the backdrop of the banking enquiry ? Recently the Pope ( Jorge Mario Bergoglio) has passed a law (recently in cannon Vatican law terms or "Motu Propria" of the Jesuits) stemming the nature of corporations. (see chapter 4 below and heading down further "family planning as an ideology" & chapter 5 below "St Karl and Comrades and the importance of being Ernesto" and the North Korea paragraphs which mention also the Irish banking inquiry. See also the adjacent website and chapter 4)
In January 2016 if you bet sanctions (only half the sanctions are lifted ) lifted against Iran selling oil would be lifted then you would have gone short on it and earned a lot of money. Or bet on the panic surrounding the Shemitah 7 year or 49/50 laws, which can run on two nearly the same calendars and new year start dates. Today all central banks including the federal reserve bank in America and including the Saudi share have the right to fund the Bretton woods , IMF SDR (drawing rights on demand at approx $42 dollars an ounce of Gold) Ireland's debt should be forgiven in this regard.
A film which was released in 2015/ 2016 was the 'Big Short', (Brad Pitt, Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling, Steve Carrel and Marisa Tomei) which tells the true story of Michael Burry a hedge fund investor played by Christian Bale who earned a personal profit of $100 million betting (shorting) the financial system in 2007/2008. Another character in the film played by Steve Carrel is Mark Baum aka Steve Eisman who stopped to check out who sub-prime mortgages were being sold to, and the various visits to estate agents and credit default swap experts. Between them (and obviously they were correct) they made a model of sorts in their heads and scraps of paper and actually Michael Burry compiled a list of (recent) sales and wages figures against loans excel sheet so to speak. If he and Professor Kelly and Ahearne and the others in the film had got together and put a bet on the market then to the tune of €65 billion they could have paid off Anglo Irish bank. Of course the film proves it was entirely predictable and the central bank now admit (i.e. from above "The committee is expected to find that the Central Bank lobbied for a guarantee on the night of September 29th but had a plan in place if one was not agreed" ) What plan ? Could it (whatever it is aside from non quantitative easing absorbing the losses like any other business) also have involved producing green bonds or equivalents to get people back to work straight away, as of course this is possible although it does not reduce debt levels like austerity tries to do.
Once some overlooked basics are known then it is possible to have capitalism and investment and go forward for decades without a problem or hitch creating wealth happiness and prosperity.(see the adjacent website and chapter 4) Making prosperity viable by manufacturing (as Ford did) is a vital area of he economy.
Michael Burry and the Ben Rickert (Brad Pitt) aka Ben Hockett character analysed data, whilst Steve Eisman checked on the ground to see if it is was true. In a similar vein in 2004 the four pdfs above (banking reform thesis 1 pdf) the three click on images above were also an attempt to analyse such data to make the beginnings (a bootstrap if you like) of such a model in order to see if construction was viable and under which loan type would be best for construction firms. Many people or groups were researching this area to provide solutions.This would mean making a basic model to add further data later. Obviously such information would be useful if collected and collated and you could bet against the market as Ben Hockett did, and buy an Orchard like Ben Hockett, or (or both) you could use the data for national interests.
Interestingly in design (which is not appealing to most developers but does not take architectural or high level economic skills) many people and communities cannot buy orchards but many towns in the world plant them and orange and pear trees, fruit and berry trees all over the urban pavements and streets in hundreds of thousands (for eating also) making an orchard appear around people as one more alternative.
Buying a home is one of the biggest investments you can make and without manufacturing and valuable available natural resources a nation is dependent on houses as capital which retains its value and remains in good condition. As mortgages were gambled in bunches of huge mortgage bundles they became volatile without full employment. Land is still valuable and in the future its real increased value will be affected by different measures as real estate, including its design (as one example) and its materials and its clean and pollution free status. (see next chapter) which will help raise house prices and land values in the future.
(01.12.2016) Ireland's debt is not likely to be paid off until 20, 30 or 40 years have passed, it still owes (as of 1.12.2016) over €200 billion after deducting also net worth (and Ireland owns some of Americas debt) across all categories in total in a population of 4 million, which it would have to remove and pay down in order to prosper long term across its financial areas and its exports to ease the problem.
The Ukraine & Greece (July 2015)
Developing a new energy grid system similar to Germany, Austria and Sweden could become a reality for the Ukraine with Tesla's (the company) new battery storage breakthrough Tesla's home Lithium battery storage system (domestic or business use) could revolutionise its options. Providing generous government incentives against the drop in imported fuel bills (imports cannot sustain the domestic economy for ever which would need a storage option also ) could mean its EU membership could be dramatically expedited. There are mixed opinions on its viability (Tesla storage batteries) but energy storage in micro or macro is the problem renewable energies are overcoming worldwide. Solar PV farms and domestic (or business) storage could revolutionise the Ukraine's energy crisis and its potential in the north or south of the country could also provide mass employment opportunities, internal revenue and freedom. Greece could also benefit. Massive solar farms can exist alongside oil fields and of course they would also need security, they can also be a microgrid system for small communities which can sell its energy back into the grid reducing imports, clearing its debts and its austerity.
The Ukraine like Greece has excessive debt and although blame is placed on fiscal policies, eventually rates of borrowing exceed the intake of any country no matter which shade of the political stage is taken. Robert Schuman (with Winston Churchill and Jean Monnet etc) one of the original founders of the EU and the Council of Europe opposed communism and fascism (which of course includes communists who are fascists, and fascists communists). The 'Supranationalists' approach includes reactions against destructive nationalism (perceived as right wing) and oppressive state or anarchic socialism (i.e Stalin who killed twice as many people as Hitler) which produced 'Supranationalism'. Looking at other countries and for example Americas deep south after Lincoln freed the slaves, it is still suggesting people north or south, black or white are not free, whilst Britain wishing for freedom may also reject the United States of Europe as an ironic parallel to Americas war of independence The Ukraine prefers the EU to Russian imperialism, the contradictions to suit every shade of political opinion cannot be legislated for, yet the internal divisions of the west are exploited. The new slave trade (see chapter 4 on this page and chapter 6 on the adjoining website) which is alive and well and still in existence. Slavery is not a past tense condition and Lincoln freeing the slaves (past tense) is a misnomer.
Robert Schuman however did not pursue the Humanists agenda excluding communism as it does, but allowed for traditional beliefs. 'Nationalism' itself could be exerted by a Left Wing government in Greece (today) who may choose to leave the EU, along with Britain under the Conservative nationalists who will shortly hold a referendum on its EU future and nationalism may mean Britain chooses to be independent. Both of these positions from the left and right are obviously against the aims of the founding tenants of the EU. Greece has been through the Supranationalist adventure since it joined in 1981, but has been brought to a €300 billion euro debt by (some have accused) fiscal policies adhered to at national level by the few within the government or banks who are working against Greece, and yet who employ policies set at higher levels of governance ? Since this debt opposes the aspirations of Robert Schuman, it opposes the original aim of the EU and the council of Europe and NATO (which Robert Schuman was also a founding father). Fiscal policies as a framework are not constructed at national level, and the question remains for Greece i.e. if it leaves the EU does it also leave its debt behind ? Despite Greece having high unemployment immigration into Greece continues to escalate, and its borrowing leaps from one crisis to a solution (June 2015) until the new or next crisis with Austerity levels not increasing but remaining intact in the latest round of crisis talks amidst renewed riots (June 2015) whilst the economy continues to stall ? Syriza as a left wing mass movement promised to end Austerity, yet it has complied with it, but would other parties also have followed suit. Campaigning with solutions which do not materialise is usual for every world political party. The stock markets did not falter when Syriza were elected nor after the latest deal was made. The prospect of an influx of funds providing stability boosts market optimism. It is also just as likely to be boosted by an increase in the 'MO – M4' but as 'MO money stock' which provides stability.
July 5th/6th 2015 Greece on the 5/7/.2015 held a referendum after the long negotiations on its future and it rejected finance measures to say NO (Ναι vs Όχι: Yes and No) to more austerity. EU ministers stated that 'the people' have the final say on their future (not the elected government) in this referendum which should now be honoured, whilst the other fiscal monetary measure of quantitative easing continues in the EU. Once again as in the Irish debt crisis scare stories were released saying that 'money would run' out of ATM'S They bombarded the Greek people (funds were down to €500 million at one point it is suggested) when the referendum was announced. Yet it did not run out ? the banks closed and/or people removed cash and took it home but the money supply (MO see above) did not run as was imagined. Banks taking the money is not the same as the money running out, it could only run out if Greece leaves the EU. Foreign withdrawals by tourists etc are not affected, yet their money must be Euro's also calculated in an exchange ? The money supply is analysed and is known throughout Europe and all its nations on a daily basis, and every country automatically and electronically tallies its amount daily, weekly and monthly (and if stocks are low, more money is printed to balance the amount) If people decide to spend hoarded money back into the economy, it is deposited and the electronic data registers that some money literally needs to be destroyed (burnt, starting with the older notes) An interesting insight into this banking method is shown in the film 'mad money' If you also look at the diagrams / charts above (3 side by side above the heading that says 'Irish banking inquiry') you can see that in 2004 Britain had 44.5 Billion circulating as MO money supply. Europe with 10 times the population would require around €600 billion which rises and falls as people hoard or spend this money. It is not stored in a warehouse of the central bank to the tune of 1000 billion (or so) and then shovelled out and around. the EU until it runs out. Any deposit of funds gives the bank the right to print 10 times this amount again.
Taking the example of the Greek tourists who are flocking to Greece at the moment, the vast majority are working and have wages and savings in their accounts as do many Greeks who are also working and have savings. However Tourists do not have restrictions on their accounts in Greece as their balance is in another country. However they still withdraw Euros in any amount at ATM's ? Greeks who are working with savings do not. The banks worry is when the banks closed Greeks would withdraw all money they have and deposit it abroad, not that it would run out. Real money (cash and coins) which circulates is spent in Greece, bank accounts can be distinguished electronically (and a Euro countries of origin is marked on the Euro which are almost identical in every country). If all savings were taken abroad the deposits which are marked in accounts electronically would reach zero, but the cash and coins ('MO' money supply) would remain at its fixed level and its circulating amount would increase or decrease as needs be. It acts like a float which every business enters into trading when it begins and keeps the 'petty cash' throughout the trading period. Before electronic banking rush on the banks were common but the 'MO' or cash and notes have a limit or exit from a country even before a crisis. Money which is not spent is tallied and the MO increased. This is why tourists at the same ATM can withdraw more money from the same circulating money supply ('MO' can also be produced debt/interest free without borrowing, or is charged at interest, see Britain and 3 diagrams above)
Greek accounts when they are bereft of funds are recognised as empty, and money to that person is stopped, but there money/wages were paid in electronically and not as cash and notes.
The Bank of England has supplied interest free loans and also business starts up directly without the borrower going directly to the high street banks. Or reduced interest loans, (matching industry rates) or very cheap rates (0.5%) Oil and Gas companies can front load interest free loans as required for national interests and vice versa. This is in a nations (interest free loans for homebuyers from the Government) benefit to do so and at times it is more beneficial to do so. At times it is simply an extension of 'MO' cash level finance. Many economists say these loans do not exist yet they are numerous but not for international use. Funds from central banks interest free occur every day. Only when seigniorage (described above) becomes onerous does the MO have to breakeven or make a profit (hence the ratio was 80 – 90% debt free with 10% charged at interest. This is one more reason personal debt and SME business do not prosper, business rates escalate and rents rise faster then wages. Irving Fisher when he invented his stamp scrip was not a socialist and it circulated alongside the dollar internally in the USA in the great depression, but it was socialists who prevented its growth.
Needless to say Greece was supposedly on a 'drip feed' of this money which is real money compared to loans/borrowing which is a separate money stock (M1 TO M4) of electronic money." (watch again 97% owned positive money cut ) which is also inspirational to Britain as it faces a real choice on its future with its EU referendum. The reason this is important to understand is that the world can stop panicking and/or be scared into resolving the problems it faces or is pressured into negotiating itself into a worse problem which as you note continues to lurch on from crisis to crisis. And the anger is continuing (with some suggesting the Greeks owe nothing) from the USA sub – prime fallout disaster in 2008 which is why 100% employment for the lowest paid workers is vital to stop another meltdown in the future.
Many economists and on the right of the political spectrum predicted this collapse in 2008 because it did not economic sense to borrow 6 - 10 times a wage in order that 'sub-prime' lenders cold buy a house. (high risk and exposure) This is repeated today after the referendum by conservatives not the far left.(again only 100% employment in Europe will solve the problem, and genuine homelessness in the USA and Europe rose sharply in a financial crash and recession. Europe has a tradition of renting as opposed to buying, although many countries own one family house, and pass it on without penalty in inheritance laws. i.e not a mortgaged society) It is easier to assume that there will be 'sub-prime' people who should be classed as automatically needing quality social housing stock to get them back into the housing market and house the homeless and needy. This way there is no homelessness or 'sub-prime problem' mathematically or in market risk, and stocks of social housing should be expanded China is experiencing the same problem now as it loses $3 trillion on the stockmarket on the 3/4th July 2015.
However this is not the full story in this Greek tragedy which only the Greek people have withstood since this crisis began in 2008. The truth was spoken by Wolfgang Schäuble who is from Baden Germany and who helped to unite East and West Germany in1991 and who became a minster for finance under Angela Merkel. Considered a hard liner on keeping Greece and austerity going, but who has contributed to this article entitled Greek referendum: Germany says it won't leave Greece in the lurch by Matt Hooper, who writes that Wolfgang Schauble appeared to support the no vote suddenly.
The article states "Having previously insisted that a No vote on the lenders' last terms would see their country forced out of the euro, Schäuble told the Bild newspaper that the choice before them on Sunday was between holding on to the Euro and being "temporarily without it" & "It was far from clear what Schäuble had in mind, but economists have mooted the notion of a period in which Greece might go back to its national currency, the Drachma, while its economy recovered"
For many Greeks returning to the Drachma although temporarily may be a leap of faith but a better but similar idea is of course the Irish parallel punt solution which parallels the Euro (temporarily or for as long as people do not want austerity etc) which is mentioned above at length. Every EU state could have this solid idea in reserve to bolster its economy and to ensure 100% employment which is a popular idea put into practice in Baden Wuttenburg today. Germany itself recovered in 1945 by making itself a circulating currency from the Reichsmark (until 1948) called the Deutsche Mark, which did not just circulate but had to parallel other attempts to make new currencies and this despite the Marshall plan aid. This currency was in my opinion also successful because of the ancient tradition of local democracy and burgomasters etc.
Solution? With this support suggested above in place all around the EU, the best idea with this extra support providing stability, would be to cancel all EU debt (a popular move also for prospective countries wanting to join the EU, or those who may leave but who do not want to leave) and then in a collected pool of money from each EU nations and ECB for the creditors, they could then make a large single payment figure to all internal or external creditors (which is a better return on their long term bonds expedited and better than waiting 10, 20 or 25 years etc. It is also less risk per year or quarter than the current constant uncertainty) and begin again from a clean slate, which would also be very appealing to investors. This is also the most sensible solution for all other EU nations which must be also be born in mind and in which they could also benefit. This is real economics and it is actually real Conservative economics. It is not a sign of failure as other continents and countries also have huge debt levels, which is the problem of growth since Sumeria rose as a civilisation 2000 years before Greece. (According to the indo - Sumerian seals which were largely IOU's and who could not then blame Greece of course) It strengthens the economy and the nation state and the EU and the Council of Europe allowing prosperity to flourish which is why Greece began a democracy in Europe 3000 years ago. In such an event Greece would have to stick to making a real economy as all EU states would, but then the whole of the EU could have a party and a celebration. (Possibly the biggest ever) Robert Schumann probably would have backed this idea which could only occur every 50 years or so, but such a move would not increase risk as investment would still be a guaranteed re-imbursement and Euro economics would reach stability. This is what makes the EU different and would make it a great enterprise. It also means the ECB would take control from the IMF. Forcing draconian measures only encourages the break up of the EU. Austerity was only meant as a temporary means to an end and not to enslave a people or nation, and this has caused Greek Finance Minister Varoufakis to resign (and his explanation after the No vote which states debt is ruining countries and continents) Countries which do not have an energy import bill to manage have fared better in the crisis.
Solution 2 ? Abandon Austerity (Wachstum nicht Spar) and begin a growth programme for immediate employment and financial growth for millions all over the EU and Greece which is celebrating Robert Schuman the Architect and founding father of Europe said in 1950 'Starting from the very different conditions in which the production of member countries is at present situated, it is proposed that certain transitional measures should be instituted, such as the application of a production and investment plan, the establishment of compensating machinery for equating prices, and the creation of a restructuring fund to facilitate the rationalization of production' (une faible inflation et de la dette minimum) in his Schuman declaration of 9..5.2015 (The Eu's birthday) which then as now indicates a need for a solution to prevent an EU break up.
Now with austerity still in place a solution is sought again after the referendum No vote. Ireland is coming out of its recession, jobs are being created and its binding negative equity is vanishing as house prices rise, but circumstances (from 2008, 6-8 years ago) which caused the Celtic Tiger crash remain and the social cost has been immense and tragic. Making a choice for the future is something Greece has provided with its stance, and which ultimately benefits the markets, industry and employment.(mankind)
July 20th 2015
What is really going on in Greece and the Ukraine.
Much of the above two chapters relates how a society can stabilise itself and analyse economically which political party (if any) can provide the best solution for it. First it would need to guarantee a reliable method of exchange (trading and food production) Secondly, below it needs to solve its energy needs.
Since the Greeks rejected the proposals in the Greek referendum, the Greek National Government voted to accept them. Syriza the political party leading the Greek coalition has been rejected by left wing parties around the world who formerly supported them.
In the background (including the media background) is the real issue. The issue is not so much a Greek exit (Grexit) from the Eurozone but a Russian (Rexit) from the Eurozone. The destabilisation of Greece follows a long and dubious path in which Russia wants Greece to exit the EU. The second world war remains a major cause of injury and the current debt restructuring and economy problems (Germany also suffered heavy casualties and loss in WW2) may cause Greece the founder of democracy to separate itself from its European aims originally shaped and instigated by Alexander the Great. However Athens and Sparta differed in the past and that tradition still exists today.
When Russia could not secure its Gazprom gas pipeline through Ukraine it took option B, which is to place it through Hungary /Turkey and Greece (Hungary is a member state of the EU and IS also in Nato and the OECD, and it is also currently building a 100 mile fence to keep out immigrants) Greek debt (which is not as high as Ireland's in GDP debt / ratio terms) is the fulcrum on which the current deal to privatise its assets are made. In effect a trust fund which will take the assets established as a pre-condition of a bailout. If the debt had not accrued the assets would be safe now. If Greece and the EU did not import so much energy there would be less debt.(etc)
All of the above provides a brief backdrop to the other value currency requires to support it, namely energy and commodities. Russia however uses its energy supply to reel in countries by offering cheap energy, and in Greece which may not get all bailout funds until 2019, Russia has offered to front load money upfront if Greece agrees to using its land for the pipeline. Once this is established it blackmails them by offering to cut off the supply as occurred in the Ukraine in earlier years and in Europe this year
As is noted in Chapter 4, the soviet communist practice of actual socialism is for other countries not for itself.
Greece as a nation voted against austerity and privatisation but voted for (in effect, staying in the EU) Frau Angela Merkel says Greece should be entitled to debt relief (unofficial estimates put this in the region of €10 - €30 billion but it is not on any mainstream media outlet, but is a concession) Along with this it would be expedient if a part of the €10 - €30 billion was spent conservatively on the latest Solar PV, wind and CHP units all over Greece.(with many other choices in renewable energy) For example 15,(as an example) 1000 megawatt solar pv farms (the current largest is 597 megawatt, but proposals for larger exist) could produce a lot of energy and maximise energy reduction forecasts, many could be placed near beaches and water parks (Providing ease of access for the Greek people) and could provide a lot of employment.
Solar energy is improving all the time. 15 (fifteen) 1 Megawatt solar farms could be considered ambitious, but this amounts to (1000 kw = 1 Megawatt) (1000 kw x 1000 Megawatt = 1000 x 1000 kw = 1 million kilowatts.) x 15 = 15 million kilowatts. India as an example is planning 100 Gigawatt farms (1000 megawatts = 1 Gigwatt & 100 of them = 10,000000 / ten million KW) to power enormous energy grids in India. It will also create 1 million jobs which could be duplicated in Greece. Greece could also construct 100 Gigwatt farms upon one or two deserted islands, with supplemental islands which could also still produce food (produce and livestock)
To put this into perspective the highest (averaged) kw consumed by a households per year is 11,000 kWh per year. Another view is the true average worldwide is 7000 kWh. As the price of solar panels falls then the energy bill/carbon saved amounts to energy for 4 million homes every year (which 100-Gigawatt farms could supply) is reduced every year for falling capital outlay. 7000 kWh averages could supply 6 - 7 million homes. Many Greek jobs could be created and Greece could export energy to the North of Europe. Every Greek Island and the Greek mainland would be renewed by earning money from individual homes and business selling power into the Grid. The Ukraine could also expand its grid to accommodate and produce solar energy and wind power from people friendly wind turbines. In rural areas these solutions erase noise, are bird friendly and although 30 % less efficient, this allows more turbines within the same area as a conventional blade turbine. (An opposing view) They are making the bladeless turbines larger every year. Manufacturing and heavy engineering using oil is still required but is more affordable with reduced import costs. Ireland (which is the wealthiest country in natural resources) is reducing its negative equity mortgage problems which is creating active long term employment over the Island, yet it is contemplating selling its forests despite previously rejecting this idea. It is a fallacy, as real wealth creation is held in bio-diverse (mixed species hard wood and soft wood, fruit, berry and cobnuts, walnuts, chestnuts, heartnuts, pinenuts and almonds etc) of tree planting. (the whole of the Islands were once covered in dense forest, and replanting 2 trees, for every tree used in timber frame housing ensures stocks are maintained) Reducing debt by selling assets is a quick solution leading to long term decline, instead of funding widescale job creation and reducing energy imports, and turning its debt into equity against carbon reduction which would erase the debt and retain the assets. Every renewable area would reduce costs twice once in ongoing imported fuel bills and twice in future carbon savings. Instead of a 25 year debt over generations, a smaller time period follows.A third benefit is the land and water are renewed for future generations as is the quality of life in clean air & water, healthy food and growing exports. Ireland currently has the fastest growing economy in the EU.
Why would India want to invest $100 billion in renewable energy ? (solar panels) Renewable energy has skeptics also within the industry, and Bladeless turbines are a source of debate and doubt, although smaller scale Urban wind turbines are already in use even without the official recognition, important for bank funding and expansion, whilst other types of Turbines based on appearance are considered unreliable technology. India is not using 'doubtful technology' and the cost of 100 Gigawatt solar farms would be $100 Billion which is only an amount similar to oil and gas project investment, but in this case solar energy is then 'free' after.
India's energy bill in 2012 was $140 billion per year and in 2014 it was $240 billion per year a jump of 40% which would ruin many countries, but it has since reduced energy costs, and falling oil prices and cheap gas mean it is back to lower than 2012 levels in imported fuel costs. Oil and Gas could remain low forever, but geopolitics and war will mean it will rise again. Any project in peace or war only benefits from low rates, in 2007/2008 the economy imploded worldwide.The benefits of low interest rates and ample energy supply has helped the world economy recover. Given the amount of imported energy costs over a 10 year period in India (say $1200 Billion approx) a 20 year or more Solar project costing $100 billion now seems much less expensive (for one capital outlay over a long time period of 20 years +) The project will be broken down into smaller $15 billion and £2.5 billion projects. Decentralising the grid should occur simultaneously with the expansion of the renewable grid. Some renewable projects echo the 'dot com bubble' of the 1990's (seeking initial full funding for a bogus product) Conversely many innovations patents are bought out before they can change the world and then hidden away. Water based ground pumps are very efficient but receive less funding than ground based heat pumps for example. Funding (see further down in this chapter) is the key to alternative energy succeeding with realistic energy output estimates. Investment is continuing despite the maze of decisions investors need to make.
Energy solutions are central to the Ukraine's future, and alternatives to natural gas are (only) liquefied natural gas (LNG). Norway is currently advising the Ukraine on a energy transition programme. All countries could avail of the expertise. Since the EU supergrid is already in the Ukraine (and extends oversees into Africa also ) energy could be transferred (or offset) up through Macedonia and the Balkans into also the Ukraine. There is a storage related problem which TESLA may have solved and will no doubt become 'tested technology' which can be readily financed (like many renewable 'untested' technologies which should be now considered tested and less of a risk) Turkey could also become dependent on the EU down into the Middle East and East to the Caspian sea.
One of the conditions of the onerous bailout of the trust fund is "The fund, which still needs to be approved by the Greek parliament by Wednesday, will then raise money for Greece either by selling the assets off or by running them profitably" (since then it has been approved) This last remark i.e. 'running them profitably' whilst it looks like a Greek problem is actually a problem which has existed since the stock market took over the term 'profitably' many decades ago.
This problem of long term fixed capital has contributed to the west's downfall over the past 70 years or so.
A further problem is quality of production and export and distribution. Using the famous analogy of the child setting up a lemonade stand as idea of free enterprise, used in the PDF in chapter 1 entitled 'The EU, Rome and Israel' the story has a Greek twist. In Greece on an Island which produced popular delicious thirst quenching real lemonade, (you had one, you wanted another) sold its rights to a giant corporation which tried to re-produce the product but could not. Not that it did not try. Its production techniques did not allow for natural capital and local production methods and quality produce and lemons. People stopped buying and wished the original cheaper real lemonade was still sold as before.
Quality can only be maintained by local production in this case, preferably from organic sources and in traditional village production methods, ideals which should be planned against long term fixed capital solutions.
What then should Greece do in its post 'NO' position?
Greece needs to escape its problems and develop an economy which holds its young people at home.
The EU is trying to merge all aspects of its operations. This has left EU countries with only their national fiscal policy to determine its internal economic position, which is the same with other accession members within the EU. Any changes in methods of inflating or deflating the economy would only arise if politicians directly determined monetary policy or chose some other method of the Euros circulation. A direct change in philosophy by the central banks would also affect EU economic policy and would require national fiscal adjustments to balance the national budgets. As it is ECOFIN (The Economic and Financial Affairs Council) and the Broad economic policy guidelines (BEPG) would have to change that policy philosophy or a crisis and/or collapse in the economy would need to occur. Other than that, this aspect of everyday EU policy is outside of the control of each member state and its citizens. Problems or miscalculations during the four or five year period in-between election voting could either spell disaster or parity for any budget, which in trying to discern the actual budget balance and difference between the cyclically adjusted budget balance voters often are left baffled or bereft of actual choice. Moving from Keynesian deficit spending (requiring definite borrowing) to structurally adjusted budgets to hopefully produce parity or surplus in the economy, and still require borrowing at interest is a harder feat to achieve in the eyes of the public realm.
In Germany the Hanseatic League of craft guilds, who did not value a commodity on its ability to 'turnover' quickly, but rather upon its intrinsic value, viewed the fixing of prices based on the law of supply and demand as a fallacy, when a price should be its intrinsic value alone. Karl Marx published Das Capital but many professional economists rejected Marx's contention, but they were troubled by the widespread acceptance of his idea among leaders of the working classes. As result many economists felt a need to recast economics as a science of exchange rather than production.
Currency values and banking methods were debated at length in the 18th century, but Going beyond the controversy of the Currency School versus the Banking School, the previously overlooked Free Banking School, which questioned the basic premises of the other two, drew them closer to the Austrian school than the Keynesian view, but not to the USA and the Chicago school promoted by Milton Freidman amongst others, who did want to check inflation, but who viewed or preferred an elite structure to the 'ownership' of money.
The gold standard was abolished in 1973, and it is place, a similar arrangement to the 3% deficit was undertaken under the petro dollar system. Making 6%, and therefore 3% either side of 0 allowed the Dollar to fluctuate and became known as the Snake within the tunnel. Most budgets and borrowing requirements are set within this 3% limit either side of 0 and interest rates are set to allow for this fluctuation. This allowed bonds to fluctuate and realise price differences electronically and today's spread betting and currency gambling grew from it.
"The arithmetic is, unfortunately, quite clear. To avoid large and unsustainable budget deficits, the nation will ultimately have to choose among higher taxes, modifications to entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare, less spending on everything else from education to defence, or some combination of the above. These choices are difficult, and it always seems easier to put them off, until the day they cannot be put off any more. But unless we as a nation demonstrate a strong commitment to fiscal responsibility, in the longer run we will have neither financial stability nor healthy economic growth" (Bernanke, Ben S 2010) It is obvious that monetary initiatives are framing fiscal objectives. (Former national treasury work is already determined by the larger group the nation belongs too)
Against this backdrop the misnomer and perpetuated illusion of Perfect competition is created. (although trying to achieve it is preferred) "Above all economic theory teaches us that we should rejoice that markets set prices at a level that equates supply and demand" Economists and economics and its assumptions and models assume that in the world of 'perfect competition' a normal rate of profit is determined. A standard explanation is the cost of production is the extra cost of one more unit of output, combined with a extra amount (undefined) to allow for the normal rate of profit, known as the marginal cost. "this idea that with perfect competition the cost of all commodities will equal marginal costs is the foundation of conventional economics, the notion of marginal costs is the lynchpin of price theory".
Yet merely selling the lemonade to meet demand on the Greek island will already have set a desired price in the exchange for the lemonade, however once others join the market and the supply increase's causing the price to fall, and the normal rate of profit will not earn enough profit. Entering and exiting the market causes the normal rate of profit to fall and rise creating equilibrium, and the best of all worlds. This model is based on the price theory of exchange rather than actual production. Of course the company could have claimed to have intervened in the market if it had state assistance but was the real lemonade in the nation's interests to produce. (many private corporations were subsidised when they began and after) Competition producing decreasing returns (decreasing returns to scale) in agriculture however meant that increased weeding and more seeds increased production, but it did not double the farms output. Profits fell and were not as efficient as the company's lemonade business. Assembly workers producing cars on the other hand were efficient compared to one person constructing one car, as the tools and machinery in use was continuous, no stopping and starting and would be constantly working a return on their investment, and bigger firms had these costs advantages.
A Corporations overriding primary function is to produce a profit for the stockholders by law with no legal concern for the public good (not all corporations, many see their success as being in the public good). Aided by limited liability which the group of people known as the corporation as a legal person are semi – immune from. The requirement in law to put its profit motive first ahead of competing interests which can be interrupted as society in general. The profit motive gradually streamlined a corporations operations to narrow its responsibilities to the minimum legal requirement to ensure its profits. Communism has a similar outlook except the profits are kept by the state and also not shared with the workers. In the Ukraine's recent example the profits went to funding a satrap salve state to Russia and former president Yanukovych (now abdicated) had palaces and many fine motorcars. Ukrainians were not allowed to feel they could profit or better their lives.
Rational decisions are rare in business, and if they were not the irrational model around us would change. With the added realisation of a quick return with little investment, business moved away from the corporations which ironically having incorporated many smaller firms, due to winning the competition in the short term, and having moved away from the laissez faire of the aristocracy to the new money of the 'robber barons' and its model of production, found that long term fixed capital costs, which needed updating due to competition then realised the added burden of investment, which is not as appealing as investing in the short term or stock market.
Henry Ford was persuaded and some like Carnegie (who with Lord Milner and of the Round table Cecil Rhodes had endowed so many new Universities) persuaded industry to invest in long term fixed capital and new accounting measures to ensure decreasing returns and associated problems did not arise.
A few decades later and a new model of forced centralised monopoly led Lenin to describe the Russian revolution as "the state apparatus 'borrowed from Tsarism' and hardly touched by the soviet world", which in local villages and towns resorted to abandoning revolutionary collectivist ideals and "resorting to individual aspirations arising out of their individualistic forms of work. Each sought to maximise his own standard of living through his activities on his plot of land. (like Germanys original Hanseatic league which produced quality well made items) Leninism became Stalinism, and this class by themselves as Marx had described bureaucrats echoing Lenin's concerns in his book State and Revolution had turned a workers revolution into a gigantic Corporation which eroded real wealth (for everyone) over time, a process which was also arising in the west in capitalist corporations. (which crashed in 1929 on the stockmarket and since)
After world war two, companies began to realise that profit and their own consistency could be maintained by the stock- market as opposed to manufacturing. A firm's management and business leaders in general changed their approach to instead make a firm attractive to Wall street finance, when their companies stock rose so did their profits. "This process became so thorough that the distinction between finance and industry became almost meaningless"
"Neither alternative – the competitive capitalism that the corporation opposed or Morganised capitalism that the corporatists supported – was largely capable of efficiently directing economic activity in an economy that largely depends on long lived fixed capital"(for all quotes see PDF the EU, Rome and Israel in chapter 1 above)
Corporations also suffered traditionally from long term fixed capital costs. Neglecting this investment area, corporations either went into a malaise (Soviet state capitalism) or adopted shorter term financial strategies which kept profits healthy (Enron) as opposed to keeping production as its primary function. A major cause of this problem is long term fixed capital which if not neglected (as Carnegie and the Welfare capitalists proved every day) brings advantages of steady profit and new technological breakthroughs through research and development pressures. The burden of long term fixed capital goods and stock if not modernised produces eventual losses as they become inefficient, since this investment is also subject to borrowing then the perfect world of competition is also subject to diminishing returns through inflation. Debt is the result and soon the expected way to operate.
Investors need a quick return, company managers need to report a profit or investors could desert, a company could be vulnerable to takeover, and in America a craze of buying firms to strip them of assets cascaded until even financial managers and industry warned of the dire consequences. In error however many did not listen and instead blamed management of these companies (for the wrong reasons) especially Michael Jensen who in taking over firms and who fired lazy and 'bueracratic' management. If the firm was performing poorly, it would in fact impede resources to it rather than solve its problems (letting it die) freeing up resources to flow to productive activities in another branch of the firm or even another firm increasing the highest rate of return. Money managers ran firms and they often preferred to shut down a company to please Wall Street, and not to be seen as failures, whereas industry and long term commitment which society requires were unprofitable.
Whether it is State Capitalism Monopolies as Corporations or private Corporations, the longer term view of employment, finance and a nation's security are both unwittingly and deliberately brought to ruin, and profitability is a pursuit which is eating its own tail. Both have failed (although many have succeeded into a monopoly but then fixed capital problems begin again) yet continue to blame each other, but new attitudes and goals are required to build them back into employment centres of well paid 100% employment nations.
Therefore when a nations profitability is determined as in its national interests by building long term planned companies which produce products instead of gambling their future on the stockmarket (and its share price when seen in these terms cannot be assessed by shareholders as the price alone, but in the long term stake of the business and people employed within it, which it has a stake and a dividend. Dividends are not just cash payments but community or town innovation benefits and long term family employment. Quality is also like the Greek lemonade business a benefit to the local community) Quality also raises the share price which then supports leveraged borrowing instead of pumping the profit by inventive accounting or subsidiary ghost companies. Taking a short cut instead of developing a strong business or corporation that could support long term share prices became the norm leading to increased debt and to countries which do not make (manufacture) anything. Outsourcing to cheaper wage economies does not produce home made goods.
Funding models in 'natural capital' methods or similar can bring debt reduction and solve long term fixed capital costs.(which are always going to exist) Africa for example (and it is mooted every year) if you take a geographic map of Africa's deserts (Sahara, Kalahri and the Namib desert situated in South West Africa on the coast) there is so much land which is not utilised and has held Africa back over a Millennia. Solar or wind (as only two examples) could fill the barren places solving the debt fuel import crisis and solving the energy crisis and emigration crisis. Solar panels which allow upgrades for innovation and maintenance will succeed, whilst others will fail.Powering 100 Gigawatts like India (see heading above 'what is really going on in Greece and the Ukraine') would also provide irrigation energy and water to make the desert bloom. Europe (& every continent) could also do the same, and having funding models which partner continued investment instead of lurching from loan to loan would make more opportunities and expedite a sustained economy. Debt / Equity swaps against future carbon emissions reductions of heavily indebted countries and future bonds costed against energy savings and future carbon credits is almost the same as starting an economy (OECD) from the beginning.
Should Greece choose to leave the EU and join Russia, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania would be a good source of information to base any decision upon.They now wish to fully join the EU. Ireland had long term fixed capital cost problems in its water supply industry. Its debt meant it was forced to sell or privatise its water supply infrastructure and install water meters (amidst riots) It has not fully privatised its water yet, but concerns that it will, and then send water charges higher are escalating. Dominique Strauss-Kahn a supposed socialist made this request in the IMF memorandum of understanding (pages 1 & 30). Then following this socialists asked everyone to protest ? Syriza in Greece were hailed as the new socialists but now they are rebuked by the socialists, but ownership of the means of production has moved also, but not to the proletariat. (i.e The workers who should be wary of labels in political parties which say they are one thing but are another. Debt analysis policies helps determine the actual politics of the party or party member)
Given the amount of debt which had accumulated the Government in Ireland were given no (borrowing) choice but to agree to privatisation or default on the debt. Greece took this one stage further and voted no to any new loans. Alternatively you could follow the Vikings in Iceland and decide not to pay (with the back up plan of possibly invading Europe and other continents acquiring assets and land) Iceland has a Viking tradition of meeting collectively in the hills as a community for the whole Island at its sacred sites. (established in 930 ad for collective national democratic decisions) It decided not to pay (but did not invade the world again as yet) and it is now benefiting from renewed FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) Again their economy like all western economies faces long term investment costs.
Water charges are estimated to be €150 per annum and protests and delays in collecting the full price will mean (accounts over the last year show a loss so far) the shortfall of income will be met by new venture capital or private loans (bank debt) finance, and a new contract of ownership will follow i.e. full privatisation. Russia also employs this method to acquire assets abroad, via energy exchange or finance for short term profit or to control a country with an iron grip. Wars would occur without the added incentive of high energy prices, but supply restriction is also an act of war, just as finance theories at fiscal level have a ideological political agenda 'privatisation' is not solely a right wing aim. In Russia aims to separate companies from the corrupted 'public' but owned by individuals in the state, were motivated by reclaiming the ownership of the institution or service/utility by and as the proletariat (the private people). Russia also had long term investment problems in its fiscal/ finance model Since protests have not succeeded (to date) and whether a new government is elected or not then Dominique Strauss Khans (the 'socialist') aims will be realised either way. The Republic of Ireland in many respects falls between these two ideologies since its creation, and even with the full privatisation of a company the new owners still face the problem of Long term fixed capital costs, which as a cost, left or right finance ideologies inherently fail to solve. Privatisation for short term capital gain (prices at €400 - €500 per year) which is then banked and the company / utility is sold or abandoned is also common. Setting up a company to be acquired at a later stage by another company in another country is common, again Russia and Western countries use this cloak. Companies which actually build up a nation are rarer but do exist. Protests against fiscal measures over preceding years which led to the debt (which is now exchanged for the water asset) were/are not as loud, numerous or as obvious in the media. Recent prosecutions (30/07/2015) in Irish banking (ongoing in the inquiry) show surveillance of the debt (not regulation as such) simply watches it accrue and afterwards blame is then juggled between institutions. Many blame the system itself.
For those in Ireland who were employed in the rivers and water corporations which were once numerous as smaller facilities and were more difficult to change (i.e. it was not centralised) it was still obvious that investment (fixed capital) would be required. Alternative plans (a,b,c, d, & e) and variants on them are also rare in practice. Placing turbine blades as one idea (the actual turbines are outside of pipes) with water pipes would pay for any shortfall in costs and provide electricity for countless thousands.
Many countries simply introduced a flat fee of €20 - €30 to improve their water, and also introduced turbines into the reservoir pipes or wherever they were viable along the infrastructure of the piping as the water flowed downhill. The turbines generated electricity for consumption which now could be stored in a TESLA battery powering your house for free.(almost) Slowly the long term fixed capital costs were met and the problem was solved. Investment over the preceding years (in many countries including Russia and the USA) was lacking causing the leaks in water supply we have today. Since wind energy in Ireland produces too much energy for the countries needs, this energy is then dumped. Britain is already allowing domestic energy producers and business to sell their electricity into the grid for profit. There are plans to pump water up a hill (to solve the storage problem) at night under a cheaper tariff (and this happens in other countries) and then release it hours later to pump turbines for electricity, yet the water reservoir pipes could be doing this already.(ἀνάγκᾳ δ᾿ οὐδὲ θεοὶ μάχονται )
Greek Elections 2015 19th & 20.09.2015
The Greek Elections of 2015 follow after the resignation of Alexis Tsipras on 20.08.2015. Despite the Greek referendum giving a resounding No to Austerity, the next bailout was put into motion following the result. On August 8th 2015 Greece, Cyprus and Israel signed the Tripartite Energy memorandum which establishes the EuroAsia Interconnector to allow a 2000 megawatt energy supply to reach them and to a wider Europe (via the Greek island of Crete, and Crete to the Greek mainland in the southern Peloponnese area, and from there on to Europe and Israel. See also the end of chapter 5 below)
Ending Austerity is still the election topic for the Greek population. Who will win the Greek elections 2015 ?
Greek Election 20.09.2015
A month after Alexis Tsipras resigned; the leader of Syriza won a second election following the first in January 2015 (3 elections in total including the No vote referendum) The context of the election and the history of Greece is a very complex and difficult history. It is worth recording the events also around the September 2015 election, as aside from Greece making news outside the norm, world events have also been unusual and some extraordinary in this period. If for no other reason other than the Greeks looking back over the last 8 years could hardly believe what has happened, yet they have struggled on and formed a new outlook as a nation.
Within only 2 hours &.30 minutes of the polls (9.30 pm Greek time, 7.30 pm GMT) closing and 35 % of the votes counted, Syriza are confirmed as the Greek election winners with predictions of 144 seats with 33 - 35 % of the vote, approx (therefore gaining the 50 bonus seats) with New Democracy on second with 28.5 - 30 % of the vote approx. A low turnout of only 55% was recorded with the new party 'Popular Unity' predicted to get 2- 3 %. Popular Unity broke away from Syriza following the 3rd Greek bailout as they are anti-austerity and anti – bailout. This breakaway contributed significantly to the new general election as the Greek people had voted No to Austerity only a short time before.
As the day (20.9.2015) began only a narrow victory was expected. Earlier "A Star TV poll put Syriza's share of the vote at between 30% and 34% compared to 28.5% to 32.5% for the conservatives. The ultra- nationalist Golden Dawn came in a distant third with as much as 8%" At 5 oclock Greek Time the BBC predicted that it was too close to call, but ;
"A combined exit poll from five TV stations suggested Syriza would get between 30% and 34% of the vote, with New Democracy securing between 28.5% and 32.5% but the exit polls have in the past been unreliable"
But..... Rueters at 10.30 Greek time (3.30 EDT time) with percentages that are closer to those who suggested a narrow win stated;
" Greek voters returned Alexis Tsipras to power with a strong election victory on Sunday, ensuring the charismatic leftist remains Greece's dominant political figure despite caving in to European demands for a bailout he once opposed. With about a quarter of votes counted, Tsipras's Syriza party was on course to claim 35.3 percent of the vote, easily seeing off his main Conservative challengers New Democracy on 28.1 percent. The interior ministry said that would give him 144 seats in the 300-seat parliament, just five fewer than when he first stormed to power early this year. New Democracy swiftly conceded defeat"
These were very accurate poll(s) which are interrupted as a sweeping victory, or a close victory or a reduced victory but with more or less the same numbers either before, during or after the election.
In the January 2015 Syriza were predicted to win 149 seats (only 5 more than 20th September 2015) when they swept to victory? The article declares ' Tsipras declares end to 'vicious cycle of austerity' after Syriza wins Greek election – as it happened ' & (Germany was alarmed by the prospect)
- The anti-austerity far left party Syriza has won the Greek election by a decisive margin, but just short of an outright majority. With more than three-quarters of the results in Syriza is projected to win 149 (32 – 34% of the vote) seats in the 300 seat parliament.
- Leftwingers across Europe have hailed Syriza win. Spain's anti-austerity party Podemos said Greece finally had a government rather than a German envoy. Britain's Green Party said Syriza's victory was an inspiration (Jan 2015)
Yet the austerity continues as do the bailouts? (Sep 2015)
Alexis Tspiras (his own view ) who is a Communist, and leading up to his resignation speech (21.08.2015) on and the new election said on the 21.08.2015 (in the article)
"Then, late on 26 June, as Greek negotiators were locked in talks with their European partners, he summoned them out of the room by text message. Mr Tsipras told them he was calling a referendum on a deal that was not even on the table. In a late-night TV address, he spoke of the bailout as "unbearable" and a "humiliation". It came out of the blue and was viewed either as a reckless gamble or a masterstroke, casting into doubt Greece's future in the euro. Cash support for Greek banks was frozen, and the government imposed capital controls, shutting the banks and limiting cash withdrawals. Opponents questioned whether he had ever really wanted to stay in the eurozone, and EU leaders were infuriated by his decision. But when Greeks surprised the pollsters and backed their prime minister's stance, he told them their mandate was not "rupture with Europe" but a mandate for a viable solution .As Greece's economy teetered on the brink of leaving the euro, Mr Tsipras agreed a deal for a third bailout that many of his colleagues refused to back, and even he admitted he did not believe in it"
& following the rejection by referendum, "The country overwhelmingly rejected the bailout, but the Eurozone refused to budge. Greece was almost forced out of the euro, capital controls were introduced and long queues formed outside Greek banks. Mr Tsipiras then enacted a dramatic U-turn, signing up to an even tougher menu of reforms. As such many of his supporters feel betrayed, and there are signs that turn out in today's election will be low"
The eventual numbers in the Greek parliament 35% Syriza (95 seats + 50 for coming first and only four less than the January victory) 28% New Democracy and 75 seats, Golden Dawn 18 seats. A new co-alition however was formed with the nationalist Independent Greeks with 10 seats.
Incredible predictions and polls which either set the tone or influence the voting.
Greece & the Migrant crisis.
With humanitarian plans in place for decades and many suggested for the current Middle East war all ignored, the migrants have in themselves become an agenda for other non EU countries. Not only have they (not taken any migrants) they have also subverted real humanitarian plans (anti-trafficking systems in place for decades?) and forced a direction the agenda would take.
The Golden Dawn party newly elected again in Greece speak out against the migration problem, yet despite the protests against immigration, and despite Greece's economy suffering and growing worse, The Golden dawn state "Even before the 2015 surge, 84 percent of adults in Greece wanted decreased immigration — the highest proportion in the world" but do the polls and elections reflect this attitude at all ? Alex Tsipras and Syriza said in early August Greece could not handle the migrants, both in economy and infrastructure. This is an EU wide impossible problem, which cannot be solved by migration, which is not just happening in the EU it is happening on every continent to every culture.
This is unity across left and right in Greece (and nationalism is a good concept, it is not fascism) as the refugees are not fleeing any war and are not refugees. Official figures from the EU state that only 1 in 5 are from Syria ?
On the 13.09.2015 Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri issued a call to renewed Jihad against the West (and in Chechnya in Russia), followed by Irans leader Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei threat to again wipe Israel off the map. Isis (both men claim) is illegitimate and only Al – Qaeda are legitimate. This message is timed to go with and for the migrants who are 70% male, hence Hungary and others have closed their borders.
Following the Syriza election forming a government, the immigration problem was brought to the attention of the EU public when EU Council President Donald Tusk called a summit on the issue, and suggested that migrants be housed nearer home (their point of origin) Many countries rejected the proposals but they do not have a Veto and are in effect forced to have quotas from people who are not (1 in 5) refugees. Why ? the Heritage Foundation (2008) explain a long war, with Christians in the Middle East in Genocide, which began in 2001, and intensified in 2003 – 2008. In 2001 this side of the war was rarely mentioned or imagined, and it is also a marker for the failure of Islamic society at home on the whole. This also reflects the Greek view from Tsipras or the Golden Dawn, and in Germany also, demonstrations and marches (Central European countries) against the forced quotas began immediately (Belgium, to Hungary, Ukraine to Russia, Norway to Holland also see The Schengen agreement ) Donald Tusk and Angela Merkel are changing their minds, although they did not create the situation. She (Frau Angela Merkel the Chancellor of Deutschland) has admitted that multiculturalism has failed, because it is forced, artificial and a social experiment by economists and eugenicists, and as a result of slavery economics (on every continent) no matter which way the traffic flows. (trafficking and millions of pregnancy terminations in countries which are accepting migrants is of course crazy and contradictory in terms of population boosting. See more on the inverted Multiculturalism a few paragraphs down) )
This is why EU countries and member states and non EU countries will disregard the quotas, and the EU summit on the migrant crisis (23.09.2015 – 26.03.2015) as of course there is no emergency summit happening on the migrant crisis in the Gulf States, China or other continents ? China and Russia are pushing the migrants onto the EU and using their influence to force the votes into the no veto position. The summit decided to send aid to nearby countries such as Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey instead of allowing more migration (Donald Tusk stated the war may deteriorate, hence Syria needs a safe zone) These and other suggestions for safe zones were ignored 4 years ago to date, but political pressure is growing.
During the 2nd Greek election the Middle East has escalated A summary of the Syrian war (brief video which is an excellent brief analysis but does not show any Christians or Syrian Christians as a separate grouping) for a wider view see the adjacent website and the end of Chapter 3 and upwards. The Syrian refugee crisis and immigration (bad language warning in previous) in general were also topics which dominated the elections in which it was becoming apparent the perpetrators of the immigration scam were administrators and elected officials/politicians (even in the EU) who had accepted bribes.
The only question which remains is Obama allowing Russia to move into Syria since the demonstrations against the Wests intended action, (but not as yet against Russia's. Obama boasted he had bombed 7 countries to defend the Iran deal. Contrast this against Alexander the Great 9who was clear in what he was trying to do) who marched through Turkey defeating and at the battle of ISSUS, and then south into the Lebanon and into Israel. It was clear and concise, and over very quickly. Alexander did not make slaves of the conquered nor prolong their misery.
Russia has placed troops on the ground (but Obama would not) and supplied WMD, and it has created enormous causalities in Syria, (without protest from the anti-war / war brigades) it is also encouraging the EU to take more refugees as it causes more and more refugees as part of its plan to destabilise the west. It rejected the safe zone for Northern Syria a further cause of the resignation of John Allen but the USA is viewing Russia's involvement as "canvassing US officials on Monday, reported: "Privately, many seemed to welcome a Russian intervention if it alleviated the burden on the US for fighting ISIS." However Russia who will avoid Islamisation of its own country has brutally put down constant Islamic uprisings in Chechnya, but wants to defend President Assad.
Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri and Irans leader Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei claim they are the true Islam, which of course is disputed between countless groups, but who will prove they are by killing each other and Christians in the Middle East and in the west. (attacks on Denmark, Tunisia's beaches and Charlie Hebdo, as well as rapes and individual attacks and declaring Sharia law no go zones, which aim to extend over entire towns and cities are not enough) Some of these attacks have occurred in Greece and its economy is already overstretched.
The war has two narratives 1. Basher Assad is very unpopular. 2. Basher Assad is very popular. No 2 is less reported upon. Yet the changes which are coming to the Fertile Crescent will be fast, but they are nothing to do, or are everything to do (as is suggested in blogs and articles) with 'Shevit' (the Shemmitah) which is happening but which is simply the biblical agrarian and agricultural land and financial laws of which Jubilee is a part and has been for three thousand years regardless of the financial system around it. It applies only to Israel (although the definition of 'Israel' is a Judeo- Christian concept of who is Israel) and they are good laws if adopted by all. They recognise that men and woman will eventually make a mess of things in land or debt or finance. Then every 7 years a correction is made by all (the 50th year of Jubilee began 23.09.2015) so that life (the most important aspect) and families can go on farming and trading. This aspect is missing in the West's economic philosophy. To join it you must become Israel and this is a part of the two olive trees mystery. Under the Shemmitah Greek Jewish families from Thessaly (named after Theseus some suggest) especially could also be 'Israel'. Combined with the Greek financial situation this could be a real headache for Mrs Merkel and the debt problem. Many Greeks of Jewish descent who were also polarised between left and right, suffered in world war 2, and were also taken to Auschwitz and other camps, and this also occurred when the Italian Jewish brigades and Jewish brigades in other countries were branded as rouge brigades by the UK. ( up until the blockades to the temporary 'Palestine' were lifted by the UK, the term was used to distinguish it from the Ottoman empire) From 1942 – 1943 the situation of the second world war, already underway for four years in Europe turned even more sinister.
Adolf Hitler wanted to have a safe efficient railway to the Middle East and to Baku and Iraq, but Turkey and the Turkish Nazi brigades and units played a double game suggesting that the railway could be built, but insinuating that the railway could also be sabotaged (by Turkey itself ) and made many new demands of Germany for the prospect of the railway. With the USA in the war and the prospects for a Jewish homeland in view, the Turkish Nazis(increasingly influential since 1942/1943 , whose beliefs relied on secrecy and deception by a minority over a majority) were instrumental in fermenting and planning the Holocaust. The Berlin to Baghdad railway was only completed in 1940, although it began before world war 1. In 1915 Turkey instigated a holocaust on 1.5 million Armenians and in WW2 a holocaust occurred against the Jews. contrast this with 1933, and Germany (under Hitler) and other countries made a transfer agreement to send Jewish families to Israel which continued up until 1941. Haifa in Israel was largely settled by German Templers in 1868, who modernized the city and developed it, it was a German colony, and the Templers were not just motivated by commodities. Kaiser Wilhelm 2nd met Theodore Herzl in Jerusalem in 1898. This analysis in central to understanding the current war in the Middle east today and belief and idealogy.
The Holocaust occurred almost 43 years later. Antisemitism in Israel and surrounding today in children as indoctrination by Islam is present just as it was in WW2, or for over 3 thousand years. Propaganda & an invented history (r.e. Palestine) forcing Denial when Turkey (Islams history and repeated genocide) is the perpetrator of genocide, combined with mockery as political denial in Iran (of the Holocaust) still occur daily. Invasions of Greece by Islam have occurred over the past 1600 years. Many Jewish populations under Christianity (many were not) were forced into low paid work and poverty in order to survive, and from this position they rebelled, (revolution) further since the identity of the Messiah was in dispute Jews and Christians differed, widening the economic divisions into deeper revolution (see later in these paragraphs) Today Syria denies the holocaust as does Iran and Turkey and making an Islamic Caliphate is Syria's aim with or without Christians having a say in it. Christianity is not compatible with Islam, and Planned Genocide is a quasi - spiritual pursuit or crime which against the Jews extends back to the Old Testament era. Western pre-christian beliefs did not waste time in planning long drawn out executions. The Vikings for instance invaded and slaughtered anyone who stood in their way, and planning drawn out meticulous campaigns over years was not their preferred method (Christians slaughtered over the last 4 or 5 years could have benefited from a safe zone, or an enlarged Greater Israel) .
in August 1939, Stalin made a pact with Hitler called the Molotov - Ribbontrop pact (Joachim von Ribbentrop ) and promised to rid the Russian state of the Jews. Stalin had already sanctioned a separate area named as the 'Russian Zion' in 1934 (i.e. the Jewish Autonomous Oblast in eastern Russia) and he relocated many thousands of Jewish families there. AAfter Stalin was dead Khrushchev let them return to Israel.(see later a few paragraphs down) The area was designed and set aside so that its experiment could ascertain if Judaism could be changed to a socialist version of the religion ?
Persian states when they were pre-islamic, planned the extermination of the Jews and Israel since the time of King David and Saul 3000 years ago. The long Greek - Persian wars have also continued into the modern era. In World war 2 the mixture of Nazi ideology and Islam produced an abberation unknown in previous Jihads. It had very little to do with the ancient Volk beliefs of Northern Europe. In 1941 Germany and Hitler signed the Turco-German Non-Aggression Pact (Turkish Nazis in the German army IN WW2 or in Turkey today) The lost tribes of Israel in Europe and the assimilation of Jewish people into Germany in the 1930's combined with Islam in later years, produced a confused and twisted ideology called the final solution or the Holocaust. Just as many Jewish Russian nationalsfought and died against Germany under Stalin, many German Jewish nationals (in WW1 & WW2) fought and diedagainst Russia for Germany. Assimilation meant they fought against each other and died. This last point is relevant in the dispute of who was controlling certain activities of the war. From 1930 to 1942, 500,000 Jewish nationals served and fought in WW2 for Stalin, and 150,000 Jewish nationals served in the German army for Hitler. Russia conscripted up to 34 million men in WW2, Germany up to 20 Million men. Out of 54 million men combined, 650,000 were Jewish.The fact that they fought each other and were killed, means a change in policy from 1941/2 moving towards the Holocaust also involved other ideologies which wanted to prevent the creation and re-birth of Israel in 1945 and into 1967. It was known before the war this could occur. Poland suffered massacres under the soviets (22,000 Polish officers and other prisoners in the Katyn forest and other locations in 1940) and Russia may have Gulags and concentration camps still in existence today which require liberation, dating back to WW2 or earlier. Stalin's secular Judaism and Jewish assimilation into Germany, combined with Turkish Nazi parties Islamic beliefs did not as is evident, ultimately change or prevent Israels creation, which internally is also a question between Judah and Israel (the lost scattered tribes) and the unification (the two olive trees and Ephraim) of those covenants and prophecies, and a secular atheist Israel. Turning anti-semitism into a holocaust was a decision the Nazis took, (see paragraphs below) but they had also assisted Jewish families in the transfer agreement to Israel.
The Holocaust was called the Final solution as without Jews who are either christian or who practice Judaism, Israel (it was thought) could not be reborn. Israels return was planned for many many decades from Britain to the USA, and there was a continuous Jewish presence in Israel from AD 70 to the present day.Transferring Jews to Israel who hated Communism was a priority for Germany, whilst in Russia allowing Jews who were Communist to transfer to Israel after Stalin was dead was a priority for the soviets. Replacement theology also only recognizes Israel as situated in the middle east, as opposed to other views which see it as the worldwide church. which replaces Israel entirely.This is also a debate as to whether Rome is a Bishop seat in that view, or is the head of the church in that view. As events unfold the question becomes clearer, but is not in any case detrimental to both opinions, as theGreek orthodox church (for instance) could insist, that it is the head of the church, or another named bishop seat named in the New Testament. Rome today helped in the rebirth of Israel in 1945, 1967, (as it did in the middle ages) a position Vatican 2 seemed to usher in. The Holy Land is in Israel not Russia or Rome or elsewhere. There is a growing awareness of Israel in theology in the Roman Catholic church, with the Jesuits and especially the Franciscans. These theological and ideological divisions still exits today, and secular Judaism seems an impossible aspiration to many who practice Judaism, and Rabbi's and Cabalists (who pursue the full knowledge) also today connect something new to occur around and in Jerusalem. The Judeo - Christian tradition has internal questions but Islam does not recognize the Covenants of Israel to exist or Judeo - Christianity.
Those differences in ideologies were not as threatening as the Islamic ideology. Islam believes a '13th Imam' will return, but since Mecca is not in Jerusalem this theory is convoluted if trying to connect its existence to Jerusalem.The direct link between the Muslim extermination of the Armenians and the Jews is here ( or here "Nazis, Turks Connected in Their Respective Holocausts" ) Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was a 'Nazi' did more to influence the Holocaust from 1940/1941 than anyone else. Turkey, the former Ottoman empire before Israels rebirth in 1945, played Germany and Britain against each other and used techniques perfected in the Armenian genocide IN WW1 in the Holocaust in Germany in WW2. Islam in plotting extermination has continued with this weapon since 650 ad, (hence it is primarily a revolutionary organisation only) but current views of Islam deepened (into a renewed religious apocalyptic destruction, which includes war with Europe and the USA and Greece as we have witnessed in the middle east via ISIL / Islamic state of the Levant) and became prominent in 1502. and remains today (quote from the article below)
" Khomeini's speeches and writings invoked a panoply of Judenhass motifs, including orthodox interpretations of sacralized Muslim texts, and the Shi'ite conception of najis, ritual uncleanliness. More ominously, Khomeini's rhetoric blurred the distinction between Jews and Israelis, reiterated paranoid conspiracy theories about Jews (both within Iran, and beyond), and endorsed the annihilation of the Jewish state "
These views were instrumental to the Holocaust. Anti-antisemitism in Judeo - Christianity fails to recognize the Jewish roots of (ironically) Judeo-Christianity, although its theology is also shaped by these verses in Genesis 9, 27. Israel now not only exists but is likely to expand its area into its full size. ISIL (Islamic state of the Levant)
Israel and President Netanyahu and the Holocaust. Israel has now (22.10.2015) formally recognised the Islamic movement as the ideological catalyst in the Jewish Holocaust (which has ancient enmities from the Akkadian Assyrian empire Iraq / Iran / Syria. After Alexander the great the whole of the Levant came to be called Syria) and which, as a perpetrator has remained hidden, in the same way the suppressed Armenian Genocide against 1.5 million (1915 - 1923) Christians, was suppressed for 100 years. (see sonas Chapter 2 and Greek elections 20.09.2015)
Adolf Hitler wanted access to the Middle East through Turkey and into Iraq and despite the Jewish refugee transfer agreement with Germany the Holocaust followed. It is clear and according to Benjamin Netanyahu and in agreement with Frau Angela Merkel, Adolf Hitler wanted to deport the Jewish populations to the New Israel (in waiting) but the Muslims wanted other solutions, (The Holocaust) which had deeper theological reasons that just hatred. This Genocidal plan was kept from the majority of the German population who brutally went to war, but to fight openly. Many were sent overseas to Israel, but many were sent to the camps (in Russia or Germany) No one denies anti-semitism (or anti - Japath-ism) but the theological misconceptions have not been helped by the translation difficulties of Torah and the New Testament. That is a a long story. As can be seen in Sonas chapter 5, Russian Gulags / Concentration camps were in operation from 1918 and through WW2, and contained German Communist and Nationalists. Germany's camps contained a multitude of nations. The Holocaust was murder and it had deeper purposes. It is not an absolution of the Holacaust but the opposite. Turkey and Iran played both sides in the War to achieve their aims. Muslims ideaologically and theocratically believe that keeping Jews away from Jerusalem will stop their Messiah, Europeans do not. This has a precedence in 1541 and forward to today (see the sealing of the Golden Gate) Islam still today states Israel does not have the right to exist as individual people or as a nation (in 1942 or 2015)
Greece which protected the West over centuries, bolstering Europe suffered under Germany's occupation, and Turkish Nazis offered advice on that occupation and the rounding up of Jewish families in Greece. Greece remains the founder of western democratic ideals. Today its financial crisis threatens the West and if Austerity is not reducing its debt, then the ideology behind it, is not for Western benefit. Russia is not a communist socialist country but a corrupt national socialist state capitalist country as is China, hence the need to analyse fiscal policy to determine a political parties ideology rather than its public manifesto position. Most political parties on the left encourage debt policies. War is bad if the west seeks it, but good if the east seeks it, and that is shown as a fact, especially in the last 6 weeks (since 29.09.2015) see also the adjoining website NNJand chapter 3)
The Middle East is a war zone between an Islamic state or a Greater Israel and between secular, liberal and faith inclusive states, and a real full scale war will come unless compliance occurs. (Americas war with Islam and the Muslim brotherhood, extends back to the 1750,s and John Quincy Adams) In the Middle east, it is of course impossible to try to run business or normal life during this, but the situation is not normal or new over the past two thousand years (for further information seeSayyid Qutb and also the adjacent website chapter 3 and the Marxist indoctrination of Islam, which first exploded in Algeria, into a civil war self inflicted genocide. When neighbour killed neighbour and/or even father against son, stating only they as individuals or a group were the true Islam multiplied by 20 million opinions or more in a never ending revolution). Russia and the USA will make those changes, either by war with each other or as allies. Many groups over ten years ago (which many on the left ignored) made efforts in the west to change the fate of the Syrians, but Syria is unusual in world history. The changes will occur with either mass slaughter or by agreement, which is part of the war that is coming to the Middle East to Muslims, Christians and Jewish populations without agreement on the expansion of Israel. Other stories which are left out of the media concern the conversions of thousands of Muslims and Jewish people to 'Christianity '(or rather to the Messiah / Mashiach as opposed to just a religion) over the last two years in the Middle East and the numbers are rising, it is unusual considering what is occurring.
Pope Francis will soon be meeting with the Greek Government and Alexis Tsipras
Pope Francis was in Cuba when the Greek election was held on 20.09.2015 and has congratulated Syriza, and he met with Fidel Castro. Warning on the dangers of ideology (from either left and right) clearly the timing of the message to Greece was to encourage the Jesuit theology of 'Liberation Theology' (but do not be too Marxist or Capitalist in doing so) Alexis Tsipras (a Communist Atheist, who for Ideological reasons will not marry in the Church or at all, but who also feels it is also necessary to reach out to the Greek Orthodox church) has said Pope Francis is the Pope of the poor Yet is this message or avenue of thought by Mr (and Mrs Peristera Batziana...Betty) Tsipras that he will not marry unless the Church (any Church) gets its act together in helping the poor, or is it a entrenched ideological position, in which the agenda is to destroy the church and marriage (as is admitted by some activists) Alternatively as atheists are they just honest and see it as a contradiction that if you do not believe in God, then why are you getting married in a Church. This is a ridiculous scenario, compounded further by suing a Church. Many gay people said they just wanted a marriage license not a religious argument, but then the aim legally is to sue a church in court ? instead of finding one that will. Churches that want to opt out should be left alone. (Kim Davies voted Democrat but she may change now) Why would the Greek orthodox church agree to any of this. Theology and philosophy has shaped Greece, and it has had many wars and invasions. Just as Frau Angela Merkel has said Multiculturalism has failed in Germany, in reality it fails everywhere as a 'system' as opposed to a discovery which is not then forced.
'Multiple cultures' homogenized into one is not a cultural experiment but a scientific economic experiment, it has nothing to do with different cultures getting along or living together, but the breaking down of ancient history, knowledge and tribal collective consciousness. Multiculturalism now means something else. It is of course not to spread diversity but to eliminate diversity (on every continent). Diversity is then also under threat from 'transhumanism' which is why transgender hysteria is pushed into the media and not because they have no rights, as they more rights than other groups. When will there be a global Heterosexual pride day with families and children ? 6.99 Billion people need one to protect their rights. This does not exclude other 'pride' days, as Equal rights but with no rights equally is what is happening. The Human Geno experiments which are growing more bizarre every day, including the artificial womb, egg and sperm experiments which under 'diversity' if successful will demand human rights and equality etc (over Human's, gay or straight) This is Eugenics and the base of planned parenthood used by the Nazis but invented and employed without restraint by the Left.
Homogenised people, i.e. The genetic engineering of children by 'parents' or private companies who own and patent the genes, three parent DNA cells, stem cell harvesting from aborted fetus, trans-human experiments, sterilization, the human genome experiments, surrogacy, anonymous adoption, child trafficking and slavery, the removal of 'bad genes' in the embryo as defined by eugenicists with a continuing definition of the 'bad gene' which will accumulate growing more controversial with each definition. Modern alchemy of the trans-humanist religion also known as 'directed trans-humanism'. Social & Economic Darwinism and Secular Humanism. It equates to no privacy for individuals or families to be a family from those who supposedly know better. (People and nature have been capable of populating the planet on their own for thousands of years) Many in this industry do fit the criteria of the academic 'pointy-headed' nerds with an obsession for other peoples privacy, and the worst of them have an obsession to remove the natural and to re-design people, animals and food. Yet the origins and diversity of all life are up for sale. Playing God without God. GMO seeds the ultimate weapon against Humanity. Why allow one company to own the rights to all the worlds seed stock. GMO seeds are sold through their unproven benefits, but why would Germany (successful farmers and ecological organic food specialists with high levels of renewable clean energy) ban GMO seeds ? following Scotland's example who have also banned Genetically Modified Organism's.
Allowing one company to own the rights to them alone is a form fascism and ultimately bad business. People made to fit the economic system rather than the other way around is a form of eugenics's and economic & social Darwinism. Eugenics was predicated on Darwinism, which denies there is only one Human race, and there is only one Human race, and therefore racism as an ideology is dead. (see below in red) This subject appears in later chapters on this page in chapter 4 and 5 Countries with economic problems should solve them at home, and forced mass migration should be abolished as nationals resident in their own countries need work and 'aid' first. Modern migration is modern slavery posing as refugees, depending on the whim of the trafficker who can class anyone as a refugee and pocket the 'aid'. The EU Council via Donald Tusk and Anegla Merkel the president of Germany has also called for the EU to secure its external borders (15.10.2015) The violence in Israel means they may do the same.
The notion that Anthropologists who are interested in the history of Northern Europe/Scandinavia and Europe (who are interested in every culture) and the Middle East are racist is also ridiculous as is the apologetics surrounding it. Students of the world can study every tribe and nation on earth, combining it with ancient history to understand the fascinating world we live in. They are still finding lost tribes in the Amazon.(although they wish to stay lost and they think we are the lost ) Yet as soon as any European (Scandinavian, Saxon, Celt, Balkan or Russ) starts to study and enjoy and understand their own indigenous history it is then (only then, as it is acceptable to study the rest of the earth as anthropology) they are then classed as Racists ? (even if they are unaware) This is ambiguous and relies on conditioning. Western culture is then allowed to malaise, stagnate and be forgotten, and is suffering its own population loss (as a modern from of genocide)
The outrage expressed against the aborted fetus industry and planned parenthood which is basically a house of horrors nightmare disguised as health services and science, is defining politically policy and is an election issue for the vast majority of voters in the USA. (e.g. Donald Trump, & on Planned parenthood defunding & Ted Cruz ) Why ? because the mad scientists are now employed in health services as an integral part of health as planned parenthood. Defunding it does not defund health services everyone needs. Genocidal maniacs who in 2015 (alone) have carried out nearly 900,000 abortions. just in the USA. It is not integral to health services to have these ideologies (see para above) defining healthcare. Ever since the democrats broke their election promises in 2008 in the Emergency Economic Stabilization act 2008 and the subsequent debt raising bills which trebled the national debt despite promising to bring it to Zero, the advance of affordable care promises have also vanished. In Europe and Greece, Emergency services and hospitals have almost collapsed (in some countries) due to the debt repayment problems.
In America, Eugenics has been challenged by Dr Ben Carson (American Presidential election candidate) The science behind Eugenics is a fairy- tale and some recent scientific discoveries reveal a different story.(see the red paragraphs just below, and see also chapter 4 on this page r.e. Ethiopia under the heading Tibet and Nepal) Controlling populations and breaking down ancient history is Marxism and is applied to any nation, including Europe, Ethiopia, (Africa) Tibet and Nepal for political gain.
The Nation of Islam (USA) also supports this credo. (Eugenics) Malcolm X was rescued by the Nation of Islam (which advocated armed resistance and the right to bear arms as protected under the American constitution), yet he later left because of its racism in 1964 having joined in 1950 / 1952. (Muhammad Ali criticised him for this but later changed his view as of course 'Dialectical materialism' has been employed by African states against other African states and within all continents ) Islam maintains this doctrine even in the "moderate" Muslims and Islam as a whole maintains this religious doctrine for all its members against its "sub members" . With 1.5 Billion people it is estimated that 20 % only are Jihadists, but this means between 6 and 40 million people (depending on which assessment is used) are in active Jihad (war by violent means) with 400 million actively supporting it. Mainstream American politics and Al Sharpton also support CAIR the Nation of Islam school drive, which has recently seen its leaders arrested for the sexual abuse of 'foreign' (which is also a form of Jihad) children and this has also become a campaign feature of Dr Ben Carson. CAIRS tax exempt status has been revoked amidst calls for CAIRS leaders to be deported. Speaking to Megyn Kelly Ben Carson (both have also criticized Saudi Arabia for funding the Nation of Islam) explained why he shares Al Sharpton's views.(next paragraph) The grand Mufti of Saud called for the burning of all Middle East churches. Saudi Arabia deports its criminals and migrant workers and up to 1 million in one go and 350,000 in another. Norway does the same This is what Donald Trump proposes but from America, what is the difference ? Hillary clinton has also criticised Mexico because it is has strict laws on immigration as many countries do worldwide as normal (but who are not in the us election debate) and why ? should Greece accept immigration. ? (when during its elections it was becoming apparent the perpetrators of the immigration scam were administrators and elected officials/politicians (even in the EU) who had accepted bribes.
Why therefore do the Gulf States refuse to take 2 million refugee's which would also prevent Jihad and terrorist attacks in the west. The Petro - Dollar system is not decreasing and will not but the wealth which has been accumulated cannot be used against the west. Dr Carson explained why he accepted Al Sharpton's invitation who is supporting The Nation of Islam. No lengths are spared to achieve the overall aim, one of which is to create Chrislam ? a union of so called Christianity and Islam, which the Greek orthodox church has condemned for 1500 hundred years. Both of course are incompatible. This is not Racism but just the opposite (since especially there is only one human race) but facing truthfully the current worldwide economic trafficking and mass immigration scam, in which 30 US governors have refused to take anymore refugees Since most other countries including Mexico have very strict immigration laws (severe) why is the reverse criticised in the USA ? A brief history of Malcolm X is given in chapter 5 further down this page above the heading Russian Soviet Gulags.
Today the real story of the 'Human geno' experiment is the real (but less publicised) DNA discoveries. What does this have to do with Alexis Tsipras and Greece ?. The Greek philosophers (and philosophers in India) were the first to really record their thoughts on the 'micro' or the nature of matter. (Actually the Egyptians knew that micro particles existed and the Atom i.e the Aten/ Amun as Amun Ra etc) First (Hellenic bias aside) was Empedocles 490 bc (who lived on the Greek isle of Sicily as it was then) and Leucippus (440 BC) who lived in Eastern Greece (Ionia, see the Ionian league ). They deduced atoms were divisible or each part of matter was divisible. The stoic philosophers were also instrumental in determining divisibility and cause and effect which meant God (to them) was also deterministic, distant and remote (if God existed) i.e. pantheism.
Today 140 years after Darwin it is now understood that DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) is required to make Proteins, and you require DNA to make RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) and you need RNA to also then make proteins ! (and carbo-hydrates) hence the circular origin of life and the chain of coding and matter cannot have appeared from nothing on its own from the 'primordial swamp' (a name invented by a Greek philosopher) and evolved into living cells. Which came first ? DNA if incomplete in its code (like a computer code) fails to produce whole and completed lifeforms or species, and if you alter the code slightly in its early formation, it dies, hence it cannot mutate into a new species naturally or at all. DNA is not divisible creating sustained natural life, and Charles Darwin admitted he did not know where the first cell originated (no branch of science or theology can agree on this problem) The early Greek philosophers would have included all the facts in the debate, but today that inclusive exploration does not occur.
When you combine the information above with that of Dr Francis Crick (winner of the Noble Peace Prize for discovering the double helix Structure of DNA, the human blue print within each cell) and his associate Leslie Orgel who both actually claimed that 'spontaneous generation' of these cells did not occur by chance, both of these admissions / discoveries have removed Darwinism from accepted Science. The co-existent search for the 'Lost Atlantis' as the beginning of our origins also centers on Greece (the area of Atlantis in some theories) and this theme is also hinted at in the film named at the end of this paragraph (by Luc Besson, the Big Blue, or Grande Blue) Greece is responsible for so much in western culture. These questions considered by the Pope, the Protestant church and all the major religions have origins in Greece, and the philosophy re-appears as ideology.
The Science which is distinguished and irrefutable is ignored as the implications are threatening to ideology but not to society.
Evolution which admits it is assuming events is still taught despite being proven false. School curriculums are not given the choice on this issue. It underpins Eugenics. It is worth repeating several times that there is only one Human race and not several species of Humans as is still taught today ?
On the dangers of ideology (a concern of Pope Francis in discussions with Fidel Castro) Greeks and wider are asking if communism is pro austerity, bailouts and quantitative easing ? and Pope Francis was asked after the Cuba trip (although different occasions merit different conversations) why capitalism is condemned and not communism also. Pope Francis is misquoted continually, (but not misunderstood ) Liberation theology, which the Jesuits see as fundamental to the Gospel, has different interpretations in the Greek Orthodox Church in its theology which also does not recognise Islam in Russia.
Alexis Tsipras sees a divided Greece as a problem and this is correct, but he has indeed reached out to many divided factions including the Greek Orthodox Church. Whilst the Greek orthodox church has reasons for splitting with the Roman Catholic church ? can they be healed or repaired by political reasons alone ? The Byzantine Empire bore the brunt of Islamic imperialism (which invaded the West first with beheadings, rapes and murder in the name of a revolutionary Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad) The Greek orthodox church split with the Church of Rome as it believes Christ is the head of the Church and not a Pope or Archbishops, it is a Church in a sense which is less hierarchical similar to many Protestant churches. A Pope who believes Christ is the head of the Church should defer to that belief. Today Vladimir Putin is sympathetic to the (Russian or Greek) Orthodox Church. This difference in belief stretched back to the New Testament and stretches geographically to the Ukraine and Russia along lines that divide and which are still present today. Stalin of course famously asked how many legions does the Pope have, in the 1930's.
And the Pope has called for the world to recognise the Armenian Genocide in 1915 – 1923 (and others including over a thousand years) committed by Turkey and Islam. In 1915 the First World War raged and the genocide had not gone unnoticed in Germany and Britain. General Allenby marched into Jerusalem in 1917. Stalin took over Russia after killing Lenin from 1924 fwd, and Stalin had already been instrumental in the brutal invasion of Georgia in 1921. Like Che Guevara in later years Stalin rebelled against Lenins 'New Economic Policy' , but in 1928 the rapid industrialisation and collective farming took Stalin further away from the NEP ( a long way away) into state capitalism, further away away from all Marxist views. Guevara not only noticed the economic divergence's but also the faults in the NEP and also Stalin's economic plans. Stalin had also silenced all opposition, and to increase production in the grain crisis 'shock brigades' were sent to force the peasants to work and the peasants who had land remaining were forced to hand it over to the 'communist party'. A peasant's resistance was formed against the communist party, and it was formed to prevent famine and economic hardship. Stalin reacted by closing the churches and many were burned, the arrest of Priests followed. These areas included Latvia, Kazakhstan, Siberia, & Ukraine (see the Holodomor) Between the Armenian genocide and Stalins madness, (up to 90 million people died) the west promised to reverse the blight, and this includes all of the west including Germany. Germany promised to invade the East (after the broken Stalin – Hitler pact) and de-collectivise the land Stalin had stolen and return it to the peasants.
In Greece the Communist party or the Socialist labour party of Greece was formed in 1918 (one year after the Russian revolution) and they had of course witnessed the role of Trotsky in trying to destroy trade unions, also Lenin's death by Stalin's hands, and also Stalin's madness and agrarian land reforms and the mass famine. These 'land reforms' were copied by Pol Pot and Chairman Mao (following world war 2) Mao surpassed Stalin with over 140 million people killed.
When Stalin's policies were viewed worldwide as mad, the disillusionment of many on the left also effected the Greek KKE (communist party), many (around 400) went to fight in the Spanish civil war, which has been described as ideologically hostile to religion (any faith or spiritual belief was banned in China under Mao and still is) during the period of the Republic from 1931 to 1939. Aside from atrocities committed on all sides, the infamous and devastating bombing of Guernica in which 850 people died on 26.04.1937 also coincided with the period of Stalin's 'great purge' (1937 – 1939) in which 1, million 600,000 people were executed by Stalin's orders. 700,000 of these were shot at a rate of 1000 per day.(This is fascism)
in August 1939, made a pact with Hitler called the Molotov - Ribbontrop pact (Joachim von Ribbentrop ) and promised to rid the Russian state of the Jews. Stalin had already sanctioned a separate area named as the 'Russian Zion' in 1934 (i.e. the Jewish Autonomous Oblast in eastern Russia) and he relocated many thousands of Jewish families there. By 1939 and after Stalins 'great purges' (genocides) many of the Jewish leaders had been killed or sent to Siberia. Judaism as an experiment was (an attempt and experiment) changed to a socialist version of the faith and Jewish persecution was instigated.This is the same as trying to destroy it without force. Stalin admitted that the experiment was to see if Jewish people could forget Zion by producing a communist Judaism. Perhaps if it worked they would not want to settle in the Middle East, and forget about God and generally stop making politics and economics awkward for the powers that be. However when Stalin was dead, and under Kruskchev even Jewish atheists could not wait to get to Israel. God or not it was warmer, and Stalinist Shabbat may have been uninspiring. This experiment goes to the center of Israel today, as Israel is not like other nations, and Judaism without God is not the Torah upon which it rests. Antisemitism had been a policy in Russia and Germany since 1919, although the NSDAP national socialist party (formed IN 1918/1919) was formed at the same time as some Communist parties, and many Communist party members began life in the NSDAP, which had christian and Pagan members. Many of its members in Germany and other countries were in favour of Jewish freedom and autonomy. After WW2 many Jewish families were allowed to migrate to the newly created Israel. In 1953 Stalin again persecuted the Jews accusing them of trying to dethrone him and destroy Russia, although Stalin had been planning to deport all of Russia's Jews.
Anti-religious fervor and Stalin's paranoia meant all groups were persecuted, despite his son and daughter marrying Jewish people (although one previous Jewish boyfriend of his daughters was sent to the gulags) Trotsky who was Jewish was hated by Stalin (and Stalin eventually had him killed) and after Stalin's death the Soviet Union viewed pro- American activity with suspicion and this included Jewish groups who of course had family in the USA. One theory of Christianity in Europe and the Middle East centers on replacement theology theory. Unable to untangle the mystery, antisemitism was aimed at those who did not follow the Messiah (Jesus Christ in the Greek, or Yeshua Ben Joseph or Jesse / Ben David in Hebrew) or those who still awaited the real future Messiah. Since almost all the disciples of Jesus/Yeshua were Jewish and most of the early Christians or Messianic Nazarene's were Jewish, the argument is circular, and continues today as many Christians are Jewish. Forced poverty creates revolution and a lack of understanding the replacement theology issues deepened the divide. Future prophecies however also dictate the future establishment of Israel (post the year 30 ad) and the Temple. (Jewish from Judah and Israel as the ten tribes with the Levites = 12 ) To suggest that this topic was not discussed in Germany, USA, Britain and Russia from 1850 until 1945 even within the NSDAP is ridiculous.
Hitler did not believe in the "Hebrew God" he said, and he was not a Christian. One aspect of Germanic / Scandinavian belief is "Yggdrasil " The tree of life which is a belief taken from Israel or Eden (which was formed before it) Germanic Scandinavian belief thought of it as an Ash tree which was guarded by a Dragon and an Eagle and Stags. Known as the World tree upon which odin the "all father" or "Fuhrer" sacrifices himself. This sacrifice was only to himself and not for others as such and Odin lived through the ordeal. Odin or Woden appears in the Scandinavian Norse King lists and was a real person. The theological debate occurred within Germany between Christian and Jewish people, both in the Old Testament and New Testament style. Greek debaters 2000 years ago being the recipients of the Greek biblical texts (and the bible exists in Aramaic and Hebrew as a first text) is at least deeper without the angst, on the issues. Despite the Holocaust and the Soviet experiments, Israel exists regardless.
This Greek text was eventually translated into many other languages. Prior to the 3rd century bc, the bible was only available in Hebrew and Aramaic (until the Septuagint) This limited the knowledge of Jewish thought with Greek thought throughout Europe for many centuries, and gave rise to superstitions and false teaching on events in Jerusalem. Without Alexander the Great and Greek travelers, philosophers and thinkers (Hellenism) the west would have developed slowly. Incredibly Greece knew of the 'Jewish God' without knowing before the biblical texts or apostles arrived. In Spain the biblical (in its early years, was a recent historical document) text was only available in Spanish from 1569 (like most of Europe it was not widely available in different languages) and the finer details of the Jewish faith in the New Testament was lost on wider Europe for many centuries.
Spain had suffered in the inquisitions and in later centuries as today very large landowners who kept rents high (which eventually destroys the land/soil, when middle area rents improve yield and quality) , or kept people from the land fermented revolution. Stalin however was not interested in revolution or the poor or landless, but genocide, (against landowners and peasants) and in the 'great purges' when 1000 people (landowners or peasants) were shot per day,owning mass cemeteries, or living as a peasant was a stark choice.
Guernica is especially remembered in the Spanish civil war, however there are those who remember both events, and there are those who purposely chose only to remember Guernica. Guernica was bombed by the Luftwafe known as the 'Wehrmacht' who served in Spain with the Italian legionary air force and General Franco. The list of military equipment lost during the Spanish civil war shows many different factions and also includes many Russian war ships sunk or captured around Spain. Ships that were not captured include the Russian ship 'the Campeche' and the 'Komsomol' which delivered Stalins arms here (Cartagena) (in South west Spain) The armaments delivered were not small rifle loads but included, planes,(800) & hundreds of thousands of grenades, machine guns, tanks, ammunition, submarines and bombs. Just like the proposed invasion of Finland in 1939-40 by soviet forces who assembled a larger force that that of D.DAY in 1944. Finland resisted and won this war against tremendous odds. The armaments to Spain from Stalin began in October 1936, and Guernica (North West Spain) was bombed in April 1937. The Comintern and International Brigades were trained by the soviet military who trained the Spanish Republican forces and many of whom had served in the great purge. Arms distribution over a period of 6 to 8 months would have reached all of Spain, but Guernica was mainly chosen as the Basques country had held out against Madrid.
Just as many Jewish families were rounded up when Greece was occupied and sent to Auschwitz (and other camps; Auschwitz first exterminations took place in September 1941, but increased from 1942 to 1944), they were rounded up all over Europe. This persecution also extended to South America (1930 - 1948) and Argentina. Expelled from Spain in the 16th century Jewish families had already settled other countries. World War 2 also followed the same history. South America also followed with many Jewish families moving to Argentina, but who have also suffered persecution in Argentina and wider. In 1994 the Jewish community center in Argentinian (Buenos Aires )was bombed killing 85 people and wounding 200. The Czech Republic ( Czechoslovakia ) fought Germany in WW2 in a long brutal war, but also suffered in a coup de taut, instigated by the Communist party in 1948, having suffered for decades under the Soviet system, Czechoslovakia (Czech Republic & Slovakia) made a revolution in 1968 which was again brutally crushed by the soviet system. Today as Jewish families return to Israel, the Czech Republic supports its aims in the middle east.
This continues until today, whether it is left or right politicians which are elected in the Basque country who fight for independent recognition for a Basque nation from Spain. The 'Pact of San Sebastian in' 1931 united Republicans and Conservatives in Spain, who held elections to form the second Spanish republic. Those election gains were overturned in 1934 (after many Roman Catholic churches were burned and land was taken) when the nationalists won a sweeping election victory. Today Pope Francis has commented that Catalan may break way from Spain and added to those concerns recently following Syriza's election victory. No one thinks Portugal as a connected but separate country (to the Spanish mainland) is unusual however ? Europe as the EU has been a success, and policies for breaking up the EU are twofold. 1. Policies which seem to originate in Russia or policies which generally make no sense. The 'Lefts' political stance on breaking up the EU is clear (but who do not support the break up of China or Russia etc) 2. The EU (as every country does) own internal mistakes which are not corrected democratically. Switzerland has four referendums a year which could benefit each EU state, and its member states and of course non EU countries. The Catalan Nationalists of the Catalan population have just reached a 'Yes' for separation from Spain (poll 27.09.2015) but a further vote inclusive of the whole of Spain may be required constitutionally. Switzerland's four referendums every year are enacted inclusive of the whole country and this is agreed constitutionally. Catalan has voted on the separation issue before in September 2014, and they voted Yes to secede (leave) at that time also. Refusal by Spain to grant Catalan Independence could lead to civil war, but greater autonomy at least is granted for Catalan now. What is the difference between Switzerland and Spain ?
Catalan in Spain (Dec 2015) is poised to leave Spain and set up as an independent Country. Many are asking if they will also leave the EU or will they be forced too, and if so will they take their share of the Spanish national debt with them or cancel it. This is also a question Britain in the Brexit (and Greece ) ask.
The peasants in Russia made a revolution, then the land was taken away and given to the party, this was extended to any land left or remaining in countries which had been taken over by Russia, or Russian towns that were on the periphery. There was no re-distribution of the land and famine and mass murder followed, this was repeated under Pol Pot and Chairman Mao. The Spanish civil war was described as a rehearsal for world war two, but it did not include the last acts of the land grabs, slaughter and misery that followed. This history has a pertinent effect on the September 2015 Greek election results and the next election results in Greece, as of course austerity has not been defeated and Greek land is being taken by private or state means today. Losing the land twice in land laws.
The Greek Generals who seized power during the Greek Junta period (1967 – 1974) bombarded the airwaves with western music, films and rock music, but suspended civil rights and initiated torture on suspects after 8000 people were arrested and up to 3000 tortured. Greece and the islands were placed in state of paranoia. The Greek communists and nationalists are keenly aware of it, yet by Stalin's standards or others, however distasteful does not compare. The Greek generals should have called an immediate election (to be held after 3 months or so) supported by King Constantine. Behind the scenes at this time Turkey (backed by Russia who needed access to the Mediterranean and for oil and gas) were aiming at just more than the invasion of Cyprus (which eventually occurred in 1974) but also the wider Greek Island's and even onto the mainland. This is also left out of the discussions of the era in Europe, and they had begun the projected coup by planting those ready for the Turkish takeover within Greek society. Turkeys and Russia's plans which eventually only took place on Cyprus in 1974, still threatens other islands (for the oil and gas) Today many Russians just go for the beach, but the Germans always get there first. The Trojan war had its first origins in the Ionian sea. Ideology in Greece because of its traditions and aspirations becomes polarised (unable or unwilling to decide between left and right) and this also occurred in its civil war period from 1946 to 1949. Polarising ideology could be the best ambition for Greece. Turkey in the past has threatened to invade the rest of Cyprus which would then have to attack Britain which has a base there. Would Britain and Russia go to war ? as Russia has already fired upon a Dutch civilian airplane and flown into other countries airspace. Greece could still leave the EU which is currently expanding and so could Britain. Today it is the USA which is facing martial law and fascism from its own government. There are similarities today in Greece with the period in 1967 – 1974 which averted a takeover of Greece by foreign nationals
The Soviets had already crushed Hungary and its democratic uprising 10 years earlier and occupied it for decades. The barbarity of the occupation of Romania until 1956 and the post soviet system set up by Nicolae Ceaușescu produced a North Korea type situation in Romania. Once Ceaușescu fled, the terror (severe isolation and neglect) revealed was staggering to the west. The context of the 1950's and 1960's for Greece, effects it decisions today.(see further chapter 5 and 6 below) Polarised between the Soviets and Germany the 'EU' was born out of such deadlock and to offer a new way forward.
Some political analyst's (who suggest if it is good for one ideology, it is good for the other and left and right are united on many issues in Greece) have seen the timing of the Pope's visit to Cuba and Syriza's election as a clear proposal that Greece could take back Lesbos Island, re-instate Cyprus to its full size by invading the north with the Greek Cypriots, and move onto to other Islands near the Turkish coast and maybe even the Turkish mainland The new Greek defense minister has indicated something along these lines. Austerity seeks to reduce debt and improve prosperity The liberation of these lands would have the same effect and barring immigration would also eliminate high debt levels which is the aim of the IMF. If it is good enough for Fidel Castro and Che Guevara to invade an Island then why not Greece, surely is it their turn ? (Alex Tsipras family experienced land transfer from Turkey to Greece in 1923 and they did not return to Turkey, the collapse of the Ottoman empire beginning with the convention of Constantinople in 1881, was Greek influenced) Ultimately Islam is not compatible (and produces an extreme aberration / fascism) with Judaism, Christianity or European or Euro/Indo European beliefs and history.
Ideology plays an important part in war, the loss of Sovereignty occurring in Tibet and Nepal (June to September 2015) with a change in the constitution, along with racial genocide and the imperial aims of the Maoists who will shape the new secular constitution, (note Tibet is not on the map in the last link) although the Hindu input will seek to protect spiritual aims. In Tibet (Tibet is included in this map) the countries leader the Dalai Lama is excluded and violence rules, this is Maoism and Communism, and in effect Tibet is cut off (see chapter 4 for the brutal history and MARO . Considering Tibet's exclusion from the map in the secular constitution map above, should MARO now intervene to prevent atrocities in both countries. Has John Kerry sacrificed Tibet for ideological reasons and abandoned them ? or has the prospect of trade with China meant John Kerry and MARO have been told to be silent on Tibet.
Greece has fought the longest in the austerity campaigns and is in severe poverty in many areas, it needs Western aid not as charity but as recognition for its place in world history. Russia has stood by during this period but has offered Greece credit against future purchases of oil and gas in the Russian Gazprom supply. Greece now has a cheaper Cypriot gas supply. Poverty in Greece has been acute, however Greece's new energy deals and its potential for renewable energy and food provision is immense. Not just in the mainland but the islands also. Greece business have also suffered in the downturn, but even when times are well, the question arises does socialism simply take away business, which business men have built up and does communism simply take land away from those who have worked it. The economic debate defines political elections. Conservatives would say liberals act like a protection racket, whilst socialists state that consumer prices must be met by a living wage. Conservatives who ask for a wage increase (even if they are self employed or a MD) are they then a liberal communist or a conservative.
Stalin forced workers into slavery and famine, to increase production as a form state capitalism in the extreme. Conservatives who pay cheap wages and cut costs producing cheap products of poor quality in bulk, whilst the remaining consumer prices are high are still state capitalists. Russia avoided total melt down by making prices cheap in line with its uniform subsistence wages. (a frozen statist economy) This is all socialism and Statism (as the communist party had a hierarchy) and not conservatism. Highly paid, highly skilled work in which many workers are also self employed with high wages is conservatism. Craft guilds (which exist still on the older conservative model) who offer apprenticeships with skilled well paid work producing valued products is 'conservative'. Today business cannot pay decent wages or else they really will go out of business, but that is a statist model, but retaining that model has produced nearly $19 Trillion dollars of national debt (USA) and it is artificial. People prefer not to know this and have been indoctrinated that this model is conservative, although every small business man probably / definitely is a conservative. President Jackson was conservative for instance. Small business's the world over should be a part of the solution and allow fair wages without inflation, and business which pay higher wages for a better product will stand the test of time. Poor products & low wages is a race to the bottom for a nation. Poverty ferments revolution not stability. Free enterprise is not a formula, and producing prosperity which allows workers to set up their own business is a model which is the ideal, but inflation and borrowing undermines economies, affecting the worker and business to unsustainable levels. Wages used to go a lot further than they do today hence margins today are tighter and almost impossible to meet. Workers are paid by a standards of a previous business model but the pay does not meet standard of living & prices and the system fails. A circular argument but one which is eased by low oil prices and low inflation (for lowered debt in the petro dollar) in internal national markets, whilst still trading oil for profit.
Greece is not the oldest democracy for nothing and you could argue that the uncanny similar recent Greek election results are unusual. Or you could argue that the Greek people have rallied together with past experiences in mind for their sake of their families and country. To cite an interesting example once In Greece, on a remote Greek Island, there was a long election board some years ago (which temporarily obscured the sea by the roadside) with nine posters of Greek people's face's (men and woman). The middle poster was a man smiling, happy and enjoying the day, the other eight, four either side of the middle were sad and looking miserable, but ironic and comical. Further down the long road, (I was travelling in a jeep) there was a Taverna with folk music, and I asked the Lady who served the delicious food and Lemonade who the people were in the posters. She said they are the election candidates. I asked her; did the man in the middle poster win ? and she said yes, but the election is in three weeks time.
Poverty is also relative; the Spartans taught children how to be strong. In the film 'Grande Blue' or the Big blue' ( or the Big Blue 1 or Big Blue 2 the search for Atlantis or an older civilisation under the sea, now lost) the first ten minutes & 30 seconds or so, (which is also in Greek & English, although the opening scenes do not matter) is primarily an economic fable (set partly in Greece in 1965) Both of the films main characters in the setting are real and they both wrote part of the script setting it in Greece exploring aspects of the Lost Atlantis (new and old). (Jacques Mayol who is American and French & Enzo Molinari who is Italian) Growing up on an Island the young Jacques, and/or any child could imagine they own the Island and the entire ocean. This opening section (10 minutes 30 seconds) has the young Jacques Mayol who is asked to split a coin but refuses, and is next asked by the Greek Orthodox Priest to dive into the sea for another coin and to remember (if he could reach it) that it is only for the poor.
Earlier in this essay on the Greek election results (and Greece debated democracy and economic democracy thousands of years ago and is still doing so) the 'Shevit' (i.e. the Shemmitah) was mentioned and to repeat Shevit the Shemmitah (which is happening but which is simply the biblical agrarian and agricultural land and financial laws of which Jubilee is a part and has been for three thousand years regardless of the financial system around it. It applies only to Israel (although the definition of 'Israel' is a Judeo- Christian concept of who is Israel) and they are good laws if adopted by all. They recognise that men and woman will eventually make a mess of things in land or debt or finance. Then every 7 years a correction is made by all (the 50th year of Jubilee began 23.09.2015) so that life (the most important aspect) and families can go on farming and trading. This aspect is missing in the West's economic philosophy)
If this was combined with German economics, (both are simple but brilliant) which includes its ecological association (see chapter 3 below) both would produce a new system which would be hard to emulate and would provide considerably stability and expansion in world economics. It would of course be unique.
Greece's economics woes need an economic miracle, and it feels the problems are not all its own making. Elections are not changing matters or hastening a solution. The stability of the west (which would include analysis of fiscal theories and debt accumulation) and its economies are deliberately undermined by many on the Left to increase debt and undermine nationalism, without benefit to the poor or the workers ? On the right 'free enterprise' has become a euphemism to often destroy manufacturing and exports, minimizing imports, workers and their wages which meet or exceed prices, when in fact Adam Smith the father of Capitalism would have encouraged these benefits to society. (affordable living requires less borrowing which makes wages affordable) This is how you make a nation or country great.The majority of the left encourage this type of destruction, and China's stock-markets adventures are hardly classic Engels and Marx)
The other Greek philosophy or ideology inherited from the Spartans, and evident throughout the last ten years and which has a successful history is Molon Labe ( ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ)
For further information on these subjects above see the PDF in chapter 1 entitled The Eu, Rome and Israel.
Much of this page aims to look at solutions no matter how difficult or politically (not economically) unacceptable. Fiscal ideas, charities, ending slavery and trafficking, increasing child protection and considering the real causes of mass migration. Energy solutions from Oil, Gas to Renewable energy are also considered as is the need to take control of banking investment solutions and begin investment in business, employment and an increased quality of life with dignity for people. The last points are also usually missing from many world politically prosperity plans. The performance of previous/current ideologies can also be analysed.
There is no reason why the West cannot prosper and go full ahead with its financial system, those who previously have suffered because of a lack of consideration (for those who at the bottom of the system, which the neglect of, ultimately caused the whole to collapse) will find these websites helpful when/if history repeats itself.
In the end, the Left sold out Greece
(this entire segment began in 2014 / 2015 above under the heading The Ukraine & Greece (July 2015)
Greece has also discovered that EU or national referendums are not liked in the EU if the vote goes against them. (as also in Ireland twice in the past) Greece voted in 5.7.2015 to reject a bailout, but despite that vote coasting home for NO, it was ignored by the left wing government who introduced the referendum. Today Greeks rue that betrayal.
The Greek referendum of 2015. The current situation in Greece for the people is as it stood on 5.7.2015 when the Greek people in 2015 voted NO by 61.5% to proposals for a new bailout in Greece.
61.5 % of the people voted to reject the new Troika bailout agreement and its attached terms. The left having campaigned for years against Austerity i.e. Alexis Tsipras and Syriza and Yanis Varoufakis (finance minister) & et al. Various unconvincing excuses later, they ignored that vote (having campaigned for it and then sold out Greece.
Following the Greek Election of 7.7.2019 ‘New Democracy’ won the election with 40% of the vote. The previous incumbent Syriza were swept aside as New Democracy gained 158 seats (out of 300 obtaining the 50 bonus seats) Many of the far right parties (see last post above) also voted for the centre right New Democracy and they were encouraged to do so as New Democracy promised massive immigration reform and reduce the ‘migration’ fraud (trafficking, bribery and United Nations protocols ) in favour of Greek’s or simply put Greek people who live in Greece and their families. A description of every nation’s responsibilities. Since the left failed and now if the parliament fails it will be the turn of the far right in Greece who may gain over 55% of the vote (soon or in 4 years) New Democracy have also promised to drastically reduce taxation, create (or move towards 100% employment) new business and jobs and reduce the overbearing and unnatural debt levels which includes the national debt, the derivatives bubble (last article; Warren Buffet as the world Derivative debt bubble hits $1 quadrillion = $1000 Trillion in 2018 and now a lot more) and future unfunded commitments which are shared with all the EU nations far beyond the derivates debt bubble (unfunded commitments can plan ahead 50 years) and which amount to untold €Quad- Trillions. No nation can reform its economy when irresponsible derivative products are allowed to ruin stability. In the USA, the derivatives bubble is over $500 Trillion dollars whilst the US national debt is $22 trillion)
It is this aspect of the world’s economy i.e. global derivatives in the Quadrillions combined with the (now) $244 Trillion (Jan 2019) global debt bubble (IMF estimation and which is owed by everyone on the planet) which is the real cause of the instability in the global markets and world economies ( especially at fiscal / tax levels) not the USA trade war with China.
Chapter 3
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As the US presidential elections in November / December 2016 draw to a close, World Energy Concerns are central to the worlds finances and security. The world energy council is debating those issues. In many areas the debate is proving unpopular not just with Oil companies but also with the general population. One area in Germany and Europe ( along with Sweden, Austria, Switzerland and others) has set up alternative energy systems, and has been energy security minded, and has also employed the preservation of nature and society philosophy since the middle ages, with or without a hole in the ozone layer (and we previously had Global cooling before Global warming) In Biberach in Germany at the Kompetenz Zentrum Holzbau & Ausbau they take their technical expertise seriously and put it into action. The area strives for 100 % employment, no homelessness and enjoys organic food and locally grown produce including a variety of home made beers.
Indiana Governor Mike Pence (chosen as Donald Trumps running mate) has seen Indiana's jobs growth rise (more than other states into December 2016) by his own methods and the area in Biberach could boost those efforts and they have a technical center to (see last link in the previous paragarph) to advise. Wages are higher than most areas and the food and quality of life are very good. It is a beautiful area not far from the Celtic fort called the Heunenberg which is an ancient site in Germany and Europe's history very close to Switzerland. (You can learn more on this area in the adjacent website and the end of chapter 2 and the four pictures which begin "At the beginning of this chapter, it is mentioned that the Mounds of the Ukraine are very similar to those of Ireland, Britain, Scotland and Wales" as a guide) Aside from the wood and timber technology which is very advanced (and timber planting involves replacing all trees cut for timber framed housing staggered over 3 to 5 to 10 and 20 years and so on. A variety of trees are grown all over Germany for the past 300 years) and includes all edible fruits and berries and nuts including within the towns as far as possible. Wild flowers are allowed to grow in the town also reducing spaying and pollutants. Many ancient societies believed a wealth of a nation resided in its forests. As a technology center, it has the same attitude as Israel which also has high technological advances. Britain has also endeavored to undertake energy reforms with many towns and cities in the financial crash forming new councils as limited companies or co-ops to organise a recovery and bring employment into those towns, considering all energy types. The financing initiatives of the region are ingenious.
You can stay at the technical center to explore the area and taste the food and produce to see what benefits their approach brings. Wolfgang and Anna can take bookings even if you are a climate skeptic.
The tradition of Wood construction and timber engineering is very old and has continued through the middle ages into barn building (or here ) and up to today but they are now highly insulated and technologically advanced. The tradition is not not maintained for nostalgia reasons but for economic and energy necessity and wood / timber constructions obviously can last for hundreds of years. Stave Church in Norway (in the last links) is 15th century and there are older wooden constructions worldwide which have survived intact. The apprenticeships they offer in construction and timber technology could be brought back for all trades and technologies.
Prices are kept low in the area and wages higher which increases incomes without inflation pressures. The 'Grael' of economics, attempted through all economic conditions and which still allows a market to flourish and then export the excess. Exports are kept competitive as a result of pricing controls. It is something to aim towards naturally. In the USA Libertarians debate these questions. Germany has of course produced corporations which are the best in the world and the local economic approach, which is not the usual in the EU has aided the competitiveness of those homegrown businesses and not restricted them many would claim. They export worldwide of course.
The technical center has apprenticeships which last for 3 or 4 years. When their time is served the apprentice becomes a "journeyman" ( Wanderjahre / Zimmerman) leaving (and not to return) for 3 years to improve his skills as a tradesman. Young people today want apprenticeships in any area a trade exists in whatever modern context. In Germany and other countries work is found in the older medieval houses which require traditional skills and techniques as they were employed in the medieval period. Pictures of houses are well known but here they are for example. There are many areas which require work in industry. Even the older medieval houses can be converted to 'passive house' houses (which are very low energy) and passive houses and constructions are employed by the American army in the USA and worldwide (they are used in the Antarctic and in the deserts and employ he same 'heat exchange ventilation system' for both types of climate and can be used in global warming science or global cooling science scenarios) They study all subjects including planning, modern construction systems, refurbishment, all timber products, energy and building physics, ventilation systems and design buildings which allow domestic users (homes and business) to obtain an income from energy produced at home or in the business workplace. Excess energy is fed into storage combined with CHP (combined heat and power and variants such as CCHP and co and tri generation and micro generation) units to feed other areas of need also. All energy sources are employed across Germany. Donald Trumps grandparents were from Kallstadt in Germany which is in the neighboring state to Baden Wuttenberg, about 180 miles away from Biberach (which has an American football team and a Schutzenfest)
This system has been in place for hundreds of years since the medieval period and people chose it and just got on with it producing a successful economy from local people (localism) who work and export outside of Germany. It is not just housing design but a conservative organised, free way of life which sustains economies.
The rest of this chapter discusses energy policy and the real advantage of renewable energy and fossil energy amidst world energy security.
Community Interest Companies(or variants upon it) and the funding idea.
(December 2015) An idea in the making is a Charity company for social needs to fill a funding gap. It is not "free" to fund such projects and the idea is conservative in origin and also employs traditional funding models. The ideal business structure for this will be a Community Interest Company, (as one option and which is a conservative idea) which is half a business and half a charity. This would assist many private and social projects. (see also Many countries have introduced legislation to enable such companies to begin, whilst others are slow to make those changes and the idea has been used in every country on earth by all shades of political party (new applications will be made from December 2015 see also the end of chapter 3 above)
This funding model (which is not "free") is derided by those who do not understand economics could work with standard bank debt, mezzanine finance, equity and EIIS, venture capital and bonds. The last method "bonds" especially since the Paris Climate summit in December 2015 could also be funded with very low interest free credit and/or complete interest free credit. This last point is derided yet 196 countries have signed up to bonds which will fund development on very low interest free credit. If it is low interest or free interest, the money still has to be repaid hence it is only the interest that is "free" or to cover seigniorage costs. In the past it has also been employed by every nation on earth including America (before 1870) and it is not a socialist idea but a return to conservative economics. This is explained as follows; (by Dr Matthias Kroll who studied political economics, sociology and law at the Hamburg University for Economics and Politics)
Energy from renewable sources and power on the EU integrated Supergrid
With the advance of the green economy and the increasingly ingenious technology to allow its existence (alternative power) the political difficulties make the advance of clean (and cheaper) power sources onerous. The debate centres around the need to establish whether of not 'Global warming' is actually happening as presented. This short presentation is not going to enter that debate which centres around the Oil and alternative energy industries and the relentless debate draining the energy of all concerned (no pun intended).
Whilst energy savings projected in the future can also pay for long term project management and services management, a trust fund can also assist dramatically in this area. Oil imports and energy imports reduced, increases Governments funds to also pay for new ecobuilds (to high eco standards) and aim for 100% employment nationally and fund and subsidise retrofitting energy savings (not major reconstruction) without borrowing, although borrowing still continues for new housing purchases. As oil and gas imports reduce, the national government energy bill Is spare and is used to fund energy savings devices and technology and fund new housing estates and smart grid systems. Systems which then allow homeowners and business to sell their own energy (they have produced) back into the grid, and/or store excess for export further funding government funds for new services and schemes for energy independence (especially as war escalates)
In September 2014 hundreds of thousands of people demonstrated for climate change. It was also announced that the Rockefellers were changing their charitable trust from fossil fuel investment to clean energy. Many suggest fracking should be replaced by longer term renewable energy breakthroughs. The United Nations meeting on 23/09/2014 also suggested that finance for green jobs and training for banks in risk assessment on green technology was paramount.
Connected to that debate is the planning and ownership of the planning system nationally and internationally to enable changes to be realised. In America it is often stated that they do not need the United Nations to oversee any policy or planning changes or to achieve a new green economy. Since the UN is overseeing the Environmental Protection Agencies in every country and the EPA is helping CO2 targets to be realised nationally, (NAP's or National Allocation Plans, which in the EU are centralised by the new Union registry, the EPA reports straight to them) This in turn is allowing Carbon trading platforms to secure a solid base on which to determine the price of carbon, and in turn a carbon tax, if the UN did not oversee these operations it is claimed nothing would change nationally. Many would say that is fine by them and let the whole system collapse.
Even without the UN or CO2 however communities in the USA and worldwide are concerned about the growing levels of pollution in water, and the ownership of seeds and agriculture by GMO and Monsanto, the unnourishing effect weak foods (with a lack of protein and minerals from forced growth) have on human metabolism and health. Concerns continue with polluted air, polluted soils from pesticides and heavy metals and plastics and waste, again all flowing into the water table and agricultural soils. Livestock are also polluted within their very flesh and are being consumed pollution and all. These concerns exist whether or not Global Warming from CO2 emissions occur.
Carbon emissions in any case do not just cover CO2 but are extended to cover Petrochemicals, ammonia and aluminium's and are also included in carbon dioxide emissions, with nitrous oxides from acids such as nitric, adipic and glyoxylic acid. Heavy metals exist naturally (arsenic, cadmium, iron, lead, chromium, zinc, nickel and mercury) in many soils but new evidence suggests the amounts (especially of lead and arsenic which when weak foods do not produce enough calcium and magnesium in the body, lead and arsenic increase proportionally in the body) are increasing and new additional pollutants are increasing overall pollution. This in turn is supporting Monsanto's claim to produce new tougher (privatised) seeds and crops. (They have been banned in nearly every country worldwide) Yet Monsanto helped to bring those pollutants to bear on soils, water and crops to begin with. (DDT or dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, DDT does not occur naturally and is a mixture of Chloral and Chlorobenzene, when mixed with Sulphuric Acid which acts as a catalyst) GMO's can never supply the body or livestock or humans with the correct fuel balance and can lead to the body breaking down. Livestock with 'stronger' digestive systems are being bred to cope with the new Genetically Modified Foods (GMO) ?
These problems which are acute but if remedied will change the way fertiliser (slurry) in agriculture is applied and then replaced with natural fertilisers, in turn purifying the water table, removing heavy metal pollutants, strengthening soil (also it should be possible to tackle the fluoride issue eradicating the unnecessary amounts of current Fluoride in water which is banned throughout Europe) strengthening the food we eat and the amounts of food we eat, and of course this can be managed with or without faith or a lack of faith in global warming. It will also purify the air and upper atmosphere. Farmers should be subsidised to change over or be encouraged to change and not penalised. Many farmers journey down to the wholesalers and buy what is available on a cost analysis basis and go with it, if a choice of fertilisers was made available, slightly cheaper there would be a change in land pollution within a year (or two years if the land is left fallow. Food production pressures have destroyed the healing regenerative nature of leaving the land fallow for one year so this is an added problem) Agrarian land laws (like the codifying of the Brehon laws by Cormac Mac Airt in Ireland, which existed in antiquity over thousand of years)
Ancient systems of land tenure and monetary systems are considered out of date or insufficient for modern requirements. Without understanding the Agrarian laws (the Brehon laws had similar designs) which were interchangeable with Shmita or Shemittah & the Sabbatical year, (the appointed times) you can never understand fiance and economics or attain true long term wealth (as a nation) Without understanding how the land needs to recover naturally, then no amount of artificial pesticides can do the work of nature (the Agrarian laws are very ancient but also very modern in practice) However since this knowledge is no longer known or employed other methods are placed first.
To achieve any lasting benefit the question also becomes one of Land Ownership. LULUCF or Land use, land use change and forestry is a UN policy to encourage bio-diversity required for eco-systems (which includes you) to survive. LULUCF is highly influenced by the IPCC the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and landscape and Environmental Land Planning are umbrella terms for climate change mitigation (mitigation or abate or adaption). Carbon disclosure projects, business and biodiversity offsetting, green accounting and biodiversity banking allow green bonds to be invested in Environmental Land Planning. Therefore with mitigation credits any proposed development which may negatively effect the environment can be exchanged with developers so that they plan a positive change of land use into their plans to protect the environment. A perpetual easement can then be placed (via the land deeds so to speak) into the land to maintain it as a protected site. This protects biodiversity whilst still allowing environmentally friendly development (buildings and industry).
It is this and other actions under the umbrella of the United Nations which some maintain is tantamount to a land grab and in some opinions a real problem of the system. Of course any legal easement and land protection has to be monitored/supervised and checked, (and they are not in some other opinions) this is backed by (in the EU) legal directives or treaties to establish a legal framework to allow this to happen. People are polluters (the polluter pays principle) and it may be easier to simply designate land as protected and take people off the land to protect the land. These are complaints of stakeholders and indigenous people worldwide.
Hiram Ulysses S Grant the 18th president of the USA and a Republican (who opposed General Robert E Lee of the Southern Confederacy) eventually split the Republican party and later in the economic crisis of 1873/4 the Southern Conservatives regained control.
Ulysses S Grant other initiatives included the setting up of Yellowstone National Park via congress in 1872. Was this a land grab ? of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho ? which the park is placed within.
Yosemite National Park was donated to the state of California by the Federal Government. Yellowstone is considered to be the first national park in the world. What if the southern Confederacy had initiated Yellowstone and banned the United Nations form owning any part of it, whilst protecting the wildlife and population and providing an area children to visit for eternity. (Camping, Biodiversity, the Buffalo nearly became extinct, prepper training, orienteering, fishing, navigating the stars and geomantic pursuits and barn dances as part of a parks ethos and purpose) Without the designation of national park would Yogi Bear have survived to become "smarter that the average bear" .The US Army monitored the place from 1917 onwards when it became the National Park Service signed by Woodrow Wilson, who pleased with this decision regretted other banking acts. In 1966 the National park Service (after 90 or 50 years depending on your view of when it really became feasible and not controlled by the few in Government) the public were encouraged to holiday and roam and holiday (the right to roam) around the protected park. Ironically without any pieces of paper or legalities the Native Americans suggest that's what they would have done anyway (since they owned some of the land) All combined parks became the National Parks System and it is designated a national treasure and they generate profit and hundreds of thousands of Jobs.
Americans have combined ideas and ironically in many instances have followed the direction of President Jackson on independence and economics and have desired to take this ethos of freedom to the rest of the world with or without the special relationship. (with, is the option it has chosen and will continue to do so) Israel is itself advancing science and ecological living to new standards. It is impossible to have clean and healthy food and land, air and water without consideration to the economic realities nationally. Ideas which are gaining traction around the world. Many states are aiming for a zero debt policy or removing existing debts, collectively this impacts on the national debt. This method does not prevent or hinder banking to commercial or international concerns. Republicans have led the way in previous centuries.
As a caveat the Environmental Land Planning ethos is also in place to prevent land developers breaking up land into smaller parcels. 'Development' acts as debit (so to speak) and to develop they have to purchase credits and design and build to (and these standards are increasing every year) protect and blend into the environment. Yet many projects were purchased through this system and the land was purchased and sold for the natural resources, in effect it was exploited and then environmental destruction occurred defeating its original purpose.This did not occur in Yesomite or Yellowstone !
Further many in the US feel that the new Agenda 21 initiative when applied into Urban (or rural) communities simply becomes another real estate company of unelected people parachuted in to acquire land and develop it as they wish in 10, 20 or 30 year contracts. The people who are parachuted in disagree, they state they will develop to Environmentally friendly standards, to Environmental land Planning legislation. This would include compliance with ESG (Environmental Social Governance) which grew from Socially Responsible Investing (SRI). Therefore with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) top down combined with ELP planning bottom upwards both ends of the spectrum meet (in theory)
Another problem area is the value of these credits and debits were miscalculated in what is a fledgling market, this problem also arose with CO2 Carbon Credit trading platforms such as the EU …EU/ETS carbon trading platform (why did this occur ? we shall see a remedy further on in this text) The Californian carbon trading platform has stabilised to a greater degree but as measurement of CO2 (PUE, CUE, ERE & WUE) becomes more sophisticated and accurate CO2 targets are going to increase.
The Carbon Tax and its ultimate aim and natural outcome if followed to its natural conclusion would be to reduce carbon emissions to Zero. This in turn would then result in a Zero carbon tax bill for national governments, and in turn retail and wholesale taxes domestically would turn to Zero or be miniscule. The logic is to build new Zero emitting buildings which would not only reduce the fuel bill of households and business to next to nothing but also negate any further carbon taxes. Eventually the NAPS / National Allocation Plans (and NREAP's) would recommend targets which are reduced and the price of carbon will plummet when traded on the trading platforms. To reach that stage the current targets of Zero emissions and 20/20 20/30 and 20/50 CO2 targets would have to be exceeded in order to start reducing targets, carbon taxes and the price of carbon traded on the stock exchange.
Countries who have nationalised their energy industries and who use their profits to fund green renewable energy are in the best position. Norway is one such country, (which owns its own Oil) whilst Britain now regrets using the funds for other ventures. The ownership of Oil is likely to be a pertinent topic in the Scottish independence referendum.
The arguments have stretched out over many decades and continue, yet the increasing cost of energy (some data centres for instance use more energy than some cities) and the risk of War (Ukraine and Middle east and Indo China etc) mean that individual countries and the EU superstate are at risk from War and energy blackmail.
For those who are interested a Survey is available to undertake (below) and the results will be analysed, for those unfamiliar with the subject matter one question asks;
7. A) Do you feel auto-production (or auto-generation) / micro generation projects for renewable energy could help supply the National Grid (domestic and across the EU) in a more cost efficient way providing stability to energy supply and demand concerns.(this also may include Wave power in the future, as well as Biomass as micro CHP Combined Heat Power, Anaerobic digestion CHP, Solar, Photovoltaic and hybrids, Wind and Micro Hydro or all or some or all collectively as combined hybrid energy sources)
B) Do you believe National Grid Parity can be achieved i.e when an alternative energy source can generate electricity at a levelized cost (LCoE) that is less than or equal to the price of purchasing power from the electricity grid.
8. Do you feel domestic household/homeowners (or individuals) excess generation of energy could harness extra renewable energy for the National Grid and reduce imports of energy (see recast European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive Directive 2010/31/EU)
9. Do you feel domestic household/homeowners excess generation of energy could harness extra renewable energy and reduce imported energy, and also be purchased by the National Grid to be exported and sold for profit abroad.
With such questions they ultimately lead us to consider Power Usage Efficiency (PUE) and Carbon Usage Efficiency (CUE) ERE (Energy Re-use Efficiency)and WUE (Water Use Efficiency ) or whole business energy monitoring and accounting.
To take this survey whether you are a business, authority or a domestic home please feel free. Survey Link or it here again entitled
Energy management and energy policy measures that will support delivery of secure, sustainable and economic power to industry and agriculture and homes using renewable energy.
The way forward for the Green renewable industry is to change legislation (and in many countries this has already occurred) to allow domestic households the opportunity to sell power back into the grid (and technology can achieve this today). In Ireland NESC (National economic Research Council) has recommended this initiative. Urban households may suggest that it is more difficult for them to achieve this possibility, but city planning in many cities has meant Combined heat and power community schemes (CHP) have supplied power to apartments and estates and if they are very efficient energy buildings such as Passive House designs, which have now been applied to Skyscrapers as well as single individual dwellings with a national Smart Grid then collective energy costs can plummet and excess energy has been fed back into the grid (at a premium allowing energy grid companies and suppliers and exporters to make a profit also) supplying Zero energy bills and a small profit on top to households or communities. Urban micro farms are producing huge quantities of food and of course energy is urban garden farms are planned into planning systems.
In rural communities this is much easier to achieve (especially with Co-operatives) and even farm waste combined with Wave power, Biomass as micro CHP, Combined Heat Power, Anaerobic digestion CHP, Solar, Photovoltaic and hybrids, Wind and Micro Hydro etc.
Financing these projects brings many national benefits including reduced imported fuel bills which eventually could reach Zero and countries could become a national exporter of energy. In times of war a national increased renewable energy system will provide security and be risk averse. (Ireland's annual energy bill is between €6 to €7.5 Billion annually, and savings against this onerous cost could be made to offset a bonds cost to improve improvements and renewable infrastructure) or subsidise generous payments to people German villages are achieving 100% renewable energy and are competing with energy companies too supply power. This allows homeowners and business to sell excess energy back into the grid. (See you tube videos entitled Villages in Germany competing with energy companies for power & 100% Renewable Energy Regions: Germany Shows That it is Possible It of course takes planning and agreement and legal structures to make it possible (see also Island in Denmark produces more energy than it consumes & Smart Grid Denmark - the intelligent power grid of the future
. Many countries are achieving 40% up 80% renewable energy consumption and the EU Supergrid is opening up to allow this. Sweden, Switzerland, Germany and Austria are examples of this but of course they began their systems many years ago. (they also exceed the targets in the Renewable Energy Directive, and there is also a new Energy Efficiency Directive appearing in June 2014)
Offsetting the cost of producing these projects is a current banking/financing difficulty but a bond can and should be produced to enable the future development of such systems.
Ireland is one country mooting a Strategic Infrastructure Bank or Green bank which will (or could) also become a carbon clearing bank. A green funds investment market (such as the Dutch Green funds scheme) this extra to REFIT, ACA and the Energy Efficiency Scheme.
Germany has a state owned investment bank KFW, which funds SME's and start ups around the country, it offers bonds at very low rates and could in theory by one extra 0.1 percent preferably (with risk assurances and long term planning) supply Ireland with a very low interest rate bond. At 1 % + for Ireland 1.2 or 1.5 % and so on. Even these low rates could be offset against future energy savings.
This way companies and communities and a Green infrastructure bank could develop separately and combine to provide not just FDI investment but also ground up investment from let systems, credit unions and building societies. Green Mortgages already exist but mortgages which are underwritten and amortized with flexibility to be paid early or set against future energy costs at build stage are proving more difficult to invent. (as different parties wish to avoid risk and exposure, contractors, subcontractors, banks and underwriters) Yet this is what is preventing large scale ecological sound Job producing infrastructure development. This also applies to loans for business and especially ESCo's etc.
The debate stalls when it suggested that countries do not need to build up renewable systems, they can cope with small amounts of renewable energy or in any case it is not a viable enterprise. Yet in Ireland it was recently announced that it may return (it never has but it was mooted once before) to building Nuclear Power plants This shows even with national gas fields expected (possibly) to be on line in Ireland, that there is still a gap between current and future energy demands. And this is so worldwide. Nuclear energy is also considered to be green, yet they are very expensive to build and when you consider power all round as;
1. Power Usage Efficiency (PUE)
2. Carbon Usage Efficiency (CUE)
3. Energy Re-use Efficiency (ERE)
4. Water Use Efficiency (WUE)
or whole business energy monitoring and accounting then the Green Nuclear image (look at Japan and Fuckushima which is polluting Japan and Americas West Coast) looks less quantifiable.
Jobs, employment and higher wages
If single energy micro-generation (even as auto-production) and community micro-generation was available then domestic households extending all the way up to companies producing their own (on site ) renewable energy a network of interconnected renewable energy sources could provide the solution to the energy gap. This could be spread all over the company as broadband fibre will be. Renewable energy is cheaper for households and companies and it provides stability in case of wars and costs. Hence more companies are likely to settle in such countries. It also provides increased employment and targets can be met as is the current law of the EU for the future.
A criticism of the green industry is the expected Jobs are not appearing. Many see population reduction and a lack of industry in operation as a factor behind the need to cut CO2 emissions of Green House Gases. Yet if a carbon trading platform was in place and its natural conclusion was to reduce carbon to zero, then the more industries which appeared in start up and the more people which are employed in green industry then the more the carbon trading platform and mitigation credits (as mentioned earlier) could thrive, as a market cannot exist without areas of activity to expand within and circulate around. (like any currency system or debate, see chapter 2 above) The solution to saving the planet could be 100% employment on high wages.
Ireland has huge potential in the Renewable Energy Sector (wave, solar, wind CHP & oil and gas) An interesting idea regarding Renewable Energy initiatives and Conservation in buildings as well as contemporary constructions in the Green Growth of cities (OECD initiative) and the Green sustainable pedestrianised city is to renew the Heritage industry with Co-operatives (as one option) and manufacturing combined. With the demise of local democracy (and concerns that Local Agenda 21 implementer's are not elected). Fis Nua have passed motions to this effect and have submitted these principles to the Rio Earth Summit held in June 2012) increasing a legal contract Conservation plans or any community plan with elgal status (currently they are not a statutory obligation and as such have no legal imperative only a social one in effect) could assist both the technical and social needs of a community (one example) i.e. a Conservation Plan Next ask professionals if they agree and ascertain what impedes Irish planning and development , i.e. A Survey of Local Authority Professionals over the entire Island of Ireland. Finally with problems identified and planning irregularities corrected (such as applying EIA/EIS and protection orders, zoned areas and designations to areas (Threshold Exemptions) under 0.8 Hectares down to Zero area so that Heritage all over the Ireland can be presumed to be protected and not exempted development. Installations such as pylons and fracking rigs under 0.8 acres have to be debated and ancient archaeological sites can be protected even within an Archaeological Conservation Area which should not allow Threshold exemptions, the EIA directive is to be debated on 22.01.2014 in the EU) and move forward into Planning a Sustainable Green Energy Finance future Green planning then links up with other sectors and provides a platform which encourages development and public participation. A community interest company can also assist local development, they exist in other countries
The history Micahel Davitt is interesting and the Land League may make a reappearance. As mentioned above Environmental Land Planning ethos is also in place to prevent land developers breaking up land into smaller parcels Modern planning changes in Ireland and the need for development to a ecological observance means that people and communities may become disenfranchised from that planning process. Obviously in a recession the process seems even more remote and detached.Under local agenda 21 and the aurhus convention public participation (objections, modifications and implementation) would in my view be beneficial if public participation was increased. Due to planning anolomies in Ireland (thresholds and exempted development) public particpation may be usurped and the heavy financial cost of planning may add further hinderances.
Examining planning procedure in reality a new type of statutory conservation plan which can be a part of local area plans but in their own right they could become a vital tool for local communities. Below the level of a local area plan, the public have the choice of attending a public meeting (and they may succeed at this stage. They may increase contract prices and payments etc) or they can make Submissions to the proposed development, which can be ignored or just noted as received. If it is strategic development, the planners applciation can travel striaght to An Bord Pleanuea (Irelands planning appeals office) and be approved at this stage. To examine the application, the public would have to appeal in the high court, and as the Aurhus agreement does not fully apply, a court may decide that both sides have to share costs (thousands of euro) instead of a ecologically sound case not having to pay costs (in effect Ireland has introduced a half way Aurhus convention)
Currently there is no statutory right for conservation plans to be carried out. They can be completed if so desired. If they were made statutory then the obligation to carry them out can be chosen by a community, or ignored for later years or situations. They can include an audit of all real estate over many era (ancient heritage = tourism etc) and all aspects of work and planning oppurtunites. Once filed into the planning system they are not simply a submission but a legal document. They would be a blanket catch all for everyone in the community (a Bridgets cloak perhaps) Whether they do a in-depth plan or a tick box exercise to fulfill a future statutory requirement would then be up to that local community and obviously if they have a situation in the local community requiring analysis or a concern then a statutory conservation plan will be cheaper than direct appeals (in the future), they would address concerns and help preserve heritage and strenghten local communities rights. They can act as an audit for local communities and also then plan out a furture direction taking care of any thresholds or exempted development, environmental impact statement or environmental impact assessment problems. In my view planning from the ground up would blossom and have a legal right. A minister could make them a statutory requirement. Minsiters alone can control licensing decesions and a stautoroy conservation plan (or similar)To this end I wrote to ministers to ask if they could be made statutory. This would be easier than legally forcing a statutory designation for them. If this ideal situation existed then a further submission or submissions could correct or amend any difficulties as the planning proceeds. This was completed as part of the planning process.
Since the idea of making conservation plans a statutory community action plan (if a community decides to) instead Local Area Plans (which are broader than conservation plans and should be more detailed) have new statutory guidelines on how they should be prepared for inclusion in development plans, and as local communities have statutory rights, the planning process is streamlined and has less litigation (see page 2 in the Government draft guidelines on local development plans "Non statutory plans should therefore not be used as a basis for subsequent planning decisions" see link/document in list),30515,en.pdf whilst this provides planning strengthening this local philosophy eventually makes sustainable development a reality. Local planning can go forward to the top and conservation plans can be made the same if required.
An example of how this could work is in relation to microgeneration or autoproduction of renewable energy, as organinisng this on a community level would need a complete environmental audit through all departments of planning. (it effects them all in the end) Fot those who do not want to participate in UN based system electing members/faciliators to local agenda 21, and not everyone shares a negative opinion public complaince councils can also be sidestepped and planning can go forward.
The obect of this exercise which was also a planning excerise in operation can be seen at (to the right & pdfs) or on the fis nua candidates page.
The ultimate objective is to encourage development and energy independence and wealth for all whilst preserving a national identity. To speed up decesions and bring prosperity, locally and nationally. Like the Swiss, Swedes and Austrians they bring FDI and local prosperous (tourist heritage friendly) planning together further encouraging research and development at which Ireland excells.
'CSR Corporate Social Responsibility. (Corporate Conscience or Sustainable Responsible Business) applying ethics and temperance to profitable business is a difficult task and globalisation and market forces have to take account of their responsibility in these areas. It is an area of Socially Responsible Investing (SRI). Often these causes require development, development which can come under ESG or Environmental Social Governance which are of course funded by bonds and which could come under the 'Natural Capital' as opposed to industrial and stock market alone and be developed and lodged in areas of outstanding natural beauty under mitigation banking trusts as green bond development' In Rome 'Natural Capital' has a long tradition extending even before St Francis of Assisi (see also the film based upon his life Brother Sun Sister Moon) in the military or in civil society knew how to build for business and for social concerns.Early ideas perhaps could not have imagined the modern stockmarket, yet the goal of achieving clean air, earth water, soil involves a concerted effort which is achievable for all.
Long before words like climate change and sustainable were buzz words, the ideal type of country which could be a model for new planning was simply called 'Gods Country' However this does not mean a few people in a large expense of stunning unspoilt nature, but could also refer to more densely populated areas. (Urban areas can grow food everywhere also) To some the term also has a spiritual significance, but to those who use it most it also carries a belief that nature is abundant and will replenish itself. That debate continues, but even this view has to acknowledge that even in an abundant nature people are called to be stewards of the land. What difference did it make to those early prospector's whether they got rich on Oil/Gas or renewable energy? Would the Clampetts have still moved to Californi if they struck it rich on solar energy? It is unnoticed now but (and you can watch the video) they took their guns to Californi in the car without anyone noticing (nobody cared) or a fuss of any kind, that of course is their Constitutional right and it was enshrined in the constitution for a purpose. Now of course they could have Oil, Solar and other renewable energies for jobs and complete independence, the technology was not available then and energy companies are employing all energy ideas as a mater of national security and diversification in profits. Oil however is not running out. (see in part chapter four in the adjacent website reading between the lines under the heading 'Space, earth and the oceans and natural resources' and the small paragraph on oil in red) The truth of this question can be compared to its use by Norway and Britain. (Video made largely in Norway; entitled Norwegian Oil Fund v Westminster idiocy). This Oil fund is owned proportionally by everyone in Norway, so even though it is nationalized it is essentially private to Norway, that is a big difference. Norway nationalised its Oil & Gas, made a National trust fund with some of the proceeds to fund society (then worth £300 Billion in the video, now worth £1 Trillion which makes interest, and despite this vast wealth they also managed to control prices and their currency to avoid inflation by not overheating the economy.Too much currency and spending pushes up prices and inflation follows, except if the currency or a % of it is 'MO' which has helped keep prices and inflation stable for decades and even centuries) and sold it as usual on the open market. Britain turned it into bonds for mortgage development. Spending it as it arrived, without paying down debt. This meant its proceeds were used up in paying back loans and interest, and its larger population does not justify not following the Norwegian example as the fund rises exponentially above population increases. When or if it runs out, Norway has invested in renewable energy for energy independence, which America of course could also do which is the point of abundance in Gods country. Therefore Oil and Gas rich countries should operate clean policies because of course Oil and Gas people still want clean water and fish, air and earth. Both the Oil and gas industries are subsidised …so renewable's should not be ? of course both should get equal subsidies. Britain given the choice would have chosen this in a referendum. It is also incredible that throughout our history since the enlightenment some people like the Amish with a German (Swiss and Russian also) disdain (or rather Gelesenhelt and Ordnung) for modernising have accumulated land and wealth without any earthly advisors whatsoever. Israel is now entering a year long Agricultural Shabbat or Shemittah which allows the land to go fallow every seven years. (within this it was a custom in the west also to let one field in four to be 'fallow' every year letting it rest to in effect letting the soil be replenished by compost stubble above and creatures below, you could add natural fertilisers which are available today if Farmers were subsidised to use them in transferring the system over) naturally you store and save in the six years working years, which means hiring people to work is not required in the seventh. Debt forgiveness in the faith of getting back what you forgive 3 times over (an important point) is also a part of the Shabbat LaHashem tradition. Agricultural Agrarian common sense. Producing renewable energy from what is around you for power, for ordinary people to also sell into its own grid or parallel national grid and/or for export is an idea that does not belong to any ideology (Communism or capital Monopolism) but anyone can produce it whatever your view on Capital. Natural Capital seeks to encompass nature and corporations into sustainable development without stopping growth and prosperity. The logical conclusion of trading carbon credits is to eventually not need to as the world is a cleaner place, yet no system including carbon trading can work without 100% employment.
Just as Israel has its Agricultural Shabat or Shemittah, and the idea of public national parks were made available, many groups in the USA settled land and then refused to modernize or upgrade and left consumerism outside of its borders. The Amish and Mennonites (as mentioned) and the Puritans from Germany and Switzerland instigated land trusts for themselves leaving the land to themselves in perpetuity. They do not value guns to protect their lands although they would fight to protect them. People around them (not Amish or Mennonite) have the same values, and will protect their lands with guns and militia and that is their right enshrined in the constitution.
Many countries around the world including Germany and France have stated the wealth of a country is in its Forrest's and varied woodlands. To oppose their destruction in any country, but now against David Cameron intended destruction of Forrest's please sign the following petition 38 degrees Germany builds timber houses, which are grown, Forrest's managed and trees replaced. These trees are varied fruit and berry and nut Forrest's broad leaf and an entire eco system. Development still occurs trains are faster.
Take a few examples of how energy effects economies and politics;
Take Britain's low inflation which is (in effect) lowering prices and therefore increasing wages, and which has been forced down by the falling oil and gas prices. Saudi Arabia (OPEC) is punishing Russia for its support of Syria and Assad which has caused Russia's oil price to tumble (which shows how an artificially priced commodity can cause inflation / wage problems for decades) The Ukraine has its energy problems which can be solved. Inflation of cash to pay for oil in an economy is still 'secondary inflation' the first instance being the interest charged on the currency as 'inflation of first instance'. Inflation is not just the amount of money in circulation (as long as work and purchasing of assets / commodities is equal to the amount of money in circulation) but the amount of money which is equal to work and prices, and not the amount produced at interest. Therefore increasing 'MO' (interest free money category, see also next chapter) produces a stable society in which spending increases job creation. Oil and Gas (as Germany and Austria have shown) can be replaced by renewable energy which is not imported Money saved in this cheap Oil and Gas epoch can of course be re-invested by Government in new renewable energy schemes which in turn also reduce energy imports and save money for the public who could also produce energy on a small scale or in co-operatives and sell energy, making a profit instead of receiving large bills = improved quality of life. As government spends (any government) less on energy these savings can be re-invested. Cheap oil prices reduce the cost of everything and people notice he difference instantly and every pay day month. Objections from those who work in the Oil industry includes lay offs and job losses, but as Norway has shown (from beginning of this chapter) this repeated cycle (up down price cycles) do not have to keep re-occurring. A optimum oil price ( not an OPEC led artificial price, and oil subsidies already exist) with increased renewables means oil jobs can be saved and their wages (oil workers) will go further. Peak oil exploration prices are going to increase anyway with or without renewables, so energy companies should consider investment in all energy forms.Cheaper oil increases its volume in any case which creates jobs. which should be kept cheap.The current situation is preferred worldwide.Citing Norway as an example these considerations display a national concern with enterprise instead of individual enterprise alone. Fuel / energy independence/security is also a national issue for the greater good. Low inflation low prices and wages slightly above inflation is (in some areas) cited as German economics, although all countries employed its use, it is clearly useful.
Energy concerns for the future are accumulating. Efforts to destroy the Petro-dollar system are rumours which abound in the press. The latest concerns Russia. Russia has turned off gas supplies to Ukraine again in Jan 2015. Saudi (as mentioned above) first lowered the price (not the volume) of oil which deflated Russia's economy in retaliation for its backing of President Assad in Syria (countries affected by Russia's gas export ban) . "Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Romania, Croatia and Turkey all reported a halt in gas shipments from Russia through Ukraine") The current Gas war(s) between Russia and Ukraine are a recent example which will not destroy the petro –dollar system. The petro dollar system replaced the Bretton Woods system devised in 1944 and its system of money backed by Gold, ( a dollar could be redeemed in Gold) and when the US Gold reserves were haemorrhaging and flooding out of the country in August 1971, the Gold run had to be stopped. President Nixon achieved this by floating the Dollar as a stand alone currency, which then separated all the worlds currencies pegged to the dollar, becoming their own individual floating system i.e having no rigid or set value (previously the currencies derived their value by attaching itself to the dollar, itself valued by Oil)
The value of the separated currencies, once they separated from the dollar also came to be determined by gambling on their future value (rise and fall every day) across countries and stock markets, increasing volatility. Stockmarket share and stock dealing had existed for over a century, but dealing electronically across nations and continents was a new powerful system and currency speculation in 1971 became a new frenzied inflationary gamble. And it is this which has led to the astronomical black hole of hedge fund and derivative debts we currently face.
It is worth noting however that it would be possible to have a gold standard to value the dollar and a petro dollar and a internal "MO" currency all at the same time (i.e. to repeat 'MO' which already exists and which in turn bolsters the housing market in turn strengthening the 'fuel dollar') 'Growth' is not dependent on the 'petro dollar' alone. Growth means different things to different levels of society and 100% employment is growth to credit unions and small building societies. Investment in built assets is a major employer and asset investment commodity is built by wages into loans and mortgages from the ground up, whereas the petro dollar adds value by boosting asset prices and keeps the cost of borrowing down, through the so-called petrodollar recycling system ( a term which we will be explained later) With or without global warming arguments 'renewable energy & petro-dollar' or even 'renewable energy dollar' is still able to import and export its fuel through the new connected smart grids or in barrels or containers.(and new powerful batteries of hydrogen etc) Renewable energy could be purchased in Dollars only to meet world demand.Since many countries who currently export oil, expect military protection, then stable 100% employment renewable energy societies will not need to trade and comply with immigration requirements which compels workers to follow the currency (Dollar or other). Note immigration has increased since 1971 worldwide into levels which are causing instability and hardship and domestic economies cannot cope. Emerging economies can benefit from renewable energy smart grids which allow for its population to prosper and avoid exploitation and poverty. Emigration for millions has its own devastating problems, see also the adjacent website and chapter 6 which also shows links between poverty, emigration and trafficking) Both systems can exist in parallel.
The 'dollars for oil system' led to the floating dollar (Nixon 1971) and currency debates includes the following concerns 1. Is it better to have a floating dollar alone (post Nixon) or 2. is it preferred to have all currencies pegged to the dollar (one world currency as nearly existed previous prior to Nixon's changes) This debate is in effect short circuited by alternative energies. They could operate between these two arguments and still aid growth within the current Petro – Dollar system, but again it would require increased 'MO' and a reduction in national debts to affordable sustainable levels. Other national debt schemes/solutions listed on this page also assist internal national growth without meltdown 100% employment creates its own acceptable levels of the 'MO' currency in circulation and this then determines the price of commodities and assets the public purchase. If wages are slightly above inflation or level with inflation always, then a very robust internal system is created for the working classes, with or without the great game of market forces.Mario Dragi on 22.01.2015 has stated that the inflation spiral which was predicted to appear in world currencies under conditions the central bank created over the last 6 years has not appeared (since the crash in 2008, see the beginning of this chapter and the link entitled Getting Out of Recession: European Austerity v. American Deficit Finance -- Which One Is Effective?) Mario Dragi has said these fears were unfounded, yet inflation was checked by austerity for 6 years in which millions suffered needlessly. Deflationary fears are raised also. Deflation begins when buyers hold off to see if the price will fall further, causing a continuous downward spiral, but this is not necessarily a bad thing especially if a currency system has a buoyant "MO" (and see Britain's low inflation a few paragraphs up). Inflation over the last 6 years has also been hidden by national debts which are in effect an 'off balance sheet' 'bubble'.National debts also accumulate because of the Petro-dollar system and have ballooned under the 'left' especially ? This last point is contrary to Karl Marx and 'Das capital' where Marx criticizes national debt making ?. National debts can also be utilized to make national assets and infrastructure projects. Stability of low national debts also provides certainty in bond making.
Greece Will the new Left wing party 'Sryriza' and the coalition in Greece altar national debts and debt per se ? Winning the Greek election on a Anti-austerity platform in later January 2015, it reached a temporary interim solution in late February 2015, yet as debt levels have increased worldwide in countries which have followed an austerity plan ? what is going on ? what is the point of it ? It is claimed tax levels or tax dodging has caused the problem in Greece, yet debts increase with austerity ? It is not prudent or conservative of Germany's economics or Americas to set a programme of reform which makes matters worse. Austerity has not worked clearly as these measures are a fiscal solution which could have been introduced by the Troika in 2010/2011, but they were not ? the election promise was to end Austerity which if not adhered to surely new Elections in Greece could occur, as it has been forced to become a 4th world economy ? is this ending austerity ? Germany has considerd the UK's membership of the EU, and with Greece being the cradle of Democracy, its history and aims pursued prosperity as opposed to reducing the EUs growth and wealth.
Shares and stocks rose in the EU on Mario Dragi's announcement of Billions in investment into Europe. Ukraine is attracted to investment as it looks to take back Donetsk and the Crimea.(Ukraine obviously needs aid and all the financial assistance and planning it can get) The Billions announced in this investment could have started in 2010 or sooner shortening the recession and austerity, concerns over the low value of the Euro continue also. Can renewable energy maintain asset prices in the future, what is hindering such changes?
War is predicted in many circles and a war could be over in days and months not years. Russia and China and others are trying to move away from trading Oil in US Dollars completely.Russia's economy is in freefall as it attempts to do so. Saudi Arabia which has US military bases currently within its borders, is under threat from ISIS, as is Iran, Saud and Turkey and Israel. Saud is limiting its oil price to Russia, and Russia will have to shore up the Ruble and rely on its gas supplies to survive. Saud previously tried to bribe Pakistan from creating a new Iranian – Pakistan pipeline.(and an alternative is sought still) Greece and Turkey's peace talks are on hold after Turkey plans to drill for oil in Greek waters. Turkey has already suggested it would invade Iraq and Syria all for Oil and energy, whilst Greece which could leave the EU (due to its debt crisis) could invade Turkey which it regards as its territory anyway, as it also regards Cyprus (currently partitioned between Greece and Turkey) Greece still regards Turkey as its own even if it remains within the EU, and it could benefit from huge debt cancellation. Turkey's plans also threaten Israel although France has now stated since the Paris attacks it will not support Palestine (Gaza) which is in effect Jordan. Jordan also has conceded its territory to Israel in any case., as Israel expands to the Euphrates north and south to Egypt and Saudi. Further on in this page (chapter 4) you can see how Tibet and Nepal have suffered amidst the great powers. Recently (India's new leader) India has hinted it could protect Nepal and Tibet (although John Kerry has instigated the Tibet task force see chapter 4 further down this page). Tibet and Nepal are in serious need of rescue, and Hong Kong also wants to end the reign of the communist party in china due to its savage human rights abuses and failed system. Tibet and Nepal do not want a Marxist – Leninist constitution as that ideology has led to genocide and misery for its population. Christians in the Middle East have according to the Pope and other world leaders suffered genocide over the past 3 years in particular, as the wars increase in Central Asia / Middle East.
China is also instigating 8 new cities which can trade carbon credits whilst simultaneously burning more coal. The Ukraine is still fighting to regain its territory in the Crimea, as the EU allows first step initial membership and increases its military budget with Nato. The Middle East / Asian wars are increasing in severity day by day as hundreds of thousands flee or perish under ISIS or Al Qaeda. The West is preparing to increase its renewable energy targets to avoid economic backlash if fuel problems intensify. Since national domestic internal renewable energy is potentially unlimited as technology increases, the problem of national unemployment and inflation could be solved by increasing investment by Billions instead of delaying funds and growth. Austria, Germany and Scandinavia have shown large numbers of jobs are created for decades (or longer) in what is an industry for energy needs (for ever), by renewable energy national grids.The Paris carbon meetings in 2015 will increase national targets to boost renewable energy production and oil consumption has been maintained as those targets have increased since 2001. This last point is overlooked in the debate, and the price of oil will drop and should stay low to become economically viable (technology advances for extraction is increasing every day) this is not an ending for the Petro-Dollar.
What would this mean for the petro-dollar? Peak oil analysis suggests oil will become more expensive to obtain pushing up prices or stopping exploration completely. (so not running out but to expensive to extract = peak oil) Yet the truth is the world has probably only discovered 20% of all existing oil fields on earth and only 18% of them are tapped (even if one oil rig is working on it).some fields are running out of oil, but are not following the Norwegian example of producing a national trust fund for all its citizens. Oil is plentiful for centuries according to some reports. Since the world consumes around 32 billion barrels of oil each year (2011) whilst undiscovered or untapped oil fields are predicted to be 565 Billion barrels of oil. (without reserves) These are conservative estimates and are updated with each new discovery. Other estimates suggest world oil has 53 years left All estimates are underestimated further to increase the price of oil (if scarce then higher price) The United Arab Emirates want to cut production = higher price. The world is sick of the high price of energy which is not required to sustain jobs or production.
The USA consumed 23 trillion cubic feet in 2013 of natural gas. Estimates of undiscovered gas are 4669 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.
Oil and gas will run in about 500 years or so is a common answer, but it is hoped OPEC cartels will cease much sooner whilst sustaining energy output and a vigorous business in oil gas and renewable energy. Renewable energy will decrease the amount of oil and gas consumed, this will increase its date as having ran out to 700 or even 800 years + (give or take a few billions of gas or oil or renewable energy estimates, or price wars) Have artificial prices simply run their course as opposed to equitable and honest prices. The latter is the more sensible and sustainable option, and the low growth forecasts may effect some investments but not growth in other areas of the economy. Asset prices from 2008 – 2012 lost trillions whereas a sustainable economy could have made less but eventually produced higher returns without the chaos which occurred. The difference between Obama's efforts on renewable energy in contrast to Norway, Germany, Austria, Israel etc is they did it and got on with it. Research and develop and put into practice.
As the dollar (only the dollar) is used by countries to purchase oil or countries obtain dollars by exporting their goods to the USA (e.g electric cars or petrol / diesel cars) they then obtain dollars to buy oil in this manner. Oil producing countries require military protection to continue producing. Petro dollar economies can raise taxes or cut spending (the left – right paradigm) or borrow against future assets or add to the national debt or print more money against the Petro – Dollar. Further the debt which amasses when foreign countries buy oil in US dollars is held on their countries balance sheets as debt, amongst other things it allows the USA to purchase its imports in it own dollar currency. Therefore will increased renewable energy bring down the Petro – Dollar system? or at least the 'petro-dollar recycling system' as it has come to be known. Since oil and gas is not going to run out as imagined, renewable energy can bolster western energy supplies (which can also be exported via dollars)
Countries debts could be eased allowing for liquidity. A temporary situation which would allow for a correction in the economy as US debt – demand is eased or temporarily removed (allowing economies to recover and once again purchase energy in the Petro-Dollar system). Since 2008 the loss of earnings (and therefore taxes) and the loss of profits in the crisis and bankruptcies and litigation and disaster is far more expensive than the option suggested in the last few lines of this paragraph above. To political and economic analysts it is a possible solution, yet for ordinary people the prospect of 100% employment and stability is what counts in votes. This is also an advantage renewable energy (or Oil and gas) has over Nuclear energy, it is cheaper to produce (Nuclear energy plants are expensive to build and maintain, there is danger to contaminated seas and hydro-logical systems and human genetics, whereas renewable energy creates many jobs, Nuclear does not) Renewable energy means cheaper energy bills and it can also be exported by domestic consumer and commercial interests (both) and of course allows for cleaner water, air, and earth, and for a choice. Import and export of energy oil or gas or renewable is likely to continue until the year 3000 ad.
Carbon credits and the carbon trading platforms in the EU (EU/ETS) and worldwide suffered when Measurement and Verification of carbon emissions did not accurately reflect the carbon trading price which was as high as €36 per / tonne of CO2 in 2006 but which dropped to as low as €0.10 per tonne in 2007/8. Tied into the M & V underestimation, was the allocation of too many allowances to countries in comparison to the aggregate emissions reported .This produced figures which were grossly inaccurate. Market traders could not anticipate or reflect the correct price as emissions were under-reported or wrongly applied in the reporting. Current prices (per tonne of C02 ) of carbon The 2015 Paris targets and the 20/20 & eventual 20/50 targets will require greater accuracy in order to reflect a natural sustainable price. (NAP S / National Allocation Plans and NREAP's targets to the EU and wider)
One further factor which has undermined the trading platforms and the eventual emerging renewable trading markets are the energy companies which are in essence a front or non-existent companies for many different reasons and aims. The aim is not to provide stability in the energy market. Whilst 90% of energy investments and companies are genuine, efforts to undermine other countries and markets are an industry in themselves. America currently has very high Oil reserves due to its fracking operations (which could ruin the German beer industry) which have resulted in low imported oil energy consumption for the worlds biggest oil market. Is it in the interests of opposing oil/gas producers to lobby for renewable energy companies or start ups even though they are non-renewable companies themselves? Would Russia promote renewable energy for other countries except their own to boost their own exports of natural gas rather than let a competitor export to those markets.(claiming the competitor is damaging the environment, when they could be making renewable s etc) Would the USA promote renewable energy for Russia instead to reduce Russia's ample gas supplies abroad. Saudi Arabia reducing the price will compound Russia's problem, whilst China wants to export coal or renewable's, both want to export their own product. Whilst these possibilities are endless between countries and companies,(and many fake or shell companies exist for that purpose) it is possible for society to form energy companies or national schemes which are not corporations or led by corporate interests.(who can form their own versions in any case) The battle for energy and markets with these 'shell' companies are of course a separate problem and trading area away from the development between genuine corporations for renewable energy. World development of clean energy is underway and blossoming. Oil companies want to have renewable energy also. World development of renewable's is complex but profitable.
Renewable energy and Natural Capital is changing economics worldwide and can of course assist the Ukraine (Putin helped ousted Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych to flee to Russia) The USA is sending 3000 troops to Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania & wider. Since 2008 and the economic collapse investment is long overdue worldwide. The austerity / quantitative easing experiment has been a failure. Those funds (bailouts) could have created a renewable energy boom over the last few years. A domestic energy boom and an international corporate energy policy would have boosted world economic prospects from 2008 until today. Watching events in Russia Estonia has decided to move to the West in its elections (as it did in 1999 when increased western investment could have provided greater stability) in March to 2015, and it is opting to export its goods to China via Kazakhstan, all the Baltic countries may soon join the west and the EU. It is possible the all the Balkans could expand Eastward as it looks to its Western past. Similar views are increasing in Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus. Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia. Greece and Macedonia and Algeria are also showing signs of discontent (and the old conflict Greece and Macedonia share could find common ground and produce energy to renew their fallen economies) Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan have vast Solar and wind Capabilities. Iran is now claiming it has cruise missiles weapons capable of reaching the West.
For more information see chapter 2 above on Greece and in the adjacent website see chapter 3
The 90 % of the genuine green development suffers from a problem known as 'carbon leakage' This also effects the price of carbon and locations of green development as genuine companies seek a better price. This is a different situation than fake companies and the energy wars.
Renewable energy makes many changes possible, it also allows energy to be exported in any currency or into national grids for international export or via the dollar. Renewable energy supports internal national non-inflationary money circulation (MO), which stabilises the "sub prime" market (and economic housing stability) Renewable energy cleans the environment, it provides massive increased employment. It also allows for the public to make money selling their own energy into national energy grids (national grids could also buy renewable energy from individual domestic producers or auto / micro production at a slightly reduced premium to sell on internationally) Measurement and Verification of carbon and energy which sets a price is enhanced by 'bona-fide' energy companies determining a carbon price which ultimately will reduce carbon taxes to zero. (every energy type has these problems) For struggling economies (which could be in very deep recession or with no industry as such, and see the next chapter) immediate energy savings can produce a fund to roll over for new projects and those profits can renew this fund to continue future projects, which makes a recession turn around into a recovery and eventually a vibrant new economy.
Corporations are genuinely seeking renewable energy change, but since renewable energy requires new systems and a local economy of green energy development, large corporations may find it impossible to develop national grid systems themselves on their own. Local economies and local people collectively and nationally can supply the demand which would require changes in planning and a change to national priorities. Germany for example has large corporations. National corporations which are homegrown, and which choose to live and settle in a environmentally friendly countryside for a better quality of life, yet Germany has American football teams and is a Conservative nation. but prefers to develop renewable energy from the local population upwards and outwards. Only then can international development and export be achieved to maximum effect. Therefore corporations alone cannot develop this ideal national situation in which renewable cheap energy can flourish. Investment in grids that allow for very small, medium and large homegrown national domestic energy supplies to grow will become the norm. To achieve this local people require motivation i.e. to produce and export their own locally produced energy into the grid.Reduced energy imports allow government to pay a generous Tariff to small producers of energy at home, this creates local and increased prosperity & 100% employment.
To achieve this sustainability indices are used as indicators of development and where development is required. 1. KMPG sustainability index 2. World Economic Forum. & Global report 3. Dow Jones 4. Carbon trust 5. Environmental Performance Economic project 6. ESI / Nasa
WEC World resources.
The Top 100 Green corporations. Nasdaq.
Clean energy is changing shipping cleaning sea water which is heavily polluted by discharge worldwide causing deep and heavy pollution and fishing stock collapse. Cars can recharge as they drive. Tesla cars Including buses for difficult transport solutions. Roads can collect energy instead of lying idle (solar roadways) A solar plane attempts to fly around the world and could introduce a fuel mix into current aviation fuel mix standards (e.g. internal electric energy needs until development is refined ) One way local ground up renewable energy is meeting big business and including local authority / municipality changes is through the use of ESCO's or new business models in local services. Local authorities could become an ESCO (energy service company) themselves for creating a local authority division as ESCO and energy management in every authority/municipality). Staged payments of 1% interest loans/mortgages (or less) on supervision of high grade (with grants also) to build air tight homes low energy homes (which breathe via heat recovery) are possible. Less imported energy produces the possibility nationally. The innovations are endless yet oil is still required for many industries. Energy Companies are combining all sources of energy. They are already exporting via the European super-grid which could reach much further east.
Summary. The World Wide energy search is very competitive and wars have effected economies who are not a party to them. For many the complexities are too involved, complicating what is in effect simple energy production. In summary economies could be aided by an increase in a balanced cash supply of 'MO' the existing non inflationary currency in circulation. It is suggested the oncoming 'Cashless society' (which requires fuel energy to run an electrical exchange system worldwide of course, and societies have always reverted to a trading instrument such as cash or precious metals for freedom of supply) that the problem of debt/inflation will subside, but a 'Cashless money society' still falls within the M0 - M4 money type designations, and electronically produced money simply reduces 'MO' to zero. MO is either produced as inflationary debt money, or as a % of non inflationary money supply (see the 3 charts and images at the end of chapter 2) Exchanging money by your Phone or over the Internet in the 'cashless society' still produces the same problem. It still has to be borrowed or produced as inflationary money, giving rise to the mortgage or sub-prime problem.This system protects the stock market and trade.Renewable energy has the ability to transform the World (a world in which Oil is not running out realistically, except for some current countries whose oil asset is dwindling). and this has been an aim since the Enlightenment.(or before) and the Industrial Revolution. Local and International energy production is becoming a reality, and with the smart grid network, which will allow Exports of energy to simply follow on from the system currently adhered to, these aims are being realized. The only difference is now, local economies can join in economically, and the potential is unlimited.
In parallel with this ethos is the connected issue of a healthy lifestyle with good quality food. Good food should be a beneficial fuel rather than an inhibitor to good health. Environmental land planning is a local policy from the ground up, which is why people do not want Agenda 21, which seems to be a top down only approach within Globalisation. Instead of community in which every national person is benefiting local democracy is diminishing. World Pollution is growing (water, air & earth) instead of being managed sustainably reducing the polution and increasing the quality of soils which renewable energy can contribute towards replenishing land and growth. Sustainability = organic and healthy farms which have chemical free soils producing bio diverse crops without insecticides or chemical fertilizer's. Bio diverse forestry, and well planned villages growing food without export (except any for any excess) and maintaining an independent bio diverse seed stock require alternative planning and development to produce stronger grain and seeds and ultimately food. Finance is central to this expansion with the recognition that small SME's and developing renewable technologies are viable and deserve less risk accreditation. Billions are being released to pursue this ideal but more could be done.
July 2015 Ireland wishes to increase its food exports by 85% and to achieve this under current EU organic health incentives and legislation, it would require an increase in renewable energy diversity which is also a requirement under the Renewable energy directive i.e. not just wind, but solar pv, chp (geo thermal lake, sea and land) bio- fuels, Hydro etc, and also the Energy efficiency directive.
Teagasc (which means 'instruction') manage the quality of soils and they have suggested that the proposed 85% in food export and therefore increased growth in food is possible . Increased energy use as clean energy is a key to expansion. As is water irrigation, phosphorus and nitrogen. (Alternatives are sought or will phosphorus run out)
Cleaner energy encourages cleaner healthy foods with real quality and goodness which Ireland is ideally placed to develop.Healthy soil is directly connected to renewable energy. (Population growth projections are still debated but bio-diverse forestry and trees are decreasing and should be numerous in cities and rural areas There is land but empty land was cleared of its Forests centuries ago) The real obvious reason overpopulation levels are perceived as worldwide and a serious problem is cities are overpopulated and badly designed. People are encouraged to move to the city, hence cities are becoming pedestrianised, encouraged to become sustainable with urban farms and better designed housing units. Mega-cities are planned where 54% (current levels) of the worlds population will live in cities rising to 70%. This 70% naturally feel the world is overpopulated as they view the problem everyday. Land is not scarce, hence the overpopulation doctrine.
Increasing food by natural methods is essential instead of Monsanto short terminism with long their devastating effects. Producing bumper harvests which are safe foods is a growing area of scientific study combined with hands on farming innovation. Increasing safe food production and the pressures of land and space do not need too hinder increased yields. Animal s which are injected with steroids and hormones' apart from the obvious, do not feed the world and they destroy your immune system.(whilst some plants cure cancer) Urban or rural food production increases require insight into the elements and increasing productivity by scientific breakthroughs in air , water and earth at micro level.
New climate report which encourages growth and employment
Energy use and farming especially milk production requires new approaches to agricultural land use, and farms which grow produce upwards instead of outwards are beneficial to land development. Cows which are fed on chemicals produce unnatural milk. Some estimates believe Ireland could feed the world in which case clean and wholesome food would be key to this expansion.
Finance (see last link, central to Germany's organic agricultural success for over a hundred years) and energy independence and Natural Capital debates are framed by the Oil debate as if they are in opposition (when the oil is still not running out but is plentiful for a thousand years as long as it does not inflate the economy which then beats the peak oil forecasts) and the worry of losing oil jobs and/or military cuts is also as unlikely as engineering production ceasing. Water windmills (A Crowell Water Well ) were crucial to the settlers in Texas, yet this was a renewable energy for a need, and many more should be built or copied worldwide. Without them many may not have survived ti discover Oil which the world will always require.The energy business is not a oil and gas versus renewable energy scenario but just an energy business scenario which is pricing and supplying and is in adjustment. Applying oil to agricultural products however has brought more drastic problems than the problems it set out to solve.
Tesla and the Hyperloop
An innovation which at first considered unlikely, is becoming a reality. It could revolutionize travel and the fuel c02 cost problem. Elon Musk and Hyperloop who (i.e. Tesla and Elon Musk) have successfully developed a new solar storage battery and a electric car, is also likely to succeed with the new train travel system. (solar trains) Internally countries spend much of their GDP importing fuel for transport costs.
Paris Climate Change Conference Nov/ Dec 2015
There is an argument which suggests green energy is communism (but the above paragraphs and chapter shows how "communist countries" have subverted the efforts of green energy whilst some have embraced it and this is true of capitalist countries. The reality is green energy is blatant unbridled capitalism
7. A) Do you feel auto-production (or auto-generation) / micro generation projects for renewable energy could help supply the National Grid (domestic and across the EU) in a more cost efficient way providing stability to energy supply and demand concerns.(this also may include Wave power in the future, as well as Biomass as micro CHP Combined Heat Power, Anaerobic digestion CHP, Solar, Photovoltaic and hybrids, Wind and Micro Hydro or all or some or all collectively as combined hybrid energy sources)
B) Do you believe National Grid Parity can be achieved i.e when an alternative energy source can generate electricity at a levelized cost (LCoE) that is less than or equal to the price of purchasing power from the electricity grid.
8. Do you feel domestic household/homeowners (or individuals) excess generation of energy could harness extra renewable energy for the National Grid and reduce imports of energy (see recast European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive Directive 2010/31/EU)
9. Do you feel domestic household/homeowners excess generation of energy could harness extra renewable energy and reduce imported energy, and also be purchased by the National Grid to be exported and sold for profit abroad.
With such questions they ultimately lead us to consider Power Usage Efficiency (PUE) and Carbon Usage Efficiency (CUE) ERE (Energy Re-use Efficiency)and WUE (Water Use Efficiency ) or whole business energy monitoring and accounting.
There is an argument which suggests green energy is communism (but the above paragraph shows how "communist countries" have subverted the efforts of green energy whilst some have embraced it and this is true of capitalist countries. The reality is green energy is blatant unbridled capitalism
Further as a capitalist wishing to profit at home or from your business (by methods described above) and without effecting the international petro - dollar system or even believing in the ozone layer debate (or without rejecting the ozone debate) with a taste for local "low carbon" organic produced steak or vegetables (which everyone really wants) or fruit this is for you.
Look at the capital investment in green energy (a few examples)
India is investing $100 Billion dollars in Solar energy. Britain is turning the Green investment bank into private entity to broaden its appetite. Germany in contrast kept its KFW bank national to fund projects from the ground up (within Germany historically) and reduce energy imports which funded local and community development whilst still allowing for gas and oil imports as required. This kept interest rates low and avoided risk leverage problems. Countries can have both in truth. Ireland has a new strategic infrastructure bank with assistance from the KFW bank. Both banks could operate with the Basel (Bretton Woods) accords.
The USA has invested $58 billion. China has invested $89.5 billion (2014)
South America has invested millions in wind, solar and (Chile) (Latin America and the Caribbean) (Costa Rica) Renewable green energy is a method of combatting poverty and emigration and South America could employ every tree (Amazon) cutting farmer if the investment is made. It also has vast reserves of gas and oil.
Worldwide investment in 2015 was $270 Billion dollars.
Ireland's green energy investment as highlighted in the National Sustainability Summit Nov 2015 is as follows;
€3 Billion Annual Investment in Sustainable Energy Technology required in Ireland up to 2020 • €155 Billion Annual Investment required in Sustainable Technology required in Europe up to 2020 • Bombardier Aerospace Investing €100m in CHP Technology • Medite Europe Investing €80 Million in Biomass CHP Technology • Dawn Meats Investing €2m in Biomass Boiler • 25pc of Irish Energy Demand met by wind in first half of 2015• Wind Energy Investment could lead to 35,000 new jobs • Irish Partnership to build €80m Offshore Wind Farm in Irish Sea •
Apple to Invest €850m in Renewable Energy Data Centres in Ireland • Wind Energy Firms put €800m of Infrastructure on show to interested businesses • The EPA predicts Ireland will struggle to meet 20% reduction of emissions by 2020 on 2005 levels
ESB opens new €33m Woodhouse Wind Farm in County Waterford • Irish Wave Energy Project InnoWave awarded €800,000 in EU funding • Co Clare Wave Energy Project awarded €23m to develop technology • Wind and Wave Energy Research to begin at €15m Ringaskiddy Harbour Lab • €82 Trillion: Global Value of Fuel saving between 2020 and 2050 from Investment in Low-Carbon Energy Systems •
Data Centres to Invest €1.36 Billion in Renewable Energy • Irish Water's €1.77bn plan to make Ireland's water services better
• €7.5m Investment in Wastewater Treatment scheme for Gorey • New Wastewater Treatment Plant as part of €91 Million Cork Lower Harbour Main Drainage Project • Lightsource Renewable Energy, is aiming to invest €500m in Ireland over the next five years. • marenco plans to Invest €180m building up to 30 Solar Farms across the south of the country. • Greenroom Investments raising €100m to buy and develop European Solar Farm portfolio.
Domestic energy bills per are are on average are €3000 to €7000, whilst the average business bill or public utility is £12,000 to £60,000 (up to €100,000 or more) A deregulated market could reverse this and earn money (German innovation) by selling into the grid allowing those grids to export and earn also. (microgrids & Aran Islands energy Co-operatives & facebook & for urban and/or rural )
As the Paris climate conference proceeds (02.12.2015) the debate on setting the climate targets features prominently. A grievance many developed countries have, concerns other countries which have not signed up to any climate targets or others such as China and Russia who are increasing the burning of coal and oil and not declaring it (cheating) For countries which have signed up, it means their industry or future industry will move into countries which have no climate carbon targets. Jobs will be lost and unemployment will increase. This is what Obama, & Hillary Clinton and some candidates are proposing. The solution to this is deregulation which will allow new industries and employment to begin in newer cleaner industries from the ground up without carbon leakage and m & v migration (companies moving abroad measuring and verification problems) People who are paid to produce power from their homes and business, channelling this energy into a accommodating grid system which also makes money from the system = deregulation.The Carbon tax, energy tax and emissions taxes encourage companies to set up in countries which have not signed up to a carbon pledge (see the 2030 Energy and Climate Framework and the review of the EU carbon leakage list 2014) and to date 150 countries have signed to the pledge.
Despite the 150 countries which have pledged, hundreds more have not, and this has the effect that middle class jobs are lost by off-shoring and outsourcing. Countries like Africa or developing countries in South America are then left with the pollution and vastly increased pollution, and emissions and carbon overall globally are not reduced. Why ? does the system persist in this way. Germany, Switzerland Austria and Scandinavia have long developed system's of 20 - 30 years, which creates jobs whereas other developed nations have not, and these countries should first develop a ecologically friendly job creation programme creating millions of jobs and develop these jobs first. People would need to see Russia and China (and other Communist/ Maoists blocks) and all the Gulf states and Turkey and Iran declaring a 100% emission reduction by 2025 - 2030, with heavier taxes and fines increased incrementally from today and this needs to occur first. Why would countries give up their industry when others are increasing their carbon output ? As oil firms come on board combining fossil fuel and renewable where ? are the extra jobs (million's promised over the last ten years, now facing yet more election promises once again on the jobs issue) The merging of oil / gas and renewable energy (under the same company or companies) cannot balance output or activities unless profit is the same or equal to when the company dealt only in fossil fuels, so it is with society and the workers/middle class.The need to create jobs and long term jobs should be paramount.
Ireland's stance on climate change has been criticised in the Paris climate summit. But is the real problem elsewhere ? (China is buying and leasing land everywhere because of its soil problem)
Half way through the Paris Climate Conference it is clear (and a source of multi - national embarrassment globally) that deregulation of energy markets (explained in last link) is hardly discussed for much of the developed Western World. This type of domestic national initiative would allow Farmers (and Irish farmers are crying out for it as it means an extra income and they need all the extra help they can get) to add an extra sector to their portfolio. Energy from Bio - fuel (already occurring from farm waste and not new grown fuels) under deregulation would enable farmers to profit from district combined heating CHP and solar /wind and water & ground heat pumps schemes to 1. supply themselves and 2. supply surrounding communities with cheap energy, reduce fossil fuels emissions and gain an extra income. Countries can claim to be green (Russia tests its nukes in Nov 2015) but do not know a carbon emission from a (China) lump of coal. China wants organic food exports also, and land at €10 - €30 million an acre depending on each local authorities zoning policy, would seem a reasonable fee for very high quality pristine organic farming land which Ireland has (the best in the world in its current inherited debt situation from the last government which is forcing hard decisions. Many countries are looking to lease Irish land) with 5 or 10 year leases only (Ukraine leasing cheaply to China) to encourage such schemes, whilst maintaining soil retention and soil quality.
Ireland's forests were almost illegally sold off (to China) under plans the last government initiated until it was stopped. This problem worldwide with or without a belief in Global warming (Sean Penn) will destroy food production and soil quality if it continues. Further carbon offsetting/mitigation credits (gained by keeping trees) should belong half 3/4 to the landowner and half to the people of the country or local community (not the state) to use as required for forests and food production. If forestry is on state land then the proceeds should go 85% to the local community.
China's mismanagement of its soil is now backfiring and previously damaging type's of agricultural production which they employed could spread into other lands under the dichotomy and apparent contradiction of "Beef or good Soil" or "Beef or Trees" Increased leasing fees and the connected (for Ireland's economy) carbon capture possibilities, mitigation credits and carbon trading initiatives to participating counties are also attractive. Land which is assessed as the highest graded quality including (1. Power Usage Efficiency (PUE) 2. Carbon Usage Efficiency (CUE) 3. Energy Re-use Efficiency (ERE) 4. Water Use Efficiency (WUE) ) would fetch the highest lease price. Home produced energy would allow farmers or anyone to lease (only) directly subject to planning guidelines and laws. If farmers are unduly penalised in this economic climate how can they upgrade to Usage efficiency standards.
During the Climate summit very few news stories appear, only China's investment in Africa features. There is little information on the new Island being created in the Pacific sea. By stealing soil from other poorer countries around the world the Island is created, which according to the Pentagon is a part of mission creep (which has involved a near war situation between the US and China) and military base creation and not climate mitigation action. Whilst it and Russia increases coal production. The next paragraph highlights the details.
America is leasing land to China and its massive debt (and selling land to China as is South America and Russia) which has increased four fold in the last ten years is making this a negotiating factor in that debt. This will slowly push up the price of land but this vital resource should be priced at ten times its value when supplying China and other nations. Ireland is no exception to this and the cost of transforming its economy should not be downgraded or underestimated especially when this land could feed is own population ten times over. Ireland's land area could feed the whole world but in artificial scarcity economics the mismanagement of resources cannot envisage sensible land management solutions. Artificial supply and demand = price, the real demand many countries and China requires, is sold on the cheap as aside, from China's soil / agricultural problems, it also has vast poverty problems (nearly 100 million people live below the poverty line) which many would say is due to its ideological stance and beliefs (which include Monsanto which China is promoting and which should be rigorously tested scientifically, publicly and openly. Biological warfare is not just a military weapon) The vast underpricing of leases is a scandal when these (changed to highly priced) leasing funds should be used pay down debt which is onerous and hard to manage.There are the security issues as new Chinese military bases are expanding worldwide (whilst internally it is collapsing. Clearly there is more to these matters than just organic bean sprouts and pleasant cow manure) Security should be a factor when considering both the price and land zoning risk, but they should also not allow land to be sold from the national assets into other nations hands. This scandalous situation is hardly mentioned or examined as efforts to transfer capital and economic base from the West to the East continues. This will cause mass unemployment and economic loss in the West ? if it continues. Clearly China needs to repair its depleted soil issues which would need new technology and ideology to launch ( i.e massive natural fertilizer technology investment with fallow land technology and a change in its society....but not a "cultural revolution" as Mao Tze Dung instigated) It should renew its own lands first before destroying others.
New farming methods which may seem simplistic are outlined in the chapter above, and many countries can assist with expertise and technology in these areas . Western technology and technicians can assist China and the Chinese people which is a better solution in the long term. It has a serious humanitarian situation.
Pressure needs to be ramped up in this area if the funding and deregulation (explained here again which is still a national asset) legislation for this in the Western first World is to succeed (or any continent including China) The Agriculture sector needs new finance and subsidy to achieve this first step in renewing national ecological aims. This in turn leads into the Housing and the Housing design sector. Charging cars from home improves the Transport sector and provides an income for households and business. The blame for the failure of these new methods and planning idea's lies with the political parties (many of the green political parties and NGO's) who advise and provide a platform for green issues, yet who do not get into the nitty gritty of political change required for national strategies (only ideological preferences) in this area, or in sensible fiscal policy issues, and they need to do more on this issue, which is the way to reduce & abate climate change. China is in the dilemma of expanding its military and going to war and/or starving to death. Ironically its farming methods and its ancient society were advanced and incredibly organised before 1920 -1945 to the present day. Farmers and Irish farmers should be well paid for their time and lands, and organic (seaweed and sea vegetables are an exception as inexpensive fertilisers ) alternative manure and fertilizer's are currently very expensive. These are required under emission targets and the persistent organic pollutants directive or POPS and the Nitrates directive
(War can stop oil and gas imports overnight hence the urgency and back up plan which requires considered planning changes. Imported fuel cannot be afforded or sustained long term in peace time)
World investment in energy required by 2035 is (either) $48 Trillion Dollars or €53 Trillion Dollars according to the International Energy Agencies 2015 report (foreword page 3) depending on set or proposed climate targets. Nearly 2 Trillion is the approximate investment in Green technology worldwide in comparison, both are subsidised. This may double to 4 trillion yet it will always be way behind oil and gas. The West is potentially facing an energy crisis.
World Oil and Gas investment in 2015 t 2019 increased slightly by 2% and OPEC is suggesting that it will limit supply soon making $50 a barrel again or spiralling into high inflation and collapse.
Yet oil and gas is not running out and is vast in its world supply and more fields are discovered (as technology extraction increases) every year. The price is artificial and if high prices (than should be acceptable) increase then renewable energy investment will increase also. The West can develop its renewable energy from local community to national infrastructure. World war 3 taking over all existing oil and gas fields globally is also possible.
12.12.2015 (end of Paris Climate Change Conference Nov/ Dec 2015 )
(to repeat) The biggest concern regarding the Paris climate conference was the lack of agreement on targets as without them a trading carbon price cannot be established like any commodity. Value to a carbon ton is very flexible and unknown. Even if targets were agreed the carbon price ran into difficulties whilst it was operating (like all market operations)
Following the completion of the negotiations of the Paris Climate conference (Cop 21 climate change conference and agreement in PDF format ) on December 12th 2015 the 196 countries who agreed to participate, agreed to reduce the World Temperature rise to 2 degrees centigrade or 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit. It is mooted that efforts to reach 1 degree centigrade will follow on as soon as possible. Some have argued why not try for 0 degrees centigrade (increasing the annual investment promised from $100 billion to $500 billion). If (it is suggested) there is a 2 degree rise in temperature then the Megacities of the world could flood and disappear.
The investment of $100 billion per annum to developing countries will (most likely) be financed through low interest rate green bonds, which may be very low.
"Green Climate Bonds should have duration of at least 100 years and would ideally only bear small, if any, interest rates. Due to their very long term, Green Climate Bonds would become permanent assets of the central banks and thus form the foundation of regular money creation"
This is possible because,
"When central banks buy new Green Climate Bonds, and record this in their balance sheets, they also gain a new monetary policy tool. The advantage of this new tool is that it leads directly to the purchase of new goods and services. The real economy is thus stimulated without a need for the usual detour of credit creation by private banks. This means that no new debtors and creditors need be found. The new money is created, debt-free. The disbursal by the GCF would be directly injected into the system of the nation's banks, and their reserves at the central bank would rise. Should excess reserves result, the banks could reduce these reserves by lowering their refinancing at the central bank. The money supply would thus fall again. Banks would reduce their reserves at the central bank, which they do not need to refinance credit creation, and thereby reduce the money supply, because of the endogeneity of the money supply. The Bank of England has recently identified this as the correct description of monetary policy practice.[2] The effect of the endogeneity of the money supply is especially important when central banks buy more Green Climate Bonds (for a short period of time as start-up financing) than needed for actual money creation. This process contributes to the money creation and the resultant money supply reduction offsetting each other, so that the money supply grows as much as the economy requires to expand to full potential"
Of course these bonds will still make money and create employment which makes money.
Other financing instruments can of course be charged at a higher interest for riskier problems, but assessing risk for Green projects (with German, Scandinavian, Austrian, Costa Rican expertise etc) should be lowered or else how can technologies be brought forward, allowed to be a prototype, possibly partly fail but with improvement reach a viable stage of practical everyday use. The vast majority of new projects would not fail (95%) but assessing risk in green finance (for green technology) will then require new training in the retail banking sector. Without this training and the green bonds (as described above) green development would stagnate and dry up. Ireland (as one example) is a developing country in this regard and should avail of these bonds in its current odious debt situation (as described above in chapter ?)
As the system expands and jobs are created (demand) it is likely (as is currently mooted) that interest rates will rise. The circular conundrum. Hence the study of inflation is also vital to maintaining job security and national security (as a dramatic bust in the economy destroys economies)
Critics of the deal point out that there (really) is no binding agreements. $100 billion a year, every year to developing countries is not a one way street as it also expects them to contribute to the fund. Of the 196 countries who agreed to the new deal many did not, and although new stricter measures on Coal outputs (especially for Communist China and Tibet / Nepal), yet without binding agreements how can this be enforced !
Countries which do have binding targets and which are not a party to the agreement will accept new (fossil fuel dirty industries) and will benefit from carbon offsetting (if they choose) and carbon trading if they participate, however the borrowing requirement will include agreement to charge a national carbon tax (which is reduced to zero in theory over time as carbon is reduced) and therefore they will be drawn into the agreement voluntarily, especially if the $100 billion a year fund is made available.
Countries which avail of $100 billion dollars annually from the West should also then fund their own people and prevent mass migration and refugees (and make safe zones) for their own people ?
Critics and appraisals of the deal (& various delegates and opinions) Forbes view and six vital points.
Carbon trading and its phased introduction EU/ETS & 3 Phases to date (under the Kyoto protocol, are they superseded or defunct)
Carbon Emissions trading operates under a legal framework established by the Emissions Trading Directive 2003, as amended by the linking directive 2004, and revised again in 2009.
Both of these EU directives are secondary sources of EU legislation and can be amended nationally in line with relevant treaties and the directive against 20/20 and 20/50 emission targets, Treaties are binding on national parliaments. This compliments the National Allocation Plans NAP's) which need flexibility whilst still adhering to the directives. The emission directives enabled the recognition of emission credits under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM, under Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol) and Joint Implementation (JI, under Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol).
The philosophy underpinning the legal directives places the onus or responsibility for pollution onto the polluters 'The Polluter Pays Principle'.
CDM transposes emissions into a unit of carbon tonnage or Certified Emission Reduction Units or CER'S, whilst JI turns carbon tonnage into Emission Reduction Units OR ERU'S. CDM allows industrialised countries to invest in poorer less developed countries and in turn receive credits. JI allows industrialised countries to invest in other industrialised countries and also receive credits in return. Both can then be traded, not as a commodity but as a right to emit 1 metric tonne of carbon emissions, or one tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent tCO2e.
Carbon leakage like the fair trade currency debate (to equalize currency values across the world would seem to be the only solution to the import export competitive advantage, which ultimately forces smaller countries to import a competitor's product from larger or more industrialized countries) is difficult to solve under Capitalism or evolved 'Natural Capital' and is not really the solution the dominant wish for, hence the continuing problems effecting the equal distribution and allocation of allowances. These familiar economic debates existed throughout phase 1 & 2, and continue into phase 3.
Countries which emit more or emit less will benefit or suffer when they succeed or may lose trade when they fail. The commodity produced will either be taken up by another competitor (moving the emissions elsewhere) or if there are ecological economic benefits such as subsidies to moving then a continuous cycle will follow, making relocation of companies even more attractive than it is currently.(or has been pre stage 2). Not reducing overall but exporting and importing the carbon emissions problem.
Why did the carbon trading system fail ( corruption or measuring and verification problems) "This risk in commodity pricing, (offset by weather derivatives) risk analysis and hedging will force markets to abate the overall risk of climate change, but it is speculating on certainty somewhere that climate change is causing catastrophe and increased poverty (and cat bonds do measure these risks accurately but the large accurate costs are a financial burden undermining them). Offsetting in the emergency carbon situation seems a cumbersome way to induce urgency into any market. It would also seem that instability in the EU/ETS is abated by more industry (as one measure) which would raise employment levels but increase market activity also.
Have carbon future prices been a useful hedging instrument or have they increased volatility in the everyday economy of trade and services? a problem analysed from 2005 – 2008 by Milunovich & Roselyne (2007 – 2011). A higher carbon price may prove positive as an answer"
Inflating the price of carbon beyond what is actually produced or under valuing leads to inflation and the price is too high. If measuring and verification cannot be completed then the price is wrong and will collapse. Construction and transport methods which are not low carbon or zero carbon cannot be accurately measured and countries which do not participate cannot determine an accurate price. (as any currency) Every country without deregulation cannot meet targets especially if the fuel mix is varied (more than 2 or 3 renewable energy sources) as is required by 2020, 2030 and 2050.
President Obama has opened a solar scheme in New York which low income families can apply for. In Germany they feel they may have cracked the nuclear fusion problem Some speculate that coal (or Gold or precious stones) can be digged/extracted out of the ground by anyone and used for fuel (freely) or simple technology (like heat pumps in the ground or water) can be applied by the poor or disenfranchised such as ground technology for producing electricity which is the same idea Tesla employed except he supercharged the ground in a limited (* 2 Tesla documentaries and see the adjacent website and the end of chapter 4) area providing free electricity for a local town all year round. He did not wait for plants to heat or charge the ground by decomposition or growth energy. This idea applied with a bigger receptor in farm land (and long crop fields) could provide a reasonable (offsetting the energy bills) current, but only if the bank can supply a cheap loan to purchase such receptors. * Tesla master of lightening & The Genius who lit the world.
(to repeat) The biggest concern regarding the Paris climate conference was the lack of agreement on targets as without them a trading carbon price cannot be established like any commodity. Value to a carbon ton is very flexible and unknown. Even if targets were agreed the carbon price ran into difficulties whilst it was operating (like all market operations)
With all this (even) the petro – dollar system will only get stronger, but Gulf States when (or if) they increase prices will only speed up green development as an offset against them. Aside from the $100 billion annually meetings will be increased to annual sub meetings to modify agreements accordingly.
Land issues (Jan 2016)
The green movement and land distribution in Agenda 21 (documentary) are thorny issues and a real dispute throughout history. With charges of corruption coming for and against the movement the reality is to conflicting ideologies are in opposition and "right" is not always with the left or the green authorities even when accidents occur, and family land should not be grabbed under a pretext of environmentalism. Land distribution was a problem for centuries however. Many feel the UN (or any outside agency or government) should not be overseeing national countries redistribution of land and vice versa. Many countries employ the UN's supervision. This website holds a submission and ideas and solutions as loose guides to the green planning idea. One of which is this document which is a submission to Agenda 21 which shows it is real (yet it is just a loose idea to inquire on the issues) it did receive national acceptance and is recorded nationally, but no reply was received from the earth summit itself (2012). Point no 3 at the end was a way of preventing people who were not local from grabbing land and forming their own agenda. This document is a test to see if national and regional committees at local level can form without having a top down agenda from any suspected outside source. (really from page 11 forwards) Large landowners and small landowners and urban groups can form their own plans, and conservation plans and local area plans are a way of surveying the land and its resources and heritage into legally binding development plans. Making local plans and small surveys legally binding from the bottom up can protect existing land owners and rights (if this is a part of the countries planning procedure. If not you would have to change it) Top down changes in planning have to be drawn, displayed to the public and approved, but are then legally binding. If small local plans had the same power, the power would then reside with landowners (as stewards of the land in the bible and green ethos) who could sell, loan or assist those who need land (if that is not naive) but food security may require some form of local planning and inexpensive solutions in that area and regard. In that case in does not have to be Agenda 21. When this fails then protecting land rights in America reverts to the constitution which is the real original patriots act (prior to 9/11)
Many small, medium and large landowners have produced a paradise on their lands.
Manufacturing (anything and everything) nationally and exporting is essential in any economy. Empowering people or business to earn funds from energy they make or produce is however a very good and viable idea which landowners should research.
(March 2016) As you have read down into chapter 2 and its pdfs and on to the Irish banking inquiry in chapter 1 (which mentions also the film "the big short" or here also ) and this chapter you could note that senior banking figures including merchant banks in Wall Street and the London banks were concerned about the weak foundations of lending at the sub - prime level which of course if it collapsed would cause all to fall. Once this is corrected it provides a solid foundation for nations and companies. China allows Gold to be swapped for coin at working class, business level which is similar to a buoyant "MO" money supply. Japan once only relied on this method without investing in the market and stagnated but fed everyone and kept them working, and Germany had a form of this circulating in its money supply. All 3 of these countries continued to trade on the markets and were cushioned against collapse although it could be managed better. Bitcoin still has inflation / deflation worries and without the Internet it would revert to a physical lets system. To strengthen the West this problem (solved) would give it a solid foundation whilst still engaging in the Market globally to create a boom and a strong economy (with or without oil prices rising, which will rise into the 4th quarter of 2016, then dip and then accelerate into 2017) which could be 10 times bigger than the last.
Repeated here is the world energy (IEA) outlook 2015 into 2016. OPEC (Organisation of the Petroleum exporting countries) & the World Energy Council.
3rd October 2018
The World has moved away from Quantitative Easing (‘QE’) into 2017 and in mid 2018 and into Quantitative tightening. (‘QT’) There are many different theories connected to ‘QT’ but the buying of debt could not continue forever and sooner or later the worlds economy would reverse this trend and begin to put the economic system onto a real framework of trade and real free trade deals and there is no contradiction between real free trade and protectionism.
Cyber currencies are attempting to replace cash (in the cashless society of basic income communism) and the fraught nature of cyber security and AI (artificial intelligence) and social engineering are dominating innovation and systems at an increasingly eclectic pace. The USA and China are expected to spend $500 Billion by 2030 competing and updating a new world system in which these ideas can take shape. Artificial intelligence is not only absorbing information (including world maps, high pictal images of the entire world and stored historical data ) on a scale unparalleled in human history and which it predicts by algorithm the most likely statistical outcome, but it is being trained to go beyond this and recognise emotions and memories as factors in its decision-making process. It remains of course Soulless and inanimate, although it is thought to be an aid to Neurological and disability problems, it still cannot act as part of a human in tandem or in harmony naturally.
These processes require a tremendous amount of energy (which requires new energy sources domestically) and for instance bitcoin mining requires as much energy in a day as a medium to large town would use in the same day. Data centres and cloud also require as much energy as is used by some cities and data centres are growing in number globally. These energy requirements are extra to the growing energy requirements the world uses every day, 365 days a year. In the energy debate, the debate still focuses on global warming and climate change. Yet if we want to reduce data centres and bitcoin mining would this be acceptable? (they are obliged by law and security to have a fuel mix as a precaution against fuel blackouts, in or out of war, as are all towns and cities in theory, a fuel mix includes renewable energy) When energy is low or running out it is still required, and the world will want it and fast.
The USA pulled out of the 2015 Paris Climate Change pact in August 2017
Climate change has evolved no away from ‘global warming’ and even further away from ‘global cooling’, (global cooling began in the 1970's) but in 2018 both theories are synthesizing to become a new unified theory and one joint new theory which is occurring simultaneously. Climate change has expanded to mean much more. However, there are others in the scientific community who suggest that the world is also moving into a period of ‘Global calming’ in which the stabilisation of the weather and its processes are following its course, as it has for thousands of years. Global calming or ‘Global Stabilisation’ should be recognised as a part of Climate change. Advocates of climate change state that the Ice caps are contracting, whilst those who do not believe this theory state they have always contracted and then enlarged again with the seasons. Flash floods are occurring globally (see further down )Global calmist’s state that the planet pretty much follows the seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter as it has for millennia. Everyone in the world of course wants a clean environment.
Global warmists state that the fossil fuel industry is continuing its fossil fuel burning to deliberately force a larger hole in the Ozone layer (which has always been there i.e. the hole in the Ozone layer) in order that the earth’s surface can absorb and reflect more heat upwards, warming the earths atmosphere and therefore melting the ice caps. Once enough of the ice caps have melted this will then allow for easier drilling (less ice, fewer drill lengths although no matter how deep the modern rig could drill down for miles.16 miles is the maximum to date ) through the ice. One problem with this theory is that extreme cold weather drilling is conducted from ship rigs (‘Drillships’) which can also drill from the stationary ship down into the ice. As the ice cap melts the water would rise and the ships would rise also, making it more difficult to drill downwards. (artic drillships and worldwide Russian drillships. & Shell drillships or here in Mexico. China made its first drillship in 2014 (and also trying to overtake the Koreans who build drillships) and is partnering with Russia drilling in the Russian arctic, and China is also partnering with Norway to drill into the arctic (Norway also borders Russia)
China and Russia are battling the USA in a race to control the Arctic drilling and Russia and China have increased their carbon output dramatically (coal, oil and gas, as well as renewable) and have paid no heed to global warming and/or cooling in the last 70 years and before. China and Russia are doing the most drilling in the Arctic. In the Antarctic the ban on commercial drilling is due to expire in 2048 (but could be removed by consensus before then) and again Russia and China are battling the USA as the 3 main players with Shell in trying to obtain the Antarctic’s natural resources. Exxon Mobil is pulling out of joint Arctic drilling with the Russian Rosnef company, although it is unclear if the ‘Russiagate’ media story is a part of this decision, as of course Russia and China believe Arctic and Antarctic drilling is very lucrative regardless of low or high prices 2001 – 2019. The USA has its own access to the Artic.
Coral reefs, soils and food. Many fear the seas may become polluted, yet the initiative to protect the coral reefs and grow new ones has backfired. This initiative allowed for car tyres to be anchored to the sea bed and chained together and in time and within them, sand and debris would help green the tyres and form a new Coral reef. Firstly the metal clips rusted and corroded and he tyres were removed by the tides actually damaging other coral reefs, and also the tyres eventually began to perish. This meant tiny particles of rubber entered the eco system as it perished or fatigued (it is disputed that Rubber perishes) and of the 250 known artificial reefs worldwide, many are washing up on seashores. This is nothing of course to the plastics which enter the sea’s worldwide, and when artificial contaminants including pesticides and herbicides enter our soils they pollute the soil and also kill all life within it. This in turn reduces soils to dust (especially when there are no trees to anchor the soils) and / or top soil turns hard and forces rain to run off quickly resulting in flash floods with see so much around the world. Killing soils slowly removes vitamin B12 and B17 and others from every plant and edible vegetable and fruit, reduces its usefulness to give us energy and protect our immune systems. Globalisation is killing food slowly and is polluting the air, earth, sea and water and therefore the natural medicines we can grow. ‘Localism’ seeks to counteract this problem.(see the adjacent website and chapter 3a) See the Documentary 'Rotten' here as a trailer (or here from a separate link) or here as a review of the full film on Netflix Green energy and oil energy, and a land without pesticides or herbicides would make a beautiful country. See facebook video Riverford November 29, 2016 · ‘Pesticide use in farming is a complicated and controversial issue. This four minute video explains why we choose to farm organically, and what concerns us about the current direction of agriculture, both in the UK and globally.’
Tiny particles of plastics in theory kill the smaller fish, which in turn reduces the whole fishing stock and fish will get smaller and smaller when caught. This is what fishermen actually say is occurring. Incredibly scientists have discovered wax – moths eat plastic but so many would be required they could wipe out Bee’s and cause more problems than they solve. Without Bee’s pollinating there will be no crops in any year. Alternatives to plastic packaging are seaweed and packaging made from hemp. (others include glass of course, bamboo and jute, also Abaca and linen) Another threat to fish and humans is the ‘flesh eating microbes’ Although the following article from zero hedge only pertains to Florida it is in fact an increasing issue in our seas and local harbours (pollution, sewage and chemicals producing Hybrids gives rise to ‘Vibrio vulnificus’ in warm marine waters ) and which also destroy fish. (and not just in the USA)
This of course is nothing to do with Global warming and sceptics point out that Iceland’s volcano dumped more CO2 into the atmosphere in 2010, than we could ever remove, (and countless other Volcanoes worldwide and over time) whilst Nuclear testing since 1948 until today has literally torn a hole in the sky (see video’s 2045 Nukes between 1945 – 1998, or possibly 2500 to date or here ) Could this be a cause of Global Warming ? Further Oil it is suggested is not a fossil fuel ? Yet there are other aspects of fuels we need to know (videos and articles; ‘Where Does All Our Oil Come From?’ and what are the ‘Hydrogen-rich fluids venting at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean in the Lost City Hydrothermal Field’ which produce in effect Oil hydro – carbons instantly in superheated hot water in cold ocean water (see here or also here also or here in article ‘Oil in the Ocean’ ‘Natural Oil seeps’ )
Some say that if you drill deep enough you can find Oil anywhere and the theory of ‘peak oil’ is false, which is not to say some oil fields do not run dry. Extraction in many areas is only viable when prices are high.
Real estate managers and developers point out that the insurance stamp on properties (on new properties today also) carry a 25 (or up to 40 years or even 99 years) year insurance guarantee which expects the construction to be still intact in 25 years, even if they built as a beachside home or office. (which has rising sea risk, just as inland areas have flash flooding insurance risk, but does deforestation and hard soil from pesticides and herbicides increase the flood risk problem. Rising waters or global warming is not believed by real estate agents or the banks backing them. (the ‘climategate’ emails have been ordered for release in 2018) An interesting development is Saudi Arabia’s building of solar panel fields and Elon Musk (but without whom the industry would not be as advanced) admits he has received investment funding from Saudi oil to fund Solar panel development. Yet is this just an indication Saudi oil is running out as Iran claims it is. Getting to the truth or necessary facts concerning, energy, politics and the earths weather and inner earth systems is vital to alleviating these problems. Cleary there have been a number of pseudo theories & solutions and other problems have been ignored.
The Fuel taxes and carbon credits scam & Climate change & Science questioned & the carbon Electronic trading Schemes (ETS)
(link back to the newnewjerusalem website and post dated 8.5.2019)
(link back to the newnewjerusalem website and post dated 30.11.2019)
(link back to the newnewjerusalem website and post dated 08.02.2020)
The Global Carbon tax fraud and its trial in 2016 and ongoing has repercussions around the world and which began as far back as 2007. It is not just an EU problem but also a Global debate. Many people wonder what is the nature of the contentious problem.
Following the development of the successful but acrimonious ongoing ‘yellow vest’ protests in which President Macron backed down in front of the riots and an end to the carbon fuel tax in December 2018 (The ‘Gilets Jaunes’ here protesting into the 21st week and into the 22nd and most of the time France is in flames with Paris at a standstill ) against high taxation in France and following the USA departing from the Paris climate change pact (The USA pulled out of the 2015 Paris Climate Change pact in August 2017 see last post above) the Carbon Tax as a tax is under review around the world although many countries signed their nations up to it (but without referendum or debate) in December 2018 . Worries that the Carbon tax will rise and rise open ended in France were of course successfully removed by the Yellow Vests viewing it as just another excuse to tax energy, which in any form is also high in price. Emmanuel Macron the French President was forced to reverse the fuel tax rise as France protested and went up in flames and concerns for the poor in the face of Fuel tax and Carbon tax increases have been left behind, The populations of many countries were not consulted in direct democracy initiatives when national carbon tax (compulsory) were placed as a burden on national governments. The poor now includes the middle class and choosing every week to either 1. paying carbon tax or 2. buying food is not a choice the French want to continue to make. (The protests have spread to many other areas of unfair taxation and poverty issues arising in the EU)
After the French President Emmanuel Macron conceded and prevented any further fuel tax increases (for now ) many were also protesting because they felt the Carbon tax was (as one energy tax and oil and gas are also taxed heavily adding to the pump price, and also receive subsidies as does renewable energy) a hoax and people should not be paying it at all (have more babies and have more carbon not less, prevent extinction and avoid abortions). Preventing a Carbon tax rise does not go far enough for them they state as they continue to protest. Citing the carbon tax as a fraud they feel it is an unnecessary tax which is directed by the ICCC. (International commission on climate change ) via the UN into the world’s governments.
This also follows the investigations into the carbon tax frauds which are now proven criminal frauds The Carbon permit price also collapsed in early 2013. This pricing device (the emission trading scheme known as EU / ETS is the main one and traded as ETS) arguably they claim does not reduce carbon output (and many of them would add the point, should it be reduced?) as any businesses can buy a permit to emit One tonne of carbon or CO2e known as carbon offsets in the carbon cap and trade scheme (Carbon produced in one place is bought to offset carbon produced in another, a country can come under cap and trade or a carbon tax) They can offset carbon emissions, but it is felt is not reducing carbon output, but does supply a market for carbon credits which in theory allows a company or even a country to go above their cap allowance and in theory allows the market to set a price for carbon at 1 Tonne CO2e. These permits can also be traded on a stock exchange. Many add that these carbon reduction efforts result in unemployment rising, causing massive job losses and it also does not reduce pollution and/or improve poor soils etc which are sprayed with every illness inducing chemical including Monsanto / Bayer roundup which as a company has just been fined $80 million for causing cancer to Mr Edwin Hardeman. Yet Bayer was trading in carbon credits ? as was Monsanto ? The chemicals are not necessary to assist food production and GMO foods are not necessary.
The ETS (emission trading scheme) is seen overall to be a fraud with multiple frauds at many levels. Many scammers were jailed (for buying cross country permits) but it is not just that the measurement and verification process (‘ M & V’ of carbon emissions, see above in this chapter 3 ) is incorrect and badly estimated or counted against actual carbon reductions, but also the price of carbon and carbon permits is itself a flawed price trading system in which the value of carbon bears no relation to a commodities actual price (whether it a cartel price and fixed, or supply is limited to increase the price, or whether trading itself sets the price as open market value). These problems also extend back into 2009 ( The EU - ETS was launched in 2005) and the cap and trade system (which caps emission’s a nation can emit but which is ignored by China and Russia also) has caused serious job losses and restricted expansion of companies in the west as far back as 2014 and before Carbon tax cybersecurity fraud has also increased and the VAT carbon tax scandal (into hundreds of millions) is still ongoing and which is separate or a joint fraud with carbon permits trading. Ireland since 2007 has spent €120 million just to plug the carbon emissions gap alone
Cash for Ash Scandal. An example of carbon credits and the absurd is the ‘Cash for Ash’ scandal is (as one example) an ongoing investigation. In this case a disused barn was heated in order to claim back the subsidies. .It was claimed that in some instances, for every £1 a user spent on their green heating systems, they got back £1.60 in subsidies. This was/is happening all over the EU and in many countries globally, and taxpayers bear the cost of the subsidies and of course the carbon tax (fossil fuels are also subsidised)
The ETS & climate change policy used as a legal term within trade deals
Coal and Steel industries (and Brexit ) Take a recent example of British Steels requirement to purchase Carbon Credits “ Each free permit gives a firm the right to emit a tonne (1,000kg) of carbon dioxide (CO2), and they can be traded for money” . (under EU / ETS) If they do not and because of the Brexit situation in which Germany / EU fears a no deal Brexit A €100 million loan may be refused or if they require extra money for the Carbon Credits they may also be refused the loan negating that industries ability to operate. (Germany wants certainty not a prolonged uncertain outcome and the BBC contradicted those concerns on a hard Brexit, yet Germany did offer a simple Free trade agreement see YouTube video ‘Ex-Brexit Minster, Steve Baker, Blows The Lid On Why We Don't Have A Free Trade Agreement Already’ Germany itself would not accept a customs union or Teresa Mays deal for itself etc but would look ahead, and then offer a free trade deal and then invite back in the future, accepted or not, this is why many countries have these FTA trade agreements or WTO with the EU. They equal independence on trade and all markets with an FTA and WTO or individual FTA deals with other countries) Yet British Shipyards are placed a long way down the Queue in building British ships with British Steel and the contract to build new British warships may go to Spain ? and there are 3 ships in total. Steel production in China and even Russia is increasing not decreasing. Coal production is increasing in China (sparking a climate warning ) Coal is increasing in Russia ? Coal mines are closing in the EU but in the EU, Poland has to import Coal and Gas from Russia. Angela Merkel wants all EU nation states to surrender all of their sovereignty ?
China’s emission trading scheme is very slow to emerge and obviously they do not want it getting in the way of the new silk road (OBOR, one belt one road) building boom and they do not really give credence to its validity. Many are suggesting that Britain could also reopen its coal mines (and many people remember coming home from the Coal pit and enjoying ‘organic’ onions and carrots at the weekend. Is organic or free-range produce mislabelled ? are GMO’s mislabelled ? ) and it is also energy rich (inland) with Oil worth Trillions that the EU are ‘not really interested in’. The internal land based oil rigs in Britain, which are estimated to be worth over 100 Billion barrels of oil also in the South of England but is in fact much much, higher and worth £Trillions. Who gets the benefit, and will China eventually own British Gas ? In early 2018 Teresa May signs a preliminary deal with China, a free trade deal (the EU still controls that area but a totally free trade deal may not include China, yet the EU have allowed this. An independent FTA would not have these pressures) Recently announced but surveyed for some time is the new and extremely large discovery of Gas in the North Sea One of a few in the making. The company who has the rights to the gas is China’s state-owned gas company. ‘Chinese state-owned company CNOOC said it made the gas discovery - equivalent to 250 million barrels of oil - in its Glengorm project, east of Aberdeen’ (CNOOC = Chinese national offshore oil corporation) To avoid EU /ETS you would have to be outside of it rules nationally.
Paying for carbon 3 ways. Therefore, the Carbon tax not only affects individuals at home and the cap and trade national targets of EU emissions, and the company trying to produce and trade but the carbon credit scheme’s all link’s all of these items together to make a price (as best it can) which effects people at home who then also pay the carbon tax. They are paying in 3 ways for their own demise many suggest. 1. It affects society when their industries are closed to foreign competitors (and the same mindset imports cheap labour into your country) Migration is now a part of climate change ? ‘Climate change’ does not cause migration but migration is integral to climate change and adds significant ‘carbon’ to the atmosphere in fuel costs, the cost of moving and the aggravation of moving, and the national cost of resettlement and national cost of migrants unable to bring the rule of law upon their own governments who also enabling trafficking. Countries have to stand where they are and change their own nations. Migrants believe the grass is greener on the other side but unless they reclaim their own countries they will never be free. It is also a feature of trade deals that the UN migration compact must be included in the deals, hence Teresa May wants her deal or customs union to include it in Brexit in December 2018. You cannot make your own trade deals in a customs union globally and it is possibly only limited to those with you, if at all if the EU objects. The UN envisages 240 million migrants ? (how can it be sure) although the migration compact itself is non - binding it is shoved into trade deals on the quiet to then wait for migrants ? The UN was caught Human trafficking in 2005 and also again recently in 2017 it is part now of the biggest human trade in the world masked by false concern as a front for the pre-planned hysteria. Human trafficking is a multi - billion dollar business which uses the system to hide its crimes. People are traded literally like carbon, sold and branded including children and then hoarded into a world where slavery is very much alive and in some cases is legal as part of the culture. Rape and drug smuggling are part and parcel of ‘climate change’ migration. (See chapter 4 below) 2. Paying the carbon tax on your domestic energy bill People at home 3. People at home who are also business owners are forced to pay for permission to emit carbon (except in reality China and Russia and most of the world who pay lip service going forward 1 step, and then back 3 steps to preserve their industries) It is simply an extra tax used to gain competitive advantage in industry and extortion placed ultimately onto taxpayers (business or domestic) many are stating (when the ESP European stability pact is in full force no EU nation will have any say in the debt treaty on top of this see the adjacent website and chapter 3a posts from January – March / April onwards)
It is an incredibly complex mess in which business’s and taxpayers in the public domestic debate do not want to pay for. Further as CO2 emissions (carbon) are not linked, according to scientific research to global warming (now called climate change, if indeed the world is ‘warming’) then people are wanting out of the system viewing it and the carbon trading scheme as one fraud built upon another. Global warming they add if it is occurring at all is not ‘man made’ In 2019 The co-founder of Greenpeace Patrick Moore has warned that ‘Global warming’ is a scam and a hoax. Further he says it is legally an attempt to override existing national laws and remove existing rights (whether it is the US constitution or ‘human rights’… Humans are also part Carbon and by their very nature they are polluters) See YouTube Video ‘Patrick Moore Climate Debate Highlights 2018’ (who loves nature) and also YouTube video ‘Mark Steyn - The Fraudulent Hockey Stick - 10th ICCC’ . NASA confirms the science with satellite image showing large gains in ice at the poles instead of dwindling ice, whilst other views have a political motive for in their view in the climate change fraud. which incredibly seem to agree with Patrick Moore
Weather modification ? In 1985 Kate Bush released a Video entitled ‘Cloudbusting’ based on a true story of the late Wilhelm Reich who died in 1957. He worked in many areas but also in Biosphere science Many consider this science to be pseudo – science but Jeremy Clarkson (of the programme ‘Top Gear’ amongst many others) seen here at NASA in the video ‘NASA Make Artificial Cloud - BBC Top Gear’ or here ‘NASA Artificial Clouds Generation System’ NASA clearly makes its own cloud and rain with a machine that looks remarkably similar to the Kate Bush video some years earlier. (Hydrogen and Oxygen = H2o) Kate Bush and Wilhelm Reich may have been considered incorrect or prone to wishful thinking, yet Clarkson is not your average climate change pundit, and possibly does not drive an electric car or grow organic carrots. For desert areas in any continent a cheaper smaller version could perhaps help grow organic food in drills up and down the desert or dry region. The larger question of weather modification with NASA or the military is open to speculation. Could NASA help mitigate cow poop emissions in the USA ?
Science and the Media ? Recent revelations on the ‘Russia inquiry / Mueller report’ (released Friday 22.03.2019 – 24.03.2019) have contradicted over 2 years of MSM news which constantly told people that the 2016 election was due to Russian hackers in the USA. (yet the involvement of democrats in the white house (2008 – 2016) in Russian / Ukrainian gas and oil deals has not been investigated and which clearly sends carbon credit offsets into the stratosphere) News and scientific consensus are not reliable. Firstly the 2018 midterm elections were not hacked by Russia? and ‘Nate Silver dismisses Russian trolls’ influence on 2016 election’ and describes the effect of Russia as marginal and slight ? and perhaps the midterms US elections have proven him correct also. Whilst this hoax has continued China is moving to expand its empire without a concern for human rights back home or sleepless nights worrying about climate change or carbon tax. (see also the adjacent website and chapter 3a and post dated 8.3.2019) Rod Rosenstein said in early 2018 that there was no Russian collusion whilst many see the attempts to reduce western manufacturing and industry as signs of Russian or Chinese influences on the United Nations (who control the EU and global carbon trading i.e. the ICCC ) to let China and Russia leap ahead in their economies. As the EU becomes more and more centralised towards communism, Russia and China increase emission’s ? is it any wonder scepticism is rife. Although China says it will engage with new carbon credit plans it and also Russia invariably increases fossil fuel output as they prepare to drill in the artic as does China, but there no protestors outside their embassies ? Any nation which does not import but exports produce, or fuel will prosper, and any nation can decide to be fuel independent. President Trump has recently signed a land protection designation into law. President Donald Trump this week signed a massive wilderness preservation bill that sets aside 1.3 million acres of federal land in California, Oregon, Utah and New Mexico. It was introduced in early 2018 and was passed by congress, the senate and the President. It is not a UN designated land preservation under Nafta as the United Nations. Common land (the commons) has also existed for centuries and in Britain goes back before the Magna Carta to King Alfred and before. Common land (extra to national parks) does not need to be designated as the people already own it. In the USA in the Uranium 1 scandals the Bundy’s and the Hammonds used common land for decades.
(Repeated from above )‘Ulysses S Grant other initiatives included the setting up of Yellowstone National Park via congress in 1872. Was this a land grab ? of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho ? which the park is placed within. Yosemite National Park was donated to the state of California by the Federal Government. Yellowstone is considered to be the first national park in the world. What if the southern Confederacy had initiated Yellowstone and banned the United Nations from owning any part of it, whilst protecting the wildlife and population and providing an area children can visit for eternity. Its Gds country (Camping, Biodiversity, the Buffalo nearly became extinct, prepper training, orienteering, fishing, navigating the stars and geomantic pursuits and barn dances as part of a parks ethos and purpose. Without the designation of national park would Yogi Bear have survived to become "smarter that the average bear" These parks are of course beautiful areas worth preserving but not by the UN or big government) The US Army monitored the place from 1917 onwards when it became the National Park Service signed into law by Woodrow Wilson’ These lands do not need to come under UN ownership (NAFTA & ICCC) or management. It is common sense to plant 2 trees for every 1 cut down. Trees of all types including broad leaf and fruit and nut bearing trees of every species.
The Climategate controversy and the connected emails also continue (see last post above) whilst new data suggests the earth is actually slightly cooling not warming ? Further methane (cowshit and other domestic animal waste produce) has no effect on the climate as gas in the atmosphere ) ‘Poop’ has dropped for thousands of years and it is not just cows, but also horses, hens, goats, sheep, birds and even polar bears and penguins (who may be contributing to their own downfall) and just about every animal on earth. Methane from Poop is also a fuel. Poop is of course a natural fertilizer for soils. The website scientists who agree on climate change and scientific papers such as ‘Consensus on consensus: a synthesis of consensus estimates on human-caused global warming’ (John Cook, Naomi Oreskes, Peter T Doran, William R L Anderegg, Bart Verheggen, Ed W Maibach, J Stuart Carlton, Stephan Lewandowsky, Andrew G Skuce, Sarah A Green) do not point out that the consensus seems to have a vanishing point from its origins somewhere, yet they do state that consensus is built upon consensus. Yet others point out that this consensus and with data over millennia (and even millions of years they claim when waters were 60 feet above the Antarctic and Arctic ? means that climate change, which was termed global warming, cannot therefore be made by man or woman.(many of whom fly around the world warning of global warming ? / climate change ?)
Are we to assume (according to this historical record climate change also occured in the days of early man ) that natural events cause climate change and it is not man-made? If early man could only just figure out that fire is hot as they dwelt in caves clubbing other monkeys to death for food (raising the pertinent but vexatious question, if evolution is true ? how come there are still Monkeys ?) how could they produce CO2e ? (see the adjacent website and chapter 4) what about Nuclear explosions which burn the sky and earth. Nuclear Energy has green merits, except if you are now in Chernobyl, Ten mile Island, Japan, or Western American which is suffering pollution from Fukushima. The thousands of nuclear test's (and others) and explosions since World War 2 (2045 Nukes between 1945 – 1998, or possibly 2500 to date last vid speeded up or here every Nuclear explosion in history) Could this be a cause of Global Warming ? should Nuclear companies have to purchase very costly carbon credits ? or nuclear fuel pollution credits ? Others state that Volcanoes have emitted more CO2e than humans could ever hope to have released since the industrial revolution from 1820 only (with ‘Poop’ being the exception since time began) Dismissed as a ‘hoary chestnut’ Volcanoes in Iceland are constantly emitting CO2e, and the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcano explosion in Iceland emitted 300,000 tonnes of CO2e per day (stopping air travel for weeks Globally and lasted for 24 days but it smokes continually and there have been tens of eruptions that we know about over the centuries) There are 3 main volcanoes in Iceland alone and worldwide (2010 eruption video ‘Eyjafjallajökull 2010 eruption (HD)’) There are around 1500 active volcanoes above sea level and around 500 under the sea globally today. There is also an interactive map for global volcanoes.
Today a Tonne of C02e emissions is (average) around $10 - $20, it was around $2.31 in 2013 when the scandals broke, (and a Tonne was as high as $140 in 2015) but a basic rule of thumb in theory is the higher the carbon tonne price the lower Global emissions are. Some suggest this is an incentive to maintain climate science as a fact. It is estimated that annual global carbon tax is between $80 and $100 billion in 2019 with prices currently low. In 2010 and 2011 it was not just individuals who were involved in carbon credit frauds but the entire EU was brought to court. and faced legal action for the scam, with 21 arrested initially. It also linked back to the ISCCC in the UN which oversees the climate change science.( see also video ‘The CO2 Scam - Senator Malcolm Roberts Nov 8th 2016’) bearing in mind the deeper history of climate cycles (see ‘Dan Britt - Orbits and Ice Ages: The History of Climate’)
‘Carbon cartels’ price fix carbon (upwards) here in 2003 in the EU and here in 2008 in Japan and Global Justice Now in their article of 2013 ‘Price-fixing carbon junkies and tar sand pancakes’ state it is a global conspiracy under the ICCC. (International commission on climate change ) Is the science in direct proportion to the fixed or flexible price with or without VAT in 2019 ?
The documentary (YouTube) ‘Fatal Flaw In Climate Change Science’ states that the science is flawed by cloned consensus and all climate studies are flawed, and goes deeper into the earths weather, climate and the earths biosphere.
Carbon paranoia is a becoming a phobia and now (for instance) Greta Thunburg who spoke on climate warming at the UN is publicly stating that she can now see 'carbon dioxide in the air' is this true or actually impossible (the latter is correct but so what ?) Will schools, colleges and university campus develop a carbon safe space (like Michael Jackson's pure oxygen tent ) which they can run towards away from climate change deniers ? Carbon exists within water vapor and it is a greenhouse gas and has for thousands of years since creation began. It is in clouds and rivers. Can we stop the natural hydro logical cycle ? We breathe out carbon dioxide and humans are composed of carbon along with 10 other main elements. Are children and adults being carbon brainwashed ? An easier solution to the global warming hysteria would be to offer carbon therapy classes.
The documentary (here on YouTube ) ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary HD’ (or here on YouTube ) in retrospect over the last few years has shown many of these matters to be true many suggest. The ‘Gillets Jaunes’ (yellow vest protests) in France have shown people do not want to pay for this tax, and whilst individuals or companies can opt to do so (with or without compulsion) it should not be made compulsory as a spending choice on the poor or anyone. Many would go further and say it a tax should not be levied on individuals, companies or countries. In France in the protests, that is their aim and political parties which sell this scam, or the science should not be considered a compulsory totalitarian law unto themselves. It is also unreasonable to pay it (the carbon tax) and claim it back if you disagree with it (as some suggest) as many weekly pay packets cannot afford it, and many nations cannot afford the bureaucracy. The reality of home economics of the working and middle class is lost on what is to most people an unproven theory. A growing feeling that if these absurdities were removed, people who do know (and care) about nature could without political ideology begin to sort the mess and disaster of pseudo climate science. Everyone wants clean, air, water, soils and food but also wages and 100% employment. (You Cannot teach the French about organic onions) The onus (and this is a truncated overview of many problems without citing every fraud in every country) has been on the tax and tax credits scam, competitive advantage in industry ( or industrial espionage as some might say) and making economies less efficient which if you are a national economy, and if you do not want to import fuel and also not pay carbon credits or tax you would be 3 times better off. The focus is not the environment, but it does earn a lot of politician’s wages in office who have a vested interest in preserving the extra income carbon tax provides. The only way for a country to have no carbon tax is to scrap it or have no industry down to zero and no jobs as no credits would then be required (except for Russia and China of course who need industry, but the west does not ?? )
Summary of the Green Climate Change, Carbon illusion
1. Russia Hoax MSM same script for fake news and CNN (danger to our democracy) MP4 FILE )
2. Democrats Announce Date World Will End Green Climate change hoax MP4 FILE 3. The End Is Nigh! Over 40 Years Of Doomsday Predictions In Media compilation of climate change hoax MP4 FILE
4. Ice age scare edited Leonard Nimoy Spock MP4 FILE or or full 20 min film on Bitchute regarding the ice age 'global cooling' ? scenario and see a relevant bitchute channel on Global warming here all leading to the solution: Global Cap and Trade tax scam.see end of chapter 3
5. Will melting ice cause water level to rise MP4 FILE 6. The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary HD MP4 FILE 7. The Truth About Extinction Rebellion MP4 FILE 8. “Environmental Scares_ Yesterday and Today” - Rupert Darwall MP4 FILE 9. Patrick Moore – The Sensible Environmentalist MP4 FILE 10. Carbon Dioxide is Making The World Greener (w_ Freeman Dyson, Institute for Advanced Studies) MP4 FILE
11. One more hoax which shows the vastly exaggerated deaths and illness connected to Sars 2 Covid 10 see Summit news and John Paul Watson and Video " Attack of the Corona Karens" which shows people are overestimating corona by as much as 225 times higher than the real figure (at 3.30 mins fwd) or 5 - 9 million people have it when it fact the real (but many deaths recategorized as covid) number is 025% see also Chapter 3a but mainly also Chapter 3b on the adjacent website and then consider real farming and nature and the real practical problems the world faces which is (in the documentary 'Rotten') in entirety (and unfortunately) on the disgraced netflix channel but which highlights the benefits of localism.
12. The Global lockdown moving to Climate lockdowns to save the earth.see Coming Soon, Climate Lockdowns ? but since Pfizer's Vaccine is under clinical trials until mid 2023 and Moderna until late 2022 (Moderna admit on their website the 'vaccine is not vaccine but an mRNA medical device, and it changes your dna) The CO2 hoax, and the melting ice cap hoax (or the ice cap is expanding hoax see above) is now the Covid 19 climate lockdown hoax.
13. No need for Oil companies (Saudi or Iran) for domestic consumption, Electric car companies or Carbon Credits or crypto currencies. No need to import fuel or pay carbon credits. No need for (so called) Green parties.
Oil is not a fossil fuel (see below) it is plant based It is not scarce and is the 2nd most numerous liquid after water on earth. And the price should be $5 to $10 dollar a barrel Big Oil if the price of oil falls too low invest in the carbon credit scam to offset low prices (before the carbon credit criminal frauds see above in chapter 3) Or see here again once more Currently the Carbon Credit scam is foisted onto national governments who pass the cost on to everyone in the country, directly onto their energy bills. Instead alternative sources are highlighted below (not Electric as it is expensive and mining Lithium destroys the environment. Lithium is used in mobile smart phones and data centres) Instead also domestic producers could switch to other alternatives below and even sell their excess energy back into the energy grid. Green parties (conning the public) are not Green and largely work for big energy and many outwardly wanting to deindustrialize the west into communism
Oil, it is not a "fossil fuel" last link here as MP 4 File also "The Fossil Fuel "Hoax" - Flat Earth" or article here on this subject "Earth Is An Oil-Producing Machine — We're Not Running Out" or article here on this subject See also and once more "Why We'll Never Run Out Of Oil" it is not scarce and is the 2nd most numerous liquid on earth after water. Israel has also developed a Water based Fuel system, but 3 Israelis based in Florida under Mayman LLC developed a car runs on water and alcohol and has worked very well on water and alcohol since 2016 say Australian-Israeli startup Electriq-Global In the 1990s Stanley Meyer also developed a similar technology Stanley Meyer water car runs for the first time. Water Car GENIUS & also a mini documentary "Stanley Meyer - 1995 It runs on water - Water car GENIUS" Chip fat or vegetable oil Chip fat oil from retail outlets also works believe it or not, on any engine size or make even a Mercedes and into Diesel alsoHowever can it be patented ? as any old Volkswagen beetle also ran on water and Alcohol decades ago and it is something you can do in your own shed or garage. Volkswagons were famous for running on water and alcohol and they could also "swim" (as Germany made a reinforced car that could swim) and it is easy to do today Nigel Farage via Freedom and Fortune blog and investment strategy has also promoted an idea (hinted at) from Boris Johnson (and notwithstanding the Billions in oil in inland Britain see posts above) that this Water fuel could be up and running fairly soon see "Bigger than North Sea Oil" (and Oil and Gas will still be produced )
Incredibly Henry Ford not only had water based fuel cars but he also built many out of Hemp ( Chassis) but also ran on Hemp Ethanol (ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol, or alcohol) or in other words "MoonShine" "Moonshine and Bluegrass. Appalachian mountain whisky and music"
Taking back Energy into Public control (non political party control) The Ownership and control of these power companies (in the light of the power outages in the USA ) should be placed under the protection of the public via the State Assemblies Is THIS Our Last Chance to RESTORE THE REPUBLIC? -- Anna von Reitz (and which is also explained in We the People state Assemblies ) The public should not suffer domestic consumption loss. Anna von Reitz explains the difference between territorial law and governance and the municipal law and administration and why the current and past politicians are only Proxy representatives.
Chapter 4
Link back to the top of the website
Worldwide slavery is alive and well today in every city across the earth. It is a business worth €150 Billion dollars. The following news item from the BBC featuring Gillian Anderson (2.12.2016) gives an overview of the problem. Slave labour is a part of the problem but trafficking is the real business which is worth 150 Billion or more across the globe. 20,000 children may be trafficked each year but hundreds of thousands worldwide are kept permanently in chains in child brothels. In Britain thousands of children disappear permanently and many are not reported and thousands go missing from care homes each year. See the adjacent website and chapter 6
It is estimated that there are over 9 million prostitutes in the EU alone ( 1 million are from and permanently reside in the EU which means western countries also have a problem) and many are trafficked illegally across borders, making 42 million prostitutes worldwide The lie that surrounds the trade is woman are 'happy' to work within it. Children are not happy.
Children are trafficked and sold into prostitution every day. The problem is escalating and so are the counter measures against it which is a 1st world problem in the west just as much as other continents.
Conventional economics do not cite the powerful advantages a trust or foundation can add to a cause or societal need. Tax free deductible foundations and trusts (as one example) can donate the interest on the principle amount to a charity of their choosing (and then avoid taxation) This is a major source of wealth in the world today. Norway (as one example) has taken the idea further and provides a "oil fund" or Government pension fund which is a rainy day savings (a very rainy day) for all its citizens. Its worth is estimated at $850 Billion and its funds generates 1 Trillion for its citizens to save or draw from for national needs. Norway turned one idea upside down in effect but still made prosperity and wealth (as opposed to reducing wages and national wealth) for everyone.
For an insight into the Genocide against Tibet and Nepal and its people by Communist China watch the film "Seven years in Tibet" or full film here with Brad Pitt, David Thewlis, and Jamyang Jamtsho Wangchuk (in German or trailer here) Following the initial armed war against Tibet / Nepal by the Marxist / Socialist Maoist party of China in the following decades, China resorted to population replacement measures (immigration as warfare) and the burning of its Temples under persecution by ideological dictatorship. Recognising how this ties into trafficking and slavery, family planning and national indigenous population displacement as a lucrative business is detailed in the following chapter. Education or a lack of it is also instrumental to ideological dictatorship which seeks to replace spirituality and ancient beliefs (and ways of living) of any ilk or type.
David Cameron proves raising Billions is possible. With £ 10 billion and an extra £ 1.2 billion to follow.
Discussing all economic possibilities to end these problems is essential and Tibet/Nepal has proven itself incredibly skilled in economic abilities, which even Karl Marx and Adam Smith would admire. The Dalai Lama escaped to India as most of country to resettle in donated lands in a Safe Zone, (not a area of tents but a new land which Syrians themselves want so that they can return to Syria some day or visit and be safe) a lesson that the Middle East must make which worked. A new neutral country created especially is an option in the vast lands available to people in the Levant or the Arab countries as refugees will reach 30 million people over the next few years, amidst the war zones Europe has become as refugees flood into the open borders, but it is not an option for George Soros and others such as Turkey (in contrast to Donald Trump) who will not consider it at all ?
The worlds economic system is a mystery to the vast majority of people on the planet. This web-page examines a small proportion of the less well known economy that people can control (i.e. not the black-market, drugs, laundering or corruption economy) and aims to furnish awareness of funding or funding methods (which have previous precedents, but are not utilized or considered reliable or risk assessable as alternative investments or non - profit funding methods) These methods could be taken further and could show how the economy and banking could instead benefit society without risk to society (this is not always assessed) Child and Woman slavery and trafficking could be cured with assistance from the financial institutions instead. The financial system can free slaves just as easily. This chapter explores those aims which have political pressures (which continue from political election to political election) as well as economic difficulties, which can be overcome.
This chapter at the height of the financial crash proposed setting up a fund or bank which alleviates poverty for children. Disabled children also. Disabled services around the world have also suffered severe financial cutbacks, whilst the charities scandals have corrupted the industry and have reduced charitable giving. This is a double blow for funding. There are ideas which can be viewed at & specifically
The ideas contained above are naturally viewed with scepticism and sympathy. An intern working in the charity sector stated that you do realise central banks are never going to give money to charities. I donated €1 to her favourite charity and explained (in brief) the circulation of money and 'MO' etc and said in effect they just have. All charity donations from the public follow that exact same route in the circulation of money. Of course this leads to the question as to why Charities actually exist in the first place, which is also not a popular choice for a suggested thesis in economics departments in Universities.(changing it to an interest-inflation based title is an option however)
Asking why Charities exist as a economics thesis, or a basic outline proposal (see Bank reform 2 pdf below about 30 paragraphs down) or further asking if Central banking - ( i.e. Corporate Social responsibility, risk culture, reputation and fluid fiscal alternatives which do not interfere, slow or upset the markets which is not an easy idea or proposal to frame or present) - could be involved in that aim could be a difficult hurdle to surmount .It could negatively effect your grades and it is not the most popular choice or idea with supervisors.
To give an example on the 05/05/2016 ( the pdf named Bank reform 2 is a basic outline to open up possibilities ) money was found for Syrian children refugees and quite rightly found in a crisis which is going to increase. It is estimated 15 - 20 million children could be at risk in the Middle east over teh next few years, and they cannot all be re-located to Europe. Aside from this the EU wastes on average €1000 Billion annually (corruption and other amidst austerity and national homegrown poverty amongst children) Yet amid austerity or quantitative easing money cannot be found for existing children in Europe or their parents who may be unemployed or (75 million people are unemployed in the EU) for job creation measures. Budgets are agonised other by politicians and local authority personnel everyday.whilst Europeans fight to be heard on reform.This continues alongside a backdrop of the Gulf States countries who could afford to buy every Syrian/Middle east child one oil well each. And in the growing awareness of the Christian genocide, War reparation payments to the victims in the middle east by Islamic states should be sought as is normal after any war (it is beyond any monetary cost) but €10 Trillion could be a beginning. All of the above is considered sound economics when of course it is crazy. Seek modest and sound alternatives to the current economy in traditional or behavioural economics (across left and right but largely as a result of the economics of corruption, stagnation and poor long term investment over decades to support national aims i.e. so called socialism, cronyism and international corruption over decades which aims to destroy national prosperity and "localism" which opposes Globalization for local jobs and people coming together for manufacturing and local efforts and initiatives. It is supposed to be a legal form of Governance in the EU ) The situation described above is accepted as sound everyday economics but alternatives especially to alleviate child poverty and trafficking are considered eccentric.
Land which is already in public ownership should not need to be re-financed again (as it is in public ownership already) in order to develop and/or build upon it ? the combined funds for buying the public land land which is already paid for and the finance for constructing upon it, could build instead beautiful housing which benefits the town or city. Housing (see last chapter i.e. chapter 3 ) which is built to certain advanced standards should receive banking discount and reduced cost discount which is afforded by reducing oil and gas imports to pay for it. It is a fiance model which assumes 95 % or 100% employment with wages to pay for rents or loans or mortgage, and as such it is not a free service. Rents are usually low and below market levels. Farming land or private land within families should not be taken by stealth or under the pretense it is for environmental reasons. It surprises people that the state as well as private development can take away public land from the common law holding just as easily and this is happening (land giveaway) in Ireland, Britain, Wales and Scotland and elsewhere around the world. Homelessness occurs when too much private development takes affordable rents away and new cities (which will comprise 70% of the worlds population by 2050 will need affordable and private homes) Private land is vastly more abundant anyway for private development and should be used instead and the traditional bank debt models cover those developments .These are real economic conservative ideas which Germany has retained as well as supplying craft guild apprenticeships for skilled work for young people (which still exist to this day in a vastly reduced indentured and looser form for high skills transfer and craftsmanship )
(Localism as a nationalist concept and planning ideal many would say protects communities who are consistent and known to each other. It protects the family and small business and therefore bonds society, reducing bureaucracy. Localism produces product for trade in the world markets and excess for exporting, quality is also improved by local clean produce. It supports town, region and nation. Localism ideals, can be funded by lets systems, alternative currencies or conventional funding models such as standard bank debt, mezzanine finance, equity and EIIS, venture capital and bonds. Italy was the most enthusiastic country for the idea which works better as a nationalist concept for manufacturing and healthy agriculture and industry as opposed to collectivization, cultural Marxism or centralization imposed from above or the state. This chapter and chapter 5 outlines how collectivization returned the world under its yoke to feudal slavery and peasantry, as opposed to removing those conditions. Kibbutzim seem to be the exception to that norm)
A safe zone for the Middle East remains the only sensible long term solution and one which could become a new country as opposed to a tent city or tent megacity.
The oisintrust website states;
' Of course taxation against financial transactions such as the carbon tax and Tobin tax already exist (and a proposal for central bank funding to Charities is therefore theoretically possible, and there is a story to tell concerning this unusual and unlikely possibility) and as some Charities have been rocked by financial scandals & fraud amidst also a worldwide recession, thinking outside of the box in order to raise money for good causes may cause you to think not only about drastic alternative possibilities but also about the wider purpose of 'money' (the philosophy of money) but also the social purpose of funding. Scandals and upsetting revelations are reaching epidemic proportions in many cases. This last point has been analysed by the 'Wheel' a Umbrella organisation overseeing charities. See their report here 'A portrait of Ireland's non-profit sector' which is very professional and timely. This website raises other questions'
The Dalai Lama Trust
For Tibet the Dalai Lama raises money from charitable donations including corporate donations to assist the children of Tibet. This is a feature of his work despite the political and social upheaval Tibet faces everyday. He undertakes this task in exile.
Whilst there is encouraging news for Tibet and Nepal into 2015 and especially for children, the brutal persecution of Tibet continues. Photographs, videos 1 & video 2 censorship self immolations, from communist oppression. India which has ancient connections to Nepal and Tibet also can intervene and assist with these problems.
The economic debate in world history and in the world today could be invigorated by the honest recognition that banking can increase its 'mo' money supply see chapter 1 , 2 & 3 above, create low or non-existent inflation and lower prices giving in effect a wage increase (a poverty reduction) whilst maintaining international aspirations. National debts can be put to work to create infrastructure and services not just borrowing accumulations for 'mo to m4' needs. This strengthens the international situation as opposed to weakening it. Austerity or poverty creates a situation in the world today where slavery is rising not just among drug users and the homeless but in the middle classes also. (Including prostitution and stress related illness) An examination of the causes and solutions require a different view from other angles.
In Ireland an interesting event occurred. It was announced that the Dalai Lama would visit Ireland in 2011. Aside from the belief he is considered to be a living God on earth (not a cause for concern or conceit for the Dalai Lama) he is also a Land Developer and raises money via charitable donations. A part of his portfolio is to develop schools and orphanages for Tibetans in Tibet and India and around the world. This involves all aspects of design, land law, facilities management and contract law. In effect the trust is a property management development company which seeks to tender to engineering and construction companies. Alternatively the Dalai Lama trust can also become the client and develop to local indigenous standards and traditions which ironically is beginning to be emulated by large corporate developers in any case. Tibet by not developing anything may also be a world leader in environmentally friendly fuels and practices. Renewable energy and associated vibrations.
The four letters below outline his visit to Ireland in 2011.
The following four letters have been forwarded to 1.Central banks (worldwide), 2. President Obama, 3. Charities Worldwide (as bank bailouts show ultimately taxpayers as ordinary people had to save the banks through bailing them out, and who ultimately also donate to charities, and therefore can banks bailout charities ! whilst the world new innovations in banking, banking mechanisms can achieve most tasks) 4. His Holiness The Dalai Lama.
The following asks the question, as to why the world’s economy and finances in part are not geared towards projecting the most vulnerable in society. Separately Warren Buffet looking the world Derivative debt bubble and as it hits $1 quadrillion = $1000 Trillion in 2018 and now a lot more) with future unfunded commitments which are shared with all the EU nations far beyond the derivatives debt bubble (unfunded commitments can plan ahead 50 years) and which amount to untold €Quad- Trillions shows the worlds awash with funds. This website gives examples from existing and past attempts and examines finance possibilities.No nation can reform its economy when irresponsible derivative products are allowed to ruin stability. In the USA, the derivatives bubble is over $500 Trillion dollars (or analysed here again )whilst the US national debt is $22 trillion) It is this aspect of the world’s economy i.e. global derivatives in the Quadrillions combined with the (now) $244 Trillion (Jan 2019) global debt bubble (IMF estimation and which is owed by everyone on the planet) which is the real cause of the instability in the global markets and world economies, but a reset is required not a collapse. Bringing in the odd $£€50 million (on top of existing budgets and debt free, and this expense would save 3 times that amount in crime reduction savings) or so monthly to track and capture pedophiles or traffickers terrorists and child slavery merchants in the fallacy of ‘open borders’ seems very little in comparison and could easily be afforded.
The Dalai Lama is without doubt an inspirational person. He has kept his tribe intact and thriving and has overcome the most difficult trails and obstacles from his youth up until today, but especially since 1950. In chapter 5 also you can read of the horrors of the cultural revolution in communist China. The 'Mind and Life dialogue's' (and disputed topics) are also highlighted below.
Community Interest Companies (or variants upon it) and the funding (unmentionable) idea.
(December 2015) An idea in the making is a Charity company for social needs to fill a funding gap. The ideal business structure for this will be a Community Interest Company, (as one option and which is a conservative idea) which is half a business and half a charity. This would assist many social projects. (see also Many countries have introduced legislation to enable such companies to begin, whilst others are slow to make those changes and the idea has been used in every country on earth by all shades of political party (new applications will be made from December 2015 )
This funding model (which is not "free" ) is derided by those who do not understand economics could work with standard bank debt, mezzanine finance, equity and EIIS, venture capital and bonds. It is simply called "funding without borrowing" for internal projects only in a nation (or at small interest to pay costs)The last method "bonds" especially since the Paris Climate summit in December 2015 could also be funded with very low interest free credit and/or complete interest free credit. This last point is derided yet 196 countries have signed up to bonds which will fund development on very low interest free credit. If it is low interest or free interest, the money still has to be repaid hence it is only the interest that is "free" or to cover seigniorage costs. In the past it has also been employed by every nation on earth including America (before 1870) and it is not a socialist idea but a return to conservative economics. This is explained as follows; (by Dr Matthias Kroll who studied political economics, sociology and law at the Hamburg University for Economics and Politics)
" An alternative way of financing and providing sums larger than 100 billion dollars to the GCF could be the involvement of central banks. These can never become insolvent in their own currency due to their monopoly of issuing the legal tender – even if they purchase non-performing assets"
and he adds
" When central banks buy new Green Climate Bonds, and record this in their balance sheets, they also gain a new monetary policy tool. The advantage of this new tool is that it leads directly to the purchase of new goods and services. The real economy is thus stimulated without a need for the usual detour of credit creation by private banks. This means that no new debtors and creditors need be found. The new money is created, debt-free. The disbursal by the GCF would be directly injected into the system of the nation's banks, and their reserves at the central bank would rise. Should excess reserves result, the banks could reduce these reserves by lowering their refinancing at the central bank. The money supply would thus fall again. Banks would reduce their reserves at the central bank, which they do not need to refinance credit creation, and thereby reduce the money supply, because of the endogeneity of the money supply. The Bank of England has recently identified this as the correct description of monetary policy practice.[2] The effect of the endogeneity of the money supply is especially important when central banks buy more Green Climate Bonds (for a short period of time as start-up financing) than needed for actual money creation. This process contributes to the money creation and the resultant money supply reduction offsetting each other, so that the money supply grows as much as the economy requires to expand to full potential
Green Climate Bonds should have a duration of at least 100 years and would ideally only bear small, if any, interest rates. Due to their very long term, Green Climate Bonds would become permanent assets of the central banks and thus form the foundation of regular money creation"
Taking this idea further the resultant debt or money to pay back can be reduced (see along this webpage) to a shorter time even to one year. This is termed producing an asset and reducing the debt to zero. The asset is produced and is paid off. This reduces overheads and costs down the line making planning less volatile for those who cannot help themselves or find work. It has been used to build homes, help oil companies and also social needs.
Extending this idea to help the disabled and children occurs (in theory but a growing accepted theory) as they (in the economic debate) are left in between the ideological discussion and fall through the funding net. Even private funding requires top up funding which can be expensive. This model (community interest companies as described above) maximises funding options to include 1. interest rated bank debt or bonds, 2. interest free credit as described above and 3. charity donations. 4. finance paid off over a very short term. This would also assist disabled war veterans and disabled children. An objection i received from someone "across the pond" is that it was a "socialist idea", but in actual fact it is a conservative idea in origin and this person said they supported disabled veterans? and objected to the burgeoning national debt ? which eats into funds, but which can be managed especially when its purpose is honestly spelt out.
The truth is that this zero interest rate model if a nation employs it alone, then that nation will stagnate in the import / export international finance reality. However if a nation employs a purely bank debt, mezzanine, equity, venture capital model it will implode eventually, and both of these "types" can be viewed in a number of countries around the world especially since 2008. It can run separately (as a MO money supply fund) from the market and stock - market and will not interfere with it. It will ironically stabilize a market / stock market economy (i.e the sub-prime & other problems) It can only go so far. These ideas were once turned into reality by a great economist yet not perfect as no one is (last link has the stamp scrip story) in the 1930's Irving Fisher (Phd Yale, a very clever man, the first economic noble prize winner and a reformed member of the CPLPL A, Congregational Protestants Peoples Liberation Party of America in his youth. He put countless people to work with his schemes in a time of destitution called the Great Depression in the 1930's. This money or "stamp scrip" was spent, creating activity and saved in banks creating deposits for loans again) For more details see the end of Chapter 3 (above) and the decisions of the Paris climate Cop 21 conference.
Making sense of it all, the Dalai Lama meets the American Enterprise Institute
You tube title; Happiness, free enterprise, and human flourishing: A special online event featuring His Holiness the Dalai Lama
A documentary showing the history of Tibet and Nepal is here (link below)
Tibet Situation : Critical – Full Documentary. Tibet Documentary by Jason Lansdell
And a wider debate; Dalai Lama in Switzerland
His financial trust also accepts students and teaches on the debate between science and religion. (A noble pursuit which states)
"The Trust also seeks to support initiatives that encourage a sense of universal responsibility in the global community, and the advancement of dialogue between science and religion"
The debate between science and religion dictates our world view, a part of that debate between, Evolution, Agnosticism Intelligent design (intelligent design does not always follow a spiritual view of our origins, but rejects 'natural selection', viewing the Universe as impossible to have occurred by chance) and Creation continues amidst these explorations and creation science (from 9 pHd scientists) which, for education equality should be taught with evolution and let children decide over their lifetimes otherwise it is discrimination. Incredible as it seems there are those who do not think Children have a right to a free and contented childhood. People can insist GMO seeds are bad (and this is so) and would rather the seed were natural and organic. A human seed as growing into a full human is not considered in the same way ?. A wheat seed grows into a wheat stalk/sheaf but a human baby is a Foetus? The debate is endless but at the root of this confusion are the roots of the acceptance of slavery and a lack of value on human life.
With children increasingly caught up in poverty and war how can the world stand by and watch in Nepal or Tibet or in the Middle East. Child trafficking and sex trafficking for woman and children has now reached endemic proportions.
200 years or so after William Wilberforce abolished slavery, human slavery exists worldwide in what amounts to a $32 Billion per annum business. Incredibly it is not cited as slavery in the media ? Is it possible to create a $32 Billion dollar rescue fund to end the problem ? William Wilberforce documentary. Slavery is not just a Western problem but also one which emanated from the Middle East, and also when Africans enslaved Europeans, whilst Japan and China have also enslaved each other. South America also had its own slavery trade.
Today many woman are trafficked from Eastern Europe and the West generally as are children, slavery is rife.
The situation exists to enable funding to reduce and then end child sex slavery, it is easily solvable, yet it exists as the reality continues, a reality where some young children are being sold up to 7 times a day and who need surgery after. If they survive physically, many do not survive mentally. Facilities, medical staff and care for recovery cost's money also. Money can be produced free to cover these recoveries and facilities can be an asset (read further on) If people think the issue is over sentimentalized or exaggerated then please also watch the following.
Stopthetraffick Nefarious The A21 Campiagn The Pink Room & ( to name but a few organisations)
A $32 Billion dollar industry it has been suggested on social media is a large sum, but in the USA in 2014, $17 Billion was spent on Valentine Cards on Valentines day. Therefore it is possible to aid the situation financially.
Alicia's law is firstly a heroic achievement which has in one respect changed America. It is connected to "" which has three programs 1. Hero Corps 2. Sunlight and 3. Weiss Center. No 1 is attached to disability and injuries.
One new idea which is now active in every states in the USA is Alicia's law which was brought by Alicia Kozakiewicz (testifying before the House Judiciary Committee) a harrowing ordeal when she was 13 years old. She has changed the law and Republican John Tilley from the House of Representatives or in this article link here spoke for the law and the required changes. The law (known as Alicia's law or here in wikipedia ) under Tilley or "HB 247" helps provide a dedicated revenue stream by adding $10 fine onto every criminal case convicted (and convicted is important as the motive is not to make money but to first secure hard evidence which leads to a conviction and then the $10 is released which could be $20 or more) This provides a dedicated revenue stream to the Police and perhaps the FBI and other similar agencies and investigations into these harrowing crimes which online are difficult to look at and stomach. (see the adjacent website and chapter 6 for other police agencies who also had to stomach such investigations) Other states in the USA also add in unclaimed National lottery monies to boost the funding and this funding problem is a constant battle. Multiple sources of funding (like community interest companies could hold but which is simply an account in a bank) often hit a brick wall and there are other options which this unusual chapter explores starting from scratch.
There are people who will criticise such initiatives even (and you would have to listen to really believe it) stating it could cause inflation and bring disaster on the national economy that can be addressed also. Others will say its "big government" but is it ? is it big government to protect children or is it just community and love they neighbour as thyself, but love children more ? are these crimes less than the worth of $10 dollars or a life worth less than that . Besides it is possible to be fiscally conservative and protect vital services without slashing budgets. (it may take a very long webiste to go into that) Of course the idea which is simple and beneficial will also have its critics who say ok but that $10 dollars does not just exist in a void it is $10 which could have gone elsewhere in a functioning economy. Yet illegal financial gains often sit in an empty bank account and they do not "work" (work, i.e. = in the active sense of achieving something) . This argument is the same as saying crime is also under the philosophy of "two wrongs do not make a right" but with this $10 dollar fine as money a right can correct a terrible crime. The cost (even financial ) of prevention and conviction is in terms of future medical care, mental health healing and the family and society a million time greater.
The idea can be applied to Trafficking, Prostitution and Slavery and can include recuperation of bank accounts, and real estate, and if all else fails then a quick call to the national federal bank (cash printing office) could tide matters over and has proven ( see chapters 1 and 2 and ongoing below) to provide funds in certain areas in a limited capacity. Banking without borrowing for emergency liquidity is not a fiction and should provide liquidity in many vital services (offset against values of future costs incurred due to health and treatment victims costs etc, and real estate asset values and of course goodwill and people come first attitude).
Ukraine Further the honest analysis of sexuality, explotation and suffering and the loss of innocence also has to be set against the Eugenics debate, Cultural Marxism and Critical Theory which do not act on impetus as long term solutions but are disguised to break down the fabric of society. Children and Woman are the most vulnerable (men commit these crimes which is universally true) and also one aspect which is not often considered concerns the protest action group Femen, Their latest documentary is called "Ukraine is not a Brothel" (which you can google) Other "Femen" in the Ukraine and in the mountains. ("The Ukrainian warrior woman of Asgardia" are an actual ancient tribe related to the Scythians, (see adjacent website and scroll down) which if you contrast against the Femen documentary "Ukraine is not a brothel" their view (the Asgardia) maybe offers a new direction and a new direction or leadership, as desired by the Femen group (as they say in the documentary) The Asgardian or Amazon Warrior Woman as mentioned are a real tribe who resided around the Black Sea area (Scythia) Firstly the harmonious development of the woman was sought and attained. They separated from the rest of society and they were in fact from the Scythian tribes originally. One of them actually fought with Achilles. Why and how they separated ? are possibly the same reasons Femen and the Asgardian Woman separated today (there is nothing new under the Sun) They did however re-marry into the Scythian tribes once more later. Herodotus (the historian) mentions these facts which are not a myth. (They are also related to the Sacai or Saxons and Celts who came up through Northern Israel) Of course woman in any and all culture should have a choice to make a family or not.
The Femen documentary seeks to understand the private reasons Femen began its protests which are rational (the media has twisted their intent) in origin born out of desperation. Ukraine is not a brothel, and no country should be and children are not for sale. The situation in the Ukraine is due to the occupation of Ukraine by Russia and Femen began their protest before their revolution. Ukrainian Woman were imprisoned in dungeons but most were in a open prison in many ways. Ukraine signed the laws against international trafficking in 2005. Over many years into decades, tens of thousands of woman yearly had been trafficked or being forced into prostitution. Not through an intellectual disparity in the "dialectic" but due to Stalinist marxist socialism brutal in occupation. A film which relates the devastation Ukraine incurred in World War two and after as a commercial film and story (and also a book and is interesting if you know of the Ukraine) is the film Everything is Illuminated at a time when Ukrainian Jews are returning to Israel. ( Escaping the ravages of the effects of the Communist regime before the revolution in occupation in the Ukraine, which now even after the Revolution has after effects)
A Welcome development in the fight, hunt and capture of paedofiles is the setting up of the "Human Exploitation Rescue Operative" in which ex army special forces injured and/or retired can become an extra but essential tier added to the FBI which fights online (and offline therefore or in the field) child pedophile exploiters which is tied into Trafficking worldwide. An enriching and rewarding but harrowing profession which can be soul destroying (see chapter 6 in the adjacent website) Injured soldiers can work again. Funding for disability and injured vets is also an issue which will work together and it is of course better that disabled or injured people form a business for disabled needs themselves Combining these two urgent and integral needs is an inspired solution, and of course they are both very underfunded. An outline article on this type of solution is here (facebook note & ideas ) which is not a proposal but an idea shaping a proposal for funding (combined and multi funding sources in which nearly all are accepted of the 6 or 7 proposed, and it can be duplicated in any country or city worldwide)
The recent announcement by Elijah Wood and the Corey Feldman announcements are pertinent as normalizing pedophilia means the media is a target to aid the normalization process. (desensitizing people)
Ashton Kutcher relates his software company Thorn (speaking on the senate and foreign relations committee ) which tracks down child abusers and pedophiles and helps in human trafficking It is a harrowing job but necessary Navy Seal Craig Sawyer gives his view on child trafficking and abuse (it is not for the faint of heart and of course it cuts across all levels of the class system into the very rich (h.e.r.o. child rescue programme) and occurs in every country, and the level of deception to abuse and traffic children knows no limits in an industry which makes more money than the drug system ) and also the post modernist ideology which has gone into a parallel universe but which is an old idea reworked ( there is nothing new under the sun Ecclesiastes 1, 4-11 and 1, 9)
It is confirmed that Robert Downey Jnr has not made the allegations as listed in Neon Nettle. (or here ) It is important to understand however that real claims do actually turn out to be true such as Jimmy Savile and countless others. Jimmy Savile and child abuse. It gives the impression that Savile was the only one when in fact there are many ( many hundreds around the world including Hollywood) who work in film and entertainment.
Placing these ideas, testimonies and solutions together (from Alicia's law down which eventually all add up) can be very effective. The rest of the information below up in Chapter 4 (and Chapter 5) until the following heading ' Is it possible to end Child Slavery & Woman trafficking ? The Mind Life Institute and Dialogues and the Social Venture Network ' and its theme to make a fund (which considers the minutia and extremes of banking and economics no matter how unfamiliar they seem or appear which can then be placed next to conventional economics if you can call any aspect of money conventional and look for gaps and possibilities to increase the fund) to buy back the trafficked is possible and is of course or should be a feminist idea but would take people of influence and power but more importantly victims coming forward across the spectrum to make it happen.
Media Control
The control of the media by child abusers is growing and this is obvious from the revelations which came from the British Scottish, Welsh and Irish cases over the last few years which are detailed in the adjacent website and chapter 6. The media is an attractive for the criminals in the pedophile business the Hollywood business is just as problematic. An Open Secret Unedited or Hollywoods Pedophile problem & During the USA Presidential elections the FBI and the Clinton emails scandals also revealed that the FBI (James Comey) have been involved in investigating pedophile and child abduction and violence around America and the World. The medias role is not just pornography but the everyday media we are fed through the internet and television. 90 % of the people who work in the media are not involved in any way, but those that are go to enormous lengths and control media programming in many areas. This helps shape public opinion or soften public opinion but also allows grooming and trafficking to become invisible in plain sight. Television programming becomes a form of grooming from (literally ) the cradle to the grave. Children cannot fight back (always)
Pedophiles however are people who believe they are a oppressed minority and who should be considered a 'new gender' and they are relentless. in Britain they even had there own website called PIE or pedophile information exchange which many thought was naming and shaming pedophiles but was actually run by them. PIE (pedophile exchange information) interview, you tube. In other words if an investigation breaks out, provide a false investigation front. PIE sought to reduce the age of consent so that a 40 year (for example) old could legally have intercourse with a girl or boy of 9 or 10 years of age. Many politicians and members of the LGBT community were members but have since disowned it. The links in the paragraphs above Infiltrating Hollywood is (as with any network or media) a part of that ambition, and as you can see they are not just deluded or just mad or mentally ill but are completely aware of what they are doing across the board. This is important as when prosecuted they claim they are mentally ill to avoid jail. Yet a mass and shared illness cannot stay organised, rational (i.e rational to them) and durable over such long timescales and then claim it is not connected and an invisible movement. They are criminals who should get life in prison, or the death penalty, as they purposely destroy innocence and cause physical and psychological damage. 0.2 % of the population control the media in this way as child predators. 3% of the population are gay yet they are employed to a higher degree by a ratio of ten to one in the front media as broadcast. How did that happen. The next stage in the nightmare fantasy is to marry a young child in the Church as they now want the same rights as gays. Who have rights already ? )
For an insight into the Brave new world or 1984 and dystopia scroll down to Chapter 5 and read North Korea ( 'North Korea and Gulags and its history (China & Chairman Mao' )
One area in which the liberal media frenzy became fully apparent was during the US elections 2016 and especially after the election was over. Whilst trafficking and pedophile networks exist within the media itself, this is examined in the paragraphs below and after the heading " Family planning as an ideology" (around 100 paragraphs down past the reduced width column and past the history of Tibet which has of course faced genocide and relocation by communists. It has experienced kidnap and trafficking and also propaganda to drop its spiritual beliefs and traditions to assimilate into Chinese communist society, many would say that is how liberalism in the west works works also. The exact writing is inserted into existing text from the heading family planning as an ideology after the paragraph which begins The tavistock institute and and the NHS combine and Under the subheading "The USA & the Presidential, National and State elections November 2016" and all aspects of the problem are discussed and some which seem remote but are in fact a part of the surrounding ethos ) One layer of the personnel are confused whilst the others are cold blooded predators. Some suggest rounding them all up and then lining them up in one area or line or a building ( a former child care dungeon where children are kept as prostitutes and bound so they cannot kill themselves too soon) and shelling them with tank shells.
Rebel news has added to the continuing controversy which explains (video) "how the left pushes pedophilia" It is a disgusting subject yet the women in the video warns in advance and explains what is going on. (see chapter 6 in the adjacent website) This girl summaries the supposed ambiguity (video; PizzaGate Definitive Factcheck: Oh My God) which supposedly had code words in the leaked wiki leak emails. Or CBS Host Admits 'Pizzagate Is Real' For children it is not a source of amusement as of course they are innocent and cannot fight back. Richard Huckle who is not a christian (Britain's worst pedophile although that is not true shockingly) committed 71 offences and was charged in June 2016. Operation rescue by Europol in 2016 operated in 13 countries to catch one pedofile ring who were working across borders which is another reason border security is important. 80 % of trafficking, sexual abuse and rape is against females.
It is confirmed that Robert Downey Jnr has not made the allegations as listed in Neon Nettle. (or here ) It is important to understand however that real claims do actually turn out to be true such as Jimmy Savile and countless others. Jimmy Savile and child abuse. It gives the impression that Savile was the only one when in fact there are many ( many hundreds around the world including Hollywood) who work in film and entertainment.
New laws in Ireland (mentioned again below) to protect Children from sexual exploitation which are extended to woman are agreed In Ireland, but can carry only a discretionary sentence up to 14 years instead of life. These two crimes when legal underpin trafficking.
A suggested idea amongst many others (but see also chapter 1 and 2 above) is detailed as basic outline below. 'Fintech' technology of Financial Technology advances are making financial solutions once unrealistic become achievable realities.
How would it work? The Children's central bank ! would still require adults to run it and parents or adopted parents to engage with it, its principles can be extended to other forms of banking systems also. Corporate Social Governance, (CSG) ethical banking and Sustainable finance can assist.
Firstly I would like to dedicate this initiative to worldwide slavery and especially worldwide Child slavery, and Children in general. A new film 'Sold' which describes human trafficking which is rife worldwide (2014). The trailer is here It follows other similar films such as the Whistleblower and many others.Amnesty International also relates the disease and its causes and links to the economics. Children and Woman are the main victims in what is true slavery and a horrendous situation existent in this world. This includes war zones where aid can never reach its source, and of course applies to the middle east and the other 40 wars continuing worldwide. Many organisations rely on charity to fund their investigation or relief into these areas. Yet in the worldwide recession the charities have suffered a depletion of income, and many charities have been found to be self serving institutions of fraud. One example is here another is here. Britain has also suffered charity fraud. Even veterans in the USA have had problems with charitable requirements, itself not aided by the new healthcare proposals?
Institutions can be supplied with funds in the following ways 1) Donations by the public or wealthy individuals and corporations. 2) Donations from Banks similar to 1. 3) Donations from National Government to combine with the first two examples. 4) People can volunteer time and their wages as time worked as a temporary solution.
A fifth way exists which has been utilised many times but not as a permanent solution. It is mentioned again further in this section. In Chapter 2 and this Chapter 4 the issue of the types of money are discussed. MO – M4. In chapter 2 you can see that MO was 21% of the money stock in 1963, but it is now 2 – 4%. This is physical cash in circulation produced debt free without interest and without accumulating onto the national debt. M1 – M4 money are imports and exports and other types of money such as private and retail banking deposits, they make up the other classifications. M4 is all the money supply of MO to M4 combined i.e. the total wide circulation, whilst MO is a proportion of it, the narrower Cash and notes we use everyday. Currently this is about 3-4% and is about £100 billion in pounds in circulation,(it varies in every country) yet the total money in circulation is not as much as what is owed in debt, hence more borrowing is required.
Public Finance has utilized this method to fund struggling private oil companies and alternative energy companies and companies who need subsidies, when it is in the national interest. It is not just for private or public companies but can be used for charities. Central banks act as lenders of last resort to the method. It can be coupled or partnered with other financial instruments normally employed. This particularly purpose suggested here is normally a public sector issue, with police, social services, and criminal agencies and sometimes even the military, in such cases this extra funding allows budgetary debates to be extended and successfully defended with extra allocation of funds.What is different is that existing generous donations (see in all this para) can be risk free investment, and no cost to the banks, with a medium to long term profit also possible. It is a problem of woman and children in slavery and torture.
First the economic theory as an explanation which is sometimes difficult
M4 restored to its true amount would equal the total debt owed, and this would then end quantitative easing which bridges the gap to M4 shortfall of total money stock. MO could be increased without becoming inflationary.Quantitative easing is inflationary but simply put Austerity checks inflation but produces austere economies. 100% employment is reduced to 50% unemployment as a result. (Spain for example) Taking MO and increasing it, means more money will be spent in the economy producing more jobs etc, produced without interest or inflation.MO produces a stable economy if increased, and the stability is realized in both in wages and prices. The problem is many international projects require the interest payments on the national debt, as interest is paid upon the national debt. The worry is increasing MO for the banks, is that it will reduce these interest payments as the national debt will not rise as quickly and interest will be lost. But increasing MO from say 4% (the current amount) to 7% or 8% produces £50 billion in interest free revenue (as extra cash in the economy) which is also not quantitative easing. Some of this could be made into an interest free bond and produce infrastructure, even a 1 or 2% increase in MO in circulation as a bond will create more jobs (which of course underpins carbon trading viability and eases the subprime market problem stabilising amortised loans and mortgages) Creating stability and growth in turn supports international projects. Further since any bonded MO proportion could produce infrastructure or real estate, then this interest free money will realise a greater return over the term of the loan. Real estate (hospitals, medical recuperation facilities, medical staff) Making a new bond from the MO cash supply increases the overall total M4 moneystock, but the price of money is reduced for social projects when it is increased as MO, inflation is therefore reduced also. A proportion could be used for charity, and a proportion for internal national circulation. Further on in this section we will read of the possibilities. It will not effect national debt arrangements, but GDP and GNP will escape stagnation.
The oisin trust has promoted the following report and its findings (as quoted earlier ) by the 'Wheel 'See their report here 'A portrait of Ireland's non-profit sector' which is very professional and timely. It has also promoted Community Interest Companys which can of course become victims to the same issues. Yet in Ireland there are institutions which are 1/3 funded by Government and the rest by charitable donations which feed up to 1500 people everyday (like a miracle) who cannot find work in a high rent environment. Checks and balances can be introduced and essential services can be funded and society can be supplied with its basic requirements.
As always it boils down to how can these problems be solved and who will pay. There are hundreds of economic examples to support such projects. Charities and Governments and Private providers have equally struggled to cope and/or overcome these problems. It is not a philosophical economic debate as to which system is correct or best. Yet raising money to combat this nightmare is reaching a crisis situation, and new ideas however unusual need to surface. Worldwide Human Trafficking statistics show 20% are children, yet official institutions have also overlooked these problems. The problem also exists in first world countries The poor become the most vulnerable and religious racism also fuels the trade.
Misallocation of funds to prevent Human Trafficking is evident, and research into how funds to overcome these crimes of Trafficking and Society Charity needs. Charitable bonds can help the aged or children (and provide premises) They can provide a traded income (although as we have pointed out in chapter 1 and 2 and this chapter, the lack of 'MO' debt free cash in the market helped to crash the sub-prime housing market as the stock-markets bottom pillar collapsed) And you can even bet against (hedge) social depravation.
It is suggested in this idea that there is nothing in it for the banks (although not every bank is privately owned) After this section (in yellow below) after reading the suggested area in the Basel 3 report from the Bank of International Settlements (2010 – 2011) you can see that social requirements and protections need to be considered, yet banking can still engage in Bank Debt lending, Bonds, Mezzanine finance and Venture capital and still adopt a profitable social / charitable scheme
This 'moment' in economics is rarely spoken of, it makes bankers wince and academics fall over themselves to disprove, but it is easily imagined (for further clarity) when we consider the film 'Catch me if you can'. The film is about the incredible life and exploits of Frank Abegnale Jnr Frank later (after a prison term) went to work for the very people who caught him eventually, i.e. the FBI and in the cheque fraud section within the Bureau which investigated him. The film concludes with Frank and agent Handratty pondering over a cheque which is a skilled and masterful fraud, with both investigating it. However you are left with the possible impression that Frank was possibly the person who made the cheque he and the FBI were now investigating (there is no proof of this). Yet this possibility raises an important question as of course (the real Frank Abegnale ) would be aware money is printed out of nothing. His cheque was paper but was valued as a blip on the national debt (a figure George Bush Jnr termed a debt we simply owe ourselves) which of course 'we' can forgive or change or alter) Economics has beneficial uses which have been denied society for too long, it is possible to cure social ills and also have a free market. The endless possibilities this raises is of course defeated by the possible inflation problems. (Quantitative Easing is inflationary unless checked by Austerity, but it is not development led low inflation or no inflation producing infrastructure or services) Problems and solutions to inflation are examined in chapters 1 - 5 on this page. Therefore money can be employed for good and not create inflation. $32 Billion to end sex child slavery and protect woman is a very small price to pay, and it increase's stability in society, as the spin off cost's of medical, psychological and physiological treatment and mental torture and their costs, must cost countries and states a hundred times this amount worldwide, and of course its prevention counteracts fraud.
Frank Abegnale could also have been charged with inflationary activities during his 4 million dollar escapade. Franks admits he did not invest this 'excess money' (which incredibly acted like MO in the money supply) in Real Estate, but if had invested it in real estate he could have sold the properties when he was released, paid back Pan American airlines and made a profit and donated any excess to charity and told the FBI about it. He could have run for Mayor.
When you consider that someone donating to charity (donates money) from their wages and separately then borrows money at interest, and then also bails out the banks, the idea of streamlining this circulation of monies seems a lot less ridiculous. Why not avoid a banking crash by protecting the bottom level of cash and work which (to repeat) ultimately caused the stock market crash when 'sub – prime people' who could not pay their mortgages crashed out of the market. A taxpayer (potential charity donator) bailout could then be avoided and travelling straight to 'Go' and offer interest free credit and set this 'loss' against an asset procured to help charities. This reduces the charities burden (consider charities which build shelters etc) and in time they could buy back the (asset) hospital or school or medical facility or recovery facility or even equipment. A developing country or area needs workers who are employed to take out loans in the future the bank is also then investing in its own future.
Banks and corporations make interest free charitable (tax free) donations to charities. The Vatican bank donated $70 million to charities in 2012 Other national and international banks have made such donations. This has prompted The Times newspaper to ask what else banks can do for charity The CAF bank (charities aid foundation) whilst remaining Conservative on many issues the bank could easily manage a $100 million dollar donation ! Within this entire page (sonas) if you read it from beginning to end you will be clear that such initiatives are possible. It is clear also that outside of the philosophical theoretical (economics) debate public services can be dramatically improved by investment and of course be enhanced. Charity instead becomes meaningful development.
Kudos is an ancient Greek term and banking requires lots of it. CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) ESG (Environmental Social Governance) allows and legally directs banks to acquire Kudos. Any movement can avail, or supplement its funds or begin a Trust Company with Charitable Tax Exemption, with 2 or 50 people, with (up to a million or… 10 million shareholders) Any new national bank (e.g. strategic infrastructure bank as one example) which can assist, lets systems, credit unions and co-operatives also.
Banks and Charities (contd)
Bank of America
Danske Bank
National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy &
The Community Foundation
The Global Poverty Project
World Childhood Foundation
Bank of the West
Community Interest Companies
EU anti trafficking policy and EU anti trafficking day 18.10.2014 (every year)
Within this page (Sonas) we can examine a financial solution, not from a third world initiative but from a wealthy first world country. Please examine Chapter 2 above please open Banking reform 1 thesis.pdf and turn to page 114. This describes the 'Channel Islands simple loan sanctions'. Essentially without a 'loan' as such over years but only 1 or 2 years (or less depending on the project) a project can be completed without debt. The money simply circulates to allow work to begin and materials to be obtained and then repaid from the same account. This provides infrastructure within what is a wealthy area without debt to control as they wished. In the PDF it is described by participants who worked in that scheme. Taxation to repay the loan was minimal and efficient but it was all on the same internal circulating money supply which creates employment, allowing easy taxation to repay the loan. The Irish parallel punt idea with the new infrastructure bank could step into this area.
Chapter 2 is also a scheme in itself and in its PDF it gives other examples of other schemes. When you consider the carbon tax and financial transaction tax are to be taken from banking transactions (carbon tax in certain circumstances) the idea is already well established. As the chapter below also states many bankers in the City of London and in wider England also suggested the scheme could benefit the needs of social desirability objectives (the poor and injured as the Hospitaller's also used to consider). Further if Jersey had not taxed affordably in order to repay this loan, then the debit (cost of the project) could be held on a National Debt account waiting for payment in the next accounting year. Yet a valuation of the property after one year when payment was due (the accounting year) could match the debit/cost of the project exactly and start the account to Zero again. Since property price rising usually beats inflation, waiting only two or three years could then make a profit in the accounts which could also be loaned out to make a profit back to the account holders, or placed back into the bank to boost reserves and further funding. The cost of money is reduced in this process and the charity or scheme gains free facilities which do not cost anything to anyone once accounted and managed for correctly. This national deb account could remain as long as the building stood or was owned by the national government. Remain without interest as an equal debit and asset account.
Again what is in it for the banks ? A nationalised bank (the government) will be happy knowing its balance sheet is even and it is easier for them to undertake this scheme.A private bank could purchase and sell a property but since the poor and ill and abused may need surety of tenure then this type of project would need to be a longer term decision, which would be profitable. Social ills cured, no debt and a long term financial solution for international projects. New Community Interest Companies could bridge this gap between internal interest free accounts and external banking accounts. Running two banking systems one internally and one operating both internally but for the external international markets stabilises the international system. Producing economies which are sustainable and prosperous and able to produce renewable energy and a healthy prosperous lifestyle and also ridding the trafficking of children and woman.
Of course money could be donated to buy back 'the sold' also (which is worth more ?)
Often trafficking victims require medical attention and recuperation facilities in secure environments. If this solution was provided to sex trafficking solution logistics, equipment and resources ( children trafficking and slavery) then the burden of capital would be reduced and the risk reduced. The bottom line of stating we cannot continue as we have no funds is removed. Ongoing funding for facilities management can then be met by existing funding solutions (as this money is left over after infrastructure is completed) They are then left with a new asset which is a + in the account and over time will realise a profit. However it is possible to extend this idea to break even and not repay the loan but hold it in a national debt account (a -) and then value the asset against the building or asset everyone owns. This is the true meaning and purpose of a national debt account. A hospital, library, shelter etc.
Take a developing countries experiment in Mauritania. At first this looks like a scheme to combat poverty. By collecting Camel milk and re-selling it pasteurised, to improve health and wealth in a region where development was sparce. Having drank unpasteurised milk from local consumption myself its quality in nutrients can be reduced in pasteurisation, but for it to travel it needs pasteurisation in order to reach a wider area. At first the scheme by Nancy Abeiderrahmane and her company / outlet plant called Tiviski was not accepted but after a few years it was utilised by local people and spread. What is also interesting is any producer who produced large quantities of milk could accept a receipt as payment for cash or currency later (for accounting purposes). This receipt however also then became currency itself to be exchanged for other goods with other groups until it returned to Tiviski to be cashed. Therefore a new economy based on a commodity was produced. Payment was not the issue only how much and when as milk regulated against "inflation". The Templar's recognised the value of such a method.
Initially to begin a new bank would require a floating fund which all central banks could donate into.
After Germany's reconstruction in 1947, the KFW bank produced currency locally to enable rebuilding. It was similar to the Deutschmark, but still exists outside of the Euro. It is a similar idea to Irelands Parallel punt idea. These ideas go beyond credit union ideals but are in fact similar in start up, it is just that no one has thought Central banks can also participate in this method. However in chapter 2 you will find many who worked within the City of London who employed in merchant banking or international trading state that this system can indeed operate (with a caveat it is for social needs only) see page 55 and others in Banking reform 1 thesis.pdf then look at page 57 and page 58. Social desirability can be improved by this scheme and it is a two tier funding (not currency values as two tiers) scheme which ironically (to repeat again) would have underpinned the "sub-prime" mortgage crisis which this thesis (experiment) predicted in 2004/2005. So it can aid those problems today and extend as a 'social desirability' scheme to end trafficking and children trafficking worldwide.
The rest of this page/website is dedicated to alleviating these physical problems by economic methods.
Many or all existing central banks would pay into it making its reserve money stock (preferably 100%) and the Children's central bank would distribute its monies to make orphanages, schools, eco villages, food and anything that is required. This is how existing central banks work. These works create a liability which is cancelled by the asset produced (orphanage, school, House, eco-village, food etc). Since taxpayers worldwide are paying for works, once in a normal payment for works account, and once more through the national debt and once again in the bailouts to the banks, (3 times) then the credits are due to be recouped by the taxpayer. The issue of ownership of these facilities remains but they should be managed by each national country.
Since the world banking collapse (this current collapse, and many previous) these credits to the world can be made into assets (orphanages, schools, homes, eco-villages, food) which is owned by everyone in the world. The Children's bank can also exist as a micro-credit lending bank such as the Grameen foundationand others promote. It would also of course be a great way to teach children sensible, debt free, sustainable banking, supporting the 'four C's' of Conservation, Community Culture and Commerce. Long term debt requires exports and unsustainable manufacturing to increase disproportionately to negate the debt, is this sustainable ? Of course this business proposal does not replace the existing system, and it is also not a rigid idea but a framework for possible solutions. It only re-directs taxpayer's money (as 'MO' see chapter 1 & 2 above) to achieve environmentally sustainable friendly development. Even a no interest bearing bond would achieve its objective, and it would also stabilise the sub-prime (toxic loan) problem if increased worldwide in open market operations. It is a difficult concept to visualise, initiate and raise going to an extreme length as an issue but it is worth it, if its aims can be achieved. This type of initiative can achieve more than political parties or political groups who claim to represent the poor and suffering worldwide and on every continent.
Since orphanages and special needs require funds and since investment also requires a social conscience, it is taking the Dalai Lama's idea one step further, which does not require agreement with his faith to undertake, nor does his faith preclude advancing his ideas.
A Quote from the proposal (see the pdf above) is as follows;
' When we realise that the BIS Basel 3 report "Consultative Document Strengthening the resilience of the bankingsector" Page 2 in the Executive summary (point 4) April 2010 states,
"Ultimately the public sector had to step in with unprecedented injections of liquidity, capital support and guarantees, exposing the taxpayer to large losses". BIS Basel 3 report April 2010.
It continues with advice that this should never occur again. Obviously bailouts could or should never occur again. It honestly shows how taxpayers are a stakeholder in the bank, and also how they can participate within it. It identifies risk pressures and a lack of confidence resulted in a lack of liquidity, which full employment and new vibrant SME's would abate, both in the sub-prime market (as payments to loans would stop default) and in the carbon trading market. |
And a model or type (a non-profit 'MO'already exists as a model "Members (Medlemsbank) bank in Sweden" (JAK bank for short, in Sweden serving people and entrepreneurs), which does employ interest free banking with the view that "interest transfers money the wrong way" i.e. away from the public in money and assets. It has 34,000 members, but it could have 34 Million, or 3.4 Billion, and could be a central bank ! (with subdivisions etc)
Under the inspiration of the following words "Can conventional banks run microcredit programmes ? Of course they can, " & "Finally new kinds of financial institutions can be created as required to cater to the financial needs of social business, social venture capital funds, social mutual funds, and of course a full fledged social stock market" Muhammed Yunus (2010) Creating a world without poverty.
The thesis (PDF above the four letter PDFs) "Proposal for a new NGO Children & Disability, Bank reform 2" is an outline of poverty reduction can be achieved very quickly around the Globe. Social Justice and World hunger/poverty, amidst unnecessary austerity measures is a crime against humanity.
Lamido Sanusi President of Nigeria's Central Bank, Bankers 'should have remorse'
Yet people (the public) controlling a bank themselves is a real solution, there are 7 Billion people on the planet, who want freedom. As the Basel report above suggests it should never happen again..
The History and Struggle of Tibet & Nepal
The Dalai Lama states he is a Buddhist Marxist, but not a Leninist. Chairman Mao the former ruler of China in his early years also aspired to be a Buddhist but turned to political republicanism instead. Chairmans Mao's mother had also been a Buddhist. Chairman Mao Zedong or Mao Tse tung as he came to be known ruled China from 1949 until he died on September 9, 1976. He founded the Peoples republic of China in 1949. (a one party Socialist Dialectical Marxist state)
There are many contradictions in Mao, he studied Adams Smiths 'Wealth of Nations' and Marx and Engels Communist Manifesto (although other writers had proposed similar objectives listed in the Communist Manifesto before it), but his list of achievements (not exactly from a poor working class background, as his father was a rich landowner) are infamously immense. A notably change to the long history of any country was the 'Cultural Revolution' from 1966 – 1969. China had been undergoing change since 1917 when the Russian Revolution began to influence Chinese intellectuals, and also from Japan which invaded China in 1937.
Japan and China had a previous conflict in 1894, and in this second Sino Japan war in 1937, China had received help from Germany, and the Soviet Union and also the USA. Then in 1941 Japan attacked Pearl Harbour. The attack was known in advance in the USA and this allowed the USA to enter into the war physically. Japan had suffered due to the Wall street stockmarket crash in 1929 reducing it to collapse. As a way through this disaster the Japanese Emperor went onto a war footing and expansionary (financial) invasion of China.
Japan surrendered on 2.9.1945 following the Atomic bombings of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the USA. The United Nations divided Korea, Chairman Mao sent troops to support it until Japan surrendered. The soviet Union controlled Korea North of the 38th parallel, whilst the USA controlled the South of the 38th parallel, which is the longitude degree at which the Sun shines longest in the Summer Solstice and Shortest at the winter Solstice. Germany was under occupation also at this time, and of course this sowed the seeds for its division with the bizarre division around Berlin in West Germany. Berlin was centred in East Germany and within Soviet territory, and with Europe occupied by the USA in West Germany. This formed an Island as it were of Capitalist West Germany Berlin, inside Communist Soviet Russia. A Hegelian conflict for many decades. ( Hegelian; the forcing of opposites onto each other to produce a new synthesis. A clinical almost chemistry like philosophy which required zones and economic theories and of course a large population. Similar to a laboratory some may suggest. In essence an experiment of synthesis and anti-thesis and planned for many decades in advance) Korea still is in this phase, with relatives who awake every day (on both sides) to wonder why they have been separated.
Once World War 2 (pausing before World War 3) ended in 1946/7 China resumed its civil war which was causing problems for Chairman Mao. Although Mao had formed the Peoples Republic of China, it had been a communist country since 1921 and was heavily funded (to which it owed large debts) by the Soviet Union. In early 1945 a few months before he died General Patton complained he could (with help from Germany and with Germans who would suddenly unite with the US army, obviously from the anti-Marxist US and German factions) take over the entire Eastern Hemisphere. Why not as the USA had intervened in WW2 and now ruled two continents, Asia could easily fall, but this was resisted by the powers that be much to his disgust. Yet what Patton witnessed next was a new weapon in the Nuclear attack on Japan.
It was important to recognise the difference in types of Marxist thinking. After Stalin died in Spring 1953, China viewed his successor Khrushchev as a moderate (in comparison to Stalin ) and split with it forming two rival Communist networks and schools around the world. These splits were already within the beginnings of the Soviet Bolshevik revolution of 1917. The Soviet revolution was born from intellectuals in the middle class but also from earlier necessity of the peasants (or proletariat) who had formed very successful workers co-operatives and a separate financial system based upon it previous to the revolution.
China went through famines and civil war and tens of millions of people died. As mentioned the Cultural Revolution began (officially) in 1966 to 1969.
Tibet & Nepal are regions over a thousand years old and the first Dalai Lama was instituted in 1391, but the re-incarnation of the Dalai Lama's taking political power did not take place until the 5th Dalai Lama in 1617. Under Imperial China the original recognition Kublai Kahn (Grandson of Genghis Khan) gave to the first Tibetan Buddhists is not now recognised by Communist China, and the Tibetan region of Lhasa (the place of the Gods) which includes Nepal (south of Tibet into India) is now a region succeeded to Communist China. However the Kingdom of Nepal south of Tibet became a Republic in 2008, and instrumental in that change was the Chinese communist party which became the largest party in the new elections in the constituent assemblies in 2008. The pro-democracy movement in Nepal began in the early 1940's and when China invaded Tibet in October 1950, India (south of Nepal) sent troops to its borders to undermine any new Chinese threat on its Northern border. India was also divided in Kashmir into Pakistan and India from the British Empire in 1947. Britain before withdrawal signed a treaty with Nepal giving it the right to be an independent state, as did Bhutan next door.
China (north of Tibet) has insisted it will only place troops in Tibet, if India or any other nation tries to get to close to it. Hinduism, Sikhism and Islam are also religions of the area's. This has not been abided by.
China is also insisting that it chooses (by drawing lots from a hat or alternative methods) the next Dalai Lama. The difficulty here of course is that the Dalai Lama (15th) has to be re-incarnated. This is the tradition given to Gundun Drup the 1st Dalai Lama. He was promised by the guardian Spirit of the lake La-tso, protection in all the forthcoming re-incarnations of the future Dalai Lama establishing an eternal lineage. The Spirit is also shared with Hinduism and is in essence Shiva (the Spirit is the shakti of Shiva) one of the three gods of the Hindu trinity with Brahma and Vishnu. Brahma is also derived from Brahmin and Abrahmin (Abraham) of the Hebrews with Baraswati or Sarahswati who was Sarah and Abrahams' wife with Hagar.
The different line from the Tibetan tradition follows Avaloitervera (The Indian Lord of the Lotus) of the Tulkus who can re-incarnate and also choose their time and place of birth, the Dalai Lama is one of them. In this path you aspire to become a 'Bodhisattya' or 'Being of great compassion'. This title assumes the bearer of the title 'Holder of the white Lotus' which would (since the 14th century) precede the coming of the 'Buddha Maitreya', the great spiritual leader who would rule heaven and earth. Siddhārtha Gautama was considered as such and his image is in the Ajanata caves. For further information on the Buddha Maitreya see the Ajanta caves and their sacred geometry mystery or this video Ajanta caves Astro Archaeology (2.45 mins forward) or read the Bhagavad gita
If the above links do not work the following will relate the story.
In India (the Hindu / Vedic culture) the caves at Ajanta and Elora are carved in the same manner Cave 19 is orientated towards the winter solstice sunrise and cave 26 is orientated towards the summer solstice sunrise and the sun illuminates the stupas or statues of Buddha at these times, including one Buddha which seems to operating some kind of machinery and the caves are thought to be a astronomical observatory. When the sun entered, it allowed those within to ascend to Heaven, similar to the story of Muhammad ascending to heaven from Mount Moriah (Temple Mount in Jerusalem) The different line from the Tibetan tradition follows Avaloitervera (The Indian Lord of the Lotus) of the Tulkus who can re-incarnate and also choose their time and place of birth. The Dalai Lama is one of them. In this path you aspire to become a 'Bodhisattya' or 'Being of great compassion'. This title assumes the bearer of the title 'Holder of the white Lotus' which would (since the 14th century) precede the coming of the 'Buddha Maitreya', the great spiritual leader who would rule heaven and earth. Siddhārtha Gautama was considered as such and his image is in the Ajanata caves. Buddha Maitreya was also sacred to China and the early Ming dynasty was born out of this 'mandate from heaven' The Han dynasty also followed the Maitreya. (The ‘Madhi’) Islam awaits the coming Madhi. Islam however rejects Hindu belief and thought, although the Kaaba cube is a Hindu Temple and has a ‘Shiva Linga’ upon it (the ‘black stone’) which Islamic pilgrims kiss as they pass by it.
See also the adjacent website and chapter 3a and post dated 9.9.2019, for the story of Petra and the Mihrab wall ? (in Mosques) A recent documentary entitled “The Sacred City of Mecca: Have We Got It Wrong? | TRACKS” (or see here on youtube or the trailer for the film ) patiently explains a problem. All Mosques (the Mihrab wall) point towards Mecca for prayer, yet the earliest Mosques (roughly before the year 700 ad) point in their Mihrab walls to Petra in modern day Jordan.
Buddha Maitreya was also sacred to China and the early Ming dynasty was born out of this 'mandate from heaven' the Han dynasty also followed the Maitreya, and today they represent over 90 % of people in the Peoples Republic of China.
Therefore the communist party if trying to choose the next Dalai Lama could also choose the next Buddha Maitreya, who may become the next party chairman. However since the selection is likely to be random by random lottery, the subversion of this future leader (who could unite India, Tibet, Nepal and China) is of course not a spiritual choice. Marxist Leninism regards any kind of Spirituality as decadent and of course Karl Marx stated that religion was the opiate of the people.
Marxist Leninism is however a religion in itself.
Persecutions and ideologies
As mentioned China in 1966 instigated its Proletarian & Cultural Revolution. Immediately China's remaining cultural heritage was destroyed and interestingly today with its new capitalist revolution (building and development, price per metre frenzy) many older towns and villages are being bulldozed to make way for new apartments and shopping centres. Ironically China is also undertaking a vast expansion into the carbon credit trading platforms area with up to eight new platforms or exchanges being created. This philosophy lends to ecologically friendly villages designed in harmony with its surroundings. Japan and China have a history over millennia in harmonious design which is being destroyed to build new profitable 'western' compartments, which must also clash with the rejection of the profit incentive analysis and disdain Socialism aspires toward and which is heavily put down by the elite vanguard of the Marxist Leninists.
The Cultural Revolution sought to weed out imperialist liberal bourgeois element's and re-educate them by hard work and menial labour. Torture, imprisonment, brainwashing, paranoia, spying on each other, reporting of trivialities, poverty and authoritarian dictatorship sometimes administered by children who set up peoples courts to try offenders as counter revolutionaries (including members of their own families). Stalin had also engaged in massive paranoia as a way of preserving his position and power, the problem was you had to convince between 165 million and 175 million (approx) during the period of his reign that they were all under suspicion. In this way millions were easier to manage. Stalin's self admitted man made famine 'the Holodomor' caused the starvation of between 3.5 million and the premature death of infants of up to 6.5 million people in the Ukraine. Even Lenin in 1921 had asked to let the peasants starve, whilst Stalin literally did. Removing all ability to eat and travel.Others views of Lenin state he was a compassionate man.
Pol Pot of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia caused the deaths of over 2 million people from starvation, hard work, torture and executions. His agrarian reform was inspired by Chairman Mao's Cultural Revolution. Time was to begin again from Day 1, year Zero, as was 'reducation'. (Nothing existed previously)
'He began by declaring, "This is Year Zero," and that society was about to be "purified." Capitalism, Western culture, city life, religion, and all foreign influences were to be extinguished in favour of an extreme form of peasant Communism'.
Pol Pot was a Marxist Leninist
'Most Marxists would recoil at the suggestion that Pol Pot is the logical conclusion of their social philosophy, yet any honest assessment of Marx's theory cannot conceal the fact that the radical egalitarianism of the Khmer Rouge is precisely what Marx predicted would be the ultimate culmination of all human history. It must be clearly kept in mind that industrial socialism, as it was known in the former Soviet Union and other mainstream Marxist states, is not the endpoint of Marx's philosophy of history. In his view, the abolition of capitalist production relations is only the first stage of the worldwide proletarian revolution'
'The Khmer Rouge leadership recognized that if the Communist ideal was incompatible with industrial civilization and an urban existence that a division of labour implies, then a principled Communism would have to thoroughly deurbanize society and eliminate all industry'
Following this stage of his new killing fields of labouring for 18 hours a day, psychological operations could also then begin. (described above).Not that the East was blazing the trail in new subjugation methods, the concentration camps which brutally imprisoned the Boars in South Africa (1899-1903) and later the Japanese Concentration camps of World War two which imprisoned mainly British soldiers allowed studies to be carried out on the victims. Marxist Leninism was itself based on social humanism which regarded some Humans as sub – human in any case (they had yet not evolved into Marxist Leninists)
Che Guevara as we will see in the next chapter 5, opposed Lenin (who re-instated temporary profit incentives known as the New Economic Program in order to help pay for the war, Stalin returned to it also) and instead wished to return to pure original Leninism of non-profit ideology, but even here he noticed (in both instances and in Stalin's later version) that it was impossible to have pure and perfect production under Marxism, or obviously under Capitalism. Driving humanity to achieve it and analysing this by economics alone brings this conclusion. For other Marxists this obvious impossibility was not enough and the deaths of tens of millions would be worth it to achieve perfection. Go up another level and you will find the mass organising of millions into Genocide as a deliberate policy. Disguised as helping to free the worker (although Marx mathematical analysis is sound) Unions collaborate with these initial rectifications of society to reach the next stage.
Unions, craft guilds and professional societies do not need Marxist – Leninism to protect their workers and they have been in existence for over a thousand years in some cases. Most Unions are sound institutions.
In the next chapter 5, Capitalism as redefined as opposing Marxism (not Adam Smith's Capitalism) is analysed also. Marxist Leninism opposes Capitalism, yet never quite seems to totally free the masses. Even modern advances in the standard of living have been eaten away by debt (personal and national) why is this ? why is humanity still enslaved after 150 years of Marxist Leninism. Its ultimate purpose is to cause change, but then to subjugate to Capital.
In the west this is much harder to achieve, but to do so you will find in almost every circumstance an irrational attack on people's right to openly practice spirituality. This does not mean 'religions' are always correct indeed the 'church' can be zealous persecutors (or have been) but the removal of the right to be spiritual is paramount for Communism.
In China a spiritual group who resisted the state were the Fulong Gong. (1998 – 2014) Not only did they experience prison and torture and psychological torture and testing but the profit motive was secured once more when up to 65,000 members were 'harvested' for their body organs. This was discussed within the Irish parliament Dail chambers and a motion opposing it was passed on July 11th 2013.
In the west this has been harder to achieve since spiritual and religious traditions have a long unbroken period in which the beliefs have found roots. Therefore medicine and psychology have become the areas to first destabilise such beliefs. Backed by many anti-depressants drugs the scientific and respectable profession (which would be unrecognisable even by Sigmund Freud today) has gleaned its healing from Military torture techniques (toned down) which employed such drugs to make the patient worse. Along with the financial situation the undermining of peoples ability to cope, without recourse to strong foodstuffs organic and full of vitamins, full time work as a right, an excess of income to enjoy, and a feeling of enjoying and knowing ones family all contribute to the destabilisation process. The psychology cure or similar backed by strong drugs and a follow up feeling ten times worse than before or permanent addiction is the point.
Never before in history have these methods been systematically placed upon a people. Through academia, into the professions any alternative belief or centuries old belief is slighted or frowned upon. It is often cited that a 'right of passage' by Native Americans or remote tribes in remote forests employ high drug use. Yet these were one off occasions as a spiritual journey. They were not a permanent addiction to chemicals. There are many natural remedies on the market, and healing and meditation as well as the inquiry into philosophy and spirituality and religion which are older and more established methods.
These techniques for national subversion are as follows;
Subversion under Soviet systems requires, Demoralisation, Destabilisation, Crisis, and then Normalisation (once conquered). Following these stage the intelligentsia who have taught either left or right theories are then no longer required, as such real revolution is not given to learn in Universities. Yet within this system of control the workers are also left behind, but real freedom is really connected to your time and working rate of pay. Aldous Huxley called for a totalitarian revolution and an ultimate revolution. Yet his breaking down of the human personality and austere outlook are incredibly unnatural. Capitalism is a stage in this revolution, Capitalism is just the other side of (assumed) Marxist Leninism. Capitalism is not free market orientated; a free market has never existed. Adam Smith wished for a free market yet Adam smith is considered by capitalists as the father of capitalism as it stands is not the method he espoused in his 'Wealth of Nations'. Disaster Capitalism (see Naomi Cline the 'Shock Doctrine' in chapter 5) is simply the other side of Marxist Leninism.
Therefore and it is an understatement the future for the Tibetan monks is difficult, they are experiencing forced immigration. Chinese nationals are forced upon the population to outlive and thrive over Tibetans, and this is classed as immigration. Joblessness, kidnappings and murders and racism. Tibetans face real racism every day. Naturally China would prefer to invade, but this form of takeover is much easier to disguise. All of this is coming from a 'Leftwing' administration, yet it is Fascism. This way of life is also opposed by many in China.
President Obama is perhaps conflicted between the Central Organising committee of the Communist Party of China and Islamic Jihad Tibet is still suffering ethnic cleansing at the hands of China, whilst the West watches.
President Obama is a Muslim Brotherhood member (& President Obama Secret Muslim Brotherhood Member ) and an Elite Leninist. Yet not even Lenin was not an 'Elite Leninist' as he did not live long enough, what does this say to the ordinary working class Leninist's ? Are spiritual views in any country considered superfluous?
He is also a Christian? who wants the USA to become a Communist and a Leninist nation ? Any member of Eastern Europe under Stalinist occupation will tell you Elite Leninism or Oligarchical Collectivism betrayed 'the people' many decades ago. The recent uprisings in the Ukraine display this very well. Elections mean ones faith or politics has to change to appeal to all, yet the West is asking is Obama/ Soetoro a Christian. ?
Answering this question has become a political question not a spiritual concern. Curiously this centers around the need to actually identify Obama's father or more accurately where his father was born. The overwhelming amount of news on this suggests Obama was not eligible to stand for President as he is not a US citizen as his father may be Kenyan, as Obama may be himself by birth, or more remotely from Indonesia or Hawaii, and it seems Obama/ Soetoro has lived in all three locations, with father, stepfather and his mother. Other suggestions are he exchanged birth certificates with his brother(s) and or stepbrother. Some records show he was born in Hawaii his father Barack Obama Snr was a Muslim and a Communist and was born in Kenya but lived in Hawaii for many years. He had a political opponent in Kenya in President Jomo Kenyatta, who was also a Christian but who briefly participated with Communism in his early career. Obama / Soetoro Jnr became an Anglican at an early age, but also later a Muslim Communist in Malaysia where his stepfather surnamed Soetoro was Whilst some have concerns over the place of birth, for eligibility as President reasons, the vast amount of media seems to draw Obama back to his Kenyan origins ? Is the story to deflect from deeper issues ?
The story centers on Obama alleged intervention in a Kenyan presidential election to ensure Mohamed Abduba Dida the Muslim candidate in a majority Christian country of Kenya (85%) becomes president. Obama is reputed to have given Dida's election campaign $1 million to assist the potential presidential candidate, and whilst this donation drove his campaign higher in the polls Dida eventually lost to Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta. Obama has amassed a personal fortune of $15 million since becoming President so this is possible, but since this type of deal could have been sent anonymously it a strange story to perpetuate.
Another reason it is taken seriously is Ethiopia which is 64% christian with 31% Muslim was ravaged by famines in its past but now Ethiopia is opening up its economy to Kenya . The problem is Kenyan communism or former Marxist Leninist Ethiopian communism (or Obama / Soetoros' communism) is not very popular in Ethiopia as the brutal Dictator and Genocidal madman Mengistu Haile Mariam who was responsible for the deaths of up to 1.5 Million people in Ethiopia as its President from 1974 to 1987 as part of the (so called) Communist military Junta. The connections to Obama Snr and Mengistu would not be popular with many voters. Mengistu was found guilty of Genocide in 2006 his lack of interest (making the country a mass prison without access to food or water) in his population resulted in the infamous famines of Ethiopia of the early 1980's which sparked Bob Geldof, Midge Ure and the Live Aid concerts His brand of Marxism/Secular Humanism resulted in Mengistu (personally ) killing Emperor Haile Selassie 1st, who of course was the chosen leader of the Rastafarian movement and its spirituality or 'way of life' The current Ethiopian president is Mulatu Teshome Wirtu (shown here meeting with Obama, and who replaced Hailemariam Desalegn) he was educated in China and under the TPLF or the Marixst Leninist Tigrayan People's Liberation Front (which is also largely blamed for Ethiopia's 'green famine' in 2006-2008) The current ruling EPRDF (four parties in one coalition) however includes the TPLF who opposed Mengistu, and they had support in the early 1990's from the USA but the EPRDF & TPLF were also criticized for human rights, torture, rape and executions against civilians in the long 30 year war. Colonel Gaddafi praised Obama (and his father) when he came into office in 2008 as a Muslim son of Africa, yet Gaddafi was killed by 'Obama'? Obama praised Nelson Mandela and Nelson Mandela stated Colonel Gaddafi was the greatest African freedom fighter who ever lived ? Gadaffi assisted Mengistu Haile Mariam responsible for up to 1.5 - 2 million deaths in Ethiopia. ( hence the ongoing story of Obama's funding of Mohamed Abduba Dida which would be a politically devastating for Ethiopians) The truth is Ethiopians have been through more famine since live aid which did alleviate their situation, their beliefs were brought to them nearly 3000 years ago from King Solomon and Israel.
The Ethiopian Genocide and the USA Presidential election 2016.
20.09.2016 During the US election campaign the issue becomes important. Why was Obama's father involved with the Communist party ( Maoists) and why has the "birther " issue alone become the central point of concern when the Genocide of Eithopiopians by Muslims and Communists is lost ? To reiterate Mengistu Haile Mariam is pictured here with Fidel Castro Barack Obama Senior was a communist with Mengistu Haile Mariam and opposed to Kenya's President Jomo Kenyatta and Haile Selassie. Jomo kenyetta who as President had named streets after Haile Selassie (Bob Marley and other Rastafarian's regard Selassie as their spiritual leader) Mengistu Haile Mariam killed Haile Selassie.
This is the real fraud of Barack Obama as the elite Leninist Islamist (Islam which opposes Zion and Rastafarianism as does Communism) The media has hidden this and it is obscured by red herring issues such as Obama's birth certificate and student ID which names Obama as Barry Soetoro ? why ? Donald Trump has said Obama was born in the USA, such is the level of confusion and/or "political correctness" at election times and even though Obama / Soetoro admits he was born in Kenya (see 2 paragraphs further down) yet this claim originated with Hillary Clinton in 2008 (the time when Obama called Hillary Clinton a liar but he has now endorsed her ? ) Hillary Clinton the eugenicist (see the adjacent website and chapter 3 and the end of chapter 3 and Brexit) whilst Obama is a genocidal maniac with Hillary Clinton.
The denial of a Genocide (and which also includes millions of abortions) is also seen in the Christian Genocide ongoing from 2011 to date (see the adjacent website and Obama has refused to admit this genocide also which was overseen by Clinton and Obama in the US state department. This is why Obamas half - brother Malik is going to vote for Donald Trump because the real news on this issue has not surfaced ( and these half issues are genuinely confusing) but are also hidden by the communists and socialist press (so called)
Angelina Jolie has condemned Obama for the genocide in the Middle East against Christians and Jews, but which is obliterated by the Obama "birther" story itself a distraction from the Ethiopian genocide and Obama's father. Obama should apologise for this, for his fathers connection to the Ethiopian genocide. Clinton and Obama should aplogise and face arrests for the Christian genocide. Ben Carson in 2014 has asked Obama to come clean on his secret past, and the birther certificate confusion. The real reasons are nothing to do with Obama's birth, but most bizarre of all is Obama / Soetoro says himself on camera that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii or USA ? (or here )
Further, Kenya deports illegal immigrants in 2014 and Somalia deports Kenyan illegal immigrants 2015 who both cannot vote in Kenya or vice versa or work without papers ? and including deported Muslims.(Islamic terrorists Al Shabaab who enter illegally to take over the country and kill Christians) Americans cannot vote in Kenya ? or any other country (when born outside of that country and this is regular normal practice worldwide)
For those who are bemused but who have just heard of or witnessed the ongoing Christian genocide in the middle east (and are aware of the Ethiopian Genocide) they must realise that the same approach of destruction, lies and false emotion ( but nowhere as serious yet) is attempted by similar minds in the West and the USA against Christians by the (so-called) left (and against any and all types of spirituality or faith) The Ethiopian famine is happening again ( Aug 2015 & still ongoing see here and / or here as is the ongoing war ) yet the only issue is the political "pc" red herrings the democratic party have shaped by employing racism claims against critics to hide the truth.
Chairman Mao (Stalin and Mengistu Haile Mariam ) are psychopaths and the Dalai Lama and Tibet / Nepal are only too aware of it, as despite military help and aid they are still being persecuted in Tibet today (genocide and/or population displacement as a subtle alternative)
Buddhism has also not fared very well under Islamic Marxist Leninism inspired by Secular Humanism in Africa. Many speculate the continuous confusion and speculation is to avoid voters feeling uncomfortable with a President of America who has connections (also through his father) to the Ethiopian president and ideology who murdered Haile Selassie 1st and who is also responsible for the deaths of 1.5 million people. Ironically the political titles like secular humanism have nothing to do with Karl Marx original theory on economics Das Capital. Christians in the middle east (see and chapter 3 and towards the end of the chapter) which has occurred since 2001, and especially since the Arab spring (2010 / 2011) and one in which Egyptian Coptic Christians were slaughtered, raped and burned the Arab Muslim nature of the uprising belongs to Elite Marxism (oligarchical collectivism secular humanism), under which it is possible to also be a practicing Muslim.
The continued speculation on whether Obama is Muslim (and here in the last link Ethiopians blame the Saudis and Islamist s) as his brother is or whether he also has Ethiopian Jewish heritage (grandfather or before) allows voters to choose their safest option but also distracts from the countries real problems of famine and drought. Since and including the 2008 elections, elections in Ethiopia have been corrupt and famine and drought has been less severe but widespread.Famine aid has also been stolen by rebels for armaments. Economics and poverty, but many blame the selling of Ethiopia to China by Obama. Corruption is still likely for the 2015 elections. according to Ethiopians the TPLF overwhelmingly rigged elections (this is how Communist Mengistu Haile Mariam came to power, and how Ethiopians suffered Genocide)
What is known for certain is the Ethiopians were subject to Genocide,(Rastafarian and Lost tribes. Rastafarian's are descended through Solomon and Sheba, as a part of Judah but not a part of the original 12 tribes mentioned in Genesis 49, and Numbers 33 & Numbers 36. Two tribes replaced in Numbers 2,1 -29 made 14 in total but 12 eventually again with the tribe of Levi or Levites in the book of Leviticus as Priests who could not own land. Solomon lived 400 years after this time. By the time of the New Testament and in James 1, verse 1, the verse suggests the word 'lost' should be instead the word 'scattered' as they are included as recipients of James letter sent to Europe and the 'far off isles' and to the East ), Obama's father (who was a Muslim) and birth certificate distracts from the Communist parties involvement in that genocide. Obama attended the Jeremiah Wright Church 'Trinity United Church of Christ' which preached 'Black Theology' (which suggests opposing it, there is a white theology or that a 'white' theology is acceptable)but is overtly political against Jerusalem (Theologically and Politically) but which is not the brand of Martin Luther King (lines blurred between liberation theology and faith occur throughout history but the Islamic tone, and the bizarre ''Chrislam" ideas which are political ideology). Obama has distanced himself from the church, but now attends (once a year) the camp David Baptist church near Washington. The Southern Baptists have rejected planned parenthood as racist but as also genocide (Obama supports Planned parenthood and Margret Sanger )
Dr Ben Carson who is an election candidate in the USA, states Obama is a communist, and as an Atheist (as communism suggests) it is impossible to be a Christian or a Muslim. Every political candidate will have an opinion on another, (Donald Trump for example) but the media debate is missing something much more important regarding genocide ? The distraction from Mengistu Haile Mariam and his aims seem more important than proving where President Obama was born which is a distraction for political ends. The rightwing traditionally are viewed as fascists and the leftwing are simply reactionary against fascism, but in fact there is an attack on nationalism at any cost which includes breaking down spirituality and the family.This occurs in Europe and Africa. In Ethiopia it has the added destruction of ancient faith as a target, which ties us all back to older views. Nationalists preserve their history and country against invasion and protect workers, whilst the workers of the world franchise their rights to an ideology which has long since abandoned workers and does not value human life. This is the experience of the Dalai Lama in Tibet and Nepal and of course people in China. Marxism does not view a nations ancient history as relevant to the nation or its individuals in any nation. Exploitation is unwelcome, perpetrated by nationalist's or communists
Whether it is 'Ebola' (and the misinformation about it spreads, with many African villages saying the have no help from the national government, and they have to do it all themselves ? with very low funding) or Mass Genocide the total disrespect for life is the same. Secular Humanism which hijacked economic teachings now known as Elite Marxism produce the same result. (Rastafarian's in Ethiopia, Buddhists in Nepal/ Tibet, Falun Gong in China, or protesters in Hong Kong or Christians in Ethiopia and Kenya). In Egypt or the wider middle east Christians in the USA are considered the same.This is why Americans want to see the Democratic party candidates (Obama's) birth certificate of which there are different dates and versions which define his exact upbringing and wider questions such as the future of Ethiopia, but also because US citizens feel betrayed by the Democratic party, why the deception ?
Ukrainians are asking why the West may abandon them and will Nato invade East Ukraine with them and the other international forces in their co-alition (as a co-alition has decided to go to war in the middle east paving the way for ground troops to takeover) in effect it is the same question Tibet and Hong Kong are asking. From New York to Moscow, London to Jerusalem and Washington to Rome the world is watching. Would a new president in the USA provide an alternative fuel supply such as natural gas (which would involve fracking USA everywhere and exporting LNG to Europe) and oil which Ukraine is replete with. Initial fuel drilling could supply Ukraine on a 51% nationalised basis to help its internal economy, with 49% to private investors for a period and until Ukraine joins the EU. This Norway type arrangement (see chapter 3) in part will help Ukraine achieve a national trust fund as Norway currently enjoys, keeping as much as possible without spending ad hoc to rejuvenate its economy and invest in massive renewable energy smart grid infrastructure which Austrian and German (50 to 80% renewables) and American companies can expertly provide. The European Supergrid can export excess renewable energy to Ukraine now as it is a part of the grid as well as conventional electricity also.Ukraine will fight on until it is free having watched the suppression in Chechyna and its own country since 1920.
Further and since Nelson Mandela has passed away (RIP) a year after black and white police killed 34 miners striking in Africa, and of course this is opposed by black and white in South Africa. Obama (Real name Barry Soetoro ) who would oppose Mandela in political philosophy as Nelson Mandela was a Nationalist and an advocate of Armed insurrection. Obama supports Gun Control in the USA. Opposing nationalists in the USA, & the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution? The Obama administration whilst condemning the school shootings in the USA has encouraged the invasion of Syria and Africa killing hundreds of Thousands of people, whilst also supplying armaments to Bahrain and Saudi Arabia which is an Apartied Nation etc. ?
The continued atrocities against the Tibetan people, considering Obama has visited Buddha temples is symptomatic of the hypocrisy against minorities the Communist Party of China takes and one which Obama supports. To explain this (and the Dalai Lama as we shall read later on has suggested he is both a Marxist Buddhists, but has also been a Capitalist Buddhist, but has also remained ultimately a Buddhist) Obama is a Leninist ('Elite Leninist') whilst China under Chairman Mao moved away from the Soviets when Stalin died. Stalin is rumoured to have assisted in killing Lenin. President Putin is from the school of Stalin and the Stasi but has more than other Soviet leader articulated that ideology is perhaps not as important as people.
There is no intervention as yet by Obama or his administration in Tibet? (as with Africa, Syria, Iraq and with ISIS) Obama has met the Dalai Lama 3 times since 2010, yet the latest occasion (Feb 2014) the Dalai Lama was kept from a formal meeting in the Oval office and instead met with President Obama in the White House map Room as in the 2010 (it is unlikely the Dalai Lama was too concerned on formalities) The White House map room is the war situation room, and is considered of less importance. No press photographs were allowed and Obama confirmed he was not supporting Tibet independence nor was the Dalai Lama seeking it.(China condemned the meeting) For people wishing to urge stronger support for the Dalai Lama and Tibetan Independence you can lobby or support the following people as the Tibet situation is in crisis since February 2014.
John Kerry has appointed Sarah Sewall, as a Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues. Her details are as follows. ( MARO, & ) Sarah Sewall is the founder and Faculty Director of the Mass Atrocity Response Operations (MARO & Sarah Sewall ) Project (the link has a handbook on its doctrines) This is a tremendous boost for the security of Tibet and it must be welcomed around the world.
President Obama also has his own foundation The foundation supports a new library and one book which is not particularly uplifting or spiritually exciting is the following book ( or here) (or here) It is nevertheless helpful and can provide many financial solutions to Trafficking slavery, Atrocities and help to enforce Human rights (of course if the world has reduced human rights or no equal human rights equally it is not a policy worth pursuing)It is an incredible book which proves economics can be positive or negative. Solutions which are achievable economically should be researched as the situation deteriorates.
The background to the political problem for the Dalai Lama in recent election history began in 2008 when Obama sent the Dalai Lama a letter, that letter is here. (July 2008) pledging support for religious freedom. (independence and religious freedom are big issues nationally in the USA) However it was Republican Senator John McCain who met the Dalai Lama on that occasion as the website and letter relate. Since 2008, and since Obama (or other world leaders) met him in February 2014 the situation has worsened considerably. Self immolations have been a feature of the response by Tibetans as they are forced to endure forced immigration, 're-education' (similar to Chairman Mao's or Pol Pots ideology) beatings and killings, some have occurred since Feb 2014 and the Dalai Lamas last visit in which it looks like China is dictating the USA foreign policy to Obama. Elections and political parties aside the only hope Tibet and Nepal have is for strongly enforced autonomy or independence.
MARO or the Mass Atrocity Response Operations could become a very important initiative for the military, Tibet/Nepal according to the Dalai Lama have undergone a slow 'cultural genocide' yet despite this the economic / political pressures can cause an entire nation to drop a case against China, as Spain has dropped its Genocide case against China a few months ago. Brought by a Tibetan Monk who lives in Spain, and has followed directions as laid down by the ICJ (International Commission of Jurists) However the planned Genocide continues.
It is Chinas interest to allow a national Tibetan autonomy to flourish otherwise complete independence is the only option. Nepal also. Contrast this against the situation in the Ukraine where military solutions are sought and won and the Ukraine is also seeking the return of the Crimea, which they see as inexplicably partitioned from them. With the establishment of ( MARO & MARO ) will Republicans achieve more than the Democrats in Tibet, and what can they bring to the table for Tibet. A first step would be too allow an autonomous economy to take root in Tibet allowing economic independence to flourish strengthening autonomy. With 100% organic food (see Bhutan) and renewable energy production to complete independence. Bhutan again (there are not too many renewable energy wars raging on the planet) There are numerous ideas within this page, although the Dalai Lama is a successful 'developer' in his own right. Whilst many point out the problems of agriculture in elevated regions (mountains) Shangri – la may have legends associated with it, but often high elevated areas have gorges of fertile lands which suddenly appear in contrast to their surroundings. These regions have been located. The Tsango River Gorge has a romantic history and also a more recent troubled history (as a local village is mysteriously burnt to the ground to the dismay of Tibetans and people worldwide)
The cultural genocide (which includes the destruction of over 600 monasteries in the 'Great leap forward' (1958 – 1961) when up to one million Tibetans were massacred is symptomatic of China's intolerance based upon its hybrid Marxist stance. Whilst pledging liberation for the masses it systematically destroys anything at odds with its philosophy. Tibet has a written constitution which was accepted, leaving Tibet as an autonomous region in 1950 but with a non – Tibetan communist party member as head of Tibet. As the Dalai Lama was forced to leave Tibet, 'autonomy' was in effect meaningless. It is this form of autonomy which has to change, as autonomy amidst genocide is intolerable. The current Tibet constitution was completed in 1963. (in exile)
The USA also has a written constitution which is 100 years older than the Communist manifesto. Yet it is also being eroded and changed without the consent of the people. Many argue that native Americans have not benefited from the US constitution but Marxism and Capitalism are equally alien to Native Americans who also are aware of the 'great spirit in the sky' a belief which Buddhism and Christianity share. The rights of the individual are set aside for the rights of the proletariat or 'society' (but to repeat if you have no rights equally, then equal rights are pointless) Elite Leninism (which is an elitist movement which hijacked Russia's economic reforms in 1907 1917) is an elitist and destructive philosophy which will seek to remove the constitution and your rights and freedom by all means. Individuals of course create society naturally, Buddhism teaches care and consideration for all things, whilst the US constitution enshrines freedom to allow a free society, and it has stood the test of time.
These atrocities in Tibet and Nepal include as mentioned replacing Tibetans with Chinese nationalists, round ups and torture and ordered assassinations against the Monks and Tibetan peoples. FREE TIBET NOW. Free Tibet from Elite Leninism or oligarchical collectivism and allow Tibet to practice its own spirituality freely as Free People. China has a long and noble history (Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, Han. Yip Man was a master of Confucianism, including Lao Tzu & studied Wing Chun ) and a true ancient culture which should encompass all views. Spirituality should be allowed to flourish and freedom is a right which should be protected.
Family planning as an ideology
Cultural Marxism video entitled "what is critical theory" & version which is 7 minutes 36 seconds long, (or here by Breibart ) These videos can lead to broken links as they move or are removed on you tube and which are named in the dialogue below. The theory has many aims but ultimately seeks to eradicate spirituality.
Tibet and other persecuted countries have experienced genocide and a concerted effort to rid them of their lands and even the right to exist. (ethnic cleansing) The slow invasion of Chinese Communists replacing Tibetans. Stalin, Pol Pot and Chairman Mao's Cultural Revolution sought rigorous and brutal control, after which 'normalisation' was introduced and a softer option of controlling a population was put into practice. Mengistu Haile Mariam targeted Ethiopians specifically as a racist communist policy. Ten million Ukrainians were killed by communist forces. How did concern for the worker become a genocidal killing machine ? Control was all consuming for those people. Not just in the workplace but also in the home and then in the family. Chairman Mao's Cultural Revolution as mentioned also required children to report their parents for 'suspicious' counter revolutionary activity. (these parents could be executed) Following the maxim that if you control the child you will control the man in later years. China also instigated a policy of abandoning all female children (many left in the wilderness to starve as infants or be eaten alive by predators) because the females were outnumbering males and the population would become unbalanced. (it was decreed) Nature it is believed would not or could not correct itself, and incredibly parents believed this situation or were so afraid and left their children to die.
This horrifies people in the West, yet 'the ideology' (not all the practices) over many years has taken a softer approach and is now accepted policy in the west. It is not even noticed that millions of abortions occur every day worldwide, and some in clinics which offer abortion and adoption in the same building ? Clinics which advise on pro-life beliefs do not exist as there is no funding for them. The protection of woman is cited as being pro-choice yet no one protects the woman as babies who are aborted? Breaking down the family is a concerted effort one in which some Gay rights activists state they supported gay rights to destroy marriage. Others who are more conservative have suggested much of the 'ideology' is not for them ? and here is why.
Staunch feminists castigate male couples for naming themselves mother and father of their adopted child. Fathers in abortion matters are not considered as half owners of the baby, only the female rights are considered (except the female baby to be aborted) Other adopted children by transgender couples encourage their young children to have sex changes before they are 10 years of age. (this is legal abuse of children) All done in the name of 'rights'. Atheists insist that gay couples marry in Churches and take legal cases against churches when a church possibly a mile away will marry the couple anyway, but they insist they do not believe in God, but the churches should be sued if they disagree which is of course also discrimination. It is a further cause of confusion when Richard Dawkins says he cannot be sure God does not exist. No conscience clause (yet) is allowed for those who disagree, whilst conscience is cited as a reason against going to war ? by the same activists. Activists (instead of genuine human rights seekers) paid by lawyers eventually reveal themselves. Divorce children suicides, child trafficking and prostitution and abuse are common and it is now mooted that paedophiles be classed as a gender in order that they can marry and legally adopt children. Does this all occur by chance or is there a design behind it ?
Underpinning the ideology is the incorrectly named Marxist doctrine born from the Communist manifesto. Many people wanted an end to poverty and oppression and some of the Communist manifesto suggests this. Marx wrote a thesis on ending slavery by providing workers with a formula to show they were exploited. Years later in the communist manifesto the family and ownership were castigated and all manner of social requirements were added to qualify as a Marxist but was their any real connection from Marx, to the 20th century genocidal maniacs mentioned above. Coupled with this is the dilemma of Charles Darwin (who stole the thesis from his Grandfather Erasmus who could not finish his Eugenics thesis as it did not stand up to scrutiny) faced, which meant that if evolution is true, then there are different species of humans on earth, instead of just one species of the human race. If you believe there are more than one then you are a genuine racist, if you believe there is just one species of the human race then you are not a racist as of course you are the 'race' etc. Choosing which side of the fence you are on is that simple. Admiring your own national heritage is not racist whichever continent you are born upon including Europe. How they (the different species of the human race) arrived on earth and on different continents is underpinned by other unproven assumptions of which the following accounts are but a sample.
According to evolutionary theory (and it still an unproven theory) we originated slowly evolving out of the primordial swamp which according to Dr Francis Crick (winner of the Noble Peace Prise for discovering the double helix Structure of DNA, the human blue print within each cell) and his associate Leslie Orgel claimed that 'spontaneous generation' of these cells did not occur by chance. They are cited as proving evolutionary theory but in effect they disproved it and admit it ? They therefore base their scientific discovery of DNA (matter) on the mystery schools and on the reincarnation of the Soul which awakes from the primordial swamp to encounter matter from mind, this theory existed millennia before they studied chemistry.
In 1953 Stanley Miller (a graduate of biochemistry, who became Dr Stanley Miller) proposed an experiment and set it up, at fist it seemed to generate amino acids in a collection of laboratory glasses tubes and vials. Yet the boiling water, steam and vacuum connections also had a 'trap' or tube to prevent soluble organic products from breaking down. Mixing in Hydrogen, methane and ammonia and water an electrical current was passed into the mix. After a few days' amino acids appeared, yet in nature there is no natural trap, and this trap did not appear by chance but was placed into the experiment by a higher mind. (i.e. Stanley Millers mind)
Piltdown man discovered a few miles form Charles Darwin's home in Down in Kent was on display for forty years or so in the British Museum before it was discovered to be a complete hoax. The Hoax discovered by Arthur Keith a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons and Hunterian Professor. It is thought Teilhard de Chardin and Darwin were the fraud artists. Other so called species such as Nebraska man and Peking man are catalogued blatant frauds but remain on the educational curriculum as fact ? the other species in some cases are simply human with advanced rickets (freezing weather causing calcium build up on bones) reclassified as a new human species. Again to complete the absurd, others are Ape skulls with human torso attached found nearby.
The Piltdown man fraud is told here. Its an incredible situation which begins with Victorian families visiting the British natural history museum and continues on into the 1950's. Around this time some inquisitive people asked for a forensic examination, which when completed found that half the bones were humans and half were apes and were of different dates. 'Lucy' or ' Australopithecus' as 'Lucy' is known scientifically was also examined again. This time and a bone which was part of the original 'bag of bones' and examination was actually discovered to be a baboon bone and not human but the same as baboon bones which are still alive today. Since the discovery in 1974 forensics also show it is not 3.2 million years old but only a few thousand years and is a small monkey head attached onto a small half human half primate body. No hands of feet were discovered? and it's not certain if it is male or female. This is the ( by Dr. David Menton PhD in Biology at Washington University of Medicine ) best specimen of an example of a missing link or evolution ever found. If your Australian it could be a mind-blowing discovery to realise the OZ skeleton is a monkey and not human or it could be a confirmation that you thought the whole scam was nonsense to begin with.
Nebraska man (the theory is the monkeys/ape men are spread around the world and evolved from different swamps in different parts of the world until they met and began fighting with each other, although some shared food and eventually bred with the new tribe. Many however just branched off separately and decided or were unfortunate to stay as Monkeys and their tribe remain as Monkeys to this very day, oblivious to the lost opportunities others have enjoyed) discovered in 1917 was modeled from the constituent parts to enable the public to realise what Nebraska man would have looked like. Nebraska man looked like this in the minds of Columbia University the London natural history and paleontology experts. For years and having survived two world wars and the Blitz a curious person looking at the exhibit wondered if it was real. A new examination was carried out including obtaining the original source documents and journals. The skeleton (a deceased human burial) was a human skeleton which was not found in the area of the dig of the pig's tooth. The pigs tooth and the rest of the representation of Nebraska man is not a real part of any discovery. Further the man who discovered the pigs tooth (which is all Nebraska man is) in Nebraska, i.e. Harold Cook was also a farmer, and pigs were kept in the area. Further still the type of pig or breed was a south American breed which are not extinct but which was possibly imported and turned into a breakfast of bacon and eggs. If you are from Nebraska you should be very annoyed.
Peking man was stolen when Japan invaded China in world war 2 it is the missing, missing link but plaster casts are kept (of something) Originally it was named 'Misanthropes Pekinensis' but is now recognized as Homo erectus or the original skeleton discovered by Dubois in 1890. It is a cast of a large Monkey that's what it looks like exactly. There are very few missing link skeletons and ape heads and they are getting fewer diminishing year by year. Originally there were thought to be many different species (as the theory before discovery was thought to require different evolution points worldwide for different evolution swamp origins in the primordial soup or swamp ) Now there are only a handful of species the majority of which are discredited frauds and those remaining are only in theory, and which which revert to Homo Erectus as types of Homo Erectus but which are in reality Monkey heads. Peking man was thought to be 750,000 years old but in fact the caves around the area also held the 'dragon bones' fraud in dragon bone quarry, in China, which are correctly dated (but which are not dragons) however to 5000 or 6000 years ago although dating has a 4 or 5 % error average either side of the total. 4000 years ago, seems nearer the mark.
Fraudulent fossils are dismissed in science but are kept in the school books as fact. The original Homo Erectus or Java man is a gibbon and not a human and a gibbon like those we still have today. The famous Monkey scopes court trial discovered evolution was false and not valid but is portrayed as exactly the opposite today. When the case was lost, the media rounded on the town and said John T Scopes was being persecuted for his beliefs and the issue of evolution was lost and he was then vilified and allowed to go on teaching what is now (with increased forensics and logic and common sense) complete nonsense due to press hysteria and sympathy which obscured the facts. These liberal issues continue today.
What is going on? as many of the explorers into these issues were genuine and sincere in their (consequentially) massive errors. Others knew the frauds were frauds as they planned and carried out the deception. Consider this tribe in the Amazon they are not extinct or half men / monkeys but real human beings who hunt and capture monkeys for food. (hunt with blowpipes or bows and arrows) This has continued for thousands of years and gibbons, apes and chimps were also eaten. Every continent has such activities and remains in tribal settlements as food was hunted in every tribe and continues today.Their remains were put into a dump or pit and were close to the tribes natural burial grounds. Enemies slain were also placed in such pits or rubbish dumps. The ground which was laid down only thousands of years ago but which is assumed to be millions of years old as you go down into the ground. Completely ridiculous theories have then been cobbled together. It's incredible.
Monkeys are still hunted today and a species has recently become extinct. Apes, Monkeys and primates have been eaten globally wherever they have lived for thousands of years and not just by humans (they simply provided protein, tasted good and were numerous like cattle or chickens. The Chinese han dynasty dates back 2000 years bc) Europe included, which had indigenous primates.
Recent finds (such as this announced on the 9.5.2017 by the BBC and Prof Lee Berger from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, Prof John Hawks from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, named 'Homo Naledi' found in a cave in South Africa is thought to have bred with Homo Sapiens (Homo Erectus couldn't manage it) cites 'Lucy' (the Lucy Fraud) as connected but separate species, and looks like two skulls half human and half ape arranged placed together. The BBC cite it as fact without an all round analysis of other views ? yet since the source of the ideas are held to be sound no one questions the editorial.
Again on 7.6.2017 ('Neanderthal Man' and Woman and 'Jebel Irhoud' man ) The BBC re-announce the first of our kind (meaning 'homo sapiens') is found in Morocco announce the BBC ? Citing a discovery made ten years ago by Professor Hublin of Leipzig university, which consists of a Human Skeleton announced as (now) 350,000 years old but was originally dated 160,000 bc, (ten years ago) at a period between thee dates when Humans actually 'emerged' (it is a human skeleton or only a jaw bone and did not live hundreds of thousands of years ago) It was even dated at 40,000 years old at one point. Known as 'Jebel Irhoud' it was first announced in 2007 as 160,000 years (or 40,000 years old) and was only a jawbone, but now includes 'specimens' which may not be the same skeleton but the eventual the reconstruction shows that it is ? This proves according to Professor Hublin that many ape men evolved from many sources (and he is at pains to point this out) and not from one source (repeated many times) Professor Hublin says; "The teeth bore some resemblance to those of living humans, but the shape seemed strangely primitive". Primitive is word which means different in shape but could also be advanced, the Neanderthal man fraud with 'unusual skull' which is only a reconstruction and was simply a Scandinavian burial ground of people who had 'rickets' which causes calcium build up on skulls and bones due to extreme cold from a lack of sun and vitamin D deficiency. Ask anyone in Scandinavia today. The Neanderthal man skull is like this or this This is all that was found of Neanderthal man, note only 1/3 of a skull was found. "It did not make sense," he added. Dr. Hublin, now at the Max Planck Institute, recalled in an interview. He continues by describing flint spears and stone axes which are also used in the medieval period 500 yeas ago as well as Iron and bronze age. Dr Hublin says " The people of 'Jebel Irhoud' most likely made them for many purposes, putting some on wooden handles to fashion spears" & "Prof Hublin's excavation has further revealed that these ancient people had employed stone tools and had learned how to make and control fire. So, not only did they look like Homo sapiens, they acted like them as well" Perhaps ! they were them ? and indeed both Jebel Irhoud and Neanderthal have now been classified or re-classified as Human after years of misinformation and plaster cast artistic opinions, which fit the theory after the fact. The activities of Jebel Irhoud sound like tribes in the Amazon (and others ) today and could be dated to around 5000 years (or even in the last few months) They are perpetuated in the press as fact, and paleontology is also big business. Darwin reputedly abandoned evolution and became a Christian.
What is going on here? The finds are required to underpin Social Darwinism, humanism or secular humanism and dialectical materialism and relativism as fact. This supports liberalism as a political fact and neo-liberalism which does not recognize we have rights under God but views are rights as equal rights but no rights equally. Neo Conservatism rejects these frauds. There are not many human races, only one. 'Race- ism' begins on the left. These ideas which are supposed to require 'critical thinking' do not allow facts or science to interrupt their dialogue. Only evolution can be taught which is a form of fascism without intelligent design and creation.
The following video points out further facts and contradictions. (entitled on you tube; A Question That Atheist Evolutionist Couldn't Answer) or full film version here called 'Evolution versus God' you tube (Others here or here )
and the truth about DNA, you tube, "The Signs of God's Existence Documentary Full Length" (which also shows the Koran is copied from the earlier Torah and Old Testament and New Testament. Islam today is a form of revised Hinduism in practice)
DNA - God's amazing programming; evidence for his existence.
The excellent ' Evolution Achilles Heel' the trailer here and Audience reaction to the film (or to purchase here )
The Eugenicist (biological determinist, or herediterian) Cyril Burt whose papers on genetic behaviour types (and who was knighted by George VI in 1946) upheld everything that Galton the Eugenicist sought to prove was also shown to have falsified his research on educational psychology over decades. (Eugenics which underpins 'racism' was developed on the 'left' not on the right) This was discovered by Professor Hearnshaw not just in the research statistics but which also included inventing non-existent colleagues to write supportive articles in the British Journal of Psychology.
Further research by Franz Boas a German Jewish anthropologist showed errors in Burt's research in any case, (fraud or fair) although Boas a member of the German socialist revolution of 1848, he felt the abortive coup at its roots were in error. The Jewish or German argument views itself as superior over the other, but assimilation of Jewish people into the Aryan has also occurred, whilst some Germans of non Jewish origin have converted to Judaism.
Sigmund Freud who was a Cocaine addict (Of the Frankfurt school of psychology and Nietzsche was an Opium addict) who influenced his Nephew Edward Bernay's 'Propaganda' which set the tone for business management techniques and educational theories (today) which have influenced outcome based education. The possibility that the young are brainwashed from a young age to consume along certain lines is immense. The Frankfurt school of psychology was very helpful in its techniques for Hitler's propaganda machine and also to Stalin's mass psychosis of paranoia inflicted upon the Russian people. Freud's patients developed cocaine psychosis whilst Nietzsche went temporarily insane and died later of a stroke. Whilst the new Marxism of state communism spread into Russia in 1917, then travelled west into Germany. The problem was communism did not sit well with the ancient 'Volks' (folk) traditions and origins in Russia or Germany and Science is showing that ancient societies were advanced civilisations. Since we have not therefore evolved but have regressed reactionary forces against communism went to the total other extreme. Europe was then given a narrow choice between both camps.
Examples of Soviet / Communist, Cultural Marxism 'overpopulation' concerns and wars to advance the revolution which includes the new ideas on family planning.
This stark choice for Europe caused the biggest invasion of Europe by Soviet forces in 1939 (bigger than D,DAY even) when the vast Stalinist army invaded Finland. Finland survived and today they have a choice between its current partial membership (member state) of the EU, and it avoids both the German and Russian question whilst trading with both. Their WW2 victory is shown in the excellent Documentary 'Fire and Ice The Winter War of Finland and Russia' (made in 2006) about the 1939 clash. This cautious way to expanding the EU is a consequence of WW2 experiences, and they felt independence was required for control of their economy. Today they trade with Germany and have benefited the whole of the EU with their approach
Within a few generations you have reduced people to believing they are animals and convinced them they are being set free. Outcome based education allows children to be taught gay and lesbian issue's but not Creation or Intelligent design science alongside Evolution which is also discrimination (whether you believe any of the topics or not) and is not allowing children's minds a complete perspective.
Even through the 1950's, post Stalin and up until the Berlin wall came down children with disabilities and the elderly were discriminated against and were in effect sent to homes or Gulags to die or waste away or they were sterilised. Eugenics and secular humanism and communism arise from the same branch although they have opposed each others methods and beliefs. Jean Paul Sartre humanist and existentialist and freethinker felt that to do good was enough but the definition of good was based on eugenics. Wiping out inferior races was good etc.The Soviet Union on the 'left' also believed that inferior races and disability had its origins in those races intermarrying with each other from their earliest emergence on earth. Both the left and right have those beliefs in their origins. Imposing it upon others now runs health and family planning, beginning with the rabidly racist Margaret Sanger who believed in Birth Control (yet was married and had children) but for others, as this method was a disguised (is a disguised) plan to cull large populations.(Population control in the supposed overpopulated world, formulated by Malthus who was a Eugenicist as was Erasmus Darwin and Charles Darwin)
A modern disciple of Margaret Sanger is Gloria Steinem here receiving an award from Barack Obama who is also a disciple of Sangers and planned parenthood Today planned parenthood arrives as a health clinic and it is not just minorities who are planned but everyone as all can avail of the treatment. Obamacare supporters and Obama administration staff such as John Holdren support the same agenda Whether it is a Marie Stokes clinic or another business, 'photeus' (a Baby) and stem cells are a big business as is abortion itself. Many nurses will tell you that most babies survive abortions and in the private clinics they also expect most will but all are left to die. A 4 week old 'phoetus' will reach out in pain when the acidic saline solution is added on it, in order that it will stretch making dismemberment easier. Earlier babies will also show signs of distress and pain. Madness disguised as family health and family planning, which also began as torture and dissection techniques on political victims (a health service of torture) which is still practiced today as the Falun Gong movement discovered only recently. (see above for their longer troubled history, and 2 paragraphs below for their recent protest in Ireland in July 2015)
Eugenics and Darwinism mixed in with pseudo Marxist communist beliefs transcends all racism stereotypes and Obama as an elite Leninist believes he is a part of the Elite as a racist and communist. Stalin may have killed Lenin but the same beliefs underpin both divergent paths of so called communist beliefs. True racist's hate the entire human race (as one race) not just sections of it. True racists commit and plan genocide in many ways against white or any colour(s)
As mentioned and for example the Falun Gong people of China (whether you follow their beliefs or not) demonstrated in Ireland (in a continuing demonstration) against Chinese Communist party atrocities committed against them and the Chinese people population over many decades. They were accompanied by Chinese nationals who were not members of the Falun Gong.Thier beliefs seem to have originally developed as a counter measure against extreme conditions born from the desire for freedom.Speaking of their experiences in the street they outline a clearer picture of the Communist Manifesto. Many older members speaking (not just Falan Gong members but also Chinese peopel passing) were present in the earlier Chinese cultural revolution and eventual famine (forced starvation in 1958 - 1961 when 40 million starved to death) they regard their current persecutions as an extension of the same philosophy which spread to vast numbers in China since 1999, however the earlier atrocities under Chairman Mao have similar attitudes to human life.
20.09.2015 In Ireland it is acceptable for politicians to mention that perhaps abortions should be considered for disabled babies in the womb. They do not have to apologise or resign no political correctness is applied. On Sunday 13.09.2015 European and International experts met to suggest that Ireland was not complying with international human rights law and should allow abortions ?. There are no human rights for unborn children (the 'foetus') in the human rights law ?Also aside from companies defunding planned parenthood the sellers of human body parts are not arrested in international law, neither are the experts? An abortion survivor (Gianna Jessen, aborted as a child but lived) and there are many such cases, she explains. (Planned Humanist Eugenics 'Parenthood' in this last link Margaret Sanger explains why she thinks the west should depopulate. Pushing a criminal racket which Russia is also considering banning being one of the first to introduce it following the communist revolution of 1917.
New laws to protect Children from sexual exploitation which is extended to woman are agreed In Ireland, but can carry only a discretionary sentence up to 14 years instead of life. These two crimes when legal underpin trafficking.
December 2015 Following the planned parenthood scandals around the world one video has claimed to be a deliberate fake a hoax to undermine the investigation which is still ongoing (in contrast to the others) The issue of profitable stem cells from any source was debated in Socialist review in 2001 The growing list of companies dropping planned parenthood continues as revelations surface of the remains of aborted children in planned parenthood dustbins Children in the Ukraine, America andworldwide. Yet the business is not shut down but falling sales figures are a headline. A recent court ruling in Belfast (November/December 2015) cites a reason for the abortion can be a disabled child. known to be in the womb. "Eugenics" posing as respectability and the Judge must be devoid of humanity. The American congress first votes to ban planned parenthood for a year and then pushes ahead with its funding (big business 2010)
" Planned Parenthood receives hundreds of millions of our tax dollars in funding, but they're alleged to have filed more than 500,000 false, fraudulent, or ineligible Medicaid claims - charges that carry fines of more than 5.5 billion dollars "
The link to taxpayers funding the murder is made very easily as it is openly admitted but what is not admitted is "planned parenthood" or similar operations or agencies are directly funded as a pre-requesite to receiving national funding, especially indebted countries. In other words in pretty much the same way Monsanto works, if no stem cells or abortion clinics then no money (in the backrooms) hence the political silence and strange decisions on this obvious mass murder issue. In Ireland the debate is pushed along by Chuck Feeney
Chuck also financed the gay marriage campaign in Ireland which gives gay people a right to marry and human rights, but the suing of Churches who want to opt out (no conscience clause was allowed in the referendum) beyond that is a different agenda again, on another level if a boxer (Tyson Fury) who has just won the world heavyweight championship of the world says the following "Homosexuality, abortion, and paedophilia, them three things need to be accomplished before the world finishes…that's what the Bible taught me," "I don't think gay people are like paedophiles. Two adults consenting to love each other is a different matter to someone messing with a child" This is his view as an adult about adults, not a job for the thought police.
The police are investigating the complaint, but when Peter Tatchell (denied here as only applying to 14 or 15 years of age) says sex with children will not harm them, as was said by Patricia Hewitt MP a former member of cabinet who asked for the age of consent to be lowered to 10 years of age, then there is a different agenda. It is the same with abortion. The younger children are in a panic, the more likely they are to abort a baby think about it, the more unwanted pregnancies the more stem cell profit (see chapter 6 in the adjacent website ) 14 years of age is still rape of a minor ? as is 10 years of age. Other items suggest 12 years of age or articles suggest 13 years of age and so on. The age of consent is lowered and chipped away at slowly, not for children but for paedophiles to escape prosecution (gay or straight) All of these matters (all 4 examples) are verbal crimes in print not just opinions or thoughts but planned connected campaigns conducted by ghouls, which Tyson Fury should report to the Police.
Its not the Larry Grayson show anymore. Its hetrophobia or heterophobia in the extreme (hate crimes against hetrosexuals) and its horrible. This lady relates how vendetta's are formed by Homosexuals if they dare to speak out for love and equality. If Tyson Fury was minding his own business and 2 big gay men walked up to him and started ridiculing his masculinity, and forced him like SS camp guards to bake a cake for their wedding, its obvious he would go straight round to the police and report the hate crime. What if heterosexuals forced a gay church to hold a heterosexual marriage, throwing them out, banning the homosexual pastor and bringing in a heterosexual pastor or priest, and if any resistance was shown then a (bitter) legal court case would follow. Of course its ridiculous, especially (to repeat) when a Gay activist admits she just wants to destroy traditional weddings and is not interested in equality or getting married. Whilst Camille Paglia who is gay says;
"Homosexuality is not 'normal.' On the contrary, it is a challenge to the norm; therein rests its eternally revolutionary character Queer theorists - that wizened crew of flimflamming free-loaders - have tried to take the post structuralist tack of claiming that there is no norm, since everything is relative and contingent. This is the kind of silly bind that word-obsessed people get into when they are deaf, dumb, and blind to the outside world. Nature exists, whether academics like it or not. And in nature, procreation is the single, relentless rule. That is the norm. Our sexual bodies were designed for reproduction, no fancy linguistic game-playing can change that biologic fact."
(or in other words ...babies and how we were all babies once, how we got in or out is a mystery to babies)
Not even Tyson Fury said what Camille said, but he could report her to the police when they visit him. The amount of people who are paedofiles who work or worked in the entertainment industry is staggering and bringing them in as a mentally ill minority (who are legally seeking to become a new gender) into television and theatre on public show (giving the impression they are a larger normalised group in society) is a organised racket. Like a scene from film the invasion of the bodysnatchers you cannot criticize or report or ask for arrests (despite the arrests already see chapter 6 in the adjacent website as mentioned which has only scratched the surface to date) as they are protected (gay or straight)
Many countries completely ban Homosexuality, it is illegal in those countries. In many African and Islamic countries Homosexuals are killed, maimed, burnt alive, hanged, shot or beheaded or thrown to their deaths. There are differences between Hanafite and Hanabalites schools and teachings in Islam but generally (and including the USA) the opinion is ....
" Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi of the ISNA said: "Homosexuality is a moral disorder. It is a moral disease, a sin and corruption..."
175 Homosexuals (Obama ordered or agreed to 20 or so with more in the wings) ordered to be beheaded in Saudi Arabia. And not just Homosexuals.
Suing of christian churches is a different agenda (says Putin) and Gay violence hate crimes are the same as straight violence or hate crimes. Previously a lack of human rights led to a bribery and blackmail problem, which were onerous and insidious but helpful in espionage and defamation. Those who wish to destroy children, true spirituality, procreation as natural and enjoyable, the family and governments will use (have used) any method(s) to achieve that aim.
Rastafarian's in Jamaica and elsewhere (i.e Ethiopia as roots music i.e. Hebrew roots music from Sheba & Solomon) teach the following (in a different light from Islam ) on Homosexuality. (or part 2) Both in education and song. (1. or alternatively here) (2. or here ) And Rastafarian teaching does not include such punishments but does require thinking for yourself. The West is tolerant in comparison, yet and see the end of theadjacent website and chapter 3 its dreams (gay or straight) are (becoming in many peoples view) just an illusion.
The liberal illusion which on the one hand suggests there is a third sex (third gender from male and female) when there is no scientific proof (the only time a man is trapped in a woman's body is in the womb as a baby) is clearly saying God or nature made a mistake or mistakes ? (although some transgenders have opted to return to their original gender having made a mistake) and then suggests traditional marriage producing children (who are not real babies until after a certain number of weeks according to this ideology) is another mistake of nature ? It is similar to the Islamic tradition where only woman are covered from head to foot in black, but the men are not ? are woman any less ? Once the absurdities (clearly designed to be deliberately absurd) are gone Christian or those in the Judeo - Christian tradition will pursue a conscience clause.
Child abuse and criminal deviancy
The transgender children who are undergoing "therapy" counselling as young as 3 years of age and mainly under 10 years of age for free on the national health service (paid for by your taxes) is a criminal conspiracy which is mental and physical abuse of minors (under 16 or 18) and the people who introduced it as law are criminals, deviants and paedophiles. There is nothing wrong with these children and they are made correctly & uniquely from the day they are born. The perpetrators of this ideology are engaged in social engineering experiments on you (with the beginning of the designer transhuman and Artificial intelligence and designer babies illness alongside it) This criminal conspiracy includes some of those in the main political parties in whichever country it was introduced and is eugenics and racism combined with child abuse. This includes Obama Barry Soetoro and Chuck Feeney (the Tusla agency) in Ireland who are trying to remake the Human Genome experiment disguised as "Gay marriage" from gays who largely state they don't care if they get married (see above) admit that Homosexuality is not normal and want to destroy marriage and it is inferred the wider social structure. (a really sick development / joke is the transgender child modelling with agencies to perpetuate the illness as normal) The Tavistock Institute is no longer considered the forefront of social engineering and psychology even in Russia and into Germany where it originated as it is increasingly rejected (as quackery or at best spurious) for spirituality and ironically older ideas of history and tribal identity (because they are the truth and superior)
The tavistock institute and and the NHS combine to convince children they have "gender dysphoria" which is a supposed illness ? (the tavistock institute has first developed much of the "diagnosis" for the "doctors" & "counsellors" and then the law was changed slowly to facilitate the designer peadofile agency harem scenario which required an illness first) Yet it is the transgender's and supporters who are ill Children who are fed up or become depressed are counselled to believe its because they are really transgender, and if the parents believe this or who are idiotic enough to believe it, its therapy and surgery. Case's of wanting sex change and then reversing the decision which in children if it were to happen is a crime and a tragedy.(sick beyond belief) Muslim woman who undergo genital mutilation are victims of crimes so are transgender children.The gay gene lie surfaces every year yet with or without it under 16 or 18 its child abuse and criminal.These people should be rounded up as criminals, and sane hetrosexual parents should take them under their wing as soon as possible. Transgender suicides are committed by people who know they are not normal as the design does not exist in nature as procreation and never have or will they have been brainwashed as torture and a form of abuse. It is the most spectacular fraud and deception ever fostered on the public.
The USA & the Presidential, National and State elections November 2016 and the media into 2021 (see the adjacent website and Chapter 3, Chapter 3A & up to date Chapter 3b and Chapters 5 & 6 )
N.B. All videos and links are named in case of broken links
(14.12.2016) Aside from the serious issues and coverage which existed there is also a whole other universe.After you have been through it there is one area which is very serious.
The US elections were an incredible sweeping win for the Republican party, Donald Trump and Mike Pence. During the election and especially after the US election, the press stated that a liberal meltdown had occurred. Not just the political opposition as expected, but also a hysterical outcry bordering on the lunatic and deranged which is giving North Korea a run for its money (see chapter 5 below) It was nasty and unexpected. It began like this with news presenters One & Two and after it ended like this, One & Two As examples of the drama and behavior watch the following (SAMPLES... warning bad language and lunacy...) 1. Lesbian Lea DeLaria threatens to beat up Trump supporters with baseball bats (or here also ) 2. Possible Lesbian loses plot becomes deranged or here once more on you tube or here again "Moment woman goes full liberal as President Trump is sworn in" they both mean it, so much for LGBT love) 3. This man cannot fathom that rapes, (or here for the video and the hysteria or once again here once more, or here as "FAT GINGER FEMINIST Goes full LIBTARD" ) vandalism and theft have accompanied the migrant invasions and many volunteers have been killed by non Syrians and they are hundreds of thousands who want to kill gays. He is a 'feminist' ? He also is gay possibly or 'other'. In this Universe there are are more than 2 gender types (in the theory of it all) yet science confirms only 2 biological genders. In Germany a politician in the Brandenburg Parliament questions the logic "BRILLIANT: German Politician Mocks PC, Addresses Parliament in 60 Different Genders" in you tube or see here again on alt censored ) to define the 60 different genders (the amount varies from country to country) which have been invented by the Green party. Its beyond words. (There are of course only two genders) The election debates can be read here in the adjacent website and chapter 3 down to USA elections.See also DIVERSITY TRAINING IS PROVEN NOT TO WORK, CRITICAL THEORY FAILS IN REAL LIFE, A NEW STUDY PROVES IT..
This is the social network debate which is truly incredible. It is however reflected in the networks and celebrities (video; Celebrities React To Hillary Losing Election) and mainstream media and the liberal meltdown has been reported upon post the election also. Many reporters and news casters stated that perhaps they do live in a bubble and that they are not in touch with reality and the public. In other words the usual public forming machine was broken yet the cameras kept rolling and the television studios kept opening and interviewing. Universities said the Trump win was an act of terrorism , whilst some democrats said that "white people" (video 'Formers Sander Spokesperson: We Don't Need White People Leading the Democratic Party' ) should not be considering leading the Democratic party right now, but is not jumped upon as racist by the media. When Ben Carson was made housing minister the media did not say Trump was not racist. (in the one human race worldwide) Ben Carson is very qualified to understand poverty and bad neighborhoods because he said he grew up in a real one (unlike Obama) public or private (see the first paragraphs in chapter 3 above also) Many celebrities threatened (the more established who are not considered to be famous for being famous) to leave the USA if Trump won the election (or here) This includes Ellen (who was warned by Hillary Clinton who said she was stalked by Trump on stage (its incredible) but then Ellen says he is welcome to appear on her show ? anyway. This reaching out to stalkers initiative has inspired some ideas on social media, see further on) and Whoopi Goldberg and the others who no one really knows who they are, yet they are considered as political commentators has also made biased comments. Anyone of course can comment on politics and economics but the media list is all strangely like clones of the previous clone, on and on in celebrity land. On the programme hosted by Oprah went for Hillary Clinton and is now (post the election) expressing hope. George Clooney was against Trump as was most of Hollywood. Clooneys rejection of fear and his cry for openness was displayed by his attitude, and by anti - Trump episodes i.e people who want to assassinate Trump. The media kept airing such comments by anti trump people, but if someone had said the same about Obama the frozen liberal celebrity shock would be met by a national outrage and contorted faces, that would have transgenders urinating in the street. Essentially however the soft left (and this is the soft left front-line for the public) have now calmed down and are threatening to stay in the USA, many cannot remember anything about anything and the way they felt a month ago. The last video is an analogy of some efforts and behaviors, a rational attempt at solving the problem, then the drama and then nothing. The reason is they were emotionally manipulated to act in groups or movements which are fads and false. This happened in the occupy movement see chapter 2 above, or watch this explanation of the Social Justice 'Warrior' Cult which is obsessed with 'identity politics' and video (bad language) and see you tube video 'SJW Explained properly Everyone should listen and understand' ( negative narcissist nonsense) The economy, the rust belt decline and the national debt are not even subjects. Many in the US just want a live demolition by Bulldozer to most of the mainstream news studios.
If the last video above is not working then consider this paragraph repeated from chapter 2 above on the deliberate failure of the Occupy movement, or see the heading on North Korea in chapter 5 below (repeat) which highlights soviet 'active measures' and groups like 'common purpose' An example (although of course poverty does exist and there are groups who need social consideration such as the disabled, disabled veterans etc) is the Social Justice 'Warrior' Cult which is obsessed with 'identity politics' and video (bad language) See also video 'SJW Explained properly Everyone should listen and understand or here as MP4 video file (video you tube The Social Justice Scam) which points out they scammed the protesters and the church, protestant and catholic) they are not fighting for the working and middle class. Supposedly against statism, it is fronted by controlling soviet style entities which have no achievement only to control. During the occupy movement many select SJW took money from the causes, fellow protesters, the public and took the money from the oppressed minorities the same as an extortion racket would. This turned the movement under the control of SJW and the higher groups controlling them by bizarre methods. There are the average social justice warriors and then there the Common purpose or "others" who take the money from monies raised and keep the neuroticism at peak level beyond common sense. constantly pushing their view like a cult. They are unknown to the rest of the protesters. A rare video which points out how they made money from the causes, and took the money from the oppressed minorities ( one example is 'common purpose' who also hijacked protests as SJW ) Social Justice Warriors vs Logic (#1) A briefer explanation of the layers of identity and classification is shown here 'progressive stack' (Manufacturing and exports and/ or common sense are hijacked in any discussion as one example) Whiteness test, critical theory, the system of classification of 'types' turned into a neurotic system of manic causes which are never addressed, and the genuine people are left mystified (see below also chapter 5 and North Korea)
It is classic soviet education subversion sown into a nation by media and fake protest. This occurred after word war 2 until the late 1980's and then the soviet facade collapsed and now Russians in Moscow are Billionaires who have sealed borders and a regulated immigration system. You couldn't make it up.The left have been sown a deception away from jobs and health etc into the cultural Marxist Trojan horse. Miley Cyrus who is famous for exposing herself has now stopped crying but many celebrities were crying ? The election night was broadcast on many channels including MSNBC. Now they have almost moved on from the whole campaign thing, but the media trap is still churning out the latest fluff and nonsense. The news circulates and delves into the quagmire but over the last two years especially, peoples 'bubbles have burst' and then later they say; "hold on, no, its all so meaningless". Clint Eastwood summed up it in part ("idiots")
The bubble had burst elsewhere around the world before the election. The Pope also added his support to the gay marriage protests in Mexico. These protests were followed by Protests in Paris over two days in October 16th and 17th 2016 (and against pedophilia) The Church has a right to exercise its conscience and allow an opt out legally. Whilst in the USA the Presidential election debate (see here adjacent website and chapter 3 scroll down to the debate 3/4 way down chapter 3) revealed the meaning of full term / partial birth abortion and its horrific acts, which also linked campaign funding from planned parenthood to Hillary Clintons campaign who supported this procedure which basically sucks a babies brains out and allows it to collapse enabling the head and body to be removed easily. The planned parenthood clinton foundation matters are not just left and right issues but are crimes. After the US elections 2016 Colonel Allen West said until we right the wrong of abortion we will never be truly blessed as a nation which is very perceptive.
The hysteria is a loss of political power but deeper than that there are a bunch of determined 'nonce's' pulling the strings and feeding all of this nonsense into peoples living rooms. It seems to incredibly simple for people to accept but that is a fact. Consider the transgender bathroom debate as mentioned above. Many cases are winding their way through the courts and after Obama appointed over 450 liberal judges to various court levels including one Muslim judge from Pakistan of Muslim brotherhood origin and paid for by the Saudi's to make way for Sharia law. Islam works that way in every society it wishes to indoctrinate and subjugate. This is its open stated aim not a conspiracy and they openly admit it. The difficult matter for Obama has been that Islam bans gays completely and puts them to death in Saudi which is an apartheid state which runs the biggest trafficking network with United Arab Emirates and Oman in the world. George Clooney who owns a few large homes said people should take in refugees. There are none in his homes. To date only Donald Trump, Ben Carson and after changing her mind after what she witnessed in Germany, Angela Merkel have mentioned safe zones in the middle east which is a cleared area sealed and close by and protected by a neutral or allied military.
Deep behind the news the "pedophile gender" debate continues. As the Transgender cases wind there way through courts at great expense and ridicule there is a solution for the courts anyway. It could or should be a law for all Transgenders to have separate heterosexual toilets in their homes (and 1 bedroom apartments) and business, or educational establishments. Policing such a matter would involve state wide task forces to check on the heterosexual toilets or lack of them in transgender and gay homes.(no heterosexual toilets = hetrophobia) If there are none then they should be booked and taken to court and the appeal courts with or without bail until they agree to build a new inner area or extension to accommodate either gender (uni-genders) of the bi-gender species. Fines and community service consisting of wearing original birth gender clothing clothing should also be administered. There can be no golden rule here and toilet felons should be made to do hard law time and punishment. If its good enough for Islam to flog gays and have only two toilet gender types, then its good enough for Obama, however the USA actually has a judicial process under the constitution.
The lobby for the transgender gripe do not really care about their toilet needs or about them, it is about ridiculing society and forcing it to be a relevant issue for other ends. Other examples in other areas are as follows; The fake news hit when a story previously aired story suggesting mexico was building a wall between it and its own southern border countries and was cited as fake as there was no wall. Later it emerged that actually Mexico is preparing to build a wall on its southern border and it will pay for it. Why ? because it is having security problems and a wave of migrants. This aroused questions concerning those who had applied for a driving license to vote but were illegal immigrants. It is estimated that 4 million fake votes were added by this and by other methods. The illegal votes of driving licence voters only can be checked (and proven) against registered voters who are legally allowed to vote. No checks were sought and yet no proof was cited as a reason not to check. Those arrested during the vote recounts, did not have the right to vote in the USA ? and they are others including politicians are not seeking the right for Americans to vote illegally or legally in other countries. Many were and are paid by George Soros ? Obama's Acorn voting scandal is still under investigation from 2008 and 2012. Acorn is linked to the Clinton/Obama planned parenthood, Clinton foundation. What this has highlighted is the attack and undermining of the USA which other countries do not allow in any way. It is not just elections which are under attack but the whole countries system, and family and traditions which Obama seems unconcerned about but actually supports by subversion and lies (bow down to Islam a false religion, subjugate those of tradition and faith to those who want to destroy it, and abort your children) The move to make pedophiles a recognised gender then is in the same mindset, and slowly by deceit and shielding behind other issues this matter appears to be normalized in the confusion.
Hunting snakes and alligators and removing Gators from the swamp.
Commentators have made suggestions as solutions to some of these issues Option 1. Following on from Ellen's idea of inviting Trump onto her show there are others who could also come on board but not as just guests but as equal (in equality and by not discriminating against etc) co - hosts in salary and guest choice. Who are they ? Duck Dynasty thats who. There are rumors the last episode will be aired in April 2016 after which they will be free to network, smooze and soorie at that time. They could be equal co-hosts with Ellen, Whoopi, Oprah and even Dr Phil although the latter does get to some important issues (if Duck dynasty could bear it for a while) and could even help to co - host CNN. The ratings would go through the roof and real subjects could be discussed. The Robertsons also hunt snakes and alligators or see here as they move upon the Gator as they lurch about the swamps of the USA disturbing the peace (and not just in the USA but globally) Each member (27 in the family and neighbours and friends as researchers) could co-host on these and similar shows from Hollywood to New York. Option 2. Just dismantle everything with a bulldozer.
Many of the celebrities could then be sent to bootcamp for 6 months before they return to the media or if they do. Univeristies and schools have safe zones now which can be entered if you are offended. This was agreed by education student unions. Some want to extend it to the workplace. Bootcamps have safezones, this one for example (run to safe zones here ) and the safe zones could be extended to media car parks and university playgrounds.
Pensioners could turn the TV off, spit the mind dampening drugs out, over power the guards and go on a spree. Kirk Douglas reached one hundred this week he once made a film which did just that in effect. (not quite the same but in it and over 80 he had a whale of a time. In the gym and with the girlfriend. The name and title of the film is unknown) An 89 year old pensioner (veteran of d-day) 2 years ago, escaped from the care home and made his way to France for the D Day celebrations and returned again with everyone looking for him. He passed on a year later but had a great time. This is a man who who was involved up to D,DAY, before during and after and with all that experience and knowledge since of the war but he still went back. The afternoon TV is mind numbing and destructive to the soul. Kirk Douglas made Spartacus which is one of the great films of all time. The reason; it is based on real history and appeals today, and of course goes back into history and towards the middle east and round the world. Clint Eastwood starred and directed in another great film "The Gauntlet".James Woods starred in "Vampires" in 1998 and was extraordinarily convincing. Dennis Leary though when picturing a return trip to Vietnam Nam and being asked "if he make movie" Leary said "not this time pal". The likes of Kirk Douglas, Eastwood and Woods do not live in the movies and the recent years in America with the debates and with the transgender debate and the different genders (repeated here from Germany (to find last video; "BRILLIANT: German Politician Mocks PC, Addresses Parliament in 60 Different Genders" in you tube) has now revealed 60 or so genders. It seems a surreal ridiculous situation until it becomes an epidemic and unspoken secret across society which controls it by fear. (this has happened in countries slowly)
The front line of the media is glimpsed above (and it has always been 60 % liberal) but the recent media control via I Phone and internet and film and television has changed. It is crazy and the news is simply mentioning news negatively surmising headlines in which now people do not know the fake news from the real. Yet if the news has always been fake (or mostly) then fake news is what ? The public in Britain and the USA do not seem to be falling for it anymore since Brexit and the Presidential elections.
Total Student hysteria at University. (videos on you tube; 1.'Tucker Carlson destroys liberals and their safe spaces ' 2. 'America Divided': Berkeley students supporting Trump facing threats & attacks ' 3. ' Woman Screams No When Trump Gets Inaugurated ' The behavior (no free speech allowed ruled by professional protesters who get paid to protest, such as common purpose see North Korea essay in chapter 5 ) is not just protest it is a cult and triggered neurosis (see the whole of the North Korea essay below in chapter 5, which relates how the neurosis was perfected in the west and not just on the North Koreans as guinea pigs and also in China under Mao and Cambodia and Russia. North Korea is a communist country. Unable to accept the one human race concept or that social Marxism is actually designed to destroy society. The left are the racists (as is shown when it was suggested whites should not be allowed to run the democratic party which is the source of supremacist views from the Muslim brotherhood and others and who employ former soviet methods )The west has human rights for gays, but will protect its faith also. Russia has moved away from it (Marxism / Communism) and liberalism but allows those subjects to be encouraged in other countries. It bans Monsanto GMO as does Germany but this is not banned in the USA. The USA trade deal with China is destroying the USA and jobs and buys influence to reshape society through trust educational institutions into a quagmire. China enslaves people in ever new and ingenious ways (see chapter 5 on North Korea and wonder how that could possibly happen and from which starting point did it grow, and which really oppresses woman who should not have to re-produce to be classed as a person or female, but suppressing this need to reproduce ourselves is destructive. Chapter 5, the next chapter also asks if North Korea will go Nuclear)
America has a constitution which allows freedom, with checks and balances. However new student safe zones are not just for students but could work well also for teacher training which many students may enjoy watching.
The truth of it is, the softer gay / transgender debate who should leave children's bathrooms alone (but who have deafening and forceful hysteria for persuasion) As you travel along or until you go along the gender line from 1 - 60 and get to (also) the 'cat gender' (cats of course scratch a hole in the ground and do their business in that) the delusional "trans-human species" (and Owl and probably tree frog and sloth gender, none of whom require a court order to crap etc. This feline in Norway thinks she is a cat. Does anyone want to step in and tell her the truth i.e. "You are not a cat, cool it" or similar words to that effect. Is it fake news ? other areas are so bizarre you cannot tell) until down past the 30th gender and into the 40th up until 60 you get the "pedophile gender" and who now control much of the media and who have climbed out of the 9th level of hell, having morphed from Nosferatu and Alligator Lizard gender in the darkest part of the swamp before human settlement. Draining the swamp which was a feature of the election debate is full of surprises. And when it comes to draining the swamp, Duck Dynasty could go at that all day long.
The thing about Duck dynasty is they do hunt cold blooded reptiles, but they do not then put them in charge of the national or local media networks. The slavery and trafficking of children of children accounts for 20,000 children a year, that they know about but it is higher than this. Many children in most cities (including yours) are not moved but imprisoned and bound and stored in such a way they cannot kill themselves. First they die inside and then when they are no use, fresh meat is brought in. There are hundreds of thousands of children within these brothels worldwide. many are legal on high streets. These paragraphs on the media (and not all the media obviously) are linked to the paragraphs above under the heading Alicia's law. Lady Ga Ga has revealed she was raped as has Madonna, Lady Gaga is still suffering PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) Of course they would be and there are millions like her. Some medias can take people out of the shock slowly and subtly, if you can find them.Trafficked children in these brothels make you wonder what the mainstream election type "liberal press celebs" are whining about (some paragraphs repeated here below) If the Robertons of Duck Dynasty go on a gator hunt, millions may join them. ( n.b. Gator or 'Gaytor' ? )
Total liberal neurosis
If Americans want to take their country back then should take the media back also. These attacks and information controls are meant to destabilize a country (along with other methods and tactics)
(repeated from above heading " Alicia's law" near the top of this chapter ...
Media Control
Worldwide slavery is alive and well today in every city across the earth. It is a business worth $150 Billion dollars. In 2014 this was estiamted at 38 billion until new insights were obtained and categorized. The following news item from the BBC featuring Gillian Anderson (2.12.2016) gives an overview of the problem. Slave labour is a part of the problem but trafficking is the real business which is worth 150 Billion or more across the globe. 20,000 children may be trafficked each year but hundreds of thousands worldwide are kept permanently in chains in child brothels. In Britain thousands of children disappear permanently and many are not reported and thousands go missing from care homes each year. See the adjacent website and chapter 6
The control of the media by child abusers is growing and this is obvious from the revelations which came from the British Scottish, Welsh and Irish cases over the last few years which are detailed in the adjacent website and chapter 6. The media is an attractive place for the criminals in the pedophile business the Hollywood business is just as problematic. An Open Secret Unedited or Hollywoods Pedophile problem & During the USA Presidential elections the FBI and the Clinton emails scandals also revealed that the FBI (James Comey) have been involved in investigating pedophile and child abduction and violence around America and the World. The medias role is not just pornography but the everyday media we are fed through the internet and television. 90 % of the people who work in the media are not involved in any way, but those that are go to enormous lengths (which are subtle and incredibly organised and deviously sophisticated) and control media programming in many areas. This helps shape public opinion or soften public opinion but also allows grooming and trafficking to become invisible in plain sight. Television programming becomes a form of grooming from (literally ) the cradle to the grave.Children cannot fight back (always)
Rebel news has added to the continuing controversy which explains (video) "how the left pushes pedophilia" It is a disgusting subject yet the women in the video warns in advance and explains what is going on. (see chapter 6 in the adjacent website) This girl summaries the supposed ambiguity (video; PizzaGate Definitive Factcheck: Oh My God) which supposedly had code words in the leaked wiki leak emails. Or CBS Host Admits 'Pizzagate Is Real' For children it is not a source of amusement as of course they are innocent and cannot fight back. Richard Huckle who is not a christian (Britain's worst pedophile although that is not true shockingly) committed 71 offences and was charged in June 2016. Operation rescue by Europol in 2016 operated in 13 countries to catch one pedofile ring who were working across borders which is another reason border security is important. 80 % of trafficking, sexual abuse and rape is against females.
Pedophiles however are people who believe they are a oppressed minority and who should be considered a 'new gender' and they are relentless. in Britain they even had there own website called PIE or pedophile information exchange which many thought was naming and shaming pedophiles but was actually run by them. PIE (pedophile exchange information) interview, you tube. In other words if an investigation breaks out, provide a false investigation front. PIE sought to reduce the age of consent so that a 40 year (for example) old could legally have intercourse with a girl or boy of 9 or 10 years of age. Many politicians and members of the LGBT community were members but have since disowned it. The links in the paragraphs above Infiltrating Hollywood is (as with any network or media) a part of that ambition, and as you can see they are not just deluded or just mad or mentally ill but are completely aware of what they are doing across the board. This is important as when prosecuted they claim they are mentally ill to avoid jail. Yet a mass and shared illness cannot stay organised, rational (i.e rational to them) and durable over such long timescales and then claim it is not connected and an invisible movement. They are criminals who should get life in prison, or the death penalty, as they purposely destroy innocence and cause physical and psychological damage. 0.2 % of the population control the media in this way as child predators. 3% of the population are gay yet they are employed to a higher degree by a ratio of ten to one in the front media as broadcast. How did that happen. The next stage in the nightmare fantasy is to marry a young child in the Church as they now want the same rights as gays. Who have rights already ? )
Cultural Marxism explained in 7 minutes or here as a MP4 Video file (or here on facebook ) before reading on to understand "critical theory" and cultural marxism) or scroll down to Chapter 5 and North Korea and Chairman Mao for a long history of Critical theory and cultural marxism.
For more information see the adjacent website and in it Chapter 3, and also Chapter 3A & up to date Chapter 3b and Chapters 5 & 6.
Remaking the world in the image of the paedophile (who are also becoming parents in sham marriages) is a criminal deviant activity. For those who think this is science fiction, you are wrong and if you think its "homophobic" most of this information was predicted by homosexuals over 20 years ago who were (then) too afraid to speak out against it in fear. I know this to be true personally from conversations. Gay marriage is a long way away from these sick pursuits. Prosecutions and the death penalty should be sought in these areas for torturing and ruining children's lives andhetrosexuals have the right to protect their children physically, emotionally and otherwise, and speak out whenever they wish including children who are orphans or adopted. As for adult transgender neurosis whiners, just snap out of it and pull yourself together and find someone of the opposite sex.
Men and Woman of the opposite sex are prepared to take a stand on this issue (other than beheading, burning, flogging and 30 year prison sentences) and they feel that if hetreosexual boys and girls do not want to become a third sex at age 9 (as one transgender gay and transgender couple suggest) or be told they are abnormal when they are teengagers but can be glad to be straight, that is their right in every law which has existed (or will exist) since the beginning of time. Fight back now and repopulate the world. The H,H, H & H Community (Hetrosexual, hetrosexual,hetrosexual & hetrosexual) are in your neighbourhood.
Remaking the world in the image by homosexuals as abnormal despite the ratio of 96% Heterosexual to 4 % Homosexual. Children, babies and marriage is (some believe) a product of an abnormal pre-occupation withhetreosexuality or the marriage of adults to other adults as consenting adults. (Heterophobia is also a fear of the opposite sex)
All homosexuals have a choice to be gay or not, but even if this is not true all have a choice not to brainwash children or force them to have (in most cases) irreversible gender changing surgery. The 96% Heterosexual to 4 % Homosexual ratio means that 96% of people (Heterosexuals) choose to be Heterosexual because they love it. Further they do wake up every morning and think...lets work on gender reassignment of the kids. They choose not to do this.
Heterosexual parents do not wake up and say, lets discuss their new genders with the children, and then book little Johnny or Alice into a counselling ward for a couple of months of therapy and when they are done, book them in for reconstructive and irreversible surgery (in most cases) and collect them after the holidays for school in September. They do not explain to them that they would be no longer Johnny and Alice but Daphne and Alex when they got back and would have to swap action men and dolls. Why ? because it is their choice not to do so, just as it the choice of homosexuals not to brainwash and deliberately mess with a child's mind.
Take this clip regarding Ben Carson and a Lesbian. ( the latter who chose to be at the conference and then leave as well as being a Lesbian) Like a scene from invasion of the body - snatchers she approaches and begins to let loose on Carson. Essentially she asks if he feels that she.. (who is not a he) chose to be gay and then vents her anger. Ben Carson is of course a brain surgeon and given more time than he had, he could with brain surgery identify what is wrong. What could be revealed is that as a child she had mild "Heterophobia dysphoria" and not "gender dysphoria", it happens in all children and girls also (and can begin at a very young age from 3 upwards.... boys are smelly, girls are stupid etc) This is why these girls like this or this often grow up to be stronger and freer and more intelligent than other woman and men if left alone to blossom into heterosexual womanhood. Old fashioned views that woman should be silent such as the Mr Cholmondley Warner diagnosis is of course wrong for heterosexual woman, similar traits or behavior, unchecked in the mildly Hetrophobic mind of a young girl, can mushroom into full blown Lesbianism. The plight of the Lesbian is she has taken "Heterophobia dysphoria" too far and it has festered into gayness or 3rd gender delusions, instead of following the "Heterophobia dysphoria" feeling until it dissipates. If it does not, it sticks like an unseen flu symptom into later life taking the form of gayness or another gender delusion. The paragraphs above show that gays themselves do not believe Homosexuality is normal. Once identified the corrective treatment is found, and with a good man, soon she will be expecting triplets and singing like Doris Day. It is vital the herd address this issue or else it will thin out and whither away. Two bulls alone or two heifers alone do not a calf make. Hetrosexuals have been hitting the mark since day one. (its Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve, or Eve and Janice)
If this diagnosis seems harsh or difficult to read (the 3 paras above) then remember this is exactly the kind of treatment (and worse) children receive from re-gender freaks in reverse. Scary and creepy from the other point of view ? that's how the gender change agenda seems to the 96%. but not to the 4% who claim a far higher % than the 4% of homosexuals have been born in the wrong gender or sex ? but are unaware of it (25 - 30 % etc) This underpins the reason why children should have gender changes according to this philosophy. Science does not agree. Adults can fight back of course against the barrage of being forced to agree but children cannot they do not know that what they are being told is destructive and wrong. Those that do unleash this subtle brainwashing on children, grooming them into gender changing operations including paedophiles and ghouls should be locked up for good as it is a sickness. Heterophobia dysphoria (in men and woman) is common with all children and it is not a third sex (gender) classification.
The Lesbian here (above) is completely self obsessed and is not concerned about children's welfare (in this area) Men of course commit 90 % of all rapes and many Lesbians have said they would never go with a man again or they have been abused sexually and verbally and quite rightly blame men for these crimes, which should be given life sentences or worse.This is still not an excuse for children to be abused into gender re-assignment, and gender re-assignment merchants are mocking society in the most sick and perverse way. No one is suggesting they (transgender merchants and proclaimers) should be thrown off building's or stretched on a rack, hung drawn and quartered, castrated or be forced to shop at wall-mart forever,with limited access to the hairdressers, its not a sharia law zone, but parents (to repeat) have the right to physically protect their children
Dr Carson has already spoken on the scientific consensus that DNA research (across the tribal divides) shows we all came from one source as one race an opposite stance to the Social Darwinist Eugenicists view. Obama Steiner and Margaret Sanger Hillary Clinton & Margaret Sanger Obama and Clinton agree with Sanger who wanted to eliminate race including the white tribes and prevent people from having children) see chapter 2 above but quoted here again.
Hillary Clinton and Obama above are following the same ideology which brought the "Jewish solution" six million Holocaust in World War 2 in Germany and others from Russia (Darwin to Stalinism / Marxism) from the first Gulags in World War 1 forward. (It is believed that North Korea still has Gulags (in which starvation and toil follow the Chinese Mao model) as does Russia, but what does cultural marxism / socialism look like or force you to believe in reality. A controlled society by media and strict order, including uniform but sensible fashion and music, all towards the praise and un-criticising obedience to the cult of the leader (& see the Chairman Mao statute built recently) or the political party in which there is a tense nuclear standoff with the West and daily broadcasts across the divide to consider as urgent issues. Wealth is not distributed in Korea, everyone is unequal and as a country it is attractive to the west as a country to bring under western control)
Defining the Korean war and the impending Nuclear war as a gay issue is the epitome of delusion and distraction. As for the truth on North Korea and its Gulags that information is further down in chapter 5 (the next chapter) after the heading Russian Soviet Gulags.
What (the hell) is Social darwinism / humanism and the differences between them i.e Darwin to Stalin and Nazism which began in Russia. Or are they just the same) Now that it is clearer the Germans in World War 2 sent thousands of Jewish people to Israel see the adjacent website and chapter 3, dated 24.10.2015 and the end of chapter 2 (until the merging of Islamic Nazism in 1942 - 1943) Eugenics was obviously rejected on the whole except it was pushed by the new elite believers in a faith and belief as a theory now proven incorrect scientifically (except to Hillary Clinton and Obama ) The destruction of diversity which is also the aim of the "Humanist society" which Angela Merkel who is a Communist says has failed, as of course it is not aimed at combining cultures or tribes but destroying them under the idea that nationalism or attachment to your country and lands are "bad" ? and/or bad for democracy when the opposite is the case. It is also not true that if you are a Nationalist you are a eugenicist, yet it is stated that you are, another fallacy. It is similar to the myth that socialism brought higher pay and benefits when in fact these rights (which were won by unions and craft guilds previous to this) were won a long time before Karl Marx wrote "Das Capital" yet it has been a systematic failure and you can win these matters without socialism / cultural marxism (see the pdf in chapter 1 EU, Rome,London, Israel) Russia is now a capitalist state with the highest number of billionaires (you can read to the end of this web page to see why) "Equality" (false equality) is made to bring freedom down to the lowest denominator. Equality began as a leftist destabilising agenda idea to bring in-equality in communist countries and then introduced into the west as a legal necessity they do not have (repeated elsewhere but here again... all equal with no rights equally)
Milton Friedman said "A society that puts 'Equality' before freedom will get neither. A society that puts freedom before equality will get a high degree of both" And this is why the secular humanism version of society should be rejected and disassembled.
The young Lesbian in the Dr Carson clip above asked if Dr Carson thought she chose to be gay implying she was born that way (and so to, they claim are many children who are not aware of it as yet until they receive re-gender therapy etc) and some science is brought in too sometimes back up these claims. Yet as science, DNA is now proving that the theory of many evolved species of humans is false, and only one species from one single origin, (which is why Dr Carson and hundreds of scientists speak on the 'something cannot come from nothing' fact, in life or in the universe) therefore what species are homosexuals ? and why do transgender people claim they are a different sex in formation in the womb (God or nature made a mistake etc & Eugenicists believe there are different species etc) Why do they claim one twin is straight one is gay ? The world wants to know, because they are telling children this (in effect) and asking or forcing them to have gender changes or subtly introducing it as a option in society. Since there is only one human race, when did this mistake (by God or nature) occur, or do homosexuals acquire Homosexuality in later life (and children in early years up until 18 should not be asked to change gender therefore) Its a very serious question (and very tragic) to those who are now seeking to reverse their sex change operation
Most homosexuals do not want sex changes either and the new "transgender science" is a different agenda which requires legality for acceptance, via the media conditioning. Many people state they are gay if only to improve career prospects or for fashion in an entertainment industry which cannot conceive of Abba being Heterosexual. Cultural Marxism is the driving force behind it, but which has now damaged children, some beyond repair, yet cultural Marxism is only a belief (the breakdown of family structures or abolition of the family, except for their own of course see Communist Manifesto chapter 2) it is not scientific but a series of continued erroneous assumptions which lead to the Frankenstein society.
When you combine the information above with that of Dr Francis Crick (winner of the Noble Peace Prize for discovering the double helix Structure of DNA, the human blue print within each cell) and his associate Leslie Orgel who both actually claimed that 'spontaneous generation' of these cells did not occur by chance, (they need a higher power to form or generate into life) both of these admissions / discoveries have removed Darwinism from accepted Science.
" Today 140 years after Darwin it is now understood that DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) is required to make Proteins, and you require DNA to make RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) and you need RNA to also then make proteins ! (and carbo-hydrates) hence the circular origin of life and the chain of coding and matter cannot have appeared from nothing on its own from the 'primordial swamp' (a name invented by a Greek philosopher) and evolved into living cells. Which came first ? DNA if incomplete in its code (like a computer code) fails to produce whole and completed lifeforms or species, and if you alter the code slightly in its early formation, it dies, hence it cannot mutate into a new species naturally or at all. DNA is not divisible creating sustained natural life, and Charles Darwin admitted he did not know where the first cell originated (no branch of science or theology can agree on this problem) " ....the conclusion is there is only one human race proven from DNA origins.
Adding to the DNA fraud is the Stanley Miller fraud of 1953 (also discussed above near the beginning of the chapter) which basically said he had generated life out of a vacuum in a glass bowl out of a few chemicals in a supposed scientific experiment. The problem is it was announced as a scientific breakthrough proving evolution which as a theory suggests many different species of humans evolved from many different locations all over the earth and this is still taught today as fact underpinning eugenics and socialism which is not naturally producing higher minds, bodies or souls but just the opposite. Just as DNA cannot generate spontaneously it follows cells cannot generate spontaneously. Here are the facts and in this video. And scientifically refuted here again. It is not admitted but quietly ignored that the fraud is a fraud as €Billions in research and spin offs like planned parenthood, transhumanism and ideological education depend on Stanley Millers pseudo science. This also includes the gay gene fraud, gender discrimination and racism. Hetrophobia becomes Hetrosexual Phobia in the twisting of logic and science. As you read you will notice the evolution debate is funded with Billions whilst scientists in thousands have to fund any other view on their own or lose their careers, and the scientific exploration is lost in dogma. Ironically the searched for "apotheosis" using socialism and eugenics is having exactly the opposite effect and outcome. Researchers into this area who compromise their initial enthusiasm and vocation by this ideology simply autopilot and go along with the dogma. Improving society is lost somewhere in their early careers. Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, cognitive and information technology towards genetics and robotics will not produce the advanced human kind into the apotheosis which is hoped for. The missing ingredients cannot be artificially re- produced hence those sciences following those methods or theories will produce slavery only.
Whether it is genetics in humans or food and plants (Monsanto Obama's retirement fund) the fraud. Genetics in humans or animals has the same false foundation which is inherently inferior to organic systems. The debate between these two farming genetic methods continues, but which is cited as science and also as a form of social control such as the gay gene and planned parenthood genetics. Spirituality is also genetically modified which you can read below (the singularity apotheosis promoted by the LGBT community). It is the left which perpetuate the delusion. Whilst many good ideas and projects are funded by foundations and trusts, education and the human geno experiment which is not just an ethical minefield but is illegal and the peer authority in this area is not a legal or moral branch of social sciences, collective consciousness or medicine in society and offshoots of it, including into food, are an invasion of natural human life, the family and society. The hoped for apotheosis and singularity is on the wrong track as the "left" have forgotten that ancient texts and wisdom was spiritually received not ideologically guessed or stumbled upon, and cannot be produced in a laboratory to complete. Further the "spiritual" researchers are themselves missing the true substance and nature of life and have missed the real insight and singularity spiritually, without which they are will produce only pale shadows of the research they hope for. Most do not even know what they are looking for, yet claim to understand alchemy and the sciences which with billions of dollars invested is neglecting the real point and aim of those sciences.
Adam Smith (who wrote the wealth of nations) did not rely upon chemicals for Agriculture in order to maintain a profit in his Capitalist and Conservative outlook. Adam smith and those who lived in his era ate healthy organic food and prospered upon it. They respected the land as "Gods Country" Farmers today cannot make adjustments to reduce or reverse this policy (by letting the land recover or go fallow) as it would ruin annual profits. Communist countries were/are in the same position yet they also ran land into dust bowls. Capitalist countries could use investment to research and rid itself of this blight which is having to produce genetically modified animals and soon genetically altered people to eat the food which we did not need to grow using that method in the first place. It is shown that land is more profitable without Monsanto and could feed 15 Billion people in this world. The end result is abnormal and unhealthy, but which reduces population.
Sexuality and experiments in social engineering are also fenced in to a narrow exclusive debate to control reproduction and overturn it from the norm and from the majority 98 % and it is a part of the experiment. Again ancient science, which modern non evolutionary science shows (due to increases in technological sophistication ironically) is actually more accurate and healthy as it actual relied upon male and female philosophy / spirituality which was naturally organic.
For people who think there is no connection to the Trans-human genetic human genome experiment, and other areas of genetics in any area, or that there is no connection to the LGBT lobby, then consider the following Transhuman article (or here ) Transhumanism is a Religion not just a science, and it exists with millions of dollars of funding, and in the alien minds of the dizzy but dangerous, which contemplates the moment the LGBT (and associated believers) community evolves into Trans-human.... otherness, consider the following quote from the article; " In the next 25 years, the human being will undergo a larger transformation of its evolutionary body than it has undergone in the last 100,000 years. Artificial hearts will likely become better than real hearts. Telepathy via brain implants will become an important form of communication. Men will be able to give birth with implanted uteri " and this is vastly supported by the LGBT community, which is a part of the "Transhuman Religion" which regards lower life forms (children, the church and poor and lowly educated and hetrosexuals in general ) as holding back the next giant leap into a united super consciousness.
It is just awkward as the heterosexuals keep having heterosexual sex and hetrosexual children and muddying the waters in the new religion. But as the 96 % / 98%, (hetrosexual homosapiens) we should wise up accept the future which so far looks like a cryogenic trans - human genetic nightmare. Do you as "human being" (see the above quote) want you or your children to exist only in a homogenized body, in which men exist to also give birth, and with only the ability to upload your mind telepathically to communicate with transgender gays ? or do you think your going to Barff at the thought of eating your babies "no gender" transgender gay placenta afterbirth. ( Woman in ancient and modern times did this, in order to regain vitamins and energy following the exhaustion of giving birth).
Understanding that the transhuman religion is a organised religion (which must be physically and academically taught to children) and a "apotheosis singularity" jump into digital hyperspace is planned (hoped for) in which bodies and especially hetrosexual bodies are no longer required thanks to technology (only technology) is an actual real religion. Understanding that the dissatisfied with human life, like some in the LGBT community who are at best confused or worst deranged. Asking people to pay for their own conscious imprisonment in the afterlife some suggest in their view, is similar to the belief or idea of trapping souls or minds in Crystals as portrayed in popular culture. (the superman or supergirl films come to mind) Whatever the case of that, or of the intent of this belief, the real truth on the afterlife is hidden from everyone including the LGBT people, and there is an afterlife.
The formless body (genderless and gender fluid) is a stage to the jump into super consciousness hence we should not worry, and if our bodies are frozen we will not need them anyway. After giving birth to a formless child these new norms will bring Diversity Unity and Joy in which you and your children can live for ever, immortal as the eunuch fish family. There is no doctrine of biblical or Torah or church sanctification for any of this abnormality or any evidence in science for it. You cannot live forever in your body or in another body, and consciousness artificially preserved in a computer programme sounds like literal hell ( People/idiots are paying a fortune for this. Refunds could be problematic if immortality has a virus or becomes unplugged from the mainframe or it simply sucks. Problems outside of the warranty period are uncorrectable, and if the company cease's to exist in 100,000 years then your super consciousness could be unplugged or sold on, which if stuck with billions of telepathic transgender gay minds could become a second nightmare) Body, Spirit and Soul have different "apps" ( but there are no apps or hashtag too download or upload your spirit or soul before or after cryogenics and frozen preservation) The religion is a very expensive technology hoax (the next dimension internet "apotheosis") which begins as a complete deception in part in the LGBT community who first need to get married or sue a church to take the leap of consciousness ? Children's education in which designer babies are a fashion accessory is a "change" which is not required or needed. The Humanist or transhumanist religion will not transcend mortality and is on the wrong track in consciousness for anyone in the LGBT community or without. If it takes a computer mainframe to achieve immortality, but a or your birth does not, then you can guess something is not right (if not your in deep trouble)
There are medical benefits as well as military applications which cybernetics and robotic technologies have, but the main impetus is combining them with the immortality aspect as a religion.
The transhumanist LGBT religion is a cult, and the harm it is doing to children is according to the FBI officially a danger to children, but also so is forced conversion i.e. "conversion therapy" (seeking to convince people they are straight) The insidious related other area of the paedophile racket which seek to convince children they are gay (which you can receive as treatment for on the national health service in Britain) The 3% may seek to create a new world without the 97% in the ultimate delusion in which they are ultimately exploited. To repeat Camilla Page
"Homosexuality is not 'normal.' On the contrary, it is a challenge to the norm; therein rests its eternally revolutionary character Queer theorists - that wizened crew of flimflamming free-loaders - have tried to take the post structuralist tack of claiming that there is no norm, since everything is relative and contingent. This is the kind of silly bind that word-obsessed people get into when they are deaf, dumb, and blind to the outside world. Nature exists, whether academics like it or not. And in nature, procreation is the single, relentless rule. That is the norm. Our sexual bodies were designed for reproduction, no fancy linguistic game-playing can change that biologic fact."
Similar to how cults brainwash and how paedophiles brainwash it is disguised as a social science or need. The FBI have labelled it as a danger to children when converting from being gay it should also be bad the other way. Obama and Jarret state they are now against it and conversion therapy is terrible. But conversion therapy to become gay is brainwashed onto children in larger numbers, but how did it get to become a pseudo science at all. It begins with 3% of the population lobbying and taking the pseudo science from universities who state there is a gay gene which children are unaware of, but with therapy, conversion and sex (and the lowering the legal age limit ) it will help them, and if they transcend current awareness barriers and join in they will be enlightened new better people. but how ? did the need arise to be classified as gay when young ? just as promoting gay genes in children should be illegal, the current belief is children are born "neutral" and conditioned to be straight ? (this science is formulated by people who would not exist without their parents. Complete idiots) This Paedophile criminal quasi religion which needs marriage to condone it in church is grooming and trafficking. It is also practised in Britain substituting false science into a religion as grooming and trafficking. Obama and Jarret however will not prosecute it as a federal crime because they support it and the LGBT community as they they cannot criticise therapies they believe (see also chapter 6 in the adjacent website)
If it is a crime or terrible to use conversion therapy against gays, (and forced conversion is bad) then therapy to convert children to be gay is also a crime and should be banned federally and nationally also, beginning in the Whitehouse who have promoted the LGBT belief in the first place. Children who believe they are gay are first brainwashed to believe it may be the case they are gay (the universal gay gene idea from an early age which took scientific fraud to achieve) and then later again, they may be counselled against being gay, by which time years of confusion will have passed. The very basics of education by parents seems to have vanished and co-parenting is state confusion and usurps the role of the parent until there is no advice or guidance children can take as logical or humane without an agenda, which should not force children to believe they are gay by conversion to transgender, subtly forcing straight children to doubt they are straight. (or forcing gay people to convert) Transgender transhumanism believes the human race is designed incorrectly and transexuals believe God made a mistake. Why not just breed a new race of children (Atlantis) who can breathe through fish gills in their necks and who can give birth to eggs under water, it would be simpler and less stress. Children will be living in a genderless aquarium soon, forced to look at Bruce Jenner now known as Caitlin Jenner (tranny but who is still technically a man) sprinkling fish food. Not just the stepfords wives but the stepford kids, grandparents and transexuals at the transhumanist shopping mall. Alternative they could take Putins anti - gay (was a Stalinist now thinks it was mistake as child abuse was / is rampant in communist Russia) stance and take weapons training instead. with philosophy, history, cosmology and science, martial arts and all education subjects before 15 years of age.
At federal level the debate may however raise the debate to higher public scrutiny, which as a debate should not even exist as there is no gay gene. Therapies which belong to Obama care or planned parenthood have had enough public or federal scrutiny (they may illegally feel) and Cair (the Islamic USA and wider CAIR youth promotion) may also then get Federal criticism. This is Obama's stance, on the one hand therapy against gay conversion from being gay is bad, but keeping Federal hands out of Islamic or pseudo science gay promotions is good. This keeps federal hands out of trafficking and exploitation legally locked into the social care system away from scrutiny. Obama and Jarrett believe they can be judges in the land but allowing children to be brainwashed into being gay is a crime 16 - 18 and above is an age when people can see the bigger picture but not if it also fighting the state "co-parenting" idea which is a step to legal abduction. Forcing gay people to change is also just as problematic and should not be forced i.e. the 3%, but then adults are not children which as we have seen in the paragraphs above, some as young as 3 to 10 years of age being asked as a therapy if they are gay. 97 % of people do not even need to know about the subject as children full stop, yet they are forced to know and become enlightened. Science fact, this is occurring in fish land.
Groups including higher than the FBI, around the world who oppose trafficking and child trafficking especially could help to enlighten them along with parents, and victims.
The LGBT pseudo religion (and many gay people are not in it but are victims also anyway) is real and gay people are trafficked, abused and tortured also. Very complex and emotionally charged it is an area to understand.
Disgust and a line in the sand for families, woman and children requires funding for a long period ahead, 10 years fwd etc. Ideas and inputs into that are always welcome in any agency and families and victims can become aware of funding possibilities and solutions many of which are in this chapter on this page. Awareness that the crimes are cultural and quasi religious is important and the blurred lines between good and bad are compromised and legislated until crimes become legal. Separating them out again is at a point where people do not care about the legal or cultural distinctions any longer. Lady Gaga pointed out in her Oscar appearance 2016 that abuse and trafficking is real, whilst Dr Ben Carson points out that politics and corruption and the nausea within it (in this and other areas) throws a veil over the problems victims face.
This is why the Judeo Christian church wants a conscience clause and a separate church away from the bigotry and ignorance and not least because Children 4 to 5 years are taught Homosexual sex and abusive masochism at school instead of the teacher being arrested or strung up, as of course this is criminal sexual abuse and should involve the arrests of local, national, federal and government employees. It is a crime in each class and in each case and criminal offence.
Ben Carson who is a Phd follows the logic and centuries old discussion of Descartes and Heidegger i.e. how can something arise from nothing. (the remaining unsolved question in science, theology and philosophy) DNA does not generate out of nothing and therefore there is only one human tribe not many (races) Likewise there is no gay DNA separate from non gay DNA. Hence being gay is a choice.
Once eugenics is used as a starting point for our origins everything else (except nationalism which is a natural instinct to love your country and faith) disintegrates producing impossible quandaries and absurdities, including "evolved" absurd versions of being gay.(can you re-incarnate if you have not been conceived naturally, or conceived at all, which some Buddhists may mediate upon) The new secular ? transhumanist technological non - organic religion also requires a philosophy and a belief system and framework for it to become real, yet it is based upon eugenics as Transhumanism also.
Above we have read how the Stanley Miller fraud (circa 1955) which claimed to create life from nothing is still taught in Schools and Universities as fact.This is absurd. Building on this fraudulent darwinism claim that natural selection continues genetically, similar experiments were conducted in 2010 and 2014. They have continued since the early 1800s and will continue until the 'evolution' reaches "apotheosis singularity" in electric microchip heaven. Today these experiments are sometimes Cited as creating life out of nothing recreating or re-booting DNA into life (synthetically made ) which (it is suggested) is like creating a new computer and programme and exactly like "playing God". Yet it is similar to the Stanley Miller story in which life has not been created only synthetic cells have. Again two opinions arise, but both agree it is not real life and not as the way Stanley Miller would have liked in any case (spontaneous generation of cells from nothing or almost nothing before time began, evolution natural selection and so on) It is not organic created life. What is new concerns the building blocks for artificial intelligence (quote) " So it's the first living self-replicating cell that we have on the planet whose DNA was made chemically and designed in the computer.So it has no genetic ancestors. Its parent is a computer " This is not a science but is moving ino a religion disguised as science.(to repeat) " In the next 25 years, the human being will undergo a larger transformation of its evolutionary body than it has undergone in the last 100,000 years. Artificial hearts will likely become better than real hearts. Telepathy via brain implants will become an important form of communication. Men will be able to give birth with implanted uteri " Heterosexual reproduction is still the biggest and most enduring miracle which "science" still cannot explain completely.
Making a synthetic creature in a Uturi / Womb is a future ambition. making this acceptable to the public who can be experimented upon (transgender etc ) and watch the results over decades is a realised ambition. Breaking down family norms is attached to it, if only to make experiments socially acceptable, and all by people who view natural birth and hetrosexual relationships as a mistake God or nature committed and the new Gods of science may correct the defects (you the 97 %) if we will only let them. Making the cult acceptable as a religion requires hijacking the gay marriage scam, harvesting eggs from surrogate donors (Lesbian couples) who have a natural mothering instinct. Obtaining them requires a medical view that you are socially deprived (or black market from poorer countries) if you do not harvest other womans eggs, as is the need for men to give birth. It is introduced as medicine or social science. (which is being extended to children as they are those who do not know !.....that they are not hetrosexual !! , but have been brainwashed into believing they are ?) = Eugenics and fascism and racism all of which Hillary Clinton (from Dr Ben Carson) and Obama support. To repeat: Keeping legal ownership of your human genome is vital to society but those rights are being eroded.
Artificial Intelligence within transhumanism (AI) Computer processing is now so sophisticated and fast it is allowing stored data (clouds and mega clouds) in volume sizes unimaginable years ago. All data including all books, art, all history and essentially everything including the current Internet google data and for example all stored photos and images can be stored in one place. Quantum processing has taken the old binary system of 0 and 1 and changes the rules from this base, to interchange 0 and 1 (as either or) to dramatically speed up processing. Cloud and sophisticated processing chips increase pixel imaging a thousand times sharper than current use. Therefore one chip (cloud and storage) can have all knowledge throughout time and all pictures of the earth in every map and image in high quality. Similar to the cryogenic freezing which tries to achieve immortality, the next "upgrade" hopes that your personality and memory could be added to a highly sophisticated cyborg with Quantum processing so that you can achieve immortality this way, in a excellent body with added strength. The problem is they are unsure how much of you would interface with the technology ! Again that could be a very expensive fraud and if thousands are created what would happen then ? All of these issues are popularised in novels and films such as Metropolis (1920;s), Bladerunner, ( and an analysis of Bladerunner on the future) Robocop movies. Terminator movies and also Woody Allens film Sleepers. This theme is the actual theme of Simon and Garfunkel's sounds of silence if you read the lyrics. Creating machines to help us but which then overtake and overcome the creators bowing down to the created.
The LGBT movement did and does not want gay marriage or gay marriage licenses it simply wants to replace religion (some also in the Mormon church believe in the cult, most do not) with a cult called Transhumanism which requires a breakdown of body and sexuality norms in order that technology can bend their belief to become reality. This has to begin at school level. This has been promoted by a minority in the Church despite the protests and outrage against it. The LGBT transhumanist Cult requires taking over religions and politics and the media like any other cult. The recent supposed scandal involving presidential candidate Marco Rubio in March 2016 highlights ( Rubio Gay Prostitution Scandal Goes Mainstream) relates how a candidate can be groomed into position. It is denied as Rubio is married and has many children but the facts on how cults work is accurate and is shockingly described. The news continues on this issue here which is prostitution The news which is political has also said Rubio is against LGBT issues, but is funded in his campaign by LGBT funded billionaire Paul Singer who funds the transexual possibilities on the human body, and transhuman reproduction and cloning adventure. Obama supports the transhuman eugenics movement to map the human brain and then stick it in a robot and collectively warp drive to the next dimension. Woody Allen in the film Sleeper when asked what's is it like being dead for 200 years after cryogenics; replied, like a weekend in Beverly Hills in the continued New York / Los Angeles joke (although of course California and the West coast are great fun with wonderful people especially surfing which many Buddhists in the USA also enjoy)
Modern Religion infiltration
If anyone is not seeing a connection to family planning, the assault on the church by people who do not like church or believe in it yet want to be married in one, the rise in eugenics and body and gender experiments and gay and paedophile rights then your asleep. Artificial Intelligence, Nanotechnology, and Synthetic Biology, augmented by geo-engineering and Genetically Modified food is not just assisting the disabled and society advances it is becoming a religion step by step. Scientist Stephen Hawkins who of course would love a disability revolution admits that Ai could be mans last invention and a danger to mankind. Commenting on the film Transcendence he points out that Julian Huxley and Aldous Huxley and fellow scientists and free thinkers had abandoned the West and looked to the East to achieve immortality. Eastern taoism believes we will transcend this reality and achieve immortality without God, although some believe we will become God. The impossible conception of trying to fathom the Universe thousands of years ago has not advanced philosophically even with science up until today. (with all respect to modern mathematical analysis of those arts) Taoism at least tried to conceptualise the impossible and is a noble aspect of eastern beliefs, but without a creator. Elon Musk and Bill Gates have issued similar concerns. What is incredible and having met every type of belief and people who have those beliefs there is actually a very real spirituality. Whilst this may seem to be alarmist and blown out of all proportion it is a religion and it is in error. Politics and economics are flexible but spiritual matters are far more serious a matter. Further down this paragraph (in more detail) one man who tried was to achieve immortality was Emperor Qin shi Huang (BBC documentary) for people who want to know what can happen when a earthy obsession which is essentially forcing your way into heaven, becomes futile and misses the mark watch the documentary.
Emperor Qin shi Huang was also the inspiration for Chairman Mao who as a Republican Communist but also a despotic dictator was opposed in public at least to the Royal family of Chin. Mao Tze Tung simply became the new Royal Emperor having removed the old, seeking worship as a communist religion by totalitarianism
The Infiltration by the cult into the Roman Catholic Church and others worldwide was first uncovered by members of the Roman Catholic Church and Community themselves and including the Police or Cops in those efforts to weed out the criminals (in response to the infowars clip above on Rubio) One example of this is the film Sleepers made in 1996 set in Hell's Kitchen New York, with Brad Pitt, Minnie Driver, Jason Patric, Dustin Hoffman, Robert de Niro set in the mid 1960's and there were scandals before this dealt with in the same way or similar and which gives a victim two choices on how to deal with abusers. There are millions of people worldwide at every level of life who want Justice and are intolerant to remaining silent or passive, and they are angry. The continued push for these "changes" are made by the depraved who wish to wreck the fabric of society in the country they reside within or anywhere.
The infiltration by the cult into the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church highlighted in the film Spotlight which won the academy award of best picture in March 2016, whilst the Protestant infiltration into its Church is larger and cannot be dismissed as a catholic problem only. Judaism and Islam and every major religion is also infiltrated. The secular world and secularists are also victims. It is then the cult becomes visible which seeks to destroy religion and spirituality and change the teachings (in any faith) at every turn. Of course the silence on it is due to fear and reprisals but the people in the cult are deranged and ultimately the cult is not born out of faith or spirituality but of Eugenics and social darwinism and a belief that people are animals and from animals and children are currency. This is the world's largest religion (secular humanism and communism) which parasites onto spirituality with people who should never have been allowed to go near a child or church, synagogue or mosque.
( Islam's leader was Mohammed who married a young girl aged 9 years of age named Ayesha, whilst he was in his mid 50's. Whilst this is recorded as consented between both parties and her father Abu Bakr as a political union in marriage it is a common practice. Her age is disputed although her own account which was recorded by the Hadith in Bukhari as betrothed at 6 and married at 9 years old. Today child brides are common also in Islam, as is slavery and trafficking in Islamic countries as there is no lower age limit for marriage, and consent can be the child's confusion or poor parent who has sold the child, who may be fit for marriage before 12 years of age or younger even by a community judge. The bible in Deuteronomy 6, 6 - 9, Psalm 127, 3-5, & Psalm 139, 13 - 16, Ezekiel 16 & Matthew 18, 6. is clear on these matters for child protection. For further information see the adjacent website and chapter 6)
The transformation of machine to human in all its aspects will not work and many brain surgeons report that actually the mind and brain have a quality which is not measurable, is unknown and a missing elixir. Love of course on all 3 levels (including Agape) cannot be reproduced and the soul cannot be programmed. Ben Carson who is a brain surgeon and like the untold millions against gay marriage (as Obama was against gay marriage in his 2008 presidential campaign but then changed his brain to support in 2012) should be listened to on this subject. (joined now by companies seeking to defund planned parenthood) The National Intelligence Council who believe the transgender cult of happily married robots seeking transcendence and repentance before God will be a reality by 2030, (including new artificial life eco systems and military soldiers, although we already have an eco system and soldiers) but others suggest real spirituality (men and woman are not Gods which is the drive behind the cult, which some in the Mormon church also believe) will transcend barbarity to children and the legal right to the Human Genome should be with each individual person, parents and children.
Consider the Dalai Lama who may have seen the recent attempt to make a Chairman Mao Buddha in communist China recently (one of the worlds biggest mass murderers) Do you think anybody and especially the Tibetan monks will be fooled by that (it is mentioned many times on here) It was built here to be worshipped as a man made god. It was destroyed here by man. The Buddhists are awaiting the return of the Maitreya who will sit in the Temple and bring peace and harmony. Yet if it was a fake cyborg man made machine version of Maitreya as opposed to a spiritual being, it is obvious the Tibetans and the Monks would say hold on this is rubbish. It cant "Ommm" or radiate anything harmonious. How can a cyborg model (Arnold Schwarzenegger / Terminator) be taught to have emotions or real organic empathy. Not very convincing. And essentially common sense and spirituality are powerful and not fake e.g. the belief in the Large and Small Soul Hindu's have, and some Buddhists share, which cannot be copied or digitally reproduced (we are a soul as opposed to, we have a soul, whilst Buddhists believe we are not soulless but we do not have an actual soul) The theorists then suggest that the delusion could be enhanced if a form of mass hypnosis was introduced to aid the delusion, not just emotional but spiritual (or if this fails a spiritual entity without robotics will lead the rest is one related complex theory) The book of Daniel in the bible says this has happened before in Daniel 3,5 and it was directed at half the known world at the time, which beg's another question, as how this music could travel so far and deep (Daniel 3, 7) into the vast multitudes. Music of course can also free people spiritually and Children know that Spongebob Squarepants ( and Patrick) freed the brainwashed fish world in Bikini bottom from the despicable clutches of Plankton. Spiritual music, the real thing is uplifting and freeing, so to is spiritual faith and worship, and the counterfeit in genetics and the Transhuman religion and/or spirituality would not fool the Buddhists, and the West should have the same insight.
Many deceptions are more subtle of course. It looks like the Communist party of the Maoists and the transcendent transhumanists are going to have to wheel them or it back into the shed/workshop and work on them some more. You couldn't make it up.
Whilst Chairman Mao Buddha may have been a poorly organized early 20th century type attempt to indoctrinate the masses on rolling caster wheels and railway tracks, China is home to the most sophisticated advance of quantum processing and artificial intelligence in the world. China wants Robots who can grow and birth Babies ! and the artificial uteri/womb is here already and has been mooted since 1955, and especially since 1970 when feminists wanted to free themselves from reproductive slavery. (many feminists however since then have realized natural conception is easier and more fulfilling) Whilst this may seem a science fiction and a step too far they are attempting it. In reality it is a new armaments race making Robotic Cyborgs as sophisticated as possible, and China may be leading it. One can imagine a future Ip man film (Ip man 7 = Ip man versus Fu Manchu robot baby) but who would be the first volunteer for the birth. Perhaps a transsexual with new implanted "Uturi". America is currently undergoing federal implementation of common core education (itself a dictatorship exercise in brainwashing and absurd in its methods) over and above local wishes of parents and teachers , but gay transgender sex can be taught. It should of course be scrapped. Communist china harvests the organs of the Fulan Gong faith and killed 120 million people of its own population. In the West experiments are more humane but begin in the health services departments. This is important as this is not an anti - Chinese people research but a study of how power controls a nation internally, then externally enlarges. If the advance is truth it may stand, if not it will lead to a catastrophe. Experiments we have never proved but only heard of occur mainly by people who have escaped. The regime has of course been opposed by the Chinese people but in order to understand the problem and the wider context of the Dalai Lama's plight (Tibet / Nepal) a deeper look is required.
Russian Scientists are considering immortality by uploading their minds into a computer " Itskov (a Billionaire) is putting a slice of his fortune in to a bold plan he has devised to bypass ageing. He wants to use cutting-edge science to unlock the secrets of the human brain and then upload an individual's mind to a computer, freeing them from the biological constraints of the body. "The ultimate goal of my plan is to transfer someone's personality into a completely new body," he says. This will be first achieved by mapping the brain in a "connectome" the same way the human genome is mapped. It is of course exactly the same desire of the LGBT gay cult although it has no connection the transhuman science into spirituality will require the same solutions. 2060 or 2075 is mooted for the singularity apotheosis, however the real aim is to complete this technology is by 2030. Karl Marx said religion was an opiate, and so far this procedure and technology seems to take a lot of faith, which seems a lot of effort to go to when you could just believe in God and procreate naturally.
The connectome project is situated in Maryland USA and under the Umbrella of the National Institute of Health and not a engineering institute for example although these and other departments cross and are connected. It will bring incredible neuroscience breakthroughs, which is why Dr ben Carson is thinking deeply on such matters as a brain surgeon and a christian throughout this chapter. Whilst this will bring medical benefits the ultimate driver is the search to extend life or immortality. as such they are highly moral, ethical questions for society not a political "pc" question, which is used to force it through like a cloak over the agenda.
Such a quest or project was undertaken in China by its first Emperor, but his obsession cost the nation all its time, money and manpower to achieve dubious or incomplete results. All the energies of the country were consumed into this project which was scientific, metaphysical and had/has an element of vanity.
Consider a wonder of the world in China. The Terracotta army, which when discovered revealed 8000 clay soldiers to full height buried with 130 chariots, 520 horses, 130 chariots, 150 cavalry horses. All the clay soldiers were fired in a Kiln and built to protect the Emperor Qin shi Huang the first Emperor of China who reigned over all of China's United kingdoms. The clay soldier protection was more than a funeral / burial area as it designed to protect him into the future when the soldiers and the Emperor would return, and in fact the Emperor spent a great deal of his time trying to obtain the Alchemical "Elixer of Life" which would restore him to immortality and restore his empire. China is known as Middle Kingdom and those outside are the barbarians (the West etc). His tomb is adjacent to the a Pyramid larger than the Great Pyramid in Egypt (exactly like the Egyptian pyramids) and his burial is surrounded by a moat like a river of poisonous deadly(☿) mercury. Foul and sinister yet we do not know much about it today. Mercury or quicksilver conducts electricity and also microchip processor information if possible at some stage.The technology can be perfected or used in trials to be perfected as time passes (disabled applications etc) It is a metal and is fluid it can become hard and soft, just like the Terminator movie (no 2) However it is called after Mercury the winged messenger of the Gods. Alchemy in Hindu/Hindi means "Rassayana" which translates as "the way of Mercury" Mercury is very dense despite being a liquid and the river of Mercury could be walked upon it is so dense. Mercury is also able to preserve abody and boost mummification and perhaps even change the skeleton over thousands of years.
Emperor Qin shi Huang;s obsession sucked in all the country's resources and manpower just to satisfy his quasi religious quest which took many lives to possibly give him, one man more life and ruin society by his vanity. This obsession continues today in a similar but new form.
Despite the records stating the terracotta army was discovered by farmers in 1974 its existence was known since it was built and exactly what was within was always also known. China practices ancestor worship and its ancestor records are the best kept in the world with the Irish records a close second.(many of which have not been translated as yet in Ireland) One very curious feature of the 8000 strong army or terracotta burial was that each face on each soldier was a copy of an actual living Royal guard. A mask was made of the guard and this means that each terracotta soldier looks exactly like the original guard. They could become cyborg duplicates etc. All including the emperor and the soldiers believed they would re-appear in some distant future war in which they would rule heaven and earth.
Each soldier has distinct features in what is one of the most incredible burials on earth. Each soldiers tomb or many of them are marked. As you have read it is possible to take DNA and synthesis it and DNA analysis from ancient corpses can be copied or remade. (as shown in the film Jurassic park but which is actual science) The Egyptian pharaohs were strong believers in this "magic" we now call the science of Alchemy. DNA from the Egyptian Pharaohs has been harvested and analysed today. Whilst the Samaritan tribes of Israel (see adjacent website & Chapter 5) are the original relations of the 12 lost and found tribes who left egypt in the Exodus. Chinese students are currently able to control robots with their minds using the computer technology (an area originally developed to assist disabled and incapacitated people) Yet they are developing them (2013) for battle and for warfare and today they are becoming more sophisticated every day. Eastern philosophy believes in reincarnation and combining all the above some suggest that the future aim is to synthesize, super warriors, with advanced Ai and spirituality re-incarnated spirits. Spirit mediums charge people real money for this ability today. If this is possible ? If so then Emperor Qin shi Huang may achieve his desired immortality, and by a form of time travel to live again. Modern Cyborgs could easily have the features copied from the clay terracotta soldiers. Although there are different versions of the future Maitreya (1. a world teacher or also a 2. war maker against the false) many in the East and who follow eastern philosophy are awaiting the Maitreya . It was Emperor Qin shi Huang stated aim to find and become immortal with an alchemical elixir of life eternity. he may still achieve that obsession.The western view would deride such notions, but since it can be possible with new technology the Ai (artificial intelligence) magicians believe it regardless. Obsessions and Billions of Yen can make anything appear to be real. China believes we in the west are barbarians, lazy western bourgeoisie who do not even know what is happening around them and if we did they would not be able to prevent it. China's army is over 1 million strong, its youth (and also in Russia) learn combat training and weapons and ... even sophisticated mind interaction with robot soldiers (which would make any computer game seem tame and not virtual reality but actual war reality) it is a fact not a fiction and (again) whether you believe it is irrelevant as they believe it.
The quest for immortality then is a vast expensive project, but ask to introduce the following subjects into schools together and it is considered preposterous ! i.e. 1. Intelligent design 2. Evolution or Creation 3. Evolution. The centuries old discussion of Descartes and Heidegger i.e. how can something arise from nothing. (the remaining unsolved question in science, theology and philosophy) What would the Dalai Lama teach his school children ?
A part of these websites is to ask what does the West believe in ? The Greek empire was first betrayed internally by bribes and deliberate in-action and concerns of political correctness. Of course they woke up and drove the Persian army out. Take the Maasai tribe in Africa, the semi nomadic warrior hunter, they do not aspire to copy the Chinese but are in themselves very efficient and noble warrior people. They have a religious belief in two Gods, one good the other bad, (the two powers within the Godhead) but many have also converted to Christianity (the 3 powers in the Godhead) They do not bury 8000 of their warriors as clay soldiers or make pyramids or make gay artifical wombs. (and would laugh at the notion all day long in Kenya. How many cattle would an artificial womb cost) instead with no belief in the afterlife as such, except if you are Christian, they preserve their immortality by reproducing themselves with children conceived and born naturally.Their traditions though are slowly being worn away) Cultures like them, which do not have imperialistic aims beyond the immediate joy of living and yet who are also not dead inside. This is a vanishing feature of tribes today. The West today is experiencing the same Greek betrayal from the inside first. Ironically this also occurred against the Tibetan people who could have held out against Chairman Mao for much longer.
As you read down you will notice that technology is becoming much more important than human life (woman and children trafficking and experiments) which is useable and can be discarded. Billions which could free the world are not employed first.
The family structure is one of the bonding and stable elements of society, and if you have read this far in this chapter, and consider what is happening (which you are paying for through taxes) and think you will hold out for something better, then a good start, is the evolution, intelligent design and creation debate. (the last two are excluded from education syllabus, whilst evolution which underpins eugenics and racism is a main topic) Whether you think it is all nonsense no longer matters as the geneticists believe it, and it is now a well funded science fact not science fiction (just like 50 million abortions every year is a fact) Chairman Mao Buddha who has to square the circle of Marxism which wants to destroy Spirituality yet be worshiped ?
Tibetans and the Dalai Lama are undergoing population displacement, genocide and the erasing of its history and faith (which is a cultural Marxist policy of critical theory) Those theories are applied whenever they can be applied even when science disproves them and preparing people to accept the non - science spreads into many areas in what is becoming a increasingly ludicrous and failed ideology which is not just racially replacing Tibetans but also ideologically against their spiritually.
Changing the spiritual tradition into something else (such as Chairman Mao Buddha, Mao who killed upwards of 120 million people to free people ?) by force or erosion is simply a way of destroying a society from within, but the Chinese now believe their ancient traditions in comparison to the man made Marxist replacements are inferior, which (as we have seen above) seek to separate children from their family or traditions.
The choice for children is not to be brainwashed into being gay, and the other sinister danger (homosexual couple adopt or here and rape their child and hetrosexual couple and paedophile adopt and rape their child. This development with the lowering of child consent is a doctrine of the pedophile, consider the following. DNA (Feb 2016) & Gene and dna splicing or "editing" can be legal on the pretext of medical grounds as it develops into full blown Eugenics and racism (designer babies already transgendered ? choose the sex, hair colour and so on, and control of future education) yet this gene splicing is a man made creation and does not occur naturally in nature, and the gay issue has also been hijacked from fighting for human rights to an issue of gay marriage (which did not improve or add to those civil rights, yet the fight for rights continues ?) and transgender sexuality in which children do not know they are gay they suggest. The next stage is to change the sex of a child at DNA level. Legally that would be difficult unless gender studies were "fluid" and did not apply, hence it is achieved in stages. The human race is not the race preferred it seems?
The sexual abuse of children is so vast that the authorities have now hired a prolific Paedophile as a consultant to catch paedophiles, but who has not been given a life sentence and is free, as it is considered a lesser offence and normal when they are predators and freaks who kill and destroy children's lives. Renu Daly, of Neil Hudgell Solicitors, a law firm representing victims, described the doctor as a "prolific paedophile" and said victims and families want a public inquiry into his abuse. (see also chapter 6 in the adjacent website). And this measure is one step (with all the others including Gay Marriage who have no more rights that they did 2 years ago) to legalise Peadofilia worldwide. The problem (which is a criminal pursuit first, and sickening excuses like this excuse or this excuse are dreamt up in the minds of psychologists who themsleves are criminal and peadofiles, and who deserve to prosecuted not paid ) goes to the very top of society and lawsuits are being filed everywhere and the growing tsunami tide of victims coming forward is unstoppable. Obama's social engineering intent (on this and other issues against humanity) on Sharia law is for the UN sanctioning of Sharia Law also paves the way for the legalization of pedophilia which allows homosexuality or rape to non Muslims and paedophilia as Jihad. Of course crusading against them with extreme prejudice is allowed.
Both Obama and Clinton support eugenics and planned parenthood, the wider threat to children is losing or reducing legal rights for children ? This raises questions on how parents and children should be allowed to defend themselves against the criminals and the ill. Real racism; i.e. Cultural Marxism and Socialist Eugenics and the other aspect of the gay marriage debate is piling down into children's rights (96% of people are not gay yet the "re-education" or control of the media is exactly the other way around percentage wise) and people have been prepared to fight back and education and the debate is not getting all points of view including Torah ? (chapter 5 continues this debate)
Molecular biology (Darwin said we mimic behaviour or are conditioned to accept) has not identified the transsexual gene (confirmed by Doctor Ngun) Germaine Greer has stated transgender woman are still woman, and transgender men are still men, in light of the scientific and cultural evidence. Patients in hospital seeking organ transplant operations, leave the hospital as men and woman as they went in it does not qualify them to be a new third gender. Having a body transplant and then having children (from man to a woman) would in the gulags and concentration camps have been considered a monstrosity but now it is fashion.This person or persons are still men or woman but who are mutated or mutilated and are not a new gender or sex. Woman to men transgenders also involves operations and are still pregnant as a woman whatever the legal status says. Adults can do as they wish but should reflect on all information.Children should be protected from the fraud. Dont force yourself or children, to have a "different gender" The people who have pursued this are mentally ill and it is child abuse and cruelty. These experiments on society are an obvious failure (for society) its a question for gay and straight people. How much longer until two paedophile men adopt a child legally and all 3 have gender changes As for the experiments on gender change, it would have been easier to stay as men and woman and hetrosexual and just had children in which a natural bond is formed. The real questions on spirituality are far better to pursue. ( ask a Eastern European or a Russian they went into the experiment many decades ago in 1917,and culturally as, or if they are Marxists, they are Nationalists now. See the gulags listed below in which many medical experiments were also initiated)
Children as fashion accessories like designer poodles as "genetically modified babies" are more sophisticated than slave farms on the surface. If you cannot afford a designer baby you can always rent for a day. Whilst this seems science fiction the breakdown of normal family life into a national movement overseen by a cult is not new, and these stages into these problems begin as a compromise at the beginning, and if you have read from the beginning of this chapter, you come across weirder current scenarios which people believed were scientific and factual, but the origins of the criminal illness originates with people who will stop at nothing. The FBI and other dedicated new agencies around the world are taking the future possibilities of reared and bred human trafficking "products" very seriously. Joint military and investigation agencies will have an impact.
Oscar Wilde is often quoted as an example of being unfairly treated. William Butler Yeats commented in his memoirs that he visited Wilde in London mentioning his nice home, his beautiful wife and his beautiful children. Later Wilde fell in love with a young man, yet the wife and children are not mentioned as hard done by as much, there is no literary volumes on how they coped or many poems about them. Likewise parents of children are not considered romantic and heroic for raising children with nothing to declare except their genius (as Wilde declared and no one could deny his talent) Humanism and Marxism praise Wilde, but in Russia (decades of undergoing and rejecting the "doctrines") they have left the idea of no gender and the no family society behind.
Gays are the same race or tribe. Love and Equality means stop forcing your views on those who do not agree, children cannot fight back. Adults can. If adults get in wrong in marriage this is not an excuse to have gender reassignment surgery for the kids. (which is incredibly another excuse the paedophile lobby use to "correct" love and equality ?) Leave children alone and that is a choice you can make.
Having said all this, the debate is what is actually a correct or good marriage if you are heterosexual, and there is always the ending of four weddings a funeral to consider (it could happen to anyone, etc)
Child sexual exploitation and the conscience clause.
The new laws (mentioned above at the start of this section and heading Dec 2015) to protect Children from sexual exploitation which is extended to woman are agreed In Ireland, but can carry only a discretionary sentence up to 14 years instead of life. These two crimes when legal underpin trafficking.
Laws which exist today legally allow paedophiles to re-enter society albeit on a leash with checks by police and social services. Instead of getting life sentences they may get 3 to 12 years. This is liberal society turned to anarchy who thought those laws up. Rapists and Paedophiles should go away for life. The fact they do not is a sign that some in the judiciary are corrupt, or they are bound by legislation made by corrupt legislators or government who are also paedophiles or rapists who spare not effort to normalise their activities. It is a sign of tyranny from government in which society is asked to change or conform to the sick and abnormal. Tyranny in the USA is checked by the right enshrined in the constitution to bear arms, not just the second and fourth amendments (2nd amendment "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed" ) Switzerland also has the right to bear arms against Tyranny, with many people suggesting it should be extended to the whole of Europe and Scandinavia (as it once did throughout without problems ?) in light of recent events in the migration invasion scams rapes and pillages.
Whilst they await that right which is afforded in the USA and Switzerland the epidemic of child abuse and rape could be checked by something which is legal against those who like to hurt or profit from children (paedophiles, rapists or traffickers) taking your community back is liberating. Its legal and comes in Jnr sizes also. (it also melts snow, cures garden weeds and repels insects and hornets nests as well as protecting children in urban or country areas) Harsh ? When the next legal entity is giving Paedophiles the same legal rights as Gay marriage (note in the last link).. it is first re-defined by "psychiatrists" who like hornets nests also appear in neighbourhoods and help define "children's gender dysphoria", then help shape a legal framework for new gender(s) classifications and form legislation which allows paedophiles early exit from jail, and who can then live next to schools and homes. (they are supposedly kept on a list and monitored yet corruption ensures they escape even this security check) Rape victims and children also get life and are maimed for life.This situation is also indicative of a society in deep trouble in many areas of law and ethics and almost as if a country which wishes to ruin yours is making your laws.
However the laws which were introduced by Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald should be extended to also apply to the criminal diagnosis of "gender dysphoria" which is a stage to grooming and sexual exploitation of children. It should be extended to also apply to paedophiles applying to be parents married or unmarried with a single paedophile parent or a couple. The extension should also apply to decisions on gender change operations until the child is over 18 years of age whether they are adopted, orphaned or as a result of one parent changing sex or freezing their eggs for future parenthood or human genome misdirection reasons.The transhuman agenda & Artificial Intelligence experiments and the future stepping stones. Currently these laws do not apply to these crimes which are now showing their real agenda.
The court cases (legal consent required) began immediately against anyone not just Churches.(who have not taken the Islamic retaliation view) Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who's refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses was jailed, but in contradiction a female Lesbian Judge (Tonya Parker) who refused to perform heterosexual marriages, yet she is not jailed or fired ? but hetrosexuals can go elsewhere to get a license or choose to actually understand a (pdf) Ketubah ( or here ) (an actual original real biblical marriage contract between man and woman and what it actually says in origin, since there is so much concern) Homosexuals can also go their own way and this is why a conscience clause is needed for hetrosexuals, not just to protect conscience but also children. The interference in democracy is insidious and predatory. This is heterophobia as an illness.
This gender change (mutilation) of course is against their human rights and universal human rights which have already been breached (criminally) over the last year and charges could already be brought (lying to a minor and forcing bodily harm as one instance) and previous to this. Ireland is facing a general election in early 2016 and there is a call to re- run the referendum on Gay marriage and to include a conscience clause, which will be introduced with or without a re-run of the sparsely worded and un-informed referendum which was not thought through as a deliberate act of hijacking the media in which people were silenced.
The court cases (legal consent required) began immediately against anyone not just Churches.
People may take matters further, and end up suing God, although if you do not believe in God why are you getting married in a Christian church ? No court of law is going to change them and legal rights are not jurisprudence in matters of personal faith.Christian Churches of different denominations (and there is more than one Church) and credo's and professions of faith have always separated and remained set aside if they choose too on any number of matters.
If you are Hetrosexual and have been a victim of Heterophobia then you should report it to your local community, the authorities and police and the human rights commision.
Obviously there are two levels or more to the agenda's, one reaching absurdity, the others serious and sinister (for the latter see the adjacent website and chapter 6)
The American College of Paediatricians has given its weight to the same sex marriage debate and the transgender cult. Aside fromAmerican states ruling that bathroom facilities simply say Male and Female (with or without the kneeing in the groin test which some girls and woman felt shocked enough to carry out against men wearing wigs in the female lavatory) so that men and woman can attend the bathroom in peace/ Why because there is not a "third gender" in science or in the bathroom which should allow bathroom use as according to what is on your birth certificate. States which have these bathrooms as a LGBT status should sue for sexual abuse against Heterosexuals.(which is what the LGBT community are doing the other way around)
The American College of Paediatricians states that " Transgenderism of Children is Child Abuse, American College of Pediatricians Rules " which is part of the transgender cult and same sex marriage scam. It is sexual grooming of children disguised as a social service and/or profession. It goes further and says same sex marriage is damaging for children. Paediatrics of course specializes in the medical care of babies, infants, toddlers, and adolescents. Paediatrics is a word from the Greek meaning healer and of covers all aspects of childcare and of course many paediatricians have their own children (which is also a good teaching method in itself) Children deserve to be free to reach maturity to know for themselves without being abused which is taking away their innocence.
Paediatricians, Sociologists, healthcare professionals and parents speak out against, gender reassignment and the cult of transgender. (as mentioned) American paediatricians have spoken on the abuse 'gender dysphoria' teaching and education does to children. It is not just one paediatrician in the American college of paediatricians but also the American Academy of Paediatrics and the Paediatric Endocrine Society, the Alliance for Therapeutic Choice, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, the Christian Medical & Dental Associations, the Catholic Medical Association and anyone with common sense. The actual 'science' is explained here Paediatricians in their experience and observation by Dr Michelle Cretella which concur with other experts in the field, and other 'other' experts i.e. parents, and see the last paragraph above. They state that suicides and child abuse are related to the 'gender dysphoria' teachings or malpractice. (to repeat) The USA has now 40 'gender clinics' Dr Cretella states;
' But transgender ideology is not just infecting our laws. It is intruding into the lives of the most innocent among us—children—and with the apparent growing support of the professional medical community. As explained in my 2016 peer reviewed article, "Gender Dysphoria in Children and Suppression of Debate," professionals who dare to question the unscientific party line of supporting gender transition therapy will find themselves maligned and out of a job'
Others would state it is a cult and bullying of parents, dissenting views and professionals on the issue is a sign that the proponents of gender dysphoria are mentally ill. 1 . Video 'Gabriele Kuby's The Global Sexual Revolution: The Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom' 2. Video; 'Full version: Transgender ideology is 'madness:' Sociologist'
Gabriele Kuby and her book 'The Global Sexual Revolution: The Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom' and people who face bullying by the piranha's. Why because there are only two genders, there is no gay gene and childhood is a gift not to lose or be diagnosed as having a faked and contrived non-existent condition (Remember Milly Molly Mandy, May Amelia or Pippy Longstocking and Just William books, hardly a relationship worry or gender fret in the world) Video, Dr Michelle Cretella 'How 'gender ideology' harms children'
The LBGT community now want 'safe spaces' away from anyone who disagrees with them, except away from innocent children of course as they continue to teach the false paradigms of the gay gene and gender dysphoria. The shocking facts are, it is children who require a Safe zone not the LGBT community. The sexualisation of children which seeks to enter all areas of a child's education is also subverting laws in any way it can. Ongoing from 2011 (increased activity since Jimmy Saville was caught and he was one of several thousand at that time including many 'celebrities' ) are the continuing arrest of paedophiles worldwide (trafficking at home and abroad) and which will continue into 2017 and 2018 and beyond. On a prevalent and parallel level this aim of re-gendering is aided by destroying gender and making new non existent gender pronouns enforceable by law (as Trudeau wants to enforce in Canada) as perversion like subversion. Kinsey and cultural Marxism (last video 'How the gay agenda began – full documentary'
(see further the adjacent website and chapter 3a and heading dated 07.07.2017, down to 08.09.2017 on Children, the church and gay & heterosexual rights and above dated 22.05.2017 'The abortion in Ireland that never was ? and gay and Christian rights' )
The same sex marriage scam is obviously being run by fanatics on one level who are a cult of sinister intent. In March 2016 Queen Elizabeth has said she was opposed to same sex marriage. She opposed it because of her Christian faith and those strongly held views. Further as she is the head of the Church as " Defender of the Faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England " as such her faith is not just personal but also Spiritual and Temporal in that it is the law of the land which means any previous marriage law can be annulled and brought into civil state marriages as opposed to marriages in Church, or the Church. She is also head of the Commonwealth of Israel and 53 Nations (although Israel does not regard itself as a British colony) Christian and Jewish Israel (see the adjoining website and chapter 5)
This is actually also the position of Pope Francis who does not follow gay marriages. Named after St Francis who openly said that any Franciscan who wants to leave the vocation and get married can do this without burden or worry. If St Francis had married St Clare the attached female order (and it was rumoured etc) then this would only be the same as the Protestant position today. Pope Francis stance which is laid out here;
"In the United States, the gay rights Catholic group DignityUSA was more outspoken, issuing a press release calling the pope's remark a confirmation that "Pope Francis and other Catholic officials will continue to lead the charge to prevent either civil or sacramental recognition of same-sex relationships."
Pope Francis is successor to St Peter, or Simon Peter the disciple was of course married to a woman (St Peter the disciple) and the disciple and his wife were heterosexual who had all their original body parts (which may come as a shock today) Pope Francis as the Bishop of Rome also oversees many other Catholic areas around the Mediterranean and Holy land which are listed in the New Testament, (and the world) which said they and not Rome were successors of Simon Peter or the head of the Church without being successors to Simon Peter.
Further Caractacus or Caradog, the Welsh King is also rumoured to be the first Christian leader of Rome (see Caradog Bran who is mentioned in the Welsh Triads and the Mabinogi or Mabinogion who went to Rome and whose children are mentioned in 2 Timothy 4,21 in the adjacent website and Chapter 5 ) However there was always a possibility in time, one region or town would have emerged anyway in Rome or elsewhere in Europe, but Rome was the most likely as it was the Capital of the Roman Empire, whereas County Meath in Ireland was the Capital before this as Rome's armies enlarged, except for Scotland and Ireland which Rome did not conquer, although Scotland is based upon Roman law within the UK, and Ireland is now under EU law. In contrast Edward the 1st King of England circa 1300 ad known as William Long shanks was not a Christian and is rumoured to have thrown his gay son's boyfriend from a castle turret to his death due to interference in Royal life.
A common feature of them all (and even intertwined with Scotland's Roman law) is the Common law or Mosaic law (of Moses) from the Brehon law of the Irish Chieftains to the Deemings of King Alfred and equivalent's in Scandinavia and Europe. Without them or a realisation of them the West is being nurtured into a false legal position giving away its heritage and power. (equal rights with no rights, see further the adjacent website)
Obviously and despite Pope Francis and Queen Elizabeth, who are spiritual leaders over Billions of people, they feel they cannot really speak their minds on an issue which affects Billions of people. This was the actual case during the Gay marriage referendum in Ireland in which many voices and real serious debate were silenced, censored, and bullied . The posters from the election on the issue speak for themselves. On one level it is hysteria, on a higher level it is a cult which includes harvesting eggs from heterosexual woman (often from poorer countries) for same sex couples which should be banned. People who wish to marry in a church ? but do not believe in God or the Church ? For instance, Queen Elizabeth's stance which she has recently voiced openly carries the following headline; " The Queen Of England Enrages Homosexuals And Says That She Cannot Support Homosexual Marriage Because It Is Against The Bible " Now If that Enrages Homosexuals then so be it, the Bible Is Not A Part Of The "Change" Agenda. If you do not believe the bible why ? are you insisting on a church wedding (= the erosion of spirituality, the family and this line of defence is then weakened in any country )
Being against the bible refers to the verses (for example ) in Colossians 3, 14 (have love etc without knowing what love is which we are all guilty of) and in contrast to 1 Corinthians 6, 9 which says Homosexuality is wrong but cannot be condoned in a Church or sanctified in a marriage. See also 1 Kings 15,12 or here (a cult which hides its real religion to displace the existing over many decades or even centuries)
In this debate (of children’s education) we come across the 'diagnosis' nonsense named as 'gender dysphoria' (which is ascribed to even very young children, but children do not have and which nobody has ) but which should be called "Hetrophobia dysphoria" and not "gender dysphoria", it happens in all children and girls also, and to repeat, can begin at a very young age from 2 to 3 upwards.... boys are smelly, girls are stupid etc. Of course education / teaching is serious and proper, and respect of educators is central to education, but gender dysphoria teaching in schools is itself a disorder especially combined with 'common core' education ( Parents are the authority not the state or school, who can also introduce Christian prayers and Torah / bible into class if they choose, with evolution and intelligent design and creation) What should you do if your school suggests a (or your) little boy or girl has 'gender dysphoria' and classes should be taught in this for them leading into full homosexual classes ? ( which schools are allowing unknown to parents, but who should be arrested, and the intent is to bring it into schools all over the USA and the world ) would you write a letter of concern, or would you take other sterner steps ? (to employ artistic license) This mild unknown nothingness of 'hetrophobia dysphoria' in children normally dissipates (but it can linger and go beyond early adolescence if allowed to) and in fact it is not a disorder but a condition called childhood which combines with sillyness, day dreaming and/or incredible intense focus and interest (non - disorders)
A Mother who is deeply concerned on these bizarre and inappropriate teaching ideas and methods, explains to the Board of Education at her local school in 2018, who is the parent and who is the employed servant of the people who are not there to indoctrinate young children, with gender studies which are false and scientifically wrong and which should be decided upon in the Supreme court of the USA (and morally wrong) . She explains what the school board role is and what is not their role. See the activist Mommy The Activist Mommy - Elizabeth Johnston and Video ‘Mama Bear Fighting Leftist LGBT Sex Ed Agenda At School Board’
(These doctrines are absurd, yet they are incredibly destructive and evil to bring this into school education, yet these are the same people who believe in abortion at full semester and who want to decapitate the child in the womb before sucking its brains out, and who believe paedophile is a ‘gender’)
Clearly when paedophiles are looking to become a third gender something is seriously wrong, and as the Spotlight film of 2015 highlighted unmarried priests (some of whom who were raped also) were pressured into sexual abuse in misplaced celibacy, whilst in Britain non co-ed boys boarding schools were also areas of rape. The film suggests that Catholic Priests should marry (i.e to members of the opposite sex who have retained their own original body parts) This is not about gay rights as their rights are not improved by marriage from the 2010 civil partnership status, and many of course (see the film spotlight again which the protestant church also has a serious problem as chapter 6 in the adjacent website shows) were afraid to speak out, as a cult acts in this way, but once people did, spirituality improves and the cult minority who control wither away. How this develops from there into rape which causes personality trauma and split personalities and violence is not made into a connection for fear of offending or enraging homosexuals? But they are 3%, and 90% of the 3% do not believe in the church. That is a real reason for outrage. Not raping children is a choice and abuse to children is not condoned in a church. Trans - genders (a bloke in a wig, or woman with a girdle jock strap) kill children and are not men and woman trapped in another body (Black or White) Michael Jackson was abused as a child, he grew up and changed his face trying to heal the inside by making the outside different, instead of healing the inside, which celebrities cannot do as they do not get time or solitude to do so. He was classed as a nasal cripple for re-shaping his nose area (the only area he in fact obsessed over) and hung children out of windows ( a child named blanket) and placed masks over their faces and slept in the same bed as them. (not his own children) The young Jackson 5 at the "ABC" song era time should have stopped and been taken to Jamaica and made Rastafarian's who are more knowledgeable and organic in their approach to life (see above about 50 paras up and beginning "Rastafarians") rather than face the life they had which was a tragedy. Clearly the abuse goes on into the next generation. Above this level prostitution, trafficking and paedophiles see gay marriage loopholes and the law changes as steps to ingratiating their lifestyles onto children.
A Welcome development ( which is the subject matter as it developed within the media and externally of chapter 1,2 and 4 above repeated and the heading "Alicia's law " ) in the fight, hunt and capture of paedofiles is the setting up of the "Human Exploitation Rescue Operative" in which ex army special forces injured and/or retired can become an extra but essential tier added to the FBI which fights online (and offline therefore or in the field) child pedophile exploiters which is tied into Trafficking worldwide. An enriching and rewarding but harrowing profession which can be soul destroying (see chapter 6 in the adjacent website) Injured soldiers can work again. Funding for disability and injured vets is also an issue which will work together and it is of course better that disabled or injured people form a business for disabled needs themselves Combining these two urgent and integral needs is an inspired solution, and of course they are both very underfunded. An outline article on this type of solution is here (facebook note & ideas ) which is not a proposal but an idea shaping a proposal for funding. (combined and multi funding sources in which nearly all are accepted of 6 or 7 proposed, and it can be duplicated in every country or city worldwide)
The recent announcement by Elijah Wood and the Corey Feldman announcements are pertinent as normalizing pedophilia means the media is a target to aid the normalization process. (desensitizing people)
This is a cult and it is worldwide, but no one is suggesting the 3% gays should be rounded up into concentration camps in Siberia like many under Communist/Socialist Stalin and forced to dress in sackcloth and forced into slow labour before execution.
The Cult has no conscience and is similar to the Planned Parenthood scam which admits to selling "baby parts" (Planned Parenthood C.E.O Cecile Richards) defending its grave robbing activities of children who did not need to die. Scary and inhumane. Its President Mary Hogut refuses to release its (planned parenthood) records and could face jail "for doing her job" as some have called it. It is mass murder in which grave-robbers sell baby parts ?
In Ireland the leader of Fine Gael Leo Vradker has called (officially) the abortion referendum debate for 2018. The 8th amendment which currently gives equal rights to the baby and to the mother and which should be extended to the father. The referendum is being pushed by George Soros who has given €18 million to the campaign (which the left ignore) and Chuck Feeney from the USA who are also funding the 'planned parenthood' baby parts scam. Planned parenthood clinics are a production line and 'breast screening' mammograms or family planning is not their profitable business. The LGBT community are on the whole in support of the abortion referendum ironically, but the debate should be between 'breeders' only (as the 98.5% heterosexuals are called ) Removing a child's right, a baby's right and an unborn babies right to life (all the same person from conception) is Murder and un-equality. If it is not then surely the same campaigners should approve of woman being beheaded in Saudi Arabia or in Afghanistan or in the Christian genocide (ongoing) after all it's the right to kill. It is not just a woman's body but a man's body alsowho should also have a choice and a say in the matter, to 50%, (and microscopic science has revealed much of the lies since the 1960's / 1970's & Roe versus Wade see post, dated 08.07.2017 above. The woman in this case kept her baby and became a Christian) In Ireland the EU Structural and investment funds drive or pressure social policy also as well as Soros or Chuck Feeney and can dictate a politician to Introduce profound and ill thought out measures (based on deception) But as for the baby it is not their 'crime', 'fault' or circumstance to be killed, it is murder pure and simple.
A lie which is added to the abortion row is a baby ('foetus') does not feel pain in the abortion? In the USA now many states can ban abortion outright and also ban Planned parenthood. The late term abortion ban down to 20 weeks was passed in congress, and shows how 'science' real science can move the cut off date down to 20 weeks from whichever point it was at (including over 35 weeks) and can move down further. The indisputable science was baby's feel no pain in the first 28 weeks but now that has been proven wrong. Further a baby is bathed in salt saline solution with chemicals which burns it (and is still performed today) and causes it to stretch or if a week dislodge it, which enables limbs and head to be cut off. Babies feel pain before 20 weeks. Here is scientific proof of that fact. Babies at a few days (or minutes) even can be considered hypothetically equally with someone who in adult life is paralyzed without feeling (to contrast a baby from conception to 20 weeks as a hypothetical). Should such a person be killed anyway if paralyzed they cannot feel, after they would not feel being cut into pieces. Many operations under anaesthetic were incomplete and people without moving felt everything afterwards. Should either of these people be killed, of course not, and an elderly person at the end of their life is just as equal with a right to life even if only a few minutes are left. Life begins from conception and spiritual faiths not just Christianity but including, believe it is a Gd given life. The bible says in Jeremiah 1,5 i formed you in the womb, Pslam 139,13 also says you were formed in the womb and i knew you in the womb. These verses and other verses also confirm this fact. Further steps on birth control improvement in the USA, which means paying for birth control as opposed to getting it free, means if it was not available at all and abortions were not available, that men would have to improve their attitudes to woman (yes men ) and not consider them a commodity. (a hypothetical which was once very real and was a wiser way than today, these are steps which make you think) A very difficult issue for teenagers, but the bible marriage ceremony is actually the Jewish Ketuba contract (but under Gd or Torah and witnessed by the families) which stipulates (or should) that a woman's family (yes the woman family) receives a dowry (payment or commodity) for the loss of their daughter as the girl or woman was / is considered a loss to a family, a valuable person and a benefit to a man not a commodity. We are taught of course that the bible is backward in its thinking when actually it is radically beneficial and actually 'progressive' (including also good dietary plans) and is exactly the opposite of our expectations in these areas.Of course babies are conscious from the very beginning, and of course life begins at conception. The following videos explain how since the 1970's there have been nearly 1 Billion abortions but rather how that genocide has occurred (of babies at all terms)
A new bill in the USA signed on the 6.10.2017 allows for total exemptions on abortion inducing drugs due to religious freedom of conscience and moral freedom (exemption from Obamacare )
Video; 'Inhuman: Undercover in America's Late-Term Abortion Industry – Arizona'
The following video (in contrast to Dr Robert Lawlor in the above paragraph above these dated 8.9.2017) 'Abortion Procedures: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Trimesters' described in detail as the violent painful death it is, (i.e. Murder) is by an abortionist / Gynaecologist (former abortionist? Dr Anthony Levatino) As for marriage it is between a man and a woman only as they can procreate a child which has consciousness and awareness that a Gd may exist or be able to reason on those lines (i.e. us) It is not a contraception problem gone wrong to remove as soon as possible.
In the state of Georgia (USA) and others the state has passed laws which allow Churches who do not want to participate in the LGBT religion to opt out of the gay marriage church. This is of course fair and if objected to then it is obvious as many Gay activists admit that they are not interested in Gay Marriage only destroying the Church. (see above) Islam for instance does not allow gay marriage as it is against its religion and Obama and Hillary Clinton ( = Obama-ism) is not forcing them (Islam) to perform gay marriages ? (there are also no transgender toilets in Mecca or attached as a prefab to the Kaaba stone ?)
The Church of Scotland on 22.05.2015 held its General Assembly and decided as clerical members of the church (not the individual congregations) to allow some of its ministers to perform same sex marriage and be in same sex marriages as gay priests but allowed a "opt out" for individual congregations as follows:; Officially, the Church's position on marriage remains traditionalist. But congregations can opt out if they want and call ministers in same-sex marriages. As Chalmers said: "We had a debate which made very clear that we were not interfering with our theological definition of marriage and were not going to the place where ministers or deacons could themselves conduct same sex marriages. It is an entirely different discussion." ?
The idea is expressed here also The problem is shared by "Thinking Anglicans" who point out that "diverse" means having diverse theological opinions (away from the view that the Bible and Church teach Homosexuality is a natural and expressed part of their teachings) which is getting to the point that gay marriage is not a Christian marriage and the opt out should be extended to allow one church to go their way call it what they will and the other to go their way and having a no legal hassle divorce from each other. The growing scientific proof shows that transgender x and y chromosomes before (male) and after the artificial operation stay as X and Y chromosomes and the same with the "gay gene" before and after birth. (there is no gay gene) The "Church" is not a clerical political election it has a constitution which makes it clear ( the bible) that marriage is between men and woman and ministers who are gay are not a part of the christian church and neither are gay marries.
Mexico on the 12.09.2016 saw over 1 million people across the country over 122 national Mexican cities (some estimate 3 million in total) against same sex marriage and will be followed by a second march on 24.09.2016. These people are not Homophobic but are concerned a small esoteric minority are trying to dissolve family values and destroy the Church (which is true)
Mexico again on the 25.09.2016 demonstrated against the same sex marriage bill. Mexico city brought 300,000 people and across the country nearly a million demonstrated again. On this occasion Pope Francis came out of Vatican to say he was against the same sex family bill proposed by President Pena Nieto. This comes 4 days after a Priest was murdered in Mexico. The same sex marriage bill is part of a unified attempt to destroy society as if you do not believe in church or G-d why marry in a Church ? why take a Church to law ? From the heading Family planning as an ideology paragraphs above it is not just against destroying the family but against society in general. It is incredible that gay activists who have already won all their human rights admit this.
The Pope also added his support to the gay marriage protests in Mexico. These protests were followed by Protests in Paris over two days in October 16th and 17th 2016 (and against pedophilia) The Church has a right to exercise its conscience and allow an opt out legally.
Whilst in the USA the Presidential election debate (see here adjacent website and chapter 3 scroll down to the debate 3/4 way down chapter 3) revealed the meaning of full term / partial birth abortion and its horrific acts, which also linked campaign funding from planned parenthood to Hillary Clintons campaign who supported this procedure which basically sucks a babies brains out and allows it to collapse enabling the head and body to be removed easily. After the US elections 2016 Colonel Allen West said until we right the wrong of abortion we will never be truly blessed as a nation which is very perceptive.
The West allows this debate and the truth which is not discrimination or an intended discrimination is better than a convenience for all concerned. It is a deliberate targeted deception to destroy the church which is admitted by gay people ? The opt out should be widened to allow the Christian church to emerge out of the quagmire in which the 2 or 3 % in the world (gay) of the 2 Billion named Christians worldwide of which only less than 1 % are gay Christians, and less than 0.1 are transgender Christians are dictating church policy ? That takes organisation and slow infiltration to appear natural
It is also against the Christian faith (can heterosexual Catholic Priests marry, reproduce and remain as Priests ? they should be allowed to choose and/or remain single) and these measures will allow the Christian Church to separate itself in the USA and worldwide (Catholic or Protestant amidst the real Christian Genocide which is a real issue ) from the LGBT church as Islam does. If Christians churches are not allowed this caveat (and gays can marry in other churches as they are found) then it is obvious that Christianity is being singled out by the Obama and Hillary Clinton cult, while Islam is allowed to maintain its religious faith objection ? Christian churches should be freed.
Queen Elizabeth's stance against gay marriage actually creates constitutional problems as her view as the head of the Church overrides previous gay marriages. Gay marriages which were not sanctified in a real church in any case. (Islam, Sikhs and Judaism also follow this law) This chapter 4 and beginning from the heading "family planning as an ideology" down to this point, lists the realities which actually occur. In Ireland this also causes a constitutional crisis. Ireland is not a monarchy, or as yet a full Republic some suggest, and as many Protestants voted in the Southern gay marriage referendum without this knowledge or instruction from the head of the Church (Queen Elizabeth) as did Roman Catholics (i.e the Popes stance above also) then this silencing was a part of that lack of debate. Ireland is mooted to join the commonwealth but it is resisted, yet staying in Europe is not. Emanon O'Ciuv (Eamonn De Valera's Grandson) proposed joining the commonwealth to accommodate Ulster Unionists on the road to a United Ireland.
Yet the Irish gay marriage position is now at odds with Queen Elizabeth's position and of course she and President Higgins are heterosexual. Ulster has refrained from the gay marriage permission as the larger picture is nothing to do with gay rights.
The LGBT community are forming their own church but they want it within the Christian church. (This as Catholic Priests cannot get married legally ?) It includes transgender breastfeeding and teaching children that this is normal and within nature. (when the birth mother, a female actually supplied the breast milk) The commonwealth Church is trying by legislation which is outdated but based upon the bible which is in date, to overturn its laws ( 16 of the 53 Commonwealth member states only, which are chiefly territories that used to be part of the former commonwealth, the commonwealth of Israel as it is known, the current leader is the Queen who is a Christian) and allowed, if or as soon as it does, it is of course no longer a christian church in the Judeo Christian tradition, but which seeks to overturn all institutions relating to the family, health if related, and spiritual institutions in any country or system. (They including Archbishop Tutu and daughter are not part of the spiritual christian Church)
US Supreme Court Ruling 1.6.2018 After years of court hearings and angst the gay bake a cake case finally reached the Supreme court of the USA. The decision was set aside but vindicated Jack Philips as follows; ‘The court concluded that the commission violated Phillips’ religious rights under the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment’ The real story is the gay couple drove over a 60 miles (some say 120 miles) and passed many other establishments who baked cakes including Muslim bakeries (Islam is not harassed to perform gay marriages, nor does it face any criticism or referendums to do so etc) The establishment could have offered a subcontractor but that was ignored, but in any case, an establishment has the right to refuse anyone. They targeted the establishment and contrived a case vindictively and without ‘love’. The matter goes deeper as it is clearly out to discriminate against Christians. Gays who want to marry in a Christian church are using the law to bypass the Christian debate which should be afforded to Christians as it is a Christian Church and Marriage. No one joins a club and does not abide by its rules.( (Leviticus 18,22 & 20, 13. Romans1 26 – 27. 1 Corinthians 7, 2, I Timothy 1, 8 – 10. Hebrews 12,6, Revelations 22, 15, Jude 1,7, Ephesians 5, 5, 1 Corinthians 6, 9 – 11. Revelations 21,8 & Genesis 19) The Torah also forbids gay marriage. In Brazil the Anglican Church branch (who clearly do not understand the bible verses Mathew 22, 37 – 39 with John 3 1 – 16 which define each other) has approved gay marriage, and hence it is no longer a Christian establishment but a part of the Transhumanist church , (which also has the gay manifesto which is a real document, as it’s inspiration, and why there are so many gays pushing this in society as a ‘revolution’ from within) and it should lose its right to be a national Church leading nations, and state it is not a Christian church in any nation (again the church and state agenda is brought forward but from the wrong perspective as Sharia law and state trys to force its way onto national governments) Jack Phillips was bullied and persecuted for his beliefs, just as John Kluge was/is (a school teacher also bullied and persecuted and still is) for refusing to name someone’s gender other than what it is i.e. male or female, boy or girl and so on. The people pushing the gender delusion should be sacked and forcing children to believe such nonsense is child abuse (madness) because they are not just opposing with an opposite religion but forcing someone to deny their religion or faith but selectively. The bake a cake gay nonsense should never have gone to the Supreme Court and it bankrupted (potentially) Jack Phillips and his business. They had no qualms about ruining his family’s life and no remorse, and this is also the case with John Kluge and his wife and children. It is not gays who are persecuted it is this lobby which is attacking the church, schools and education viscously with spurious and litigiously expensive drama’s. It is not rational or productive, nor is it avant-garde or shocking, it is a joke and is designed as such, but one in which children are forced to change sex (Gd or nature has made a mistake) but in many cases they commit suicide or change back or try to but in many cases it is too late) It is now time for these stacked up cases to be bundled and entered into the Supreme Court for the scientific test. i.e. Q. How many genders are there ? A. 2 genders (next case … and then applied retrospectively including repayment of fines incurred, and after which Gays still have rights ?) If these people cannot do that or face the scientific test but apply hearsay and opinion with fines, ruin, and prison, then the lower courts should throw out all lower cases, and then free speech and common sense should prevail, in the 2 gender reality in schools, business and universally.
( ... a couple of weeks later from the above) Following the publication of the Supreme Court bake a gay cake drama and decision, many establishments have become irate. For example many Christians in the USA have served gays with food and clothing and all manner of retail and wholesale goods, and this goes on every day. (also no one mentions the gay persecution of hetros as hetrophobia) That is not the question, what is strange about this case is that the gays were forcing a man to state he should believe and comply with gay marriage, in which he refused as his faith states it is wrong as does the Judeo Christian tradition in fact and history. Many establishment's often display signs stating the have the right to refuse anyone. (Obama deported more people than any President in history but the democrats said nothing and the law to separate children and parents wasn't called for repeal from 2008 - 2016 ? Illegal immigrants are deported from Mexico and Japan and China and Russia, the EU and anywhere ?) Since that date Sarah Sanders the Whitehorse spokesperson (and others) have been refused food in a restaurant in connection to this ruling ? Firstly she is not part of the Supreme Court and it was a 7 to 2 (7 Judges for and 2 against ) decision and nothing to do with her or any member of the Whitehouse or the Democrats or Republicans. No one asks why is this acceptable to refuse her a meal ? yet she left the restaurant and has not sued anyone in the Supreme court. She could have began that long journey to the Supreme Court and cited that as a Republican Christian she was refused a " Lemon & thyme chargrilled chicken, brioche bun chipotle mayo, iceberg lettuce, tomato, served with fresh cut chips & side of chipotle mayo " because of her beliefs but she did not, she simply left the restaurant. Others may be refused in the 'Red Hen restaurant' or any restaurant or perhaps they will be served.
Researching how many transgenders apply to reverse their operations or their views is a subject academia block's if possible. A testimony is available here from Walt Heyer (former transgender ) to the pain and suffering caused by Transgenderism ( or here by former transgender 'Diamond Dee' who also suggests 'de transing' or changing back is very common) Initially a gender expert advised Walt in what is a great deception and which is also being experimented upon very young children. The advice was based upon the Alfred Kinsey,(the paedofile see video 'How the gay agenda began – full documentary' ) Wardell Pomeroy and Clyde Martin scale of gender theories, now known as the Kinsey Scale. which employed data and interviews from paedofiles to compile. Kinsey was a expert only in grooming victims and many children) Walt Heyer was deceived and the 'gender expert' charged a lot of money for the scam. (his testimony continues here) It is a lucrative business. Similar profits and deceptions are pushed by Cecile Richards who retired from Planned Parenthood in early 2018 denying she was being investigated by the FBI, but who is estiamted to be responsible for over 3.5 million deaths or abortions. Walts family also suffered a great deal as anyone could imagine. See also the professional science of Quentin Van Meter, MCP who is a pediatric endocrinologist. He is a Fellow of the American College of Pediatricians and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. If Walt Heyer had been given alternative advice, he and his family could have escaped the tramua. Calling for a ban on conversion therapy for children (or adults) to become transgender in schools public or private or in clinics is a choice society can make to end what is effectively child abuse.
'Gender dysphoria' (especially in innocent young children ) is not a real condition but makes some people a lot of money. (To repeat Camilla Page ) Camilla Page who is a Lesbian says "Homosexuality is not 'normal.' On the contrary, it is a challenge to the norm; therein rests its eternally revolutionary character Queer theorists - that wizened crew of flimflamming free-loaders - have tried to take the post structuralist tack of claiming that there is no norm, since everything is relative and contingent. This is the kind of silly bind that word-obsessed people get into when they are deaf, dumb, and blind to the outside world. Nature exists, whether academics like it or not. And in nature, procreation is the single, relentless rule. That is the norm. Our sexual bodies were designed for reproduction, no fancy linguistic game-playing can change that biologic fact."
Essentially there are only 2 genders man and woman, and gays used to know that this was a fact, science at micro levels is also showing this to be so.
To get an idea in June / July 2018 of how the Children of the world are loved in the 'gay agenda' (see you tube video 2 paragraphs up which as an agenda has been hijacked ) and also the transhumanist religion, education boards are forced to accept sex education training on children (although many are banning it outright) which states there are more than 2 genders which is clearly a lie. It is a lie from the very onset (video'Pediatrician Shuts Down Leftists on Puberty Blockers Let Freedom Speak: The Daily Signal ' ) of education. Sex from birth cannot be changed (or even before) by surgery or feelings. It is also a method to destroy education and innocence. The Supreme Court should decide on the scientific 2 gender test as soon as possible. Child abuse and targeting children's education is a criminal activity not a educational option.
A few days earlier Pope Francis issued his statement on same sex marriage which states " But the human family as an image of God, man and woman, is only one. It is only one,” the pontiff said" which echoes the views of the Ulster churches in Northern Ireland (they agree on this) The reason for this and earlier again is marriage is the image of Gd, hence why it is attacked in the most absurd manner. It has always been so not just in Catechism but from the Old Testament and the New Testament (see above 4 paragraphs) Asking the Christian Church to change its view and practice on this issue would put in opposition to God, which is the objective of the LGBT movement who on the one hand want to be married in a Christian Church but on the other they want to change the church as Gd or nature has made a mistake ?. Just as other beliefs including Islam have their law and practice, then the secular law cannot be binding over a Church, but more than that marriage is a Covenant between humans and God, not just a law. A family is defined by conception and birth of a man and woman.
The Church wants its own law recognized, and the issue of allowing Roman Catholic Priests to marry woman is surely much more urgent and pertinent in global referendum's ?
The growing split in the Church which is a natural split between the gay church and heterosexual church (the 98.5%) is the correct way forward. Over 150 Evangelical Pastors sign a manifesto on Christian marriage as solely between a man and a woman.The Church wants the same rights in law to not perform gay marriages as its legal conscionable right.
Either gay marriage will leave the Church or the Church of Protestant and Catholics will leave and join one which opposes it or jointly form a new church, in Ireland, Britain and Europe and the USA. A further factor in the pressure brought to bear on governments by the cult is the financial one. If a country is heavily indebted then pressure can be brought onto a country to comply and silence those who oppose. The lack of broadcasting on the Popes and Queen Elizabeth's stances was not widely known. This was not widely known in Ireland, i.e. the exact stance of the Pope or Queen Elizabeth within the silenced referendum. People and ministers in the church are facing legal action unless they comply. The West is already tolerant and Christians deserve their rights also. Those (who did not introduce a conscience clause for the church in the referendum whilst others sat by) in Government and the Civil service in Ireland and Britain should resign.
The Communist Manifesto (and its 10 main points or planks, the 10 headings link to the manifesto)
1. Abolition of private property in land and application of all rents of land to public purpose.
Chinese survivors state that it was not just the Landlords (Bourgeoisie) who lost land and the means of production, but also the Peasants (Proletariat) in vast numbers. It is also the first step to control the masses. It is also easier to dispose of landless populations.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax
So heavy was the taxation that eventually an income was abolished completely. Studies of currency circulation show it is possible to remove taxation and still pay for goods and services.
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
Not just for the higher estates or the rich but for everyone. Land is then mortgaged to a new bank and state mortgage in effect to the state for all land, or it was to become communal (with shared eating hall) . Chinese people state the peasants and the landlords (or anyone who disagreed) were forced into communal living in sub-standard housing where they met in a central hall in which they were allowed to bring one plate for one meal. They were not allowed to cook at home. Often the food ran out hence the mass starvation's. Their previous lands or homes were demolished or given to the state.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
Those that escaped or rebelled lost all property and ownership.
5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
This is the current situation in the world's banking system. They are not state owned in the West but control the state. Previously small banks serviced a town, community or city and the 'MO' cash supply was not 3 - 5 % debt free it was 80 - 90 % . Europe employs lending through banks, whereas America turns to private means. The difference is the West recognises (especially after the last 8 years since the financial collapse, that financial collapse prospers no one)
6. Centralization of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the state.
Stalin utilised this model to create paranoia and fear which he regarded as more powerful than just a standing army or stasi secret police.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
Please see the whole of chapter 1 and chapter 2 and the pdf entitled (Chapter 1) EU, Rome London Israel at the very top of the page. Pol Pot in cambodia took the first 6 points above and forced all people to work as slaves on one meal per day, beginning history again from "Day 1" and caused the death of millions.
8. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of Industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
Whilst this seems fair the industrial armies were the forced peasants and landlords who starved to death and production although increasing slightly at first caused massive unemployment, disorganisation and inappropriate farming and agricultural methods. Men and Woman were regarded as equal but since all rights were removed all had no rights equally and lived in squalor. The equal right to starve was not just for the men and woman and children second (as in a lifeboat situation on a sinking ship) but all could die equally including children.The family unit was broken and children were placed in authority over parents who could report them for counter-revolutionary activities (as mentioned) 100% employment (= no unemployed) is well paid employment not zero hours employment, or below the national wage limit.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.
Breaking down of tradition and culture ensuring disorientation and a breakdown of tribal identity which also did not result in a fairer distribution of land, money and resources.(see see the whole of chapter 1 and chapter 2 and the pdf entitled (Chapter 1) EU, Rome London Israel at the very top of the page)
10. Free education for all children in government schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc
A good idea, but under communism this meant (under Pol Pot for example) simply brainwashing the population for free. The elite in communist hierarchies did not follow these 'ideals' listed above but instead see them as tools to enslave a population especially other nations weakening them over decades before invasion or by watching their societies collapse. Re-educating people to accept population reduction methods and policies in wider society and in the family.
Property which is hard fought for does not need to undergoe private ownership abolition "Hard-won, self-acquired, self-earned property! Do you mean the property of petty artisan and of the small peasant, a form of property that preceded the bourgeois form? There is no need to abolish that; the development of industry has to a great extent already destroyed it, and is still destroying it daily" (see link at the beginning) This means simply a transfer of ownership from one private source to another and a 'Vanguard' could have the pick of that transferred property not the proleteriat. This was the case in Russia, China and the Ukraine. (another Elite is formed) Religion based upon past morals, truth, juridical and philosophical ideals or ideas must be swept away. But this is precisely what people do not want, people want a sense of tradition and belonging tenure. Ancient societies were sophisticated and civilised and not backward or primitive with unique and advanced knowledge which has survived and multiplied except when previous ideas were abolished. If we have regressed then until now, then Pol Pot (and Chairman Mao and Stalin) who abolished everything including history and time only led to a closing down of the human condition and genocide is a step further in that regression (for example)
After these reforms were complete any resistance meant imprisonment and then (when all that was left) body organs were removed whilst the prisoner was alive and sold.
All of the above is of course a million miles from Karl Marx Das capital, and in regard to point no 9, the breaking of the Estates general or class system (first called under the French Revolution or 'ancien regime') occurred also because of mass poverty which is also unacceptable. However acquiring land and children (which is a mutual agreement) and prosperity is not a distasteful pursuit but the right to life, freedom, happiness and the pursuit of liberty.
Mining and Ecology
Take this ethnic minority (or here) in a northern area of earth (whose folk beliefs suggest they first arrived in the spiritual sense from the Milky Way ) but who are persecuted and are suffering ecological disaster, surely it is racism and discrimination against them, their incredible Language and their (Sofia Jannok) ancient beliefs and song ? Today dredging and mining can be improved with Archaeological techniques and ground penetrating radar, which pinpoints metals and reduces search time, reducing destruction, machinery costs and clean up costs. Local communities should take this industry as their own and decide how to go forward themselves, providing the have the machinery which may need subcontracting. The dilemma of taking the earth's provisions without destroying the earth. Discrimination against these endangered tribes is not highlighted as much in the media.
Mining of course has occurred for thousands of years (precious stones, Gold, Iron, Copper and Tin etc) but by local communities. The modern day extraction of metals by mercury is killing the miners and local villages and towns and communities further away, the dilemma of free enterprise ? Local communities could use non-intrusive recovery methods and returning land to its former state is a cost factor. Downstream concerns are not a concern yet the world requires precious metals and stones. The dilemma also concerns the production of Solar PV and other technologies in renewables (not just traditional industrial production) which require mined Lithium and Gold and other precious metals.(pcs and smart phones require mined products)
The West is losing rights to its own land and family homes (housing ownership) inherited through generations for every class level over many generations, yet there is nothing to prevent communities from forming trusts unto themselves over many generations whether it is a small holding or an entire village or region in a country. This way mining can be community beneficial and people also have a right to make a living by free enterprise.
Society cannot control itself unless it controls its own money supply and its economic vitality. This unusual chapter starts as follows The debate between science and religion dictates our world view, a part of that debate between, Evolution, Agnosticism Intelligent design (intelligent design does not always follow a spiritual view of our origins, but rejects 'natural selection', viewing the Universe as impossible to have occurred by chance) and Creation continues amidst these explorations and creation science (from 9 pHd scientists) which, for education equality should be taught with evolution and let children decide over their lifetimes otherwise it is discrimination. The stifled one sided debate fails without all sides involved.
The Dalai Lama encourages that debate which should be extended to children worldwide. Not just in finance but beliefs and hopes, philosophy and religion.
It also asks if €32 Billion dollars to end trafficking is an impossible dream but its easy to meditate upon, why is it impossible ? Former victims catalogued in this website or on the adjoining website in chapter 6 within abuse or trafficking as mentioned previously would say its is a small price to pay.
The chapter also seeks to make people aware of the Dalai Lama's plight which is essentially trapped between two worlds, but ironically most people would prefer him to run the world's central banks than the current economists, or at least seek an acknowledgement that social justice is an aim of those institutions, which also ensures those banks survive, (taxpayers & subprime people rescuing the banks) He is a successful developer of orphanages when it comes to finance. A development model which can be copied or emulated. Investment does not just simply mean (USA model) Equity (including employer or investment schemes) or Bank Debt, Pooled Syndicates,Mezzanine or Venture Capital or Bonds After its recent earthquake disaster Nepal and Tibet have received financial aid from around the world following the tragedy, although China has played down the event. The West and the Tibetan task force (Sarah Seawall and MARO) call for worldwide recognition of Human rights, but the reality is 'rights' are equal but equally decreasing (having equal rights but no rights equally) Here the Dalai Lama celebrates his 80th birthday at Glastonbury In China the Hong Kong protest still continues.
10.09.2015 The increasing escalation in the Middle East war and there are numerous wars raging on the planet is made worse by relief and aid ending up with Traffickers, Arms dealers and corrupt Political regimes. The brutality of the Syrian war is a case in point. This paragraph calls for a children's bank (for families also obviously) to become a reality and calls for President Obama to make 1 Trillion dollars ( $1 Trillion) to be available for that cause (see also the adjoining website and the end of chapter 3 for the War on Terror over 15 years) There are few people left in the world the public trusts and the Dalai Lama (who has recently visited president Obama and is seen in the last clip / video inspiring people to begin a change) is one of those people. If he says there is a problem or it is going well, even if you do not share his spiritual views or his religion then it would probably be an accurate report. He is also welcome in Israel. Economics and economic solutions (Andrew Prozes serves as executive chairman of the board at the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists) should be studied and it is one of the most important areas for people to study. Banks are finding solutions and the cash / macro side of economics is always the last to be considered or taken seriously, yet it has actual practical solutions as opposed to just donating solutions. Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance The public require trust and transparency as an equal measure to the funds, but especially in this area of aid and development, which is not just fraud prevention and laundering prevention, but also reusing those recovered funds (with other finance solutions, some of which are listed on this page chapter 1 - 4 and including chapter 5 & 6) to combat the existence of 'War children' and trafficking victims (= a new bank) Without a peacekeeping force and without a banking finance channel charities and aid will always go missing. Israel in its current size could not hold a larger population until it expands.Without a new institution which can turn finance upside down and reverse past mistakes, then war victims will inevitably suffer or be killed but aid could prevent this. Aid as development instead of temporary solutions we see in the news. The agony of trafficked children and woman and the modern slave trade is likely to continue as war continues and providing for a new financial institution which is free from corruption is one method of abating or ending these crimes on non-combatants.
Aid & Charity are vital for human rights and basic needs but they are struggling also with the third world's economic system. Recently 'aid' was used as a cover to disguise armaments in Greece heading for the middle east This is common (Ethiopia) the Live Aid call provided money that was otherwise would not have been available and did help to overthrow Haile Mengistu Mariam who killed Haile Selassie (of Bob Marley Rastafarian fame.) and up to 1.5 million Ethiopians in a Marxist racial ethnic genocide. (Iran – Iraq) and more recently (Yemen) and worldwide. In context the recent Syrian problems are no exception. This money for weapons by Russia could have housed 30,000 refugees in Yemen or a safe zone in Northern Syria. The Pope (Francis) has called for an end to trafficking with world leaders, and is concerned that Iran has Nuclear weapons which ISIS could use or they could invade Italy (in the continuing unstable middle east) whilst the Archbishop of Canterbury has stated the refugee policy discriminates against Christians. Syrian Christians want to stay in (a safe) Syria
Creating a Safe Zone for Syrians, for human dignity and children's safety and the wider population is the best logical option to save lives suggested here in July 2015 but also as early as 2012. In those 3 years hundreds of thousands could have been saved, housed and well fed. It would of course require military protection from the ravages and savagery of ISIS/ISIL (the initials depend on how you view the middle east) This obviously all requires a new approach and a trustworthy person or persons to re-organise the whole trafficking, aid non – combatants tragedy. (see also the adjacent website and the end of chapter 3)
(07.10.2015) Financial solutions which are reliable and trustworthy (for a safe zone also) is one idea the following company are trying to implement, which is you look at the letters at the start of this paragraph (and the adjoining website at chapter 3 at the end) although it is a simple solution (which could be supervised) you can begin to appreciate the value of the idea (against trafficking and war victims) efforts which underway worldwide. If they teamed up with the (for example) Dalai Lama and like-minded how many lives could be saved with real development and innovation. Corruption can be beaten, and a constant and determined place in the media until it is stopped can maintain pressure. Children and woman are not commodities.
15.10.2015 Enable (see paragraph above, and also the adjoining website (NNJ) and the end of chapter 3) have produced the following study entitled 'Refugees; The Next Wave of Disruptors' (see also the Aid transparency Initiative) The question is are refugees (which may not be refugees, depending on the whims of traffickers, who also pocket the aid) better to face a new life in built towns (not camps) where they are or nearby.
This was the view of EU Council President Donald Tusk called a summit on the issue, and suggested that migrants be housed nearer home (their point of origin) Angela Merkel has (15.10.2015) also called for the EU to secure its external borders.The Dalai Lama had his birthday (80th) at the Glastonbury festival (above 10.09.2015 note) and Tibet is in need of rebuilding, but could Tibet and its inhabitants all move to South India, should the entire world move ?. SOS children s villages and others decide to make new Villages and Towns. Even entire new states are contemplated. The potential for rescuing the trafficked at the point of sale is huge, as NGO's and agencies have been accused of corruption also, so settling refugees in their own country or safe zones as new areas seems a lot less expensive. Since the 2008 financial crisis many people who are nationals in their own country are refugees or impoverished and need resources themselves.
Is it possible to end Child Slavery & Woman trafficking ? The Mind Life Institute and Dialogues and the Social Venture Network.
The ideas in this chapter are now employed in part in other areas of commerce, but not as yet formally for the slaves or the trafficked. A principle established in world War 2 by Oscar Schindler subsequently made into a film (Schindler's list) could be the most effective method of ending slavery ?
The letters at the beginning of this chapter have been emailed back to President Obama, the charities and the Dalai Lama (24.10.2105)
" The Mind and Life Dialogues began in 1987 as a joint quest between scientists, philosophers, and contemplatives to investigate the mind, develop a more complete understanding of the nature of reality, and promote well-being on the planet "
The plight of the Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso) fleeing persecution from the Maoist Chinese (despite western forces buffering Tibet against Chairman Mao at Amdo 1956 - 1959) resonates with the situation in the Middle East today. Tibet is an autonomous region, on most maps it appears as Tibet and on others it does not exist, like the proverbial Shang ri la, it exists but it disappears again depending on the map maker. A benefactor to the Tibetan people is Adam Engle the American Entrepreneur who began life as a Lawyer eventually forming a Global Investment management company (the management of securities and real estate) amongst other ventures (the petro-dollar system circa 1973 also boosted the need for asset management and complex financial instruments analysis) and he is the co-founder of the Social Venture Network IN 1987. In 1974 he began working with the Tibetan community and later founded the 'Mind and life dialogues' in 1987 and later the Mind and Life Institute with the Dalai Lama in 1990. The dialogue's highlighted concerns and discussed philosophical issues and problems in society and the Dalai Lama's book "The Universe in a Single Atom' is a part of that discussion. Obviously this is deep subject and is lot to discuss and dialogue, but it reflects the Buddhists teachings on the inner and outer reality, the great and the small soul or the macrocosm and microcosm, in which the small soul can effect the whole or large soul of God and people.(being one and the same) It is at odds therefore with Marxism and perhaps some real estate philosophies. Shang ri la could be worth Billions in real estate values but if it disappears then what value can be placed upon it.
A safe zone was established in Dharamshala in India for 80,000 Tibetans who wish to return. It took money and real estate to make it happen. A safe zone could also be established in the Middle East nearby or with the help of surrounding countries.
The Red and Yellow paragraphs below could form a Mind and Life Dialogue (and has in part previously) but may take a whole weeks conference.
A brief summary of Buddhism and its links to western history (red and yellow paragraphs) which form a part of the philosophical motivation for ideas. Ancient history (and language translations especially of names increases the difficulties) into our modern era is disputed but it provides insights into our belief systems and motivations. (Cognitively or by the heart and mind) The Mind Life Institute is one of the few institutions who are prepared raise these issues. Further on, is an outline of the realities of modern slavery.
(very Abridged Summary ) India became a place of refuge for up to 80,000 fleeing Tibetans who settled in Dharamshala (translates as refuge) in the northern most part (almost) of the continent. The settlement became known as little Lhasa, the administrative region of Tibet, which is itself around 1.6 million square miles. It is located North West of Nalanda (south of Nepal) which is the where the original teachings of the Dalai Lama's originated. He refers to himself as a Nalanda master based on the writings (in part) of the Shambala (Shang ri la) King Suchandra and the 96 lesser Kings who received the teachings. It is also part of the beliefs of Hinduism, but Buddhism does not recognize the Hindu (or any) Caste System which is also a dialogue it shares with Marxism. Buddhism regards Shiva as passive when partnered with Shakti, whereas Hinduism regards Shiva as the destroyer partnered with Parvati and they (both) reside on Mount Kailash which is in North Tibet (on the Tibet / India border) Parvati also contains Shakti the gentle mother side of Parvati which suggests they are one and the same depending on what mood she in. The Swastika (which is an annual Sun dial calendar making the four quarter and cross quarter days or the 8 fold year and the ancient age of the Sons of the Sun and the later view of the power behind the Sun) is found from 1800 bc in India, parts of China and the Middle East. It was first used in our modern era by the Communist party, but if reversed symbolically it can turn and be destructive or it can be passive . Reversing symbolically stops time and the Calendar and in effect the seasons and natural energy and looking forward, and this was a method Pol Pot employed Buddhism in contrast has its origins in China and India dating back to 450 - 500 bc.
Shiva also means seven in Hebrew according to some, and denotes a period of creation or mourning.However this is a Hindu interpretation as Seven (the number of completeness in Hebrew) is the word Zayin. This hidden world of Shang ri la is ruled over by Matriaya, and it will emerge from a world of darkness and war ushering in a new Golden age (sometime around the time 2424 ad).Buddhists teachings also instruct on Astrological systems and the planets and stars and time. The Hebrew language dates back to 3000 bc.
The dialogues teach the Cosmology of Buddhism and the history of different cultures and ancient history often intertwines. Mount Meru is the center of the Universe which exists in a spiritual and physical plane simultaneously (between also heaven and hell) it also located on earth either in the Himalayas or the North Pole.(ancient texts state it is located where the Sun dies for 40 days) It is a similar story to Mount Olympus (and it also located beneath the earth or sea like the lost Atlantis) and is sacred to Hinduism and Jainism. Other views believe Mount Meru is Mount Ararat, where Noah's Ark came to rest. It is the abode of the Gods and it originally had five peaks and Ten Islands ruled by Ten Kings.(antediluvian kings) Some speculate it is the reason why so many ancient structures are built as pyramids in order to emulate a mountain. Meru was also known to the Sumerians, and King Menes (also known as Manu or sometimes Narmur hence the problem in tracing history accurately as names differ) was from Mount Meru. His ancestors had escaped the deluge or great flood from where ten great kings had dwelt, and Menes later builds the city of Mizraim in Egypt. Mizraim is another name for Egypt and he also built the city of Memphis.(the son of Menes was the ancestor of Nimrod of Babel, was slain like Osiris by Shem also called Set the brother of Japheth who is mentioned in the following bible verses in Genesis 9,27. Nimrod (great grandson of Noah, grandson of Ham) ruled Shinar in Mesopotamia (Genesis 10,10 & Genesis 11, 2) which became Sumer (some suggest) which became Sumeria. Nimrod was the leader of those who built the Tower of Babel as a monument to Polytheism over Monotheism. (Agni the fire God, the Aos as Nimrod. Nimrod of Babylon reborn from Oannes the water/fish God from the great deluge. Nimrod also known as Saturn, who was Dagon and Bacchus or Dionysus.) From Menes the Sumerian Kingdom came (in the Neo-lithic period) the Egyptian Pharaohs descended from the Sumerian kings.The Pharaohs descend down to Cleopatra the last Pharaoh. (50 to 30 bc)
This history can be seen at the Temple of Abydos in Egypt at the tomb of Narmur, who is also known as Menes and which also lists Horus (also known as Haru Aru or Horus the Sons of the Sun) Menes is recorded in the Indian chronicles and King lists (Son of Sargon. Sargon was placed in a basket of reeds and floated down the Nile as a child, like Moses). Menes = Minos the Greek King.Menes the father of the Goths.(Goths, Guti, from the South East border of Asia Minor or Turkey, and this area also included Persians, Hittites, Greeks, Armenians and Minoans from Crete) The Scythians of the Black sea area who built earthen mounds and constructions near Odessa and northwards, who are also the root of the Irish tribes.The five invasions of Ireland and the tribes, traveled from other areas into Scythia (Greece and Egypt and Canaan Israel) before and after the Egyptian dynasties and after the Babylonian captivity of Jerusalem. The most famous Scythian Anacharsis who was believed to be half Greek, traveled to Athens around 600bc. He is reputed to have took his learning to the later Egyptian dynasty Pharaohs and travelled into Israel. Menes was the first Sumerian Pharaoh in Egypt, and there were pre-dynastic Pharaohs (8 or 10) before this a long list of Gods and Demigods and Kings contemporary with Babylon, and extending as far back in history. Menes kingdom stretched to the tin land at the end of summer (i.e. past the Mediterranean) or Cornwall and also to Urani or Erin or Ireland. Sun spirals like those of Newgrange are found in Sumeria.
600 years before the Exodus, Abram who would become Abrah-am taking Gods name, left Ur of the Chaldeans and the great star astrologers and mystics of Mesopotamia and traveled to Egypt. Abraham and Sarah the parents of 3 monotheistic religions, also have similar names to (Ab) Brahma and Saraswati in the Hindu Religion. Hindus believe Abraham's father was Krishna ( called Terah in the Bible) Abraham had three wives 1.Sarah, 2.Hagar (the daughter of Pharaoh see Genesis Chapter 16, the mother of Ishmael and Arabia) and 3. Keturah. Saraswati was a triple Goddess Saraswati Lakshmi and Parvati in India. Saraswati was the companion of Brahma and his power and Shakti. The Greeks in Thrace were (some) descended from the Brahmins, who believed Khrishna was Abrahams father (Abraham – Ab - Brahmin) Shiva means 7, and in Hebrew a shiva is a period marking the end of 7 days of mourning after a death. God rested after the 7th day of creation. The Hindiu texts cite the dialogue of Vishnu and Manu, when Vishnu warned Manu (Noah) Chreistos or savior is not the same as the Hebrew Messiah (Mashiach) but in the initial Gospel explanations and years after Pentecost this error crept in.The original biblical texts were in Hebrew and Aramaic and then translated into Greek. Christ was also a Greek name (not Hebrew) and insignia which the Brahmin descendants of Thrace in Greece understood. The Dalai Lama has visited Israel on three occasions.
2000 Years later (and nearly two thousand years ago) Thomas the disciple (see John 14, 5 ) traveled to India and resided at Muziris in the South West of India (in the Kerala region, near Kodungallur) It is a part of the vast Silk Road trade route (the water route as opposed to the overland route) which also stretches to the North East of India. There is still a Christian / Messiah following and mission in this area stemming from Thomas to this day, and when Thomas arrived in this area, there was already a Jewish Community residing in the region. Thomas founded many Churches and they have survived over two thousand years.
All of the above provides for a good Mind Life dialogue. The subjects (of which the above is just a sample) form a part of the discovery of history, religion and science and ideas. However the dialogue's below are a lot less theoretical or philosophical and it is a scientific pursuit which requires logic and action. It is a part of a solution of the biggest criminal scandal on the planet, as such it is not an academic or philosophical pursuit. (Buddhism and the cognitive sciences discussion)
This Chapter and this page Sonas contains information on finance and banking, everything from open market operations to new banking phone apps which assist refugees and children (if they have phones) and it contains finance instruments and projects which have already proven themselves as successful financial vehicles and methods. It also moots the idea of a Children's bank (for want of a better term or name). This name is specifically chosen as it is simply a holding fund for victims which can be added too from the central banking system, or by existing charities or from individual donations or by philanthropic institutions and concerns. There is currently no permanent fund, which experts and professionals can work with. This would take deeper government commitment and a large pool or fund is the missing ingredient to stopping the crimes. People who are averse to new ideas would say it is impossible or naive or unrealistic, yet the Dalai Lama in his trials and endeavors and also his colleagues (Mind Life and the Social Venture network) have actually achieved real financial solutions combined with real estate solutions in this very area of possibilities. Many other activists have also tackled these problems and are continuing to do so. One objection to its aims is that it may cause inflation…. in the monetary system (from a interested Lecturer in banking) They did not think its system of operation was impossible, just that it may cause inflation. If you want to understand inflation or deflation (which can be dull) then your on the right page.
Firstly and considering the Dalai Lamas book the Universe in a single Atom, and Buddhism generally which understands that the microcosm can frame the macrocosm (the inner life can affect the outer reality, and which is used as a method of understanding the mind only and not the heart. This is chosen as the western scientific models of psychology which only examine the mind and not the heart/soul. Mind life have chosen to combine them into a new method. The Dalai Lama for instance is pro-life and of course abortion could ruin the possibility of the next Dalai Lama being born or re-incarnated. Hinduism believes Karma or past sins affect the next life and your position in the next life when you are re-incarnated. The problem is and De-facto the worlds poor are poor because their previous life was sinful. Buddhism provided a third way which said (in a revolutionary manner) that this eternal poverty chain can be broken with these new teachings of Buddhism. Druidism has a similar belief called transmigration, which is near to the beliefs of Hinduism. Judaism and Christianity say you get one life only. Whichever is correct the fact that poverty exists is a evident. Marxists testify that poverty is a continuing cycle of history, but do not acknowledge ancient history society was advanced, intelligent and sophisticated. Also Marxism itself has caused suffering and poverty (see chapter 5 and the section half way down on Russian Gulags) This is because in Dialectical Materialism (Marx, Engels, Lenin and Chairman Mao) we will evolve from a low state of being to a higher form, once we have abandoned the desire for possessions and money (although it is the love of money as opposed to money which causes the problems) Marx believed Dialectics could only be applied to Economics and not ideas (as Engels mooted) or the mind, but Buddhism (for nearly 3000 years in the evolution of time before economic dialectics was an idea ) seeks to join both of them into one aspect or way of life.
The Dalai Lama says he is nearer to Marxism than Capitalism as materialism only leads to greed and unhappiness. Marxist countries have huge slavery trafficking problems also. Marxism (might say in economic terms) is nearer to Buddhism than Capitalism is. However a Buddhist who receives one bowl of rice per day whilst studying or engaging in deep meditation would of course not be concerned with their one bowl of rice anymore than with a Billion bowls of rice if they were truly enlightened Buddhists. It follows that great wealth need not be a cause of unhappiness, and many new ideas are suggesting that Marxism has lowered the standard of our perceptions of wealth, so that any gain or benefit is a sign of exploitation or selfish desires. It has also ushered in a stagnancy and acceptance of a certain economic level of existence as being sufficient. Rather than everyone seeking a higher level of wealth it forces people to accept a lower level, when it may actually be possible to house feed and car everyone with work and a good wage. Automatically this is considered exuberant or bourgeois.
The Mind Life institute cite Aldous Huxley (1984 - 1963) and Hegel (1770 - 1831) who (combined) believed that technology or technological progress will remove the enjoyment of satisfying work, which of course has come true and also causes massive unemployment. Hegel believed any set definition will change or be changed (with new opposites, opposing the current view or thesis - antithesis and then synthesis ad - infinitum) and as a result we may see a day when there is 100% employment without machines, but 100% as a slave labour system is a system society can do without. With the Marxist ideas of materialism, an idealistic country life with a satisfying career and possessions and a right to property ownership is bad and is consumerist. Other views suggest such a lifestyle may actually make you consume less. It asks if you had 100 homes and a thousand cars does that make you greedy and answers it a follows; only if others around you live in abject poverty. Abraham (the father of nations) was a very wealthy and rich man who was also a Shepherd. Does owning a trillion in currency make you worse off than owning a trillion million. The Universe (in a Atom i.e. the Dalai Lama's book) is vast and is very rich and wealthy, and who could put limits on it ? With great wealth comes great responsibility to improve the lives of others in your nation, you cannot take the wealth with you into the next life, or be certain your reincarnation will remember where you buried it. If we only get one life then burying wealth is wasted. The point is the scale of human expectation has been manipulated shaped and distorted to change perceptions and limit ambition.
Some theoretical dialogues do not follow the actual facts of history. A current fact is the situation with human slavery and the trafficking of woman and children. These slaves are living life lower (with respect to Zen Buddhists) than any zen Buddhist in terms of material possessions, they are not even in the caste system and are lower than the lowest caste, they are a minus (from 0 caste -1 to – 100). They are exploited as Marxists would see it, but there labour is 100% exploited and there surplus labour at the point of exchange is minus from zero, below a wage level or rate. There is no scientific or theoretical abstract analysis required in truth.
Allowing for a pool of money which exceeds the total profit of traffickers (which would need to be held or banked) would make buying back the slaves instant and an achievable aim. This has happened in some cases when families go after their loved ones with a ransom and governments have engaged in such ideas but there is no permanent fund, which experts and professionals can work with. For those who worry about inflation (38 billion is the current profit in the industry and inflation on an extra 40 billion or less is negligible) the resultant care facilities and hospitals and schools are real estate and the economic asset theory is that inflation will increase property prices over time (even through several boom and busts) Even without inflation property prices increase (as has been proven in the last 3 years 2012 – 2015) This asset value increase will provide funds to reimbursh the central baking system over time. It is likely that many banks may write off certain repayments in the circumstances easing the pressure on funds. It would require a business model (small or large) and whilst it may not always guarantee freedom for all trafficked it reduces the percentages.
It is repugnant to buy anyone but it is worse if it continues, and Schindler's list proved that point. It affects every nationality Globally and $38 Billion is a drop in the ocean. $150 billion was just given to Iran who deal extensively in Human Trafficking and Child and Woman. slavery.But will it be spent on reducing trafficking and poverty or armaments
Numerous Groups, and activists and charities have endeavoured in this or similar projects. (i.e Buy back rescuesSteve Maman ) yet they are successful (John Eibner ) Attempts across many Governments and agencies to bring it to a Global professional level are ongoing. Aspects of the debate are outlined below.
Those who have tried to buy back or who are involved in rescuing child slaves or preventing child sexual abuse (or related) are aware of how minds work without cognitive theoretical contemplation.
Many countries have banned or outlawed the purchase of sex for money, but children are not 'sex workers' or forced labour slaves and moral decisions will always exist in the first and second of the oldest trades in the world. Children do not fall into that dialogue. Sex workers can be provided for, and can be taken from drugs and squalor. For the conservatives the Biblical book of Philemon relates solution's also.
(Discussions have raised some problems) Consider the financial cost of policing the trafficking and slave industry globally, (not just in Africa but Russia, Europe, USA, South America, India and the Gulf States) purchasing the trafficked would make savings instantly and streamline the objective which is to end trafficking and free the slaves. Whether it is an individual bought back or a family with funds or entire complexes of hundreds of trafficked people (children and woman) then this added measure onto existing systems could provide major breakthroughs. Any trafficker who has his funds seized would exchange prisoners for a ransom. Arguments against the idea also include the supply and demand argument in which suggests that slave prices will rise as purchases increase, this is unproven and the cost is a secondary argument, whilst increasing slavery victims is the actual problem to be solved.
Problems of people setting up scams (false trafficking scenarios) and/or who are seeking a false ransom are easily identified in the system of intelligence currently compiled. The United Nations thinks it will fuel the slave trade but with military threats the real from the false is easily distinguishable. Over time knowledge would increase globally into new intelligence. If protracted investigations cannot identify all aspects of an operation, then the threat of a armed police or semi-military strike with an offer to buy back the trafficked would focus the traffickers minds. Surely this is a lesser evil of two evils and the UN must see that ? Faced with getting out of the trade many make take the money and run. Buying could be accompanied by tracking, amnesty for identity purposes. There is no guarantee they will not re-enter the trade in the future but that lack of a guarantee exists now anyway. The current levels of children as slaves, sex slaves and trafficked is known and a budget could be set for those numbers. Will the numbers rise again in the future ? and how long in the future ? Recovering laundered slave money also adds to funds which can be used to buy back slaves. Freeing the trafficked is the point, and every financial system listed in this amateur chapter and page has worked (separately from each other) in business practice previously. It is a business proposition in essence. Inflation set against Child slavery which one wins ? For this reason the proposed business / charity model which exists in many countries is a ideal suitable SPV for some of the problems.
Since posting (20/10/2015) the hope which has grown from other ideas listed in this website, the reaction has been extraordinary and positive. A previous example of children bought back from slavery 2013 and Mary Carey.
An earlier example from 1820 – 1850 which involved Moses Haim Montefiore involved a up front and pooled money fund " He joined forces with middle-class religious dissenters and evangelicals (Idealistic Christians) to help end the slave trade, underwriting a £15m loan to finance abolition in the West Indies. " This would be worth 20 times 15 million now.
Encompassing every continent would be difficult for one organisation, but which could be duplicated in any case on every continent by this or other similar projects. This project would limit itself to Europe (Northern and Scandinavia) Eastern Europe and Tibet and Nepal. Proportionally (from $38 billion) $8 billion would be required.
Banks will be reimburshed through methods described in this and associated websites. An initial pool of money (in Billions) would be a proportion of what is required. It is in effect front loaded. Eliminating risk makes any idea possible.Paying back funds would be bolstered by real estate management, recovered laundered funds and appeals to charities (as a last resort) or other means, and the public may enjoy contributing to such a endeavour (A live aid type rock concert perhaps) but the proposal should work even without this, and many banks would be happy to associated with such a urgent and feasible project in which similar precedents exist.
It is a horrific problem but it can be solved.
This industry is increasing in scope everyday and a asset which cannot be valued (only holistically) are rescued children leading full lives. This also saves money spent on treatment and care over years multiplied by hundreds of thousands of victims and if innovative ideas are not all seriously considered (combined) then it is society which is also already enslaved.
For more information and history on these subjects see the adjacent website and chapter 6
Creating a new financial fund
World wide slavery and trafficking, and the idea of buying slaves back has a few problems but it is better than doing nothing. It also asks the question why these crimes should be void of funds. Take the story of Mumbai 'sex workers' as liberals like to name them, and their daughters many of whom were abused. It does not always apply but funding helps all areas of the problem. Consider a victim here Brooke Axtell or the real pizzagate story. During the USA 2016 elections there were many 'angry ladies in pink hats' and feminism was generally 'offended'. Many of them were very wealthy. This largely feminist issue takes a determined will more than money, although the latter is very important. Children and woman are the largest victim group.Consider also certain soccer players (as one example) who have dedicated 1% of their wages to charities but as a coordinated pledge as some soccer players had already committed many years ago (decades ago wages were very low and sparse) It is possible to set up a fund which has minimal corruption input ( as has occurred with shamed charities worldwide) and which could be used to assist professionals such as police and FBI and Interpol and Europol etc, as well as reputable established people who have worked in this area (see all of the above, which includes the problems and advantages) The shocking documentary ' I am Jane Doe ' or here full film or on Netflix) highlights the legal problems which are weighted against solutions in courts and agencies, as occurs also in Britain and many countries worldwide.The legal system itself is protecting these crimes and criminals (but see the Alicia Kozakiewicz video below ) which also need funds to fight. Migration and trafficking are also linked. Often simple solutions (such as H.E.R.O. Human Exploitation Rescue Operative (HERO) Child Rescue Corps program ) are incredibly successful. A fund (Billions) can draw on many areas to boost its balance, and with modern crowdfunding and cyber / currencies children and woman can be bought back from traffickers, pimps and pedophiles and gangs. The professionals know which situation is genuine and often it is budgets and money which hinder advancement. Trafficking is the largest problem.Large Trafficking groups are defeated by the military ( which still requires funding) The shocking facts on trafficking (next video; '25 Painfully Disturbing Facts About Human Trafficking' and there are up to 30 million slaves still in the world now. For some faiths and a billion people it is still openly practiced and legal to have slaves and it is a cultural and religious mindset. Migration rape is common, and 'no go zones' and/or sharia law punishes the victim as it is the woman's fault in law (primitive, medieval law which is exported & should be banned ) Middle east safe zones are still called for. Firstly these problems also exist in the west consider the following video here 'The forgotten children: Sex-trafficking in America, or the next video; Alicia Kozakiewicz in Britain, Europe, America, which has changed the law in the USA (House Republican Tilley and bill passed and adopted no HB427 adopted and Alicia Kozakiewicz on this link here (known as Alicia's law or here in wikipedia ) and you tube video 'Alicia Kozakiewicz Washington State Testimony 2015' ) and also raises funds for future cases, see the Jane Doe documentary above. See also Dr Phil and facebook video Elite Pedophile Rings Exposed' For further details and the problems beginning such a venture, contact the emails or facebook listed above at the start of these websites (28.08.2017 - 30.08.2017)
Chapter 5
Link back to the top of the website
Communitarianism Communism, Socialism, Maoism, all as Secular Humanism etc (Critical theory & Cultural Marxism ) Climate Change, 4th Industrial Revolution, Technocracy and Dystopia (see also the adjacent website & Chapter 3b)
UN - Cultural Marxism explained in 7 minutes (or here as a MP4 Video file this video link in this title first called "what is critical theory" & version which is 7 minutes 36 seconds long ) The Video entitled "what is critical theory" explains the Global plight of any people of faith. The Chapter below can lead to broken links as they move or are removed on Youtube but if they are they can be searched under their names )The theory has many aims but ultimately seeks to eradicate spirituality, and the working class and middle class. What transpires is the exact opposite of the aims of the working class and all classes. Totalitarian regimes want depopulation and this is the aim of the UN United nations. This is the story of the Soviet Union, China and Cambodia are also included and see also the Genocide in Ethiopia under Mengistu Haile Mariam New soviet archives have also been released.
The chapters above 1, 2, 3, 4 and this chapter & chapter 6 and the adjacent website and chapter 3 and chapter 5 discuss through the media and real events the problem which faces the west. Marxist theory and Capitalist theory dispute who benefits from the exchange of labour for wages, the employee or the employer. Labour and Labour power give rise to surplus value.(first proposed by Adam Smith and then Karl Marx ) Profit it is thought as a worker does not exploit his labour time actually worked against his labour power. Wages being hourly, weekly or monthly a worker can only increase his benefit by higher wages or reduced hours for the same wages. (14 minute lecture) An employer would not hire a worker if the value of his labour was lower than the profit or return the employer experienced.
There are various direct methods and essays analyzing this in greater detail within the chapters named above. An employer would say that without his investment the argument would not exist as a model in the first place (i.e. creating the production, business or company) and so the debate goes on.
However the West is now Trillions in debt which erodes the contract of exchange between employer and employee, making the exchange more intense and disagreeable. Debt erodes the value of the money and borrowing to begin a venture, which automatically has extra reduced margins in the long term business plan. Taxes become a wealth redistribution service as opposed to creating local and national services a country requires. Society creates ever increasing tax free foundations to prevent family land savings disappearing (see chapter 4 and the pdf named "bank reform 2" which suggests a tax foundation for the lowest class in society but which discusses all aspects of Labour value and connected themes 35 - 40 paragraphs down from the beginning of chapter 4 ) and Debt increases taxes on the employer and employee, direct and indirect and less homemade production of food and goods means imports will rise and prices will increase further reducing the margins or profit and a living wage for both. Achieving a higher wage would become more acceptable to employers without these extra national debt burdens, whilst still producing profit (still unacceptable in deep communist thought) whilst prices would also reduce increasing wage value.
Conventional economics do not cite the powerful advantages a trust or foundation can add to a cause or societal need. Tax free deductible foundations and trusts (as one example) can donate the interest on the principle amount to a charity of their choosing.(and then avoid taxation) This is a major source of wealth in the world today. Norway has taken the idea further and provides a "oil fund" or Government pension fund which is a rainy day savings (a very rainy day) for all its citizens. Its worth is estimated at $850 Billion and its funds generates 1 Trillion for its citizens to save or draw from for national needs. Norway turned one idea upside down in effect but still made prosperity and wealth (as opposed to reducing wages and national wealth) for everyone.
Producing a society which has a very good living wage, high profits and cheap goods (localism) for consumption is a preferred condition for society in preference to chaos, stagnation and growth which is medium but is contributing to the demise of the nation. Germany in its south west region of Swabia along with homegrown corporations has always tried to achieve this aim against the general economic course of the EU and achieved not just with time banks or local currencies but nationally available credit which does not hinder stock market trading ) If you follow chapter 2 above and chapter 3 in the adjacent website you will see that debt is actually being used as a weapon (WMD) against the West (from the east)
ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY (The first 3 pdfs here are from a website dating from 2004-6, entitled Economic Democracy. Its easier to keep their original numbers as 5, 7,10, and chapter 10 form the basis of this new chapter on this page)
click on chapter 5, 7 & 10 below to access pdf
Chapter 5
The land and the food we eat (see further Joanna Blythman books "Shopped" & "Food we eat" ). & also Noami Kline & "No Logo" or and /or the shock doctrine
Chapter 7
Chapter 10 (this pdf has been closed off temporarily, but read this chapter in full)
'Saint Karl' was the nickname of Karl Marx. It is suggested that he copied or improved earlier material or ideas to formulate his thesis in Das Capital (circa 1865) Further it is suggested Marx did not intend this to lead to the Communist Manifesto (including number 5 within it the central banking directive, originally public) It is not disputed that he formulated an accurate and interesting mathematical formula defining wages and work units, surplus labour and profit. Is this all any worker or ideology requires, including up to Che Guevara in the 1960's. Since then other views and ideas have been discussed but only to add onto the original work (of Das Capital)
Che Guevara was the Minister of Agriculture, and the Minister of Finance in the Cuban National bank. (also President of Industries and President of the new National bank) During his time in these roles he made many changes and undertook research into many areas of commerce and ideology. His Agrarian land reforms limited all parcels of land too 1000 acres, and all land above that size was re-distributed to the poor in 67 acre plots or turned into state run communes. Some of these lands however had been inherited by families over many generations and they had worked the land from an original small holding, adding parcels of land over successive generations.National business within Cuba could also no longer be owned by foreigners (such as the sugar plantations). Che Guevara analysed the accounts in the bank and preferred to introduce a quota for each worker with payment being a better quality of life, where moral incentives replaced financial incentives. As Minister for Finance he also signed the new Cuban currency as 'Che' (first name only) instead of his full name, signing his belief and philosophy, money was worthless and did not require the respect of anyone's full name. Methods of value of exchange had obviously existed since the Sumerian seals were etched on mud bricks in 2000 bc yet that exchange was unequal in Guevara's belief.
Following the bay of pigs war, and the outbreak of the Cuban missile crisis meant the world was in a tense standoff on the brink of a Nuclear war in which Che and Castro felt the Soviets should have delivered the missiles to Cuba instead of turning around and they should have been fired and a Nuclear war instigated. During this epoch and on the edge of this cataclysm Che was also still working on the figures in the bank wondering how society could be equalised. Nuclear war or not, the rate of pay for a 36 hour week was a fair wage and any extra work after this received moral payment instead of money. The moral payment was in lieu of wanting to work for humanity instead of just seeking financial payment. His annoyance at the Stalinist's for turning the Nuclear ships around and not delivering Nuclear weapons to Cuba was preceded by his annoyance at the Stalinists and Leninists and the New Economic Policy, which he felt did not work and amounted to state capitalism. Stalin had rejected Lenins NEP (new economic policy) and caused the death of millions of people. studying why Stalin diverged (although Stalin was a psychopath) he also discovered problems with Lenins NEP which he had not expected.
He also felt the Soviets and the US democratic party had put on a show (i.e. the Nuclear threat) in which he and Castro were not taking part as actors. False value's and money had ruined society. More than this he felt his figures for working hours and production although logical did not add up in his new Marxist accounting method or in existing Capitalist methods (Adam smith etc) hence he spent a lot of time in the bank and in the field to discover what was the cause between the 'surplus labour' shortfalls in work hours/labour and the source of all profit and perfect competition. How could units of production increase or improve or actually be enjoyed (would a Siesta slow or actually help production etc) The argument as to who is fair and who is exploited was one matter but Che felt there was something else, hence his disdain for money and its true value. (what exactly this was he left up to others to decide having taken it as far as he could)
The Stalinist's did not approve they felt aspects of Guevara's methods were heretical and many suspected that Guevara was instead actually trying to achieve actual economic freedom instead of belonging solely to the Communist party . Che was sent to Africa, and then to Bolivia where he was shot. Many point out he sanctioned the shooting and execution of prisoners, yet it was an armed uprising and war, and executions were duplicated by opponents. His work in the bank was subsequently deemed a failure, yet its overall plan was to establish a framework or model in which the new man ( el Hombre Nuevo) could evolve at a later date. One evolutionary outcome some argue was Pol Pot. However Che was not Pol Pot preferring a Salsa and Cigar to starting 'Time' again at 'Day One' in unquestioned slavery as Pol Pot did. However his attention to people over profit was resisted on every side including from within Russia, hence his work is exceptional and many favorable results were obtained not least is the fact that Cuba exports Doctors all over the world and they are extremely well trained. Guevara of course was a Doctor of Medicine.The outcome of these changes (Guevara proposed) onto peoples lives and working practices on the 'social side' did not take off and people rejected them as unnatural and false. Inequality was evident even in those pushing or forcing 'equality' and equality with no rights is not equal or worthwhile. The 'equality seekers' were closing down society not freeing it. Pol Pot and Chairman Mao and others had used 'equality' to break down existing laws which included rights and freedoms. Breaking them gave a legal basis to commit atrocities in the governments name. Whether Guevara intended the same is left to the reader, but personal friends claim this was not his nature. Emigration (some claimed) was caused by mismanaging the economy at home, and the first mismanagement was failing to reclaim your National country (as Che and Castro did for the Cubans) Unions which seek to protect workers are more successful with this in mind. People seek freedom and a higher consciousness (the new man el Hombre Nuevo required a new consciousness to break with the past) but the source of that freedom is also an ideological dispute. Guevara criticized all American imperialism, yet his initial feeling that freedom only lay behind the Iron curtain (Russia) was curtailed when he began criticizing its economics. Despite this he felt that even those who resolutely opposed Marxist Leninism (as Che was) still feed the poor and would help his fellow man. Guevara was a complex personality and contradictory but he fought oppression with ideology and weapons. Conversely Che was married, had children, was against abortion and liked to go fishing with Ernest Hemingway a libertarian who believed in free enterprise.
Ideological disputes and world trade continue in the debate. Growth and expansion at the expense of one super power over another should not hold back progress. (100% employment is progress). Yet public services also require investment. Both public and private services (as we have read in chapters above suffer long term fixed capital costs which both have not solved to date). America needed the Erie Canal to expand but this was a public project funded by capitalists. Protecting national public services without ideology worldwide is a debate currently underway 2015 - 2016. Trade agreements (TTIP, CETA, TiSA) and public services
A sample of Che Guevara's beliefs are contained above by clicking PDF CHAPTER 10
The pdf above is turned off temporarily.
Che Guevara, Castro and Ernest Hemingway were motivated by their disgust of Fulgencio Batista who eventually became dictator of Cuba and it is estimated he is responsible for up 15,000 deaths of the Cuban people He inherited a reasonable economy, but corruption took hold as the only way to sustain the economy. Guevara and Hemingway despite differing economic ideologies and social political outlooks were united against the corruption and two tier system which developed in Cuba as a result, It is doubtful that Hemingway would have enjoyed working for a moral incentive (only) as Guevara proposed, since his lavish lifestyle and hunting trips require actual cash as an incentive. After the Cuban revolution the Iron Grip of Soviet Russia within Cuba could be likened to swapping one dictator for another, yet he supported early Russian democracy, supported the Spanish civil war and the allies in World War 2 and was present at Dunkirk on D,DAY. (and he had served in world War 1, after two World Wars, his disgust at western civilisation tinted his view that Soviet life could be a redeeming hope for mankind) Hemingway was supportive of President Eisenhower's decision to stop selling arms to Cuba in March 1958 and the USA even blockaded arms into Cuba weakening the Batista government in March 1958. In December/January 1958/1959 Batista was deposed and fled to Portugal via the Dominican Republic. Hemingway committed suicide in 1961 (six months after J F Kennedy came to power) and he complained that he had been hounded by J Edgar Hoover, which later turned out to be true. He is buried with his wife in Madrid in Spain. To date only J Edgar Hoover (of the names in this paragraph) have not been accused of belonging to the CIA at some point.
Ireland like Cuba has also an economic struggle which is defined in contemporary history by its civil war (1922 – 1923 and ongoing) and which has defined its modern political parties. The most interesting and thorough analysis came with the film by Ken Loach The Wind that shakes the Barley. It followed an earlier film by Neil Jordan Michael Collins The fulcrum of both films concerns Michael Collins inexplicable decision to publish the terms of a treaty he signed with Britain before an election on it, which only won by 7 votes in the Dail (the Irish Government). This led to a partition of the Ireland which exists still, although power in the partition is now shared. Both films (including Neil Jordan's) omit a large part of Collins activities in establishing land banks via the loan he obtained through J.P. Morgan and the Irish public. The banks were co-operatives with the aim of becoming building societies and mutual's into a full blown new economic system. Further they were (and were established initially) over the original 4 counties of the Northern partitioned state in Ulster. This began before Collins signed the treaty and before the civil war, and was the next stage in the plan. Eamon De Valera opposed but did not prevent the enlargement of the 4 counties into 6 after Collins death in August 1922. Any future economic collapse after this new banking system was in operation would then draw all economic activity into these new banks and banking system. An economic collapse occurred only 7 years later in 1929 in the Wall Street collapse, proving his theory (at least) correct.
Neil Jordan's film does not go into any great detail, other than showing Collins escaping through rooftops near Stephens Green when he was minister for Finance. The subject may have been more fitting in the setting of 'The Wind that Shakes the Barley' but it does not show Collins in that light (just the opposite) perhaps civil war wounds showing through in the script. It does however point out that a legal basis for finance has to established. The partition of Ireland was already established in 1903 – 1907 in the land acts and all sides knew it was a possibility, but the 1916 rising proved that the matter had not been agreed. If a free vote had occurred before the rising or immediately after the 1916 rising, and on the future of the partition matter, then its doubtful in an 'All Ireland Vote' partition would have been established. (In retrospect this may have been a better option for all concerned. There are teachings and knowledge in Ireland which is only now surfacing and beginning to live again. All sides in the conflict have been traumatized and have not developed them due to the conflict) Since it was not put forward in that manner Ireland opted out of the World War 1, although thousands voluntarily went to France to fight with the allies.
Recently in August 2015 a re-enactment of Padraig Pearse speech at the grave of O'Donovan Rossa's grave was recited. Pearse gave tribute to 0 ' Donovan Rossa, but in reality Pearse was the real inspiration of Ireland's freedom (and his Poem "the Rebel" explains his Christian nature and belief which is evident in the poem ( " The Rebel " with words) It is claimed Pearse trampled on the "blood of Christ" by rousing a rebellion on Easter Sunday 1916 which itself not a biblical feast in name. Yet it was held on Easter Monday 1916, a day after the religious ceremonies and not the Sunday. Signing a statement, bond or covenant or signing to re-affirm a religious belief in your own blood as some have done is also not a belief in Judeo - Christianity (the latter occurred outside the Republic of Ireland). The Sabbath is of course Friday 6.00pm until Saturday 6.00pm and the Celts traditionally observed a new day as starting at 6.00pm until the following 6.00pm, and counted time by the moon although this is long forgotten in modern calendars and timezones. Whatever about the debate on Padraig Pearse's spiritual beliefs he was one of the greatest leaders of modern times and if he had lived through the war into the modern era and modern Europe (1950 - 1970) his new poetry and writings and insights would have now been welcomed and revered by all. His existing work certainly is. What he may have achieved in peace time is something we will now never know.
A new third film with Pearse and the Collins land banks could include these other aspects. Collins new finance system had at least one branch in every county and was to take Ireland (eventually) into new trading partnerships. Today Britain is the largest trading partner for Ireland. From 1916 (or before) the power sharing of Ulster (the situation which exists today) could have been a part of an 'All -Ireland' vote in 1916 also, in retrospect, and the vote may have accepted partition (there are calls for such a vote today) but power sharing from 1916 (WW1) in Ulster would have avoided the troubles of the past 50 years. Britain's EU referendum is to be held in June 2016 when it will also get a free vote to decide its future. Scotland has/will vote for EU membership, it is suggested.
Since 2001 all countries including Britain are in economic difficulties. Ireland has a chance to develop new industries including its energy industry. Norway has succeeded in establishing a trust fund to itself from (see previous chapters above) the proceeds of its oil revenues, an option Britain wished it had (now) also chosen. Ireland could develop new engineering corporations to extract Oil and Gas around its shores. There are existing companies but exploration and extraction should be ramped up to ensure success. The corporations should be based in Ireland as Irish owned concerns and be staffed by Irish experts, and professionals should be hired from abroad, and American expertise could assist the planning and engineering operations and these employees could be sourced from existing projects in Oil and Gas. These experts in any case of every age have worked in every associated field worldwide for several decades, including Irish citizens who it is suggested built America over the last hundred years or more. With 5 or 6 companies initially, competition will eventually lead to 2 or 3 succeeding and developing a 50% + proportion of the Oil and Gas around Irish waters. The energy will have to be sold in Petro Dollars which will also benefit Ireland and its immediate neighbors on a shared basis. Getting the benefit without externalities increases the risk/profit margin without having to assess risk on plant and engineering (operations)
Internally (from the foreshore inwards) a renewable energy network (which includes viable Offshore Wind, and a public examination of a fracking rig. Why high pressure water only extraction is not used and chemicals are is a source of continued debate, a public demonstration would solve much of the speculation) should be established which encourages domestic micro-grids and larger scale concerns to develop clean energy to fulfil the increasing targets set by the EU which will rise and include multiple sources of renewable energy in the mix, to qualify for clean energy supplier recognition. Fracking which some suggest is a renewable energy, may damage Irelands water supply (as a small nation) and the new water company currently in operation. As a smaller concern or sideline some of the energy (oil, gas and renewable) could be utilised internally under the Parallel Punt initiative (the Petro –Punt) providing cheap energy to domestic Irish users, who of course could also supply the gird. It would help lubricate the oils of industry returning Irelands, Debt to GDP levels to an acceptable level for the IMF/EU fiscal projections over the short, medium and long terms. The Petro Punt project is not for export and is not a Saddam Hussein inspired type project, but simply a plan to bring clean water, air and food to the inhabitants of Ireland without the burden of heavy taxation, venture capital or undue bureaucratic interference, moving Ireland to a carbon free environment with special consideration for costal wildlife, pollution and its vast fishing industry. Ireland's carbon credits with renewed forests etc could cancel out its debts. Ireland's oil and gas extraction civil engineering operations will need initial funding and venture capital but estimates could pale these loans into insignificance once the wells start gushing. Loan projections based on unit pricing cannot value the viability of a project by just 500 % profit margins alone, as the industry will mature exponentially and therefore negative assessments of the viability of such a project are only coming 'out of left field' President Obama is pushing for an increase in renewable energy, as also is George Bush the previous president.
Naturally this type of new industry would be vote winner for the Irish in America should a political party initiate it immediately, or in 18 months time. Who would vote for a President who did not want a new initiative in this area for Ireland?
Security of production would be paramount for Ireland's industry and for its neighbors industry. None of this could happen without consideration from the US military high command, the Pentagon, CIA, NSA and NATO/ EU/IMF and the intelligence agencies.
Below are the brief explanations (as mentioned) of a former website on economic democracy, which concentrates on medical options for hospitals and services. The 4 pdf's (one main i.e. the first) in chapter 2 also analyse this area. It does not advocate Planned Parenthood and Major Corporations are opting to defund from it, (Coca Cola, Xerox, Ford) recognising it as disguised genocide and profiteering from unborn children. Whilst chapters in this page also highlight modern day slavery.
Before considering the ideal society and health system consider life inside the USSR at its horrific worst. It is not a reflection on Russian people who still resist totalitarianism today, as do people in western societies. The early NHS is still a shining example of what can be achieved.
Genrikh Yagoda Soviet Secret Police
was a member of the Communist Party from 1907 (Bolshevik in 1907) to 1937 until he was tried for possible Trotskyite sympathies. Incredibly he had a moustache and side parting hair as Hitler did yet he was a member of the Soviet Union Communist Party. He was a criminal, mentally unstable and one of the biggest mass murderers of history and considered a wild animal and a butcher. The strain of trying to merge Communism and Nazism (as occurred during the Molotov – Ribbentrop pact) whilst abandoning Spiritual beliefs left a void in the souls of many involved in the Communist regime which has opposed Israel for decades, just as a Chairman Mao opposed any spiritual groups in mainland China. Large parts of Europe resisted the "agrarian reforms" (land grabs and theft and starvation policies) the Communist party instigated and the constant resistance to Communist crimes were brutally put down. ALL RIGHTS to life, food and privacy were removed.
Stalin declared war on his own people in 1932, and Comrade Genrikh Yagoda formed the NKVD (the Cheka or Secret Police which evolved into the KGB) secret police to crush Ukrainian and Baltic farmers into forced collectivization. Ukraine was sealed off. All food supplies and livestock were stolen NKVD death squads executed anti-party elements. Stalin ordered 10,000 executions a week. Eighty percent of Ukrainian intellectuals were shot. During the bitter winter of 1932-33, 25,000 Ukrainians per day were being shot or died of starvation and cold. Cannibalism became common.
The extermination of the Don Cossacks by the communists in the 1920s, the Volga Germans in 1941 and mass executions and deportations to concentration camps of Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians and Poles and their stories are emerging decades after the events. At the end of World War II, Stalin's gulag held 5.5 million prisoners, 23% of them Ukrainians and 6% Baltic peoples. Yagoda was tried by Stalin and was shot for Trotskyite sympathies but not for the mass murders. Stalin at that point had become a paranoid monster who was ordering the mass murders, and in Russia alone 58 - 66 million people were killed under the Bolshevik Communist forces, (many victims were imported in swelling the numbers from surrounding countries) and many ancient Jewish and Hebrew Yiddish tribes amongst the people of Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania (the Baltic's and wider) and the Ukraine who have been purged and almost erased from history. (Including lost tribes and the wild branches of the olive tree)
Erasing spiritual or religious beliefs was (is) a central tenant of the Communist party as follows;
Control Healthcare (private or state). Poverty increase on a large a scale as possible (poor people do not fight back) Debt (increase to a maximum level). Gun Control. Control Welfare and any and all aspects of a populations lives. Education; control all forms of education. Religion (control any belief in God). Create huge class divisions which also requires increased taxes.
Alekansder Isayevich Solzhenitsyn wrote a book on the Gulags which follow these initial stages described above, the book is a called "The Gulag Archipelago" but the Little black book of Communism (the book is here in PDF format) is definitive. It is estimated Genrikh Yagoda was responsible for the deaths of 10 million people.
Whilst some of these points are disputed, other absurd and ridiculous and dangerous communist policies are designed to be socially subversive and destroy society as a policy in the war of stalemate (produced to some extent by that stalemate) as "mutually assured destruction" which has the capability of incinerating 7 .15 Billion people.
Today German Chancellor Angela Merkel is facing calls for her to explain and then step down for her role within the Communist Party although many older members (than her) have never faced direct prosecution or hanging for their crimes. As little is known of this history and the history above, many Communists have escaped the Nuremberg Trials in the 1940's as much of the evidence is only surfacing from the middle 1990s onwards (following the Soviet collapse) Stalin wanted to systematically kill selected Jewish townlands and others were (from every nation occupied, Jewish and Gentile) experimented upon ideologically using Soviet brainwashing manipulation techniques.....
Detox is the best cure.
Putin is signalling a change in this policy, banning anti – Semitism in Russia and also (outside of Russia) anti – Semitic groups who are armed or unarmed and this decision may cut funding for those 'leftist' groups pursuing fascism in Europe who oppose Israel and who oppose entrepreneurs (the latter who actually do not like undue market manipulation) Putin has also called Obama a Communist in which he (Putin) points out that the USA is Godless now. He has also criticised Obama's / Soetoro's (and the call to Muslim prayer also) relationship with LGBT community and Heterophobia (citing Judeo Christian traditions 1. Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi & 2. Rabbi Boteach) and which has offended many African Muslims. Whilst politics makes no sense and is contradictory, the reality is President Putin is a Christian who acknowledges the Jewish Hebrew roots of history, Cabala, (the letter numbers) Hebrew and traditional marriage. Many Germans or Russians whose parents lived through World War 2 became de-sensitised. In the Ukraine the shock of losing a generation is still a shock. German Austrians (Senta Berger....any men still culturally marxist and gay ?) who are also Jewish but who are proud to be German or Austrian (and their families) also regarded the creation of Israel as one way (the right way) to escape.
Within all of this the secular and spiritual debate ( Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro & Gilad Atzmon) continues.
The giving of the land in the Torah and Tanakh and which is perpetuated into the future as Greater Israel and the Temple of Ezekiel tribal allotted lands, which were given by promise, and by taking the land as directed by Yahweh in Torah and in the Tanakh is confusing to many people. Explaining the difference between David and Jeroboam, the new Temple and Psalm 91 & Zechariah 4, 6 leads to very lengthy and exhaustive debate.
Since Israel was created, Jerusalem for the first time in 2000 years (although Jewish people lived in Jerusalem throughout the 2000 years, before the majority returned from Europe and wider) is filled with people who love the sound of the Messianic call to prayer in the morning. These matters have been lost in Russian contemporary history and in the global languid and mendacious pursuit of the truth.
If you believe the most interesting part of the blue paragraphs above is the Messianic call to prayer ( the Hashem, Shema Prayer) and there is a lot of competition in the paragraphs, then the rest of the debate may be tame in comparison, this may be telling you something about the debate parametres, and also about yourself.
To understand the wider context, today Israel is experiencing its biggest return or Alliyah in its history. Some of those still exiled (Orthodox) suggest they cannot return until the Messiah returns first. Other Orthodox Jewish practitioners have returned already and live within Israel, whilst Nazarene and Hebraic followers of the Messiah say the Messiah has returned already, hence Israel can exist and can exist now.All three would recognise the future third Temple, which will also appear regardless of which view you hold above. It is not a changed religion or a new religion but the Messiah will change it by being present. (These issues were debated in the Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro & Gilad Atzmon debate above)
The continuing genocide of Christianity (which includes Jewish Christians) as Genocide has been criticised by Putin He also has the power to stop trafficking of woman and children the biggest blight on society. What better subjects exist ? others are meaningless in comparison.
The social aspects of ideology however are not reflective of the barbarity of the Soviet system in the period from 1907 to 1955. The liberation of camps in Germany in WW2 by Soviet forces whilst other camps in Russia were also full of Jewish and Gentile prisoners in Gulags remains an anomaly of history. The brutal reality of world war two and its legacy and the deaths of Germans and Russians (and Americans and countless other nations) is staggering in its proportions, as is the void it left. Genrikh Yagoda was a monster but now he is dead.(last link ruling by Russia's supreme court April 2015)
The fight for Ukraine's independence continues and its story is depicted in the documentary "Winter on Fire" (showing in Cinemas from September - December 2015 and 2016) as Nato steps up its operations in Eastern Europe. Will these two countries learn from history and share the Crimea ? The financial cost of continuing war is more than the value of the coal and oil.
The Soviet System fostered (in the nuclear war stalemate ) policies from the ground up to government level which would weaken and destroy an enemy country, and most of them are bizarre and unnatural policies which they (Russia ) do not support within their own country, and which should be a clue. When Putin says that the USA is Godless now is he referring to the American people themselves or to the administration ?
Ukrainians themselves want Eastern Ukraine returned and the whole of the Crimea. The film Winter on Fire the Documentary is in full here or in full here
For further historical events the following paragraphs explain the tragedies.
Russia Soviet Gulags
Russian Soviet Socialist Gulags (concentration camps) began in the Soviet Union in 1917/1918 only weeks after the Revolution in St Petersburg (Leningrad) Maps of their locations are shown below. They were/are forced labour camps (prisoners were worked to the death or froze to death) which was emulated by Germany in WW2 1933 forward. German citizens were also killed and imprisoned in Gulags from 1917/1918 up until they were officially abolished in 1953 when Stalin died. Pol Pot and Chairman Mao copied them also. (and between those two leaders 200 million died and 300 million were forced into near starvation and poverty) In reality the USSR forced labour camps (Gulags) continued until the late 1980's until the Soviet System collapsed and Russian dissidents suggest they are still in use today. They were administered by the NKVD (who answered to the central politburo of the Communist party) aka the 'Peoples Commissariat of for internal affairs' which were assassination and trial units which comprised of 3 people called a Troika who judged without trial or voting or civil rights (all civil and national rights were suspended) This is communism and socialism.
Millions were taken to the Gulags and hundreds of Thousands were executed.This included national Russians and Americans who were not allowed to leave Russia (factory workers) and even the former German Communist members (the KPD) were executed inside the Gulags.Hundreds of the NKVD were sent to Spain for the civil war (in Russia they had reached executions of 1000 per day in Stalin's great purges) and the NKVD also co-operated with the German Gestapo in 1940 to round up trouble makers (including Jewish) in Russia and Germany and especially Poland
When the disarmed Russian population (who should not have given up their weapons) found they had been taken over in 1917/1919, the former peoples movements of co-operatives (the real soviets) were abandoned and many of the founders (from 1907/1908 forward) were also taken to the Gulags and exterminated. The forced labour within them was unpaid and also largely without food, with the starving or dead easily replaceable. This made the manufacturing industry very competitive against other nations of course (no surplus labour or exploitation arguments here) This is another reason why decent wages and buying national goods, prevents the problems of slave labour abroad ruining another nations economy. The contribution (free slave labour) to the soviet economy was dramatic and after Stalin (1953) many Gulag prisoners who survived were allowed to leave (still guilty but with unproven crimes) as rehabilitated people, but new prisoners in different Gulags (in the vast underpopulated areas ) were set up in the continued repression of the people in Russia. Russia's economy went into a slow decline after this and long term fixed capital was available to replace industrial machinery. Long term planning was not a community, regional or national priority or desire.
There were hundreds (but official figures estimate only 55) of Gulags all across Russia, connected to train lines all around the country. (Russia and USSR) The USSR Gulag maps are as follows; Russia Map 1, USSR Map 2, Map 3 (penal concentration camp Gulag, concentration camp and Penal slave labour camps. This was not a revolution for freedom but a military takeover of the Russian people by force in penal servitude which lasted in full force from 1918, but from 1923 - 1956 or 38 years. Contrast with Germany which had 20,000 camps over 12 years, and which killed up to 3 million people, separate from the gas camps of the Holocaust. There were 53 camps in the USSR state the official figures with estimates of 1,600,000 killed over 22 years, but the problem is, Ten million died because of the Ukrainian Holodomor starvation in the 1930's outside the camps.Many estimate that there were actually 300 camps in the USSR. People had given up their armaments and were essentially in a state of martial law/ house arrest. Jewish dissidents were killed in both including Messianic Jews. Jewish people without being dissidents were killed in both. In total during this period it is estimated that 54 - 70 million people died in the USSR over that time. (Stalin is estimated to have killed 90 million in total). The ignorance of world War 2 is vast. Other sources say (and the land mass area of both countries would support this ) there were up to 9000 large camps in the Soviet Union and significantly less than 20,000 camps in Germany.
Stalin operated by planting his government spies in each town and village with a quick communication network which needed results and people often reported the slightest matter (even against family, parents brothers) against neighbors and anyone which comforted Stalin's paranoia that his system was working.
Lenin also ordered concentration camps including camps for Children. The first step was create a terror which also meant an economic terror. This occurred (amongst many reasons) because the peasants (workers on the land, farmers which included those who had been given new land to work but owned by the communist party under the democratic Constituent Assemblies which Kerensky had also supported ) won the first constituent vote (ahead of the Bolsheviks and others) and the terror was introduced to enable the newly declared (after the democratic vote) communist dictatorship to survive. A new state security agency was introduced called the Chekka and the NEP (new economic programme, criticised publicly by Che Guevara and in writing many years later) became the instrument of the economic terror. Lenin said; "If for the sake of Communism it is necessary for us to destroy 9/10ths of the people, we must not hesitate" Stalin was on the Chekka committee. Camps were set up everywhere estimates range from 15,000 to 200 ? and the death penalty was introduced and "violence" as a policy with coercion was initiated in the name of the "workers" This brought a civil war and up to 65,000 were executed under Lenin (Stalin worked for Lenin until he killed him) The censorship of the press and the vast and efficient spy network meant every village and home were under suspicion and were guilty until proven innocent by a long freeze on normality and freedom. The children's camps were gulags and the terror lasted in the Soviet union until 1990 when it collapsed, yet reports say many are still in existence.
In the USSR it is hard to convey what life was like. It was both brutal and absurd. The Government was particularity suspicious of those who worked in the arts. Often if you were suspected of capitalist tendencies you could be reported and/or blacklisted. If you worked in theater and film you would not work if you had western sympathies and your civil rights would be removed or you would be sent to the Gulag. Witch-hunts were conducted against dissidents (anyone) who were suspected of capitalist bourgeoisie inclinations. They often showed western capitalists (which could be anyone even if they were not aware of it) as people of low morals and unlikeable subversives, or agents who were linking up with other unknown groups who were trying to take over the country and force it into a western democracy. Father Stalin's economic policies would then end and instead teachings which promoted profit making measures on the forced labour population would be enacted. You would not be able to work for free and give away your goods or labour, but would have to accept western currency and show a profit at the end of the month. Films were shown warning of such tendencies and this increased the terror in the USSR soviet mind. If the western system came, property confiscation measures could be reversed (and taken back from the communist party) and people may be forced to work on farms without the state supporting and helping them if the western system prevailed. Gershwin, Cole Porter, Buddy Holly, Johnny Cash, Rodgers and Hammerstein and Elvis were all possible radio wave, western subversionist's employing musical techniques to hypnotize, they were plots of the western liberal capitalist establishment. Censorship was everywhere, yet works of art (in the film industry and other humanities) were also produced (and looking back now) some of these suppressed attempts of self expression show signs of rebellion against the USSR. They exhibit tongue in cheek insinuation which must have only just scraped through the censorship filter. Escape from the system by artists often involved defecting. Christianity, and Judaism were brutally crushed by extreme torture techniques or by introducing an alternative soviet communist versions of them.
Torture methods in the Gulags consisted of first of all, forcing thousands to build the Gulags/camps themselves. Forced marches into the wilderness and with axes and rope, the forests were cut and the prisoners were made to make their own Cabins and perimeter fences (to keep out the wolves) Very remote Gulags required train journeys with no food and only ice as a way to get water. Building the camps was a way to keep warm and provide minimum shelter against the sub - zero temperatures. If a mass of workers became too weak, they were shot by machine gun , and laid into mass graves, and a new batch of prisoners from Russia and the USSR satellite countries was brought in. New arrivals were stripped naked and made to march around the camp and sex slaves were chosen. Children from other nations were often separated, and hundreds of thousands were taken to special orphanages similar to the type which were reveled in Romania in 1990, after Ceausescu (General secretary of the Romanian communist party 1965 - 1989) carried on the Communist policy in Romania.(these images are only from 1990, 25 years ago or here or here )
The 'nurses' and staff in Romania in 1990 were instructed to feed the children by long spoons so as not to touch or speak to the children (shown here) unless it offered them signs of compassion in adults, parents were obviously a mystery. In the USSR Gulags / Orphanage children were experimented on and sterilized, many of the children if they reached a certain age (13 or 14) were shot in front of the other children of all ages. This was done to reduce the possibility of them becoming enemies of the state as adults. Planned parenthood selling aborted baby parts has the same (vastly reduced ethos as yet) outlook but fortunately this is not Soviet Communist Russia and fortunately it collapsed. Profit is the motive now, but the philosophy is communism and humanism.Splitting the family is paramount for communism. The soviet experiments 'discovered' that separation from parents reduced child development, as did breast feeding from the mother (which should or could normally continue to 4 or 5 years of age). Early teachings on soviet cruelty philosophy also reduced development as did hunger and fear. Trauma made children weak and dependent much more than other children and it lasted all their lives. Abuse and sexual abuse also stifled development and caused violent and deadening personalities for a lifetime, and neglect caused mental disorders. Adoption agencies can be a part of trafficking (as existed in Ireland in the Magdalene laundries) and can be mail order for pedophiles. These were deliberate experiments which can still exist today in many countries not just Romania, over decades because survivors were employed (as a policy) again in the same areas. Generational problems and cruelty disguised as orphanages and health centers are fronts for some systems, because 'health' is an agenda (which is easy to solve economically) and an ideology of secular humanism, which is Marxist Humanism (in which you are an animal and not human). The philosophy relies on obsessive cognitive, emotional/affect psychology centered on the mind instead of the mind and the heart. This science has its origins in a large part to the Gulags. This is communism in practice.Through all of this the Communist party (Stalinist and Leninist) lived like millionaires. A milder insight into the latter stages of the Soviet System in East Germany is shown in the film The Lives of Others. (please also see the end of chapter 4)
North Korea and Gulags and its history (China & Chairman Mao)
For Bitchute 'Amazing Polly' see here and also for 'SGT report' bitchute see here
Link to the middle 'Greatest scandal in US history section' and to new post dated 8.4.2022
Link to the end of this North Korea section / chapter
Karl Marx (it is claimed although his writings moved from 'Marxism' to Communism later) believed society was transitioning within 'historical materialism' or dialectical historical materialism and from its origins in 1) primitive communism / slavery which passed and moved to 2) Feudalism, then to 3) capitalism and next to to 4) socialism and then finally towards a 5) better … corrected communism (than primitive communism making a 'great leap forward' from capitalism to socialism / communism at some stage of economic or political development. Pol Pot and Chairman Mao put this ‘great leap forward’ into practice (see later on in this essay) In practice the great leap forward stage has led to genocide and slavery and the leap does not occur by natural process but are designed by artificial processes. Whilst Marx may be describing history in some form, and Professor Noam Chomsky for example within various opposing schools of thought cites language/linguistics as a form of dialectal history, imperialism and world outlook in which the various Marxist stages of history provide the base of structure to language/linguistics from Babel to Postmodernism. Stalin defined the following view on linguistics or the full text here. His assumption depended upon Darwin being correct but since then, Charles Darwin's views have fallen into conjecture and disrepute (into the realm of crackpots)
Identifying physical and cultural social genocide under and by Marxist or Islamic regimes has no real language or critical linguistic value. (It is not unnatural for societies to better their circumstances, as opposed to a uniformity of poverty) North Korea according to communism is (as one example) is the epoch of a new dawn which has accumulated throughout history and which has led up to this 'Brave New World' (North Korea adopted the socialism / communism stage on October 13th 1945) Stalin of course erased all language by fear and then with linguistics and free speech nullified, Russia became a system where the entire nation was subjugated into silence or sent to gulags under the extreme social experiments of paranoia (or here) Stalin inflicted complete control and extreme paranoia village by village and until the country was locked down under this system and under him and under total mind control. Both H.G. Wells and George Bernard Shaw of the Fabian society, (1931) visited Stalin and were led into an artificial and staged tourist trap which led them to conclude Stalin was a benevolent and good leader. Could this be happening again today in China as it seeks (OBOR 'one belt one road') high speed travel worldwide ? as Russia opens up a path into the Arctic North pole regions whilst encouraging selective energy reduction in the west. They are both increasing their fossil fuel production. It is suggested North Korea is also fooling the west with its limited openness. The epoch of a new communism is the same epoch of yesterday under Chairman Mao or Po Pot. Totalitarian and controlled leading to a 'Brave New World' or '1984' (H.G. Wells influenced George Orwell's book ‘1984’ which is a rival vision of dystopia to that of Aldous Huxley's brave new world. HG Wells however also drafted warnings in his books and novels, but both broke down society in all its forms describing the stages to slavery and subjugation. The reader can decide if this is so or if it has benefited North Korea or if it is desirable, even in the West or anywhere.
Vladimir Putin denounced Lenin in 1991 and rejected communism (video;'Exclusive: Young Putin denounces communism and Lenin in 1991') Today Russia has rejected communism and has also rejected Cultural Marxism (Vladimir Putin was present at the fall of the Berlin wall and watched from the Stasi HQ, and Cultural Marxism was classed as a weapon of subversion directed at other country's only) As the Berlin wall fell the Stasi were destroying documents in the KGB HQ in Berlin. This includes the manual on 'active measures' which details methods of destroying a society from within (when they cannot be easily invaded) which includes social policy, family planning, destruction of a nations spiritual beliefs and culture and includes influences to achieve inadequate economic decisions (etc)
Vladimir Putin would also say communism has nothing in common (in practice) with other ideologies, even those which claim to be Marxist - Leninist. China and Russia are state capitalist countries (with no rights for citizens e.g. fair trials and/or due process and free speech and a constitution or a belief in God or philosophical or intellectual outlook) and Russia and China have many billionaires today, and do not in reality hold to any economic theory or political ideology but they are progressive and authoritarian and not patriotic / nationalist. China retains a communist vanguard. A former Soviet agent Yuri Bezmenov explains how entire nations are brainwashed into what is effectively today a cult which seeks to destabilize the working or middle class or any group or iconaclasts but was / is aimed against the west as active measures/ physiological warfare by 1. Demoralisation, 2. Destabilisation & the Useful idiots as Lenin called them 3. Crisis 4. (after crisis violence and change) = Normalisation Video; YouTube 'How To Brainwash A Nation' (or here full length Youtube 'Former KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov Explains How to Brainwash a Nation (Full Length)')
A hybrid of this type of open societal warfare is practised against Britain and other countries by ‘Common Purpose’ who practice ‘behavioural modification’ (media, political parties, education of all ages) which is a part of perception management (or Psyop operations ) of which the false narrative of ‘climate change’ which was termed global warming which in turn was previously called global cooling is a part.
North Korea is in the great leap forward stage of communism still, yet it is an ancient civilization as is South Korea. Consider South Korea first and its official flag and the history of the flag. A similar flag was first used for North and South Korea in 1882, showing its ancient symbol. This symbol is the ancient symbol of Yin and Yang, the symbol of the Taoist opposites which is also known as Daoism. Although these forces are opposites they are a part of the one or whole symbol. The original flag for both North and South Korea (1882) is here, but its exact nature is reflected in the Yin and Yang symbol which has a part of each force within the other. Hence this was a shared view of all the inhabitants of the Korean peninsula. A harmonious view but it is more than a symbol to Taoists, it is a system which is in flux and has energy. Christians also live in North and South Korea, but they are oppressed in North Korea by Communism which also rejects the Yin and Yang (officially) belief system. (The modern North Korean flag has no Yin and Yang symbol under Communism which is ‘Chairman Maoism’, although and unlike the West, North Korea does not have or consider Cultural Marxism and Critical theory) The North Korean and South Korean flag has its origins in China, and many thousands of years ago China and Koreans shared the same ancestry. North Korea and China in the last century and today have spawned many ideologies and movements (as fronts and many of them are absurd and tenuous, except of course for the subjugation of their own people) and as countries North Korea and China, are a journey you will never forget. Christianity however is China's fastest growing faith.
Language differences in China and North Korea and the West are obvious and become lost in translation. China developed its style of writing as pictorial art which in one symbol can tell a story e.g. 女人 (woman) or as in this example of a picture or idea of a woman, and its eventual text (i.e. Woman) Eastern writers often employ the written images to script a narrative and they sometimes struggle with western style essays without them. 人 or 男子 = man or male. 孩子 = Baby (and so on) Writing by image or picture is an art in China. In the last 150 years the East or the West could not have imagined the changes in social society.
Another ancient art form in China and surrounding countries is the 'shadow theatre' which existed also in Greece and spread into Tibet ( and Korea and Japan) Children love the plays and are mesmerized by them. (or here) North Korea however is now facing its dragon and vice versa so is South Korea. There is the possibility of Nuclear war and world war within its borders. This narrative is analysed in the West, however the West (which in some opinions is in deep trouble) has an opposing antagonist and alternative narrative which in this essay are merged. The reader can decide which is the more accurate and relevant narrative, and which is void of any sense entirely.
(n.b. North Korea also finances subversion in the west. 'Office, room ‘ also known as ‘Bureau 39' is the secret bureau in North Korea which funds these ‘active measures’ and arms deals. George Soros linked political think tanks and NGO's act in a similar way to North Korea (Soros who opposed Trump every step of the way in an ongoing feud, and who part funded Clinton's campaign) Soros believes China should lead the world into a new era or world order, as did Obama, and believes President Trump will not enter into a trade war with China. President Trump has scrapped TTP (Trans - Pacific Partnership) & TTIP ( Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership and should also scrap NAFTA however, It is inevitable if the west is to prosper in the future although it can be renegotiated in the short term (23.01.2017 & see also the adjacent website and the end of chapter 3 dated 01.01.2017) Nafta is as the USA strikes a deal with Mexico in August 2018. Canada wants to keep Nafta but since its accords became detrimental to the USA that is its problem. This issue came way down the list in Presidential election issues for the democrats in the USA. Soros funded and continues to fund the Islamic invasions of Europe and Britain and multiculturalism as a front for human trafficking, population displacement, drugs, porn and slavery and subversion of western culture. This is illegal trafficking / immigration in millions of people? which no other culture in history has borne. Russia, China do not allow unsecured borders, nor does Switzerland quite rightly. NK is a small country but with China and the east behind it they believe in unending war in any form and why Communism has killed more people in human history than many other systems combined.
The Nafta, USMCA (United States Mexico, Canada Agreement)
Central to China and its trade future are the former Nafta and USMCA agreements.
Inserted 7.6.2019 Having nearly scrapped Nafta, President Trump has signed a new trade agreement with Mexico and Canada now named as USMCA (United States Mexico - Canada agreement) see further down in this essay also) and has renegotiated it in record speed to the USA’s benefit. Canada held out with its view of pivoting towards China, which gave them advantage in the trade deal. The new deal does not violate protectionism (see YouTube Video; ‘Trump delivers remarks on US-Mexico-Canada Agreement’ ) and a new deal was also signed with the EU and which still has the US and the EU as sovereign nations, allowing them to sign deals with the rest of the world as sovereign nations. This is also the aim of Brexit (but not the ‘remain faction of Brexit’ ? ) They are both historic deals and other administrations have failed in this area. Although he EU trade deal does not end the trade war (the EU will import more soybeans and LNG liquid gas) as the EU still gives China a favourable deal instead of turning to the west. The US administration says tariffs enabled the new trade deals (tariffs = leverage in deals but negotiated from a position of strength ) The trade war with China continues, as China, Russia and Iran look to make a new currency backed by Oil and China still wants to lead the new world order in Petro – currency. Crypto currencies are not yet backed by energy pegging to oil or gold, although Venezuela in August 2018, have attempted to peg their Crypto currency to oil in their ongoing crisis.
The most serious part of the N.A.F.T.A. trade agreement which was in suspension is the attempt by the United Nations to dissolve the US borders and merge the 3 countries of USA, Canada and Mexico. This doctrine under the 10 or 11 spheres of influence in world global areas, requires the removal of the US constitution which began in 2001 and 9/11 and which seeks to supplant the US constitution to achieve those aims. To understand further see the adjacent website and Chapter 3 and heading '07.06.2016 The British European Brexit Referendum 23.06.2016 and the on-going Middle East genocide' and then subheading 'N.A.F.T.A and the 10 New World Regions or the 10 global spheres of influence (ten world regions)' The new NAFTA does tackle the border crisis (but see here 'American Voices' American Voices 'Don't Believe Illegals Are Crossing Into The US? Watch This' ) and Trump said it may have to renegotiated again for farmers and an end to globalized trade practices. Critics of this approach fail to realise that the US is $21 Trillion in debt and over 105% of GDP inherited from the last administration, and as all trade deals are either scrapped or re-negotiated, the final trade war with China is the final aim of the dire inherited situation the USA is in. The current attempt to revive manufacturing and trade to US advantage (in NAFTA) can still be scrapped at any time. Far from being complete the NAFTA agreement can still be changed fundamentally and is still not complete in any way (Politico article 01.10.2018 'The New NAFTA is not done yet' and will not be complete until farmers, industry and trade have fully recovered, in the precarious Global situation )
Critics of USMCA say it has elements of NAFTA within it which should be removed, (or even that it is worse although the dissolution of the USA as NAFTA / UN ensures has been removed) and that the US border with Mexico should be permanently closed down and a national emergency should be declared permanently (and in confirmation a recent court case in June 2019 suggests the US administration cannot be blocked and prevented an injunction from blocking department of defence funds for a wall and army security amidst also private wall building efforts ) President Trump also threatened a 5% tariff against Mexico unless it stopped facilitating illegal immigration into the USA , now estimated to be as high as 22 - 33 million illegal immigrants (trafficking and drugs) who do not have passports which could be used for voting but only over 3 years old ) A further proposal to attach a 5% tariff on imported goods is ongoing and will rise accordingly if illegal immigration is not stopped completely. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer who were once against illegal immigration have been accused of citing 'impeachment' as they are encouraging illegal immigration and are using it as a counter measure to ensure illegal immigration and trafficking continues. There is no compulsion for any country to have legal immigration never mind illegal immigration.The New President of Mexico has said he would tackle the Cartels, then changed his mind when he said that he would not, (amidst nearly 34,000 homicides in Mexico in 2018) but his plan looks the same as the old one which did not work. (El Chapo caught in 2016 and also again recently in 2019.The billions involved could easily pay for a wall, although the cost of crime is incalculable in Mexico and the USA) The award winning documentary Cartel land (or Trailer here ) shows how the Cartels want to ring fence the entire border on both sides to control the trafficking and illegals, who also come from Africa and Asia through the US Mexico border ? trafficked and having paid a comparative fortune, and who also (it seems) feel they can then vote in US elections ? (whilst moves to nullify the electoral colleges continues, but not in the US Supreme Court as yet in the Constitutional Republic of the USA. Americans if you see the irony cannot vote in Mexico or in Canada or anywhere else ?)
The documentary Cartel land shows how ordinary people as militias on both sides of the border worked to end the war which was bought upon the Mexican people who have lived in a virtual prison and under an illegal non state martial law for years (see also 'Mexican Drug War Documentary - Los Zetas vs the Sinaloa Cartel' ) Since this threatens the USA both existentially and constitutionally the US armed forces have a right to man the border under Martial law and should, and with the Militias on both sides. But the US army also has the constitutional right to enter Mexico to free it, as a literal invasion to remove the threat (which is reaching absurd heights) and in which Mexican armed forces are now threatening US soldiers ? In effect the situation is worse than any other War and could require 150,000 soldiers to end the situation quickly as an invasion and temporary occupation. (Mexico may feel 150,000 US troops sweeping over the border are illegal immigrants or an illegal caravan, yet many in the Mexican army may join with them, as there are also many Christians on both side of the border who want an end to the criminal madness )This should be done straight away, which also helps to put Mexicans in 'Mexico first' who have lived through a tragedy. If US troops can protect the border in North Korea (DMZ) they can protect their own land in the USA
17/18.01.2019 The USMCA trade deal has concluded
The background negotiations were completed by the Republicans and resisted by the Democrats who eventually passed it in the house of representatives because voters were noticing they were doing nothing. Nancy Pelosi and also to Chuck Schumer work for Mexico first which has the strictest immigration policy almost, in the world. A similar problem occurred when renegotiating the China trade deal which is now finished phase 1. This follows revelations that Diane Feinstein’s chauffeur was a Chinese spy, and Mitch McConnell became entangled in a love triangle with ...China. Further crony capitalism and lobbying so persuasive in international trade deals was kept out as far as possible in these deals. Many ‘progressive’ candidates are groomed into position just to take control of the finances of TAXPAYERS. Pressure was brought upon the Trump team by the Russia Hoax investigation and the Ukraine Hoax scandal impeachment drive. This effort at undermining the new trade deals ultimately reduced the ability as far as possible of the Republican’s efforts and reduced its strength, and therefore jobs and prosperity and that is the Democrat outsourcing corruption agenda defined. All this time they brought these hoaxes to reduce the US drive to re-invigorate the US ‘rust belt’ decline. Any US voters who cannot or have not realised this must be aware now of how absurd this is in the background of these deals.
To give an example the Mexican cartels were deemed as terrorists, but then this was changed ? a part of the USMCA negotiations ? if so by who. What about the 9 people killed in northern Mexico (woman and children in the LeBaron family) On the 17.01.2019 Congress passes a new budget bill including funding for the Mexican border wall. it is also incredible that both armies of the USA and Mexico are prepared to combat the cartels.
On the 17.01.2019 Congress passes a new budget bill including funding for the Mexican border wall. it is also incredible that both armies of the USA and Mexico are prepared to combat the cartels.
These negotiations were also known to Jerry Nadler of the US congress and Adam Schiff who is related to George Soros. James Comey says he was wrong to basically use the FISA warrants as surveillance, and then take note of ‘boundless informant’ by the NSA. Everyone wants security but is this the beginning of Obama’s Universal basic income dystopia, the disguise of totalitarian depopulation agenda 20/30 etc . Does the west want to end up like North Korea. US states are looking for local law enforcement as opposed to federal (what they mean is Washington corruption in anything is not functioning for them as voters, as opposed to removing the FBI per se) law enforcement, although international investigations and trafficking and paedophilia and drugs are rife across the USA. The original investigation in the Russia hoax was predicated on a Fisa warrant based on a foreign dossier by Christopher Steele with connections to Russia, although the process of compiling it began before Christopher Steele in the USA. Steele also had an affair with Ivanka Trump in the Scottish highlands before she was married (it is alleged) On October 31st 2017 Tim Kaine, Hillary Clintons Vice President pick admitted 'some elements' of the Trump dossier were paid for the Hillary Campaign a decision made by Hillary Clinton herself, and she admits it stating the 'Washington Free beacon' which comprises Libertarians and Republicans requested Fusion GPS to compile the Dossier in September 2015, but finding nothing they abandoned it and around the time Trump won the Republican nomination. Obama also paid GPS for the dossier.
Multi-nationals and Transnational corporations are used to their politicians smiling and taking millions or billions for themselves, whilst the fake news media spins a story to hide this sham and hide the fact they are lobbying to take away power from government and the people, yet the Democrats want the people to be poor consistently. The multinationals were kept out as far as possible. The new USMCA is not perfect but could have been much stronger but for democrat corrupt opposition. What it does is bring back a manufacturing base into the USA for the USA and for every state in the USA. This is in turn allows a greater leverage when dealing with China who have agreed to buy $50 billion from the USA (China as a nation which the democrats obsessively positioned to overtake the USA via the Clintons) who (in phase 2) are subsidizing their own product manufacturing, but who have had untold billions from the USA (democrats ) to rebuild it, over decades (The Clintons who also work mainly for the Chinese) and at the same time they have manipulated the currency exchange to give them a profitable outcome in the trade (deficits) of goods and services whilst using their technology to steal intellectual property (also from the fake patent office) whilst also implanting their microchips and logarithms into the surveillance systems of the USA (even into NSA or lower government offices with knowledge of Obama / Clinton but upon the population of the USA)
see Edward Snowden 'State of Surveillance' with Edward Snowden and Shane Smith (VICE on HBO: Season 4, Episode 13)’ & also see ‘Edward Snowden on exposing NSA surveillance: "I had produced a system that spied on everyone" and also see 2. Mr William (Bill ) Binney who also worked for the NSA Video(s) who is not a whistleblower but is looking after the security of the US population. North Korea and China have a slavery system it brings with it potentially as exists now for 1.4 Billion people in China everywhere and to everyone, and which was facilitated by Google’s Eric Schmidt and it is controlled by Artificial Intelligence William Binney NSA is next
1. 'A GOOD AMERICAN' 2017 & a second video 2 'NSA Whistleblower William Binney: The Future of FREEDOM' ) to in the end bring about the Orwellian / 1984 dystopia of total surveillance linked directly to your bank accounts incurring penalties (the crypto currency sham) if you point out (for instance in cultural marxism / critical theory) that a few idiots are walking around saying they have been born with the wrong ass, and therefore so has everyone else including children (etc) then you will be deducted credits for 'wrong ass criticism'. See the last post above dated 30.11.2019, and also Robert Lightizer (or to repeat it here.... USA. The US trade representative Robert Lightizer testifies on the China trade war. (video youtube ‘Lighthizer testifies on trade negotiations with China | Part 2’ and the new nafta. This revealing meeting also has fruit today as US garlic farmers say they are now coming out on top due to the tariffs policy. (see also chapter 3a in the adjacent website and the post in chapter 3a dated 17.11.2018 for more of the background and the post of 24.05.2019 on subheading Economic Nationalism) Lightizer restores the US constitution, whereas the Chinese system wipes away every nation on earth into total subjugation under liberal socialist (removal of free speech) communist depopulation agenda’s via the UN (United Nations) EU ‘crisis management’ and the Popes encyclical ‘Laudato Si’, which ironically believes it is following St Francis of Assisi to protect the environment but is a carbon tax scam to fuel a side income for the Vatican and China (see the last post above see all of chapter 3 and chapter 3a above) They are against the US constitution which now be restored to every courtroom at all levels in the USA.
After numerous investigations which are set to continue into criminal arrests, it has been hard for America and Americans to establish any connections or loyalties with the Democratic Party and the USA. For those who live in North Korea it must seem strange that elected representatives or those running the country are actually conducting trade deals for the nations benefit doing the job they were elected to do ?
Today (September 2018) Russia and China (or some of China’s divisions from its army) are preparing for war (and with war games) which could be precipitated by a monetary collapse or crisis debt collapse.
There is a misconception that Cultural Marxism is a form of the conversation Communism engages in, or follows on from, but the deceptive front of Cultural Marxism disguises the brutal reality of Socialist Marxism and its population reduction measures and strategies globally. Communism is a brutal system in practice (consistently) and it does not utilise cultural Marxism because to communism that belief system is for the sheep. They are not having the same conversation, there are no real political elections or debates or societal aims only 'active measures' against other nations. Communism is a population reduction and control system. George Bernard Shaw (who many believe was fooled by Stalin see the paragraph above near the beginning) once said "If all economists were laid end to end, they still would not reach a conclusion." but in context George Bernard Shaw was a great playwright and whit but he was also a Marxist Socialist who believed in population control and reduction. (here as mentioned defending Stalin's population reduction methods. Other methods include socialized medicine and eugenics which are a part and parcel of the ideology) In the opening paragraph defenders of this view suggest GB Shaw was misled (or was naïve) by Stalin, but as a Fabian society member this is doubtful, and it is clear what the doctrine is from the outset.
North Korea since in adopting Communism and since its many opponents in World War 2 and before, has become a prison, the world's largest prison, although many Islamic states are similar. The regime to maintain power also runs a system of misinformation and entrapment against its own population. There are people who are imprisoned deep in North Korea in camps and Jails which are very basic and which perform torture and drug experiments. Outside of these camps and prisons, the general populace are kept malnourished and drugs (hard and soft) are available to keep them confused and disorientated in the mind and weak in the body. A prison for the mind, deepened by fear and paranoia. Further the strict adherence to discipline neurotically kept and watched over is very harsh and making minor mistakes can cost an individual and their families their lives, in order to keep rebellions quashed. Loyalty is displayed by wearing or earning Kim Jong Un family badges. They (those trapped in North Korea which includes adults, the elderly and children and all levels of society) should be freed and liberated. Lastly the regime itself is imprisoned, making North Korea, a total prison all round and therefore an incredibly intense maze, isolated in time, with one media source (except for makeshift radio and internet) broadcasting propaganda everywhere including straight into North Koreans homes. They are largely unaware of western culture and views, but if western culture was fully revealed they may not like all they see. Total mind control and subjugation. (Despite this the North Koreans and South personalities show through)
The war in North Korea is a series of many wars not just with the USA, but also with Russia and Japan. The history of the West and China in conflict since world war up until today is complex. Russia fought a war with Japan on North Korean soil. Separate wars include wars with Japan and South Korea (a cold war) and also with the United Nations. Under General MacArthur and just following the end of World War 2, General Macarthur had won the war (WW2) and the unresolved situation in North Korea brought about the destruction of the Korean people's army (before the Korean Peninsula was partitioned on the 38th parallel) From 1950 there was a whole series of wars and battles. The battle of Seoul, the battle of Osan, the battle of Inchon, the battle of Bloody Ridge, the battle of Heartbreak Ridge, Pakchon and White horse and a series of operations and skirmishes. South Korea fought in Vietnam and the TET offensive, the Persian Gulf war, the battles of Yeonpyeong, Daecheong and in Aden. North Korea also fought against South Korea in the Yeonpyeong battles and the battle of Daecheong from 1999 to 2001. One battle, however, stands out from the rest and that is the 'battle of Chosin reservoir' The documentary on the battle is here ( video; 'Chosin Reservoir - Epic of Endurance | KOREAN WAR' or here on youtube 'Our Time in Hell: The Korean War' or here as an MP4 Video file )
In this offensive known as the battle of Choisn reservoir (27 November – 13 December 1950 ) many Criticized General MacArthur for leading men deep into North Korean territory, and into the freezing cold (it began late into November 1950? In the cold weather) and no one suspected? China would send troops into North Korea to fight against them, but this is not the total truth as MacArthur has already won the war and in this offensive had received bad advice. General George Patton some suggest wanted to continue the war into China and Russia, but the atom bomb was dropped on Japan on August 6th 1945. General Patton died in mysterious circumstances on December 21st 1945 in Heidelberg in Germany. Others suggest the UN (after WW2 had finished) was not of the same ilk, as the allied armies of WW2, a belief which persists ( with many verifiable instances) to this day. The Vietnam war was full of incidences known in advance, in which the Viet Cong knew the war plans of the US army, thanks to spies within US intelligence. Once the US army in General McArthur’s advance moved into Chosin and the Jhangjin Lake, China sent around 120,000 troops against the 30,000 UN, USA army who were largely Marines. The US army became bogged down, and aside from the overwhelming forces overrunning their four main positions, the intense cold fell to minus 30 centigrade with some reports of wind chill bring the cold down to minus 50 centigrade. Many soldiers in the US army literally froze to death where they slept, stood or sat, or they lost feet and toes or hands to frost bite (and in Chinas army and in North Koreas army also) They were forced to retreat by December 24th 1950. An incredible retreat of endurance and suffering. Some have said if these statistics were reversed and the action took place in Hawaii or similar then it is doubted any of Chinas army would have survived in a comparable situation, and as such it was not a victory for Chairman Mao who only had to send his troops a short distance.
Macarthur wanted to free the entire peninsula, but this action meant the retreat to the 38th parallel divided the country. Many US army soldiers were buried rigid in mass graves in North Korea by their comrades before the retreat. Some survivors near death said they fell asleep into warmth but were revived, having returned from death to endure being fired and shelled upon and a forced march (or truck ride) back to the 38th parallel and the awaiting armada of nearly 200 US ships in the great evacuation. Today North Korea has a joint security pact with China (made officially in 1961 but which obviously arose even before 1950, but China and NK also have severe disagreements) who also have Nuclear weapons, and today Kim Jong UN claims he cannot denuclearise North Korea. But since China (and most Nuclear countries) could destroy the earth, this claim is not true officially or unofficially and vice versa for the USA and South Korea. Kim Jong Un does not need nuclear weapons as China has a vast arsenal. North Korea detonated a Nuclear weapon 17 times larger than the WW2 bomb at Hiroshima in September 2017 underground causing a mountain to fall in height, and prompting General Mattis to suggest north Korea should be wiped off the face of the earth and annihilated If South and North Korea could unite and make a 'joint security pact' then this would be an incredible achievement for the Korean people, but more so for the North Korean people who are enslaved but again also for the Kim Jong Un dynasty who wants (it is his dream he has claims) to unite Korea.
North Koreans are in this prison and its brainwashing system but China has also responsibility for this condition under the unelected communist regime. Just how this system effects NK and the Chinese people today is seen in the next paragraphs. It is not pleasant and for the survivors of the Chosin war in North Korea (Korean, Chinese also) or any war (survivors from the USA) they may remember from these paragraphs what freedom meant or means and why they fought in what was a cruel and bitter experience in North Korea but one in which they went anyway.
North Korea believes in mind control to achieve obedience, it is called 'social engineering' in the west and it is straight out of George Orwell's '1984' or Aldous Huxley's 'Brave New World'. It is a stage to reintroduce Chariman Mao’s communism or Maoism. It is linked and mirrored by cultural Marxism and 'critical theory' Social engineering is simply the communist / socialist regime in a different guise and it is also the 'progressive' agenda in the west. It is Obama 'ism', i.e. (communist) disingenuous, false and, disguising a population reduction and control agenda, which includes abortion (over 50 Billion worldwide since records began) and from within health and towards genocide. The reduction of population doctrine is a large subject, but the control agenda begins subtly such as the current brainwashing the Chinese endure today. (this is the soft version as a front) See video OMGFacts on facebook 'China gives "social scores" that punish and reward its citizens' and it is total control gradually increased, it is beyond creepy and it is communism and socialism as it is meant to be. Watch further you tube 'Controversial Chinese Hotel Brainwashing' or here you tube 'China's Black Mirror Social Credit System' or here 'Brainwashed School Children in China 2009' or here 'Chinese Government Issues 'Brainwashing" Book List for Chinese Youth' or here 'Hong Kong parents fight China 'brainwashing' Note there is no multiculturalism or forced quotas upon its society, this communist ' active measure' (which is only forced upon the west) ploy also disguises the world trafficking movement, which is prevalent in the east and in Islam. See here North Korean defector describes being brainwashed article. Or you tube North Korean defector 'North Korea's Brainwashed Defectors Can't Cope in the Outside World' although he has not returned to North Korea or China as yet. See further 'how to brainwash a nation' from a described by Russian defector. Chinas new development is simply how obedient you are to Communism (in all its forms) as opposed to blowing them off the face of the earth. You tube; 'Declassified - Chairman Mao' who simply followed Stalin's model until 1962.
The big data digital dystopian dictatorship is in Asia nothing more than a modern version of Chairman Maoism or Stalinism or Pol Pot, mixed with modern Facial recognition technology, state surveillance powered by AI (artificial intelligence) 24/7 all faced with hundreds of millions of cameras to suppress the watch and control the population. It is the same technology the west is installing and big data companies, social media / networking and tech companies are editing search engines and putting pressure on governments outside of their remit or right to do so, (towards a communist / cultural marxist ideal even banning centre or 'right wing' groups) yet the west believes this type of creeping dictatorial communist oligarchy could not occur in the free world. In the USA the Republicans have signed a law protecting free speech on all University Campus and institutions and for everyone.
North Korea has been used to test these notions, even before installing camera’s and facial recognition, But first consider the following videos on China and North Korea. 1. ‘Exposing China's Digital Dystopian Dictatorship | Foreign Correspondent’ 2. ‘China to assign social credit scores to citizens by 2020’
3. ‘China's TERRIFYING Social Credit System’ (or longer version here ‘CHINA’S SOCIAL CREDIT SYSTEM IS THE MOST TERRIFYING THING EVER’ )
4. ‘This Is Why Most North Korean Defectors Are WOMEN’
North Koreans cannot leave the Hermit Kingdom, yet also now in China the social credit score (the same as Obama’s Universal basic income) which is trivial in its appraisal methods is also preventing people from travelling, working and socializing ! (and more) The Guardian newspaper reports (so far that we know of) that 23 Million people have been prevented from flying or travelling around China's regions (Chairman Mao began this way, and 'Cultural Marxism' is just a bridge towards the oppression of free thought, speech and liberty. See also the YouTube video ‘ ‘Mao's Great Famine’ in which money was abolished and ‘points’ for behaviour ( work points) were removed. It is a control system also infiltrating Africa with ironically Sharia law. China has banned Islam (see video 1 above in which many Muslims are interned in towns which are in reality prison camps, yet China also bans Christianity and Buddhism and the Falun Gong or any faith or belief contrary to its own. Islam in the west is pushed by the left ?) Many also believe Taiwan should have sterner defences Whilst the USA and others are accepting ‘Confucius schools’ China is destroying Christian churches, rewriting the bible and going door to door persecuting Christians. (unlike Russia which has replaced Lenin statues with Jesus Christ) and demanding China take down pictures of Jesus Christ and replace them with President Xi Jingping who is of course just a man. This is what they did with the Falun Gong and the Dalai Lama, and the Umbrella uprisings of 2014 (Hong Kong Umbrella uprisings of 2014) can this be allowed to continue by western nations, and whilst the west levies sanctions against China, should it go further and take over the OBOR project as a western project. This dystopia within the 5G / 6G technological intrusions come as the UK defence secretary Gavin Williamson is fired for speaking out or leaking that Chinese company Huawai is to bring the technology (winning the contract) into Britain. Huawai is also making inroads into the USA and it is being resisted but the USA states it cannot comepet with their technology yet allowing more of its products into the USA. China has in any case sidelined the US government and is taking over Silicon valley without restrictions (in the approaching war)
This is Cultural Marxism, it is not the practice (in reality) of hard-line communism (an experiment in this area is occurring in Venezuela 2016 - 2019)
The unelected 'big government' totalitarian population reducing brainwashing system, which in the future will mean the cashless society, (as Obama's ‘basic income’ is, just another communist ploy, and the same as the Chinese current social engineering 2 paragraphs above) It is a method of accepting a lower standard of living without liberty in an engineered financial crash. A cashless society with no food (as in Venezuela recently) and China previously, or only limited supplies of inferior quality food, and societal control by 'social funds' (not to be confused with 1930's social credit movement) or electronic money only and/or the micro chipped society. (The government in reality has no rights over the people and serves the people only or it should) In the west the left promise reform or progression but in reality it is the same agenda in its beginnings as Chairman Mao and Stalin, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Min etc.
China is also having a President run for a third term. Xi Jinping's can now rule indefinitely ( see also You tube video 'China's Leap Toward One Man Rule Should Alarm the World' 6.3.2018.
In the modern era (2008 – 2016) the ‘pivot to Asia’ under Obama was really a pivot to Communism and by currency manipulation China became stronger in trade terms but its debts are now 300 % of GDP. Russia is around 13 to 15 % of GDP, which is good for them. This began in the modern era in 1996 but also under the democrats. Can the USA can turn this trade deficit around by tariffs ? but how ? did it all begin ? In the 1996 United States campaign finance controversy which was the attempt by the Chinese Republic to buy the Democrats is how all occurred, since Richard Nixon's 'policy of engagement' with China in the 1960's to Obama's Global policy of engagement in 2009, which did not just effect the USA but also Britain and the EU, with its restrictive manufacturing philosophy. America is paying for China and their armaments build-up in effect as the currency merges and combines inn the Trillions which are traded every day? yet domestic manufacturing long term and jobs in the USA are reducing in the plan since 1996? (President Nixon eventually came off the Gold Standard and into the Petro Dollar system)
This system continues today and post 9/11 the world economic collapse of 2007 / 2008 due to the ‘subprime mortgage’ crisis and the collapse of Lehman brothers which was one of the few financial systems which was not bailed out (see chapter 1 and 2 above ) This crash was eased by QE or Quantitative easing (the recycling or buying of debt bonds), this QE is coming to an end in 2018 to be replaced by QT or Quantitative Tightening, which will cause the dollar to return to the USA or to source (less in circulation as opposed to the waterfall of dollars globally from 2009 – 2016). The IMF who warned in 2016 that the world was $152 Trillion dollars in debt. In August 2018, the estimate is $164 Trillion dollars in debt with some forecasts bringing this up to $200 Trillion dollars, and the IMF have warned nations to reduce their debt exposure as a prudent objective. QE is going to add to that concern, and China amidst the trade wars and tariffs has 300 debt to GDP ratio. Many nations may be pushed into a cyber currency alternative in the east.
Today the Iran deal is casing the current investigations in the USA (the Russia investigation) although the public are not told this. Putin and Trump are opposed to each other over the Iran deal, a fact the ‘Russia investigation’ does not mention.
From 2008 to 2016 and today Obama was/ is a communist. The Globalised and homogenised trade which is really communism leading to Monopoly without competition and which would eventually rely on a 'universal basic income' (here pushed by Obama) which is an idea of communism and which as mentioned leads to subsistence living, with low dignity and substandard food and quality of life for billions (see the model for this in the Venezuelan crisis or also described here, which is a deliberate and engineered experiment ongoing, see posts above.) Essentially Venezuelans would have to shut down the government and take over and adopt localism and a working currency whilst keeping cash not just crypto currency. 'MO' in the M0 to M4 money designation does not interfere or hinder 'energy inflation' but operates separately keeping inflation low and prices stable, again see chapter 2 above) As usual the model relies on high unemployment not 100% employment and sweat shop labour etc. Pushed by Obama who is a multi-millionaire, and who contributes to Global warming by flying around the world warning people about Global warming. Obama pushed for the original TTP also which ushers in this dystopia.
This Chinese New World Order version occurs whilst maintaining its silk road OBOR 'one belt one road' global scheme, claiming it is peaceful and a separate peaceful trade block, yet then it also wants to join the global SDR currency, Russia has also called for a new world order led by Russia and China which has support also of China's President and the new currency deal with Russia (Russia and China together possibly ) was signed in 2014. In other words both China and Russia with Iran are vying to begin the new world order controlled by them. The Iran deal was a part of this hegemony. China et al seeks to take over the World bank and IMF. For China to achieve this it would need a new world currency which would have to be agreed with Japan, Russia, the EU, Britain, America and this new IMF 'XDR' is already being floated but which 'bloc' or power will control it ? will any control it in the end ? (to replace the Dollar) The IMF (SDR) would become a new currency, you cannot join the World bank unless you first agree to partake of the IMF fund or new the new 5 powers bloc fund. The World bank decides over the IMF (not the other way around ) The USA asked for reform of Chinas access to the World bank in October 2017 and China is a member, its two main banks are trying to control and eliminate the World bank. which is based in Washington along with the IMF, its sister bank. China obtains more energy contracts through its own banks but also through the world bank than any other nation including the USA in finance 2008 - 2017. Rex Tillerson and Exxon Mobil are aware of developments, including the need for the USA, Britain and the EU to harvest the oil and gas of the artic, which is why he was 'let go' as the world could move from a petro – dollar. The vast world debt which If suddenly cancelled could usher in China to take control of the world bank if caused by a ‘crisis. Russia's debt to GDP ratio is only 13% compared to 80 % or 120% in every western country. The Crypto currency decentralised network is also known as the ‘bancor sdr decentralised liquidity network’ which is growing globally every day and the bancor is in effect a crypto currency token now. Yet as we have already read China wants to control the New World order. This would usher in Communism which Russia and China have in effect rejected as a financial model as they are now capitalist countries, but with a communist vanguard, but the west could become communist with a proposal for a 'basic income' for all people which is communism by another name, (as Obama is touting) and which as an idea is not attractive. Now, access to the new SDR (bancor SDR currency drawing rights which is in effect a crypto currency if all currency is online only without circulating cash as in the MO designation (see chapter 2 above )With Russia, China, Europe, Britain and the USA this new system will / could collapse the Dollar, no matter what tax plans are introduced now although they are helping the working and middle class, after Obama's pivot to Asia years, in which Obama said the USA (but really all the west) and its economy must go down whilst other nations catch up, yet all nations are to go down in effect under this proposed system
The City of London the bancor crypto currency, Keynes and blockchain, John Maynard Keynes (whose name is given to ‘Keynesianism’ and its deficit sending ethos. The deficit which is never paid down, largely ate into middle class wealth, which ‘Localism’ wishes to avert whilst trading nationally and exporting any excess) under the Bretton Woods agreement of 1944 / 1945, but is now resurrected as crypto currency bancor with blockchain technology to bring in Obamas ‘basic income’ = communism. Yet in China it is simply fascism and North Korea as a model as a hoped-for export globally. Obama feels that society cannot make its own decisions and this is the context of his speech in meaning (by big government and oppression)
The Washington post in relation to the ‘Watergate scandal’ of the 1960’s (Nixon went to China to effect a better trade deal) related many of the facts previous to 1965 in Asia and the USA which were not then fully understood or known. ‘The Post’ ( a recent film in 2018) begins in or around 1965 and leads up to 1971 and the Supreme court's decision to publish the Pentagon papers relating to the events surrounding the Watergate scandal. The film which also goes into the Watergate break ins and ends there in 1972 with the subsequent court case. The break ins were made to discover information on the Pentagon papers, and its publisher Daniel Ellsberg, (a US photographer who accompanied the troops photographing them in combat in 1965 in Vietnam) it was his efforts and later assertions that the war was not going well which became the mantra. He became an anti-war activist in 1969.
President Kennedy, the democrats and Vietnam 'Cable 243' of August 1963. Yet another real 'Watergate' today , i.e. the scandal like the current Russia investigation and the Uranium 1 and Clinton foundation Muslim brotherhood Obama Christian Genocide scandal (Clinton & Obama were also busy from 2008 – to 2016 changing the law for Transsexual toilets to be shared with minors and children whilst the Iran deal, the pivot to Asia and the Uranium 1 scandal were underway) and that is similar to the 'Cable 243' sent to the Nationalists in South Vietnam in August 1963 (only 3 months before President Kennedys death in November 22nd 1963) Cable 243 here mentioned by the council of foreign relations or here by the Huffington Post was sent by President Kennedy with orders to assassinate President Ngo Dinah Diem of the nationalist republic of Vietnam. Diem was a stable competent leader who had been persuaded to turn against the Buddhists although the Buddhists were a military faction armed and had committed acts of violence in turn. Many Buddhist's state in fact some of the factions were simply Marxist-Leninist Viet – Cong Chinese paid soldiers disguised as Buddhists. Kennedy however asserted that the authority to send the cable was not properly obtained by Michael V Forrestal who worked in the Kennedy administration, and after it was sent he later denounced its sending but too late for south Vietnam. Indeed Forrestal admitted later he had only obtained partial authority and not the full cabinet or generals. Ngo Dinh Diem was assassinated on November 2 1963 (20 days before Kennedy). It was the democrats who destabilised Vietnam, as the Nationalists were a stabilizing force and that stabilisation ended with Diem. ( last link declassified Kennedy papers ) However the destabilisation caused Chairman Mao to fight in China and Vietnam and order a takeover of US intelligence points where possible in the USA. Future governments in South Vietnam were ineffectual. China took advantage of this and poured troops into North Vietnam from 1962 and into 1963 and after Diems death they moved to advance into the South of Vietnam. This was all a apart of the international expansion of communism which incredibly was being assisted within the USA with simultaneous protests (and to expand communism all over Asia) and which led to the Gulf of Tonkin incident in august 1964. This is the real ‘Watergate’ and the beginnings of the Vietnam war.
Chairman Mao of course ransacked (and /or subjected people to brainwashing techniques to abandon their faith and join him) Tibet and Nepal and any Buddhists residing in China. The Dalai Lama and millions of people were evacuated to India in 1959 to escape death. The Christian communist and the nationalists in Vietnam (Christians or not) had lived in relative peace with Buddhists up until the Chinese communist revolution. Should general MacArthur and General Patton have finished what they started in the east and would a unified Korea be now better off with a joint security pact to support each other as all nations have.
In considering North and South Korea which is partitioned as one country into two, there are parallel doctrines opposing each other in the country. Currently there is a deadlock in the Hegelian dialectical impasse formed by opposing sides. Communism and Capitalism are the most obvious although there are differences in types of Capitalism and the Soviet Stalinist's did not always get on with the Chinese Maoists, yet they still unite against the west, despite the differences. Underlying these two outward forms of opposing (which in eastern cultures is sometimes necessary in the yin and yang of eternity) are the underlying ancient cultures which in North Koreas case has fused ancient Daoist beliefs but in shadow form only, with Maoist doctrines to produce a hybrid country. North Koreans would say they are unique in the world and certainly in communism. North Korea as the working-class proletariat oppose the capitalist western culture they separated themselves from.
Today the working class are replaced by minorities (instead) who oppose 'oppressive paradigms' such as western cultural norms as is explained in the following video (which can be entered into a search engine if the links is broken) Un - Cultural Marxism (see this video link in this title first called "what is critical theory" & version which is 7 minutes 36 seconds long, (or here once more or here again ) or here as a MP4 Video file before reading on to understand "critical theory" and Cultural Marxism)
The 2014/ 2015 film ‘The Interview’ set in North Korea Much of this information on North Korea also details political and philosophical theories not just in academic terms but also how they manifest or work within society in practice and in reality (This is not to say that all attempts by men and woman to improve society are futile far from it) Many of the practiced theories (spiritual and political) actually date from antiquity and many do not originate in the west, (Taoism for example, see the first few paragraphs above) although they eventually appear as academic studies in the west. Many modern ideas are simply older ideas rehashed. Most originate in the east and evolve from Secular Humanism, evolution, communism and/or socialism. Today they have evolved in the west into a mania which attempts to give the impression they have grown out of the grass roots working class movements, or that they have grown out of any societal yearning, when they are in fact imposed systems from outside of the political class. Political correctness has (almost) replaced rational thought as one example. 90 % of the information below (on North Korea) was added before the film "The Interview" appeared in cinemas (which is a 21 + years of age film in some scenes ) The opening song from the film suggests a thaw in North South relations, according to the film. The girl in this last clip will of course grow up to be either 'stand-offish', cold, icicle or way down into liquid nitrogen level. A product of the cold war, the Korean war and the current North Korean brainwashing system. Woman within the older philosophy of Confucius and its thinking, and which is perpetuated under the socialist communist regimes (in China and North Korea) were regarded as second class citizens. This can be contrasted against the Amazonian woman of the Scythian era (and the Scythian kingdom extended into Mongolia and China. These details are further down this essay)
Conversely another clip from the film also shows North Koreans embracing US culture (sort of) i.e. the North Korean 'cowboys' Whilst NK can seem to be bizarre and that view is reflected in the film it is also a country of 25 million people who have suffered famine, strict discipline of the unhealthy kind and gulag internment, yet it is not all bad in North Korea in the Capital and the capital bourgeoisie, the elite Marxist Maoists & Leninist's are enjoying themselves at the expense of the Marxist proletariat (but are consoled that at least they have secure borders, zero immigration and are not xenophobic as Marxists ) Most people do not not seem to enjoying their stay in North Korea however.
Chairman Mao in China managed to produce gulags and large scale famine (and as a marxist maoist managed to kill at least 50 million woman ) but incredibly this was not enough for the communists of the day. They believed people should suffer happily even whilst starving, to serve the leader and their country. You can see this in documentaries on China and Mao towards the end of this essay, but it could also explain much of why North Korea is the way it is, or the way it seems. Our Western view of North Korea could be completely in error, but since Humanist Communist societies (progressive Marxism) are held to be the pinnacle of human achievement or the ideal system or accomplishment humanity can aspire towards as a society, these paragraphs on North Korea try to examine the country and its people from the available evidence including tourist opinions and photos, whilst also disregarding as absurd some of the more modern 'progressive stack' 'pc' nonsense, which has filtered westward from Marxist thought. They (North Korea) also regard the west as a strange 'country' or system. North Koreans including President Kim Jong Un (although a vote has not tested this theory in North Korea or across its two halves) do not want to join the west and its system under any circumstances and they point out South Koreans female President is under attack for corruption charges (for coming under the influence of a cult who are corrupt) and under public demonstration she is being asked to step down from her office. Both have opposing modern political ideologies. Aside from the conflict of capitalism and communism and the totalitarian nature of Islam or Communism (which mastered conditioning and control under Stalin and in partitioned North Korea, although in North Korea to make matters worse, bitterly resent the Wests actions in North Korea ) a new oppression of 'political correctness' nonsense/speech is imprisoning the west (and east) like the conditioning thought police of '1984' (into the absurd) or the ironically labelled 'brave new world'.
The best way to understand how many political theories develop is to read the book by Ian Taylor 'In the Minds of men' ( or here ) which is exhaustive and accurate, and is excellent research. Taylor a scientist had the freedom to trace the theories and his incredible book which was compiled over many years, should be compared against or read alongside humanist social sciences or philosophical science books to bring a balance. The fact that anyone managed to compile the origins of philosophical thought (from Thales to Dewey) forward to the modern era, is in itself a feat of endurance. It is necessary to understand the origins of philosophical thought and compare it to the east, as China has suffered the loss of 80 million people (some estimates give 145 - 150 million over his entire totalitarian reign) in its cultural revolution, and North Korea is oppressed, and it is a partitioned country which hopes for reunification. North Korea's and China's past and its current situation are tragic and horrific with many details still unknown to western minds. In the west these ideas are sown into society slowly with bizarre and absurd consequences. What you read below is all true in or out of debates or political practice or observance and not science fiction. In short you could not make it up.
The Soviets of course were masters at subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) brainwashing techniques (which are/were employed on nearly 1.5 billion people in Soviet Russia, Communist China, Asia, Arabia, Eastern Europe and throughout the world.
The question many ask however is; what is ‘Cultural Marxism and Critical Theory’ actually?
One further invention to understand is the system of the 'progressive stack' (or here as MP4 Video file ) which reclassifies perceptions of society social standings and everything it (only ) feels is relevant or important but which then excludes many also (it does not mention the very wealthy in China, South America, Muslim countries and Russia ?)
What the Soycialists of America (to repeat ‘SOYCIALISTS OF AMERICA’ or here or here as a MP4 file ) do not tell you. (the 'jazz hands' and other hand signals were a part of the occupy movement in 2010/2011 also, and were in efect brought in to stifle debate into 'progressive stack' lists usually ending in those who were pre-chosen to speak) The last video here cuts off just before a Chinese Communist tank bursts through the back wall, and flattens a third of the room, killing them instantly (a recent example of tanks in Hong Kong August 2019, and see ‘The Truth About the Hong Kong Protests’ prior to the five demands and after their first demand was met, and which is not a ‘colour revolution’ as they are fighting Maoism and Communism as also the new social credit slavery system which is also now in the USA) The other 1/3 were removed for organ harvesting, with the last 1/3 sent to gulags for re-education. Yet the ‘Soycialists’ were still waving ‘Jazz hands’ or complaining they were ‘mis-gendered’ as they were put on the surgeons table in Communist Beijing to remove their actual gender parts ( or here or over the years for the Fulan Gong and the links show recent tribunals confirming the ‘medical practice’ of selling organs for money from the millions of prisoners in the thousands of internment camps) or still shouting its 'triggering my anxiety' as they were led away to the reeducation camps. The peoples paid representatives in Soycialism are the useful idiots who are the first to be shot along with the ‘intellectuals’ Contrary to many views the intelligence services oppose these ideologies.
There is no mention that this secular Humanist approach to pregnancy or climate ‘healthcare’ is the pantheist Spinoza view of earth first and ‘humans’ second philosophy (see later on below) The media also repeated each other on the ‘dire warning’ of the end of the world in 12 years ( exactly 20/30 ?) It is of course nothing to do with environmental concerns. Similar claims by the United Nations dating back to 1989 were made concerning the year 2000. In 1998 rising sea levels could destroy the earth the UN warned in 1989, and by the year 2000 we would be underwater. See video ‘The End Is Nigh! Over 40 Years Of Doomsday Predictions In Media’ In 2019 we have seen the rise of Extinction Rebellion who are the occupy movement mark 2. Consider the following videos. ‘ The Truth About Extinction Rebellion’ Apr 26. In 2019 or the next video ‘Extinction Rebellion Are Paid Professional Demonstrators - The Proof!’ A recent article states they are paid by Soros. Melting ice caps (with a higher mass than liquid water) reduces sea levels as they melt by displacement, but it seems they are not melting in any case, and this is according to Leonard Nimoy and scientists who formed a consensus in 1979 (video “Ice Age Scare 1979 Leonard Nimoy” Captain James Kirk and Scotty think Spock has been in space too long, and has lost his Vulcan mind. However we will ‘live long and prosper’ and certainly more than 11 years ? why are Democrats even bothering to stand for election if the world ends in 11 years ? They could stand down until 2031)
Summary of the Green Climate Change Carbon scam (and see the end of Chapter 3 above)
1. Russia Hoax MSM same script for fake news and CNN (danger to our democracy) MP4 FILE ) 2. Democrats Announce Date World Will End Green Climate change hoax MP4 FILE 3. The End Is Nigh! Over 40 Years Of Doomsday Predictions In Media compilation of climate change hoax MP4 FILE 4. Ice age scare edited Leonard Nimoy Spock MP4 FILE or full 20 min film on Bitchute all leading to the the solution: Global Cap and Trade tax scam.see end of chapter 3
5. Will melting ice cause water level to rise MP4 FILE 6. The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary HD MP4 FILE 7. The Truth About Extinction Rebellion MP4 FILE 8. “Environmental Scares_ Yesterday and Today” - Rupert Darwall MP4 FILE 9. Patrick Moore – The Sensible Environmentalist MP4 FILE 10. Carbon Dioxide is Making The World Greener (w_ Freeman Dyson, Institute for Advanced Studies) MP4 FILE
In 1979 it was estimated that a tax was needed (climate-carbon tax see the end of chapter 3 ) to the tune of 37 or 39 $Trillion to cover ice with a black soot to prevent the ice from taking over the world (see vids above & no 4) or they Nuke the Ice. There is no emergency except a desire to create new taxes on everyone, overseen by the UN and IPCC and Agenda 20 / 30 / 50 This type of crisis management is directed by the EU but from the UN as an excuse to increase your taxes (whether they are carbon credits or any taxation. It is simply the communist population reduction policy inaction of the UN climate agenda 20/20- 20/30 - 20/40 and for a communist 'vanguard assembly' not a constituent assembly with 5G / 6G + rollout in the '4th industrial revolution')
Much of the indoctrination in some political theories comes from the Frankfurt School of social theory See also video 'SJW Explained properly Everyone should listen and understand or here as MP4 video file and also youtube video CULTURAL MARXISM - The Corruption of America or here as MP4 video file see also 'common purpose' in the paragraphs below but both began in east Germany before the Berlin wall came down and in Russia. Members including Adorno and Herbert Marcuse the Frankfurt school members moved to Columbia University and began to undertake a Psyops operations upon the entire public of the USA. Neurotic sociology to destroy the family, as Chairman Mao had also undertaken, when even the children of the 'cultural revolution' reported, jailed and executed their own parents for political correctness mistakes and 'hate speech' against the communist vanguard (families were moved into communes and parents separated and 'unmarried' and away from their children, which sounds like the modern family court and divorce system )
Today a whole layer of 'Bureaucracy' in the USA and congress allows star chamber secret meetings to try to impeach a President which is straight out of the Soviet totalitarian system (OCT / NOV 2019) but also allows lobbyists to buy congress and their votes, and impose ever-increasing taxes or new debts. Previously the 'Russia investigation' found to be a hoax and discredited was largely managed by unelected officials (see The Greatest Scandal in American History in the navy type in the headings below or at the end of this chapter for directions) The democrats have spent their time in Congress doing nothing but looking for impeachment ideas and changing the House rules to allow for an 'administrative impeachment' over both houses of Congress ? but outside of the US constitution. It has also emerged that "three Democratic senators pressured the Ukrainian government last year to help special counsel Robert Mueller investigate Mr. Trump" according to the Washington Times. ? which is what the democrats are alledging against Trump. The inquiry has not been voted upon by the US House of Representatives but consists of a written inquiry sent to the White House, issued by Nancy Pelosi the speaker of the House, who may put the vote for it to the house, yet this then allows for an investigation into the Russia investigation itself, and then to place a case to bring in term limits on house members. The White House replied to her inquiry by letter, stating the inquiry is not an 'impeachment inquiry' as recognized by the US constitution. The letter contains the name of Adam Schiff who is allegedly married to George Soros son ? according to the New York Times and who (Soros) was also at the center of the Russia Hoax with Obama and Clinton. Soros has helped Adam Schiff’s career it is also alleged. If this is true why has George Soros not been arrested for what is termed the Purple revolution coup de taut ? (see also youtube video 'Stalin's secret Police' here 'Stalin's Secret Police (full documentary)' or the book by Michael Schoenhals (Chairmans Mao's secret police) Spying for the People; Mao's secret agents. Stalin also spied on Mao and vice versa. When the Soviet revolution failed in 1917 in its first vote, instigating Lenin's red terror as the first election he had, it then forced a vanguard on the people in Russia, it then moved to expand internationally but failed, and then it became a paranoid secret totalitarian repressive state-run dystopia, before the Soviet system collapsed in the late '80s and 90's, cultural marxism became the new system to introduce socialism into communism worldwide )
Education is also eroded and undermined by classic soviet brainwashing techniques applied to an entire university or education syllabus (video youtube ‘this video is becoming a reality day by day’ or here the same youtube video ‘Modern Educayshun’ or here or here again as a MP4 Video file which is a parody but is actually really happening and another ‘parody’ it is hoped yet people are being 'fined' for someones contrary opinion of 'free speech'. See the following youtube video ‘Being a Social Justice Warrior - Ultra Spiritual Life episode 88’ ) 'Hate speech' as narrowly defined by the vanguard has recently been rejected by the US supreme court as an 'exception' to the 1st amendment of the US constitution (19.6.2017 in in Matal v. Tam, the "Slants" case:) It was (i.e. hate speech so-called) another active measure spread by soviets and perpetuated by cultural Marxists today and is why the Democrat party in the USA perpetuate the 'Russia' investigation' in order to remove the 1st amendment (and 2nd & 4th) as was Obama & Clinton's plan. A case in point concerns Obama's banning of Muslim terrorists by executive order in 2015/2016 without concern. (Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015) Yet under the Republicans, it is a controversy which must be challenged in the Supreme court and there are many examples of duplicity and selective hate speech examples.
Cultural Marxism and critical theory asserts that white men (and white woman but to a lesser extent ) are inherently oppressive, racist and sexist, xenophobic, homophobic etc… (see the video above "un-cultural Marxism") To learn these ideas and the Maoist indoctrinations which assert these beliefs, subjects or those joining are taught politics, history and economics and Cultural Marxism debating points from that perspective, and are tested to hone their debating abilities. It is similar to ‘common purpose’ and also psyops ‘perception management’ which seeks to sway minds and elections by troll bots and mass media swamping of misinformation (yet the soviets invented it with simultaneous population control and mass genocide ) to begin counter propaganda theories for political candidates who are useless in themselves and are essentially fake. In Britain ‘Common purpose’ amongst others was enlisted to change the entire nation into a passive acceptance of migration and poverty. It begins in University of course but activists are trained to be above protesters to guide and steer the rest. They have a test (as one example and it could be on any subject) which comprises a video of various woman, in which men are shown to never look in a woman's eyes but everywhere else, especially the eyes of non - white woman, to prove they are sexist and racist which is or should be about the point you realise something is instinctively wrong, (very wrong) you can then take the test to appraise your ability to focus in on woman eyes rather than alternative areas and you are awarded a score. (e.g. 20 = sexist & 60 would be not as sexist but still sexist etc) It would be impossible to achieve 100% unless you were dead or gay, but in any case you are left with the feeling of ‘what’s the point’ and other similar questions. They get paid for this and other tests and then analyse the results scientifically (and based upon other surveys and past elections and polls) and which are then used for demographics and statistics of cultural norms in every country worldwide and it is turned into a science as political science, not to be rational but for destructive purposes. It is in effect systematic racism. Fed into the computer and analysed grid reference by grid reference, on every age group. It is not natural, but a sophisticated marketing ploy by minorities but who do reveal themselves as the 'minorities' critical theory claims to represent. Ultimately it only proves how pointless and ridiculous the whole exercise is in the first place. They would do the same against any majority on any continent, and they have numerous and varied tests which provide political data, including the "Whiteness" test. How white are you ? North Koreans have not been subject as yet to this new doctrine (i.e. critical theory) where minorities replace the working class, their communism predates "critical theory". North Korea is also regarded as a "Funny and Luddite country" who are conditioned to dress in the same clothes and same hairstyles like actors (in the capital) by diktat. North Korea in turn thinks the west is strange and to be avoided and shunned. Kim the current leader however is an elite in NK, who also lived and studied in the west. Woman are oppressed in NK, but in the west many suspect the 'academic pointy- heads' are engaging in idiocy, and have too much time on their hands (like inventing 60 fake "gender types")The "Marxist libtard test", as "9 out of 10 libtards said" etc, is one which should be included on the course. What would North Korean people think of an alternative "sexist / racist / xenophobic" test if they took one and would they enjoy it, what would they think of an alternative assessment of NK like this chapter. Are we glad we are not in North Korea. Can white men all be grouped into these same categories and be labelled definitively (see next 5 paragraphs and this paragraph onward)
An example (although of course poverty does exist and there are groups who need social consideration such as the disabled, disabled veterans etc) is the SJW workers who as a minority are hijacking a movement and it is a conspiracy at its higher level Social Justice 'Warrior' Cult which is obsessed with 'identity politics' and video and see you tube video ( * bad language warning; to find last video " SJW Explained properly - Everyone should listen and understand" 'SJW Explained properly Everyone should listen and understand' ) were trained elsewhere by 'common purpose' (who are explained below), and others and under scrutiny, to establish their narrative by reaction to tests on sexism, gender, economics, politics history etc to enable shout down political debate drowning out all others. The one on being 'sexist' is particularly impossible for heterosexual men or woman which shows how they are targeted as a 'outdated cultural norm' especially if they are white men and woman. (overall they are also 'soviet active measure )They then infiltrated social movements such as 'the occupy' Social Justice 'Warriors' and their con ( to find last video the 'social justice scam artists' the 'sharia law of the west' but as a video may have been taken down but showed the extortion of individual leaders of the so called SJW groups) who have deceived all the protesters. Next video called the ' the social justice scam ' which points out they scammed the protesters and the church, protestant and catholic with good deeds or perhaps not so good deeds. Supposedly against statism it is fronted by controlling soviet style entities which have no achievement only to control. Many took made money from the causes and took the money from the oppressed minorities the same as an extortion racket would. Social justice (video; SJW Progressive Stack idiots' ) warriors like this were trained by 'common purpose' and others who also hijacked the protests. There were of course millions of protesters worldwide, ordinary everyday people. Common Purpose are not 'conservative' in origin in Britain or the EU or even any working or middle-class initiative. In the EU they encourage any form of instability, and even the EU is rejecting its ideas. It is even rejected by the EU think tanks, who have changed position and direction, largely because its policies are nothing to do with the working class, manufacturing or jobs, nothing to do with the middle class or any class as its associated organisation relates. It also promotes Islam above the traditional faith. Like North Korea it is a hybrid communist idea. Lunatics) Aside from critical theory there is also a briefer explanation of the ever increasing layers of identity (to find last video; "BRILLIANT: German Politician Mocks PC, Addresses Parliament in 60 Different Genders" in you tube) and classification which is also shown here as the 'progressive stack' (Manufacturing and exports and/ or common sense are hijacked in any discussion as one example) The Identity test and scoring system and / or 'Whiteness test' ( really ? how white are you ?) and critical theory, the system of classification of 'types' turned into a neurotic system of manic causes and endless distinctions which are never addressed and the genuine people are left mystified. In other words this movement was not generated in the working or middle class but in a think tank outside the west, then imported into Universities and is completely artificial. It is scientific and blends many 'types' of neurotic ideas (not just non-existent sexism or racism, but it creates them first) but they are not beneficial, organic or wholesome. It is a form of fascism. Countries like North Korea (its control perfected in a closed system on whole populations and to monitor and to watch their reaction) exports terrorism, and also soviet brainwashing which is evident in the movement i.e. a cult according to those who have left it (See also chapter 2 above and the heading 'The deliberate failure? of the "Occupy" movement ' near the top of chapter 2,and also chapter 4 and the heading 'Family planning as an ideology'& under it the heading 'The USA & the Presidential, National and State elections November 2016 and the media' )
If you don’t like Capitalism (and Bernie Sanders is a Millionaire, like many elite Communists and including Fidel Castro leader of the Cuban revolution who was actually a Nationalist and also a Billionaire so Castro was a Nationalist and a billionaire albeit a Marxist Leninist ) then it must be Marxism as the answer to it ? yet that is the limited education choice in which modern education steers the youth. It is lost on them that the US constitution is itself a revolution and restructured society in an incredible way, and the USA is a Constitutional Republic. ‘Civics’ is not given the priority in schools it once had. The right to privacy and a small government is itself an achievement. Low taxation and 100% employment with free speech is something communist Marxist countries dream about and many of the people in the following video would not have lasted a week under Stalin, Mao or Pol Pot or indeed North Korea (see video ‘Do You Want A Marxist Revolution? Antifa Protesters Answer’ or here again the ‘daily caller’ Antifa = George Soros and throughout the EU) One thing is certain they are angry albeit failing, and there is something definitely wrong with the world, but what ? $244 Trillion dollars (as one major problem) global debt is a major problem and one which has never occurred in history and it has changed ‘modern capitalism’. This despite growth, but without it growth would provide 100 % employment as occurred in Germanys economic miracle after WW2, in which Germany had no debt by default.(= economic miracle) Capitalism we are told will fail into a crisis reaching its next theoretical Marxist stage of socialism which is communism known as dialectical historical materialism in which ‘society is transitioning’, yet that transition is not natural or as the result of a natural crisis as China’s economy could crash and cause global default but into a ‘North Korea’ type of society (Huxley’s Brave New World or George Orwell’s 1984) and this debt with little fiscal scrutiny or surveillance is somehow missed by all the worlds experts in economics, and economics which always calculates a shortfall in the economy guaranteeing an inflation problem which can only be solved by 6 - 10 % unemployment, or more as in the 2007 / 2008 financial crash of up to 30% in the EU (taking the heat out of the economy) leading to a supposed need to import more immigrants, which is the need to have cheap labour. Term limits, auditing the federal reserve, and no positions for life in Government and a true separation of powers would return the constitution to its true working remit. ‘Spontaneous movements’ never seem to address those issues ?)
95 % of the people involved in a 'spontaneous movement' are steered by 5 %, and that 5% are steered by the 1% i.e. the 1 % who have undergone training programmes to be compliant with 'correct thought' and actions, or the lefty cultural Marxism training programmes, which are perfecting aids, to train public speakers and to instigate activism. This is where they separate from the working class (and middle class) and are artificial. Take the following video by 'Sargon of Akkad' entitled 'Antifa and the Black Bloc Explained' ( a longer version here ) Anarchists still need flags (6 flags in the last & 1st video but there are more) to help identify themselves and the various groupings, such as 'anarcho – capitalist' or 'anarcho – queer' etc (see the flag types at 2- 4 mins into the 1st video ) and important matters such as gender differences usually conform to normal male & female roles, when off duty (see at 23 mins into the 1st video) The origin of the removal of traditional gender pronouns? (see rebel media video 'Transgender Protestors in Toronto "Gender is over" or as imagination but not science takes over "NYC release a list of '31 protected gender identities' and as we have seen in Germany there are over 60 invented genders) did it arise spontaneously or is it an artificial anarchist ploy (an 'active measure' as 'objective ethics' and 'subjective ethics' and the history of intense philosophical thought ) or from Obama's elite Leninist bible. There is no scientific proof of more than 2 genders (but that does not stop the anarchists) and in Toronto Justin Trudeau and his father (Pierre Trudeau) long admirers of Fidel & Raul Castro and Guevara, does not mention Castro had homosexuals shot and interned in camps. Here is Trudeau who is a communist….but 'progressive'. Therefore the left who are now pushing this LGBT agenda are not concerned about the LGBT of course, but only a weaponised social 'active measure'. It is analysed further half way down this (approx) under the heading 'Anarchy, Conservative, Libertarian or North Korea'
North Koreans looking out from behind their defences may be sceptical of western society ? (although they cannot vocalise any reaction to internal or external situations) and if we place ourselves in their position? is it any wonder they have built a 'Marxist wall', the contradictions and agenda are obvious.
Cultural Marxists attest to a world of open borders and illegal immigration, but communism does not and in the west Cultural Marxism (who privately have security and borders themselves as elite Leninists) assumes Communism is having the same notion as they are and the same views it has . Yet communist countries do not have open borders (China, Russia, North Korea) or immigration or integration or elections or human rights, only its invention (Cultural Marxism) claims it does. The soft front of Communism i.e. Cultural Marxism is just that, a deception and it is not the same conversation in practice for communist countries who pay no heed to it, it is only for the west, and which national taxpayers pay for. There are no screams of opening borders or protests Russia and China or North Korea or indeed South America or anywhere else except Europe and North America.?
Discrimination victims ignored ? North Korean Caucasians could take a squint at these extremists in the west and agree collectively lets never go out there again (note; Aborted babies are not victims or 'oppressed' Muslims do not kill gays. Socialism is progressive and fair ? and cross eyed men and woman especially are never mentioned as discrimination victims ? and do not even qualify for a progressive stack classification or social justice warrior consideration. Which is of course insensitive)
The question for cultural Marxists and critical theory people advocates; is North Korea an "oppressed minority" society or are they oppressors ? If they are oppressed, then Marxists are oppressing them. If they are oppressors then Marxism is oppressive (racist, sexist, misogynistic etc) Are they in fact an "oppressed majority" or are they oppressing majorities (themselves in the majority) and do they like closed borders ? but would just like to travel over the borders themselves back and forth. Could an oppressed majority actually come within the remit of critical theory ? if so are all majorities are in fact oppressed ? Is North Korea caused by a gay issue in essence ? or here ( as mentioned under the heading Family Planning above) or is that just another trivial, yet spectacular liberal delusion.
This doll on the left or here is not gay, she was born female (and still is) and is pretending for fashion or career reasons (she just obtained more work as a gay)
But is she happy and equal with equal pay or is all pay equally poor, or is she oppressed by the Socialist Maoist Marxist Communist hybrid regime. Does she thank heaven there are no gays in North Korea or does she want to escape ? Is there a fashion scene or a television radio chat show in North Korea. The illusion is either very clever, or it is all a show in which the west has been fooled by 'fake news'
Anyone who has lived in the East must have noticed that Caucasian Asians have narrower thinner eyes than Western Caucasians who have rounder eyes. Yet eastern eye standards in woman are pressured to conform to western eye shapes. Do western Caucasian western men fail to see the whole woman as many Marxist feminist's complain ? Female Asian eyes are very beautiful as also are North Koreans ( females of the opposite sex of course and there are only 2 genders etc, and as you will see at the end North Koreans believe the herd should stay strong and duplicate itself. Meaning; reproducing by procreating heterosexually)
(And concerning woman's matters generally) Are Woman in North Korea brainwashed ? Asians and specifically Asian woman who are to a higher degree than most countries, not plump. Not that there is anything wrong with that. There is a difference between plump and being healthy, enjoying food and living large. Some very skinny chicks and models these days who are also lovely (and there is nothing wrong with that at all also) think it is a blessing if they get a tape worm, and look at the problems of conforming that has caused. Bulimia and total neuroticism etc. Yet Asian dolls should not have to confirm by alteration to western round eye standards (see last paragraph which highlights this issue) Considering it the other way around, it also did not work for Sean Connery in his film 'You only live twice" Western eye 'standards' do not (as mentioned) under 'progressive stack' opinions fight very hard for cross eyed folks. Cross eyed babes on the whole who look adorable with cross eyes, should not be worried therefore in case's of self conscious embarrassment ( woman have criticized and wounded romantic men who tend to stare adoringly, and who look up and into the eyes, rather than focusing on the whole woman causing discomfort to some cross eye crossed ladies.It is an issue which outrages feminists) They (cross eyed gals) are not worried about the 'shape' of their eyes, but are more concerned that people believe they are are talking to them, and in turn that they are being listened too as equals regardless of their 'eye balls' ? This concern is passionately 'pro - woman' not anti woman. Young girls will of course grow up, fall in love and become beautiful young ladies. People should be patient with woman in this condition, as woman who are sensitive want empathy and for someone to love them and be there for them. Men are not idiots. Why shouldn't girls who are "convergent strabismus" be models, although some cross eyed models are getting noticed and breaking through (n.b. and to be balanced objectively, all of these potentially eruptive, delicate and sensitive issues also apply to men. Do woman look at (or here n.b * see note at the end ) cross eyed men in the eye balls ? "Hey Honey, Im up here" )This raises questions on discrimination, are woman free and complete in the Marxist socialist paradigms ( and in the gulag ?) or are they freer and happier in the west, are they just objects of desire, or as in progressive liberal societies are they given an illusion of choice and freedom. Are they handpicked by sight alone ( and beautiful woman are also extremely intelligent ) and exploited and abused including in Islamic countries or looked down upon by some gay men who are against woman, (except for their mothers, and many gay men love woman literally ) or in socialist countries (as with North Korea) which are/were run by woman Presidents and there have been many of them, it is not unique) You do not see many cross eyed girls reading the news on CNN or the BBC or any news channel ? Cross eyed Romeo and Juliet ? Naturally this effects their class status and economic future ? but to their shame, cultural marxists and/or social justice workers couldn't care less about cross eyed woman or their eye balls. In socialist countries like North Korea, woman are in a very difficult situation as they cannot leave, unlike in western countries who control their own borders but allow freedom. Are these matters real phobias or just psychological conditioning as 'pc' phobia's to subtly encourage Population Reduction Theories. If they are the latter that 'science' began in the minds of the left in eugenics and 3rd wave feminism (which includes many female psychologists) Young girls should learn to kick ass, learn with mom, and be feisty with fire all the way to Womanhood. Look at this model. Bring back the Cowgirls
n.b * above, the Video of Tucker Carlson and Teen Vogue agony aunt Lauren Duca also relates to two gay men who became abusive & hysterical on an airplane, verbally assaulting a Lady and extended family.
Having learnt of the summary of the new doctrine consider also a western training programme and the resultant debate. See Rescue Me - Sensitivity Training - Denis Leary x John Scurti x Daniel Sunjata x Steven Pasquale or see here on Bitchute "Rescue Me - Sensitivity Training - Denis Leary x John Scurti x Daniel Sunjata x Steven Pasquale." on Bitchute (alternatively here also Sensitivity training Part 1 & next Sensitivity training Part 2 or here as an MP4 file ) before reading on to understand Marxism as Communism and what actually occurs in practice (as is evident) A full transcript of parts 1 and 2 is available here (beginning with ‘Don Kleinman’) and part 2 (if video not available ) concludes with the revelation that only white people are racist, instead of people generally.
North Korea was partitioned on the 38th parallel in 1953. After a failed reunification attempt the soviets effectively controlled the north and the USA the south. North Korea has broken away from China and Russia in ideology abandoning communism but retaining socialism in a hybrid Marxist Leninist "style". South Korea does not have nuclear weapons officially but does have a nuclear programme. Attempts by Bill Clinton to end the situation and bring normality failed as has President Obama's policy. It has recently (supposedly) tested a H bomb (Jan 2016 which could wipe out the USA) and North and South are currently building bigger audio systems to broadcast insults and history against each other day and night and which can be heard for many miles apart as well as shooting and aggression. Like Gulliver's travels (tales) in which two sides fight over which end we eat the egg from first analogy, the war has continued since 1948 except a nuclear war could easily erupt.
In Chapter 4 above the following opinions on North Korea follow with a view that perhaps North Koreans believe the west is a lunatic system, (it fears western subjugation) with an opposing view that North Koreans are forced to 'Love' the leader by sheer terror and fear giving an artificial and incredibly surreal situation and state. (where it is suggested that woman are routinely raped. This of course occurs in the west) Many suggest the west has this control imposed upon it also. One view is that North Korea has become a rouge nation which distributes armaments and cash around the globe from a fiefdom of private control. Iran is also a beneficiary.
Kim il Sung (and Kim Jong il) the former supreme leader met with Stalin and the soviet policy of Gulags is documented above. The Documentary on re-unification with Stalin's help is here, yet Kim il sung was not Stalin's first choice of leader and tensions have continued to this day.
1. Are the north Korean Gulags real ? (survivors say they are) It is estimated that 200,000 are kept in them. If one family member is guilty of the most minor offence all are guilty and sent to them.
The recent execution (purge) of Kim Jong Un Uncle (Jung Sung Thaek) as portrayed in this film (repeated here)"Noth Korea's Hidden Billions" (the video has been removed but concerned Jung Sung Thaek and his introduction of a wider currency flows North Korea in room 39 which links it to Chinese hidden billions into North Korea ) into was either trying to introduce new currency vibrancy to improve the country's poverty levels ( a neutral act of beneficial importance to any nation capitalist or communist) or he was building up a mini empire in north Korea. Yet anyone like Jung Sung Taek would know that gaining power would only bring him trouble and problems, hence it is believed he was actually trying to improve North Korea's internal poverty problem. All of Jungs family down to the grandchildren, one close general and an ambassador were killed. Kim is certainly playing both China and the west against each other.
To understand the Korea situation just reflect on "Squirrel hedgehog" the weekly cartoon from North Korea (or see here for a selection of videos) and a weekly cartoon from South Korea "Kommi" they certainly helps to maintain the ideological difference beginning at a very young age as the 'dialectical forces" (based on the yin and yang of confucius but which under communism and critical theory lead to disharmony) in opposition would collapse in North / South Korea (Will Squirrel & Hedgehog and Kommi ever unite and win a new tomorrow, and can America and China bring an end to the nightmare (see Hong Kong Phooey intro ) Is it time for new cartoons in Korea.
(n.b. To those in Communist China who have never experienced "Hong Kong Phooey" in the America and China link above he was in fact a much loved cartoon character of the 1970's. He was a parody of Western attempts to master eastern arts not a parody of the arts themselves. Wing Chun and YIP Man of course will stand in history as one of the most incredible men of history, although many do not know he was a real person. Wing Chun, Daoism, Taoism and Confucianism and its philosophy however was/is not Communism)
One aspect of the Korean partition story, concerns the relatives on both sides who have maintained contact and have travelled over to the south to spend time together after all this time. As time goes by these relatives will decrease in numbers but what is real to both North and South Koreans is they (obviously) when meeting do not care about USA or Soviet protocol or agendas as they have been made to suffer over the decades. They have no agenda other than seeing family members in exile over decades. perhaps the people themselves will have a revolution. As north Korea is (it is believed) separating itself ideologically from China and Russia who are no longer Communist states (only in name) could a re-unification of joint strategic interest form, with South Korea opting to shield North Korea from USA advances (or Soviet advance and vice versa) in exchange for democracy in both countries. They could hold joint elections and the side which refuses this type of request is the obvious aggressor and oppressor. The alternative to "mutually assured destruction" is a growing lack of respect for the nuclear deterrent (the video displays explosions since 1945 to 1991 as you can see nearly 2000 explosions or more have already occurred, the late 1950's to the early 1960's were particularly tense) Many countries may feel fighting is better than sitting around listening to dear leaders from any side. A society which is suppressed or exists with Gulags (west or east) may decide it is better off in the next world anyway, except for the Godless Atheist Communist's of course (who built them Nuclear weapons ) after all this is what spirituality teaches and the Soviet belief in doctrinal acceptance by fear is not a deterrent any longer.
Calling a nations bluff and invading is not a wild action but a liberating experience even if nuclear explosions occur, but which may not occur. It is better for Koreans to unite and cast fear aside. Its bound to happen sooner or later and the real fanatics who pursued nuclear bombs and built them, (on the left) and distributed them around the world and then aimed them at each other are counting on continued stalemate.That's the reality, even early Confucian thought in China and into the Korean Goryeo dynasty is still prevalent in North and South Korea today (the main doctrine with Buddhism before 1910) which believes the country's rulers (ironically in the north and south) have a mandate from heaven to rule. J Robert Oppenheimer of Berkeley University & "father of the atomic bomb" (mostly responsible for Nuclear weapons) studied the past and (this video of him contains the "I have become death" quote ) in which he aslo quoted the Indian Hindu epic The Bhagavad Gita . Heaven does not look like this and Koreans are placed into this nightmare situation today.
The Gulags in Russia, North Korea and others are consistent since 1917 and the Marxist revolution, and they are a inevitable conclusion of the doctrines, which are nothing to do with improving the conditions of the working class. Social Darwinism, Cultural Marxism, Socialism and Communism are not economically sound or socially beneficial. In the case of North Korea it has mutated into a terrible and frightening vision of the future which includes social classification and totalitarian forced worship (as the only explanation that fits) and it may even surpass Islamic indoctrination and totalitarian existence if that were possible. The world hopes they gain their freedom soon from what is a giant experiment began by Stalin (who was a monster and deranged) and monitored by Communist China (take the giant Mao statue now torn down this month. Like Buddha without the spirituality. The West has also lost its spirituality, faith or vision ) and Russia since its earliest inception. It is suggested that the Hydrogen bomb detonated last week (Jan 2016) was "only" a smaller Atomic bomb, and the news is designed to prevent escalating tensions and an internal coup de taut within North Korea.
North Korea and social critical theory (a link is in the heading)
Kim Jong Un in January 2016 is asking for a peace deal with the USA and the people of North Korea await their fate. He visions a united Korea re-unified and free , he says " We want to replace the armistice agreement created at the end of the Korean war with a peace pact. Without any foreign interference – especially from the US – we want to create a sovereign state of Korea. This is our dream" Of course the 'dream' from South Korea is the same but the opposite way around without interference from Russia and China and Iran. Both states could guarantee each other's safety without interference from any of the superpowers or Islamic jihadist dictatorships.
It is pertinent to world security as the recent hydrogen / atom bombs tests have also been accompanied by threats (war) if provoked by outside invaders who could fall from the sky in hundreds of thousands at any moment. This new peace however would in the unified Korea have the benefit of stopping any further Nuclear tests but Nuclear weapons would stay says Kim Jong Un. The 4th Nuclear test details are here. The West's worry is North Korea would also send nuclear weapons to Iran (which Russia has hinted they have now already despite the UN peace keepers inspectors reports, as Russia has already sent ballistic and other missiles to Iran in 2015) Iran has enriched Uranium now handed over to Russia as part of the peace deal, although Plutonium and Uranium can be developed separately. There are fears that a Nuclear bomb could get mixed up in the going back and forward between Iran, China, North Korea and Iran.
The sanctions against Iran (financial) have been lifted on the 16/01/2015 but sanctions against Iran in other quarters were re-imposed after it fired a missile the next day 17/01/2015. Through the smokescreen of nuclear deals in Iran both North Korea & China benefit (very oil thirsty) from the new oil released by sanctions lifting which fell to $28 dollars a barrel almost immediately and sent stock markets crashing but which had already began to tumble, but it could also negatively impact on Russia which is already suffering low oil prices due to Saudi Arabia glutting the market with its oil during 2015..
" Mirsky said Russia can partially offset these losses of oil market share by selling arms to Iran once the U.N. arms embargo is lifted"
and this is the deal Russia and Obama and the democratic party have brokered. (Putin recently called Obama a communist and the Democratic Party a Communist party) which sees the eastern bloc new economic zone forming in which Russia hopes it (as opposed to China or Iran) will be the leaders. However under the Petro dollar agreement America is bound to protect Iran as an oil producing nation, but it must sell its oil in dollars. It is also bound to protect Saudi Arabia as an oil producing nation, and Saudi wants it oil/gas pipeline to head to Europe and the West and not Iran's via Turkey. Iran's missile firing (above) and attack on US soldiers in January and the (second time it has happened the first last May 2015 ) a helicopter has crashed in Hawaii killing marines whilst Obama fires (purges like North Korea) US generals, echoes the Iran war of the 1980's all over again.
Only six months ago Iran threatened once more to Nuke or missile Israel with 80,000 missiles and that it (Israel not Iran) would not exist in 25 years. That is clear in intent and purpose as a declaration of war, in which North Korea, China and Russia will first attack Turkey and use it as a base of occupation to begin world war 3, drawing in the EU which now thanks to Angela Merkel and other EU leaders (communist party ascribed) has jihadist terrorists roaming the streets of the EU raping and threatening people with Sharia law and war. Many former welcomes of the refugees have now been raped or beaten by the refugees.
Israel then is under threat from Iran and China, Russia and Iran can blame the rouge state of North Korea for either firing directly or (China and Russia) sending a nuclear weapon to Iran. This is part of the reason it exist like it does with people regimented and nervous filling the scenery from the capital outwards.
Many feel the Iran deal is a temporary smokescreen to allow the Democratic Party in the USA to suggest they have brokered a deal when in fact the sanctions have been broken and the missiles are still being fired.
A solution would be to allow North Korea to hold joint national elections over the entire interim unified country (as Kim Jong Un wishes) and which would not commit South Korea to elect a new democratic leader for the whole country. This democratic new Korea would be protected (for all intents and purposes) from Russia / China / Iran and the USA. This would mark a truly independent state and this election could be held in May of this year very quickly.
Iran could also then hold an election to prove it is not a terrorist state in May 2015 and the Obama administration could oversee or arrange it with China and Russia's help. A small matter compared to the Oil / Iran deal.
Iran has elections for president, legislative elections and assembly of expert elections etc already and are the due again on 22.02.2015 but it does not have elections for: the Supreme leader (formerly Ayatollah Khomeini) currently Ayatollah Khameini. The rest of the elections are of course a sham and the clerics and mullahs run Iran and no elected official has control over the army or the Council of Guardians who are appointed by the Ayatollah who also controls the state television, judiciary and the army and navy and has 2000 "clerical ministers" who are layered throughout government who are not elected but who are more powerful than the ministers Iranians are "electing" in the election ? Even Barry Soetoro would be envious of so much unelected power as he and Hillary Clinton (secretary of state) have eroded the US constitution over the last 10 years. China of course owns a lot of US debt and Libya and Benghazi Navy seals may get in the way. Saudi Arabia is also in a similar unelected dictatorship. The Ayatollah (current) said this about America and Israel
Kim Jong Un could hold those elections in May, and the Ayatollah and others listed above could also hold elections by May 2015 so proving they are not terrorist states, or that they have a nuclear bomb in which they intend to wipe, Israel or other countries (EU, America) of the map. Without total electoral reform in Iran and North Korea why should their Diaspora (and many countries do not allow immigrants to vote) be allowed to vote outside, in other Western nations. Supreme leaders like Kim Jong Un and Ayatollah Khameini have to let their people be free, and the families in North and South Korea should not face any more central borders which should be removed by both sides. Vanguards which become oppressive and Pharaoh like cannot criticise financial capitalism as fascists, when Leninists like Obama freely observe the Imperialist aims of Russia, China and Iran in North Korea.
Do North Koreans weep tears of Joy visiting relatives of course they do (many weep tears for Kim in public) Should everyone in North Korea just suddenly and simultaneously break for the borders (timed to a certain day and hour) and escape and then running around completely free skipping and jumping through the meadows and doing whatever they want in their Caucasian bliss, (which would be quite a sight for the rest of the world to watch also ) instead of just worshiping Kim, of course they do. The west knows how they feel. The cultural Marxist view is all cultures and beliefs are to be forced, in every and any continent and the dogma is to be forced on all continents and tribes (except in strictly communist countries ?) North Korea is a variant on Maoism and has evolved its beliefs from separation and suspicion, and it does not want any view except its own. Critical theory seeks to destroy diversity and eradicate choice. Every country has a right to protect its borders and not have open borders, but Korea was once one country.
UN - Cultural Marxism explained in 7 minutes or here as a MP4 Video file see this video link in this title first called "what is critical theory" & version which is 7 minutes 36 seconds long, (or here ) before reading on to understand "critical theory" and cultural marxism)
North Korea is held as a bizarre and unusual country. They are course wary and suspicious of the west and do not want to a part of any country. Its leadership suspect a western financial collapse could reduce the west to one large "North Korea" very quickly. Unification of North and South is hoped for by many.
What would this new unified Korea (with guaranteed independence) look like ? It could for instance think of itself as an "oppressed minority" and kick out the Communists, Classical Marxists and Cultural Marxists and move to a more balanced society (without the oppressive Collectivised "PC" politically correct 'critical theorists' who combine neurosis with fanaticism producing a new pathological political hybrid activist who are like Piranha's on steroids ) The deconstructionist and aimless policy which is threatening the west, undermining rationale thought and confuses common sense (against anyone who does not adopt the 'special narrative' which systematically is brainwashed into devotees and agents)
Forming a new society in Korea.
What would a new Korea if North and South merged look like. For instance does Korea North and South even need social critical theory and who would they then vote for. Have both theories originated from the same source. Many suspect progressive critical theory Cultural Marxism is as mad as North Korea's current system is perceived to be. Would a new Unified Korea require so called 'equality' (communism produces unequal incomes and oppression) and what are the origins of Cultural Marxism ? would they be thrown to the wild dogs (as is rumoured only) in the North Korean gulag like others, as false communists who have not fooled the former Stalinists if they chose to adopt it (i.e. the thing... known as critical theory) Do these theories lead to a inevitable Stalin or North Korea state anyway. If Korea unified could a new united Korea create a written constitution which criticizes excess or wasteful capitalism collectivism and socialism / communism, and then also think hey; (as North Koreans) 'We are Caucasian' (a part of the oppressed population) and we like it, we are not ashamed and we will resist. This could be a central tenant of new University and academia in which children and adults do not have to be brainwashed into confusion as to their sexuality or believing their sexual orientation is wrong (by people who do not know their own ass from their elbows in sexual organ identification) Wombs (in this philosophy) are a just an excuse for a scientific experiment in laboratories which (disgustingly they wince) may produce human offspring if left to their own devices with male 'homosapiens'. It is ridiculous.
Could these doctrines get any more bizarre? The reproductive system and infant care are the scrutiny of intense debate by critical theorists who believe they should be running these (ours, yours and mine) personal possessions themselves. Men and Woman's both, and both of course make a baby, and both own that baby. Many in the west (and including many woman who have no intention of ever making a baby themselves) sit around all day discussing how disgusted they are by people who breastfeed ? Is it wrong (they suggest) to fill up a child with breast milk everyday ? until they are 4 or 5 years of age (instead be like them, pasty faced people with a cork up their butts)
The Vikings however, believed pumping breast milk into a child made it stronger and more intelligent so their babies guzzled it down for hours, or until they fell asleep (or not) allowing more time to produce more babies if they both wanted too, for as many years as possible. Much time was given to making babies and feeding them with breast milk, which could occur inside or outside in any situation any time of the day, in work or in public. There are reports of woman with triplets or quadruplets or more feeding the babies in feats of skill and stamina making sure they all received their fair share, passing them around to other woman until they were full and satisfied in a breast feeding fest. In another report a Viking woman, who took up the sword and fought for her village, forgot the baby was still on the breast inside the sweater. The baby was fine and held on regardless. People who complained against breastfeeding were generally looked upon as having lost their wits. A freed reproductive (from those who are obsessed by everyone else's) system for all Hetros should be allowed in any new democracy
Communist China had/has passed laws reducing a couples right to one child only, and there are various spins offs from this invasion of people's rights. Recent experiments hailed as a radical breakthrough, and as a full circle experiment, was conducted at a revolutionary Berkeley University lab in America for example. Monitored by a former Professor from Frankfurt in Germany ( Frankfurt, which first developed critical theory, and who trained at the Tavistock institute ) The experiment produced the world’s first Heterosexual baby, by a pair of former (now) lesbian and homosexual volunteers ( but original type people born with their original male and female parts) Applauded and publicized far and wide the findings are considered as proof of the validity of critical theory ( considering also Nietzsche's negative reaction to Darwin and so on and so forth) The subjects were first left alone in an empty laboratory for 3 months as a supervised experiment. Nothing happened at first, until eventually the pair mated. A new norm could be established especially if they married. Similar breakthroughs at Occidental college (who are also critical theorists) in Los Angeles produced a new breed of (not gay) heterosexual baby boys and girls who instantly became the "new oppressed minority" whose "abused liberties" inspired many other Caucasian heterosexuals around the world to "groupthink" and become the new norm.
If the bourgeoisie and the proletariat could unite against the social "critical theory cultural Marxists" and form new laissez faire prosperity in which some corporations (private or state collectively) will be subject to competition in order that their infrastructure sustainability and long term fixed capital ensures (see chapter 1 and EU, Rome, London, Israel pdf above) prosperity for the future instead of bringing decay, unemployment and causing emigration to foreign lands. What choice do North Koreans have ? do they stay or do they go ? or alternatively just vote them out at every opportunity until we achieve peace, love and harmony.
Once the "oppressive majority cultural Marxist's" are no longer collectively in power (change must occur in critical theory) and Korea has its international situation and energy needs and elections (fair and free) in place it can make up for the past 60 years of its delayed rights to freedom under Marxism. South Korea is also Christian in respect and Buddhist, and the debate in a unified Korean, by former North Korean communists (freed) and South Korean society should be full and free (as "oppressed minorities") " Oppressive" invaders are subject to the cover up in Germany of rape and violence by "migrants" so called in Italy and Greece also is a sign of cultural Marxists trying to censor society. These crimes and scandals which are an invasion by terrorists do not fit the "narrative" and also calls into question the EU and its policies (which are a critical theory only and not a political or cultural necessity or practical or even wise) which should be scrapped and immediate elections should begin in all EU states over its future which seeks to increase migrant refugees , who are not just attacking woman but now also children. What is clear is politicians have usurped their authority and legal right in order to emotionally blackmail and encourage migration for no reason other than ideologically motivated hatred of their own countries and people ? Legal migration was always in place, voting privileges (and cheap labour) which no other countries grant are motivating politicians who have no policies or purpose in local or national government and who wildly ignore all alternatives. The disaster could lead to the collapse of the EU. but its continuation will mean countries will leave.
North and South Koreans looking to unite may look around the world in dismay. A nationalist unified Korea would strengthen the family and the Korean fatherland. Cultural Marxism and its phobias are one of the new stages of imperialism Lenin spoke of. Their violence against indigenous countries and their mental cruelty against children is itself a form of abuse and a criminal act against minors. Cultural Marxism is also still eugenicist/racist in nature and which has always been pro-abortion (which sees abortion as birth control) but which wanted scientific prevention of babies as a racial doctrine (not a pleasure utopia) before they were conceived and abortion after, perpetuated as abortion first now, as stem cells are required. Not conceiving is not as profitable.
Critical theory which is now fully supported by Angela Merkel, (others say she only pretends to do this and it is not really Verboten) Obama and Hillary Clinton to name a few in the left, and which has now critically assumed the propaganda theory of the former Soviet politburo. As we have read above there is only one human race but that natural one human race is not the race cultural Marxists want. (see chapter 4 and family planning as an ideology and heading December 2015) Farming (the farming of people as commodities) people instead of helping or admiring people is the critical theory thinking behind Cultural Marxism. Further information on these matters is in the adjacent website in the very end of chapter 2.
National Socialism is split into two lobbies, one is nationalism the other critical theory. (All political parties follow this norm, except now critical theory has changed into something else from how it was sold, it is an "oppressive" pathology Both are largely controlled by Statism. Critical theory is only implanted upon the west and should be called imperialism and invasion. One area it targets is education. Both of these views are often mistakenly portrayed as rightwing and leftwing when they are actually the same thing. Tax exempt foundations can fund many beneficial matters society requires, but in education rights are being removed for the very young, and Russia (mixed) really funds them both, but the ideology within them are separate strands. It is also eroding culture and is destroying "Diversity" in reality. Land distribution for instance in Soviet Russia and surrounding did not transpire from 1907 to 1923 or after. Land re-distribution under capitalism is a choice but available. Capitalism is often blamed for corporate crimes yet communist corporations are not named as such when they should take most of the blame. Many corporations have failed with long term fixed capital and this internal debate within capitalism is continuing. This is the major challenge in the world today i.e. full employment; land is not limited or scarce. It is not a conflict to be a nationalist and not a eugenicist and the lefts racism is far worse than the right. Many genuine people with capitalism or tax exempt foundations never really say what they mean or are allowed to do what is right. Many of course have noble aspirations. The subversive tax exempt foundations fund and control libraries and content and fund the often miraculous rise of many socialist candidates who vehemently do not mention that in the USA last year there were 1 million 100,00 abortions in 2015 despite contraception ? Worldwide the final figure is 50 million abortions for 2014/2015 despite contraception which in 65% of cases does not work. That's the eqivilant of the casualties in world war 2 every year on the silent proletariat genocide.
The planned parenthood lobby is so desperate to hide their foul practices they assign a worker to secretly work within the office of the District Attorney to make a complaint and then prosecute a investigative filmmaker in a double deal. What universe are these aliens from ?
Recently the Pope ( Jorge Mario Bergoglio) has passed a law (recently in cannon Vatican law terms or "Motu Propria" of the Jesuits) stemming the nature of corporations. Creating a world trust on the back of birth certificates. Whether the world regards this as the worlds highest form of law or not, the law is cited. It is ascribed to the "Golden Rule" as mentioned in Leviticus 19,18 and 19, 34 and Mathew 7,12 & Luke 6,31. However there may be also ideological concerns and motivations regarding the theories of collectivisation and transparency of corporations. One area (as mentioned) is Education which is a Childs right and should be protected by parents. Concerns that billions are paid to communist corporate fronts to fund education projects on the "never never" (eternal debt) are and have been examined and questioned and the end of its money train cannot be accounted for in origin or purpose. Not just Karl Marx and "das capital" theories but extreme subversive theories which have emerged. Of course education can go anywhere but these funds are not offering objective (unbiased) alternatives to their views and the alternatives are not funded ? Many people do not want the Pope to ban corporations as such as some first step to world communism (which could occur) although corporations as communist fronts are better collapsing. When the state is serving itself rather than the people collectivist reasons accrue and surprisingly to most, the views are socialist / communist, from some of the very richest corporations.
Education should be all inclusive but many views are not even discussed or added to the debate. Charities, tax free foundations and propaganda can either work for society or against it and not all are bad. Any form of information can be construed as manipulation or propaganda but when you have to make a decision on what propaganda (narrow or broad & B.F. skinner ) you are going to digest you should know the roots of all the sources and the "raison d'etre" for them. Social engineering and Motu Properia (the Jesuits said give me the boy until 7 or 8 years of age and i will give you the man) and the Golden rule and the attached bible verses underlining the philosophy is not a communist anthem to help each other in society (Individuality as opposed to collective responsibility is also on trial in the Irish banking enquiry in chapter 2 above) Remember Jesus who is used to support the Golden rule in this version of it, was self employed in a carpentry business who followed prosperity, work and honouring your parents, and when he ran out of food he didn't appeal to the collective but to God who provided for the collective and who some would argue is a higher law on earth than Motu Properia, as in Matthew 11:25-26. John 6:1-15 and the Pope actually agrees. Obviously Yeshua / Jesus was not an Godless atheist communist, and Jesuits who have engaged in (Marxist liberation philosophy) helping the poor, often forget why they started. The current Pope (Che Guevara Pope from Argentina) is not a Marxist and neither was Francis of Assisi (Pope Francis)
These new laws behind the media stories are central to the law (as opposed to those named or involved in the circumstances of the banking inquiry) such as Motu Properia. Humanism which wants individuals to fail who made a rod for their own backs, does not mean corrections to their mistakes must result in socialism or communism. Pavlov and Skinner as the originators of the doctrines of collectivist social Marxism, do not like parents or anti-abortion advocates or parents educating children (the state or teachers are not "co-parents" but paid employees of your taxes) the oppressive state must "own" the child from conception to death and it decides who lives in abortion or who does not and it needs to kill ( as eugenicists ) the unborn to show it owns that power (the pro abortion lobby are full of the mantras of cyborgs) and any country which has / had a certain amount of freedom should be financially measured in order they take on those views they ascribe ( as you read from the top to the bottom you will find historical and media views to help you to decide) . It is wrong to suggest that very wealthy funds are wrong and ground up funds are right it is not that simple.
Critical theory, Cultural Marxism and Critical Marxists (who are bigots) has replaced the proletariat (as Karl Marx taught in Das capital) i.e. the working class in national countries with a new layer of "minorities" who are oppressed by those they encounter when they enter into a country. Of course this is anarchy only and is a philosophy of anarchy not helping the poor, or the needy, or the working class but crazy anarchist socialist theories. In Africa recently a long established village was slowly invaded by people from the next county or state who simply wanted their jobs and homes ? They were driven out by force and of course they were correct to do so, in Africa or the west. Why these militant immigrants cannot as the new proletariat seem to force a revolution in their own villages and countries (80 % are not from Syria) but only in others where benefits and free homes await them is a mystery. They should as the "oppressed" in Africa and the middle east and Asia or wherever free their own lands if they are so militant and politically motivated, oppressed enough to migrate and able to fight ? China executes Muslims and Japan bans Islam and has strict immigration laws.
China's approach in the last paragraph above involved executing a Moslim terrorist with a flamethrower. This approach was perfected by Chairman Mao in Communist China in the 1950's and used also against the Buddhists of Tibet when it destroyed hundreds of monasteries and killed thousands of people. Mao's chilling statute was sent to Tibet in 2006 from the Communist Marxist government of that era. A recently constructed statute of Mao has been destroyed. Since then and under pressure from the West the approach has been to let a slow invasion of mainland Chinese to take over Tibet (hence it needs its own defined country in that ongoing debate). This policy is the same as critical theory today yet it is not new. This communist marxist policy is underway in the west and europe and the USA. The Marxist policy allowing the spread of Islam north and east (Muslims killing Buddhists monks whilst they mediate) and west. The policy of population transfer (= critical theory) This Angela Merkel's policy, Obama's policy and Hillary Clinton's policy and so on. Since the Paris attacks France is in a state of war, Romania is closing its mosques, and Sweden is deporting 80,000 Moslims and in the USA 41 more Moslums arrested after a terror attack attempt. Despite national efforts and concerns the communist Marxists are still applying population transfer policies (from the politburo vanguard bureau ) and are planning to import another 3 million people by 2017 into the EU ?, most of whom are trafficking victims, whilst Russia and Saudi, Iran and Turkey continue their war (which is not protested against by "stop the war" ?)
The current migrations and "refugees" as population displacement is one more cultural marxist policy. For an insight into the Tibetan genocide against its people (cultural Marxists crushing culture) watch the film "Seven years in Tibet" with Brad Pitt, David Thewlis, and David Thewlis, and Jamyang Jamtsho Wangchuk (in German or trailer here or full film here )
Militia groups in Finland, Scandinavia, Europe and the USA have taken to patrolling their areas. Alternatively the oppressed proletariat minorities in the West should just invade the Middle East and the Gulf States (which are wealthy oppressors) and take over the world. Not just invade militarily but when they arrive also for a couple of days a week, scream for food, urinate on the flowers and smash garbage cans, fast food restaurants, mug the elderly and (there are so many crimes it is an invasion) destroy local religious places of worship, (Obama recently asked for Catholic Schools to close) rape and beat up passers-by and all for proletariat working class minority interests and freedom ? under critical theory. (The West when it takes over these continents would act with more dignity)
The Critical Marxists would say this is racist yet they persist in letting Muslim invaders commit these crimes ? (which have been condemned by the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Greek orthodox churches worldwide) and support them and are comfortable with this language upon the West ? The West is the only area forced to accept these views ? (Just for Obama's kowtowing to iran)
Once the new definition of critical theory and cultural marxism is in place, the next stage (including to the new minority) is to remove religion or spirituality such as Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism and any and all religions to the new religion of once again Marxism with Islam The Fulan Gong in China (mentioned here on this page many times) were almost eradicated within the last decade for practising spirituality and Buddhists are being culled in Nepal and Tibet by Chinese communists. Christianity is facing the same fate in the west or in the middle east (see the adjacent website and chapter 3) They are real "oppressed minorities" (not middle class so called socialists) in those countries and they are being murdered and the aim is to destroy it in the west. These are the real doctrines in which the working class, middle class and the rich are also enslaved.
Once you realise the root of these so called left theories (such as "common core education" in the USA) and then look at North Korea and see that is a fake country with nuclear weapons which can fire them or threaten to fire them and take the blame on behalf of Russia, China and Iran who can deny North Korea's actions. The population can suffer but the leaders in North Korea will not. Iran wants to sell its energy in non dollar currency exclusively and in total and is seeking China's help to do so (February 2016, with 150 Billion dollars from the USA) before it raises prices once more. The current low price encourages exports and new markets until a vastly increased price returns or Saudi Arabia or USA intervenes. North Korea can be blamed for a escalating nuclear war problem. The relatives on both sides of Korea are trapped in this lock.
Educating your children as an " oppressive western individualist" (as western Europeans are called in critical theory) however may mean you can vote out the collectivist and the communists before they get in (socialists do not know what they believe or mean, so ask all election parties how they will fund the future without raiding pension funds or adding billions to the national debt, and do not think political party labels actually mean anything) For further information see the adjacent website and chapter 3 at the end and chapter 4.
The USA and China have (28/01/2015) agreed in principle to begin to diffuse the North Korean situation as of course mutually assured destruction is the result of any attack. One result of freedom in North Korea could be (John Kerry and China believe, see last link) is North Korean refugees could run or flee over the border to China (1 million people or so) yet they may also be just as likely to go South Korea ? (note; no nuclear war is envisioned for fleeing refugees only freedom, no nuclear attack is envisaged in such a scenario by China or the USA) . That is possible for the North Korean people i.e. freedom whilst leaders debate and dither (as critical theory does not have a solution for such problems it is only anarchist breaking down and deconstructing not a solution for society and the rational world. ) The overall threat of Nuclear Weapons build up (including in Saudi Arabia and Iran) has increased not decreased since 2008 (worldwide) when Obama and Clinton came to power, that's the essence of Cultural Marxism. Without nuclear weapons it would not exist today.
North Koreans have been through hell already, without having to (now) face being released into the oppressive backward and vulgar world of the fishlike Cyborg Cultural Marxist fanatics, it would surely be way too much for one generation of oppressed North Korean people to endure, and if they are freed then 'dear leader' must let the oppressed 'Yin and Yang' (not yin and yin, or yang and yang) of Unified Korean society live again into one entity allowing both sides of the Korean border to live again as one. North Koreans have done "North Korea" already and it has been brutal and terrible for its people, they do not need cultural Marxism at this stage of their new beginnings (if they were free), and it's hard to know which one is worse, moving from one nightmare to the next. There are other schools of thought in Germany and Russia and London. Unified freedom (away from the Marxist past) would produce a boon to both economies in halving its defence budget and the UN Russia/ China or USA could allow the unified country to form its own future in which they would have to get along and get to know each other, elections forming the tone and future direction. North Korea is trapped on all sides by political pressures which people should not have to endure. Everyone including dear leader in North Korea knows it. The current Nuclear war stalemate in Korea is not likely (with the Middle East in mind) to be allowed to continue.
Kim Jong Un has had another baby (or his wife has, she is mostly in the background somewhere which is just typical of the insensitive, sexist, misogynistic, socialist, maoist, elite Leninist, progressive liberal, communist, cultural marxist chauvinist pig, vanguard party leaders who are stereotypical power mad leftwing men, and possibly like all men everywhere forever according to some "bohemian ladies" ) This population expansion policy however should be encouraged in other countries and adopted by the western proletariat rather than importing yet more non - indigenous people. North Korea as the oppressed majority have also banned abortion to increase population levels in the short, medium and long term. No economy can plan everything, but procreation is positive and it's better than sitting around listening to whining liberals who are probably just closet homosexuals anyway.
However, this necessity for the survival of the human race can be considered 'sexist' or even 'misogynistic by some? and it is apparent that the critical theory / cultural norms do not apply, originate or have any valid purpose for the 98.5% of the population on the planet. Yet since the last paragraph above, 8 months ago Kim Jong Un and 'rarely seen wife' have been to the perfume factory together (and quite right because closed communist societies should not be sexist ) She is Mrs Supreme leader dictator not just 'rarely seen wife', and she has had it. She is sick to death of him going out with the generals, or out at 'launch pad' threatening to Nuke, whole world and everybody, whilst she sits at home rarely seen. He is ( she has caught on) an 'insensitive, sexist, misogynistic, socialist, Maoist, elite Leninist, progressive liberal, communist, cultural Marxist chauvinist pig' and enough is enough. She wants new curtains and everything. However it is possible that many woman in NK are not fooled by this show of empathy and considerate tenderness, although Kim and rarely seen wife have also been to the shoe factory, which gives a hint of what's really going here (2 rare appearances in one month for wife) what is the gossip and what products were purchased where did they eat and what are they wearing, will 'rarely seen wife's' Bikini line ? be revealed by a secret long range camera (which they knew was there the whole time) by the Paparazzoi (in singular as there is only one media source) well it is not exactly clear mainly because it is a closed communist / socialist society dictatorship and people are not told the truth (and who really want to unite their country) who are screaming to get out, and trying to escape, all other opinions are closed down with no free speech allowed (or it is called hate speech to criticize the communist humanist cult, but one day these fine people will be liberated. Woman have also supported all oppressive regimes equally with men)
In a breaking article (added here 17.04.2018) which first appeared in 'Cultural Marxism today' magazine, Mrs Supreme leader Ri Sol Ju, has now received a new designation as 'Revered first leader' as opposed to 'Comrade' (which although technical correct in North Korea at least, kills the romance, but it is advancing woman as equal and real people) Other woman however are still referred to as just comrade under Communism. Kim therefore is not now a sexist communist pig or a Homo, but is there more to the story. North Korean Hawks suggest you cannot trust Kim, he could be looking at other woman from out of the side of his eyes in western capitalist pig restaurant or at social gatherings or at the Nuclear command centre. Doves suggest Kim could be sincere and he really means it (and what can he do, stare at the floor for the rest of his life any time another female walks past) With world war 3 approaching and Nuclear war, slavery, poison gas exports or ... even Korean unification as the price of de- nuclearisation does the article go far enough, with 200,000 still in prison awaiting release. Many pundits wonder if all North Korean (or even South Korean) woman can also trust supreme leader, as misogyny, and sexist relationships (by men or woman) are not a feature of true Yin and Yang harmony. The World is watching Kim's every move, although he could be an innocent man in this matter.
As the end of chapter 4 shows there are frivolous and very serious cases. A woman in the UK has been jailed for 10 years for making a series of false claims. The football and cheerleader case has concluded (in its complications) in the USA, yet the male who was falsely accused of a crime has still suffered The case against Bill Crosby which has continued for years has also concluded and he was found guilty of 3 counts of aggravated indecent sexual assault, the victims claim his VIP status protected him, whilst those (non VIP's) who were innocent lost their jobs, and ended up in severe debt. In Maine USA opposition to a bill criminalising FGM I 2017 came from the …. American civil liberties Union ? The end of chapter 4 shows that area as severely underfunded whilst this cases for a fee are brought into the press and public mind, whilst the trafficked, prostituted and those taken or imprisoned are without hope, and exist in cities across the world in millions (literally)
In the USA, and in the flurry of sexual harassment claims, an alternative experience and view is given by Tucker Carlson in a frank admission of a difficult and trying experience. which features Tucker Carlson (see video 28.02.2017 "I was falsely accused of Sexual assault" Tucker Carlson fights back tears telling emotional story" or see here for the video if link broken ) who tells his story and a woman named Emily Linden who says false accusations are still justified, (at a time in the Judge Moore election when 3 of the accusers have recanted after a tape revealed others were hired for money r.e. Washington post etc) although some may suggest she has had one coffee too many, yet this admission and proclaiming of these false claims is in itself a crime and of course hate speech ? This approach (and see the end of chapter 4 above where real woman have prevailed and in truth and honour as of course woman also arrange prostitution, internet trafficking and young children of both sexes for paedophilia) is no different from sexual abuse or sexual harassment. Emily Linden works for Teen vouge and the magazine was responsible (see 'and concerning woman matters generally' above near the beginning of this essay) through a highly strung Teen vouge writer Lauren Duca who wrote that thigh high boots and the 'end of other religions' is something teens need to be concerned about equally, as two hysterical gay (dingbats) men tried to attack a member of the Trump family on an airplane ) This is the motto of by any means necessary and Antifa. No one mentions the two prominent presenters on the chat show 'The View' in the USA, who tried to seduce and grab a janitor in the basement ( a basement) of the programme and another who tried to molest 2 young male stage hands, who have had counselling and have been moved to other studios. Sexism amongst privileged girls, and these woman think they can get away with it, they are beasts. The video concludes with Ned Ryan who has penned a book called 'In Defence of Masculinity' which points out that it is actually the left who are sexist, racist, unreasonable and bigoted and terrible people all round. In fact the progressive stack (Sargon of Akkad) is in fact upside down. It all starts to get very neurotic just from listening to the piranha's, yet there is hope. If Kim Jong Un can show a masculine yet considerate side, (for instance some areas of the east do not carry poodles or the other snarly dogs on their shoulders, but use them as meat in soup stock as they are considered a delicacy in some regions) then maybe all Marxists and communist progressives can also, it is not fair to lump all cultural Marxist men and woman into the same bracket and stereotype them, although their behaviour is reprobate. NK is Caucasian and has secure borders and a healthy attitude to national reproductive measures, if it is ok for them then why is not ok for the 'right' to ask for similar national conditions. On a topic which is similar and connected Tomi Lauren and Judge Jeanine add to the debate (see you tube 27.11.2017 "Stop DEMONIZING men!" Tomi Lahren GOES OFF on all Feminists" or see here if video link is broken ) which points out the 2 real sexes are boy and girl and without this basic understanding the human race is doomed (and there are only 2 genders and children should be left alone in that scientific reality) The bible says we are to go forth and multiply (which in Korea if they united many Yin and Yangs from both sides could increase the population in a new unified Korea and cement the new adjustment to western culture which this essay hopes to assist them with. If Kim could kiss China goodbye and get on with it)
Consider the case of congresswoman elect Andrea Ramsey (who was to run for congress in Kansas and before she was married and she was then surnamed Thomas) Contrast it against some men who have been accused of sexual harassment and who have lost their jobs straight way without trial ? or without any proven guilt ? Andrea Ramsey sexually harassed a man named Gary Funkhouser. She was accused and due process was observed and Funkhouser won his case of sexual harassment against the company Andrea Ramsey worked for, but only then did she concede to stop running as congress woman in 2017 (12 years later )and she did not lose her job or career ? Gary Funkhouser stated that he was harassed by Andrea Thomas incessantly, and when he said no, he was ignored and side demoted and then after this a few months later, he lost his job in 2005. The case took 12 years for him to find justice and whilst you have to admire the guy and think of his long road, his tenacity and his determination and all of his difficulties, the truth is many heterosexual men would also think 'what an idiot' (yet we do not know the full atmosphere) However and despite these differences in men and woman and the different gender approach to these issues, no man or woman should have to face these problems but due process is the rule of law under the constitution and also morally. Another point of course is that it is always men who are assumed to be the guilty party in these circumstances or they alone cause sexual harassment. Funkhouser and Ramsey in different circumstances (perhaps on a good day) could be married now. (Andrea Ramsey... nee Thomas has always stated she was innocent of the charges against her, yet it was correct she kept her position until a case was heard unless the 'metoo' movement also admits to molesting men, however she (Christina Garcia) says she is innocent but will she leave her job straight away or is all this becoming excessively ..... Neurotic ). Political weaponizing which can cause damage or doubts to very serious cases or trafficking or rape and even child abduction, will suffer in these circumstances, although it is woman and children who do suffer the most by far
The matter is further explained by 'wife with a purpose' Ayla in her video who explains the benefits of a heterosexual married life (see video 30.11.2017 Good Mothering With Wife With A Purpose ) or here you tube 'Women's Roundtable - Debunking the Claim that Is Hostile ToNationalismwards Women' you Nov 30 2017 and an article on similar issues here. Nationalism or Cultural Marxism do not define men or woman, but only the left try to change a sex, and in California you can be fined for the wrong gender pronoun lie or imprisoned for these 'crimes' but not for shooting an innocent woman as an undocumented migrant ( Kate Steinle murder or here again on this tragedy in 2015, but who was later convicted after a public outcry in 2018 but later again overturned although he remains in jail. The gun used to kill Kate Steinle belonged to a Bureau of land management employees. (BLM) Trafficking of woman goes deep into the system) Murder and trafficking and woman's lives ended are not serious crimes but heterosexual families or individuals can be fined for 'misgendering'? and science shows there are only 2 genders or that all gays are naturally heterosexually conceived (not artificially) or should be. This is the central issue, because if heterosexuals spend all their time listening to the lefts whining instead of explaining that genuine heterosexuality is not sexual harassment because that's where babies (including them) come from, then the population will never increase. It may come as a shock to some but there is (literally) a whole world of genuine heterosexuals out there. It is a distraction to debate this obvious matter, but in this day and age it is a ridiculous necessity. Instead now the cultural Marxists and critical theorists, have taken over and we are left with this alternative minority reality brainwashing (a massive minority at 1.5%) which if followed to its logical conclusion, will mean in essence Yin and Yang will be stuck permanently in the DMZ demilitarized zone (so to speak) and the world's population will die out. 'Gay island' does not end well, it really is Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, or Jill and Jemma. Work that out or build a boat. Kim Jong Un as a Marxist has at least got it half right (although his problems are largely of his own making) The possible scenarios can appear grim.
The scenario predicted by the 'Two Ronnies' circa 1980 is a course a parody see the 'Worm that Turned' television programme (or see the full 8 programmes on bitchute here The Worm that Turned 1 of 8 & next 2 of 8 & next 3 of 8 etc the rest within this bitchute channel up 8 of 8 ... in which woman stride around in military uniforms, forcing men to sew, wear dresses or do the knitting. It is not suggesting woman should not be leaders or should not vote, but is hinting at the new cultural theories circa 1960 which seek to destroy real gender ) Ronnie Barkers son is a criminal on the sex offenders list and for harboring images of child rape something which Ronnie Barker detested. (see chapter 6 in the adjacent website) The Two Ronnies parody is ironically a part of the Marxist vision for society for the west, but just not for actual Marxist countries and their socialist communist societies, why is that ? (is it to weaken the western military which today as thousand of years ago had both sexes within it who were overjoyed to be heterosexual)
'Hate speech' as mentioned narrowly defined by the vanguard has recently been rejected by the US supreme court as an 'exception' to the 1st amendment (19.6.2017 in in Matal v. Tam, the "Slants" case:) Attacks on tradition and family are themselves born from hate and political speech. Islam and liberalism tried to insist that Islam cannot be criticized whilst it kills Christians and openly criticizes Christianity and the west. It is of course a false gd and quasi Hindi aberration and death cult. Hindu's state it is not Hinduism as they know it but emerges from it. North Korea cannot be criticized when in NK. The LGBT community (not born gay, or a separate species or deserving of any more rights than anyone else) who represent less than 2% of the worlds population are seen as 'above criticism', yet who also attack the family and the church without reproach. (the top 10% of the LGBT religion and it is a separate religion) Gay people claim not to believe in Gd but insist on getting married in a church of Gd? (the real church of Torah and Bible rejects gay marriage and gay workers in a church and there are other real and genuine reasons for this other than the usual trite explanations. Gay marriage is the belief of the humanist church, and any christian church which accepts gay marriage is no longer a christian church, protestant or catholic that is the definition. Marriage is between and a man and a woman only, the 98% of the world who are heterosexual. (If you are Gay and believe you love your partner then why not wait and practice no sex before marriage? does this seems absurd but then it is a Christian teaching from Torah and the bible nevertheless in a church, which seems to be the object of many Gays attention ?) Gay privilege is also not a 'matter' of elitism according to this last link and author. The H,H, H and H community (Heterosexual, Heterosexual, Heterosexual & Heterosexual community) the 98%, march and live everyday without self-conscious concern on their status until it is forced upon them, yet they breed away, ironically creating more gay people, siring them heterosexually and bringing them into the world? and then are screamed at by gays for being heterosexual ? (yet they have rights and gay privilege and more rights than other groups currently yet want more and better rights than others ? ) whilst insisting they were born as 'bent as a a nine bob note' or as they in the USA as 'queer as a two dollar bill' ( a 'bob' equalled 12 pence or 1 shilling in old British money) Ironically it is Christians who have protected gays more than any other grouping. Many actors and politicians are increasingly speaking out and coming out as straight (and are then placed on…. 'the list' although there is one crime worse than ‘homophobia’ that is as mentioned the DeGeneres syndrome known as ‘Ellenaphobia’ and similar with ‘Ophrahaphobia’ which has recently emerged as a ‘mental health condition’ shocking the MSM) or have doubts about LGBT and the 'Dear Leaders' of the movement.
As discussed above concerning the subversion plans against countries which cannot be easily invaded, the Stasi / KGB 'active measures' are plan b scenarios. Some are so stupid its doubtful whether the KGB believed people would actually take the policies on board (i.e. transsexuals who often quote 'fish' such as sea horses or even frogs as a precedent and who want science to find a way for an artificial operation outside of nature to give them a type of womb, to allow them to give birth to sexless children if possible and from out of their ass (tush/tokhes) for instance. The KGB must have laughed their Cossack hats off when they thought that one up, including the latest direction to let Transsexuals into the US army by military order, and they wonder where is the Russian mole ?, yet keeping it in the media and making people feel shame ? is also a prime 'active measure') Take a recent example from Justin Trudeau world and Kori Doty which is in the media and its hard to know if its real or a fake news item. The baby of course like Kory was born with a real gender thanks to nature and/or God. Kori also experimented (he says) with Psychedelic drugs, suffered mental illness and (or words to that effect) lost the plot. This story as it stands in the media is deliberately mocking society and the child. As social experiments go and if applied to the birds and the bees in pollination, food production would be in big trouble. Aside from the pesticide problems bees have, if flowers and bees were genderless, then the genderless baby would not have any fruit or buckwheat or vegetables (baby food) to eat and they would not be in the Green party health food stores ? Social experiments of the absurd but by a very small minority who push their views legally onto all. Putin knowing the origin of these plans, conversely bans gay marriage for instance as it is not compatible with the Russian church or any Christian church (Putin was married and is not a poof, as some gay writings suggest) Homosexuals and 'woman who prefer being uncle rather than auntie' also have their own rude and 'oppressive' slang for heterosexuals in 'hetro- phobia' which is not checked or curtailed. (Hetros are 'breeders' ) Abortion (ban abortion and save a future Marxist some ironically cry) is not just a 'feminine issue' or a woman's right but an issue between 3 people, a man, a woman and the child (the Child cannot fight back and it is a child from conception. Vegans cry if meat eaters eat a chicken egg, as the egg cells are baby chickens... but scream for abortions of human embryos as they are just cells ? ) Truth is hate speech and training people to perpetuate Cultural Marxism Stalinist Leninist soviet propaganda occurs artificially from within working class movements or at any class level. Once the soviet revolution failed cultural Marxism was dreamt up in the minds of desperate scientists and from failure and 'hate', and is not a ground up movement of the working or middle class or any class. On the one had you have 'equality' ( we are all the same / equal ) and then you have 'diversity' (we are all different) so which is it; answer; If your white you are Hitler or Aryan or 'privileged' which excludes other continents and their Arab privilege, Chinese or Asian privilege or African privilege and the white working underclass worldwide. 'Progressiveness' is up there (i.e. equivalent) with the Raving Monster Loony Party and Screaming Lord Sutch who at least was honest in his parody (see video youtube named as 'Monster Raving Loony Party Conference' or here again on Bitchute ). You could not make it up.
Remember however a Kilt is not a Skirt and the Amazon Woman who only married into the Scythian's tribes were not "butch" or "sour and grumpy" but full and fit heterosexual female warriors. 'Butch' being the vulgar gay slang term, gay men employ for selective ladies who are less inclined to be of a reproductive disposition. Yet the Kilted armies were known as the 'Ladies from Hell'. ( and it did terrify many an opposing army when sighted running across an open battlefield. Bring back the Broons)
Anarchy, Conservative, Libertarian or North Korea.
Life in North Korea today is a window into life in communist Russia and China from the 1920's and 1930's and beyond the fall of the Berlin wall. Pre cultural Marxism differs dramatically from post Cultural Marxism, yet the effect on society is the same. The pretense that children are born gay is an anarchic promotion as there is no gay genome. Yet despite this, children need schooling because they are confused, and education or aggressive re-education in being gay or wanting a sex change (as heterosexuals oppress their children, a perpetuated false narrative) as (transgender children) 'have always existed everywhere' ? Many children kill themselves after sex changes or pay to change back again as also with adults. It is demagoguery and violent as an assumption as an action to brainwash children in this way like this argument of these 2 female 'parents' (who have ascertained a child of 3 wants to change sex) in their careers and more recent child adoptions? Some children were taken from parents and counselled (some would say brainwashed) into being transsexual from their parents and kept from them. As far as 'always existing everywhere', so has the right for children to defend themselves and for parents to determine what is best for their infants and toddlers. Truly sick material from the pedophile Marxist lobby (see further on and video on Kinsey and the sexualisation of children) Ultimately children could just knee them in the groin, as one small part of self defense class.
As we have seen in the introduction to this chapter on North Korea the Anarchists have a number of self-identifying flags. In the videos below (one longer than the other) at around 2 - 4 mins into the first video there are 6 distinctive flags (5 Anarcho's and the varieties and 1 queer Anarcho) in the video by 'Sargon of Akkad' entitled 'Antifa and the Black Bloc Explained' (or here with longer video or here as MP4 shorter version or here as MP4 longer version ) Today there are not controlled by the working or middle class. Gender types and gender pronouns are lost on the anarchists in practice (see at 23 minutes in the first video) Woman eventually did the shopping and cooked up Molotov cocktails or tubes of salt water and sugar for car engines, whilst the men were in the garden smoking cigars numbering how many golf course holes they had destroyed. The queers and gays and the trans what nots, were upstairs complaining that black is just so depressing. Many of the working class were/are excluded.
However one flag is missing, that of the 'cross eyed' resistance ( they formed an anarchist revolutionary group in Russia in 1911 with the 'bucked teeth' partisans, but modern dentistry advances meant this faction numbers gradually dwindled. ('buck teeth' or freckles does not mean unattractive or less rights in your progressive stack or anywhere, far from it) Lesser groups who united with them were the freckle faces, and the stutt...stutt...stutter..... stutterers. All four together were a potent force, but have been written out of working class history as many always are. The anracho queers get their own flag and top billing in comparison. Cross eyes claimed the queers were false and they were the only ones with inherited traits. They (cross eyes) were excluded on this basis for that. Largely heterosexual by 98.5% or more, their original flag also suggested Homosexuals could be cured (just as gays today 'cure' heterosexual children with psychological therapy) and they developed a flag which was 'fluid' and hypnotic. (if you enlarge and reduce the image repeatedly 20 times or more first) The image spiral reduction and enlarging or spinning motion (look deeply into its symbolic pattern) was accompanied by repeating the following phrases "I am heterosexual, I was born heterosexual and heterosexual is my real and only gender pronoun" during the reducing and enlarging, spinning and then lie down for a while. The success rate was incredible, with many people saying that they just felt so much better about themselves and they looked at the world anew . Considered too anarchical especially by the Bolsheviks and as possible Leninist infiltrators (no one was quite sure) the cross- eyed factions were gradually excluded. Lenin had accused Bukharin of not understanding dialectics, and Bukharin mistrusted the Anarchists. Today communists, cultural Marxists and anarchist and socials justice workers could not care less about the abused liberties of working class people or any class of cross eyed buck teeth, stuttering, freckled face proletariats, their progressive stack listings or their class struggle? They were incredibly mean to cross eyed folk, and the idiots even scolded their dogs ('Marxist and Communist and Cultural Marxists' as defined by middle class academics only in corduroy jackets etc)
Behavioral science and cultural Marxism must also ' re-educate' heterosexual men. See near the beginning of this essay and the three Navy paragraphs, and the sexism / eye test (and alternative) which is 'scientifically' employed on possible sexist / racist 'suspects' if training to be an effective 'progressive' / communist SJW manipulative to go above, infiltrate and lead the protests or teach etc. One of many areas, history,economics, politics etc, but dreamt up by the combined idiocy and fanaticism of the piranha cyborgs. Subversion of behavioral norms defined as such by 'common purpose' and others could qualify for a North Korean / Kim Jong Un loyalty badge made by the 'NK propaganda and agitation dept ' (or here Dept of Propaganda and Agitation )..... Marxist, Stern and uncompromising (or seen marching here as in many cities around the world )..... yet attractive, the 'department' effectively exists globally in every country and is mostly female who do not stand for any nonsense, especially from western capitalist imperialists and/or unsuspecting men everywhere ( especially in that 'dept' ) Will this diabolical and cunningly chilling active measure succeed or have some 'disgruntled ladies' just too much time on their hands (clause; woman should have equal pay and conditions, they are hetro and not a separate species, although many woman earn more than men as do the 'oppressed' gays ?) Truly bizarre and baffling and a total waste of time, but it will never fool the ( hetro) peoples of the breeding / birthing class.
If you feel the Kim Jong Un loyalty badges are a draconian and creepy measure, (and something like that could not possibly happen here ?) then consider the fate of the National Trust. ( who have been infiltrated by a small but growing Maoist movement) It was ordered to wear LGBT badges, until 30 members in an ironical 'Escape from gay Colditz' type scenario suggested that they would not like to wear them any longer. They proved their point and now they are not forced to wear them (and the others above the 30 continued to wear them) as it is their scientific choice (not a choice of feelings) to not do so. Why National Trust employees, the 98.5% cannot wear badges which indicate they are Heterosexual is not explained. What if all the staff and the gays were forced to wear this T-Shirt or be fired ? or flogged in a conservation protected stocks for those who are disturbing the peace or village idiots. (commemoration of heterosexual people could occur everyday ?) Kim Jong UN forces people to wear the badges, you cannot refuse wearing the badges in North Korea. Recognize it for what it is i.e.'Homofasicsm'. The fact that they were ordered to wear them is the real 'invasion of the body snatchers' cult, (see further down this essay) and as with Hermaphrodites and Gays, LGBT etc there are only XX & XY genes even in 'hermaphrodites' DNA, the rest is in the gay mind (the twit like regions of the gay mind where the fact of XX / XY = male and female only, is a distant cloud floating around deep space) Remember children are being heavily persuaded to change sex at 4 and 5 and 14 years of age. Pretending that sexes can be equal (when they already are at birth) by introducing up to 60 fake genders is a Trojan horse of reasoning.
In the USA re-education which begins as the innocent " boy / girl " fun classes which break down male and female 'norms', re-education then moves on to full homosexual lgbt teaching (without any supporting science of course) The next paragraph highlights the stepping stones for the cult which is trying to hijack education. (Video ' HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA! Brainwashing our children part 1 & 2') Child abuse and criminal. Of course any child could jump up and shout out at the 'gender re-education facilitators' ('teachers').. 'big poofs' and/or 'bossy smelly ladies' for top marks.
The whole movement is based upon a lie. A lie which effects the church, marriage, children's rights (Germany rejected gay adoption in law) and in many cases the sexual exploitation of children, and yet it is forced upon people (as with the Malta vote, and despite thousands marching the will of the people in Mexico was ignored and parliament voted for gay marriage in a very one - sided vote of people who were afraid for their careers etc. All parties had previously rejected it the year before, when they had changed their minds and they could do so again. The Pope backs the gay marriage protests. ) The lie as a debate is not spoken of in the 'free west' . Take Google and its leaders who should be fired and pay scientific compensation / damages to their former employee, have reputedly fired a man called James Damore for perpetuating gender types , (07/08/2017) and these monsters are even trying to stop parents buying Christmas presents for their male and female children which perpetuate gender types ? (genitals at birth do not define a child's sex is also the latest insanity) Churches want to throw off the Kim Jong Un badge and recognize only two genders, yet the BBC have also lied to and misrepresented children on neutral genders in August 2017 (they also Joked about Jimmy Savile and child abuse until he was caught along with many of their former employees. It was harmless and good for children and clearly they have still a big problem and have learnt nothing from past mistakes) Jimmy Savile (the prolific pedophile and necrophiliac, including necrophilia against dead children) was the subject of Louise Thearoux's investigative journalism skills. he has produced countless documentaries on unusual subjects including the 'Weird Weekends' franchise. Theroux's investigation into Jimmy Savile in 2000 (ad) concluding nothing was amiss, 'weird' yes but not a monster etc 'I was gullible' Thearoux claimed when the full revelations on Savile appeared in 2015/2016, (documentary; 'When Louis Met Jimmy (2000) Full Documentary' but the reality is, his producer was pressured not to tell the full truth, and over 100 employees in the BBC said they lived in a atmosphere of fear, knowing Saville and others were predators.( Saviles funeral 2011. who also met Peter Sutcliffe for afternoon tea) Releashed again in 2016. It gives the impression that Savile was the only one when in fact there are many. Savile and countless others are at the center of children's entertainment (Savile for over 30 years) and are/were deliberately placed there for those characteristic attributes as a way to get to children. Planned, supervised and embedded and kept as the alternate surreal world, as a macabre joke viewed daily on television. Today Theroux would have easier access into North Korea than this nest of vampires (ironically filmed not far from the BBC in London) which is a Weird Weekend in itself. The programmes of gender neutrality (the cult which screams stop perpetuating gender norms) and homosexual 'education' are exactly the same scenario dreamt up by the undead in the pedophile exchange, (PIE) which was started by gay rights campaigner Ian Campbell Dunn , the BBC aired his documentary despite being called to ban it. Gender reassignment re-education 're-gendering' involving physical operations, at age 4 and then into full blown Homosexual (from PIE) later as teaching is a form of grooming on live television, it is a horse from the same stable. (Remember the authorities and many concerned people have slowly exposed these matters) They should be fired (as infiltrators who centrally target the media, especially those with worldwide capabilities) throughout the BBC (not as an excuse to remove its public broadcast ethos and status) and other entertainment providers including (who may have nothing to hide) Sky, Hollywood etc, and Thearoux could begin a new documentary at the beginning after all the west is not North Korea is it ?
Consider the following story by Millie Fontana 'the other side of the rainbow' and then the truth of planned parenthood clinics which do not perform mammograms etc, but do have abortion targets and who claim contraception deliberately fails. Farmed people without choice is the future and choice is disappearing quickly. In law choice is biased.
The Church wants the same choice as national trust objectors i.e. not to preform marriages if it chooses, or hire gay clergy etc, but in law also, but that is not 'allowed' under the western 'North Korean gay regime/cult'. Over 150 Evangelical Pastors sign a manifesto statement on Christian marriage as solely between a man and a woman (in which genders would not exist without..... heterosexuals in the first place? )
Considering the issues, it worth bearing in mind that WW3 could result from North Korea and China/Russia, resulting in a total nuclear fireball, an annihilation which could separate soul from sinew for billions of people, that's if heterosexuals can get on with the job and actually thrive and procreate in gender reality.
Anarchy derives from the word 'anarchia' in the ancient Greek who only knew of 2 genders and even Eunuchs were male (or female) Even in Egypt, Eunuchs or hermaphrodites were born with definite genders (of the 2 genders ) and many were twins trapped in each other's bodies as occurs today with Siamese twins (and one twin can be dominant and apparent) 'Anarchia' simply means a society without rulers or leaders in its most basic idea…(although inherent skills come to the fore in groups and people appoint a leader anyway in Anarchical groups but is less obvious) … but (1960s) pre Cultural Marxism, anarchy was focused upon aspects of government and society (governance) and not identity politics with sexuality neurosis. In Russia and China today there is no gay marriage or immigration neurosis hysteria, as this is directed only at the west and directed at it incessantly. Just as any European or American who mentions a security wall on the borders are screamed at by the piranha cyborgs, yet media coverage or documentaries of Mexico's or Switzerland's (or the other numerous countries) very stern immigration standards are not on the news, or television or radio etc, only far less stringent ideas by Europeans or Americans are scrutinised and brainwashed into people's minds as an 'outrage' ? Keeping many pointless and trivial ideas prominent is also a feature of the media, soaps and pop culture.
Anarchy then is older than any modern political movement (over 3000 years old) and it is therefore also as old as the USA's constitution (which is almost 230 years old) Libertarians cite say John Locke (who died in 1704) and who regarded Francis Bacon as crucial to their beliefs. Author of 'The New Atlantis' and Bacon was the actual 'William Shakespeare' which was just a pen name of bacon to maintain anonymity. Francis Bacon was an inspiration to Locke who regarded Francis Bacon as his mentor (a liberal) but he was not as 'Antifa' are today. This is why today you have even Christian libertarians who do not always see eye ball to eye ball with conservatives (conservatives include many types of conservatism) Successive revolutions had an anarchical element including the Russian revolution in 1917 and this became influential in Libertarianism from 1905 to 1912 (waxing and waning since then) sustained through also many tax exempt foundations. After the Russian Royal family were killed and after the first Russian election, Lenin who lost the first election instigated the red terror to seize back power. He later (after first tolerating them) infiltrated the anarchists (e.g. black flag 1905 like but not the red cross) and had them killed or sent to gulags. Bukharin also opposed the anarchists but many even saw Bukharin as not even a Marxist (and on and on in endless classifications of what anything meant or means) Stalin watching all, had Lenin and Trotsky killed and even eventually Bukharin (who he used to get at the anarchists) Stalin agreed with all shades of view but despised them all, and picked them off one by one until he was the only one left producing his reign as the anti-thesis of communism and anarchism but which follows and as a result of both i.e. a totalitarian oppressed paranoid state. This led to Chairman Mao (and why the Dalai Lama is still in exile from his lands today see chapter 4 above) and Pol Pot, Cambodia, Ho chi Min and Clinton, Trudeau (it is suggested Trudeau is gay but he is married) and Obama ? today. Cross eyed or everyday people as counter revolutionaries (which could apply to anyone who disagreed) were again the new peasants and who suffered at the new whip.
A modern anarchical uprising was the 'Baadar Meinhoff' rising in Germany which was led by Andreas Baadar who commonly referred to gays as 'Homo's. Ulrike Meinoff was married and was the 'muse or writer propagandist' of the group, but many suspect the real fire behind the movement was Gudrun Ensslinn (or here ) whose father was an evangelical preacher from Baden Wattenberg, and she ran bible classes in school although she abandoned that pursuit, yet was highly skilled at it and was very intelligent (all members left their children never to see them again) She said in her 'Proletarische Politik' that she did not want to discuss Russia, China etc as (inferred) their revolution had not just failed, but had become a nightmare and oppressive beyond anyone's worst fears. They did however bring Germany close to all out civil war in the 1960's & 1970's and they armed urban guerrillas who were opposed in Germany on the left (not the right) to Israel (although no one had defined or articulated Israel properly to even form a debate, it was then only then a country 20 years old in the modern era, and Israel had a political left wing also) and the USA etc, but the opposition was also largely at the burgeoning supranational system EC, EEC (EU) which sought to unite France and Germany to avoid a new world war but which also suppressed national feelings or traditional outlets of protest or debate in this system. Baadar Meinhoff still regarded Germany as still under occupation from the end of WW2. The Red Army Faction (RAF = Baadar Meinhoff) were armed and could hunt animals for food with weapons and were 'preppers' with those skills if they chose (the anarchist vegan lobby and animal rights anarchists would go into melt down) Modern technology and systematic searching by numbers did for them in the end. Germany has been divided and torn apart and yet it still stands.
Cultural Marxists who are bigots, sexist, racist and misogynistic etc (and the rest) study hard in sociology class to find anything which the 98.5 % take for granted and which can be twisted. Kim Jong Un ? is Marxist and he's not gay (he claims, or the omnipresent strict Maoist OGD the 'organisation and guidance department' claims ? like all left governments they are controlled and directed even Baadar MeinHoff were to some extent although they allowed for that and broke down their cells into units) Cultural Marxism tries to redefine genders and people in anyway it can and not to consider people's 'feelings'. Active measure by soviets were/are a war aim not a socially benign outlet of one love etc. Cultural Marxism continued that aim but the soviets banned its use in its owns lands. Revolutionaries today are fighting for your right to be born in the first place and born hetro and free, it is not something to be taken for granted. Millions of heterosexuals could be interred for being hetro if we let freedom perish.
The only group who are armed legally still, and who had a revolution and a Constitution of rights from this brief selection above are the Americans. Conservatives would say that the strength and tenure behind the duration is a belief in Gd which most of the founding fathers had. Modern Anarchists would disagree. A Christian (or a libertarian conservative) who has a piece of land and within small government scenarios has achieved more than any anarchist. The family unit is still the most radical unit in history (20 families make a town and so on) From 'Heaven's Gate' (a novel and a film) to the modern cultural Marxist era the working and middle class have been left behind and plied with nonsense as a replacement, and ultimately all class levels are pulled down and a nation destroyed. Modern anarchists would not agree with this also, their view is a resistance against control. Comminsts want to overthrow from the outside whilst Anarchists want to subvert from within and both work in unison. After this (Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot occur as reality in practice) nothing is really offered apart from vagaries on work (a basic income and a nullified economy instead of prosperity and freedom) and government. In contrast, the USA had its constitution and the pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and small government. Cultural Marxism anarchy is the bottom of the barrel and absurdities.
Are people tired of having the absurd pushed upon them ? It is sad but the recent filming of Brokeback mountain 2 was interrupted when a herd of buffalo plowed through a lbgt parade in the mid north west USA for 9 hours. John Wayne, the Duke drove the herd. Shocking ? or would communists and anarchists do the same.
Today in Justin Trudeau world who leads the LGBT community some suggest, it is little known that his mentor Castro and with Guevara executed and interred Homosexuals. There is no scientific proof of more than 2 genders (but that does not stop the anarchists) and in Toronto Justin Trudeau and his father (Pierre Trudeau) long admirers of Fidel & Raul Castro and Guevara, does not mention Castro had homosexuals shot and interned in camps. Here is Trudeau who is a communist….but 'progressive' (see the following video 'here's the nasty truth about Castro's about Castro's homosexual internment camps') This remains the ideology of China and Putin today (Russia) and many others (i.e. gay marriage etc) as they believe it corrupts society (and gay marriage is banned) but support active measures to push it down the throats of the west. The latest example is the 'gay marriage debate' in Malta. "Parliament voted gay marriage into law, through the Marriage Equality Bill, last Wednesday. The legislation is not as such create a whole new law but amends many clauses across Maltese legal codes to replace gender specific terminology such as 'husband' and 'wife' into 'spouse'" it was" In other words the head MP forced the others to vote for gay marriage rather than purely the Maltese people, it passed by 66 to 1 (only 1 person was moved to stand up and object) and now legally the next step would be to force all genders to be obsolete as an act of anarchy not truth or genetic science or 'love' Germany ratified gay marriage but not adoption of children (both law changes occurred in Malta and Germany in June / July 2017) but has stopped short of letting gay men or woman adopt a child as of course to deprive a child of both sexes as a parent is cruel and child abuse. The following statement was made " It means that traditionally in Germany the legal definition of two parents is a mother and a father " and it is this which is the real target in this debate to change this obvious 'tradition' a word which implies it is old fashioned or odd. It is in fact the future obviously, and this despite a ruling in the UK courts which claims children on the 25.07.2017 belong to the 'state' and not parents ? (a Leninist misconception)
Does North Korea need a real revolution and liberation? Further see the video at the end (2nd last paragraph) of this essay on NK 'The happiest people on earth' Do the children (and some adults) repeat the same phrases (over and over again) are they forced ? This is 'the Revolution" according to communism and socialism, and in Chinese and soviet Russian imperialism, North Korea is a typical example.
Equal rights for church as well as gays ? The gender pronoun madness is of course a cult without precedent and a step to breakdown and destroy society and in Malta, the abuse of parliamentary powers forced the gay marriage vote through. This occurred in many other countries (see the adjacent website and chapter 3a posts dated 7.7.2017 and last paragraph above ) and today this is the list of gay marriage countries up to 2015 see Malta and Germany and the last post on the adjacent website. It is also aimed at the Church to destroy it and if there was 'equality' (in Britain gay MPs far exceeds the number % ratio against gays and heterosexuals) which then destroys 'diversity' it obviously a false doctrine and a heterosexual reformation should follow (there is no gay genome) Will the church be allowed in conscience, to also have a law in every national parliament to allow the church to not perform gay marriage, have gay pastors, priests etc, and to not have to fear being prosecuted for it. This law should be present in every country that has passed gay marriage. That is equality and diversity and which as a law must also apply to gender pronouns, i.e. to legally say your child or you are male and female (only) Revolutionaries could insist upon it.
To see how far into delusion the LBGT lobby have traveled (and by those who have pushed it legally, law being scientific and equitable ) see the first link in the next para which points out the idea of 'gender dysphoria' and therefore the gay gene nonsense is 'conceptual and not scientific' as the LGBT lobby admit ? (i.e link, 'school suggests') The Church and in the gay marriage debate is told it is scientific. The idea is pure child abuse and sophisticated grooming carried out as a school policy,(and later further down for instance you will see many 'Antifa' are teachers) and those that aid it are deranged and criminal. 30 years in prison in not conceptual.
What is this phenomenon known as 'gender dysphoria' which was first discovered (it is believed) by a now discredited Professor Noodlesnitzen who has been cast out from the scientific community as a quack and is now unknown, nobody really knows the origins of the 'neurological' disorder, and his work although once esteemed has largely been lost to academia. As mentioned in chapter 4 above in the section / heading termed ' Family planning as an ideology' we come across the 'diagnosis' named as 'gender dysphoria' (which is ascribed to even very young children, but children do not have and which nobody has ) but which should be called "Hetrophobia dysphoria" and not "gender dysphoria", it happens in all children and girls also, and to repeat, can begin at a very young age from 2 to 3 upwards.... boys are smelly, girls are stupid etc. Of course education / teaching is serious and proper, and respect of educators is central to education, but gender dyspohoria teaching in schools is itself a disorder especially combined with 'common core' education ( Parents are the authority not the state or school, who can also introduce christian prayers and Torah / bible into class if they choose, with evolution and intelligent design and creation) What should you do if your school suggests a (or your) little boy or girl has 'gender dysphoria' and classes should be taught in this for them leading into full homosexual classes ? ( which schools are allowing unknown to parents, but who should be arrested, and the intent is to bring it into schools all over the USA and the world ) would you write a letter of concern, or would you take other sterner steps ? (to employ artistic license) This mild unknown nothingness of 'hetrophobia dysphoria' in children normally dissipates (but it can linger and go beyond early adolescence if allowed to) and in fact it is not a disorder but a condition called childhood which combines with sillyness, day dreaming and/or incredible intense focus and interest (non - disorders) What are the actual origins and symptoms and resolution of what is known as (Professor) Snitzenoodle's derangement.
A Mother who is deeply concerned on these bizarre and inappropriate teaching ideas and methods, explains to the Board of Education at her local school in 2018, who is the parent and who is the employed servant of the people who are not there to indoctrinate young children, with gender studies which are false and scientifically wrong and which should be decided upon in the Supreme court of the USA (and morally wrong) . She explains what the school board role is and what is not their role. See the activist Mommy The Activist Mommy - Elizabeth Johnston and Video ‘Mama Bear Fighting Leftist LGBT Sex Ed Agenda At School Board’
First consider other reasons, and which has already been touched upon is 'gender' opposites and pro-creation are natural and found everywhere in nature. This has been pointed out by the 'ex – gay movement' and as an example of former gayness is Michael Glatz founder of young gay America and others who is now a pastor and married . So too is Trey Pearson, and others one of which has five children and the thing which is hard to explain but starkly apparent is; when the children are born all three (with both parents) instantly know what gender pronouns is at hand (and during woman's labour pains many pronouns were heard ) Want a child ? get married and find a willing female partner (and woman are not baby factories and a baby is a two way decision) and stop being a homo about it. Also this Christian lady, or this lady, or this lady, or amusing 'now not gay lady' who dated a ex gay man, or this non Christian lady formerly of a more ♂ 'pronoun' explains their / her 'transition' to She-lion.
Cultural Marxism is a cult and you never know who has been infected, one minute they are regular people, the next they are eggplant (and many homosexuals lgbt have a similar reaction) ( or here) and your back in North Korea again. This last video shows a former female child sweetheart bumping into her now grown up (gay) boyfriend and his 'hetro-phobic' reaction (it is hard to believe this is 2017) Gays, do not assume that Abba were/are a gay anthem ( far from it) what they are really saying in their anxiety for the gays as an international distress call of concern (through their songs especially to young men of 11 to 14 and older of course who perhaps had a girlfriend once) is you can be saved free and hetro, so Come on, stop being gay, it is not too late as woman care about you and you can try and find the real world, Change your mind like these men in this last Abba video, and just take a chance ( be hetro ) and pull yourself together, and snap out of it. Stop making such a homo crisis out of everything and 'trans'form and grow some. Cultural Marxism is responsible for the modern hysteria and is not some natural progression of life, we need more babies not less.
People used to know something was wrong, the milk curdled, and the yeast in the dough bread did not rise in the oven, they knew something was amiss somewhere. Without defined male and female genders in nature, people of all nations would wither away and cease to exist. Pollination and conception would cease. Flowers and animals would die off, famines and pestilence would follow. There would be no food in the stores or fields, colours in nature would fade, and the wonder at the burgeoning flowering of life would be a sad distant memory. (its not gay to enjoy nature) Without male or female natural genders, nature would die, and a stark wasteland would result, rivers would dry up and soils would decay into foul smelling swamp like bogs filled with disease and pestilence and sickness. The world would crumble and it would be bleak and just plain awful within this realm of genderless gayness, and it would be the entirely the fault of the gays and cultural marxists. This is real science yet we are asked to ignore it ?
The few next paragraphs describes the activities of Alfred C Kinsey, the father of the sexual 'revolution' (although he was not desirous of procreating, and was gay and a pedophile responsible for the abuse of over 2500 children and spreading pedophilia as a science worldwide) who was also a Darwinist, and Atheist and Secular Humanist but mainly a criminal loved by the Communist and Secular Humanist lobby who teach that children (and therefore everyone are animals) 'Make love not war', his love was a war on children (a list of worldwide organisations) and the real sexual revolution of progressing from childhood to adulthood (it happens naturally for everyone) Claims that he used Nazi research misses the point of secular Humanism and Eugenics, as it is still taught today. Why he was not given the electric chair is a mystery which continues, and today in the post - child abuse investigations, this is no longer a theory but a fact, although a fact throughout history, it is now in millions and today the lunatics are controlling education, law, health and the courts in many areas, but the last ten years has opened up the closed prison of abuse and information upon it. The control of the working class and the destruction of the middle class (odor) is simply Karl Marx who equated "Humanism is nothing else but Marxism" but the side of Marxism which calls it self 'progressive' which is really 'regressive' (which should be their real name) back to the beginnings of Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot etc. North Korea is Marxist (really totally Marxist and is not gay or diverse) Kinsey was a Humanist but as a religion (which has morphed today into Fabian society liberal Islamic hybrid see adjacent website and chapter 3 dated 17.05.2016 and chapter 3A dated 7.7.2017)
The truth is experiments on human beings in the modern era under Secular humanism began under Soviet authority in 1919 - 1921 and gas chambers were a part of that experimentation and brainwashing techniques (perfected from 1917 to 1939) and the torture of woman and children also.This continues today in North Korea. (Woman are a product, reproduction is an abattoir, or conception is not human until after a few weeks, traditional genders have been an unnatural mistake, children are an experiment etc) The Soviet mastermind behind much of this was Genrikh Yagoda who was personally responsible for the deaths of 10 million people and his comrades up to 66 million, including millions of Jews from then and up to the 1950's under Stalin. He later went on to form the KGB (from the NKVD, the Cheka or Secret Police which evolved into the KGB. See above North Korea, and Russian Gulags to an area especially discussing him in this chapter 5) These closed experiments on society were continued into family health, children's health and sexual education (including experiments on gay, homosexual and pedophilia effects on society, just like today which includes abortion at the rate of 50 to 100 million a year since the 1970's, or now over a Billion souls) and Kinsey excelled in this area of pedophile child rape and all areas of 'health'.
Yagoda had lost any sense of self as had many others Jews and Gentiles, and Gentiles were in the majority (millions were killed or sent to the Oblast i.e. the 'The Jewish Autonomous Oblast', a gulag camp and there were others at Magadan and Chernivtsi and there were persecutions in Lvov, home some say of the Haskalah. The total amounts killed are unknown due to the sheer numbers involved.These Jewish communities dated back to the 1300's and even centuries earlier) The activities of this period (naturally following on from Lenin's Red terror, and Stalin's madness are only just becoming fully apparent) Many became disillusioned by 1925, and by 1930 in the freezing wastelands of Russia, famines in the Ukraine many lost their minds and their souls. Yagodas full activities were not known in the USA in 1942 or before to the full extent we know today, and the horrors of the Ukraine (or here) are only just becoming fully realized. It is a socialist global aim to duplicate some of these conditions. (as Chapter 5 on the gulags demonstrates) Both world wars caused madness and massive mental illness, but it is still criminal. Dr Judith Reisman an insightful woman, as mentioned below has been found to be correct (see adjacent website and chapter 6)
The 'Anarcho Queers' who do not believe in and oppose government and the courts seem to spend a lot of time suing churches or forcing legal laws for gay marriage and laws for their view of children in complete contradiction ?
To begin to grasp how ill these people are, see the next paragraph and video below and the Kinsey experiments on children
The sexualisation of children (who will be protected against these idiots) on a prevalent and parallel level is aided by destroying gender and making gender pronouns enforceable by law (as Trudeau wants to enforce in Canada) as perversion like subversion. Kinsey and cultural Marxism (last video 'How the gay agenda began – full documentary' (or see here on Bitchute ) which is now confirmed and is shocking and is prevalent in Soviet communist socialist society to a very high degree and all societies and countries in the world. The Video mentions Sayyid Qutb who as a Muslim brotherhood founder and member, as was Obama, and was not rational or liberal unlike Obama, obviously but the MB promotes Female Genital Mutilation and child and woman slavery and rape of non Muslim woman. Mohammed was also a pedophile ) Kinsey (a monster) spread this 'science' (rape of children) into Universities, and who changed society into his surreal nightmare with psychology and sociology 'therapy' social science as a health scheme and socialized health benefit for children and families. Those who provide therapy are also committing the crimes in many cases (with light prison sentences and parole back into society moving next to children's areas. Psychopaths) And Kinsey brought all of these monsters into the public sphere under the cover of analyst and Doctor psychology institutes as a cover for pedophiles, and people paid them fortunes to sit and be analysed (and who are opposed by many gay conservatives and gay groups to be clear) and they are behind the 'paedophile gender' and reducing the age of consent movements, and Children are prey to them the law and culture changes are a part of the 'modus operandi' ('MO' ) and all, without scientific or moral reasoning except a desire to fulfill perversion, E.G. Criminal prosecutions against minors are stopped as the defendant said the child showed signs of 'being gay' when he raped him so his sentence was reduced (or here) as a mitigating factor. There is the mental illness revealed, but as criminals and rapists (i.e. Mario Tolosa in Argentina) by the criminal and by the 'law', making fun of society whilst damaging children and many raped children have to have reconstructive surgery, and can never go to the bathroom normally again and this is another reason why the transgender toilet issue is so sick (see the adjacent website and chapter 6) Remember Obama (who followed Kinsey) made an order to force people all over the USA to adopt transgender toilets or face federal funding, from the Dept of Justice as 'guidance' (with pretense to care for children) He hates the USA and the west but more than this he is ill. They are also behind 'planned parenthood' which is going to be defunded in the USA 25.07.2017 or at some point as the criminal activity of planned parenthood is the antithesis of 'health' i.e. grave-robbing in modern pirate form. Death in other words is at the center of 'socialised medicine' instead of life and health ( a complete antithesis such as pushing massive immigration alongside massive abortion ? does that make sense ?) This transsexual personal desire (and its reversal for the disillusioned) is paid for by taxpayers whilst there are homeless vets and disabled who cannot afford Obamacare. Gay marriage is not a Christian, Judaism or Islamic practice, (although Islam is not forced or sued for not performing gay marriage? And can legally preach to behead a gay ? ) but one of the greatest and sinister cons in modern times. Cultural Marxism with perversion is responsible for the modern hysteria and not some natural progression of life. It is a cult but so absurd it is North Korea not a 'rainbow' and the research into gender is a contrived mockery, and coming to a 'Child and family agency' near you. Resist, speak out and be counted and Rise Up
The plan is of course like hysterical transgender toilets signed as a State department guidance by Obama to introduce these teachings on 'gender fluidity' and 'gender dysphoria' as mentioned in the schools paragraph 10 or so paragraphs above i.e 'What is this phenomenon known as 'gender dysphoria' into every kindergarten and school in the USA and other countries also. (every child like Rousseau's Noble Savage but with Ignoble aim, and more akin to Mao's cultural revolution ) Most or many of 'antifa' are teachers. (against 'fascism' ?) It is not identity education it is a criminal grooming ploy. That is where the left are politically and economically,(i.e. no plan but destruction) that is who runs them and that is their concern, within especially the USA.
Paediatricians, Sociologists, healthcare professionals and parents speak out against, gender reassignment and the cult of transgender. American paediatricians have spoken on the abuse 'gender dysphoria' teaching and education does to children. It is not just one paediatrician in the American college of paediatricians but also the American Academy of Paediatrics and the Paediatric Endocrine Society, the Alliance for Therapeutic Choice, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, the Christian Medical & Dental Associations, the Catholic Medical Association and anyone with common sense. The actual 'science' is explained here Paediatricians in their experience and observation by Dr Michelle Cretella which concur with other experts in the field, and other 'other' experts i.e. parents, and see the last paragraph above. They state that suicides and child abuse are related to the 'gender dysphoria' teachings or malpractice. (to repeat) The USA has now 40 'gender clinics' Dr Cretella states;
' But transgender ideology is not just infecting our laws. It is intruding into the lives of the most innocent among us—children—and with the apparent growing support of the professional medical community. As explained in my 2016 peer reviewed article, "Gender Dysphoria in Children and Suppression of Debate," professionals who dare to question the unscientific party line of supporting gender transition therapy will find themselves maligned and out of a job'
Others would state it is a cult and bullying of parents, dissenting views and professionals on the issue is a sign that the proponents of gender dysphoria are mentally ill. 1 . Video 'Gabriele Kuby's The Global Sexual Revolution: The Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom' 2. Video; 'Full version: Transgender ideology is 'madness:' Sociologist'
Gabriele Kuby and her book 'The Global Sexual Revolution: The Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom' and people who face bullying by the piranha's. Why because there are only two genders, there is no gay gene and childhood is a gift not to lose or be diagnosed as having a faked and contrived non-existent condition (Remember Milly Molly Mandy, May Amelia or Pippy Longstocking and Just William books, hardly a relationship worry or gender fret in the world) Video, Dr Michelle Cretella 'How 'gender ideology' harms children'
The LBGT community now want 'safe spaces' away from anyone who disagrees with them, except away from innocent children of course as they continue to teach the false paradigms of the gay gene and gender dysphoria.
The shocking facts are, it is children who require a Safe zone not the LGBT community. The PIE or the incredible 'Paedophile Information exchange' (video; P I E (Paedophile Information Exchange) Interview ) was started by Gay campaigner Ian Campbell Dunn , the BBC aired his documentary despite being called to ban it.
In 1977 – 1980 The 'National Council for Civil Liberties', a pressure group run at the time by former Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt and Labour's deputy leader Harriet Harman recommend funding for PIE as it seemed the normal thing to do (it had been made acceptable by degrees as today) and they even manage to place a sympathetic member of NCCL into the home office. It is all a comedy of errors suggesting it is not planned when of course it is. It is the same Labour party which and labour council which accidentally allowed The Rotherham gang which prostituted girls as young as 12 shouted 'Allah Akbar' in court as they were sentenced to a combined 80 years (and not life ?) The Rochdale Islamic Pakistan sex abuse prostitution gang operated freely and up to 50 girls on their payroll and was one of many towns in Britain, eight are listed here.
Ed Murray the Seattle Mayor and LGBT leader resigned following five counts of child abuse, (September 2017)
The LGBT community are forming their own church but they want it within the Christian church. (This as Catholic Priests cannot get married legally ?) It includes transgender breastfeeding and teaching children that this is normal and within nature. (when the birth mother, a female actually supplied the breast milk) The commonwealth Church is trying by legislation which is outdated but based upon the bible which is in date, to overturn its laws ( 16 of the 53 Commonwealth member states only, which are chiefly territories that used to be part of the former commonwealth, the commonwealth of Israel as it is known, the current leader is the Queen who is a Christian) and allowed, if or as soon as it does, it is of course no longer a christian church in the Judeo Christian tradition, but which seeks to overturn all institutions relating to the family, health if related, and spiritual institutions in any country or system. (They including Archbishop Tutu and daughter are not part of the spiritual christian Church)
US Supreme Court Ruling 1.6.2018 After years of court hearings and angst the gay bake a cake case finally reached the Supreme court of the USA. The decision was set aside but vindicated Jack Philips as follows; ‘The court concluded that the commission violated Phillips’ religious rights under the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment’ The real story is the gay couple drove over a 60 miles (some say 120 miles) and passed many other establishments who baked cakes including Muslim bakeries (Islam is not harassed to perform gay marriages, nor does it face any criticism or referendums to do so etc) The establishment could have offered a subcontractor but that was ignored, but in any case, an establishment has the right to refuse anyone. They targeted the establishment and contrived a case vindictively and without ‘love’. The matter goes deeper as it is clearly out to discriminate against Christians. Gays who want to marry in a Christian church are using the law to bypass the Christian debate which should be afforded to Christians as it is a Christian Church and Marriage. No one joins a club and does not abide by its rules.( (Leviticus 18,22 & 20, 13. Romans1 26 – 27. 1 Corinthians 7, 2, I Timothy 1, 8 – 10. Hebrews 12,6, Revelations 22, 15, Jude 1,7, Ephesians 5, 5, 1 Corinthians 6, 9 – 11. Revelations 21,8 & Genesis 19) The Torah also forbids gay marriage. In Brazil the Anglican Church branch (who clearly do not understand the bible verses Mathew 22, 37 – 39 with John 3 1 – 16 which define each other) has approved gay marriage, and hence it is no longer a Christian establishment but a part of the Transhumanist church , (which also has the gay manifesto which is a real document, as it’s inspiration, and why there are so many gays pushing this in society as a ‘revolution’ from within) and it should lose its right to be a national Church leading nations, and state it is not a Christian church in any nation (again the church and state agenda is brought forward but from the wrong perspective as Sharia law and state trys to force its way onto national governments) Jack Phillips was bullied and persecuted for his beliefs, just as John Kluge was/is (a school teacher also bullied and persecuted and still is) for refusing to name someone’s gender other than what it is i.e. male or female, boy or girl and so on. The people pushing the gender delusion should be sacked and forcing children to believe such nonsense is child abuse (madness) because they are not just opposing with an opposite religion but forcing someone to deny their religion or faith but selectively. The bake a cake gay nonsense should never have gone to the Supreme Court and it bankrupted (potentially) Jack Phillips and his business. They had no qualms about ruining his family’s life and no remorse, and this is also the case with John Kluge and his wife and children. It is not gays who are persecuted it is this lobby which is attacking the church, schools and education viscously with spurious and litigiously expensive drama’s. It is not rational or productive, nor is it avant-garde or shocking, it is a joke and is designed as such, but one in which children are forced to change sex (Gd or nature has made a mistake) but in many cases they commit suicide or change back or try to but in many cases it is too late) It is now time for these stacked up cases to be bundled and entered into the Supreme Court for the scientific test. i.e. Q. How many genders are there ? A. 2 genders (next case … and then applied retrospectively including repayment of fines incurred, and after which Gays still have rights ?) If these people cannot do that or face the scientific test but apply hearsay and opinion with fines, ruin, and prison, then the lower courts should throw out all lower cases, and then free speech and common sense should prevail, in the 2 gender reality in schools, business and universally. It is a whole new paradigm of Libtard.
( ... a couple of weeks later from the above) Following the publication of the Supreme Court bake a gay cake drama and decision, many establishments have become irate. For example many Christians in the USA have served gays with food and clothing and all manner of retail and wholesale goods, and this goes on every day. (also no one mentions the gay persecution of hetros as hetrophobia) That is not the question, what is strange about this case is that the gays were forcing a man to state he should believe and comply with gay marriage, in which he refused as his faith states it is wrong as does the Judeo Christian tradition in fact and history. Many establishment's often display signs stating the have the right to refuse anyone. Since that date Sarah Sanders the Whitehorse spokesperson (and others) have been refused food in a restaurant in connection to this ruling ? (also Obama deported more people than any President in history but the democrats said nothing and the law to separate children and parents was not repealed from 2008 - 2016 ? there was no media outcry. Illegal immigrants are deported from Mexico and Japan and China and Russia, the EU and anywhere ? whilst the MS -13 gang have killed many thousands of US citizens without the rule of law from 2008 - 2016 ? ) Firstly Sarah Sanders is not part of the Supreme Court and in the Supreme Court, the decision was a 7 to 2 (7 Judges for and 2 against ) decision and nothing to do with her or any member of the Whitehouse or the Democrats or Republicans. No one asks why is this acceptable to refuse her a meal ? yet she left the restaurant and has not sued anyone in the Supreme court. She could have began that long journey to the Supreme Court and cited that as a Republican Christian she was refused a " Lemon & thyme chargrilled chicken, brioche bun chipotle mayo, iceberg lettuce, tomato, served with fresh cut chips & side of chipotle mayo " because of her beliefs but she did not, she simply left the restaurant. Others who may be refused in the 'Red Hen restaurant' could calmly walk over to another chicken restaurant, grab a chicken meal and return to the Red Hen window, and scoffing in the competitors chicken meal, should shout out 'get stuffed Red Hen bozo's ' Maxine Waters the democrat, has called for people to fight against all Republican chicken injustice. Its incredible, anyone would think people are trying to make laws stating that gays should be flogged, or that they should be forced to wear a sign around their necks stating ' look here, look at us, we are 2 absolutely demented screaming queens' The only resolution of this crisis, is to ask the Supreme Court to rule on the 2 gender issue (scientific test) which could save a fortune in legal fees and a lot of angst. ( it is in the end just a load of homo nonsense) In many Islamic countries you would not get any cake, but would be beheaded or beaten in public. In North Korea you would be imprisoned for life or sent to work on a pig farm without protective clothing or wages.
Researching how many transgenders apply to reverse their operations or their views is a subject academia block's if possible. A testimony is available here from Walt Heyer (former transgender ) to the pain and suffering caused by Transgenderism ( or here by former transgender 'Diamond Dee' who also suggests 'de transing' or changing back is very common) Initially a gender expert advised Walt in what is a great deception and which is also being experimented upon very young children. The advice was based upon the Alfred Kinsey,(the paedofile see video 'How the gay agenda began – full documentary' ) Wardell Pomeroy and Clyde Martin scale of gender theories, now known as the Kinsey Scale. which employed data and interviews from paedofiles to compile. Kinsey was a expert only in grooming victims and many children) Walt Heyer was deceived and the 'gender expert' charged a lot of money for the scam. (his testimony continues here) It is a lucrative business. Similar profits and deceptions are pushed by Cecile Richards who retired from Planned Parenthood in early 2018 denying she was being investigated by the FBI, but who is estiamted to be responsible for over 3.5 million deaths or abortions. Walts family also suffered a great deal as anyone could imagine. See also the professional science of Quentin Van Meter, MCP who is a pediatric endocrinologist. He is a Fellow of the American College of Pediatricians and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. If Walt Heyer had been given alternative advice, he and his family could have escaped the tramua. Calling for a ban on conversion therapy for children (or adults) to become transgender, in schools public or private or in clinics is a choice society can make to end what is effectively child abuse.
Gender dysphoria (especially in innocent young children ) is not a real condition but makes some people a lot of money. (To repeat Camilla Page ) Camilla Page who is a Lesbian says "Homosexuality is not 'normal.' On the contrary, it is a challenge to the norm; therein rests its eternally revolutionary character Queer theorists - that wizened crew of flimflamming free-loaders - have tried to take the post structuralist tack of claiming that there is no norm, since everything is relative and contingent. This is the kind of silly bind that word-obsessed people get into when they are deaf, dumb, and blind to the outside world. Nature exists, whether academics like it or not. And in nature, procreation is the single, relentless rule. That is the norm. Our sexual bodies were designed for reproduction, no fancy linguistic game-playing can change that biologic fact."
Essentially there are only 2 genders man and woman, and gays used to know that this was a fact, science at micro levels is also showing this to be so.
To get an idea in June / July 2018 of how the Children of the world are loved in the 'gay agenda' (see you tube video 2 paragraphs up which as an agenda has been hijacked) and also the transhumanist religion, education boards are forced to accept sex education training on children (although many are banning it outright) which states there are more than 2 genders which is clearly a lie. It is a lie from the very onset (video 'Pediatrician Shuts Down Leftists on Puberty Blockers Let Freedom Speak: The Daily Signal ' ) of education. Sex from birth cannot be changed (or even before) by surgery or feelings. It is also a method to destroy education and innocence. The Supreme Court should decide on the scientific 2 gender test as soon as possible. Child abuse and targeting children's education is a criminal activity not a educational option.
A few days earlier Pope Francis issued his statement on same sex marriage which states " But the human family as an image of God, man and woman, is only one. It is only one,” the pontiff said" which echoes the views of the Ulster churches in Northern Ireland (they agree on this) The reason for this and earlier again is marriage is the image of Gd, hence why it is attacked in the most absurd manner. It has always been so not just in Catechism but from the Old Testament and the New Testament (see above 4 paragraphs) Asking the Christian Church to change its view and practice on this issue would put in opposition to God, which is the objective of the LGBT movement who on the one hand want to be married in a Christian Church but on the other they want to change the church as Gd or nature has made a mistake ?. Just as other beliefs including Islam have their law and practice, then the secular law cannot be binding over a Church, but more than that marriage is a Covenant between humans and God, not just a law. A family is defined by conception and birth of a man and woman.
The Church wants its own law recognized, and the issue of allowing Priests to marry woman is surely much more urgent and pertinent in global referendum's ?
Iceland Government collapse Sep 2017 The Norwegian Paedophile Scandal involving politicians and hundreds of children (which was censored in the USA press in early 2017 ? and covered up by the New York times who support paedophilia as a 'gender pronoun' and dissenters are 'homophobic' ) and the collapse of the Iceland government collapse (Sep 2017 ) over the paedophile scandal there the gay marriage debate has another darker side. (especially since gays have equal rights already) The 'panama papers' have revealed a worldwide paedophile network. The gay marriage debate into gender reassignment has another darker side. (especially since gays have equal rights already) Marc Dutroux was not gay but regarded children as sexual objects. 'Marc Dutroux - The Mad Monster Of Belgium - The Serial Killer' and the Belgium ring was full of sexual deviants. These criminals are on par with the Jame Gumb character in the Silence of the lambs film. Gender or regender education is simply a part of the plan. (see about 15 paragraphs up and the paragraph which begins 'It leads to the 'paedophile gender' which naturally follows on from the 'gender pronoun cult' )
Death penalty for paedophiles ? A step in the right direction and see previous posts above is the call to introduce the death penalty for pedophiles.1 Indonesia 2. India 3. United States of America or here 4. Philippines 5. And a call for the death penalty has been made in Britain The latter would suit the thousands of victims who are so far being let down by the child abuse investigations in Scotland and Britain or in the Pakistan trafficking scams. Introducing the death penalty (and paedophiles do take a victim's life whether they live or not) would bring the charade to an end and also bring child trafficking to an end and provide justice to victims retrospectively as well as going forward. It could be introduced worldwide, in every country.
In the gender debate and related, It is homo-fascism and a removal of debate. (and even against Gay people Liz Wheeler interviewing Lucian Wintrich Feb 2017)
It is homo-fascism and a removal of debate. The Church wants a safe space away from being forced to perform gay marriages and/or being forced into gender education as there are only two genders and they insist upon it in law. The re-gendering should be removed from education and schools.
Consider further the following re-engineering and social engineering taking place in many countries.
18.06.2018, 3 weeks after the abortion referendum in Ireland and the real reasons for the abortion referendum emerge. The UN redefining what it means to be human. Not for compassion or for Woman’s rights but for profit (Babies for sale, abortion for prostitutes and the trafficked
For the full debate and history see the adjacent website and chapter 3a and dates 12.08.2017 down to 28.05.2018 and this heading date above.
In the 3 weeks since the abortion referendum in Ireland (25.05.2018) a referendum for woman who are raped (i.e. rape should carry life sentences or the death penalty) or for those forced to work as Prostitutes has not been mooted, whether before or after the referendum? Firstly consider the real reasons (and those who worked for it to bring it forward) for the referendum. Sweatshops and forced cheap labour in Ireland for trafficked woman or migrants has also not become the subject of woman’s rights referendum before or after (see below near the end) Behind this ‘compassionate’ movement (which how it was sold) is the liberal experiment in human life and meaning. Turning the liberal meaning of woman as a farmed global commodity by (big) governments who want to control your rights upside down.
Firstly consider also the following.(the Irish abortion referendum occurred on 25.May.2018) On May 30th 2018 the United Nations began to ‘redefine what it means to be human’ (article Elyssa Koren ADF or here ) Earlier in the month of May 2018 the Irish Supreme Court declared ‘the unborn does not have constitutional rights’ (the UN despite the fact that there are only 2 genders scientifically pushed for same sex marriage with an emphasis only on taking Christian institutions to court, although the US Supreme Court has still to rule on how many genders there are scientifically, and if that can be a legal basis for forcing another faith to comply) Irelands giant debts of €220 billion are used as leverage to push these debates onto it, (see last post above this in the adjacent website and chapter 3a ) as a test case experiment situation. This is Irelands role as a facilitator of the experiments and which also wants to destroy both the Catholic and Protestant faiths, but now the visible transhumanism religion (pushed also by the LGBT community) is trying to support the numerous gender classifications (up to 60 genders in some cases see of the ever increasing layers of identity (to find last video; "BRILLIANT: German Politician Mocks PC, Addresses Parliament in 60 Different Genders" in you tube with its roots in the 1930;s Frankfurt Cultural Marxism schools) ) by undermining what it is to be called human. Of course it is mad in the communist / socialist social engineering experiment.
This then paves the way for the ‘Universal declaration’ that all babies should be subject to abortion globally with universal rights for abortion and who as human babies have no rights in the womb linked to the Irish abortion referendum Article Stefano Gennarini ‘Un one step closer to creating international right to abortion. These measures introduce AI (artificial intelligence) fantasies and the notion that 99% of the world’s population have no rights (no human rights as equal rights but equally no rights) as they can begin to be classified as Unhuman with no rights gradually. It is not for compassion or ‘equality’ as female babies or male have no rights.
Leo Varadker works for these people first and (any) country second. This is why a gay man was chosen to take this referendum forward in what is primarily a heterosexual issue, as there has to be more than 2 genders regardless of the scientific facts. This is Ireland’s current minster for children To explain wider and to repeat The Irish Supreme court paved the way by declaring the unborn have no rights. Members of the government work for ‘planned parenthood’ in the USA to supply abortion clinics. Although NI minister Arlene Foster says it will not extended to Ulster the intention of forcing emergency legislation for abortions onto Ulster is occurring now but should be banned.
Earlier this year the UN in Geneva at its HQ carried a poster which displayed a baby born with an imprint on its arm stating it only had human rights when it was born as a universal declaration by the UN office of the high commission, in effect re-defining what it means to be human They have followed this by (soon) declaring an international right to abortion (Saudi Arabia are on the human rights commission where woman are stoned to death and trafficked) The UN has also been caught child trafficking and it is easier to traffic a child in the womb than out in the open especially if the unborn trafficked child has no rights (or here or see here or in this link here or here again for pregnant trafficked woman)
Leo Varadker the Irish leader of Fianna Gael states that Irish Catholic Hospitals will have to perform abortions, and although individuals can claim ‘consciousness objector’ status, entire institutions cannot he says? This is not true as of course entire institutions can claim consciousness objector status. Individuals who speak up with this right to consciousness objector status will of course be vilified and sided- lined and slowly their views made irrelevant or they are sacked. This type of bullying occurred during the referendum against a no vote and individuals. So if public or private institutions or individuals want to object they can do so unopposed or free from backlash or persecution for all and any institutions or for any individual to object (the insane policy of having a ward with pregnant woman next to the abortion ward continues) Abortions have already occurred in Ireland prior to the referendum?? and private clinics will be introduced as Planned Parenthood is already a part of the Irish family planning HSE agency i.e. not completely public. (both either partially subsided by taxpayers or fully ) as they are in other countries and the lucrative private baby parts will provide a new product after the marketing is phase is now completed.
The irony is Planned Parenthood would prefer a tolerant attitude to rape culture as this may produce more unwanted pregnancies and more product. Planned Parenthood is also being phased out in the USA state by state. Lobbyists around the world are powerful and today when rape can carry only a jail sentence of a few months or years, (instead of life or the death penalty) and where repeat offenders, rape 3 or 4 times in and out of jail, then this phenomenon is a global liberal scandal. 'Miss C' who has been used in the media and has said she did not want to be used to bring abortion into Ireland was raped as a teenager. Politicians at the time were adamant she was to be flown out of Ireland for an abortion as how could she bear it etc. Yet the rape itself which is the crime is not seen as such, but the blameless baby is. In contrast forced rape by prostitution (which is a criminal trade as is pimping) and trafficking in Ireland is hardly mentioned.
One of the great ironies since the Abortion referendum which is facing 3 legal challenges in the courts, (as deception was employed from beginning to end) no one either before (say from 2016) or to date now? has brought a referendum recommendation for prostituted / trafficked woman who are raped ( and become pregnant but at least now they can abort locally) in Ireland in the brothels and there are at least 12 in a 2 mile radius from Dublin Castle the location of the ‘abortion celebration’ result, after the referendum. (slaves not ‘sex workers’ drugged and used and there are 8 million prostitutes in the EU and 42 million worldwide, which has now increased to 67 million since 2012. That is a lot of product in baby parts by abortion in the depopulation and replace population agenda, and of course whole babies for profit) These girls are trafficked as young as 14 into Ireland. (see also the very last paragraph on the adjacent website in chapter 4 for a real need for a woman’s referendum in which woman are raped day in day out, it is not ‘sex work’ or enjoyable but a criminal profession and a ruin of a persons rights and standing as a human being. Hell in other words) You don’t have to go to Bangladesh to find windowless sweatshops, Ireland has many and the Irish passport office scandals are still being investigated and worldwide passport offices and corruption are a part of the terrorism and trafficking industry. Migration is cheap labour and slavery and prostitution and trafficking, nationally and internationally requires secure borders. Trafficked pregnant woman can sell their babies as babies for sale. and not just in Malaysia, but spreading into Europe All that has occurred in Ireland is private companies want to make money and will make money from your dead children’s body parts. It begins as early as possible for the transhumanist cult in schools and education. UN (the United Nations ) should be closed and investigated
28.08.2018 Argentina’s pro- life Abortion vote victory (9.8.2018) and Pope Francis visit to Ireland (24 – 26.08. 2018)
Following the results in the Irish referendum ( a population of 4.3 million people) on the 25.05.2018 a similar referendum by legislators in the lower house and senate was held in Argentina ( a population of 44 million )on the 9/10th August 2018 only 3 months later and which decided to support pro - life and not abortion. ( another news item which did not get as much coverage ? worldwide as the Irish referendum ? The pro - life activists celebrating here ) Representatives from Argentina were sent to watch and monitor the Irish referendum and not just the result but also the conduct of it (everything from bias to international influences and corruption and perceptions) Pope Francis arrived in Ireland on the 24. 08 2018 to a barrage of criticism concerning child sexual abuse within the church, but which has also maligned the Protestant church (and the Jehovah’s witnesses and all shades of political parties) and many secular institutions worldwide and also of course the LGBT community with the 1960’s ‘Alfred Kinsey sexual revolution’ based on the evidence of paedophiles infiltrating any and all institutions including education and ‘counselling’ and psychology institutions worldwide. (see also chapter 6 on the adjacent website and Kinsey the paedofile Wardell Pomeroy and Clyde Martin scale of gender theories, now known as the Kinsey Scale. which employed data and interviews from paedophiles to compile. Kinsey was a expert only in grooming victims and many children) You can read above that many countries including the USA have mooted or have brought in the death penalty option for paedophiles as a deterrent in the endless debate without action on preventing child abuse. The ultimate ‘child abuse’ of course (and many church leaders insist marriage is between men and woman, and abortion is murder as Pope Francis also states on both issues) is the dismemberment of babies in the womb of a mother (for profit)
17.11.2018 600 Irish Doctors protest the abortion legislation and its changed draconian version since the Irish referendum. Norwegian GP wins conscience objection in Norway's Supreme court.
In the USA the Judge Kavanaugh hearings were presented with accusers who had a stake in the abortion industry. (See heading below 27.09.2018 The Cuban Communist revolution 1953 - 1958/ 1959 and the American (USA) Revolution circa 1760 – 1783 (Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Gun rights and ‘Death of a nation' ) In Ireland following the abortion referendum the government's final version of the abortion 'procedures' was voted upon but it is now completely different that the version presented in the actual referendum. Following this and which has not been highlighted in the media Doctors, GP's Nurses and medical staff held rally's to protest how the peoples referendum had changed towards full abortion on demand. Bishops in Ireland also call for opt outs for the medical profession and this followed a few court cases in the EU most notably in Norway in which Dr. Katarzyna Jachimowicz a Doctor won her case in the Norwegian Supreme court i.e. to object to abortion on conscience grounds. The Judge Kavanaugh controversy highlighted the original court case in the USA in which it transpired after the case that 'Jane Roe' aka Norma McCorvey was not raped and did not have an abortion but actually gave birth to her child and then she became a Christian.see video Youtube 'Roe v Wade was passed because Norma McCorvey lied about being raped. Don't believe me, listen to her' or a background summary of the case video Youtube 'Why Abortion is Legal: Roe vs Wade Explained' Chelsea Clinton in support of her mother who supports 'Roe versus Wade' (which advanced in its legal position and ideological belief from the original court case to full term abortions and pulling off a baby's head with forceps and dismembering it ) said (Chelsea Clinton) that banning abortions would be unchristian ? Hillary Clinton works for George Soros who paid illegal funds into the Irish abortion campaign. Soros and co deny they fund these campaigns including the Judge Kavanaugh campaign George Soros says criticism of him is anti-Semitic yet he is openly anti - Israel ? In fact these protests against mass murder (abortions) in which more Jewish people have been killed by abortion than the 6 million in the holocaust by abortions which Soros and co support. The lies epitomized and exposed by Dr Ben Carson in the USA who campaigned recently asking if a foetus is not human then why are you are harvesting organs from them says it all. The vast majority of Irish GP's want to exercise and operate their conscience rights.
This (to repeat from the above paragraphs) is Dr Robert Lawlor an Obstetrician ( or here under heading 'Law forces pro-life docs to inform patients about abortion' ) in the USA who opposes being told by the government that is he legally obliged to recommend abortions (but not to recommend not having an abortion) Obamacare was made to bring in mass abortion. All Doctors, Health care centers and Pharmacists are legally obliged to inform a young girl or a woman of abortions only.
The following facebook page explains the actions of the 600 (and many more) GP's who protested and spoke out and more information is here on the pro - life page It is simply mass murder for profit and anyone by conscience has the right to refuse by their own conscience. Hypocrites oath states ‘help or do no harm’ and also relates to the medical profession but that is not what is now in this Irish abortion legislation. It is a criminal racket operating worldwide but which uses 'population reduction science' as its front to disguise a business for profit and the mass murder of babies in the womb. In the USA midterm US elections Governor Rick Scott (and the Florida vote controversy) in Florida signed measures into law against abortion. These measures are active measures which are experiments (as anyone can see they make no sense i..e Billions of abortions and killing babies in the womb and taking children's innocence in 'classrooms') upon society of the most heinous kind serving many different purposes.
These experiments (including sexualisation of the young and abortions as young as possible) are to begin not just on the very young and teenagers, but also into primary or even Montessori infant age groups and even younger if parents at home are fooled in the social experiment which includes deliberate confusion of the 2 sexes.
If this seems sinister some of the supporting research is beyond absurd. Consider the progressive reclassification of nursery rhymes which if you are a boy, its not looking like 'equality' although it is not the 99 % of heterosexuals, men or woman who set the agenda ( the last link is an actual thesis on the topic, as one example) or here (there is of course nothing wrong with these nursery rhymes) The nursery rhymes could be reclassified sexist or racist or whatever ? Mind-blowing, yet if you take the Nursery Rhyme "What are little boys made of" ( 'frogs and snails and puppys dogs tails' ? ) in comparison too little girls, (who are described as 'sugar and spice and all things nice' ... and many boys know that's not always true) little boys get a bad deal. Its just not fair, yet its not considered sexist because young boys and men, especially white men are taken for granted (the last link is particularly strange in the overall nonsense ) as 'the oppressed', the real oppressed people from birth and the actual oppressed gender (and there are only two genders to count from) 'Re-education' in this area has existed for decades but has increased in intensity in the last five years, just to satisfy a theory designed by the sinister and/or devious and then implemented by idiots. Men should rise up and demonstrate and demand change, burn their underwear outside of government buildings as woman once did, and demand woman step down from power in this Matriarchal totalitarian state. Men and woman however must resist overall and join together as one, wake up and instead become counter revolutionary heterosexuals against the 'gay' (drab or grey more like) imperialist oppressors.
Real feminists (it is pointed out by feminists) of course would fight for woman to be born not aborted. It is claimed that pro abortionists ( or here) simply want to give a choice to all ? but then they frame their pro abortion de-population (murder) into a binding law as also pro immigration advocates, excluding white people for diversity (there is no diversity of opinion in education ?) which is racist ? Diversity also seems to be one sided in law and for the west to deal with, when the east and south are not bound by such laws ? China has very limited human rights under communism which is a stage from socialism. All of this occurs because 1. a few ladies of 'Sappho' ( Sappho who was actually heterosexual) who are ironically murdered and oppressed by Islam or raped or skinned or burnt alive. It was an Islamic woman who brought the protests in the USA, but not so far within Islamic countries ? i.e. Isis woman Linda Sansour who is only interested in the Wests destruction (Sharia law is not compatible with woman's rights or anyone's rights and who (she) as an ISIS supporter kills, rapes and injures 'Caucasian ladies in pink hats' (the pink hats of the DC woman's march January 21st, 2017 which included Madonna) who correctly feel something is wrong in the west, but what ? They like to consider their views are above heterosexual woman ( last video you tube; AMAZING! THIS IS THE BEST VIDEO OF ANN COULTER EVER if the link is broken, the last link also mentions the same 8 countries Obama voted as terrorists countries without a concern, but now under Trump they are an outrage ? also the President sets immigration policy) (next video;Ann Coulter; Adios America The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole full book she reads or discussion of it which is consistent but from the opposite politique with Noam Chomskys REQUIEM FOR THE AMERICAN DREAM or its Trailer )
Nationalist and constitutionalist heterosexual woman (to locate in you tube; ' SJW vs LOGIC SMART WOMAN EXPLAINS FEMINISM Feminist Social Justice Warrior SJW ' by Dr Janet Albrechtsen ) or another here 'Political correctness' who is fighting for woman. The ladies of Sappho believe (i.e. in 1 above in this para) in artificial insemination and/or fatherless children, especially boys are better off. Louise Veronica Ciccone doesn't think so. You couldn't make it up) or 2. a few gay males, both of whom (in a small minority) become deranged or because politicians are bribed, or because some simply want to please their sons or daughters (every country has them) forcing the majority to change their opinion without concern or care, citing fabricated genders (60 genders or more) which then become a legal rights issue. This then is employed as a battering ram to persecute the majority for no other reason than to persecute in 'erratum de facto' or in error in law (see chapter 4 and 'Family planning as an ideology' heading. Persecution of the church and transgender toilets and abortion )
Whilst many people may find this chapter unusual or bizarre most of the subject matter which is real and bizarre began decades before most of the present world population was born. It continues by morphing out wards over the years into lunacy from its beginnings, as it has to be driven against the west. It really offends those on the left who do not understand what the "left" is, and which is much different to what they think it is. There is nothing to benefit the working class here. The post modernist dystopia and the neurosis in its culture within the left has become a blight on modern society, where it is 'wrong' to be a nationalist or love your country and family. People imprisoned in North Korean gulags were probably brainwashed into their current situation also. Here once again, people weep for a dear leader (last link video ' North Koreans weeping hysterically over the death of Kim Jong-il ' ) Of course it is a sad occasion when people pass away and especially a nations leader....yet balance is needed. North Koreans here however are at ease having fun, but then once again they are in tears or they are shepherding tourists around all areas (where your name is known in advance ) and you are announced as the 'western capitalist'. Here they are demonstrably 'going for it' in woe. This is mass hypnosis and neurotic total control which was also a part of the experiments by chairman Mao and Pol Pot. In certain areas the west this also occurs in a much more sophisticated way but still by similar methods. One minute your reading a nursery Rhyme (see 4 paragraphs above) the next your being interrogated by the progressive Stasi secret police who are telling you to say Michael (not Mary) could have a little lamb also and it need not be white ? Alternatively you could just not vote democrat or any progressive candidate ( last link video, 'The History of Political Correctness Complete)' who have literally lost it, in the North Korea of their minds. If you are experiencing this in the west (and clues include ; piranha type people but who walk on two legs repeating the same cultural / political phrases ) do not lose sight of the fact 200,000 people in North Korea are in gulags awaiting liberation.
Language and linguistics as media control to control thought, speech and therefore politics. As you will read further on Chairman Mao and his 'cadres' utilized the victims of his famine (45 million people) demanding the famine dead and buried be dug up in some cases so that could be boiled or strewn around and be used as fertilizer and not wasted. This is the thinking where every aspect of a woman (or a man) is a commodity including the planned parenthood aborted fetus profit scam (Hillary Clinton's 'sexist' if you disagree with planned parenthood ) which of course belongs to both sexes. (chapter 3 and 4 above provide real solutions or attempt to begin real solutions to trafficking of woman and abuse of woman. Critical theory deconstructs gender but also promotes perversity in sexual education as a deliberate weapon to break down families and marriage, it also never cites other continents 'privilege' in other nations or tribes colours only white privilege ) The West is lost in this deliberately fabricated quagmire of absurd ideological lies, where working families can no longer support or begin 3 children (and many people are married for many years or can be, before they do make a decision but most do not have that choice ) or more if they choose, due to land and economic constraints. If your are a boy or a parent of a boy, its also time to wake up, fight back and kick ass before its too late.
UN 'Micro Aggression's', 'Macro Aggression's', Whiny liberals & World destruction.
'Macro- Aggressions' ?
N.B. UN. United Nations is not to be confused (in name only) with UN, Kim Jong UN
(The following paragraphs on UN, begin and end with UN) The difference between Micro and Macro aggressions is explained. It is not a 'moral' guide but an introduction to a political theory. Today people are being accused of micro and macro aggressions by ? who exactly (the 'inventor' is named in the paragraphs below) As the full extent of the communist genocides are revealed many are calling for a complete ban on the communist party including in Russia and China due to the extremist nature and silence on the 100 million killed and 50 million led to a slow lingering death, and lack of open elections in Russia and China.
Late September 2017 witnessed the beginning of heated exchanges at UN between North Korea and the USA in UN, following the international outcry and also pressure from the USA and the Republican administration (only) in a straight (no micro- aggression intended there) vote of 15 - 1 to sanction North Korea, and impose a $1 billion on its exports. China claims it has stopped banking with North Korea (22.09.2017) Also banned were North Korean coal imports into China, yet these assertions are questioned, although Mongolian coal into China has increased slightly as an indicator. Oil has also been limited from China into North Korea, but again the international community has called for less oil to zero against the North Korean regime. As you can see from this essay the imprisoned in NK and threats have continued over many decades.
Diplomat Ri Hong Yo (who spoke at the UN on North Koreas behalf) would have travelled from North Korea and on the plane or in the airport would have noticed that no one was wearing Kim Jong Un loyalty badges ? he could have shot them or reported them, but no one cared. Then at UN no one wore the badges and it was hard for him to define rank, and since NK special forces were back in NK he could not order an immediate attack on UN staff. Generals in NK also wear numerous badges although war has not featured for many decades in NK.
Following these exchanges, Kim Jong UN went on the typical 'I will Nuke you long time rant' culminating in a statement in which he says Nuking the US with missiles is inevitable This last threat from North Korea was issued at UN on the 23/24/2017. Also included was a threat to explode a Hydrogen bomb over the Pacific ocean as well as continued threats on South Korea, Japan and Guam, Hawaii and California.( 'macro-aggression' warning)
President Trump and General Mattis responded by suggesting a military option is available, saying it may require a total annihilation of North Korea, as total military destruction. Kim Jong UN said in January and throughout 2017 that America would be destroyed and attacks would land on new York, Chicago and Los Angeles, and the whole of California, culminating in the biggest attack on the USA, and its imperialist forces in history.
Iran The US has also targeted Russia and Chinese entities which fund and supply North Korean nukes, and Iran has tested a missile in breach of all its deals and agreements in January 2017, also in September 2017 (although it is claimed the latter was a failed test) after sanctions were imposed on Iran, Russia and North Korea earlier in the year.(also on Pakistan)
Russia declared a year of friendship in 2015 with North Korea as follows, "In 2015 Russia and North Korea declared a "year of friendship" to deepen economic and political ties"
Again the history of the UN dialogue between President Trump and Kim UN is here in its video of UN.
These are 'macro-aggressions' according to Marxist critical theorists. North Korea is of course a Marxist state.
These threats have been issued in increasingly aggressive rhetoric from North Korea for months. Donald Trump speaking at UN's 72nd General Assembly (held at incredible cost to the US taxpayer, and many nations would not be able to be in existence if not for US support since world war 2, see the adjacent website and chapter 3a post-dated 'German elections contd, 20.09.2017' including most of the communist world including NK which has taken Yankee imperialist dollar as aid for many years, including food aid etc, but which is actually extortion in many cases for hostages.) North Korea however is still sending slave labour to China and Russia. And Qatar. (Human Trafficking is the actual occupation in NK, China and Russia as slaves) A travel ban is now in force against the North Korean and Venezuela regimes.
North Korea has already accepted the situation as act of war 25.09.2017 and protests have broken out in North Korea 24.09.2017 supposedly against Trump, but similar protests occurred in Jan 2014, and in August 2017 against UN (not Kim but UN in USA) Others suggest North Korea can produce its own fuel now for missile launch continuity, whilst others are sceptical and conclude China and Russia are still supplying this rare fuel. but China has supposedly banned all North Korean companies (whilst trafficking and slave labour continues) The USA has warned of devastating military consequences to North Korea.
RUSI have said that the UN sanctions (Royal United Services Institute) are not enforced and never are to any great effect, and the circle of threats and imprisonment of 25 million people continues. Clearly the Iran sanctions and NK are not working at all. Sanctions have not worked so far, and since the UN Marxist macroaggression display, NK have threatened the USA with an electro-magnetic attack on its entire infrastructure.(food, airplanes, banking) via its Satellites which should be removed from space. Increasing the sanctions is (short of all-out war) the only option.
'Micro Aggressions' ?
Donald Trump's full speech at UN. ( or here) Donald Trump referred to Kim Jong UN (to all at UN) as 'Rocket Man' at various rallies and meetings. (Rocket man 1949 ) Kim Jong Un in and out of UN responded by name calling Donald Trump. At UN Kim Jong UN's foreign affairs spokesman Ri Hong Yo and diplomat said Trump was an evil president in UN and before the UN general assembly. This was also a message from Kim Jong UN.(pictured here on Horse or here and seen here with the normal, stable and loyal (video, you tube 'Thousands of North Korean troops cry at photo shoot with Kim Jong-un') troops who dote on Kim's every word and for which there is a perfectly normal, balanced and rational explanation it is suggested ?.(video, you tube 'Kim Jong Un chased by his military fans - no comment' ) The problem is in North Korea is if you don't like what is on the television you can't change the channel, as there is only 1 (in effect) to choose from. (Kim Jong UN channel) Russia however does offer internet supply to a few NK universities and elites in North Korea, yet the local populace do have makeshift internet / radio.
The approach taken with North Korea in its retro environment is either try to understand what the problem or condition is e.g. 1. Attempt a Vulcan 'mind meld' , only to discover that the (whatever that was ) is in pain and in fear. Apart from the East – West conflict and the Cold War, Russia and Japan also fought a war, but which spilled over onto North Korean soil, which obviously badly affected their sense of security and they have suffered in this war also. 2. The other approach is a stalemate causing most to forget the entire history, forget they are real people, forget Christians are killed and held hostage, and return to the Phil Silvers question in the film 'It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world' (Phil Silvers the star of Sargent Bilko) i.e. 'What is this a staring contest' which incredibly has continued for nearly 70 years, broken only by the speaker blasts 'macro agressions' as insults which would embarrass any modern rock stadium for volume and sheer size. Reunification would produce a festival for Korea, and no doubt great joy, and it would also make the world a far safer place. It is obvious both sides want this. NK Nuclear weapons however are driving the west into the conflict.
Ri Hong Yo the diplomat (at UN) is not to be confused with Ri Hong Yo the general, (who was 'purged' and killed in a gun battle, but could have a faked death and have gone on a kick ass vacation with the Chinese party animal high command on a private pacific island without the proletariat before returning as a new 'Yong Ho'…. Who knows but other generals do not last) although they do look alike ('same' – 'same') in a Asian non micro aggression kind of a way.(they really do look alike, although many Asians do look alike, of course and we look alike to them, yet we have a broader range of hair and eye colour )
Microaggression as a term was coined by Chester M Pierce in 1970, and later added to by Derald Wing Sue a psychologist born to a Chinese American family both of whom assume that overcoming racism is a white objective only (only white people are racist etc) and that African Americans or Chinese Americans are solely the victim of Racism. Today in South Africa half a million of white south Africans live in shanty towns and in poverty and suffer discrimination, but there is no international outcry or songs for their freedom. They are also not considered as 'refugees' or as actually economic migrants? Poverty is rising in South Africa but it is not associated with the white community and in many countries worldwide. Derald Wing Sues theories (not experiences which are universal to all peoples) are based on the 1960's Cultural Marxism and Critical Theory Frankfurt school which in turn sprang out of Soviet Marxism but which is not applied in Russia or China (because they are racist and admit it, as does Saudi Arabia) Critical theory came first, followed by mass migrations globally (beyond 1800 or 1900 levels of economic migrants) worldwide as mass migrations of millions. The theory came first. Today North Korea is boosting its Caucasian population and has secure borders and is a communist Marxist state. If 300,000 people were sent from Northern Europe into an African state into the capital, they would suffer micro-aggressions, macro- aggressions etc and be deported or jailed or killed as this would be viewed as a coup de taut or act of war. The same would also occur in China and Saudi Arabia. It is one of the greatest deceptions of the modern era.
UN (created in Oct 1945) origins of critical theory which are against spirituality when communism is preferred. For real microaggression and macroaggressions however and following Pierce and especially Derald Wing Sue's examples and theories, how many micro and macro aggressions can be counted in the history of Tibet / Nepal who were finally forced to leave Tibet in 1959 ? Firstly, rumours and false stories were spread over China regarding the poison of religion, (bordering on the micro/macro area) this turned the Chinese soldier against Tibet and Nepal. Next came written threats and border skirmishes and a visit by Chairman Mao and more threats, until soldiers came to occupy outer areas setting up broadcast speakers and blaring out the propaganda of the new regime (like today, 'Racist, sexist, misogynistic' blah, blah, blah, which is of course a 'macro – aggression') This forced Tibet and Nepal to confront or address the Chinese. This allowed a pretext for violence and outer villages were burnt and people killed and war ensued and a mass slaughter of Tibetans and Nepalese people occurred. Next the Dalai Lama and millions left Tibet and Nepal into India. (definite left-wing macro aggression area) Those that remain to this day are second or third-class citizens, or they are displaced by communist Chinese emigrations into the towns of the Tibet / Nepal until none are left over decades. (macro aggression) Voting is then rigged accordingly. The UN manages population replacement and migration today after learning from test cases like Tibet / Nepal. (that is one major macro aggression and is ongoing from the communist party in Tibet / Nepal and worldwide, the results of which are evident to see)
This is the real theory of Derald Wing Sue. Today micro and macro aggression are penalised by neurotic highly strung piranha type 'people' who have too much time on their hands and for ridiculous reasons. In the USA, it is simply an attempt to remove the first amendment by reverse hate speech and remove free speech. All of these persecutions and harassments by the critical theorists should be refunded and compensation given to those who have been 'macro harassed by piranha idiots' This type of critical theory communist silencing of free speech is a punishable macro aggression against the US constitution and liberty. The internet was moved from purely US control of the internet to an NGO (by Obama in October 2016) which then sets a precedent as it is no longer under the 1st amendment and free speech protection. The precedent can affirm it as a commodity and remember it was given away freely by its inventor. If the UN takes control, Saudi Arabia ! are head of the UN human rights panel and are on the woman's human rights commission. The left are idiots, led by useful idiots, directed by people who want to take away all your rights completely.
The left assume the following as 'micro-aggressions' In the USA in June 2017,Republican Senator Steve Scalise was shot by a left wing democrat / activist in broad daylight whilst playing baseball, this is obviously a macro-aggression by a political and ideologically motivated pundit. Democrats try to exclude 'white people' . Further some woman (who believe they are all yang as opposed to yin) want to attack Trump supporters with a baseball bat (etc) These are acceptable 'aggressions' in the misplaced silencing of left wing 'North Korean' type totalitarianism.
UN (...Kim un) As the conflict increases has responded to the microaggression matters... 'weight issue,' from China (when many NK comrades are thin and gaunt) and subsequent accusation from, USA Japan, the Philippines, by also threatening to Nuke South Korea and Japan. UN said Japans leader, Shinzo Abe was acting like a 'headless chicken' ? (although that insult would not deter a a japanese Samurai chicken who would fight on regardless There are thousands of Samurai with heads in Japan of course (Shinto masters and Ninja's) and they will not stand for that kind of diplomacy. Diplomacy has deteriorated to whiny liberal (schoolyard) level from North Korea in the midst of Armageddon. Japan, which UN says will also be nuked, has not, 'macroagressed' back in a similar vein as yet.
Whiny liberals. There is no indication at all however through all of this, that Ri Hong Yo, Derald Wing Sue or UN are themselves gay? Derald Wing Sue is an 'intellectual and there is nothing wrong with intellectualism and expanding the mind and freedom to learn is healthy, but again there is a difference between intellectualism and Libtardism. 'Whinyism' or here (You tube 20.12.2016.'@Liz_Wheeler came up with some New Years resolutions for "whiny liberals"' ) is a liberal disorder i.e. see the following demonstration of whiny liberals (last link you tube video 'It Ain't Half Hot Mum best bits' as one example and which is a western problem in nearly every country or see here "...You cannot have a bombardier poof!" It Ain't Half Hot Mum (or here again on Bitchute) or here 'Sergeant Major Williams - Poofs' or here again on Bitchute ) and also Blatant Display of Poofery! (or here on bitchute A display of blatant Puffery ) Despite this the recent display of communist micro aggressive hissy fits on the floor of UN and the swinging of macro aggressive Hydrogen bomb handbags by diplomat Ri Wong Yo, it does not mean he, Wing Sue or UN, are bent. They do have narrower eyes compared to western round eye people and very beautiful eyes…in woman of course (but as people they are not 'yellow skinned' ? and are obviously Caucasian) Kim Jong UN however seems to be the heaviest person in North Korea by a long way compared to the North Korean proletariat who are kept weak and malnourished to prevent insightful and determined rebellion. Japan and the Philippine's have also noted this. North Koreans should rebel as soon as possible and seize the vital opportunity for freedom, and take over NK from within, their current fate is not going to change or improve. North Korea is a country which does not have elections and neither does China, and 200,000 people are imprisoned (including Christians) and/or are kept weak as slave labour between the two countries who are obviously very much still in business together.
Russia has just arrested opposition leader Alexi Navanly (30.09.2017) China still controls its 'one party state' openly without real elections, whilst the left lecture the west on freedoms and rights (micro & macro aggressions) and 'equality' This is why many are calling for a ban on the communist party as extremists who have no part in a democracy or Republic, amidst the incredible illusion and hidden past it maintains. If North Korea continues the same trajectory it will become crispy wonton. Despite this Rex Tillerson has still opened diplomatic channels with China and North Korea. (30.09.2017) as Sweden also has employed in previous years.
(Speaking of Sweden and Northern Europe it has been discovered that the Vikings landed in the USA earlier than first thought by 500 years to 800 – 1000 ad according to recent excavations. Statues (which have featured in the news in the USA recently) to the Vikings should be erected in every town in the USA with an internal voice recording of the horn and Odin cry. Maps of the new world were known from the earliest period.? Even back to 1000 bc in Hebrew ? Was world travel actually more common then we realise, yet Darwinian evolutionists cannot accept this and as they also teach there is more than one human race originating from within different continents. With straight faces and genuine enthusiasm, they relate mankind's (and woman's of course) history as evolving from single cell blobs, into…. ants, snails, earwigs, blowfish, treefrogs, spiders, chimps, apes, aardvarks, sloths, cows, zebras, elks, lions, budgies, finches! and even elephants and whales (and so on ? ) aside from the lunacy of it, the Socialist Darwinist evolution left wing is racist and one hell of a 'microaggression' for the last 150 years. Today the communist party of China believe, as secular Darwinists evolutionists ( officially, but China has other traditions and a very detailed genealogical history, the most complete in the world leading back to the table of nations) they have evolved from the Chinese Golden monkey (or other variants / types thereof) despite the fact there are still Monkeys?. The result is Communism, Stalin, Chairman Mao, Pol Pot etc, and NK. Vikings would have laughed at the thought of it)
The latest defector from communism (Kang Cheol – hwan in Aug – Sep 2017) and North Korea relates the 'aggressions' he was forced to watch, participate and endure which are the same gulag conditions as created by China and Russia since the 1920's There has been a steady stream of defections ( see the end paragraphs) since the 1950's, and the latest 3 attempting to defect were killed (28.09.2017) as North Korea continues to collapse.
If UN and family were given long lasting safe ammunity / immunity and safety guarantee's this is something which North Koreans could also observe (over time for several decades, see next paragraph)
In early September 2017 Kim Jong UN reputedly detonated a underground Hydrogen bomb, forcing Putin to move his troops away from the Northern border, forcing a military option from the west. Kim Jong UN should take his family to Macau in China, where he can live comfortably on his millions and let the Korean peninsula unite (north and south) He can sit back and watch from China the de – nuclearization of North and South Korea and know that his people have achieved their aim and that no one has won or lost, but the country can be free to prosper without governmental interference from China or USA in free and democratic all Korean elections. The alternative is an immediate and drastic war. Rex Tillerson's efforts like the sanctions against North Korea are being seen as a waste of time despite all diplomacy and because NK are not interested in dialogue. The first UN sanction against NK was in 2006 after its first Nuclear detonation. Since then it has been, diplomacy, sanctions and threats in a circle through the last 12 years with no effect.
WW3 ? A reputed North Korean shipment of armaments to Egypt has been seized on 1.10.2017, carrying 30,000 rocket propelled grenades as a sign of the growing WW3 conflict. North Korea has vowed to (with a coalition of many NK claims 02.10.2017 see video in last link) to end US global power which NK believes is going to occur soon. South Korea and Japan are prepared and ready to go, according to many of their previous statements. President Trump says all talks have failed with North Korea (07.10.2017) and its Nuclear threat. Donald Trump says there is only one way to deal with NK, and has said it would be hard for the USA not to strike back at Kim (9.10.2017) who is planning to detonate a huge Hydrogen bomb in the pacific basin for the 10.10.2017 anniversary of North Korean existence. South Korea can also take out NK's energy system and Nukes by employing blackout bombs.(9.10.207) Putin has also checked NK saying it may also declare war on NK in contrast to previous year. Britain is fearful NK's missiles will hit the UK, and has outlined its military levels and battle plan setting against the North Korean regime.
The UN intervention by diplomat Ri, 'Wong Ho' was based on North Korean attitudes towards their own population ( subjugation, fear, obedience and slavery) but which seems very misplaced in the west. Most of this information is not in or from UN or… UN
The situation in North Korea & South Korea remains tense, but quite stunning. Everyone in the entire world hopes Korea unites again, but failing that .Donald Trump in the last link provides a correct analysis (on the 6.1.2016) which is obviously not a popular message with China or Russia. Considering it is not popular with China and Russia, not just on Kim Jong Uns numerous Nuke actions (every now and again North Korea threatens to Nuke America and South Korea) but also on bad trade deals and this is why the American public voted for him in November 2016. It is obvious now, that those voices who now complain that Russia hacked the election must be the Russian moles as opposing this type of deal is beneficial for the USA (since the Nafta trade deal and the Clintons negotiated Nafta) Gary Johnson and the Libertarian party said that Russia did not hack election, but Clinton and the Clinton foundation and Huma Abeddin (this scandal is aside from the leaking of western intelligence details in Islamic genocide of Christians they both aided. Russia of course also opposes Islam in its own security needs) did endanger national security.
The takeover of America by the Muslim brotherhood was aided by Clinton / Obama the elite Leninist according to CIA head John Brennan who accused the Saudis and China of funding Hillary Clinton.John Brennan is a expert on Islam and the Sufi mysteries. KellyAnne Conway explains the intelligence problems under the previous administration (both beautiful and intelligent, or here) The allegiance to Iran and North Korea, which the democrats have ignored or are unconcerned about but which reveals the real connection to the Kremlin. In fact it is Obama and Clinton who took money from Russia and the hacking narrative disguises this fact (19/02/2017) r.e the Uranium to Russia scandal. It was the American people who elected Trump and Pence not Russia. It is ridiculous of course as those who oppose China's trade deal which is sucking the USA dry (see the last paragraph on North Korea ) and in the USA people want jobs. China could be persuaded to let North Korea go but if North Korea had watched the election they may now be very worried. That is not a sign that Russia hacked the election. Russia with Iran and North Korea are in alliance and China claims it has developed Quantum Radar which can track stealth planes, although it is counterclaimed this technology is not effective against stealth aircraft. Another large clue is the democratic parties removal of constitutional rights in education and in practice, and which displays a lack of awareness that the USA is a constitutional republic not a democracy and not a liberal democracy now either. Liberal democracies in some rigid brutal totalitarian states break those countries up and allow its gate to be opened, but the USA did not start from totalitarianism it began with a constitution. Two people can vote 'democratically' to steal the property of one person, that is another side of 'democracy' without a Judiciary and a separation of powers. Judge Napolitano confirmed that it was the NSA who monitored Clinton's emails as she was a threat to US security (that is aside from the Clinton foundation and its selling Uranium to Russia scandal) The democrats have accused everyone except the Pope. Did ! America make the right choice in the election ? Believe it.
( May 2017) It is extraordinary that Ray Kelly the New York police commissioner had to explain that Senator Chuck Schumer the democratic senator, who in 2016 was punished by the democratic party for opposing the Iran deal amidst the blanket removal and cutting back on anti-terrorism funding nationally.
The inquiry by the New York Police department and Ray Kelly into the withdrawal of terror funding under Obama, Clinton and Abeddin and the Muslim brotherhood was around the same time the request by Obama to back off the FBI inquiry into Hillary Clinton and the Clinton foundation with Abeddin, the Muslim Brotherhoods connections to Saud which was instrumental into the funding of the Christian Genocide. All of these Russian connections by the democrats during 2008 - 2016 were ignored ? These confusions in the intelligence services are deliberate and planned as is evident today.
General Mike Flynn (2016) had a cohesive and asserted plan to wipe out ISIS but was 'let go' before the November 2016 election under the democrats. His plan to remove ISIS was objected to and he was forced to abandon it by Turkey who feared it may also interfere with there plans on the the Kurds who they wanted to ethnically cleanse. The US is now funding the Kurds for their survival and Turkey are furious about this. Mike Flynn wanted to arm the Kurds much earlier in some versions as Islamic Kurds had killed Christian Kurds. Obama devised the plan to arm the Kurds it is suggested yet Obama did not do so either ? even after Flynn was not advising, which is why Flynn should be re-instated as it was not Turkey paying Flynn or Russia (i.e. they were not his his employer) Flynn had criticized Turkey as it moved away from democracy and headed towards full Islamisation through 2015/2016. This is the complication as Kurds are Christian and Muslim and have no country, yet Islamic Kurds have attacked Christians in Assyria.The PKK Marxist factions fight against the Pro - USA Kurds and Assad allows this to occur as with many groups and tribes. Both fight ISIS. Flynns criticism of Islam was not accepted by Obama and in fact it was/is a crime under Obama, and it is only now the Kurds plight is being fully recognized. Obama did not let Flynn sight Islam in 9/11, or say Radical Islam terror after the Paris bombings etc. Flynn and Mattis both have sterner methods against Islam.The democrats (and the Muslim brotherhood) asked for FBI Chief Comey's resignation first, and as a political party, who also met with many Russians it seems they are accusing the Republicans of what they are guilty of and more. Many in the 2016 election called for the indictment of Obama and Clinton and would expect a new FBI director to indict them with Abeddin also. FBI director Comey was caught between Obama and Clinton in a sword of Damocles situation which proved his undoing and since then much more has come to light. Obama appointed General Flynn in 2012, as did Trump in 2016. The genocides began in 2010 and it is the Obama Clinton legacy which also ignored the Kurds before Flynn was appointed in 2012. General Flynn is considered one of the most pre-eminent military experts in the world today. Loretta Lynch and Susan Rice assisted in this cover up matter, are also complicit, as the genocide continued from 2010 and up until today. FBI Robert Mueller leads the Russia probe and aside from the Clinton foundation scandal it is clear the Muslim brotherhood had the same intent against Middle East Christians towards those in the USA (christian or not) to destroy the two areas for Islam. Turkeys Muslim brotherhood, whose aim is to remove the Kurds and Christian Kurds and Aryan Yazidis.
27/06/2017. After six months of 80% of the media interrogating the public and misinforming them on the 'Russia scandal' It is discovered there is no scandal or crime at all, although everyone knew this including the real scandal is it leads to the democratic party Further in five of the six house congressional election races since 8.11.2016 and during the Stalinist left outpouring the American public (i.e. not Russian) voted for the Republican administration
3.8.2017 A democrat Whitehouse staffer with connections to Hillary Clinton is arrested fleeing the USA. Mr Irman Awan from Pakistan was arrested. (who has connections to Sadiq Khan) This follows the growing evidence that the Uranium 1 deal by Clinton (who accepted money from foreign hostile nationals worldwide into the Clinton foundation) and Rostrom which sold Uranium to Russia. " Hillary and her foundation are implicated in the dastardly scheme along with the Russian State Nuclear Energy Corporation, Rosatom, and a few dubious Canadian elite, which is where the news gets really bad" " & You see, Rosatom wanted to expand their operations into America and needed a way in. So, in 2013, Rosatom acquired a Canadian company named Uranium One as part of a sinister side deal which involved multiple parties" Obama's and Clinton's administration missed this vital oversight to arm the enemy and the democrats (who are sick people) have been pursuing a Russia spy claim against Republicans, setting up a special investigation and blaring this out into the media as a distraction for 7 months. Israel want the USA to protect the safe zones in the middle east (now) and the Ukraine/Crimea and Syria resets by Obama and Clinton makes more sense as do the mass immigration destabilization programmes. China, Pakistan and Iran and North Korea need a market abroad and they do not want US nationals making their own goods and exporting or putting America first (but not alone on their own ) but they do want Nuclear weapons and more Uranium including Pakistan. The democrats have committed the collusion, and under the nose of the "Russia investigation" and incredible treason and all is not as it seems. Debbie Schultz following orders it seems is largely innocent of the continuing snowballing revelations, although they are serious against Clinton, Obama and Huma Abbedin Posdesta etc. Never has the media been so Orwellian ( White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders goes OFF on the dishonest press 1.8.2017)
755 US diplomats leave Moscow in late July 2017, and Clinton, Obama and Podesta (and Trudeau ) are implicated in the Uranium 1 treason.
An example of this and which the USA has now seen fully revealed is the planned parenthood scandal and the healthcare voting in which the democrats and some Republicans colluded to scrap the bill in late July 2017 Term limits on congress can provide a Constitutional Republic Could it get anymore surreal who will (not) be blamed next.
What the world and the democrats have failed to perceive in the media frenzy, is that Putin is a western agent spying on the Kremlin ?
The real issue is the Muslim brotherhood who are employed covertly and openly in the USA and it is they and their employed supporters who are causing the scandals and resisting the Republicans, especially since ISIS is being defunded by the new administration. The reset in Syria and other unexplained losses including Ukraine and the Crimea, are due to the last administration. (North Korea remains one the worlds biggest exporters of heroin and counterfeiters of many countries currency)
Who is correct Flynn or Obama. Since the Islamic war also entails taking over Europe and America as well as Africa and the middle east and including to wipe out Israel (off the map ) and in May 2017 the call to instigate the death of all Jews worldwide, it is apparent that since 2008 that they were running the war and not the west. This is obvious now (and for instance Iran and Saud are enemies and sometimes also allies as the myriad of allies and enemies show in the gulf and middle east) and raises concerns as to the allegiances the democrat administration formed within the USA. The global refugee dispersal is a part of that war aided by trafficking gangs worldwide, and aided by 'useful idiots' in every country. Safe zones ignored for decades (but now a reality as a possible policy in May 2017) makes more sense in this context. Christians have been killed indiscriminately by Islamic militants. The Republican election has removed this threat in the USA, and the attacks against them as a party in the press, is a part of the hysteria. (It has long been a plan to have greater Israel and safe zones, prosperous healthy safe zones)
23.08.2017 The biggest scandal in US history
The penultimate post in this section (which began in 2017) is dated 21.12.2018, the newest post is dated 8.4.2022 (scroll down the navy text)
For Bitchute Amazing Polly see here and also for SGT report bitchute see here and also for Dan Bongino on Bitchute see here
( link to the beginning of this north korea chapter ) and here ( link to the end of the North Korea chapter )
The Newest post in this section is dated 8.4.2022 (the post just before this is dated 21.12.2018
The unfolding crisis in the USA concerning the previous administration, corruption, treason and sedition against the USA, is unparalleled in US history. It also threatens western security. Much of the information above on North Korea will be a difficult read for many but it is aimed at all ages and history, geopolitics and movements can be dull. Below, outlines the scandal and the potential catastrophic circumstances and events.
The hysteria over Charlottesville (see also 10 paragraphs down) and its true purpose are an effort to disguise the breaking treason scandals in the USA. The ramifications of the fleeing and later arrest of democrat aide Imran Awan of Pakistan in August 2017 the former aide to Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the tip of the iceberg when it is viewed in terms of US security.(so far five more files on Pakistan staffers are being reviewed) It seems the former Whitehouse staffer had a team of internet maintenance staff and engineers including his own relatives, including his wife and brothers working in the state department Whitehouse and with access to congress (all members of congress who may in some cases have aided Awan) and logically all areas of national security, including the 16 national security services and NASA and the NSA. His arrest is similar to the arrest of democrat staffer Mr Gehad El Haddad in Cairo In 2013 who fled the USA with intelligence hardware and was employed by the Clinton foundation also ? (see all below in navy, and green headings)
In February 2016 cyber terrorists breached the US Department of Justice system (this is a report issued in 2011 by the FBI warning of possible attacks in the future but ignored by Obama and Clinton) and then the hackers advertised the fact by tweeting the details one week later. This tweet was the first the DOJ knew of the attack. Malware or spyware inserted deep into a system by first distracting via Direct Denial of Service could have remained for months or years, and then released data on 20,000 FBI employees and 10,000 Homeland security the next day. Information stolen and released included names, titles, phone numbers, and email addresses. There have been many cyber-attacks (the incredible Office of personnel management and its cyber-attacks which stole 21 million records) and details of all armed forces personnel worldwide, further many have not been mentioned to the public as the authorities did not know for months (or choose not to know)
7 Iranians in March 2013 (here dated March 2016) breached the US financial services and other institutions for 176 days straight before being caught and then only finally / reluctantly indicted by Loretta Lynch (no one noticed or saw a thing despite previous reports etc) The federal reserve was breeched dozens of times. A 16 year old boy breached the NSA as the Pentagon was breached, and a 15 year old boy breached the NSA. There are so many breeches it is pointless listing them all, but it is not just clowns running the security it is a deliberate policy decision run by Obama from 2009 and continued by Clinton in 2012 to remove all security protocols in cyber space and on the ground via immigration and finance. It also disguises the real Clinton foundation / Russian 'hack' story. Foreign enemy nationals with Obama and Clintons knowledge (of course they knew) have been running the USA and the world including the middle east since 2009.
This crisis has led to the current Republican administration having to decide to separate cyber internet security separate from the NSA ? (Aug 2017) yet since employees such as Imran Awan exist in thousands throughout Washington DC and the wider US security it is hard to see first without a massive purge of staffers and security how this would benefit US security just in itself.
The following internal attacks by Muslims occurred from 2009 forward internally in the USA. Following the Paris attacks in November and the terrorist attacks in America at San Bernardino in December 2015 and following on from the Grandmother beheaded in Autumn 2014 in Oklahoma, and a Muslim US army officer who killed 13 army people and injured 30 at Fort Hood army base in 2009, and the Chattanooga attacks by Mohammad Yousuf Abdulazeez in the Summer of 2015 in which killed four marines and a sailor, it is revealed that the Boston Marathon bombers who killed 3 people and wounded 264 (many lost limbs) and who grew up in America were praised by the Turkistan Islamic Parties who said the Tsarnaevs brothers were fine examples of Chechnya Muslims, although they are not part of the Chechnya rebellion and its parties or refugees but their parents were inquiring for Asylum to America. The latest Mosque to be closed for fostering links to Hamas is in Texas, and which (Hamas) overall is a cover for CAIR.
This follows a list of US cities in the ISIS kill list it released in the USA which is credible according to the FBI (20.12.2015)
The security threat internally in the USA is shocking and unprecedented. Loretta Lynch Attorney General of the USA, Obama, Abeddin and Clinton and Biden. Once the full extent of the Christian genocide became clearer and the complicity of the Muslim Brotherhood in the US administration and Huma Abeddin, Hillary Clinton and Obama becomes clearer, it has shocked people to their core. You can read from 23.12.2015 on the adjacent website in chapter 3 the level of duplicity and double speak surrounding the attempted cover up of the involvement of the aforementioned. Note the Christian Genocide was fully declared 4 months later by western institutions and could not be covered up or silenced. Queries or complaints against the Muslim brotherhood were met with hysteria. The type of hysteria a cover up requires, which does not mention Biden, Obama, Clinton Abeddin. The Clinton foundation for example sent money to Bahrain ( $10 million) and UAE and Saudi and the sex scandals of human rights violations against woman and which includes money received from Qatar and 1.8 billion sent to Qatar is ongoing. This is not mentioned. Reporting internally on these historical investigations by the institutions or the press is considered illegal ? (or 'non-traditional') except when meeting a candidates husband privately on a plane
Further the ongoing investigations into the Benghazi cover up by Clinton and you can watch all 3 debates (the adjacent website in chapter 3 and US elections 2016) in which she denies any responsibility, but also does not mention that 22 members of a Navy Seal team have died ? under her watch in those debates ? That would be a very significant omission in any government, and is a telling omission, it is in fact being covered up by Obama and Clinton. A great deal of similar personnel have been killed in unusual circumstances. ( including military personnel around the Clinton's) As mentioned and on the adjacent website the post dated 27.10.2016 in chapter 3 and heading Treason, Special Access Servers as top secret, and Mr Gehad El Haddad (et al). And then reading down from 20.09.2015 and 23.12.2015 to today you will note that there is a war going on. However what is unusual aside from the Clinton selling Uranium to Russia and the investigation of Benghazi by Trey Gowdy and the investigation of the Clinton foundation is the further revelations of the Special Access Servers and the arrest of Mr Gehad El Haddad in Cairo who was employed by the Clinton foundation. One of the charges against him was a desire to suppress the civil liberties of Egyptians (extreme Sharia law)
El Haddad also had access to the Special Access Servers. he therefore had access to all military personnel worldwide including intelligence. This information on a private server such as Clintons meant they could be easily transferred overseas by El haddad or hacked by anyone worldwide. on October 28th 2016 Loretta Lynch pleads the fifth amendment During the election campaign 2016 CNN cut its news feed when questions arose on the Clinton foundation ? in September 2016 and October 2016. In August 2016 the military deemed Clinton a security threat. Obama had prior knowledge of the server threat to security despite denying it ? the recent arrest of Imran Awan suggests Russian collusion with him and the democratic party.
Charlottesville patriot marches Aug 2017.The call from the press in the Charlottesville story is to 'denounce' Charlottesville, the home of Thomas Jefferson who advocated free speech which is protected in the first amendment, and many 'democrats' support Jefferson, (Antifa = anti first amendment free speech) The press frenzy is designed to confuse, leaving viewers unsure what to denounce (but being told what to think and denounce) and the people who have organised the violence are the first to call out others before the dust has settled. It is a tried and tested tactic in protests (in this case pointless and tragic)
Distracting, and a staged event from a deeper and wider story unfolding in the USA of which the paragraphs above are the tip of the iceberg is the Charlottesville marches which has 'shocked' the democratic party and CEO's of major companies and politicians worldwide who have practically ripped their hair out in angst and sorrow at the marches and Antifa / Black lives matter / Alt right but predominantly to denounce the Alt right as Nazis ?, yet when it comes to cyber-attacks by Iranian and Pakistan (such as also Imran Awan ) terrorists they are perfectly at ease with it that hardly reaches the front page news. Further slavery still exists in the world and in the USA but is not denounced by the same press, CEO's and politicians at all? During this Charlottesville clashes the media in this period made the 'Russian Collusion' story quietly disappear? and it was a false story but it was Russia and China who were behind the story and they were/are pushing the 'Russia Probe' ? Firstly, in Charlottesville a man named James Alex Fields aged 20 ploughed his car into crowds in the marchers (Heather Heyer was killed and 19 injured) the video (taken by a Obama / Soros filmmaker Brennan Gilmore who was part of the wider US state department crew, who just happened to be there to make the film, yet there is no law against attending a protest ) show his car getting attention as he drove into the wrong area, and panicked he reversed out again after he put the brakes on. He could have ploughed into those at the front of him? The Unite the right and protestors of no affiliation as protestors (who had a permit) say they were corralled into an area where they could not escape Antifa, (Antifa = anti the first amendment free speech ) and that was organised by a pro-Obama mayor of the area Michael Singer (or here) (Singer worked with John Podesta also involved in the Uranium scandal and Clinton foundation scandal and Obama and Clinton now involving Imran Awan)
They staged the Charlottesville attacks and Thomas Jefferson would be ashamed by these people. It also distracts from the investigations into Washington DC corruption, many including Arkansas Professors (Professor Kyle Quinn) were wildly branded as racist and wrongly according to the BBC.
Further the alt right had a legal permit to march which was first revoked by the Mayor (Singer) and then injuncted against to allow them to march, and no trouble was heard of the night before on their torchlit procession? (an annual torchlit procession in Scotland every year or in Britain or Europe This is a serious matter in which police were asked to stand down, but they maintain militia groups were minding events and up to that point no trouble had occurred. The main trouble causers who knew in advance the crowds would be corralled were bused in from outside and this group were paid by George Soros. Many in Antifa and Unite the right work for both groups. George Soros is Jewish who did not resist the Nazi party (and who funded Obama ? ) and watched as many Jewish people were sent to the concentration camps in WW2. In the Ukraine nationalists since 1917 and the Russian revolution and its brutal imperialism, do not care who helps them against communism and they began their nationalist campaign a long time before Hitler came to power. Russia was/is an occupying force which has raped and killed its population for decades, and was the cause of millions dying, during the Holodomor genocide, ( 1932/1933) and after, which were just two years in the nightmare from the Russian revolution and to date. They will never give in to Russia or Communism and with or without western help they will gain independence. Also many people on the right see right through it all, and Jewish or non-Jewish together they unite against the left and these groups and secular humanism as it exists purely to remove Torah, family, the bible and tradition which undermines Israel. It is also discredited and a farcical caricature of 19th century theories. It is also incredible that Obama / Clinton let the Crimea go ? (Soviet Russia invaded and had taken over Ukraine by 1921)
What is going on ? well it is a set up ( article 'was the Charlottesville riot a set up') In North Korea similar departments exist (and see about 35 paragraphs up the North Korea 'Department of Propaganda and Agitation' in the paragraph that begins ' Behavioural science and cultural Marxism must also ' re-educate', or repeated here Dept. of Propaganda and Agitation or here) Note they resemble Obama Mao and the democrats quite a bit, as they are a few of the 'Centre for American progress', but who now prevent real change and growth in the USA (including its new modern infrastructure programme, which should be a non-partisan issue except for the communists in the USA) whatever their original intent whilst claiming to support Thomas Jefferson in Charlottesville and free speech. You cannot have a two-party system without a DoP&A and they exist in the USA also. However, the two-party system then becomes a one-party system by stealth. The Tea Party, Trump and even Bernie Sanders supporters rebelled against that in the 2016 election. In many ways libertarian / Christian / conservative views with a constitution prevent that erasure of rights from blocking free speech (as is evident) and freedom. One black hand secretariat does not know what the other blue hand is doing etc (the black hand were a revolutionary group not BLM see paras above under anarchy) and it is straight from the Maoist / Communist playbook which Saul Alinsky Obamas and Clintons mentor (who has been sponsored by Soros throughout. Soros funds Antifa through the 'Tides foundation' & the 'Global Justice Alliance' who also front for Russia and China see the end of this paragraph, and whilst observing civil liberties they ignore slavery and injustice alive and working today, and Antifa are anti free speech which is fascist ) also invoked which also controls a few of the right. They are like Common Purpose and many of their members work higher up in organisations like common purpose, mentioned at the beginning of this essay. Soros 'open society' funded the Antifa riots at Berkeley which caused millions of dollars in damages, and the highest in them are not fighting for the working class. The United Nations want to end the USA even now ? A few months earlier George Soros (December 2016) also called for China to lead the New World Order (take a view; see " Mao's Great Famine HDTV " it's the same communist party in power today) and the 'civil rights' commission (22.08.2017) refuses to condemn Antifa violence (video; 'civil rights commission refuses to condemn Antifa violence') ? is that a good example to set or is it racist ? it is all part of the set up. (and slavery still exists ? ) Remember it was first a Russian conspiracy, and now thats gone, its now the racism card (that is 'the left', no plan of economics and no policies such as tax cuts for small business etc) Further Charlottesville police admit they were told to stand down. If your white you are told you are a Stalinist who killed 80 million people over his entire reign, and if you love your country (nationalism) that is equated with Stalinism ? Its ok to love your country and not be a Stalinist ? (you couldn't make it up)
The injured and the dead lady in Charlottesville are not aware.
To consider North Korea they (to repeat) do not have critical theory and do not know they are racist or if they are not racist just being who they are (and incredibly they are actually Marxists ? ) That is how profound and brainwashed the west has become in contrast. You are 're-educated' To add however if you visit NK they do not arrest or protest you for your identity politics but for your ideology. That is the difference and the west has been brainwashed. It is the same if you went to one of the pacific islands, they are a tribe and are proud of it and they will maintain it. Essentially if your on a torch lit procession for free speech and in your tribe or national country dont let the idiots spoil it (compare the last link and its images, with the Cultural Marxist left and the protest videos etc)
Consider the protests in Poland who lived under Adolf Hitler and Stalin but which are opposed by 'the left' (and see above that the police now state they were asked to stand down in Charlottesville ) See first President Donald Trump's speech in Poland. 6.7.2017 Poland wants secure borders & 150,000 Poles marched in April and May 2017 and the latter was in Millions. Poland was invaded and occupied by Hitler and Stalin, the latter lasted decades. yet they still protest at the global problems and rightly so. The left cannot put them in a category as they are neither one or the other and so they are confused (very confused). Consider this guy somewhere in the South USA who is less confused (video; 'Anyone politically right of Maxine Waters is now a nazi. Let me help you with that classification a little bit' Newly Press) The Boston free speech rally held on 19.08.2017 in Boston displays the lack of 'free speech' and it was not nazi flags removed but USA union flags ? (the real racist's and fascists) and with violence against woman (Antifa confirmed at the free speech event that they are against Capitalism, Libertarianism, Conservatives and the US constitution) Elsewhere and you dont need to be told or not told, that you have free speech its in the constitution thousands attended rallies in Phoenix (see the end) In Oregon a communist has pressed for taking away arms which is against the US constitution, and should go straight to the Supreme court. These are steps to the takeover of the USA as a sovereign country by the UN under the constitution along with the statues and their removal but can be put back. United Nations which has seen its budget cut and could face a zero budget and moving to another country (all of this amidst Islamic slavery rife and practiced today)
You cannot judge every book (or 'Nazi') by its cover. Albert Goering the brother of Hermann Goering the founder of the Gestapo in 1933, and head of the Luftwaffe, who had been a member of the National Socialist German Workers Party since its inception almost. Today Albert Goering is to be honoured for saving Jews and to be declared a Righteous Person by the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial, which is the world centre for Jewish Holocaust research. Goering will be the 511th German person to receive the award. Goering obtained many exit permits for Jews from concentration camps and was able also to transfer their assets abroad. Despite the Gestapo knowing Albert was doing this, he and Hermann met throughout (before, and during) the war at family gatherings. Hermann his brother was second in command to Hitler. Hermann Goering, Alberts brother, helped Adolf write Mein Kampf.
Since Antifa raise these issues (and BLM) For an interesting insight into some of these questions; watch the film 'Everything is illuminated' (2005) set in the Ukraine, which shows how you can be assimilated the other way around and not even know or choose not to know. The 'Grandfather' character sensitively (who was spared in WW2 and not accidentally as many were) played by Boris Leskin is revealing, and his faithful hound 'Sammy Davis, Jnr Jnr' also known as the 'eye seeing bitch' (all knowing and all seeing) The Ukraine Holodomor famine occurred 1932/1933 before the second world war, when between 7 million and 10 million people who are (so many starved they could not count) national Ukrainians died under communist Stalin. (The film at the end also hints at the 'tumlus' or tomb shaped grave (round Celtic / Scythian marker) in miniature, but which in larger sizes are spread across the Ukraine, Germany, France, Scandinavia, Britain, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, and more see also Dolmens and the Caucuses.They are the 'markers along the way' or the tombs of those who stayed in one place, mentioned in Jeremiah 21, 20 / 31,as markers fro the ten tribes. They are found in Israel and the oldest are from Israel and they are astronomically aligned. The path over the caucuses mountains were known as far back as 1400 / 1300 bc and this is why earlier less sophisticated stones are adjacent or under the larger versions. Denmark has numerous Dolmens. The Solomon pillars marking the red sea, dates from 1440 bc approximately, see the adjacent website and chapter 2 & 5)
Islam and the final solution. There were two revolutions prior to 1917 in Russia both of which failed. (1905 - 1912) The mob did not succeed until 1917 and as mentioned the Bolsheviks and Lenin lost their first election instigating their red terror against the Russian population. The Bolsheviks killed the Russian Royal family and after the red terror, they moved to lock down Russia. They then became imperialists 1921-1923, hoping to attack and occupy Germany and the wider Europe and this failed. During World War 1 (1914 - 1918) the Ottoman Muslims committed Genocide on 2 million Armenian Christians,(1915 - 1925) and the millions who died in WW1 was around 20 million, 7 million excluding the Armenians were civilians. Following this Stalin locked down Russia (1925 - 1953) with internment camps and gulags instigating his madness on the population of Russia killing also millions of people including Jews ( Russia had a population of around 170 million people) and also assisted by Genrich Yagoda and this led to the Ukraine Holodomor deaths of 7 to 10 million people, in 1932 / 1933, in which it is estimated there are up to 40,000 mass graves and thousands still to be found. The Russian revolution led directly to the rise of Adolf Hitler who in 1921 (after he fought in world war 1 as a Lance Corporal in the Bavarian army and when there were no Nazi's) in which hundreds of thousands were killed in battles in the first day alone, Hitler sought to kill around ( he estimated) 12,000 people around Europe, including Jews, French, Russians, and Slavs at that time. This was to regain control of Germany. In the Ukraine and following the outbreak of war in 1939, the land occupied land of Ukraine (first Stalin and then Adolf Hitler like Poland ) was from 1941/1942 to be taken back from Stalinist control by Germany and Russia annexed to Germany if possible. 1.6 million Jews were killed in the 'Holocaust of bullets' and 1.5 million Ukrainians. 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust camps of WW2. Like the Armenian genocide of 1915 - 1925, the Holocaust in Germany and Russia against the Jews was directly influenced by 'Palestinian' (which really means Jordan) Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini also known as Muhammed Amin al-Husseini (1893 or 1897 - 1974) (or here ) had developed networks into Turkey and Syria. He was the instigator of the 'final solution' meeting Hitler in November 1941, (and the Holocaust began after this time) al- Husseini and his peers and family instigated genocide for Armenia in 1915, and in Germany in 1943. Hitler had promised and fulfilled the transfer agreement of 1933 in which hundreds of thousands of Jews over a 7 year period, had been transferred to Israel. (and after WW2 of course) The war of Ismael against Isaac which is long and historical, in which 'Palestinians' still wish to commit Genocide against Israel today as does Iran. The Communist genocide against the Ethiopians from and by Castro and Mengistu Haile Mariam and involving Obama's father (see further down) took 2 million Ethiopians. Ho Chi Min 3 million, Pol Pot 2 million and Chairman Mao 40 - 55 million people in one era alone. Including the ethnic extinction of Tibet and confiscation of its lands and a declared war on India (see the black book of communism further down) which is a part of OBOR (one belt one road) on and off especially since their war in 1962. Today Obama who loves the sound of Mosques in the morning and Clinton are responsible for the genocide of Christians in the middle east (one part of the global Jihad)
Islam is fascism and is fascist ('peace' in Islam means world conquest to the cult, aided by the Iran deal which is clearly now inclusive of having Nuclear weapons and not curbing Nuclear weapons, see below with aid from China) openly seeks to destroy Israel and has called for the killing of all Jews. Antifa is anti - Israel as are BLM not because they are unaware of the facts but because they are run by Islam and Communist fronts at the higher levels. This is why its leaders espouse 'Asian commie crap' (as one observer noted, whipped up into hysteria) yet whose leaders (here without glasses ) deny Communism has killed 100 million people worldwide (but which excludes famines over generations making 150 million) and is the biggest mass murdering movement in history.
Press outrage is driven along with false stories and half truths. It is pertinent as the same press report on our democratic institutions, in the USA. Some congress members have been in congress for 30 years over 70 for 20 years, and the motivation to check the press is lost. Take the case of Yasmin Seweid who said she was attacked by Trump supporters on the underground in December 2016. In fact she fabricated the story to avoid a Muslim curfew in New York ? (not mentioned) but has been found guilty (she pleaded guilty) now of fabricating the story. Initially the same press we see every day and some congress members castigated the Whitehouse, the right and the horror and terror of the situation. Similar events occurred at Charlottesville and 99 % of people marching were not carrying flags but were simply ordinary people .On a higher level democracy has been blocked in the USA and the political swamp has undercut the process of legislating and has obstructed the investigation into corruption and the usurpation of extremely serious issues.
'Going Nuclear' (as a diversion or distracting 'active measure' and 'making mountains of molehills' ) Not all communist woman go full 'Yoko' (video; 'Yoko Ono Screaming at Art Show! Original', or earlier preferred calmer version here, video; 'Song] Sin Mi Song (9) {DPRK Music}' like BAMN (By any means necessary) leader Yvette Felarca at Berkeley University (see also last paragraph above) Sensitivity is required especially by men in these areas and this responsibility requires an awareness of when the 'Mushroom cloud is about to blow'. Men, do not assume woman are incapable of rational decision making (of course they are this is an outdated and erroneous view and of course woman can drive ) as for them, hitting the Nuclear button is always a possible option. When considering the west and issues such as economics, politics, population control and procreation etc, try and consider both points of view. Having said this, cultural theory asserts criticism of 'the oppressed' (who are not oppressed in gulags or slavery but are 'offended' endlessly) will not be tolerated, which is a form of control and oppression in itself to 'change' democratic structures, family and freedoms. This assertion also usurps by 'moral authority' or 'affirmative actions' and 'virtue signalling' and many structures in the democratic processes are reduced by these restrictions or 'virtues' (Complimenting a communist woman on her appearance, or worse her physical features for instance, is not 'virtue signalling',.... far from it ? but is a sign of sexist insensitivity and moral ignorance ? according to some 'communist ladies')
Since the above paragraph was added woman in Saudi Arabia have been granted the right to drive (make a note in September 2017 only ) including reversing and handbrake hill starts. The driving license is not in their own name however and there are many things a woman cannot do. Driving without a head is one of them.
01.012.2017 (the following 3 paragraphs) Also since writing above on Yvette Felarca at Berkeley University and her antics which are straight out of communist North Korea or China. Essentially Felarca, lied about a restraining to a court, then waited for the 'accused' to approach her and handed him the restraining order and then phoned the police. The accused of course had first amendment and constitutional rights to walk and protest (see you tube video, 25.11.2017 'UC Berkeley student sues Antifa member over threats' or here on fox ) The movement of the people is simply not.
Further to it a man called Eddie Curlin in the USA was charged with spraying mock racist graffiti on walls and public places (swastika's etc) which his University and black lives matter used as a political protest against white people in the 2016 Presidential elections to discredit the 'alt right' ? amidst the upheavals and angst. These agents are the ones spreading the discord, which is the policy of the left.
At the same time a man in ridiculous circumstances is found not guilty in San Francisco (an illegal alien who shot the victim named Kate Steinle from Mexico Garcia Zarate who should be imprisoned for life or capital punishment, but is going to be deported but too late, although it is suggested he may yet be charged again in this very strange case) see video 'INGRAHAM ANGLE BREAKING NEWS 12/1/2017' The Mexican had been deported 5 times, had 7 felony convictions and found or stole a gun and shot Kate Steinle in front of her father. (see also video from Nation one news foundation ) Clearly Yvette Felarca and Eddie Curlin and the lawyer for the Mexican could work for the 'Russia investigation' and Obamas wiretapping team. All 4 are criminals. This is Islam meets Communism (and many men in Saudi have tried to swipe woman's cars with tree branches and whips or burn them as they drive past in protest, it is unclear if it is the woman or the car or both (Basil Fawlty did something similar many years ago in anger but his wife was not present in the car on that occasion ) These people have no idea what liberty or democracy means, but this type of rigged set up is always directed against 'free speech' and from and by leftist groups, the minority 'activists' who cause the trouble. The sick thing is in California is you can get a fine or go to jail for using the wrong 'pronoun' (when there are only 2 anyway) but not for shooting a woman if you are an illegal alien, who is protected by 'sanctuary cities' which should all be closed down. Further and 2 years ago culturally 4 year olds or 12 year olds can be raped (this year and after a trial and 2 days ago) by Muslims and migrants who say they were led on by the victim(s) and it is not their fault or the court was unable to ascertain if the girl could defend herself. What is worse the media reporting of these crimes, the fake media, or the people who commit them as the incidents repeat themselves endlessly. These crimes deserve capital punishment.
Once many lower democratic structures are removed especially in speech and free speech, then a dictatorship leading to a un-elected vanguard can remove the rest. (having no constitution or no rights under Gd, will expedite those stages) Communism today is Infused with Islamic cultic neurosis It is a political theory and practice pushing the left in recent decades but now into the west thanks to the Muslim brotherhood who give only lip service to 'religion' This last example in the previous link, is the result of Muslim children and adults cutting themselves with knifes in a rhythmic chant, which is not 'dialectical' but entrenched brainwashing, in which woman are also further subjugated. Dialectical activities however are also a cult, with 'change' for change sake, the driver of the negative energy. The Ancient 'I Ching' (or 'book of changes' ) teachings can also force a 'change' against the will of society, and to its detriment by manipulation into enslavement, proving there is nothing new under the sun. The change is an intense violent neurosis and the launch pad is in countdown before any discussion begins. Islam (unknown to North Korea in education and society and largely banned in China, & Russia, but totally banned in Japan) also silences free speech. There are no elections in China of course. North Korea has banned abortion as it it feels it is detrimental to its people (and it is also mass murder) and they are Marxists procreating for a new tomorrow keeping the herd growing and stable. Shanta Driver the leader of Bamn ('By Any Means Necessary' including those means which remove a constitution or 1st amendment, or elections. BAMN also includes endless arguments which do not lead to solutions or practical measures to assist society) like China does not allow democratic leadership challenges. Both sides in these movements are controlled from the same origin, and they both know it. It is especially oppressive against Woman in North Korea, yet many Chinese woman were also oppressed confined to one child only, as the state either way feels it runs societies reproductive decisions. China of course has a billion Chinese people (and no elections and controlled borders) yet if you suggest the USA or Europe should have a billion white Europeans,... (and Russia also) then that is racist ? Try (conversely) protesting and organizing college campus in NK, China or Russia and then you will have something to complain about, and Islam, BLM, Antifa and Bamn are not protesting outside China, Russia or NK embassies, or business's or smashing their doors down or marching through their streets ? in the USA or Europe. However read chapter 4 above and the Dalai Lama (and last paragraph) under Communism, but also the treatment of woman which is an issue highlighted by Shanta Driver, a lawyer and Donna Stern her legal assistant (but which has grown and has not changed and has become a larger problem under 'feminism' since the 1960's ? and see the paragraphs on real feminism above in red beginning 'Real feminists (it is pointed out )
Left wing racism and Communist Population Reduction activities. Without mentioning Justin Trudeau and Jeremy Corbyn (who also admired Fidel Castro, see the Anarchy section above and Homosexuality, under paragraph 'Today in Justin Trudeau world' ) and countless others, no one assumes that Maxine Waters, & Jesse Jackson, & Al Sharpton and/or Obama are racist and of course they are. Fidel Castro was a close ally of Colonel Mengistu Haile-Mariam, the Communist leader of Kenya / Ethiopia, who was responsible for 1.8 - 2 million Ethiopians deaths, and countless slaves. Obama's father was a part of the Mengistu Marxist communist cabal ( Obama's father's position was within EPRDF/DERG) Mengistu like Lenin instigated the Red Terror as an act of racial genocide against Ethiopians (Mengistu is pictured here with Castro or here or here ) Mengistu also killed Haile Selassie Father of Rastafarianism (and also the religion / faith of Bob Marley which cultural Marxism wants to wipe out, especially as Rastafarianism is anti - homosexual and those errors, and Cultural Marxism is against any religion) Ethiopia's plight was made famous in the 1980's live aid concerts 'feed the world' Islam abhors liberalism and Communism but they work together against the west. Any of these people above should be avoided and their statues and names removed, and they should not be in politics and should resign. Communism (which Obama, Mengistu and Castro embraced) is simply not 'economics' but a population reduction method and socialism is a stage to it as with Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao etc. Anarchy can be a stage to them and Cultural Marxism is a stage to them also.
The phasing out of Britain and London (see further down also) by Islam is a communist driven economic 'EU' policy for instance and is sought in every EU capital, removing financial decision making from independent countries and making their own trade deals east and west. In Britain the communist's want to control the city of London and OBOR (one belt one road) which is why now ... again the Labour party is pro EU. (27.08.2017) Free economic choice is independence. Britain like many other non EU countries who also want freer market controls and border controls, is in the 'Council of Europe' even after Brexit which is not mentioned by the press ?. Islam pushes a front of liberalism (which it hates itself) and these changes are now noticed by its young population and the demonstration on the 23.09.2017. (a 'last days of silence' video 'The Last Day of Silence' or here 'The last day of silence 23rd September central London' ) who notice its actually been going on for decades slowly, and is now speeding up. What are the authorities doing ? Removing free speech and the 1st amendment (and the entire USA constitution) is also a communist ploy and activity.
All of this (i.e. in Charlottesville USA, but getting back to the USA) of course serves to distract from the takeover of USA since 2009 and the agents are spread everywhere ingrained in every department in the USA, and now they are working to prevent the Republican administration from working and trying to fire those who want to bring them to Justice. Many democrats believed the Nuclear deal would end Iran's destruction of Israel and the threats against it, but that is not the case as you will see further on. In the Republican administration 90% of the staff changes are planned and it has been worth watching the changes in the White house over 8 months from January 2017 to ascertain just what has been uncovered against the previous administration and what has been going on in the biggest scandal in US history. As Steve Bannon resigns in early August ( who is not a politician in a permanent role ) he said that the current corruption is the biggest scandal in US history and is being uncovered and is being revealed in only 8 months. That is the Obama (who seems to have played both sides in his career but to the determent of the USA) crime syndicate takeover from within. From without it was also occurring simultaneously. It is designed not just to taint the south and the confederacy but to also destroy the Union of the USA.
'RussiaGate' and Geopolitics (26.08.2017) As the bribery trial of Democratic Senator Bob Menendez begins (as Obama was also bribed) a democrat website attacks Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, but as a member of congress (who served with Ronald Reagan see video; 'Website attacks Republican Rep. over Russia ties' or 'ep. Rohrbacher: Assange Knows Who Provided Him DNC Emails - Likely a Party Insider' ' ) over 'Russia', but he points out near the end of the video, that the outcome of any logical investigation in this case, must mean the hack on the DNC, came from within the Democratic national party itself (DNC) allowing access to the hackers. Judge Napolitano says the NSA also viewed Hillary Clinton and the democrats (the Muslim brotherhood) as a threat to national security and they also were aware of the 'hackers' or Pakistan agents like Awan Imran. So it was a leak against Bernie Sanders not a international hack, and no hack against the election. Only CNN and Russia have the same rhetoric (Russia gate) This means Washington DC is a swamp filled with Muslim Brotherhood and communists and confirms Clinton and the democrats, as is consistent with the cyber attacks above, passed on security personnel details, plans and intent (worldwide) and not to rebuild the USA or the West as is apparent in the 'Anarchy' section above also.
The OBOR (one belt one road project)is also a large lucrative project for the UK and the City of London (OBOR) but who via Brexit put them selves first as Britain first to make trade deals to it (as opposed to the non-existent Allah Akbar first and those who perpetuate and accommodate false religions /cults) or in the USA as America first (but trading into prosperity and growth, people see that the west is already better off and stronger after Brexit and then Trump etc. Only politicians who always were Zombies struggle with these concepts)
The EU wants individual control of its borders also, as China has and Russia has and Israel has (see also at the end of these blue paragraphs but remember Russia and China do not hold real elections or in China any elections, whereas the Ukraine does and always have) There is a state of emergency economically in the west and Nuclear uranium which can be enriched to Nuclear weapons very easily and quickly and Israel states within 5 days, in Iran and possibly North Korea. The democrats aided those who supplied the raw Uranium to Pakistan, NK and the Muslim brotherhood who want to control the west, whereas the west wants 100% national employment and Swizz or Mexico type immigration polices.
North and South Korea's whose possible unification (as it currently stands) is literally like fitting a 'round peg into a square hole'... and they seem to have a problem working that out.
Clinton emails/ Manafort & 'Russiagate' The OBOR project still proceeds without the USA in NAFTA or TTIP, and works with 'nation states' and border controls without effecting global growth or trade. Consider again General Mike Flynn's request that Hillary Clinton go to jail for her emails. The latest is now they are blaming Paul Manafort who also worked for Clinton as he requested the missing 33,000 missing emails which show the treason against the USA and the West, but they are also claiming he sought them from.... Russia !. Clearly the Pakistan Muslim Brotherhood ISI in Washington and Britain (in Britain the Islamic cult harass and try to silence people for speaking against rape, extortion by sharia and trafficking gangs of Pakistan ) are running this charade and nonsense and along with Awan Imran and El Haddad, they should all be arrested, and even Labour MPs are sacked for criticism by Chairman Corbyn Mao, see the 'slavery not denounced heading' below also) It is truly incredible but not needed in the west.This is the state of the West.
Purging the Obama / Clinton coup against the USA (north and south) is the first step to its freedom and real nationalism sees past the so called 'political party' control of that aspiration.
The biggest aspect of the scandal comes with Clintons emails and the Clinton foundation selling Uranium to Russia which is true and not fake news.
Remember slavery was abolished in the USA in 1865, and no statues were removed or considered during the Obama / Clinton years 2008 – 2016. Yet Obama perpetuates slavery as will be apparent further on.
The United Nations Russian / Chinese takeover of the USA.
Uranium to Russia. Bill and Hillary Clinton are out for themselves, not their state or America or local communities. The example of Bill Clinton meeting with Obama's appointee (the US Attorney General Loretta Lynch ) to pull a threat or bribe to prevent the release of files which the FBI could use to prosecute Hillary Clinton fully over the Benghazi and Clinton foundation and Uranium to Russia scandals. (Cash from Clinton foundation and Uranium to Russia) Which as Russia suspends its USA peace deal on Nuclear weapons (see above) is a ridiculous position for a US presidential candidate with a Muslim brotherhood chief of staff to be in ? (the latter revealed in the "Panama papers" as Endeavour mining ) It is not ridiculous when you realise that "the allies" are to be weakened and the opposition strengthened against America as a deliberate ploy. This is what Hillary and Obama have spent the last 10 or 5 years doing. Further down the US Uranium map shows how the sedition worked.
The story begins and partly ends as follows; The Hillary Clinton emails also distract from the fact the Clinton foundation has not been IRS audited as yet ( with no access) and also distracted from the Hammond and Bundy ranch stories in which the Bundy's (October 28 2016) were cleared of any wrongdoing in a federal court defending their land from the Clinton foundation accusations (the origin of the accusations) taking the land and mining it for Uranium to sell to Russia, who will give it to Iran and North Korea or Pakistan. It is obvious they intend to use it in a premeditated strike as their Islamic 'religion' (or anxiety in NK) preaches to them, that they will be rewarded for a nuclear fireball annihilation. (remember the Russian narrative has gone, and Syria is not in the news as Isis is almost defeated etc)
The Hammond and Bundy (video; Trump Calls Bureau of Land Management, 'BLM' out For Stealing Ranchers Land) ranchers are on or adjacent to 'green ways' and are part of the Agenda 21 (and Agenda 30 etc) scenarios controlled by the United Nations. Some greenways are harmless but some run many hundreds of miles and link into others in Canada and Mexico. The Bundy ranch in Nevada & map of Hammond ranch Oregon as part of the Bureau of land management which although a US government agency was co-opted by the United Nations Hammond and Bundy's land has Uranium within it as well as other valuable minerals and assets. The UN do not care about birdlife, trees, water or rare snails etc. The first video in this paragraph points out all the natural resources and metals on these lands. However, since the USA was scheduled to disappear and merge with Canada and Mexico the land would belong to the United Nations. The democratic party had completely sold the USA to the United Nations lock, stock and barrel. As you can read in chapter 3 above the USA already has protected natural parks and many of them were first protected by the US army.
To see further the adjacent website and post-dated & 07.06.2016 The British European Brexit Referendum 23.06.2016 and the on-going Middle East genocide and sub-heading N.A.F.T.A and the 10 New World Regions or the 10 global spheres of influence (ten world regions) 11.03.2017 China wants to lead the New World Order (contd from 1.1.2017 above...US Elections 2016. Economic currency manipulation and the Chinese Communist party) A rough summary of them The US constitution prohibits additions or succession without all or any county changing the constitution. Of course, in war a state may leave and then be at war with the other states. Bill and Hillary Clinton were instrumental in signing the trade deal but with borders intact and have vested interest in the deal.
NAFTA and the original map of the Ten spheres of influence following on from the rough outline map of 1948 (which is still the plan today) show how the USA and its minerals and assets were to be confiscated.
The Black lives matter (who are 'pro-abortion' ? on millions of black people for instance) and Antifa and others similar work for these interests not the USA or Republicans and Democrats, and the Democrats do not represent the working class or middle class any longer and they have been taken over by them and critical theory neurotics as opposed to making a sound economy (destroying the working and middle class is a aim of Antifa etc)
People ask why would China and Russia want US Uranium? The World Uranium maps.
Uranium map of the World. & Uranium map of Canada. & the Uranium map of USA
The merger of USA and Canada is important as the company which Clinton and Podesta and the Democratic party state department and thousands of operatives in Washington DC (like Awan and El Ghaddi) used to export Uranium to Russia was Rosatom (who acquired Uranium 1 a company Bill Clinton had shares in and Canada worked with Endeavour mining) a Russian Canadian company (backed by Trudeau but a United Nations front) and Canada would through the United Nations be merged by a long 'greenway' which 'transcends' borders linking into Canada and/or Mexico and also then give Russia control of Uranium fields (and other valuable assets ) in Nevada and Oregon and elsewhere. There is nothing wrong with national companies owning their own land in public knowledge but there has just been an eight-month media frenzy into the 'Russia collusion' crime and horror since January 2017 and before. Solar panel production requires massive mining operations which can be devastating but can also be repaired ecologically and China also wants USA land. The tides foundation and/or global justice alliance do not mention these types of ecological disasters or Russia or Chinas massive coal outputs. Many groups want to stop western production but only for eastern reasons (this is why 90% of the green movement, BLM and Antifa are absurd as most of the rest of this essay narrative highlights)
Uranium began to be sent to Russia in 2009 and the current OBOR (one belt one road project) could be entirely run and owned by the west just as easily ? The average debt in the west in 95% of GDP or over 100% in Russia it is now between 10 to 15 %. In Britain, it is 90% It is a catastrophe. In recent reports it is shown that Mueller who is investigating against Trump, although it is soon to end, supposedly took the Uranium to Russia in 2009 /2010, yet a counter investigation by Trey Gowdy suggests Mueller is a straight arrow and will do his job professionally. (an investigation within an investigation) It was revealed in August 2017 that Obama knew of Russian meddling in 2014. (LaVoy Finicum was killed on January 26th 2016 and that protest embarrasses Antifa and others) He also knew of the Christina genocide in 2014 ( which he still denies as Genocide and will not 'tweet' on that ) and of course Russia took over the middle east and Ukraine's 'Crimea' and Obama admits Russia would intervene in Syria ? and he knew ?
Further Obamas final act in office many press outlets claimed was to grant Iran more Uranium on January 9th 2017 ? described as a 'blunder' it definitely went via Russia. Of course this will go to North Korea, China Pakistan and Iran. German intelligence confirmed Iran is buying Nuclear weapons and Israel says it has Nuclear weapons now, especially after it threatened to quit (19/08/2017) the nuclear deal if further sanctions are imposed ? It already has nuclear material and that is way beyond the boundaries of the deal which obviously included nuclear weapon capability as well as nearly $200 billion dollars.
It is incredible when Obama types/tweets eulogies about skin color, as a nuclear war blast, turns skin white, then red before it melts off the bone. The reason he and Michael did not want Trump or the other Republicans in the Whitehouse is because they are white. Obama claimed no one liked him because he was black. (and so beyond criticism in critical theory etc) Further and as black supremacist's are biblical? but who are against any biblical tradition, they contrast with Dr Martin Luther King jr who was against Gay marriage as one example, as is the wedding tradition of Israel etc. They are against white people as the black panthers / Muslim brotherhood teach they are the chosen. Obama claimed he had a biblical vision, but gay marriage is not biblical as one example ( see black supremacist link above) Racism works all ways, and Barry Obama and Michael are not asked to denounce the Black supremacist's or Antifa ? . Obama said he loves the sound of Islamic prayers in the morning ? All of this hypocrisy was at the period of the center the Christian genocide and the ignored call for safe zones. The left and Obama deny the genocide. It disguises the real purpose of Obama / Clinton who are the real racists, and this is what racism looks like. Incredibly America could cancel some of its debt and make a paradise, for prosperity and full employment (for further details see the adjacent website and chapter 3 and post dated 24.12.2016 & 1.1.2017 fwd ) and that's what people want, 100% employment and good health, and a new massive infrastructure plan, that is not what they received in 2008 – 2016. Since January 2017 hundreds of thousands of jobs have been created and the stock market has broken all records (is there a connection ?, many think there is; General Allen)
General Flynn wanted Hillary to go to jail for her emails which lead back to Obama and Podesta and Jarret (the communist) and Abeddin and the Muslim brotherhood. Many in the Obama (Barry Soetoro / Whitehouse paid by Soros) believed peace (e.g. like Debbie Schultz who was in two minds on voting for the Iran deal) with Israel could follow, but that is not the aim of world Socialism/Communism or Islam, only eternal war. Incredibly the CIA have said North Korea is a threat and is not a threat. General McMaster says North Korea is a threat which is the position of General of General Mike Flynn all along as also on Iran and Pakistan (yet the Obama / Clinton Muslim brotherhood communist faction wanted him removed) hence there is so much confusion, but one which is aided by the Muslim Obama / Abeddin / Jarret factions who are still in Washington DC in thousands and who destabilised America to let the Muslim invasions and war effort take hold. Bannon said North Korea is a threat but feared for South Korea in a war. The Thaad missile defence system was / is supposed to counter an attack on South Korea?
The Nuclear material delivered to Russia and North Korea and Iran will also assist Pakistan's security building its China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. Aside from the slaves kept in North Korea, the Dalai Lama has a right to return to his native Tibet, yet only for India they would now be extinct, and India has seen its lands taken also in Kashmir and Bangladesh. Can the west can expect the same treatment as Tibet, Nepal and Butan?
China to lead the new World Order ? Taiwan wanted a different China as Chinese nationalists and are on alert against its threatened invasion. Taiwan is nationalist not unelected communism (e.g. in the USA antfia are not nationalist, here attacking a disabled army veteran in a wheelchair, but who are educated at Berkeley university in turn paid from the east, not from the USA, they are however in the USA a front for the Muslim brotherhoods shadow government and the Cultural Marxism in Orwells 1984) Taiwan is prepared to defend itself against China. It has purchased $1.42 billion in armaments to protect itself. As many of the Taiwan leadership were / are originally Chinese, why would they flee Communist China if it is a good place to be ? Taiwan wants a different China and they are in a position to know. Recently in 2017 China began building a road illegally into Bhutan causing India to intervene, Bhutan is an independent country, (like Tibet and Nepal who were brutally crushed or its population replaced and which should be returned to them immediately before China continues, ending its occupation) but is historically traditionally closer to India, in its faith, and communism wants to remove all faiths. Burma and India are to open the 'pan Asia high speed network' with new oil lines directly from the middle east (The Kunming to India pipeline) It is timed to set the tone for the Brics summit 3 – 15 September 2017.(Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) China views Taiwan as its own as it does the eastern Islands known area known as the Nine (or Ten ) dash line, which it gradually wants to bring back into 'China' although there are several dispute claims from other countries. To aid its expansion it has created the Spratly Islands as new artificial unsinkable aircraft carriers, and has expanded into Mischief reef, Scarborough Shoal, Woody Island and Paracel Islands. Further there are hundreds more maritime features China is developing in the continued South China sea war. Beijing keeps to international rules of engagement technically, breaking the law only minimally to avoid international court, whilst keeping within international law globally. The reason for this (the theory asserts) is to maintain a low-key development and avoid a trade war which would affect its imports and exports (it says) and the west goes along with this narrative. However, and to repeat it is the same Communist party in power who watched its own citizens starve and work themselves into mass graves to the tune of 40 - 50 million under Chairman Mao and many more tens of millions were slowly killed over decades. Recently the Falun Gong were rounded up and incarcerated and their body organs sold on the open market. Any economic hardship would not be felt by the party leadership, or its military as they expand their bases (see the next 2 paragraphs ) around the globe. This latent laid-back China is a false assumption (but many liberals push the notion) as communism asserts global dominance and OBOR is a part of that plan. Destabilising the west internally is also a part of that plan of global dominance which is socialist 'internationalism' not nationalism, and anarchy and critical theory are a part of it also, as are USA 'Sanctuary City' illegal immigration benefits (including voting) in which some legal immigrants do not have, (they can commit crimes and cannot be held to account i.e. outside the law) and US citizens do not have the same abroad. No other country in the world would put up with the hysteria. Many working-class groups have been hijacked by these non-movements. Rudyard Kipling wrote about Nepal in his ballad / poem 'The Green Eye of the Yellow God' with J Milton Hayes, about a green-eyed idol stolen from Nepal. China (in a reverse of the poem) has stolen Tibet and Nepal and Bhutan. It replaced its population and those who resisted were killed (sound familiar) Whilst the west supports Seoul if it keeps its Yin, all communism has is a pong ('big pong in Yang') in Pyongyang and the China / North Korea lack of elections is not appealing. North Korea has just launched a missile at Japan (28.08.20117) and over it, and China is not intervening ? South Korea however did intervene and fired on North Korea. It (China) favors the slavery and oppression that exists in North Korea, and extending that model westward in the highly indebted western economy is fine by China. Even people in Britain have noticed its freedom is slowly eroded and oppressive servitude to the 'progressive' liberal Islamization is becoming a stark reality (see paragraph above beginning 'The phasing out of Britain and London' ….until Brexit 20 or so up ) The Video entitled 'Death by China, How America lost its manufacturing base' (now 3 years old and Obama did absolutely nothing to reduce its facts economically at home ) narrated by Martin Sheen is factually correct and accurate, (see also how China rules the world ) and Global debt according to the IMF is now $152 trillion, George Soros (December 2016) also called for China to lead the New World order.
China could immediately hold multi-party national elections across the whole of China, to show the OBOR / Brics world and wider and the Brics summit in 3 – 15 September 2017, that it is not a totalitarian dictatorship pursuing (as it has historically) an Huxleyan / Orwellian nightmare in a narrow 'Green eyed of the yellow God' nightmare scenario. If not why not ? is socialist Marxist China racist being anti-immigration ?They should undertake free, open and fair elections, and elections where the 'chicken is not rubbery' so to speak. This is the least it could do.
Invasion of North Korea. As mentioned maybe it would be more favorable to the USA and the west if it took control of the OBOR (one belt one road) project. China is using it to advance into the west. Rome did not build roads just so that it could make new discoveries such as Pasta or buy Silk, it built roads to make conquest easier. China is building military bases in Africa and not road side retail shopping outlets. It intends through communist Greek Prime-minster Tsipras to build one in Greece, Canada (Trudeau the communist) and Fiji China are running patrols in Afghanistan As it is not (in reality although it denounces North Korea) scaling down its North Korea ally, it is now obvious to remove and dismantle North Korea's nuclear weapons and dark intent completely, and free the 'slaves' (200,000 including Christians) in North Korea, it will take an invasion of NK which has hundreds of miles of unguarded coastline, and air deployment for troops and parachuting could accommodate up to 20,000 in waves of invasions (not a permanent occupation, but retrain the NK army with South Korea and aid reunification, taking control of the capital, ports and borders under martial law) until the Nuclear threat is removed and annihilated.It would be relatively easy for any western army ? Should China intervene then it is obvious the OBOR (one road one belt) Global Project is a Trojan horse (a subjugating Trojan horse against the west, working with others including Islam)
Second Special Counsel voted in to investigate Democrats August 2017
Trey Gowdy has appointed a second special counsel to investigate all of these unfurling matters.
The American Centre for Law and Justice President Jay Sekulow has called for a complete investigation into the Clinton Lynch tarmac emails and meetings by the FBI.
Obama is working for and with Clinton has at least colluded with the Russians (he violated the US constitution more than once) and has allowed North Korea and Pakistan and Iran to obtain Nuclear weapons. Ironically the invigorated threats from North Korea the instigator and harbinger of WW3 may well use American uranium to kill millions as may Iran, and the democrats (who do not represent the working or middle class) but represent the Islamic / liberal war plan and they work for them (as you can see further on)
On the 31.08.2017 GOP (Grand old party) & the Republican Senators committee seek more information on Clintons emails (video; 'GOP senators seek more information on Comey and Clinton' ) as it appears the previous investigation did not investigate Hillary Clinton, Podesta, Valerie Jarrett, Loretta Lynch, Obama or Huma Abeddin (who worked with the Clinton / Muslim Brotherhood and Pakistan infiltration above) Further it seems the decision on Clintons guilt ( Treason and sedition ) was made before any facts were collected (video; 'Did Comey reach Clinton conclusion before all facts were in?' ) and slightly before Lorreta Lynch's airplane meeting with Bill Clinton ? (Video; 'Proof that Comey's probe of Clinton a sham?' ) Hillary Clinton put downward pressure on the intelligence services not to investigate sanctioned by Obama.
When we consider that Kim Jong Un has fired a missile over Japan and has detonated a underground Nuclear thermal device (Deuterium is also found in the USA, but Iran has sold Heavy water to the USA and to Obama and Clinton. This was purchased from the from the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran in 2015 /2016. This became part of the Nuclear deal and could be the same material Kim Jong Un is using now and which he threatens to Nuke Japan, Guam and California (USA West Coast)
As mentioned Russia's atomic energy company used to export Uranium to Russia was Rosatom via the USA ( Bundy and Hammond ranches etc) who acquired Uranium 1 a company Bill Clinton had shares in and Canada worked with Endeavour mining, a Russian Canadian company (backed by Trudeau but a United Nations front) and Canada would through the United Nations connecting the Hillary Clinton and the Benghazi and Clinton foundation and Uranium to Russia scandals. (Cash from Clinton foundation and Uranium to Russia) Which as Russia suspends its USA peace deal on Nuclear weapons (see above) is a ridiculous position for a US presidential candidate with a Muslim brotherhood chief of staff to be in ? (the latter revealed in the "Panama papers" as Endeavour mining )
On 1.9.2017 As Trey Gowdy, the GOP senators and Congress begin the new investigations, a federal Judge, U.S. District Judge James E. Boasberg has ordered the FBI to release the emails and other items and technology pertinent to the investigation, which have not been considered. This will show the DNC was hacked by the Clintons alone against Bernie Sanders (as other sources show) from inside the DNC with outside help, and which followed also the collusion between Obama and Russia which resulted in the lost war in Syria. This occurred in Oct 2015, whilst simultaneous collusion with the Russians was underway at this time . Judicial Watch are also concerned that this should have been ordered by the Justice and State departments ( last video. ' Judge orders FBI to release Clinton email probe details' ) The State department are the defendant represented by the Justice department (but it refers to the state department of 2011 / 2016 as Clinton, Huma Abeddin and Muslim brotherhood & Obama, not the current administration) Obama also had a secret email pseudonym to the state department ? which the President did not need (the Muslim Brotherhood state department with Imran Awan and El Haddad, and thousands of others still to be found ) which some surmise the whole Muslim brotherhood plot was not prosecuted as Obama could then recuse or pardon himself. Considering Richard Nixon was removed from the Presidency for far less then Obama and Clinton and large parts of the democratic party are guilty of treason. This considering the USA has been run down to a standstill and was almost ruined (2008 - 2016) along with the Christian genocide in the middle east, Pakistan and Egyptian agents with access to the Justice department and all military personnel and military and members of congress and the senate, and with Iran and North Korea threatening the world, it is not a western operation but a part of a plot against western civilization extending to Europe, (and all its capitals) Britain and the middle east (to ruin them also) It is clear China (and the OBOR Trojan Horse) whilst appearing open has not held democratic elections and is aiding Iran and NK
When you consider 'the Russia investigation' is run by Russia itself (the hack into the DNC against Bernie Sanders, came from inside the DNC according to the NSA and Wikileaks see heading 'RussiaGate' and Geopolitics (26.08.2017) above ) and Obama ordered an investigation ? as a smokescreen asking all in the US intelligence community to investigate the 'Russia scandal' on the 9.12.2017, (last article 'Why didnt Obama reveal Intel about the Russia's influence' by the Atlantic press) but knew of 'something' prior to the election on November 8th 2016 when he could have warned Hillary Clinton, although she benefited from the internal hack from inside the DNC against Bernie Sanders ?)
This merry go round was revealed to be a false construct as Clinton and Obama had helped Vladimir Putin (who is not gay) via A company called Rusnano. which deals with Nanotechnology (not made in the USA) and microchips and code and possibly hacking 'On Jan. 18, 2011, a small green-energy company named Joule Unlimited announced Podesta's appointment to its board. Months later, Rusnano, a Kremlin-backed investment fund founded by Vladimir Putin, pumped $35 million into Joule' Podesta is Hillary Clinton's campaign manager who announced she had conceded the US 2016 election. Whilst the money is disputed Podesta had shares in the company Joule. These shares were never disclosed.75,000 shares of common stock from Joule which he then transferred to Leonidio Holdings., claiming he was a new entrant but he had served under Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton also received $500,000 from Renaissance capital a Russian company to speak in Moscow, and Hillary Clinton and Obama opposed sanctions against Russia at that time. 20 % of US Uranium sold to Russia Uranium to Russia scandals. (Cash from Clinton foundation and Uranium to Russia) via Rosatom (who acquired Uranium 1 a company Bill Clinton had shares in and Canada worked with Endeavour mining) The Clinton foundation made $145 million from the deal, revealed in Canadian tax records.
Obama sanctioned the Uranium Rosatom deal (article in 'The Federalist' by DC McAllister 'Uranium 1 gives Russia a platform to distribute Nuclear power' May 6th 2015) which Hillary Clinton benefited from, to help expand Russia's energy empire, whilst fighting Russia in Ukraine ? and letting the Crimea go ? This whilst Europe's debt goes through the roof and Clinton's and Obama's friend George Soros are bringing Muslim brotherhood some armed into Europe in millions and they are placed in positions of work in immigration centers, ( see adjacent website, and chapter 3) whilst Pakistan criminal Muslim radical Islamic terrorist gangs openly traffick and rape girls some as young as 12 in Britain ( see adjacent website, and chapter 3 and heading on slavery below) and they killed and raped thousands of people in the EU. Obama's green energy (whilst encouraging Russia's nuclear advance) company went broke leaving US taxpayers with a 2.2 Billion dollar bill. Valerie Jarret, Obama's senior adviser was/is a strong Communist.
Why is South Korea having to retaliate against North Korea's missiles, why is North Korea firing on Japan and Guam and threatening the West coast of the USA, why does German intelligence say and Israel say Iran (and NK and China has hinted it will not interfere if USA deploys) can fire Nuclear weapons now ? (Anarchy is from within and without, see Sargon of Akkad video in red above under the Anarchy section & second paragraph, It is not 'diversity' or a new era but modern warfare) This was the Iran deal and its wider spin offs as war against the West.
Incredibly the whole item was broadcast on 'One America News Network' on May 18th 2017 (video; '.@Liz_Wheeler: We finally have proof of inappropriate financial dealings with Russia' ) Judicial Watch keep daily/ weekly updates.
If you see the level of infiltration, double speak and deception (NAFTA since 1996 for example) just in these Navy paragraphs alone and then consider why the West is trillions in debt, or why small economic decisions seemingly so professionally taken over decades lead to disaster, or why the west is in a quagmire, it is not happening by accident but by design and by your elected officials.
The nuclear deal included (but not stated) an actual Nuclear weapons deal to Iran and if Hillary had won, no one would be wiser for five years.
4.10.2017 The Investigation continues, Donald Trump 'wiretapped' & Obama/Clinton as a rouge state within the USA
Trump and Republicans wiretapped On the last week of August 2017 it was announced that perhaps Donald Trump had been 'wiretapped' after all. (by Obama) This was after a year of denials by the press and the democrats in a hysterical attempt to suppress the truth. The hysterics like the fake Russia claims have disappeared once it is known that Obama / Clinton colluded with Russia and Trump was wiretapped. Paul Manafort first worked for Hillary Clinton. (video; GOP senators seek more information on Comey and Clinton ) Jay Sekalow & Senator Arli Fleischer show that no investigation of Hillary Clinton, Loretta Lynch, Huma Abeddin or Obama had actually taken place despite the verdict of the investigation.
The decision not to prosecute Obama and Clinton et al, usurped the Attorney general's office (who did not recuse i.e. Loreta Lynch ?) Obama used a pseudonym with Clinton (who sold 20% of Americas Uranium to Russia, the Rusano company, and who oppressed and killed the Bundy and Hammond family and ranches and lands ) of which Thousands were destroyed
It is said James Comey took the decision to alter the investigation before the facts were in, yet whilst that is technically true, so too are threats against James Comey and people he worked with and wider families.
Catherine Herridge lays out the wider facts. (Video you tube; Did Comey reach Clinton conclusion before all facts were in? ) which show Clinton (the Clinton foundation also received $2 million from China) and Obama, Jarret , Abedin and Lynch covered up a takeover of the USA by foreign insurgents (posing as intelligence) who were bent on destroying the United States.
The Government accountability office suggests that Obama had 78 appointees make the conversion to career positions. It is not illegal but 'burrowing' of those un-loyal to the USA or worse is an act of treason.
Two appointees Mr Gehad El Haddad & democrat aid Mr Imran Awan have committed the following acts of sabotage with Hillary Clinton knowledge. (see 1ST Navy paragraphs above and heading 23.08.2017 The biggest scandal in US history, in part repeated here which outline the tips of the iceberg in US security breaches from 2008 to 2016)
Trey Gowdy 'Democrat aide Imran Awan of Pakistan in August 2017 the former aide to Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the tip of the iceberg when it is viewed in terms of US security.(so far five more files on Pakistan staffers are being reviewed) It seems the former Whitehouse staffer had a team of internet maintenance staff and engineers including his own relatives, including his wife and brothers working in the state department Whitehouse and with access to congress (all members of congress who may in some cases have aided Awan) and logically all areas of national security, including the 16 national security services and NASA and the NSA. However what is unusual aside from the Clinton selling Uranium to Russia and the investigation of Benghazi by Trey Gowdy and the investigation of the Clinton foundation is the further revelations of the Special Access Servers and the arrest of Mr Gehad El Haddad in Cairo who was employed by the Clinton foundation. One of the charges against him was a desire to suppress the civil liberties of Egyptians (extreme Sharia law) This aim is to be extended to the USA. El Haddad also had access to the Special Access Servers. he therefore had access to all military personnel worldwide including intelligence'
Imran Awan was/is Muslim brotherhood and Lt. Col Shaffer confirmed Awan sent confidential material to the Muslim brotherhood, who founded Hamas and who are now uniting again with Iran (Sep 2017 ) and Syria, and Qatar, to begin the Holy War against Israel.
They planned to take down the USA since 1991. Via ISNA and the Muslim brotherhood Student association, the Muslim Islamic trust and their mosques. (video; 'Brigitte Gabriel Reads the Muslim Brotherhood Plan for America ') who live around the Obama cabal in Washington today. They are being helped by North Korea, Pakistan and Iran. (and includes nonsense like setting up over '40 gender transition clinics' and other absurdities in the USA to destabilise, and this includes Antifa and associated groups) This plan also extends to Europe, Britain and every European capital as is evident.
Egypt has just caught North Korea sending 30,000 rocket grenade rocket launchers to Egypt. A reputed North Korean shipment of armaments to Egypt has been seized on 1.10.2017, carrying 30,000 rocket propelled grenades as a sign of the growing WW3 conflict. North Korea has vowed to (with a coalition of many NK claims 02.10.2017 see video in last link) to end US global power which NK believes is going to occur soon.
Obama and the Muslim brotherhood caliphate USA and wider. In 2012 as Obama met with the Muslim brotherhood, their rockets were launched at Israel, and his appointment of Muslim brotherhood members began in 2009 in the USA. In 2014 (just before the 'nuclear deal') Israel captured Muslim brotherhood armaments bound for them supplied by Iran and to be used against Egypt. Obama gave more Uranium to Iran as a parting gift after he was removed from the Whitehouse in January 2016.
Iran openly states its intentions to the west, and it intends to develop full nuclear capability. And in the EU a register of migrants into Britain is not even seen as required by the EU, as people move to end the 'transition period' on Brexit.
Therefore, the nature of 'Obama's deep state' as it is so named, is not a deep state as western people expect but an Islamic caliphate deep state to create the Islamic state in the levant, (ISIL not ISIS) which also employs mass shootings in the middle east and genocides. Mass shootings in the USA (such as the Las Vegas shooting on 1.10.2017, by according to the press 'Stephen Craig Paddock' (as a lone gunman in Vegas ) who also used military weapons already banned in sale and use in the USA, whose father was a bank-robber say the FBI, and whose brother is deeply puzzled, shocked and baffled by his actions as he was not to his knowledge, politically affiliated. The fake news is spun to confuse and make the reactionary left go into hyper drive although once again, it seems the left are to blame. Islamic state (Isil not Isis) and Abū Bakr al-Baghdadi claimed him as one of theirs (3.10.2017 The Telegraph article) and then (in another press outlet) repeated the claim implying there was more than one gun shooter also according to some witness statements and witness statements from Hotel staff, but not others, and they were in the midst of buying military grade weapons which the FBI were intercepting . Abu Bakr al- Baghdadi was discovered to be still alive after it was thought he was dead, supposedly killed by Russian airstrikes, 1 month ago before the shootings, when he released a recoding threatening the west. (i.e. This follows a list of US cities in the ISIS kill list it released in the USA which is credible according to the FBI, 20.12.2015) President Trump and the new administration removed all traces of Islam from the white house and replaced Islamic prayers which were occurring 5 times every day, 7 days a week with Christian prayers . This would mean of course that Islamic Isis / Isil are operating in cells within the USA. On the 07.10.2017 a few days after the Vegas attack the FBI uncovered an Islamic state attack planned for New York City (06/07/2017) and prevented it. Again as with democrat aide Imran Awan and Mr Gehad El Haddad in Cairo these cells have links to Pakistan and Iran and the Philippines. These Cells who believe they won areas to control in the USA, as occurred with and the fast and furious operation with attorney general Eric Holder and under Obama, (which went array and revealed Holder was pushing guns) These cells were run from the Whitehouse. The BBC had different information on Stephen C Paddock i.e. he was also a Psychopath ? contrasting with other news. Obama and the democrats made more wars than previous Presidents in history and including supplying weapons to Islamic terrorism and are obviously not against gun control in any way. (armed forces at home declined but foreign funding on weapons increased for the enemy) Private gun ownership under the US constitution and militias are the rule of law (and on your private property to protect it etc) in the USA, and it seems 'Democrats' are only making war with guns against the Constitution and the USA and not for it ? increasingly, although Republicans and some democrats say the debates in congress and the senate are for different reasons. Weapons from 2008 – 2016 went to assist the onslaught in the Christian genocide in the middle east, which is highlighted at the bottom of these navy paragraphs. Vice President Mike Pence also addresses Islamic terrorism (following the Barcelona attack) and what to do about it at the end of these navy paragraphs. (3rd from the end) What is certainly also known is George Soros, supporter of Obama in 'Organizing for action' assisted Barack Obama's election campaigns and some within Antifa to usurp the US constitution, (and was behind the Charlottesville disturbances, which are a 'false flag' (still a real event) which means the circumstances and events are re-arranged, not that they did not exist, and of course people are killed, some people surmise that many victims appear in many other attacks ? a false flag is a 95% staged event in advance, but cannot account for everything (such as the Hotel involved 'The Mandalay' being owned by a donator to the Hillary Clinton election campaign) and has been doing so especially since Nov 2016. Obama's terror cells and Islamic bent matched the administrations enthusiasm for using state IRS systems to target those that opposed him. Since Charlottesville, now 6 to 7 weeks ago not one Mosque has been removed or mentioned as a modern slave owned building or symbol ? Antifa (see at the beginning of these navy paragraphs) do not attack Islamic entities or democrat meetings as the democrats protected Islam and Antifa have been misled as the fascist intentions of its leaders. Victims were largely Republicans (not much news on the victims in comparison to the conspiracy theories? which is a sign of the news frenzy and its priorities, and in Chicago, before the Vegas shootings and over the weekend from the shooting nearly 50 shootings occurred, some which were simply shots fired in the air or without casualty, without any news covering it or those who were killed ?)
Obamas contractors private plane was seemingly involved with the 'Stephen Paddock 'Vegas shooting but this is also not mentioned in the media.
Obamas (both Obama's) legacy is one of supporting Jihad in the middle east and in the USA, and a legacy of Genocide, whilst Clinton remained silent upon it until 2015. It intends to destroy Europe and the USA and Britain with China and Russia and Iran pushing liberal disorder. Islam is not for 'equality' and they should be (Spartan's) removed out of the west. Obamas deep state is not a Presidential appointment deep state but a false / fake President (Mr and Mrs Barry Soetoro) who is not sure of his own name and who has waited to act for decades.
The CIA confirm that Trump is not too blame, but has undertaken to patriotically challenge the situation which has sown chaos into the USA, hence his enquiries and his office staff and appointees who have been systematically and illegally harassed and undermined since January 2016 has been accompanied by media barrages and intrigues all of which are now forgotten or abandoned. The CIA state Islam is a threat to the USA in 2013 and in This follows a list of US cities in the ISIS kill list it released in the USA which is credible according to the FBI (20.12.2015 repeated from above) Pro Islam staff Washington have also contributed to the hysteria. Using foreign entities to usurp citizens and the constitution, using the guise of the state to undermine democratically elected administrations since Nov 2016. Many citizens including where Hillary Clinton did not campaign (states in the USA and which therefore were not influenced by 'Russia' but were sold out to Russia and Islam by Clinton and Obama) voted also to find out what is going on (next article by Mary Louise Kelly and featuring CIA Daniel Hoffman 8.8.2017) The CIA therefore confirm that this deep state ( 2008 – 2016 Obama / Clinton ) is against western security (the entire west) as has been shown throughout these navy paragraphs. From the heading above 23.08.2017 The biggest scandal in US history.
25.10.2017 the Uranium 1 / Clinton foundation scandal continues. Incredibly now in the USA, the democrats have now admitted to giving Russia Uranium (through the Uranium 1 Clinton foundation scandal and treason) after denying it since November 2016, it is incredible. (see news videos a few lines below) However they are now saying the deal was ten years ago in …. 2010 (6 years ago then but still treason even in 2010?) and is 'normal'! although it continued into 2016 and is the current situation today and Obama gave Iran a go away present of Uranium in January 2017. (see last post above dated 10.10.2017) The major threat to the USA according to democrats is Russia? which now has 20 % control of the US Uranium, bribed off to Russia and other unnamed countries? (Facebook ads are a threat, but yellowcake Nuclear dispersion sold by bribes are not a concern?) This as North Korea, China and Russia are militarising their armies with Nuclear weapons (WMD) including in North Korea now? Although they are admitting it now but after denying it, and suggesting the opposite in a hysterical media neurosis for 11 months you would have to say Russia and the Islamic infiltration into the USA is getting very hard to hide and reason upon for the democrats. The current North Korean Iran war is in effect their making. See video you tube 'Tucker Carlson Battles with Ex-UN Amb. Nancy Soderberg Over Uranium: 'You're Filibustering!'' 18.10.2017 or here on Fox (after the previous full revelations came out on Air One America) with Nancy Soderberg a former Clinton / Obama advisor ( who calls the bribe a business deal) here Incredibly the whole item was broadcast on 'One America News Network' on May 18th 2017 (video; '.@Liz_Wheeler: We finally have proof of inappropriate financial dealings with Russia' ) Judicial Watch keep daily/ weekly updates
Or here with Tomi Lahren from Fox "Media cowards will not talk about the real Russia story" which is central to the worlds problems and ideology today
There is currently a special independent official investigation into these events, which Nancy Soderberg, and the Democrats do not allude too it. See also here on Fox and Hannity 'Hannity, Game Over. Nuclear Bribery. Stand or Fall'(17.10.2017) and Hannity part 2 Russia is now exporting US Uranium / where. Trey Gowdy has appointed a second special counsel to investigate all of these unfurling matters. The American Centre for Law and Justice President Jay Sekulow has called for a complete investigation into the Clinton Lynch tarmac emails and meetings by the FBI. Obama is working for and with Clinton has at least colluded with the Russians.
Judge Napolitano speaks his view (video, ''Judge Napolitano: New evidence will lead DOJ to Hillary Clinton indictment ' ) The FBI have discovered records of the meeting with Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton just before the USA 2016 elections. It is clear that the Clinton Jeff review of the scandal and the Pakistan and Islamic infiltration of all US security areas., and also seek to ungag the Russia informant as requested by Lt Colonel Shaffer and revoke the Obama leaks against General Flynn and others which have served to end free speech on the issue's From the heading above 23.08.2017
'17/18.11.2017 The FBI Indictments October / November 2017 (and USA local and state elections 7/8th November 2017) Paul Manafort is indicted. Also indicted Paul Gates and George Papadopoulos (a name which could indict thousands in Greece) The Ukraine, Natalia Veselnitskaya & the Magnitsky act, and Saul Alinsky and the Uranium 1 scandal. Democrats admit the DNC was rigged, and the Uranium 1 deal is real.(the ongoing child abuse and trafficking) The Senate race and Roy Moore.
(n.b. the following paragraphs down to the next green 'Modern Slavery not denounced' heading cover these subjects)
The following 80 – 90 paragraphs ( down to the next heading on modern slavery) go into great detail regarding one of the most bizarre set of incidents in US history. Alternatively and before and after the date it was completed you can read a summary here in the following article by Brandon J Weichert & Chris Buskirk for 'American Greatness' magazine online entitled the 'Antinomy of a lie' dated 1.6.2017 (which corresponds with the information below although it is in greater detail and broader, and also the recent article dated 04.02.2018 and called 'Clinton associates fed information to Trump dossier author Steele, memo says'
1.See Video , You Tube 'Everything you need to know about the Manafort indictment via @Liz_Wheeler'
Russian attempts to open official and unofficial diplomatic channels to remove US laws against torture dating from 2012, are behind Russian efforts to contact various US representatives and also behind the indictments.
Behind a lot of the hysteria in the investigations are the previous release of the 'Panama Papers' and the vast (millions of documents) in the 'Paradise Papers' (although the paradise papers total validity is as yet unconfirmed) Together and in context in the USA indictments and the 'Russia Investigation' it would mean you would have to examine every member of the US government democrats and Republican or other over the last 20 years and their import export dealings and business dealings, banking & lobbying with every country on earth, including Russia, but also Germany, UK, Europe, China, Japan, South America, Asia, all Islamic countries, Australia and New Zealand and just about everyone everywhere, including the Clinton foundation and the payments to Perkins Coie law firm although they seem to have acted in good faith as middleman. You would have to do the same in every country.
5 issues which stand out in the investigation. It seems that 1. Special Counsel Robert Mueller (former head of the FBI) who is conducting the investigation, did engage in the bizarre, yet official "secret dealings" (stated as contact with Russia) with Russia related to his 2009 (under Obama) delivery of a sample of highly enriched uranium (HEU) to Moscow ordered by Hillary Clinton, yet it is not clear in what capacity she was acting in. Obviously, Mueller was ordered in the to go as his job, in September 2009, 8 months into Obama's presidency. (Mueller is about to issue over 300 indictments some reports state against paedophiles 10.11.207 and the ongoing 'Lolita express allegations) The sample of highly enriched uranium was Russia's property it is alleged although some reports say it was smuggled to Russia via Georgia but intercepted, and it was originally a US sample. Rosatom the Russian nuclear energy firm took delivery from Mueller. The Uranium 1 deal however was a year after this trip, which would need investigation, yet one year later that's not what Hillary Clinton was doing. Rostaom later in 2010 and to date now own 20 % of the USA Uranium supply. Nancy Soderberg (see further down over the following paragraphs) who served under Bill Clinton as Deputy National Security Advisor and as an Ambassador at the United Nations and from 2009-2013, and who served as President of Connect U.S. Fund, in Washington, D.C, admits that the Uranium 1 Clinton business deal is real but it ended in 2010, despite the fact it still live today and ongoing ? and Obama also gave Uranium to Iran in January 2017. 2. Hillary Clinton suggests that Putin is the leader of all Nationalists worldwide including America first and Brexit and he is behind them. Aside from the insult to nationalist views and local people knowing what they want out of their own government onto to which they pay taxes, she feels all nationalist were led astray ?. She doesn't mention Ukraine's nationalist uprisings from 1930 (including the recent one which had US help in) and the 2013 / 2014 uprising which was against Putin and Russia ? Denmark and Norway and others have looser EU deals and Switzerland is not in the EU and many want to leave and have a new EU constitution or USA type federal state / debt arrangement, but retain a strong eastern defence. There are no explanations of these facts. 3. Hillary Clinton being such a fierce opponent of Putin, she then dealt him a geo-political blow by selling via Uranium 1 (20% of the USA's Uranium when now the US is importing Uranium?) to Putin and Russia via Canada. If J Edgar Hoover was alive today he would not believe it. The whole Russia investigation is an attempt to stop the corruption removal which began on Nov 8th 2016. 4. The DNC (democrats) now admit the DNC was hacked and taken over by Clinton ? (but blamed Russia first and alone for months) 5. Why is George Papadopoulos connection to Greek minister Tsipras, but more importantly Hillary Clintons & Obama's inside trading deal on Greek debt bonds not mentioned.
The incredible indictments of Paul Manafort, Paul Gates and George Papadopoulos have highlighted not just a criminal conspiracy but also an ideological conspiracy which is deep within the west. It also displays the trouble the west is in and it has in effect tied itself into Knots. During the indictments and confessions no one mentions the Russian Sherbank (the Kremlin bank) leads back the Democrats aides and lobbyists and hundreds of them who have been infiltrated by Russian agents, instead they focus on General Mike Flynn. There are of course American banks in Moscow and China. The FBI are thorough people and later you can learn of positive actions they have taken in certain areas to give an insight into its outlook.
Looking at the events which began before November 2016 and from now the other side, and after the state and local elections you can how the press and many in the legislative and judiciary are not following the constitution or indeed any idea of truth and justice.
Following the 8.11.2017 elections in the USA, state mayoral elections and local elections, governor elections and congressional election ( 1 seat Utah won by John Curtiss Republican ) in the background are the pending trials (with Obama appointed Judges in areas which many now have democratic Mayors) Jenny Durkan ( Durkan who is gay but not 'butch' but she is also not Ed Murray voters considered) became the Seattle mayor after Ed Murray the gay leader of the LGBT resigned on sexual abuse convictions, and in Virginia a 'transsexual' Danica Roem. (man in a wig originally, but still with his original male parts ' in 'transition' but who opposed the effort to stop the introduction of transgender propaganda and experimentation on children which includes puberty blocking drugs, and their petition .Yet despite this she was elected ) Both are elected despite any scientific evidence of a third gender, and 'identity politics' played a big part (with very little else) in the election.
The New democrats are selling the same nonsense and policies as the 'old democrats' such as Clinton and Obama who funded many of the candidates themselves. Since the election some have gone further and have come out as openly communist and some are named as having (ironically) contact with the 'Russians' whilst they blame the 'Russians' as an election ploy which was / is a deception the way it is put forward to the public. They should resign. People complained racism and identity politics were forced down people's throats in the elections from August to November 2017. However (in the Clinton states she won and as in 2016) it seems 'voting machines' did not like the votes people were casting and changed the names to the opposite and this had occurred in 2012, this is apart from illegal immigrants without correct ID voting (although some states stopped this in January 2017 and in November 2017, by Judicial order in some areas overturning Obama's supreme court action to allow illegal voting in 2015 a bill further confused in April 2016 in a situation which does not exist anywhere else in the world)
US Republican tax plan One concern for the USA is however that small business get the right to be taxed at 20 or 25 % down from 39.6 % plus the removal of red tape (which has occurred) amidst the growth led corporation tax measures being introduced. Some small business could deserve 15% and the US deficit is so high at $20 Trillion it would not now after Obamas non-plan of more big government debt, make much difference. The wests debts are stifling. Yet lower tax for small business (20 – 25%) and growth led taxation reduction elsewhere will bring a boom to the USA. The US constitution, some suggest congress controls the tax and money of the USA and 15 % tax is possible, Small business are saying new small business will grow and start up increasing the tax take if it is lowered and the new trade deals with China (Nov 2017) could encourage that, (as compensation for the half and half measures to reduce 39.6 to 25% currently considered) This could occur in all western nations. The Nov, 2018 elections are mentioned further down this essay under the paragraph that begins 'November 2018 elections USA. The democrats stood on a platform which saw Hillary' and which also includes the scandal to oust the Alabama candidate for senate Roy Moore which includes allegations from woman who worked for Hillary Clinton and also one from his democrat opponent to give an idea of how low democrats can go….. ) Other issues (vital issues) are the US real unemployment figures are around 20% although they have fallen in the last year. The control, and streamlining for an effective army, navy and air of the Trillions to win the wars (a change in doctrine)
10. However the timing of the indictments and the surrounding controversy (In September / October 2017, and the false narrative behind the indictments (not from the FBI) but in the press, shows the level of the void and desperation democrats are facing. What is going on, is the greatest scandal in US history. In Virginia before the elections Dan Boente October 28th 2017 was fired or resigned as Virginia district attorney, he had been appointed by Eric Holder and Obama both involved in the 'fast and furious' Mexican arms scandal in 2008 – 2011 Dan Boente was also involved with the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clintons emails.
The indicted, Manafort and Gates are to be tried under Obama appointed Judges in areas democrats pushed to win Mayoral and state elections in by a false narrative. (see also Hope Hicks, and why have no democrats been called to witness their contacts with the Russians further down) Jeff Sessions the attorney general who should be overseeing the investigation ('Russia, Russia, Russia' and Uranium 1) is 'recused' from participation, but is considering a special counsel on the real story.(16.11.2017) This is how the November 2016 election has been undermined dishonestly, yet incredibly it is also occurring in other countries (under Obama) as is noted further on. However he may yet become involved in a separate special counsel to investigate Uranium 1 and Hillary Clinton Uranium to Russia scandal. (November 13th 2017)
Behind the indictments are the Russian moves to open channels of influence to suppress the Magnitsky anti - torture act (going back to 2012) and Russia's concerns on the Ukraine front by lobbying (and more than lobbying) possible political and legal avenues and people to bring about influences on these subjects. How many avenues the Russians (both diplomatically and clandestine) have opened from 2012 to 2016 is unknown (and may always be unknown) but the FBI suspect the 3 above (Paul Manafort, Paul Gates and George Papadopoulos) are a part of the plan unwittingly or not, and who may have committed other (as yet unproven in court) crimes. Many more indictments may follow. Obama and Clinton opposed the Magnitsky act when they were in office and it is still now in force under Trump and Pence.
Robert Mueller the former head of the FBI issued the arrest warrants in the tax fraud and related investigations. Trey Gowdy describes Mueller as a real straight arrow, although many (220) Republicans did not sign him on to act in congressional oversight in special counsel. See 3 or 4 paragraphs down or so on Peter Schweizer and Clinton Cash
Conflicting reports also suggest Tony Podesta has on the 5.11.2017 continued to lobby for the Uranium 1 scandal ? (USA's Uranium to Russia ?) whilst other reports state he has been arrested by US Marshalls fleeing the country? ?
Whilst the desperate, Soviet active measure which looks like the Russia investigation continues involving James Comey and Robert Mueller as former FBI chiefs, the new FBI Chief which was confirmed by the senate in August 2017 Christopher Wray has yet to appear as a part of the investigation ? Christopher Wray is Donald Trumps and Mike Pence's pick for FBI director. At the centre of the intrigue is the open door Washington had become to any country who wanted to set up shop under Obama. Congress (which maintains it controls the budgets and money in the USA) relies on lobbyist's and special interest groups but background checks are never completed until at the highest level when it is too late. In the Uranium 1 scandal (which is called a business deal in the midst a Russia investigation?) Canada was chosen as the sub office as donations to the Clinton foundation do not then have to registered. (see you tube video date 23.10.2017 'Lou Dobbs BLOWS SCANDAL WIDE OPEN: 'The Biggest Scandal in American History…' & you tube dated October 2oth 2017 'FBI takes its time with Clinton-Russia scandal?' ) This story first broke in 2015and obviously it was the Jarret, Lynch, Huma Abeddin Clinton Obama government which silenced or threatened the FBI at that time. Since then there is no Attorney General as Jeff Sessions recused himself. As mentioned however Jeff Sessions may convene a special counsel on the Uranium 1 scandal. On the 13.11.2017 Robert Mueller moved to question more Whitehouse aides some of whom were appointed by Obama, and one year after November 2016 Presidential election it is only now many governmental positions are being filled as they obstructed by Democrats. Some of the aides and personnel have been arrested (Pakistan agents indicating the ISI Pakistan intelligence service has been completely taken over and is actively destroying peace in Afghanistan and also being used to destroy the USA and Europe where it can)
Peter Schweizer 'Clinton Cash The lobbying and special interest groups are a focus of Robert Mueller's investigation. (15.11.2017) The press insinuate that it is the new administration yet Manafort and Gates, but in reality Podesta worked for Russia under Obama / Clinton aiding Yanukovych under Obama and Clinton. Why was this not investigated in or before November 2016 ? Huma Abedin is tied into the Clinton foundation as Clintons secretary and there are tapes and transcripts of Russians officials bribing the Clintons in late 2009 and 2010 and up until 2015 in the exporting Uranium yellow cake from this deal even today, the deal involving Eric Holder also involved Obama and Clinton (at the same time as Uranium 1) (See video 'Peter Schweizer on Hannity discussing explosive revelations confirming Clinton Cash reporting' 18.10.2017) and again he following video with Tucker Carlson 'Questions over Obama admins Russia deal'
With NGO'S (Russian and Islamic) and University foundation gifts or aid to enable a new thinktank or front for foreign agents, quite easily obtained and set up in America. The US Justice department is currently cutting back on foreign entities coming into the US for lobbying and has since September 2017, (i.e. removing the Russia desk, which is against Russian interests) and is another reason the 'lobbying' or foreign intelligence networks are panicking in the USA, Britain and Europe (and the ongoing mania) as the 17 intelligence services (which have been infiltrated by Islam) in the USA are also being assessed. It seems incredible if so much Russia activity was occurring from 2008 – 2016 why didn't Obama or Clinton stop them ? (and the overall investigation seems to match shooting incidents to distract from what is happening)
Incredibly in the press it is being reported as a 'Russia investigation' rather than a tax fraud case, although the arrests are described here. Yet it is also described as the greatest scandal in US history. (see video 'Gingrich: On the edge of the greatest corruption scandal' you tube October 23 2017 )
20.The other area of the investigation concerns a Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya who visited many US politicians doing the rounds to discuss (she said) child adoption issues. By implication and false narratives in her introductions and changing the topic of conversation she implicates 'de facto' She however was paid by Clinton via GPS Fusion it is alleged and Clinton (and Obama) did lobby against the Magintsky act which it seems was the real aim of Veselnitskaya. The Magnistky act is explained as you read further down. 'Russia' and the Russian people are a separate entity in many cases and they also oppose many of these actions. The narratives try to disparage Russian people as part of the new cold war (as opposed to Russia the military power) . " Veselnitskaya works for a group of Russian police and tax officials who in 2008 conspired to steal at least $230 million from the Russian state in a scam exposed by lawyer Sergei Magnitsky—who was subsequently imprisoned and killed to shut him up. (Russia denies this, my insertion) The EU and the U.S. imposed personal sanctions on the guilty parties, to which Russia responded by banning Americans from adopting Russian orphan"
George Soros funded the open society foundation which funded aspects of the European council on foreign relations (ECFR) and also the current Antifa uprisings. Many in he ECFR however cannot understand some of the polices put forward. George Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to giving false statements to the FBI on not having contact with 'Russian' (EU) officials namely one Joseph Mifsud who was born in Malta, but became a channel for Veselnitskaya and which evolved after his input as it progressed down the line. The official is actually a London Professor affiliated to Sterling University. He has been a Russian official and also in the Italian intelligence services, and has visited the Moscow and the Kremlin, land also lectured at the British council which has a Royal Charter and is part of the commonwealth office (which Russia would oppose ?) and which also hosts the Royal Shakespeare company (Francis Bacon was not Russian etc) and has also worked advising a Barrister at the London Inns. He also claims these embellishments and the entire story is ridiculous nonsense and a total laughing stock. Yet you would have to say Mr Mifsud seems like a clever interesting fellow. However he did assist Veselnitskaya in trying and then arranging a meeting with Donald Trump and others including others outside of thee Trump circle in Congress and the senate, including a Mr Goldstone (see further down) who was also told it was relating to Child adoption. Goldstone claims to know in some reports Putins niece in others this is not mentioned. Putins family can travel outside the USSR or study just as Kim Jong UN went to University in Switzerland. However in July 2017 the Maltese PM Joseph Muscat said hopefully Brexit will not happen ? is this a motive and other problems ? and has Mifsud being used by Muscat (the Mifsud map) Britain and Malta are still in the Council of Europe.
The real meddling in the EU comes from forced massive immigration and a monopoly economy which is removing national fiscal control in each country weakening them, something which would suit Russia. NATO or an EU army ( the latter which Britain does not want to join) is the real question to oppose Russia and China
A recent high level exposer Journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia who authored the Panama papers was killed in Malta by a car bomb on 14/10/2017. The Panama papers also expose Hillary Clinton and Obama and Podesta. Mifsud also worked for the ECFR or European Council on Foreign relations, which is not pro-Russia in its outlook. He told George Papadopoulos, that the Russians via Veselnitskaya told him he had 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton in March / April 2016 but other sources suggest that this approach was later in August / September 2016. Yet these dirt accusations or speculations arose from Russian agent Veselnitskaya who told him that she actually wanted to discuss adoption rights for Russian children? This date(s) or possible dates are significant in relation to Hillary's dirt accusations and the hack on DNC (democratic party national convention) because it shows that the 'Russians' who hacked the DNC, but from within the DNC ? as an internal hack meant the Russian's were operating from within the DNC in 2016. However Elizabeth Warren a Senator from Massachusetts, and EX DNC chair says that Hillary Clinton rigged the democratic primaries against Bernie Sanders beginning in July / August 2015, and this was before 'the Russian hack' and surge Sanders made by winning states. ( see The Hill 11.02.2017 'Warren agrees that 2016 Democratic primary was rigged for Clinton' she then partially backtracked on this claim but then also confirmed them ? ) Therefore the 'Russian hack' came from within the DNC? (This was also confirmed by Donna Brazile Democrat on the same date but who also then stepped back but also again later confirmed) This is a criminal offence separate from the Uranium 1 deal with was signed off by Obama and Eric Holder and was known by many in the Obama administration. Jeff Sessions is not recused form that investigation (see Hannity 'Sources say recused from Uranium one' 3.11.2017) or here you tube) It is hard to believe that Joe Biden did not know of all these activities.
Natlalai Veselnitskaya told Mifsud that the conversation she wanted was purely on Adopting Russian children. Adopting Russian children or Belarus or Ukraine is a risky venture, especially as some Russian and Ukrainian and Belarus orphans have been (to this day) effected by the Chernobyl explosion ( a nuclear reactor explosion which occurred on 26.04.1986) which has been under- estimated in its severity and area of damage , especially over the Ukraine and the damage to children who are still born deformed ( you tube video 1.12.2017 WARNING: Graphic Content - The Children of Chernobyl) and hundreds of thousands of people still suffer from cancers and related Nuclear illness. Children who have had their lives destroyed in the cruellest way possible and even at atomic level. (think about that) Animals also are mutated and the area of destruction was wider and deeper that is reported in an area of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine which should be one of the most beautiful areas in the world. 30 years on if spend more than five minutes in the congealed sand and nuclear waste which became a lava in the reactor it will be fatal. Further these now hardened lava flows are above the water table and natural springs of the area, and as they burn through the concrete over decades and fall into these waters they will explode as a nuclear explosion. These sign(s) in the Ukraine is a common as a 'walk, don't walk' sign in the USA. This is just one more reason Ukrainians want independence and control of their destiny.
Veselnitskaya however changed the subject from adoption to the Magnitsky act. Russia has hidden the extent of the Chernobyl accident to this day, and billions (at least are owed to the Ukrainians in reparations.) Russia with orphanages full of ill children tries to adopt off these children as healthy, hence the difficulties with adoption. There are however charities who will fund relocation or buy these children or take them elsewhere and they have all the evidence over 30 years of how widespread the devastation is, on the ongoing nuclear disaster which is also suppressed by the Nuclear industry. Mifsud as a Knight of Malta is also obliged to do charitable work as all are. (see 'Chernobyl children' as one example) (Chernobyl as a word and its meaning should be studied and is something to be wary of)
It was Mifsud (allegedly) who asked Papadopoulos to meet with Russian officials, although he did not have all the information, and neither did Papadopoulos who seems to have placed into the Trump administration from outside, (albeit he himself is not the instigator of the information) The meeting was to include one official who was Putin's relative (a junior aide meeting with the Putin's?) to get the 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton. Any information did not arise with any of the 3 indicted, or from Misfud or anyone but from Veselnitskaya. George Papadopoulos had visited Israel and praised the gas deal with Greece, Cyprus and Israel to cut out Turkey and Russia from the gas finds in the Mediterranean Sea. However did Papadopoulos mislead or was he misled in turn ? See you tube video 1.11.2017 "He Is a Liar!" Liz Wheeler Goes BEASTMODE On Papadopoulos" in which J.D.Gordon Navy commander and pentagon who attended the briefing in which Papadopoulos was present in March 2016 (1 meeting he was in only)
However Hillary Clinton also destroyed 33,000 emails in late 2014 (some of them in the dirt with hammers) just as the scale of the Christian genocide was breaking, and Benghazi and Russia who were given a green light to take control of Syria. If she (Clinton) had kept them (i.e the emails) and anything else no one would want to get them or have to search for them ? Obtaining them could perhaps depending what is in them help national security whether you are General Mike Flynn or Mr Papadopoulos. Incredibly then it turns out that the GPS fusion dossier on Trump was also connected to George Papadopoulos, who in praising the Greek gas deal (and it is a very good deal) would have been connected to Greek prime minster Tsipras. (although this gas deal was years in the making) Russia and Turkey oppose the Cypriot unification as Russian banks operate in Cyprus (as do others) and the Gas deal. Papadopoulos is either then a plant or has been set up himself? The Cyprus gas deal between Israel and Cyprus benefits Greece and Israel. Further Cypriot unification with or without war and its talks are still ongoing.
Papadopoulos in turn then tried to get the Trump campaign to meet with the Russians (but based upon what he thought was true, and hence it is not a lie as such, if anything is true) on the strength of Mr Mifsud's advice which he obtained from Veslenitskaya, which may be correct or may be a cooked-up web of nonsense. Jeff Sessions knew about this but said no to this offer and was worried in case Papadopoulos was overreaching his status in making meetings at all. However the story falls down as Papadopoulos also told the FBI and interviewers that Obama had failed to co-operate in joint security operations with Russia, when that was not true and Obama had indeed more than once co-operated with Russia. Not met with Russia but worked in essence for their benefit. Further a mistake in the Manafort indictment text is revealing, and also revealing to Russian foreign ministry and Maria Zakharova who (in a flamboyant and very personable manner) suggests (очень шикарные , прекрасные глаза) the document is cooked up. (Ukrainian boys and girls can also sing and dance ) However it appears Papadopoulos was not the first to be led astray, but whilst the video quotes Obama expelling Russian diplomats for 'hacking the election' in December 30th 2016 ? ( a full 7 weeks after the election in which Russian could carry on hacking everywhere else ?) and after he had paid GPS fusion to hack the election, and GPS fusion sit in the Russia desk in Moscow, you would have to say was that a diversion.
The uranium 1 deal and Obama's gift to Iran of Uranium in January 2017 and then allowing Iran and Russia to enter Syria is in that context, and the fact Veselnitskaya was hired by Clinton is an incredible web of deceit. The 'Russia investigation' is led by people who have all had contact with Russia and have deliberately ignored the real story of Uranium 1.
30. Trump and the Republicans had congress pass new sanctions on Russia and in return Vladimir Putin removed 755 of its staff on 31.7.20117 (this is not Russia collusion) from Russia, and asked them to return to the USA. This sounds like a split from the Obama / Clinton Russian network they had built up in the USA and Russia. Donald Trump thanked Putin as it would save money, Putin wants a few properties back which are seized Russian diplomatic compounds, closed also after 7 weeks of delay by Obama but now seized by the Trump administration and Maria Zakharova (the flamboyant and personable lady above) has insisted they must be returned. At this meeting before Putin expelled 755 people, Trump tweeted that many sanctions may not happen as it was necessary to solve the Syria and Ukraine problems. The real estate problems were to be solved by… Russian Lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya (and associate of Rinat Akhmetshin and Anatoli Samochornov according to Politico, who translated for Veselnitskaya and the latter who also attended the brief Donald Trump Jnr meeting. Akhmetshin former Russia military intelligence and Veselnitskaya hired Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS who initiated the dossier on Trump. Hillary Clinton like Obama also opposed the Magnitsky act and met with Veselnitskaya. Therefore Clinton and the Russian's planned this meeting with Trump jnr. Since expulsions by Russia and sanctions on Russia since then have increased it obvious they did not get what they came for) Veselnitskaya was allowed to enter freely into the USA, coming and going without a Visa under the Obama administration since 2009, but also who met Trump Jnr and others in June 7th or the 9th ? (in other reports) 2016, where she then suggested the Magnitsky act should be reversed and removed. It is also still in force today after all the legislation and executive orders passed since 20.01.2017.
She had met with DNC staffer Seth Rich also before he was murdered in July 2016, where Seth Rich reputedly gave her the 'Wikileaks emails' (Emails can be easily hacked or stolen online) Seth Rich was not killed for emails but was concerned about the DNC hack, and Wikileaks is not affiliated to Russia but to anyone, and they supply alternative information.(i.e. WikiLeaks is not a rouge state, but are classed as 'non-state') So Mifsud was also misled that there was information on the Russians or was it just Papadopoulos or both. The Magnitsky act which imposed sanctions against Russia for Torture is leading to the proposed MAGAnitsky act which seeks to expand this to China and North Korea. Trump Jnr was contacted by Wikileaks on twitter (not by hi tech scrambled dark web equipment) but and contrary to the press he shrugged off their suggestions but would accept any information which is freely and publicly available on the WikiLeaks website eventually, usually within a few days anyway, and some previous WikiLeaks info on the website is not beneficial to Russia (see Trump Jnr Tweets here) Veselnitskaya also visited other US Presidential candidates including democrats and lobbying interests
On the Magnitsky act Bill Browder who hired the lawyer deceased Sergie Magnitsky (who was tortured by Russia to death although they deny this) says that the Obama administration hindered the passage of the Magnitsky act; (the quote below is taken from the article 'The Curse of August for Putin and Trump by Susan B Glasser' August. 21. 8. 2017 Politico and Senator Lindsey Graham is right it is like a novel in that you couldn't make it up)
" Glasser: That's right. He publicly blamed her for it. He also blamed Obama for the Magnitsky Act, even though they were somewhat reluctant, as I understand it. Browder: Somewhat reluctant is an understatement. The Obama administration tried every possible trick to get in our way, to stop the Magnitsky Act from passing. And it only passed because of the way the U.S. Constitution is written; that the legislative branch, when acting in concert, has more power than the executive branch"
The US Constitution makes the difference according to Browder.
The Donald Trump Jr meeting was in part organised by an email to him from Mr Rob Goldstone who is a British publicist who knew Mifsud. Goldstone was also of the opinion that the meetings were to discuss adoption as this is what he was told, but again Veselnitskaya changed her story to the Magnitsky act. Joseph Mifsud reputedly told George Papadopoulos he had 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton in March / April 2016 (but other sources suggest that this approach was actually later in August / September 2016 ) but Veselnitskaya was the source of this information from Clinton herself ? "Goldstone previously told The Washington Post that he set up and attended the meeting so Veselnitskaya could discuss the adoption of Russian children by Americans, which occurs legitimately in the USA, and not to dish out dirt on Clinton ? In a new statement, Goldstone allegedly confirmed (but there is little to support this, and Goldstone only had Mifsuds outline of events in turn gathered from Veselnitskaya ) what Trump Jr. said Sunday: " that he enticed the then-candidate's son by indicating that (Natalia) Veselnitskaya could provide damaging information about the Democrats" Two versions of events, but Trump Jnr later confirmed what he had intended and said " He called the June meeting "much ado about nothing" and said Trump Jr. believed he was being offered information about "alleged wrongdoing by Clinton in her dealings with Russia" yet again Veselnitskaya and Clinton are the source of the information in a meeting which lasted ten minutes . And this pitch from out of left field from afar off is the disguise which hides Hillary Clintons wrongdoings with Russia. Putin however denies meddling in the US election and into the Asia summit, since he had input into Syria and Afghanistan (and was free to enter Syria?) and Ukraine would he not admit to cyber hacking ?
Clinton opposed Russian sanctions and had met Veselnitskaya in previous years and they are pictured together further on (and who had no need to get a visa) This meeting then lasted for a few minutes when it was clear this woman Veselnitskaya had no information. Jared Kushner was then also present and also left. Obama had also wiretapped Trumps office prior to this meeting which seems now to be the motive for the wiretap (i.e. entrapment) Veselnitskaya sent by Hillary Clinton and the Russians to offer 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton when the Uranium 1 story broke a year earlier in April 2015, which had the Clinton foundation set up the Russian front company sub office in Canada so that congress could not receive notice of the donations. (see video dated October 18th 2017 'Did Clinton accept bribes during the uranium deal?' ) The CIA say that this meeting was ill advised but then Veselnitskaya was not honest in her purpose which also included the situation in Ukraine, but at least no one passed Uranium to Iran or North Korea who have been aggressive and Bolshi ever since the Trumps came into office. No other administration has faced the communist menace like Trump and Pence. (Mike Pence and Trump spoke at length at supporting the Ukraine, whilst the Obama administration kept supplying Kim Jong Un and Iran and Russia with material which could kill millions of people)
What is really going on; The whole ruse is actually to get 'dirt' on Trump, not to supply dirt on Clinton, and it is incredibly contrived, beginning before Trump gave his nomination or thereabouts, the source are the accusers, but it is a 'Russia' investigation carried out by Russia (with Syria and Ukraine, Cyprus and US elections in the background) Truly incredible, study the key dates and see it is impossibly flawed.
These incredible crimes which are aside from Benghazi, the DNC control and abuse and the millions (the secondary benefit to the corrupt in the DNC) taken to sell out the Uranium to Russia. It is incredible that real estate deals and in many countries and considering adoption for babies is considered more of a threat to national security than nuclear devastation. Goldstone only had Mifsud's outline, and Mifsud outline supposedly came from the Russians, but they had passed on information from within Washington DC (the DNC hack occurred from within the DNC) and most likely from Clinton and Obama. Both Mifsud and Goldstone state that this matter, or 'much ado about nothing' is in effect all contrived and it seems exactly that, but hopeful all the way along, yet Russia pursued its avenue in hope of repealing the Magnitsky act.
This is confirmed by Senator Lyndsey Graham (see video " Lindsey Graham Grills Bill Browder During Russia Trump Hearing "Putin had Dirt on Trump and Clinton" 27. 07.2017) Bill Browder introduced the Bill to congress in 2012 via Senator McCain ( who also admits helping compile the Russia dossier) but admits Donald Trump Jnr and many others were probably approached by Natalia Veselnitskaya who did the rounds to remove the Magnitsky act, and lobby for Russia to remove the act and they were not the focus of Russia's attempt to remove the act. ( See video 'Bill Browder speaks out about uncovering Russian corruption' July 12th 2017 ) There are also a lot of NITS in VeselNITskava and MagNITsky act.
40. Mark Steyn and Tucker Carlson conclude that the only people who are not colluding with Russia was Trump. (Video October 25th 2017 'Steyn: Everybody was colluding with Russia except Trump') yet this does not satisfy Professor Dr Mark Galeotti (The Guardian 'How Putin could yet save Britain from Brexit' 1.11.2017 who believes, (but really doesn't) Trump and Brexit, and the millions who voted for Brexit are Russian agents, as did Fusion GPS. This includes UKIP and Nigel Farage and even other conservative MP's and lobbying groups ? The Labour party with no possible connection to Russia? who voted 50/50 on leave or remain in the EU Brexit referendum have now also asked for the impact statement of Brexit on Britain. Yet no impact statement was given in the vote to join the EU, or for remaining (by title ) or the effect of massive immigration or loss of manufacturing and control of borders and everyday life ? it was strange but now it's becoming deranged, and its almost as if the communist pro- immigration parties who are paid fortunes as MEP's and lobbyists on immigration programs and studies are becoming obvious. Dr Mark Galeotti is a member of the Institute of International Relations (IIR) based in Prague. The Czech Republic has just voted for a 'Populist' leader and the ANO party which opposes many current EU policies. These policies are also opposed in Poland and indeed the entire EU. Poland who opposed the Russians and the Nazis, are also 'populist' which is a term for those who oppose western decline and takeover by Islam and Communism.
The New York attacks (1.11.2017) and others were carried out by lottery for diversity immigration programs. The attacker was also Islamic .It is revealed in other programs that thousands of Isis soldiers are allowed into the US and Britain and the EU with free housing and benefits and anything they want (many are given new identities and names and passports and many were never in Isis or were never even refugees) Islam has fake passport machines it was discovered in 2015, and arrests were made in 2017 This is all paid for by taxpayers in the EU, USA and Britain, and Dr Mark Galeotti's rhetoric and that of the articles contributor Abi Wilkinson sounds very similar to that of common purpose ( communism's soviet 'active measure' from the EU. It began in the EU but then infiltrated by the Soviets)
Round table groups in the EU have many different opinions (and chairs around the table) and Dr Mark Galeottis opinion is; security issues in the EU are fine and everything is going to well and to plan ? However NATO oppose the advance of Islamic state (May 2017) whilst even EU officials warn of the Islamic threat in Britain. (September 2017) yet ? many in Britain are also not being listened to on the Islamic threat to the EU either. (see adjacent website and chapter 3 & 3a) The 2006 book 'While Europe Slept' and its findings are now apparent. It is Russia or communism and its paid EU lobbyists and politicians which sets the liberal policy on immigration in millions, a policy which not even the Arab states or Russia or China or any continent hold. 'While Europe slept' (above book) also agrees with the Gatestone institute and NATO. Yet the same people who vote 'populist' (people who love their country and families and jobs i.e. European, British or US etc real people) also acknowledge Russia's role in occupying Europe over decades, the cold war and ongoing destabilisation efforts but hope that it does not lead to war. Immigration and trafficking hand in hand is a very lucrative business, to destroy also every EU capital and outlying towns,
To give an example of how absurd it gets consider the following and bizarre case of Joyce Thacker and Common Purpose which originated in the EU but also from much further east and which acts to destabilise western economies.(active measures) One member of 'common purpose' was Joyce Thacker (who was cruel to UKIP members and seemed to single them out in a witch hunt) and who instrumental in the Rotherham sexual abuse scandal of the labour party. Joyce Thacker was / is a member of common purpose, which operates by employing brainwashing and societal changing 'influences' which North Koreans and Romanian's may recognise. With up to ten British towns now named (now eleven with Pakistan trafficking gangs freely operating) and allowed to continue for so long, advisors such as Mark Galeotti in the EU security issues and protocols (he is Director of the Organised Russian and Eurasian Crime Research Unit at Keele University, UK, and Senior Lecturer in International History) in his office to that effect, explaining with Abi Wilkinson (who contributes to Galeotti's article on the Russian influence on Brexit) yet she does not advise of these 'secret files' or systems which also advise and target every nation in the EU. Security has been low priority on debt, immigration and terror over the years .The EU has an unelected commission, although Emmanuel Macron has suggested it should be reduced in size. The Stasi and KGB prefer to infiltrate unelected entities, and so does Islam. Abi Wilkinson wrote the following article on child abduction and exploitation including on the Rotherham scandal condemning it ? and therefore by association condemns Joyce Thacker of common purpose which is described as subversive and who opposed UKIP ('the Russian spys')Does she believe that is an active measure ignored by 'useful idiots' from Islam and communist origins? It is not just Britain but also the EU or European nations and the USA who have had enough, and ordinary people can vote how they like, as they are aware of the true political and economic conditions around them. You have to remember that Soviets or Russians do not want that way of living in Russia either. Common purpose is the same ilk as the Fabián society which Sadiq Khan is a member (see adjacent websiteand chapter 3 dated 17.05.2016 The Growing Conflict ) If these matters seem co-incidental, they are not, they are planned. When you consider the actions trafficking and sexual abuse require and force people into it is a brutal and cruel operation. Joyce Thacker and Rotherham labour county council enacted such acts. And their intention was to spread it over Britain and the EU. What seems like wisdom years ago is in fact folly.
Brexit on the UK referendum on Europe bill was passed in 2013 / 2014, following its promise in the 2010 election, but it began years before this in grassroots constituencies around the whole land. It did not just occur in 2016.
Boris Johnson (Johnson at a large reception) and Jeremy Corbyn also met Joseph Mifsud and is now a Russian spy giving the signal to vote Brexit and become a soviet state. Alternatively it could have something to do with the fact he said Hillary Clinton was ' …. … …………….. ' The Veselnitskaya meetings ( running along side the Uranium 1 scandal ) and Russia means Clinton is the Russian spy, and Boris also met her ? as did Teresa May. Jeremy Corbyn was the subject of Russian interference and hacking in the British by- election November 2017 by pro Putin twitter accounts straight from the Kremlin, and after meeting a 'Russian agent' in June / July 2017 he was still allowed to stand in the national elections ? Corbyn met Marcus Papadopoulos, with no connection to George Papadopoulos (but who does look like him) indicted in the USA, but only connected to Assad. Yet Marcus having met Jeremey who has met some Americans at some point, should he not be indicted by the FBI also as a 'person of interest' like Nigel Farage ?. Which Papadopoulos are we discussing today ? In Greece they wouldn't know what all the fuss was about, yet Greece has financial problems which were not its fault, and first and simply should just take back Turkey. Greek Islanders do not care about ideology as much as prosperity and family, Tsipras the prime minster is a communist. Sadiq Kahn ( Fabian society) who has vowed to stop Brexit and separate London from the rest of the country, also met with Corbyn who met with the 'Russian agent' (etc) Corbyn refused to answer if he would support Russia against Nato. The logical conclusion of Labours idea or remains idea is the Queen is a Russian spy. It is truly ridiculous, but Communism has killed over 140 million people and is an extremist organisation.
(The Queens Royal assent was given to the passing of the Brexit parliament bill in December 2016 following the Brexit yes vote in June 23rd 2016)
After the revelations that Clinton and Obama paid for the Fusion GPS dossier, the full extent of paid reporters to carry the opposite facts were spread across the politburo and stasi and agents throughout the land.
What is revealed as true and found to be true is the alliance of communism and Islam and its sleepers cells which the FBI and British intelligence services have identified (see the beginning of the Navy paragraphs on the Greatest scandal in US history above) and which also control immigration policy and immigration offices and procedures)
Obama appointed judges, and the threat to national security The mystery arises as how could Papadopoulos be involved in the Trump dossier and also then make an indictment statement under former FBI Mueller when the democrats had paid for the Dossier and then set Manafort to stand trial before an Obama appointed Judge U.S. District Magistrate Judge Deborah A. Robinson. This would mean that before any meeting with the Russian female lawyer Veselnitskaya, the whole scenario was already thought up. This is entrapment. The fact that an Obama appointee Judge is presiding is not mentioned in the press is part of the deception (the trial scheduled for May 7th 2018) Another Obama appointed Judge, U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan on 29.10.2017 then sealed Obama's records connecting him to Fusion GPS ? to 'insulate Obama and Clinton' and the FBI, although the FBI are now releasing this information after the indictments as the investigation progress's ? These Judges know this and all of them including Obama and Clinton and Veselnitskaya are criminals.
Trump announced his candidacy in June 16th 2015 in New York. (He was nominated Republican candidate in May 2016 and confirmed in July 2016) Other previous Presidential candidates such as Mick Romney in 2012, and again by and with Obama's help, Romney also had a dossier complied on him by Fusion GPS but not Christopher Steele. This treatment by witting and unwitting methods which ironically are Soviet 'Active measures' (for Mick Romney's DNC Obama dossier see further on with Christopher Steele, although he was not involved, only with Trump as a subcontractor and was fed information) Many other Presidential candidates would also be given the run around in 2016 and there was a year to plan from June 2015 when Trump announced his plans to run, by this or other forms and by Hillary Clinton or the DNC. Clearly aside from the massive amount of Islamic and Pakistan DNC staffers hacking and selling information for years and the exposure of all US security (see the beginning and special access servers) there was / is a Russian mole or a Camel in Washington who works with Obama.
George Papadopoulos was led astray (although he has pleaded guilty) but he could not plant a story as an aide. He also worked for Merill Lynch and met Tsipras the Greek pro Russian primeminster as did Obama and Bill Hillary Clinton. She also used inside information to profit from Greek, debt bonds and her family in general in the doomed fund gamble. Mifsud was told there could be information as was Goldstone, yet despite the meeting with Trump Jnr no information was offered. Mifsud and Goldstone state Veselnitskaya approached them on adoption issues but later changed her story. Manafort under the Obama judge according to Judge Napolitano is being used to cut a deal, wear a wire as is Papadopoulos and by illegal judicial tactics. (you tube video dated 1.11.2017 'Napolitano: Russia investigation and secret wires' ) A record of the US presidential elections is on the adjacent website and dated (08.10.2016) The War on Terror and the USA Presidential Elections 2016)
50. Obama ordered the dept. of Homeland security to delete information on Islamic terrorism prior to February 2016 " The White House ordered Department of Homeland Security officials to destroy classified documents that provided evidence of links between suspected radical Muslims and Islamist terrorism organizations" and this continued into 2016. This would have required also CIA approval although many in the CIA had cited Islamic terror as a threat including John Brenan the then director of the CIA, yet the records were still scrubbed ?
The emails Seth Rich the DNC staffer (who was killed 10th July 2016 and not 2017) had allegedly taken from the DNC, it is also suggested some missing emails reveal the real connections to the Kremlin and Russia and the Huma Abeddin Muslim Brotherhood network within Washington and the world, Benghazi matters and Hillary's connections to the Saudis who planned the Benghazi attack. Yet Seth Rich simply was a democratic staffer, who gave them (allegedly) to WikiLeaks prior to July 2016 and was therefore not a 'Russian interference' from any Presidential candidate, and they did not need physical transportation. Seth Rich was reputedly upset that Russian hackers had indeed hacked the DNC, Wikileaks and others offered a reward for information relating to his murder. It is known now that the NSA hacked the DNC. In the background Obama ordered all of this and was set up by the DNC to trap anyone like Seth Rich or Papadopoulos, or Trump, who were not given any real information, and WikiLeaks does not need to physically steal paper emails or on disc. The attempt to answer people who had contacted the Trump team is not collusion especially when those who are claiming it is collusion sent the information in the first place. The 755 diplomatic core who were expelled from Russia by Putin indicate the Russia / US relationship has taken a turn for the worse since November 2016 and 20.01.2017. It has been revealed in November 2017, that the DNC then refused advice to upgrade computers and their security system, (before the acks in 2016) which allowed hacks to occur. Further Judge Napolitano says that also the DNC was hacked by the NSA, as the DNC were/are a security threat (Islamic infiltration see above from the beginning and exposure of US intelligence agents worldwide) you tube video; Napolitano: Why would the NSA hack the DNC? (Aug 2016) Yet aspects of the DNC claims are denied by John Brennan (July 2017) video you tube Brennan: 'Absolutely Wrong' That CIA Asked for Hacked DNC Server
(The NSA are overseeing western security from the USA to Britain and to Europe, but lobbying and NGO's coming in to the west are harder to examine) In other words the DNC let themselves be hacked, Seth Rich knew about it, and realised the DNC was working for Islam or foreign agents, hence the NSA hacked into the DNC. However Obama who has still not acknowledged his legacy of the Christian genocide, also appointed John Brennan as CIA director of the central intelligence agency (from March 2013 to January 2017 and whose emails were hacked so often he may as well have emailed 'c.c.' to Isis, Pakistan and Iran it is claimed) and who is by (although it could be a front) some public accounts a practicing Muslim with a macabre twist on beheadings and genocide and is a convert to Islam. Remember Obama was also in debt to Sheik or Doctor Khalid al-Mansour. Whether this is just for show considering the middle east dealings or true, it seems both men were in power overseeing the Christian genocide which began before these dates but intensified during them. Remember this at a time of Huma Abeddin the Saud, Mr Gehad El Haddad in Cairo who was employed by the Clinton foundation, democrat aide Imran Awan of Pakistan and the yet to be found countless perpetrators. (Ali baba and the 40 thieves would seem less unlikely)
Make no mistake (and former Muslim brotherhood democrat members are arrested in Egypt see above) at least 5 foreign Governments " hacked" Hillary's private emails according to the FBI (which is why the USA is losing the intelligence war) and Hillary Clinton let them be hacked and around which has created the (lesser) sideshow to get rid of the US constitution, the right to bear armaments etc, all backed by the Huma Abedin ( who was proposed as White house Chief of Staff by Clinton) The FBI's original statement in July 2016. These occurrences were also around the hushed up Christian genocide in the middle east from 2011 and into 2015.
November 2018 elections USA. The elections on 8.11.2017 were within largely democrat states won by Hillary Clinton in 2017. Democrats stood on a platform which saw Hillary Clinton admitting she compiled a dossier via Fusion GPS, Elizabeth Warren admitting Hillary Clinton hacked the 2017 elections whilst blaming everyone else in 2016, and confirmed by Donna Brazile (Donna Brazile) US Judges sealed Obamas tie to the dossier, Senator Diane Weinstein confirmed there is no collusion between Donald Trump and the 'Russians' Brazile The DNC Chair admitted Clinton hacked the DNC, whilst Nancy Soderberg admitted Clinton and Obama into 2017 not just from 2010 sold Uranium to Russia 'Tucker Carlson Battles with Ex-UN Amb. Nancy Soderberg Over Uranium: 'You're Filibustering!'' 18.10.2017 or here on Fox (after the previous full revelations came out on Air One America) with Nancy Soderberg a former Clinton / Obama advisor ( who calls the bribe a business deal) here Incredibly the whole item was broadcast on 'One America News Network' on May 18th 2017 (video; '.@Liz_Wheeler: We finally have proof of inappropriate financial dealings with Russia' ) The New York terror attack at the end of October 2017 in which 8 people were killed (by a truck) was a Moslem immigrant (Sayfullo Saipov) on Chuck Schumer's 'diversity lottery' programme, which he kept quite during the recent elections, and who was on a pre 2017 terror watch list with apparent weak vetting.
Islamic Sharia tax These are the same people who push sanctuary cities which no other country in the world entertains and means sanctuary from Prosecution whilst taxpayers pay for it, the same people who allow the gang M3 – 13 and other gangs to hide within them (a new 'fast and furious Eric Holder – Obama scandal) and also these areas (as France and the EU also suffer see the adjacent website and dated 12.05.2017 in chapter 3a) are allowed to develop extortion tax sharia law. The Institute Montaigne, France encourages Sharia law zones which are then encouraged to grow, which as a part of their 'charity' or tax (as Obama tried to merge in the USA) the sharia law zone uses extortion to exact money from business's which is in turn used to fund Hamas and Hezbollah and the internal terrorism against the country outside of the sharia law zone (compliance with sharia law is a new state in effect translate from French) and the human trafficking industry. Hamas and Hezbollah vow Israel's destruction. An example of the Islamic sharia tax is here (you tube video 'TAX by ISLAM on NON MUSLIMS – 'JIZYA') They are used as extortion inside Prisons and it is in fact a poll tax which is backed by threats and pressure like a racket and sent to the country of origin. Listening to these false teachers and lunatics, they truly believe people will just pay, and it is an extra tax no matter how you explain it. In Australia in a slow but sure rebellion, which has left Muslims 'shocked and confused' ? they have decided not to pay. (before abolishing mosques. Of course it is not as shocking as forced business extortion, beheading quarter of a million people, trafficking minors, marrying under age girls or female genital mutilation in the USA, or in Europe or in the Uk female genital mutilation in the name of 'culture' Full explanation here ) Many countries have refused to pay the illegal tax and demanded arrests be made for extortion and threats. This is the point of 'sanctuary cities' which if they were introduced (with a western bias) in Mexico or in any Muslim country, they would be shut down within hours. (see above on Brexit and how ten cities in the UK became 'sanctuaries' for Islamic trafficking gangs or below in next few paragraphs) This democratic party aim and their destructive alien policies are just as weak and divisive.
The democrat's main policy of (seen on a sign on social networks) is "putt from the rough, then vote for us, but then get lost for four years" On a similar campaign note "unsure which one of 67 genders you are or the 2 you really are, then vote for us" To give an idea of how crazy things are getting the New York Subway will broadcast genderless greetings 10.11.2017 (a lie to help to brainwash people) on the intercoms (you will obey and accept more than two genders, Kim Jong Un style) In North Korea on the train / subway similar propaganda is also broadcast on the only channel (you tube see video 'Propaganda on the Pyongyang Metro' April 18th 2017' or here ) People could also be accused of (worse than Homophobia) 'Ellenaphobia' or 'Ophreyophobia' it used to be Hillaryaphobia in the daily reporting duties North Koreas are forced to undertake (see the last para on NK)
In the midst of the Alabama senate run 3 accusers who suddenly came forward to accuse Roy Moore. 1 of them used to work for Hillary Clinton, the 2nd worked for one of his democrat opponents. (why did these people wait until now) The reporter behind the attack on Roy Moore is also of dubious character whilst a relation of one of the accusers claims the accusations against him are false. The fact that Roy Moore made a monument to the 10 commandments and is now in a senate race is nothing to do with … it people are told. 'Roy Moores attorney demands release of accusers yearbook' The timing of these accusations is the most troubling aspect, as the population speak out.
The other policy of creating ghettos for votes (sanctuary cities) is another absurd fallacy (the sharia law zones in Britain although not fully developed became the 10 towns of the Pakistan Islamic trafficking and abuse scandal) In the USA the Islamic prescription drug racket went largely unreported (in Michigan) The next policy following the new zones is to import as many drugs for children as you like, into sanctuary cities, and you don't get prosecuted e.g. a sanctuary ( also 'See video you tube President Trump speech on Combatting Drug Demand and the Opioid Crisis. Oct 26, 2017') There are drugs now which can kill within minutes and cause brain damage and heart damage in minutes, or permanent neurosis. Within this scenario, critical theory identity politics are piled on, but not for those who (as one example) who identify as everyday average people, who join at the back of the queue in class identity politics, which are of course elitist, (see the anarchy section in red above above for the long suffering underclass of identity politics worldwide) These people who have just as many rights or claims to enter politics as any 'oppressed' individual or group, its shameful and insensitive. The New Jersey Governor (who wants a sanctuary city) could convert his estate into a sanctuary city area, but like George Clooney over a year later that will not happen and has not happened (i.e. with George and the New jersey Gov ernor still living there within, say with 8 to 10,000 guests each ) Note that the only policy the left have no is mass immigration, that is all they hone in on. The USA is actually one big sanctuary already under the constitution and legal applications to live and work are already a fact, and sanctuary cities are therefore opposing that fact, and the rule of law. They should all be closed down.
60. This is one big Russian hack but from within the USA, and one large interference with US elections. Some would say treason. (see also video Steve Bannon talks Uranium One scandal, GOP establishment 8.11.2017 )
Natalia Velelnitskaya is pictured here with Hillary Clinton, and it was Loretta Lynch Obama's appointed district attorney, who gave her permission to travel Visa free as she traveled after the January 2016 court case in which she appealed to have her travel re-instated
Ukraine (President or Prime minster Tymoshenko may well one day be a reality in Ukraine and it may happen with President or Prime-minister Petroshenko together. Yet Ukraine needs Western help. She is opposed to joining the Eurasian bloc and is more EU minded, yet her party the Fatherland party and its first party chairman was a communist. Many in the Ukraine want a completely free Ukraine. The war in the Ukraine is nearly 90 years old and which has suffered more than most countries combined. (Russia of course had control of larger parts of Washington 2008 - 2016) Even in November 6th 2017, Russia continues the war in Ukraine as the US moots sending more financial and military aid to Ukraine into November 2017
Anthony Zurcher a high level correspondent for the BBC asserts on the Papadopoulos matter " the Papadopoulos news sits at the heart of Mr Mueller's investigation into possible Trump team collusion with Russia " Many believe or have surmised Zurcher could be a 'teapot', not just because he works at the BBC. Is he KGB ?, look what happened to Kim Philby, the links are obvious.(its getting that absurd in many instances)
Other investigations by Anthony Zurcher who concluded in July 2017 that indeed and before Papadopoulos was on the collusion Radar (except to the Russians and a professor from the ECFR ? see above and Professor Galeotti ) that there was something fishy going on. Zurcher is also upset that Trump (who supports the LGBT community as well as the heterosexual, H,H,H & H community) may not be pro-gay but in 2012 Zurcher also lauded Ted Cruz in 2012 (who so far though is a 'Russia free' Homophobe) as a right wing conspiracy theorist, although Zurcher himself preferred Donald Trump as a conservative than that pit of snakes Hillary Clinton. However the worry and fear of gays such as by Mark Stern are cited as political fact, yet these are not a concern of Jared Kushner, and Sterns concerns directed at those that voted for Trump have now been accused of being Nazi's and by association or directly Russian agents or colluding with Russia ? surely you cannot be both (i.e Russian and a Nazi) except in media and consulting land. The Trump administration seemed to have only colluded with American voters to vote for them (a real crime to the opposite political parties) The news editorial corrections which followed later including by Zurcher
Anthony Zurcher also reviews Hillarys book 'whats happening' and cites everyone she blames except herself, instead she blames her Russians, Bill and Bernie Sanders,(who it now seems was paid to support Hillary after she and the Russian's hacked the DNC to win the democratic nomination) and also sexism, homophobia and the North Koreans, yet one matter which is not in her book What happened or what's happening, is the dossier she paid for with Obama (and against Mick Romney), and that's what's happened, and happening. Donna Brazile (former DNC chair) has penned a book on the subject called 'Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House' Nov 2017 ' See You tube MSNBC tube video dated 25.10.2017 & Chris Matthews: Dems "Blew It" By Lying About Dossier Funds, "Brings Into Question The Whole Effort" However it seems it is not the Russians to blame for Trump but the gay hating conservatives of America all 62 million of them (except the gay conservatives of America who voted for Trump) but the Russian's also hacked Bernie Sanders ? DNC who would have beaten Hillary, but then it would have been an easier opponent for Trump? There does not seem to be any connection to Stern or Zurcher to North Korea despite being gay or nearly gay in Zurchers case (possibly)
You have to remember that Hillary and Obama were not concerned (as much with 'Russia around November 2016 – January 2017) but was more concerned with the fact that she felt Trump had stalked her around the stage during the presidential debate when of course he never went near her. It was filmed live on TV. Also deeply shocked was the gender opposite contrarian Ellen DeGeneres who was 'horrified' and disgusted at Trumps stalking menace, and more to the point a Heterosexual man debating 'Hillary'. This issue consumed the press for days ? (Obama at least was borderline effeminate) She was not concerned by the liberal sexual scandals in Hollywood which were an open secret, or Ed Murray's (the former Mayor and LGBT person of the year) sexual abuse prosecution on children and teenagers, the rape of schoolchildren by woman teachers or the sexual harassment many men also face in the workplace. Neither was there any mention of the real and ongoing horror experienced by woman in the last paragraph of chapter 4 above. They (the Ellens) are capitalist (assumed) and there does not seem to be any connection to North Korea or the Russians? but can the world be sure ? are the DeGeneres duo actually agents of the Kremlin. In New York, 'homophobia' and Russians go together ever since Putin horrified by Elton's Johns hair transplant has banned gay propaganda in Russia. Whilst this is not a usual FBI consideration it has to be factored into the mix i.e. that there could be a factor of 'hysterical gay syndrome' at work. Being heterosexual (the one half of the only two real genders, and which has scientific proof) does not automatically make you a Russian spy or Conan the Barbarian, many nations are openly Heterosexual by 98.5%.
Bear in mind that the gay referendum marriage hoax is a hoax, and no matter how many referendum you have (see also Sophia Loren further down) the lie and harm it does to the Church and to children as minors (more than 2 genders and teaching it as fact) is the point and aim of it, and it is logical and apparent as a deliberate planned deception, and is another religion not the Judeo Christian, Islam or Hinduism etc tradition in law or faith. It is an active measure against society openly and willfully perpetrated, and in many cases carries fines and legal address if you dissent. It is intent and not just recklessness or negligence.
On October 31st 2017 Tim Kaine, Hillary Clintons Vice President pick admitted 'some elements' of the Trump dossier were paid for the Hillary Campaign a decision made by Hillary Clinton herself, and she admits it stating the 'Washington Free beacon' which comprises Libertarians and Republicans, who requested Fusion GPS to compile the Dossier in September 2015, but finding nothing they abandoned it and around the time Trump won the Republican nomination ( Trump announced his candidacy in June 16th 2015 in New York, he was nominated Republican candidate in May 2016 and confirmed in July 2016) Many other consultancies at a time and in Europe also noticed the increasing severity and butchery in the Christian genocide which Obama still denies as it would incriminate him as overseeing it with Clinton and since the Arab uprisings of 2011. They complied dossiers on all Presidential candidates. Clinton, who began to rig the DNC primary in August 2015 only a few months before the Washington Free beacon requested the dossier, stating that this is not interfering in an election or collusion with Russia (2.11.2017 after a Senator Warren confirmed it) It's easy to suggest that she (Clinton) was also influential in beginning an investigation against Trump which began in September 2015, and when the Washington Free Beacon had finished all their other candidate research, she pushed to continue the dossier with Obama against Trump which is how she admits the scandal unfurled. The Washington Free beacon also correctly asserts that Iran is trying to build nuclear weapons. (25.10.2017) and Trump has responded by not renewing the terms of the deal.
It is also unclear whether Rick Gates (also indicted by the FBI for items dating from 2008 – 2016 under Obama and Clinton) was working with funds to build Ukrainian US relations or whether these funds were also used to set him up prior to November 2016. ?. Vice President Mike Pence fired Rick Gates in early 2017. Judge Napolitano discusses Gates with Shepherd Smith who is glad (glad not gay) to discuss the issues.
The Manafort, (Gates) General Mike Flynn inquiry failure to report all of their activities (as in the Ukraine which is pro-western) is because Washington has people like Valerie Jarrett the Iranian hardcore democrat communist (say the FBI) top advisor (and Obama) have vowed to 'take down' the President of the United States. Disclosing all information in Washington would be giving information to Iranian and Islamic enemy agents. As noted above (see November 2018 USA Elections above) Senator Diane Weinstein confirmed there is no collusion between Donald Trump and the 'Russians' but Diane did meet with the Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak in 2016 but admitted openly this was occurring, yet Kislyak is now replaced by the new Ambassador (in July 2017) Deputy Foreign Minister Anatoly Antonov Antonov opposes the US view that Russia shot down the Dutch airplane MH17 ON July 17 2014, a view shared with disgraced former Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych (the socialist with 4 mansions and 10 cars ) The Dutch themselves say the Russians shot down the plane killing 298 civilians. Yet then why did Yanukovych flee to Russia and Putin assist in that departure 2 months or so later ? (Ukraine was under occupation and as such its uprising was not a 'coup' the occupation was a coup) Hillary Clintons team (DNC) also met with Sergey Kislyak the former ambassador in 2016 as part of her campaign, who favoured annexing the Crimea away from the Ukraine, and which was led by Viktor Yanukovych, and this all occurred despite the eastern European promise by Obama on a new missile system which was not just defensive. Mike Flynn, opposed the Iran deal which Putin Clinton Abedin and Obama supported and also the annexing of Crimea. Behind all of these 'intrigues' is the option to make a peace plan resulting from the disastrous situation left by Clinton and Obama prior to the November 2016 election. Also, people have no understanding of the level of Ukrainian opposition stemming from the Holodomor famine in which 7 million to 10 million starved, the Chernobyl disaster (and people should consider what the word 'Chernobyl' means and be wary) which is a real horror story and occupation over decades Ukrainians also want their Crimea back and resolution to the crisis.
70. Many Jewish law makers opposed the Iran deal some were unsure, General Mike Flynn also opposed the Iran deal
Others (democrats in 2016) who met with Russians and Sergey Kislyak include democrat Senator Chuck Schumer in 2016 as did Nancy Pelossi (who some suggest left herself open and was exposed to foreign agents, although this oversight was a rare occurrence and entirely innocent ) These meetings occurred in 2016 the same time as those who are 'indicted' other democrats who met with Russians in 2106 include democratic Senators Bob Casey, Jack Reed, Amy Klobuchar, Claire McCaskill, senior advisor John Holdren, Maria Cantwell, Mary Landrieu (all Senators) and many more Junior aides, yet they are not indicted ? and selling Uranium to Russia is just business. Only Hope Hicks is questioned so far on this issue (16.11.2017) Now these diplomatic meetings have existed for decades, but along with all this you have the Pakistan infiltration, people like Valerie Jarret, Uranium 1 salesmen coming and going. (which if you see the madness, Uranium 1 is still active as a treasonous action selling Uranium to Russia, but is not part of the 'Russia investigation' ? . Therefore the Russia investigation is being conducted by the Russians.) General Mike Flynn and others would keep their meetings secret, as it is now clear the whole of Washington was played to take it over from the inside from 2008 – 2016.Opposing the Iran deal as Mike Flynn did meant he was suspect by Iran and Jarret and others who have been running Washington and passing on information to Pakistan including the current Mayor of London Sadiq Khan. Other indicators are the big government economy, the running down of the economy, and the half and half wars in the middle east, the high level of drugs and foreign national gangs taken into the USA to sow destruction.$20 trillion dollars in debts, high numbers of suicides in the military, and a continued assault on the US constitution and its liberty from within (Obama / Jarret / Huma Abeddin, Hillary's side piece/aide and numerous others) Not one indictment as yet of the democrats has occurred. (Nov 2017)
Obama's shadow government. Currently in Washington Obama (Barry and Michael) and Valerie Jarret and staffers have set up a 'North Korean' style 'propaganda and agitation department' which has vowed to make America communist again (and some new Governors have already moved from 'progressive' sound bites into communist overdrive as that's what they are) They call it the shadow government unelected of course like North Korea and China but openly praising 'Russia' ? This includes 'active measures' soviet style and no economic plan etc. The plan is to spread racial hatred, division and selective critical theory which does not exist on other continents? Other countries woud arrest these activities.
Stephen Miller. Another member of the White house to be questioned (out of all the possible people in Washington) is Stephen Miller (9.11.2017) by FBI Robert Mueller who was also instrumental in the firing of James Comey. Assistant to James Comey, James Callestrom FBI, says the firing which Stephen Miller of Comey was the correct option over the letter which was written before (or ever) Hillary Clinton was questioned on her collusion with the Russian's or DNC Hacking.(and Comey was obviously forced to write the letter) Remember in all the sexual abuse allegations which can slight the larger sexual abuse, paedophile and abuse in Hollywood, the FBI initiated a programme to allow disabled veterans to catch paedophiles (or able bodied people) and other predators around the US and the world as is now becoming clearer. This inspired idea Comey was also once a Sunday school teacher, but Clinton, Obama, Abeddin and the Muslim brotherhood never were or will be.
Podesta group. Other related news items including threats from the Podesta group are here "Tucker Carlson responded tonight to a "snarling legal threat" from a lawyer for Tony Podesta over his reporting that Podesta, his brother and Paul Manafort were the "central figures" in the federal investigation led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Podesta, founder of the Podesta Group and brother of former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, resigned from his lobbying firm after he became a subject in Mueller's probe. Carlson explained that the Podesta Group was one of several firms that worked on a campaign called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine. The campaign was led by Manafort and promoted Ukraine's image in the West. Manafort, who served as President Trump's campaign manager last summer, was indicted by Mueller's team for several charges dating back to his work in Ukraine.
"Today's indictment confirms our reporting on this," Carlson said, explaining that it reveals that the Podesta Group was aware that the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine was a sham company representing pro-Russian interests"
GPS Fusion The research was also paid for by Obama ? who must have known the DNC rigging against Bernie would occur as they were working together managing the Muslim brotherhood network operating within Washington. Obama also paid GPS for the dossier. The dossier was contracted to GPS who subcontracted it to Christopher Steele, and ex member of M16 who worked in Moscow, on the Russia desk. Steele is a socialist but did not go to Oxford University he went to Cambridge. Fusion GPS was also hired as mentioned in 2012 to find the 'dirt' on Mick Romney the Mormon presidential candidate against Barry Soetoro (Obama) and also for Planned Parenthood (which Clinton and Obama supported and is also torture and death ironically a crime the Magnitsky act opposes) in August 2015, they also helped the campaign to remove the Global Magnitsky act in 2016, (which Congress and then Obama signed into force in 2012) which if successful would have benefited the Russians ? Fusion GPS with ties to Russia have already been exposed. (July 2016) see you tube video ' William Browder: Fusion GPS Was Acting on Behalf of Russia') The case continues on the dossier ? (16.11.2017) but why not open the dossier ? as the bank records on who paid lead back to Obama and Clinton ? GPS Fusion were also fed misinformation.
Yet there is no mention that some of the 'little green men' who helped to annex the Crimea from the Ukraine had amongst their number forces from Syria and Iran in 2014. Podesta's pro Russian separatists had them amongst their forces, and they also had information from the DNC staffers. Further ( now) of interest to the FBI is Nigel Farage ? the former leader and still supporter of UKIP (with the article it says 'Russia and Trump') If UKIP are in league with the Russians, many country people around Oxford and Cambridge would be stunned but incredulous. People in Britain (and see the Islamic invasion of South America in the next paragraph) just don't see the country that existed for a thousand years, but see it is changed in 30 years, it is that simple and people in America and Europe are also aware of what is happening around them. It is a plan for every EU country. This is a stepping stone. In the EU suggestions to bring a federal state with national fiscal controls, border controls and a constitution are derided and that is something which would protect and assist it. Those that oppose those basic aims (in any western country or capital) 'are not from here'.
In the Ukraine (and is also on the adjacent website and chapter 3a dated 25.10.2017, but is here also) Russia's investigation and the Ukraine. It is finally revealed that there is no real Russia inquiry in the USA at least against Russia (30.10.2017) Iran armed with new Uranium from the democratic party in the USA (from 2010 to 2015 and 2017) is attacking Kurdistan with Iraq. The Ukraine was betrayed in 2015 into 2016 ( video; 'Mueller reportedly investigating the Podesta Group' ) as Paul Manafort ( indicted and arrested on 30.10.2017 ) " The latest subject of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election is a Democratic lobbyist and the brother of the chairman of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, John Podesta" who supported Viktor Yanukovych who fled to Russia. Putin helped Yanukovych flee to Russia and this is a part of the Clinton – Obama email scandal and Obama administration which colluded also in the Uranium 1 scandal (Uranium to Russia with no indictments as yet ?) The reset / red line in Iraq as first decided in April 2013 and by September 2015 Russia had taken control almost of Syria. In November 2013 Victor Yanukovych dismissed the EU, and took money as a bailout from Moscow to allow Russia to rule over all Ukraine, and the same banks which were supporting the Podesta / Clinton foundation and Obama and allegedly also members of the investigating committee in the current Russia probe. " The crisis began in November (2013) when Ukraine's then president, Viktor Yanukovich, under Russian pressure, turned his back on a trade deal with the EU and accepted a $15 billion bailout from Moscow" This caused an uprising in the Ukraine. By September 2016 the Crimea was annexed to Russia and Obama had given Russia the Red Line / Green light to take over Syria (Obama worked for Russia ) in September 2015. The reported reason was to team up and remove Assad but he is still in power in Oct 2016 and today is backed by Russia (see all above) Yet all of those allegedly involved in the Clinton foundation and Podesta group have not been named ? Ukraine's betrayal occurred at the same time as the Iraq red line / reset, but the Ukraine has been fighting Russian occupation for decades (the people of Ukraine, the unexpected factor, wanted freedom from Russia and anything was preferred to Russia including the EU, see 'winter on Fire documentary' or trailer ) The Crimea was lost (and the Crimea is a part of the Ukraine just as the Clinton foundation 20% of Russian uranium belongs to the USA)
The Podesta group were/are sponsored by Russian banks. Russia, Obama / Clinton administration & the Muslim brotherhood. At the back of the non-Russia probe Senator Grassley of the Judiciary committee has warned the Trump administration (who appointed Sessions) not to fire Jeff Sessions, ( Jeff Session's the US Attorney general) yet it was the Obama / Clinton administration who made a hurricane of misinformation, which was directed at the new administration so that Jeff Session's would recuse himself ? Session's as Attorney General should be running the entire investigation and not Obama / Clinton. This is also a crime of treason in removing and silencing a Judicial US appointment. The outcome is now, Iran backed by Obama / Clintons, Muslim brotherhood with Russia and China could attack Israel with nuclear material from the USA and that history is outlined here. (American thinker article, and 'uranium 1 the final nail in Israel's coffin' dated 23.10.2017) The current narrative by the left is we have been brought to the brink of Nuclear war (North Korea are firing/testing nuclear weapons, including firing rockets at Japan, whilst Russia / China deploys its armies and weapons worldwide and in its elections votes for communist party members, by communist party members to run the communist party is considered democratic, other parties are for show only still ) If the west allows all this to happen then that is a rational decision, but opposing these threats is not rational ? The investigation also begins to shed more light on the Christian genocide.
It is ironic that (not all) Russian / Ukrainian Children are being used in these matters, since many and especially Ukrainian children were victims to Nuclear fallout. The Uranium 1 (Uranium to Russia scandal) is not as yet (in full but should be central to them) a part of these investigations, nor are the rest are the items which amount to treason and sedition. The US Uranium sold to Russia, could threaten Ukraine, or Israel from Iran or North Korea. (see 4.11.2017 'Eric Shawn reports: Pres. Trump's message to Kim Jong Un' ) The US intelligence agencies are under the US constitution which is under Gd and which states Bill Browder is the reason why the Magnitsky act survived.
80. Obama interferes in Kenyan election August 2017. The illegal obstruction of US elections by Obama was also felt in the Kenyan elections in October / November 2017 (see heading below the end of these Navy paragraphs by 15 paragraphs or so in red type ('Kenyan elections 2017 and their unusual events (Kenya or USA, has Kenyan thought influenced the USA 2008 – 2016' ) The typical Saul Alinsky ethos 'by any means necessary' Obamas father had a long feud with Uhuru Mugnai Kenyatta in the 1960's and Jumo Kenyatta his son whom Obama tried to depose by interfering the election is now Prime minister. Obama did the same in the 2008, 2012 election and attempted the same in 2016 and is still engaging in this activity with Valerie Jarret (another communist) Huma Abedin (also involved in Lolita express with husband Anthony Weiner and Muslim brotherhood) both Clintons and Lynch et al, and Eric Holder who agitated in the 2017 elections also. The Muslim brotherhood oversee the organising of the fake government (and had access to all the special access servers currently investigated as mentioned by Senator Grassley & the State department) which still operates in parts of the FBI, Justice department, White House, and intelligence agencies etc. Obama did the same in the USA.
Islam and its war in Africa and wider has been the subject of the Popes declaration on the Christian genocide in 2015. By Islam. Another area of concern is the previous Popes cataloguing for prosecution and / or ex communication (Pope Benedict XVI) the total number as an investigation under Pope Francis, of the child abuse scandals which also occurs in the Protestant church, and of course numerous and wide-ranging secular and civil institutions, and political parties and cults. A curious factor ((whether you believe it or not) is the renewed interest in the 'Fatima prophecies' given to 3 young children in Portugal. The last prophecy remains sealed, but it is speculated that the prophecy predicts that Communism will overtake the Vatican (Stalin famously once asked 'How many legions does the Pope have') Related to this is the belief by some that Fatima, Mohamed's daughter spoke posthumously through Mary the Mother of Gd ? giving the prophecies. Ironically today Islam and Communism seek to destroy Europe still, and Islam seeks to conquer the Vatican Ecumenicalism ('being nice') is not supporting the Judeo-Christian tradition. 'St Peter; or Cephas who became Simon Peter had an incredible life but was a humble fisherman, and was Jewish from Galilee, who kept the feasts and Sabbath, and was forefront at Pentecost / Shavuot (see the adjacent website and chapter 5) he was not 'ecumenical' as a tradition, but also kept to the faith and did not advertise or support others. Islam believes in legal slavery (see next green heading down 'modern slavery not denounced' ) The influx of Islam into the Church and the Vatican combined with Homosexuality is a deliberate plan to destroy it. Both state there is no Gd, yet insist on Gay marriage (except in Mosques) You couldn't make it up.
This influx would also affect the Pentagon in the USA.
With the investigations into child abuse worldwide including pizza gate and the 'Lolita express' which is tied into the Clinton foundation, people are looking at the issue of human values and what has become of them. Many are calling for Catholic priests to be allowed to marry, as many already are in the USA and wider. (it should be a choice between single or married but may take time to adjust and property rights need not be affected) It seems strange that Homosexual marriage is granted and which is not recognised in the bible, but not the marrying of Priests. Further there is no referendum on Priests getting married in every country ? (St Peter was married, Paul also some suggest and many of the apostles and disciples) A good film on this subject is the film 'The Priests Wife' (1970) starring Sophia Loren) who falls in love with a Priest (Marcello Mastroianni) Marcello Mastroianni was… 'turmoil' and 'conflicted' ? !, (most men would give the Bishop notice the same day, and run to the nearest Church with Sophia) But Sophia Loren also starred (and a good academic history book exists on El Cid) in the film 'El Cid' with Charlton Heston. If Mastroianni had been more like Charlton Heston, then 2 or 3 or 4 problems could be solved at once. 60,000 to 100,000 or more Mastroianni / Heston types could really change the Islamic horde situation (was Mifsud married? he was in Italian intelligence? is Sophia Loren in the Carbonari? or simply a Madonna from Napoli. Perhaps Sophia Loren has had a mysterious, deep and profound effect on Italy over the last half a century ? (some would say)
'Madonna' Louise Veronica Ciccone threatened to blow up the Whitehouse ? she was married but is not indicted, although she says it was taken out of context. A macro- micro-aggression but not a Russian plot by ladies in pink hats, Madonna's hat was black and she also wears combats, all amidst the spiritual vacuum and child abuse scandals etc. Lady Gaga (Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta) is plotting to blow up the Statue of liberty and Empire state building in Ninja attire. What is going with these two Stephanie and Lou ?… Its war. (no one believes Madonna would blow up the Whitehouse) One area which is very difficult to begin and achieve (and is blocked in many countries but not others, but will go ahead regardless) is described at the end of chapter 4. It would take influential woman (and men maybe) who have the ability to slowly and surely put a fund together for this purpose. (pooled in small amounts and charity) which involves Housing and work and sexual trauma centres also. Chapter 4 gives details on what to do and not do, it would be an achievement and a valuable and long lasting effective pursuit and very rewarding. (see also Protect and Homeland security and H.E.R.O. etc which date from 2012 in origin to date)
The United Nations declared Jerusalem is not the capital of Israel and they should abandon it as the capital but inferring Israel has never existed (and yet they obviously have no idea now what the Golden gate means since 1947/8)
It is also behind the attempt to create land zoning land grabs which effect large parts of the USA and the Bundy's and Hammond ranches. (see heading above The United Nations Russian / Chinese takeover of the USA) The Uranium was taken from their lands or common law lands. China's one road one belt, also includes the global transnational highway project which would split the USA in two uniting Mexico and Canada. The land zoning of large land areas would come under the UN and its laws, set against the US Constitution. Since China (unelected communists) want to lead the New World Order and the West is $152 Trillion in debt this is a war. During President Trumps visit to Asia in November 2017 it was admitted by China that they had engaged in currency manipulation, but any opposing nation would do this for competitive advantage. An honest admission but instead let the west engage in this activity and reduce its debts, improve manufacturing and become the dominant leader. (see video 'Trump First Speech After Returning From Asia 11/15/17: Mission Accomplished' which relates what a success the whole trip to Asia was with Billions in new trade deals. This is not what the press have portrayed and which spells out the reality of east / west trade) NAFTA and TTIP allowing this situation to begin in the west was began and perpetuated by Bill Clinton and the democrats. ( but how ? did all The 1996 United States campaign finance controversy which was the attempt by the Chinese Republic to buy the Democrats. See the adjacent website and since 1.1.2017 and down to chapter 3a, this quote from post-dated 11.03.2017)
One part of the Clinton Email scandal in the election also distracts from the fact the Clinton foundation has not been IRS audited as yet ( with no access) and also distracted from the Hammond and Bundy ranch stories in which the Bundy's (October 28 2016) were cleared of any wrong doing in a federal court (defending their land from the Clinton foundation accusations, the origin of the accusations) taking the land and mining it for Uranium to sell to Russia The outrage though and however centres on Russian hackers who hacked the democratic party, revealing the democratic party had hacked (stole his candidacy) Bernie Sanders campaign and that the Democrats had been paying Saudi through the Clinton foundation, which assisted the Christian genocide. Therefore, the Republicans by this logic and in this story, would have preferred Bernie Sanders to be the opposition to Trump or in power and not Trump and Pence? Judge Napolitano disagrees with the Democrats theory citing the NSA as the hackers, which means the Russian mole or camel is in the NSA? or Russia was never involved. But on many levels what is revealed is the Democrats were acting illegally. The fact that voters voted for Trump and illegal voters are now in Jail and anyone could copy this illegal voter up to 4 million times or more is dismissed ?
As the Iran deal is almost scrapped Obama and Jarret et al step up the pressure with the 'Russia investigation'. Russia and china are backing Iran who are trying to take over Iraq and Syria (and who are now are building a base in Syria) and both Iran and Iraq have weapons of mass destruction (WMD) procured through Clintons Uranium 1 deal and also Obama who gave Iran Uranium as a going away present in January 2017. Saudi has declared war on Lebanon, (November 10th 2017) and Iran and Iraq have attacked the newly declared state of Kurdistan which is intent towards Israel. Those who voted for the Iran deal (and Obama let the Russians settle in Syria as did Clinton) may now have wished they had taken General Flynn's advice.
Concerning the Christian genocide in which official estimates say there have been 250,000 deaths most by beheadings, and 4 million displaced, but from 2001 it is nearer 500,000 deaths and 6 million displaced. No one thought of doing a 'Fusion GPS' dossier on this (Obama does not recognize the genocide) or the value of safe zones, and safe zones within the final Greater Israel, Oded Yinon plan, which would benefit the whole middle east, and create a new paradigm and an era of prosperity. In the west there is a doctrine of not winning a war outright and quickly ?
90. With 17 intelligence agencies in the USA, only 3 had doubts about Trump and they changed their view with the CIA saying it was ill advised but not a collusion matter. One of them was John Brennan before he was replaced. Brennan who loves Islam and Obama who loves Islam, vis a vis it was Islamic meddling still ongoing which meddled in the 2008, 2012 and 2016 and minor 2018 elections, in its alliance of communism and Islam against western interests. Ecumenical ideas from Europe infiltrated the Vatican and also then the Pentagon, and then the intelligence community and into politics and everyday administration. Yet if a Christian genocide occurs and then also negatively effects the USA (2008 – 2016) then this is not ecumenical but a directed war against the west. Now it seems thanks to the Uranium 1 scandal North Korea, Iran, Iraq, have WMD. The USA constitution already is a 'sanctuary'
Henry Kissinger has warned on North Korea (i.e. Either resolve the matter and North and South could unite and denuclearise, and change to a unified Singapore economy, allowing normalisation for North Koreans to adjust to western society / south Korean society in peace from Russia / China or USA for a period) Kissinger has also warned on Iran in 2017 (and in 2014 ) which can take over ISIS or in a ISIS vacuum can (either way) take over the Middle East. As for the West (and South America is also seeing Islamic invasion which is part of its Global War on democracy, and why border control in the USA are sought ) The western public will continue to reverse the wests decline. Fusion GPS or similar would not have policies or views without Henry Kissinger on Russia on China or the Middle East, even from before they were born.
This is the state of the west and anyone young or old reading it will learn a great deal.
The Fisa warrant and memo release 2.2.2018.
At the start of this long Brandon J Weichert & Chris Buskirk for 'American Greatness' magazine online entitled the 'Antinomy of a lie' dated 1.6.2017 and also the recent article dated 04.02.2018 and called 'Clinton associates fed information to Trump dossier author Steele, memo says' and the above (which includes the entrapment by Clinton associate Veselnitskaya. Further on the 4th and 5th December 2017 the Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee is drawing a contempt of congress against the FBI. (the FBI issued a report in 2015 saying Islamic terror cells were working in the USA see adjacent website again and chapter 5 and the greatest scandal in us history) but this is a serious matter to serve the vice President and President and is like the Veselnitskaya Clinton affair another case of possible entrapment. It is effecting the FBI's public perception, but many of these events began in the Ukraine in 2013/ 2014.
This the background to Tucker Carlson's hour long discussion on the secret court Fisa memo(s)
'Tucker Carlson | Devotes his Entire Show on FISA Memo and Abuse of Government Power 02 02 2018'
In August 2017 ( and first line; Trey Gowdy has appointed a second special counsel to investigate all of these unfurling matters. The American Centre for Law and Justice President Jay Sekulow has called for a complete investigation into the Clinton Lynch tarmac emails and meetings by the FBI. And following it, it details also Obama's contact with the Russians and Hillary Clintons and indeed over 20 democrats including Nancy Pelosi (see also above) who has recently said the Fisa memo and its release was like handing Putin a bouquet of flowers?
No fisa warrant for Uranium 1 and Clinton foundation by 2.2.2018 ? The call for secure borders and a rigid immigration plan in America would see a fall on fisa court applications (which are in secret ) and that is a constitutional matter of security, but the system is designed or should be to protect by US citizens by the rule of law and due process. Yet throughout the debate from 2.2.2018 and for 10 years before, the same intense scrutiny and fisa applications was not given to the Uranium 1 scandal ? (see above 25.10.2017 See video you tube 'Tucker Carlson Battles with Ex-UN Amb. Nancy Soderberg Over Uranium: 'You're Filibustering!'' 18.10.2017 or here on Fox (after the previous full revelations came out on Air One America) with Nancy Soderberg a former Clinton / Obama advisor ( who calls the bribe a business deal) here Incredibly the whole item was broadcast on 'One America News Network' on May 18th 2017 (video; '.@Liz_Wheeler: We finally have proof of inappropriate financial dealings with Russia' ) Judicial Watch keep daily/ weekly updates Or here with Tomi Lahren from Fox "Media cowards will not talk about the real Russia story" which is central to the worlds problems and ideology today There is currently a special independent official investigation into these events, which Nancy Soderberg, and the Democrats do not allude too it. See also here on Fox and Hannity 'Hannity, Game Over. Nuclear Bribery. Stand or Fall'(17.10.2017) and Hannity part 2 Russia is now exporting US Uranium / where. & Video You Tube. 'Russia Bribed Hillary Clinton 2xs In Uranium Deal! -Dick Morris' (Uranium 1 many issues in the US has distracted from these real economic issues, and also from the Uranium 1 scandal ' General Kelly states; Kelly wants investigation into allegations surrounding Clinton & Clintons missing emails are linked to the Fusion GPS report but Obama appointed judges have sealed those emails. ?The real Russia scandal from Tucker Carlson. But the lobbying of Clinton for Uranium 1 was recorded on tape and witnessed by 3 people, See you tube video 'FBI informant in Uranium One case to testify before Congress' November 29th 2017
One side of this coin of course is North Korea cannot dream of this type of openness (albeit still incomplete, and by now they must be riveted with the mind blowing scenario which is unfolding before them and confronting them. When do diplomatic circles ever get to enjoy a possible reconciliation between 2 countries like North and South Korea. Kim Jong Un is a Royal, or Korean Royal who was trained in Switzerland. When will he ever get the same chance to unite with the south again, and form a Singapore type economy and be at peace nationally and internationally. Also See above on Henry Kissinger) and North Korea must be jealous of the notion of a constitutional republic with checks and balances. (the constitution of course, based on the magna carta which are in turn based upon the 'deemings' and common and Brehon law of King Alfred, based upon the bible, a constitution under Gd)
What this investigation is getting at, or where it seems to be heading is; What if the top of the top in the Fiza court was a secret enemy agent , perhaps a Stalinist or literally like Stalin, or at the top of intelligence community (not just the Islamic staffers some of which have fled the Clinton campaign) or even the former President or his staff had been a foreign enemy agent (s)? Of course they could be people of beneficial standing to a nation and good men, but just in case the constitution has the right to bear arms and free speech and to protect against all enemies foreign and domestic.
The democrats now have five days to release a 'rebuttal of the Republican memo ?' and President Trump can then decide to declassify it.
The Non-Rebuttal, Rebuttal memo and the Democrats and the 'Russians' ? the World Bank, IMF & the US state department & Nuclear weapons to U.A.E. the 2nd amendment and the NRA.
The continuing investigation into interference in the US 2016 elections, has failed to identify the illegal immigration votes and illegal votes resultant from their votes ? but has also found no collusion see further on. Illegal votes are an illegal interference in US elections ? Following the Alabama Senate elections and the Judge Roy Moore voting frauds the inquiry into illegal votes, following is now known, and which is now passed to homeland security; This investigation occurred alongside the special counsel into US election interference.
n.b. Homeland Security now has authority of the election and the 2016 election and all states fraud voting measures (see next paragraph) The Alabama judiciary to destroy all electronic voting records. on the Monday (before the election on the Tuesday 12.12.2017) The Montgomery circuit dismissed their first challenge and told voting officials to preserve all electronic data. Having the audacity (amidst protests before the election) to file that motion and then lose, they went behind the courts back and asked the state administrator of elections to stay a court order which they did and then ratified that into law in the Alabama supreme court who allowed a non judiciary decision into law. (they were initially ordered to preserve for 6 months) How much Doug Jones was involved in this action as a lawyer is unknown. Whilst some Republicans filed up to $30 Million the democrats (including George Soros) donated $150 million against a man who supports the Ten Commandments.
In essence the matter has now been passed to Homeland security. Why is it so serious ? President Trump scrapped the Voting commission investigation into voter fraud (which occurred in 2016 and in the case of Judge Roy Moore) but that investigation which is tied to Daca and chain migration, voting photo ID for citizens only, and the new employer verification system, domestic terrorism and subversion of the state and even removal of the voting colleges which make the US system the fairest in the world. The full matter is discussed here by Dick Morris ( a former political consultant) and his video dated 16.01.2017 ( Deep State 6 with Dick Morris or here on you tube dated ) which is quite shocking. In the video (which also mentions the illegal executive orders) at 15 minutes 35 seconds & 18 minutes 30 seconds and then at 22 minutes 55 seconds, Morris reveals that there are 1.8 million registered voters on the voter rolls who are dead (dead votes were cast for Doug Jones see all above) there are 46,000 voters over the age of 115 years old, & 24 million people with invalid voter registrations. 10 States or more had voter registrations which exceeded the population of the state, all but 2 of those states were Democrats. Virginia has 7500 proven cases of illegal immigrants who voted in the election in 2016 and Governor and governmental elections. Homeland security are not subject to the frivolous lawsuits the voting commission was buried under (some may ask for hand card votes only) and can compel voter officials to comply with all identity rules. Judge Roy Moore's election was monitored and recorded. He should seek legal advice and in effect Trump also won the popular vote as did Roy Moore. It is a subversion of the state issue and interference in elections both internally and externally. These problems were also highlighted in chapter 3 on the adjacent website under the date 27.10.2016 and sub heading 'The Unprecedented Security Breach and its Collapse and Treason (continues) to follow' which outlines the 2016 scandal.
13 Russians indicted, but no collusion by Republicans.
In 2014 visa's granted to Russians by Obama but through the US State department, which had become a home also for the Muslim brotherhood (see all above) and operatives from Pakistan, received indictments for interfering the US 2016 elections, although Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein says the 13 Russians with their social media interaction (facebook is actually designed to spread information and is international) did not affect the outcome of the 2016 election (video CNN Deputy AG Rosenstein: No evidence election results were impacted' Deputy AG Rosenstein: No evidence election results were impacted' dated 16.02.2018 ) with no collusion.
This is also the conclusion of the House intelligence committee 12.03. 2018 that no collusion existed. (but which has silently left the news) Trey Gowdy feels in his investigation that perhaps selling Uranium to Russia and now also the United Arab Emirates by Obama and Clinton (who was calling for sanctions against Iran whilst selling Russia the US Uranium rights) could infer collusion with Russia. (to see the ongoing debate go to the adjacent website and chapter 5 and the very last paragraph of the essay on North Korea and follow its directions, and also within that the latest heading
Islam to destroy the USA. Since then Robert Mueller has brought forward the possibility that UAE (United Arab Emirates ) sought to buy political influence in the 2016 Presidential elections. Although UAE which does not recognise Israel (in June 2015) , has tensions with the Muslim brotherhood, the Pakistan 'All Pakistan Muslim League (APML)' does have a branch in UAE (to repeat from the adjacent website and chapter 3a and sub heading 08.12.2017, 'The Global immigration scandal and the declaration of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and Judah')…United Arab Emirates since 2008 to 2013, 2014 and into 2016, and slavery and prostitution east and west. The trafficking and immigration scam is big business. One curious incident occurred in the USA when the home of consulate ( embassy) staff of the United Arab Emirates (in Washington) was nearly burnt down when a propane gas cylinder exploded in February 2017. (it was engulfed in flames and not a small fire) The owners with connections to the UAE royal family. It is incredible in all the claims of sexual harassment that the diplomat Yousef Al Otaiba who was appointed by Obama in June 2008 and who also sought permission of the democrats to obtain Nuclear material for the United Arab emirates who feel they have the right to enrich Uranium also like Iran in June 2015 (who lives at the house and has met with every politician and house member he can to entrap and use blackmail, as diplomat, the position seeks access to all Washington politicians including Presidents.) Yousef Al Otaiba United Arab Emirates, and entourage engages in trafficking and prostitution but is not arrested or asked to go home, by the obliging democrat administration including Hillary Clinton and not denounced by Nancy Pelosi and seen here with Susan Rice who unmasked Whitehouse aides and refuses to testify in the Clinton scandal and Uranium 1 she is describe as Susan Elizabeth Rice (born November 17, 1964) is an American public servant who served as the 24th United States National Security Advisor from 2013 to 2017. She was formerly a U.S. diplomat, Brookings Institution fellow, and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. She served on the staff of the National Security Council and as Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs during President Bill Clinton's second term. She was confirmed as UN ambassador by the U.S. Senate by unanimous consent on January 22, 2009.
The United Arab Emirates like the Pakistan agents recently arrested (employed by the democrats) use the house as operations for Prostitution, Trafficking and Slavery which is still legal in UAE ? is a centre of world slavery and trafficking Who view servants as slaves in a country which still practices slavery.(this last case involving 8 UAE princesses treating their Belgium servants like slaves and inhumane manner) They simply regard westerners as slaves and cattle and they are still in Washington in Obamas shadow government. Yet no one is suing them or is forcing them to resign worldwide? or any Muslim country? yet the suits against Congress and Senators are from concerned woman in Washington? Their concern is so troubling they miss it. ? There is no UAE scandal or special counsel? (North Korea however is still sending slave labour to China and Russia. And Qatar for example ?) The inhumane practice of FGM is practice in the USA , (In Britain every hour and within Europe) surely this is sexual harassment (unless you're a Muslim like Obama and Jarret). It is especially prevalent in Saudi Arabia (or here) and United Arab Emirates and Iran as is female genital mutilation. " More than 200 million girls and women alive today have been cut in 30 countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia where FGM is concentrated" Claimed as cultural it is not a culture.
Obama sanctioned the Uranium Rosatom deal which benefitted Hillary Clinton's state department ( repeated from above, article in 'The Federalist' by DC McAllister 'Uranium 1 gives Russia a platform to distribute Nuclear power' May 6th 2015) which Hillary Clinton benefited from, to help expand Russia's energy empire, whilst fighting Russia in Ukraine ? and letting the Crimea go ?, and Obama said he would take it easy on the Russians from 2012. Finally in January 2017 he gave Iran 130 tonnes of Uranium which U.A.E. feel may be employed to make Nuclear weapons (see last paragraph above) U.A.E. may engage and recognise Israel in November 2017 although it still supports Palestine, and denounced the call that Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel in December 2017. Imran Awan of Pakistan in August 2017 the former democratic aide is the tip of the iceberg when it is viewed in terms of US security.(so far five more files on Pakistan staffers are being reviewed) It seems the former Whitehouse staffer had a team of internet maintenance staff and engineers including his own relatives, including his wife and brothers working in the state department Whitehouse and with access to congress (all members of congress who may in some cases have aided Awan) and logically all areas of national security, including the 16 national security services and NASA and the NSA. His arrest is similar to the arrest of democrat staffer Mr Gehad El Haddad in Cairo In 2013 who fled the USA with intelligence hardware and was employed by the Clinton foundation also ? (see all below in navy, and green headings) In February 2016 cyber terrorists breached the US Department of Justice system (this is a report issued in FBI warning of possible attacks in the future but ignored by Obama and Clinton) and then the hackers advertised the fact by tweeting the details one week later. This tweet was the first the DOJ knew of the attack. Malware or spyware inserted deep into a system by first distracting via Direct Denial of Service could have remained for months or years, and then released data on 20,000 FBI employees and 10,000 Homeland security the next day. Information stolen and released included names, titles, phone numbers, and email addresses. There have been many cyber-attacks (the incredible Office of personnel management and its cyber-attacks which stole 21 million records) and details of all armed forces personnel worldwide, further many have not been mentioned to the public as the authorities did not know for months (or choose not to know)
7 Iranians in March 2013 (here dated March 2016) breached the US financial services and other institutions for 176 days straight before being caught and then only finally / reluctantly indicted by Loretta Lynch (no one noticed or saw a thing despite previous reports etc) The federal reserve was breeched dozens of times.
'Russians' from 2008 to 2016. And United Arab Emirates purchase of Nuclear material. As for the 13 Russians from 2014, they were not stopped or investigated or suspected prior to November 2016 ? Further the Russian lawyer Veselnitskaya was granted permission with or without a visa to visit the USA by Obama and was a Clinton associate. These 13 were largely pro-Hillary Clinton, although they supported both ? to hedge their bets perhaps or to stop Bernie Sanders ? However they also supported Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein ? (but who did the Peruvians, or the Laplanders, or the North Koreans support in 2016 ? ) Further it is claimed these Russians also hacked Bernie Sanders, but Sanders says Obama should have done more on the Russians who helped Sanders and Jill Stein. Further still it is claimed Clinton herself ordered the hack against Bernie Sanders, but that this hack by the Russians ? was to help Clinton get the DNC nomination ? Were there 2 hacks or 3 hacks, as Judge Napolitano says it the NSA who hacked the DNC ? They hacked the DNC as they felt Hillary Clinton was a threat to national security to block the Russians. Bill Clinton took a fee from the Russians for a speaking engagement according to the FBI. Russia invaded New York in 1863.
Before Obama said he would take it easy on the Russians in 2012 (which causes people to speculate on the Ukraine and Middle East non-red line non- reactions. It is strange that the anti-war demonstration against US involvement in Syria has not been followed by anti – war involvement in Syria from the Russians in the same way the Occupy movement did not occupy anything although many genuine people tried) he stayed in the Ritz – Carlton hotel in 2009 to foster better relations with the Russians was Obama found in a compromising position in Moscow ? now Robert Mueller is asking why in 2013 Trump during the Miss Universe pageant he stayed in the same room as Obama had done in the same hotel / He (Obama) also met with Yousef Al Otaiba on several occasions from 2008 to 2015 Although UAE have criticised Israel for calling Jerusalem the capital of Israel, they and Al Otaiba also attacked the Trump administration. from November 2016 and before until June 2017. However Mr Al Otaiba is now seeking diplomatic relations with the Trump administration, as he had for over 10 years with Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood in the state department, yet he is now the focus of Robert Muellers investigation. However there was no investigation of Obama and Al Otaiba or Obama and Moscow although there now is in effect. Both Iran and Russia obtained Uranium (or bought rights to it) from Obama and Clinton in 2009/2010, 2012, and 2017 that is known.
Attack on the US Constitution, the 2nd Amendment and the NRA. At the centre of all this also were the Hammond's and the Bundy's and their Constitutional rights, but also the very constitution itself. Obama and Clinton paid for the dossier on Trump, which seems to have missed all of the above. The US constitution and especially its 2nd and 4th amendments and amendments on free speech, the 1st amendment. One example of this is a the democratic add saying the left has the right to bear arms under the constitution. (video 'college humour' ' Everyone should have guns. That's right. EVERYONE' dated 6.2.2018 o r here on youtube or here same video 'The New Face of the NRA | CH Shorts' 2.8.2018 ) The shooting in Florida following them was by a registered democrat with a history of mental illness, some days later, witnesses came forward. When we consider there have been 1 Billion abortions + since 1980, then the Hollywood Oscars which supports Planned Parenthood (video 'Gayle Trotter on the NRA vs Planned Parenthood' 23rd February 2018 ) The scale of the planned parenthood organisation is staggering, it is gigantic in comparison to the NRA, and it has more control and power.
Virginia Delegate Nick Freitas tells the real story behind the Guns debate (video; 'VA Assembly Delegate Nick Freitas Open Honest Gun Debate' 4.March.2018) which considering there have been 1 Billion abortions worldwide since 1980 puts the matter into perspective. (see next paragraph)
7 Planned Parenthood Videos which show the extremely lucrative Abattoir business in retail and wholesale outlets 1 (video "Top Planned Parenthood Exec Baby Parts Sales "A Valid Exchange," Can Make A Fair Amount of Income" 15.09.2015 all videos unless stated otherwise) 2 (video "Human Capital Episode 3 Planned Parenthood's Custom Abortions for Superior Product 2") 3 (video "Planned Parenthood Devil Dr Carolyn Westhoff Full Footage" ) 4. (Video "BUSTED Yet AGAIN Planned Parenthood Selling Whole Babies ; PURE WICKEDNESS!!!" 4.8.2015) 5. (video 'Planned Parenthood Haggles w/ StemExpress They Wants Another 50 Livers Week!!!' 25.08.2015) 6. (Video 'Planned Parenthood's Black Market in Baby Parts' 28.07.2015 ) 7. (Video 'What happens when a baby survives an abortion' 1.8.2015) & 1 Billion souls plus who have been aborted (murdered) worldwide since 1980 (of all nations and tribes)
On the issue of the constitution Judge Napolitano points out that world security failed to stop the Paris bombings in 2015 and again in Belgium, whilst in the USA Obama has been pictured (after denials before the 2008 election and which would have cost him the Presidency ) with Louis Farrakhan the Muslim hate group leader, who has called for the killing of Christians and Whites, but all and any ethnic Christian group, as 21 members of the Muslim congressional caucus refused to denounce Farrakhan on 8.2.2108 in clear anti-Christian bias. If this had occurred the opposite way the outcry would be deafening and there is no white Christian 'caucus' The issue of 'Chrislam' or Islam disguised as Christian Churches is prevalent. John Kerry denounced the Christian genocide in March 2016, whilst Obama refuses to denounce it in any way. He is responsible for it. All of this occurred under the watch of John Brennan This is the same spirit as the Christian genocides and the attack on the church worldwide.
The US constitution is not just facing underserved attacks in its 2nd amendment, but weekly in court cases which seek to chip away at the original. Some of these court cases are ridiculous (a one legged transsexual, who wants gay wedding cakes to replace, steak, cabbage and cookies in schools for children, with more discussions on their ass, or otherwise the US constitution is lacking etc etc) but some seek to directly erase the 2nd amendment , free speech and the 4th amendment, by circumventing the outer edges of the laws and rights it provides. Here from 2009, and more nearly every week ongoing into this year 2018, Replace the US constitution with Sharia law and anarchy as is currently the case.
Of course the 'democrat NRA' video above seeks to remove the constitution by stealth or arms, whilst Patriots seek to uphold the Constitution and by arms if necessary. The slow encircling of the branches of government from 2008 – 2016 not for the 'people' but by corruption (Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf tries to prevent raid on gangs and illegal immigrants) and which sought to control middle east foreign policy and also influence the IMF, which is the sister bank of the World bank (to gain access to the world bank you need to have a IMF agreement and from the fund ) and which also includes China, who of course feel they should be running the New World Order as the west is burdened with debt (The west is burdened with debt of (more now) 70% of 152 Trillion dollars in Oct 2016)
Many groups in the USA sought to influence the 2008, 2011/2012 and 2016 election, name a country from Europe and the Middle East (Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Britain and of course Islamic countries the list is in the hundreds) but they are not suspects, but the USA is a constitutional republic and votes democratically. To date both the UAE and Russia tried to obtain Nuclear material from the USA through the state department and Clinton foundation. The Attorney general can investigate these issues with or without a special counsel (Trey Gowdy and Robert Mueller who is described by Gowdy as a straight arrow)
The bigger question which is rounded and squared by Judicial watch is ? did Obama plant pro-Russian operatives into the USA. As liberty (it is actually biblical i.e. Leviticus 25,10, Isaiah 9, 4 & but 1 Peter 2,16 & Galatians 5,1 but the spirit of freedom is a shared notion) is not a Soviet concept and the KGB did not (do not aspire to it) Ayn Rand the libertarian of course was Russian and today is she had a facebook page, would she be indicted ? can we be told we have voted for the wrong people. If Americans (all Americans )lose the constitution they will regret it forever.
The only sure way of knowing is if institutions and individuals protect the Constitution or not
Cambridge Analytica & data analytics, surveillance. Edward Snowden and William Binney & the NSA (national security agency )
Cambridge Analytica In Britain 'Brexit' views are also persecuted? And are also classed as 'Russian Collusion' ? and in March 2018 newspapers carried reports that a data analytics firm had illegally extracted information from social media platforms to sway opinions towards Brexit. Cambridge Analytica is one such firm (of many) and which also supported Donald Trump and America first. However Cambridge Analytica have supported many conservative causes, also supported many conservative candidates (and why not in the free west) and Obama who used social media platforms first hand in the same way, via data mining (which is legal) If not employed (data mining) directly a company can also employ hackers and illegal data mining can resume to collect the information on Billions of users and not just in Donald Trump's election but in any election. Cambridge Analytica and are a part of 'Strategic Communications Laboratories' based in Britain and who would have been known to Christopher Steele who complied the dossier on President Trump. Hillary Clinton also employed data analytics also in the same social media platforms. Both Obama and Clinton employed the Benenson stratergy group (BSG) and used the same tactics. The question arises however is how Christopher Steele can be associated with Cambridge Analytica and SCL against Trump and then they who were also for Trump ? The democrats also hired 'Crowdstrike' analytics who also rewrote parts of the Christopher Steele Dossier ? (this is one of those moments worth pondering upon, leading to an awareness that the west is doomed, but who is running it ? )
Aside from everyone's data being freely available one way or the other, companies could deny having any data in which case the new GDPR regulations are only valid on discovery, this also applies to intelligence agencies and the USA may not comply or be a part of the regulations and Britain will also want to avoid them in Brexit. To put privacy in perspective Washington DC (as one example) is covered in 'Stingrays' ? (International Mobile Subscriber Identity catcher (IMSI) as many cities are and some are disguised.
The Russian collusion story begins in London and has been perpetuated throughout President Trumps term as the Russian collusion story, despite as mentioned sanctions against Russia, and the expelling of Russian diplomats and the appointments of Mike Pompeo (CIA director) and John Bolton (ambassador to the United Nations) and now national security advisor who are 'Russian Hawks'
Jeff Sessions the Attorney General is reviewing the fisa warrants now (March / April 2018 ) which highlights the GPS fusion Christopher Steele investigations. Europe and Britain are under attack and yet these ideas on debt, Sharia law and attacks by mass immigration and against Christianity is not given the same considerations
It is not Russia collusion which is the problem but 'Islamic collusion' or a lack of it if Pence and Trump were elected. The firm Cambridge Analytica under 'Strategic Communications Laboratories' is the company employing Eton, Cambridge (Christopher Steele) and Oxford graduates, but a small minority but who are protected are trying to bring in Islam and Sharia law into Britain as an Islamic state. (from 2014 Sharia law came into British courts and is defended by Teresa May ) Mike Pence the Vice President has been critical of the Christian genocide and to remind (once again) the outcry on this which also has now disappeared see the following. The extremists are those who perpetuate Sharia law as any FGM victim will relate as an example.
Repeated from chapter 3 above dated 24.06.20116 'The continuing denial of the Christian Genocide' This paranoid and backward law system gibes Islam the right (it believes) to take over a country by any means necessary including, legal, security and intelligence. It is a backward regressive step for the west and it has thwarted Brexit in any way possible. David Cameron said before the 2016 Brexit referendum that Britain was a Christian country.
Safe Zones in the middle east with Russia or without 2011 - 2018 ? The Russian collusion story began when discussions on safe zones for the middle east began with Russia (see all above in chapter 3 & 3a) Safe zones were first mooted in 2011 and continued into 2016 with Trump and Pence calling for 3 or 4 safe zones in dispute with Russia 2016/2017 and following the USA elections in November 2016. Almost but nearly a full agreement was reached in May 2017 (with Russia) hence talks were underway with Russia. These were safe zones which would also protect Israel, but in recognition of the war. This was not collusion but after the largest Christian genocide in modern times safe zones were given priority. Islamic factions in the middle east and Britain and USA tried to prevent these zones and have succeeded since 2011 (see above on Cambridge Analytica) A truly disgusting spectacle beamed across television's with live beheadings and worse. The options are to take over the middle east into Greater Israel size with safe zones and win the war quickly or make a deal with Russia and it is this which has hardly been impressed on the Russian collusion media to any great degree or interest. The USA has a base of sorts in Israel. (the declared capital of Israel is Jerusalem with future embassy to be moved to Jerusalem)
'The UK parliament on the 21.04.2016, has voted unanimously to declare the Christian Genocide as Genocide in the Middle East. This followed on from John Kerry's pronouncement of the Genocide on 17/03/2016 and also the US House of Representatives pronouncement on the 15/03/2016 and the European Parliament announcement of the Genocide on the 04 & 05 / 02/ 2016.Following the UK vote, the government has not officially recognised the designation, although the vote does make that statement, yet it is still not far enough for MP's who have fought for the vote. President Obama on his recent trip to the UK and France has reluctantly named the Armenian Genocide of 1.5 Million Christians by Turkey (1915 – 1925) a "mass atrocity" following the 60 thousand people who marched in remembrance of it and protested outside the Turkish embassy in Wilshire boulevard in Los Angeles on the 25.04.2016 (and also in Idaho) as 40 US states out of 50 (or 53) have declared the Armenian genocide a genocide. It is suggested that Turkey is an ally of the USA and hence Obama is reluctant to say Genocide against Turkey. However since the Pope named the Turkish Genocide and the "Isis" Genocide in July 2015, it has now taken 10 months to grow in awareness.(See above chapter 3 and previous post dated 12/04/2016 as follows; Hillary Clinton has now belatedly admitted in late December 2015 (breaking from president Obama's still current denial) that the Christian genocide beginning in mid 2014 (only) is a Genocide as ? now as there is enough evidence, but not in the past 1.5 years or since 2011 and the Arab spring, and not at all previous to this. Further as secretary of state from 2009 to February 2013, she denied the genocide as Secretary of State from June 2014, whilst the Pope had announced it in July 10th 2015 and earlier) And the atrocities (see all posts above) extend back to 2011 and before'
The cry of collusion in a world of embassies and consulates and a world at war never seems to mention the Christian genocide or the fact surveillance missed most of the warning signs in the middle east. The Paris and Belgium bombings were missed ? yet according to the NSA surveillance is possible on all 7 billion people on the planet. Security is needed, yet the US constitution is in itself with projected borders, a safe immigration plan and a vetting process is a form of security for any nation on earth. Who could argue that North Korea does not have a safe society ? Yet it is not safe from big government is it ! and it cannot vote (although that may change soon) to unite etc. It is safe (unless they speak out) but not free, it is monitored day and night across its lands, but also from the outside by the west and china, Russia.
Many in the USA complain that the NSA is watching everything Americans do when it should be there for Citizens protection. There are two views on this;
1 Edward Snowdens approach which as a whistle blower is to reveal everything that the NSA does or did. All our files may soon be subject to the GDPR regulations, although Britain and the USA are opting out as they feel the regulations go to far.
Video(s), 'Watching Snowden's pivotal moments in 'Citizenfour' & full documentary 'Edward Snowden Documentary: Citizenfour (2014)'
or the Netflix movie version 'SNOWDEN - Official Trailer'
Edward Snowden is classed as a traitor for his actions, however he proposes the system was designed not just to prevent cyber security issues but involved illegal surveillance of US citizens.William Binney elaborates also from a different perspective.
2. Mr William (Bill ) Binney who also worked for the NSA
Video(s) 'A GOOD AMERICAN' 2017
& 'NSA Whistleblower William Binney: The Future of FREEDOM'
William Binney worked for the NSA, some would say he helped create it and also fought in logistics and intelligence in the Vietnam war. He describes himself as a Hillbilly, but is described as a Genius. He helped to create the 'big ass graph' (bag) which is described more than the picture frame image here in more detail or here again which has the potential to surveil the world. William Binney shows however that certain aspects of the surveillance can be switched off to allow for privacy of individuals and families.
Binney may be the technical / data equivalent of Hal Moore the General who fought in Vietnam, as such Binney may not be classed as a traitor, yet the same problem of surveillance and freedom continues.
This debate can only be dreamt about in North Korea, China and most Islamic countries, and by now this whole essay on North Korea will have blown North Korean minds as North Korea is the most watched and surveillanced upon nation on earth (but many do not know it, or those in the majority that do ignore or pretend to ignore it as a way of life ) In other words they are under surveillance by the regime who are under surveillance in turn by the NSA.Since the debate continues, looking at these issues of security and world surveillance from the perspective of North Koreans, (who may be surprised to learn the west is watched or the whole earth is watched 24/7 also ) who are watched and controlled 24/7 may bring a fresh perspective to the west as to the dangers of totalitarian dictatorships and the need to keep a constitution of freedom.
The sections of this essay the 'Greatest scandal in US history' are all true also.
Taking an ongoing debate in the USA, the US constitution, freedom of thought and speech and the current 2nd amendment debate on gun rights, it is assumed that those who want to protect gun rights and the 2nd amendment do not want safe schools. Gun training was once taught in schools in the USA, and still is in Russia. They did not have mass shootings. However the recent demonstrations surrounding the David Hogg testimony and the Parkland school ( Marjory Stoneman Douglas HighSchool.) at is well known.
First consider that Iran and China expressed a view that the US should in effect remove the US constitution 2nd amendment and the right to bear arms? a view shared with the left in the USA. China has recently demolished a mega church in China, the Tibetan monument Temple at Jokhang also recently 'caught fire' and in China jaywalking is severely punished, under its heavy surveillance system and you can be fined by text message for it, but then in the USA you can be fined for saying gays are wrong and that there are only 2 sexes male and female scientifically and which is scientifically correct (The US courts only employ the US constitution in the Supreme court, instead of all the way down in every court where admiralty law exists only) Given a Supreme court scientific test these fines are null and void and ridiculous. In Iran you can suffer capital punishment for saying Mohammed was a false prophet but that is becoming apparent to many Muslims, but also for minor issues where you are legally stoned to death.
(Islam and) Arabs need the same freedoms under a rule of just law also, but the west already has them if they are applied.
OAN gives another perspective on the March for Our lives rally or here you tube
'Liz Wheeler's message to the "March for our Lives' with many unanswered questions on the shooter Nikolas Cruz
What is incredible is Hogg says he heard of the shooting and cycled over and filmed the event. Yet there are hundreds and hundreds of abortion clinics you can cycle into every day and see literally millions of murders and film them but people rarely do so. (see last above dated 16.03.2018 and the 7 planned parenthood videos. Shotguns and rifles amount to approx. 650 deaths, whilst handguns (largely where guns are already banned) amount to 7, 000 deaths (all 2016) compared to 50 million in abortion clinics and 1 billion + since 1980.
Brexit. Further next go to the adjacent website and chapter 3a and see the latest post named and dated as " 07.04.2018 The Countdown to, or from Brexit ? and the actual reasons Brexit occurred (Italy and Catalan decide and the 'New Cold War' ? ) " Collusion uncovered in Britain ? where in 2018 Brexit voters are harassed and arrested for voicing their democratic opinions and rights in a democratic vote already taken. Muslim overseers are employed to root out 'extremists' (see previous post above it dated and named 'Inserted 30.01.2018. The Remain lobby in the UK negotiating with the Remain lobby in the EU on Brexit (the next five paragraphs in dark brown' ) and Sara Khan As an example former members of the British army who voted Brexit have been arrested, but also Grandmothers (given a warning and/or a caution) and just ordinary people who voted the wrong way ? or the right way. The remain lobby are becoming more extreme and bizarre every day.
The truth is in Europe many including Royals, member of the intelligence community, soldiers, workers and 'ordinary people' support some kind of EU constitution and change and even Brexit. These are the rights made by King Alfred and his deeming's and Brehon law, this grew into the Magna Carta and from that came the US constitution (an abridged version through history ) This type of non democracy is planned for all of Europe and the World.
Governments should do what the people say, and government should be worried about the people not the other way around. Voting alone does not worry government as the Brexit voters are discovering, but a strong-armed militia does force government to serve the people, with the caveat of not having to use arms, this is why the US constitution and legal warrants are central to all democracies and / or constitutional Republics. Chairman Mao disarmed the people as did Stalin and they are still the biggest mass killers in history, in schools and out.
Thailand disarmed its military in its revolution, but the King and the students made sure the government was obedient to the people, and the people were free. The west still has massive debt legalities which bind them to serve the government ? and it is losing its culture and freedoms daily
The Iran deal and investigation, The China Investigation? (where is it) & Pakistan and the press hysteria from Moscow ?
The incredible unfolding story of the Iran deal (‘Russia investigation’) corruption and the shocking truth
Iran, China and Pakistan ‘active measures’ On the 3.9.2018 the USA suspends military aid to Pakistan (although it had been announced previously) China is building a military base in Pakistan and airports? (and a few in Africa) Firstly Trump withdrew from the Iran deal in May 2018 and either wants to replace the deal or go to war with Iran, (...and conversely) whilst Putin Is investing $50 Billion dollars in Iran (July 2018) During the hysteria of the Trump - Putin summit which was preceded by the indictment of 12 Russian Spies for allegedly hacking the US elections (who obviously will never face a trial of note see last post above and we may never know the whole truth) In August 2017 Trump expelled 755 Russian diplomats, and Putin expelled 750 US diplomats from Russia. Iran and Pakistan operate in Syria also.
China hacked 22 Million files of the US 'OPM' (Office of Personnel Management) in 2016 ? In the last post above dated 12.08.2018 people have asked why Obama did not prevent the Russian hacking ? yet in December 2015 and into 2016, a much more serious breach (not alleged but fact) of security occurred when China accessed over 22 Million files from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) This occurred a few months before trump announced his Presidency and before the Trump Dossier from Christopher Steele (GPS fusion) began an illegal Fisa warrant search and investigation into Trump and the Republicans. However even this dossier is itself a ruse. Obama did nothing about the Russian hacking or the Chinese OPM hacking , although it ' shocked the USA', and although China says it arrested the hackers. 1.5 years later and then and into the Trump presidency the FBI arrested a Chinese national in relation to the case. No media outrage? or hysteria or indictments have followed the Chinese hackers, nor have 24 months of 'suspicion' followed? (all personnel data was stolen, fingerprints, addresses and wider from around the world, including London and Europe. All addresses worldwide ) What is incredible is not only did Obama do nothing, but Obama ordered the intelligence services (cyber security) to stand down and let them hack in the Summer of 2016 when Russian hackers ? were ..allegedly hacking ? this is after telling the Russians he could be more flexible after the election ? and it is emerging that the entire US security and the USA itself was fully open and dysfunctional. During the 2008 – 2016 administration the economy was not just subject to the Iran deal but its security and economy were open fully to Iran and Pakistan who of course wanted to run it into oblivion. It began with the Ukraine 'crisis' and criticism from Nato against Obama as they felt he or the democrats were soft on Russia. " one person who knew and before Jan 2017 was Chris Stevens the US ambassador in Benghazi, which is another twist in the Benghazi scandal) by the families are taking a court action against them. (The FBI were following orders of the Obama administration) which is another twist in the Benghazi scandal) by the families are taking a court action against them. The families now of the 9/11 victims (since March 2018) have permission by the courts to Sue the Saudi’s for their involvement in 9/11. And the case is proceeding. (Iran is still threatening to release names of those who bribed….. Iran in the Iran deal)
The 9/11 twin Towers attack. Just before the last post above dated 11.6.20118 Iran has also admitted to helping and facilitating ‘9/11’ with others and Saudi Arabia was named (but blocked by Obama in September 2016 ? ) after the families of the victims of 9/11 pressed hard for Justice, but who has now been accused of covertly opening up the US economy to spies and Jihadists from Pakistan. Obama also gave Iran Uranium in January 2017 as mentioned in the posts above
A part of the Iran deal was to grant 2,500 Iranians citizenship to USA citizen status, (and Pakistan and Iran had open access to all the US intelligence systems via the State department) but also the FBI have discovered that Russia colluded with the Obama administration to give Iran a nuclear weapons programme. Austria have also detained ‘Assadollah A’ the Iranian diplomat over the Paris bomb plot in which 130 people on 13.11.2015 were killed by 7 Islamic perpetrators. The timeline and images of the Paris bombings (Charlie Hebdo was attacked in Jan 20115) are listed here from the relevant months of 2015. Iran also ‘colluded’ with Russia and the democrats over the Iran deal.
With Iran (who are undergoing an internal revolution ) and Saudi named in 9/11, Pakistan’s involvement is also clear as it has its army embedded in Saudis army and also the UAE (United Arab Emirates) within Iran’s armies making a column of Jihad within both Iran’s and Saud’s military forces. Iran has threatened to wipe out all the Israeli’s in Israel in May 2018. The Iranian central bank is now deemed a terrorist organisation. Saudi Arabia through OPEC has decided to increase its oil production in the last few months whilst Iran decrease’s its oil output. dramatically.
This is against a backdrop of trade wars and tariffs and the trade war with China which could reach up to $500 Billion and more as time goes on. At the beginning of this essay the renegotiation of Nafta and the new deal with Mexico is mentioned (September 2018) but Canada has not become a tri-part member of the deal. (at time of writing) Canada (Trudeau ) said the US does not follow the rules of Nafta and claims it wants to keep the chapter 19 deal it has. Yet many suspect Trudeau in his delay is leaning towards communist China rather than the west.
Pakistan a nuclear country tried to sell its nuclear expertise to Iran. The USA assists Ukraine in 2016 – 2018 There is also one further element to the US economy which is as follows; The Ukraine crisis over the Crimea has also seen the US deploy military aid to Ukraine in 2016, 2017 and again in 2018 whilst the Russia investigation continued ? and which has been opposed by Vladimir Putin ? This is clearly against the narrative of the ‘Russia investigation’ Aside from the human rights abuses within Pakistan, Iran and wider (see also posts above dated 07.04.2018 & 18.04.2018 & 01.05.2018) which have now incurred sanctions against the Iranian central bank and the currency deals between Pakistan and Iran which has also seen Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan in October 2016 (still) threatening to sell nuclear expertise gleaned from Pakistan's nuclear bomb and nuclear industry to Iran. Described as a blunder by the Washington post the previous US administration also gifted Iran 120 tonnes of Uranium as a going away present in January 2017 (as mentioned Obama) The scale of the problem was revealed by the crimes of Imran Awan and Gehad El - Haddad and others which exposed just how open and insecure Washington was from 2008 – 2016. Over ten years of passing information back and forth and to Russia (and the Clinton foundation Uranium One scandal, In December 2017 the US Attorney general requested information from the FBI on the matter ) with the result now Iran has in June 2018 threatened to annihilate Israel This scandal which reaches into Britain and where you can be arrested (Tommy Robinson for filming the trials of the Pakistan rape gangs in a public space and no criticism of the Pakistan regime is permitted) has masked the actual collusion by remaking it the Russia probe as a cover to distract the public, and which to date has cost $21 million. In May and June 2018 2 senior judges ruled that the Russia probe was baloney see the Video you tube May 8 2018 ' Napolitano on Mueller's efforts to extract Trump information' The New York Times has also changed its original story on the Russia collusion story in May 2018 as more information has been revealed. The evidence so far is that the current US administration is opposing Russia whilst acknowledging the Syria situation cannot continue, with Russia and the US wanting Iran out of Syria. Since 2018 Iran is in internal turmoil in its own internal revolution (remember Iran and Iraq took up arms against the Kurds and threatened them with WMD. Iran is in a financial crisis which may be increased by the federal reserve’s (bank) decision on QT (quantitative tightening)
The pivot and total bowing down to Asia. The Iran deal was made by Iran they dictated the terms in parallel with wider financial aims in the ‘pivot to Asia and the silk road OBOR development, and which included the takeover of the USA (in vital departments of state) Iran is now threatening to reveal the names of those who took the bribes from Iran in the 2008 - 2016 administration. (You tube video May 14 2018 which highlights the Logan act breeches 'Iranian Regime Threatens to Release Names of Western Officials Who Took Bribes to Pass Nuke Deal' ) Even North Koreans would be shocked considering the media spin over the last 18 months but it is one which threatens western security. It is unprecedented and extraordinary.
Revolution in Iran. Iran and China have no intention of stopping their empire and deals with them will only delay their aim. The Trump Putin summit may bring a temporary equalisation but will Iran leave Syria ? this is why they are discussing deals to avoid Nuclear war. Throughout this the US is bolstering the Ukraine's military and Georgia's also. As mentioned Putin does not either country to Join Nato Neighbouring Armenia danced their way to a Revolution earlier in May 2018, and nearly all the way into the Caspian sea ) Iran is facing internal revolt in over 80 cities and around the country. (January 2018) yet now Iran is declaring war on the USA and the West Sanctions have brought Iran's currency to a crisis.
Those that made the Iran deal are under investigation in the 'Russia investigation' The real story is of hundreds of Billions of Dollars in bribes and corruption and the selling of the USA government to a foreign power see last post above (Iran is threatening to releases the names of those who bribed them see last paragraphs above also ) It is incredible that Peter Strzok was in on the Iran deal with John Brennan (we hear only of emails or his affair with witness Lisa Page and their anti- trump bias.) Lisa Page gave evidence behind closed doors and it is rumoured she blamed the 'Russian hack' on the Chinese, who of course were fully able to hack the open security. Her evidence highlighted that Peter Strzok (as was his job) was in on the Iran deal working for CIA chief John Brennan. Bruce Ohr (Ohr is the former United States associate deputy attorney general and former director of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force) met with Glenn Simpson (Fusion Gps) author of the Dossier, yet this was passed to him by Clinton lawyers and they are all related. Jim Jordan who many are hoping will become House speaker gives an overview. Here is Bruce Ohrs Testimony Obama and Clinton paid for the dossier. Glenn Simpson met Russian lawyer Veselnitskaya ? before and after the Trump tower meeting (Veselnitskaya who is accused of meeting Trump Jnr for ten minutes to collude with the Russians, but not with GPS fusion ? who colluded with Veselnitskaya who in turn met Clinton ? Hillary Clinton like Obama also opposed the Magnitsky act and met with Veselnitskaya who was allowed visa free travel to the USA by Loretta Lynch and had also met Valerie Jarrett who was the senior advisor to Obama. Veselnitskaya also met Seth Rich the murdered democrat staffer. (see last post above and paragraph 'Mueller's Russian hackers and the 12 indictments') Obama was considering delaying or hindering and ultimately stopping the Magnitsky act on Russia's behalf, and it is still a point which Bill Browder makes today. Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer in 2016 and Nancy Pelossi also met with the suspect Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak . Obama also paid GPS for the dossier. The dossier was contracted to GPS who subcontracted it to Christopher Steele. There is no official explanation how the leak/download came from within the DNC, or how they hacked Bernie Sanders to get Clinton the democrat nominee. They (the former Obama administration) appear to have used their influence to spread the Russia story
Is Putin leading the Russia investigation? or is it Pakistan ? Mueller's Russian hackers and the 12 indictments, did they hack Bernie Sanders in 2016 ? On the 13.07.2018 the Mueller investigation has indicted the 12 Russian hackers (see Rod Rosenstein evidence also) who allegedly also hacked into the DNC (Democratic national Congress) after the DNC had hacked Bernie Sanders in order to rob him of the nomination of democratic candidate in the 2016 Presidential election. Rod Rosentein who is part of the Mueller investigation has said on the indictments "Rosenstein acknowledged that the indictment (s) included no charges of collusion between any American citizens and the alleged Russian hackers. He added, There is no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result" Since the hack and emails from the DNC came from inside the DNC ? ( and Bloomberg maintain it was the Russian Hackers.) What Seth Rich and his murder has do with all of this is still unresolved, but how did the Russian operatives get inside the DNC ? to make the hack and get out again unless they were working for Obama, Clinton et al. (the FBI under the Sword of Damocles in 2015 - 2016 ) The US intelligence departments and departments of state were open to Iran and Pakistan from 2009 until 2016 ? (see above ) Further although still acknowledging the hack from the DNC against Sanders came from the inside, a rumour persists that a British diplomat owned up to the hack ? ( i.e. the download of emails and hacking, perhaps thrown in to confuse matters more ) Craig Murray (the diplomat ) states it was not Wikileaks or the Russians and indeed the hacks came from inside the DNC (to add even more confusion the NSA said they did it as Clinton was a threat to national security ) The openness of the US and its systems is slowly becoming apparent.
Former CIA chief John Brennan has since lost his security clearance, but is accused with Susan Rice and Jim Clapper and Obama who are actually running the ‘Russia investigation’ by leaks etc (video, and article ‘Kimberley Strassel: John Brennan, Obama's CIA director, admits egging on the FBI's probe of Trump and Russia’) which was aired before he lost ‘security clearance’. Yet the Iran deal and the Christian genocide is revealed in these revelations. The US public are given any other reason for the ‘news’.
Obama went to Russia in 2009 and the Iran deal followed on from this meeting, yet the result is all nations now want Iran out of Syria.
Clearly Vladimir Putin is enjoying the spectacle of the wests derision over the ‘Russia investigation’ and has made comments that he (Putin) blames the democrats for their lack of security but there is evidence that Putin tried to assist Bernie Sanders. who did not attain the democratic nomination in 2016. These distractions miss the fact that Christopher Steele (who may be simply pro – Iran deal) author of the Trump dossier for GPS fusion was also stationed in Moscow on the Russia desk (and the article suggests that in fact Clinton had in fact colluded with Russia and this was known to the Russia desk) Since the opposition to Russia from the new US administration is obvious in Ukraine, Iran and elsewhere and this was promised by Mike Pence and Donald Trump before the 2016 election began (mid and early 2016 and before the dossier was officially compiled) it is clear that the ‘Russia investigation’ is a ruse to disguise the Iran deal and its downgrading of western economic interests. Therefore the Iran deal is at the centre of the intrigue and hysteria but it is also obvious that pro - Putin elements in London, including Pakistan (within London) are controlling the media in England against Brexit and its success. Britain has Trillions in oil and gas waiting to be harvested, this would become a rival for Putin’s gas and Gazprom (and it is a part of the unknown and silent ‘EU deal’ which many advise not to have deal for real prosperity which is using pro- Putin energy lobbyists to pile pressure against Brexit) the internal land based oil rigs, which are estimated to be worth over 100 Billion barrels of oil also in the South of England but is in fact much much, higher and worth £Trillions and this alone should make anyone suspicious of the current negotiations. (this is is separate from the artic fields)
The EU are also becoming more independent from the EU system and many countries want fiscal control nationally, control of their borders (including with Russia although the gas deal is a factor in EU energy problems until the Arctic is utilised for energy ) a new economic reality and system, and a constitution which is based upon the rule of law and God. Countries who have elected new rulers now want to transform the EU in its institutions to their benefit as Europeans or are threatening to leave.
The press in the USA who have prosecuted and openly supported the media led ‘Russia investigation’ are also clearly going against US interests? And it is clear the original remit of ‘collusion’ has become lost to new investigations which are nothing to do with the original remit, which is forcing people to ask what Jeff Sessions the attorney general appointed by Trump, is doing about it? Israel met with Putin in 2018, and Iran and Ukraine are being discussed in 2018, as they were by democrats and republicans in 2014 ?
The Russia investigation is really the Iran deal investigation, with excerpts from the growing awareness in the USA of the selling the USA to the highest bidder being revealed as it is discovered Hillary Clintons emails ended up in China, The petro dollar system may become the chairman Mao system.
Throughout the entire Russia investigation and the hysteria, the press even went so far as to suggest the USA was being invaded by Russia but once you read the article you learn it was a phishing exercise to get peoples credit cards details and not an attack on the national energy grid (see all above but considering China has actually penetrated security systems it is shown from 2008 – 2016 the USA was open fully to outside control and was controlled and especially by Iran and China) All cities worldwide have diplomatic embassies and hacking occurs every day against other nations, sometimes by amateurs, (even children and teenagers in the cyber war and internet accessibility growth) sometimes by Chinese intelligence but that is not being investigated as a serious threat ? Cyber mercenaries who are private individuals or concerns can have equipment which outdates government owned security. The Russia threat in the press grew after the Russia investigation revealed that Mueller had indicted 12 Russian spies in July 2018. (who had social media accounts in the USA ) but who it seems will never be physically indicted, (as they are now out of the USA) and the FBI have said some supported Hillary Clinton but some also supported Trump. The GOP Republican party was also hacked by them, yet this minor cyber security breach in comparison to the Chinese hacks and the warnings from the FBI that Iran and Pakistan were openly operating in the USA is strange ? (see above paragraphs and the beginning of the Navy coloured paragraphs and heading 23.08.2017 The biggest scandal in US history’ )
Orson Welles broadcast the ‘war of the worlds’ in 1938/1939 (invaders from Mars or Russia or Communism) which went out over the airwaves just before World War 2. People who tuned in to the radio broadcast, a bit late thought it was really happening and began to plan escapes to the hills in millions. Although it is denied that people fled cities, in fact many did and the estimates of 6 million listeners was nearer 12 million in the resultant panic at that time. The hysteria it caused was interesting and that hysteria it is still employed today. This is not to say that foreign governments install moles in the USA, as it even occurred in the Vietnam war in the 1960’s 1970’s. In 1938 of course the world economic collapse had been in its 9th year (since the wall street crash of 1928/1929) and the resultant backlash in elections followed this crash. World war 2 had already began in Japan and China in the 1930’s and it meant in context the world and the USA was unsettled. Today we also have the Stormy Daniels affair who has denied in previous interviews the affair ever occurred? (it did not happen) The press hysteria on the ‘Russians’ continued, yet Iran’s influence along with Communism did grow in the USA in 2008 – 2016.
Eric Bolling and Rand Paul (next paragraph) give a clearer picture of what is actually happening (i.e. the slow removal of the US constitution lurches on and which is really occurring piecemeal)
The former Obama administration who are effectively working for countries who supported the Iran deal against the USA ? Eric Bolling said the press have lost their minds. yet many including Rand Paul are saying that the former administration may have its security clearance (as has occurred with John Brennan) cancelled for the 17 democrats who are behind the ‘investigation’ which ironically only proves they conspired with Russia, although none of this is reported upon. The mantra of ‘the threat to democracy’ continues incessantly in the press (who seem to have been taking lessons from Kim Jong Un….the American Yankee’s are invading North Korea etc) Whilst Bruce Ohr’s testimony contradicts Glenn Simpson of GPS fusion who hired Chris Steele to write a dossier on Donald Trump which ultimately goes against US interests (i.e. the Dossier ) but helps Russia in the Iran deal. ? (Trump and Putin are diametrically opposed on Iran ? )
Pakistan and Iran …and Russia ? and Pakistan’s influence into the ‘remain’ side of the Brexit debate in Britain is also growing in hysteria daily (into a lets blame the process which the remain side have made themselves, even though in September 2018 Brexit is going well as the EU softens its stance) To understand all of this and what is actually happening in Brexit and elsewhere in greater detail go to the adjacent website and chapter 3a and read from the post dated 18.04.2018 downwards or all of chapter 3a and chapter 3.
In the USA Donald Trumps lawyer has been searched and questioned, yet CNN have made mistakes in their reporting but a retraction (after universal broadcast is limited Judge Napolitano explains the ‘deep state’ or here in detail when Obama and Loretta Lynch the former Attorney General moved to take away US citizens rights, (video ‘Judge Napolitano on AG Lynch's secret NSA deal’ ) removing the 4th amendment. For more information see video ‘Judge Andrew Napolitano on the Power of the Deep State’ or on surveillance in the USA (which can be tapped and viewed outside the USA in China etc) see video ‘Judge Napolitano: Who's unlawfully spying on Americans?’
Essentially and there lots of explanations and not just from Judge Napolitano, yet he explains that attorney Michael Cohen has been cornered from past issues to make a plea to then testify against Trump or anyone connected. Paul Manafort had already been tried in his case many years ago, and was found not guilty until retried (and one of his witnesses in his defence was a FBI agent , he also worked for Clinton first) and now found guilty. The plea is to testify against Trump for a lighter sentence. Therefore these people are not tried in order to obtain justice but as a case of insinuation becoming as fact. Consider the following ‘meme’ ? Any energy consultant who would have to work with all nations in the course of their advice, is also under suspicion (such as Carter Page, video you tube ‘Carter Page: Pretext for FBI investigation was 'outrageous' or BBC article or here CNN article )
The press and real fake news. Earlier in the year in a bizarre story, an alleged Russian spy with links to the NRA was named as Maria Butina, however the press mistook her identity with a Whitehouse staffer named Cari Larkins a NSC staffer who was a ‘red head’ but who was not a Russian spy. There are similarities between Larkins and Butina (‘same – same’…but not all ‘same – same’) A ‘red scare’ or a ‘red head scare’ in the Whitehouse, obviously it is a terrible mistake or confusion, but it was released nationally around the USA. (of course Ayn Rand was Russian the libertarian but of course not communist or socialist, but Libertarianism was named in the USA as far back as 1798 and since ‘libertas’ means freedom you could add for thousands of years worldwide. Could it be argued Rand was a red head ? ? or was her hair brown / black ) Following the revelation that the ‘black lives matter’ website was run by a white man in Australia, (and a money scam) it was announced that Tiger Woods ‘cannot be black’ if he supports Trump inferring that all black people cannot therefore be black. (video ‘ESPN host slams Tiger Woods over Trump comments’ or here 2nd video Tipping Point with Jon Miller which points out it is racist to hold such views. At the funeral of Aretha Franklin ( a great singer who also sang Gospel songs in church) was Louis Farrakhan who with Dr Khalid Abdul Mohammed has threatened to kill all white people (etc, see further down under heading ‘Modern slavery not denounced’ ) The ‘pc’ mind control efforts continue as California begins the ban the bible, but is also dictating how people should think and act (big government ) see video Tipping point ‘This California State Assembly bill would BAN the Bible!’ (Chairman Mao rises in California with supremacist Islamic views)
Crypto currency and the sdr bancor currency situation. At the beginning of this North Korea essay, the move to Crypto currencies and the cashless society and the Chinese New World Order are cited, as it tries to (by imperialism ) takeover the World bank and IMF in which it is the largest energy lender yet it is developing new currencies and Gold in huge amounts with Russia (China’s debt to GDP ratio is however 300% and Russia’s is only 13% ) Today (as mentioned) and post 9/11 the world economic collapse of 2007 / 2008 due to the ‘subprime mortgage’ crisis and the collapse of Lehman brothers which was one of the few financial systems which was not bailed out (see chapter 1 and 2 above ) This crash was eased by QE or Quantitative easing (the recycling or buying of debt bonds), this QE is coming to an end in 2018 to be replaced by QT or Quantitative Tightening, which will cause the dollar to return to the USA or to source (less in circulation as opposed to the waterfall of dollars globally from 2009 – 2016). The IMF who warned in 2016 that the world was $152 Trillion dollars in debt. In August 2018, the estimate is $164 Trillion dollars in debt with some forecasts bringing this up to $200 Trillion dollars, and the IMF have warned nations to reduce their debt exposure as a prudent objective. QE is going to add to that concern, and China amidst the trade wars and tariffs has 300 debt to GDP ratio. Many nations may be pushed into a cyber currency alternative in the east.
The ‘bancor sdr decentralised liquidity network’ which is growing globally every day and the bancor is in effect a crypto currency token now. Yet as we have already read China wants to control the New World order. This would usher in Communism which Russia and China have in effect rejected as a financial model as they are now capitalist countries, but with a communist vanguard, but the west could become communist with a proposal for a 'basic income' for all people which is communism by another name, (as Obama is touting) and which as an idea is not attractive. Now, access to the new SDR (bancor SDR currency drawing rights which is in effect a crypto currency if all currency is online only without circulating cash as in the MO designation (see chapter 2 above )With Russia, China, Europe, Britain and the USA this new system will / could collapse the Dollar, no matter what tax plans are introduced now although they are helping the working and middle class, after Obama's pivot to Asia years, in which Obama said the USA (but really all the west) and its economy must go down whilst other nations catch up, yet all nations are to go down in effect under this proposed system. The City of London the bancor crypto currency, Keynes and blockchain, John Maynard Keynes (whose name is given to ‘Keynesianism’ and its deficit sending ethos. The deficit which is never paid down, largely ate into middle class wealth, which ‘Localism’ wishes to avert whilst trading nationally and exporting any excess) under the Bretton Woods agreement of 1944 / 1945, but is now resurrected as crypto currency bancor with blockchain technology to bring in Obamas ‘basic income’ = communism. Yet in China it is simply fascism and North Korea as a model as a hoped-for export globally. Obama feels that society cannot make its own decisions and this is the context of his speech in meaning (by big government and oppression)
Changes in the world system and the press with its selective reporting is still bound by the rule of law. Whether we admire Charlemagne and his free Knights and his edicts or ‘The Admonitio generalis’ or King Alfred and the deeming’s, which with Brehon law became the basis for the Magna Carta, or the declaration of Arbroath in Scotland, or the US constitution, the west is under attack and its rights are being removed politically and economically.
In North Korea Kim Jong Un had one of his generals killed by firing squad as he enthused about freedom in July 2018, no sense of ‘libertas’ in North Korea as yet ? (despite this North and South Korea are forging stronger economic links and have the chance to create a joint Korean peninsula security policy of their own) That is (was) communism.
The Cuban Communist Revolution 1953 - 1958/ 1959 and the American (USA) Revolution circa 1760 – 1783
(Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Gun rights and ‘Death of a Nation’)
(link back to heading '23.10.2018' The USA and its Economic recovery' in New New Jerusalem Chapter 3A )
There have been many revolutions throughout world history including the French, Russian and Chinese, but since the enlightenment (the age of reason roughly between 1715 & 1789) the two which stand out are the American revolution (which had its revolutionary war from 1775 to 1783) and the Cuban Revolution.
The Cuban revolution began when Fidel Castro led a small contingent to attack the Moncada barracks in Cuba in 1953, and after meeting Che Guevara in Mexico the Castro brothers led a insurgency of around 80 people to land in Cuba in 1956 (sailing on a Yacht to reach the Cuban Coast) The insurgency actually lost its bearings and landed in the wrong area, and as they advanced the caught malaria and all kinds of swamp fever. By 1958 and after the US suspended arms to the Batista government, the insurgency had grown to 10,000 or so and many more around the Island. During this time armaments were flown to the militants and the USA also tried to prevent the landings. By 1958 they had captured the Island, declaring it free on New Year’s Day 1959.
Before the insurgency the Islanders were not armed, and many weapons came from the USA clandestinely via the yacht Philomar the 3rd from Tampa in Florida and others. These were huge consignments of weapons. Castro also gained supplies from Mexico in his famous ‘Stamps, Rum and Hand Grenades’ ploy. Weapons came from other countries also including Europe and Russia and the communist army eventually grew to 50,000 people. The Communist party was legalised in Cuba in 1942, but Castro first joined another left-wing party (the Party Ortodoxo or the peoples party of Cuba) which opposed the Communist Party in elections as many of them were nationalists and populists. In fact, Cuba was largely anti - communist as well as being anti the incumbent Batista government. Cuba was a nationalist country. Castro joined party orthodoxo in 1947/1948 and continued his membership into 1954 and even beyond. It is allegedly claimed that the US state department and William Wieland (also known as Autero Montenegro) and others helped Castro secure power in Cuba. Russia was suspicious of the whole operation as the USA formally recognised Cuba as a country only 6 days after the revolution on new Year’s day 1959.
After the Cuban revolution the peasants in Cuba were once again disarmed and were put into a stasis freezing the country in the year 1959 and which continues to this day. A Vanguard decides it protects the people but does not allow the people to rise against it, in case it becomes corrupt, and makes sure it cannot by disarming them and making laws to ensure that stasis continues.
Cuba has around 12 million people, yet only around 230,000 people have guns or around 3 – 4 % of the population. You cannot sell or buy weapons, and the majority are shotguns and handguns with rifles being the least at around 2000 for the entire civilian population. For these you need a permit from the government and only military or militia (and militia can be crossover with civilians such as Sporting & hunter etc or shooting range managers with many inherited guns in the family from the revolution making up those numbers)
Yet to achieve the revolution in Cuba it took massive armament of the Cuban population. Cuba had no constitution between 1959 and 1976, but in 1976 Cuba voted by 99% to have a constitution which includes free speech (if that can be also against government?) and the right to assemble, but without guns as is the case today. In 2018 a new constitution and free market reforms are to be decided upon, although the notion of free market reform has already been shelved by Cuba new leader Miguel Diaz Canal. In reality however the Vanguard of the communist party and the Communist manifesto are still running Cuba. This new constitution began on August 13th 2018 (Fidel Castro’s birthday, Fidel Castro died on 25.11.2016 and died as a multi-millionaire, but some say a Billionaire ) and calls for a socialist society to continue. Generally, a communist government uses weapons to take power, and a socialist government disarms the people in tandem as is the case in China today. There is no doubt that Cuba wanted to be free however.
The US revolution took place due to the increased taxation regime, Britain placed upon the America’s. It was achieved with Guns and a long war with horse, artillery and sword. (it had a precedent however in England when King Alfred united the peasants by promising them new laws as free men under Gd) Today in the USA the US constitution still stands although it is under attack piecemeal from many different directions ( The US constitution includes the right to free speech, the right to bear arms, the right to be left alone and privacy and so on. Read the bill of rights and the full pre-amble and list of amendments )
David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez and ‘Never again MSD’ The right bear to arms within the US constitution is cited by the left as an outdated policy, but clearly, they have no real understanding of the Cuban revolution or Chairman’s Mao’s little red book or its role in Marxist revolutions let alone the US revolution. A group who have taken up the cause of removing Guns from America is led by David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez (although they do want safe schools, yet on the issue of child safety the threat of returning the death penalty for child rapists under the current administration has sent the long drawn out apathy into shock on this issue, and doubtless there is also a solution for gun rights and schools) Emma Gonzalez wore the Cuban flag on her jacket here but David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez fight for gun control and gun removal. When Cuba’s revolution was occurring, they would not have been able to remove the guns if they had wanted to, and Americans feel the same today on US issues.
The biggest difference between the Cuban revolution and the USA revolution is the socialists then disarm the population and keep them repressed into certain narrow thought or group think ideas, whereas the founding fathers of the USA and its constitution actually built a safeguard into the constitution which said ‘the people’ have a right to bear armaments and gather together to protest the government or petition it for grievances. Since this right was enshrined, this meant ‘the people’ had the right to challenge them and bear armaments against them even as the founding fathers, why ? because of liberty. This is the difference between communism/socialism and the US constitution (which embraces ‘left and right’ ) to make sure ‘we’ the people’s representatives do not become corrupt. The threat of the people is the unofficial balance which gives the checks and balances of the houses of Government their strength in the USA
The Communist revolution in Russia ultimately failed, and Lenin having lost the first election, unleashed the Red terror against the population because of that election loss, but in the mid 1930’s in Germany ‘the Frankfurt school’ invented ‘cultural Marxism’ (and critical theory) to try to continue the revolution. In 1989 the Berlin wall fell. The problem with cultural Marxism or critical theory, it is born out of the minds of theory in non-working-class movements and then forced upon people. It is not of ‘the people’. It is incredible today that gay rights or the safety of gays and a right to free speech has been the strongest in Christian countries compared with other ‘religious’ or political movements worldwide including Communist Cuba. (Castro persecuted gays and minorities in Cuba and today Islam is waging war against Christians in Africa, especially in Nigeria see here where 18 Christians are killed by Islam and 40 in Cairo in September 2018. The mainstream media do not want to know. Dissidents in Cuba against the communist regime were tortured and imprisoned. Communist China is financing Islam as Communism financing liberalism in the west) and also see the last post above under heading ‘The Iran deal and investigation, The China Investigation? (where is it) & Pakistan and the press hysteria from Moscow ?’ And subheading paragraph ‘The press and real fake news’ )
School shootings were unheard of in the USA until the 1970’s and into the 1980’s (in the 1950’s gun education occurred in schools and still does in Russia who do not have the same spree’s although they have closed borders as a tight immigration policy, and no critical theory as such) and a considerable contribution to them is the way the media push unnatural and aggressive polices against ‘the people’ and where over 500 cable channels blast information at people all day long. They are designed to be a brainwashing conduit, and its subtle use was invented by the soviets as a method of warfare as many defectors have confessed and have explained how and why. North Korea still employs such tactics today.
‘The Russians are coming’…. (and going, allegedly)
As mentioned in the last heading above dated 07.09.2018, the Stormy Daniels story was first introduced over a year ago although Stormy Daniels herself said first no such encounter ever took place ? This has not stopped her lawyer Michael Avenetti from exploiting the situation even suggesting Stormy Daniels wants to continue stripping whilst he makes money from the situation, and tries to also run for President ? (video; ‘Tucker Carlson interviews 'Creepy Porn Lawyer' Michael Avenatti’ or here on youtube ) Lawyer Avenetti also claims Trumps Lawyer paid Russians, (yet this is denied) but also claims that Trump has caused 100,000 Russian troops to be stationed on the US border who are waiting to invade and takeover the USA ? However he is forgetting that 2 million bikers for Trump rode to the inauguration of President Trump and Pence in November 2016. (video; Youtube ‘Bikers For Trump: 2 Million Bikers Ride To DC To Defend Inauguration Against Protesters’ ) Surely they would outnumber the 100,000 Russians by 20 – 1 ? and since many are veterans, they could force back the Russians into Canada or Mexico ?
They are riding again in September 2018 in support of Trump and Pence and Kavanaugh. (video;facebook World against terrorism, OUTSTANDING!! Bikers for Trump on their way to Washington DC to Support the Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearing and Demand Sen. Feinsten to resign! This is Amazing! Thank you Bikers for Trump! )
The Russian oligarch Victor Vekselberg and Renova the company are allegedly at the centre of the scandal, and allegedly with Trumps lawyer, who has been forced into a plea bargain or as some would say forced to lie or exaggerate as is also the case with Paul Manafort. (i.e. forced by entrapment) The Ukraine scandal is at the centre of that under Obama and Clinton & Biden whom Manafort first worked under as far back as 2009 and 2010 The reality is some ‘consultants’ worked with the Ukrainians and when the Crimea was occupied by Russia some liaised with Russia under Obama, Biden and Clinton and some went over to Russia. The Crimea was lost under them all. What the press have also failed to explain is that this Russian Oligarch was deeply connected to the Clinton foundation for many years. and has been a central plank of the Russia investigation and the Iran deal investigation since it began. Hillary Clintons lost emails (many were recovered ) were tied to Victor Vekselberg. We have already seen in the last paragraph that the Russian lawyer Veselnitskaya, met with Clinton and Glenn Simpson of GPS fusion who hired Christopher Steele who made the Dossier on Trump, before and after Trump Jnr ? The US (or rather Trump and Pence and the current administration ) have imposed sanctions on Renova. This was not the case under Obama and Biden or Clinton. This must surely ask who is pushing the Russia investigation? and is it from outside the USA.
None of this is in the MSM.(see mainstream media and/or with Rachel Maddow and here also with Hillary Clinton on Brett Kavanaugh and his newly introduced scandal just before his acceptance as a Supreme court Judge ?) Documents now show Carter Page was wiretapped by the Obama/Clinton Biden administration and the state department. As an energy advisor he also met with Germans, Canadians and Arabs ? This is having major repercussions on the Russia investigation and those involved in it after Rod Rosenstein’s revelations about wiretapping on 24.09.2018
Supreme Court Judge nominee Brett Kavanaugh. In the middle of all this (and if was not for Trump, we would not know as much about the Clinton foundation and the connection to Renova & the Victor Vekselberg scandal) comes the claim by Christine Ford who says she was groped by Judge Nominee Brett Kavanagh as a teenager over 30 - 35 years ago. Incredibly and at this late hour, Ford who is a Professor of Clinical Psychology and who specialises in…. ! “ Ford is a clinical psychology professor at Palo Alto University in California. A biostatistician, she “specializes in the design and analysis of clinical trials and other forms of intervention evaluation” so she is intelligent and persuasive clinically, yet (see below she is also funded by left wing think tanks) She is also a registered democrat and a ‘surfer chick’ (the previous article claims, and which of course is a great pursuit) It is unbelievable however, as she cannot remember the party or where it was or exactly who was there ? or when ? Yet now a second accuser has come forward (with only days to go before he was nominated) a Deborah Ramirez who like Ford says “ Ramirez admitted she was intoxicated when the incident occurred and that there are lapses in her memory” (altogether now 4 accusers have suddenly come forward after ……35 years, but when the original non sexual protest failed in early September 2018, then these new accusations were rolled out, see below )
Hillary Clinton is pushing these allegations but a Judge can be given the position without a vote in any case so what is going on ? ( video; ‘Paula Jones on Hillary Clintons Kavanaugh Hypocrisy’ and which of course goes back to Hillary’s defence of Bill Clinton against charges of rape and numerous offences) and it is claimed she is paying the accusers of Judge Kavanaugh and Stormy Daniels lawyer. Of course, these are not stories about some guy grabbing some girl’s ass in high school or vice versa, but it is the culture that surrounds the notion that woman are second class citizens. Yet if you go to the end of the last chapter 4 above this, you will find many woman who have suffered real and enduring trauma and which they report as far as they can or relate straight away in anger and fear and disgust. Political accusations are completely different. Incredibly the protests against Judge Kavanagh began before the accusers came forward ? Protests inside the hearings by chanting and verbal obstructions and subversion of the appointment process. The accusers (like with Judge Roy Moore, see below) are an extension of this protest and not a concern for woman and as such they are anti-woman and a disgusting spectacle, which ultimately is sexist and cynically demeaning to woman.
Exactly the same tactics (and his accusers have now disappeared as will happen here) were employed against Judge Roy Moore see the adjacent website and chapter 3a dated 10.11.2017 downward which details the entire circumstances, and just nearly one year ago. One hundred Woman have signed letters supporting Brett Kavanaugh (video; ‘WATCH: Women Support Judge Brett Kavanaugh’ ) and many more besides.
Hillary Clinton (here praising Soros) and George Soros, and Christine Blasey Ford are working together through the lawyer Debra Katz who is vice - chair of the project for Government Oversight, which is funded by the Open Society Foundation ( which also went after Judge Roy Moore with the same accusations last year ) Truly disgusting but also a crime of perjury against any innocent man and his family.
There is only one solution, and that is for the 2 million bikers to guard the coastline until the wall is built (as obviously democrats and lawyer for Stormy Daniels Michael Avenetti do not want Russians trying to get into the USA illegally) and a few of them could then branch off the main pack / convoy and drive down to the Stormy Daniels Strip joint and ride in the back door splintering it wide open. After a drive around inside they could begin singing (video) Meatloaf ‘dead ringer for loverescuing Stormy Daniels and then drive down to California where Christine Ford hangs out and go surfing as is her thing. It is also not so long ago that Kim Jong Un threatened to nuke California. (Hillary forced Mueller to carry Uranium to the Russians and that same Nuclear programme deal with Rosatom and its materials, could have been employed in the proposed California / Los Angeles Nuke Attack from Kim ) Many suspect that he (i.e. Kim Jong Un who will 'deny, deny, deny') is also involved with the intrigue over Stormy and Christine or it is also a plot to derail the Korean peace initiative or something else ? Looking on the bright side if Kim had nuked California, but missed the mainland (out at sea somewhere ) then the resultant high speed, massive half pipe from the Nuke Wave would have been great surf for Christine and the Hells Angels. But since Trump and Pence stopped Kim nuking California and saved the day, then that Surf Safari trip is off.
(Inserted 3.10.2018 and in Italics ) The Testimonies of Brett Kavanagh and Christine Blasey Ford (Innocent until proven guilty? or guilty by mere accusation, without due process) and the patriot act ? Two other men said they assaulted Ford and they are open about their assault.They do not require illegal fisa warrants but they are still innocent until sentenced. Who are they and where are they? Doctor Blasey - Ford did not report the assault in Maryland where local police could then and now have taken the report (it is not an FBI federal issue who have already done background checks for the position Brett Kavanaugh is nominated for, is this a violation of the constitution? ) Doctor Blasey Fords testimony was contradicted by an ex – boyfriend only 6 days later . Doctor Blasey - Ford says she only became aware of Judge Kavanaugh in 2018, but had possibly named him in 2012 (telling her husband) but she had initially also said she did not know where or when exactly or where the party was, but she was able to suggest to the committee in her evidence that she ‘could draw a floor plan’ of the gathering area’s. She did not mention Brett Kavanaugh in her 2013 statement, and her 3 (of 4) witnesses did not name any of the people Doctor Blasey - Ford says were there, although she had, as mentioned previously failed to identify any people or the location as her witness also corroborate, and which supports Brett Kavanaugh’s testimony? She is still unaware which year the incident occurred exactly ? She chose (first) to make the report known to the Washington Post and not the local police and FBI ? , her letter was held from 30th July 2018 allegedly until the nomination hearing in later September 2018.(and then leaked to the press but by who ? ) If she was intimidated why did her husband Russ Ford, not report it to local police with her ? before 2012 or after, and if she was unsure of the identity of the attackers why has she said she was intimidated? She says she met one of her attackers (inferred as Mark Judge) 6 weeks after the attack, in a supermarket and greeted him in a friendly manner ? (he had written disparaging remarks in a High School year book, although in Judge Roy Moore’s case, yearbook remarks were found to have been forged by his accusers but only mentioned as forgeries after the damage was done) The fact that she did not report her assault at the time, and her lawyers now work for planned parenthood connected think tanks under George Soros shows the claims have a motive. Will the two men who claim to have assaulted Ford, be investigated on prime time television?, and for what crime as both Ford (and they themselves) say it was a physical assault not a sexual assault. Ford changed the story from Physical assault to sexual years later. Doctor Blasey – Ford took a polygraph test on the same day as her Grandmothers funeral ? and it suggested something happened but what ? that it is another question. Critics of Brett Kavanaugh also say phone texts reveal he was trying to ask classmates about another accuser before she went Public, but a third accuser Swetnick is now saying she cannot remember if Judge Kavanaugh laced or spiked the punch, ( a story only she is aware of ) only that he stood near the punch bowl and this from many, many years ago ? This fabrication has been quickly revealed. Many suggest Doctor Blasey - Ford was medicated in her testimony as she moved between confusion, sounding like a child (with a high pitched voice, but the incident occurred when she was 15 years old) Then she is able to joke about receiving coffee in the stressful situation (just after her main statement) and then later employing obscure medical terminology (see in the testimonies below at 55 minutes fwd i..e. ‘memories in the hippocampus’ and then at 109 minutes fwd she is able to joke openly ? ) to describe events or symptoms which have a layman explanation, which is a symptom of psychiatric / psychology theories which with extreme medication is a form of control and manipulation. (n.b. also happening now is the case of Congressman Keith Ellison a democrat also accused of abuse and yet, there is very little press coverage of media outrage, although he says he is also innocent) Psychology & drug treatments are Doctor Blasey – Ford’s profession i.e. connected to the medical psychology pharma industry. These treatments (and she says she is suffering from depression) were invented by the military in many cases (and hundreds of years ago) as interrogation and destabilisation techniques and were often employed behind the Iron curtain in communist countries. Slowly they found their way into the ‘medical profession’ and drug prescription takes the place of any humanitarian or loving treatment or understanding. If you see this occurring in your country you can wonder if those outside it, are using your own medical profession against you ? (i.e. the current opioid addiction crisis. opioids include’s Heroin synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, pain relievers, oxycodone, OxyContin, hydrocodone, Vicodin, codeine, morphine etc. opioid addiction in the USA is a crisis across all age groups) Hypocrites oath states ‘help or do no harm’ and also relates to the medical profession and reflects natures ability to heal and cure naturally. Many drugs are not designed to cure a patient but to keep them addicted to drugs at any age. The West has chosen this science as a medical profession still based upon dubious authorities (PhD’s and early Darwinian experts or founding fathers) who were themselves addicted to drugs or seeking to remove a concept of self worth or even Gd or the true cause of an ailment. ‘Pseudo babble’ disguised as enlightenment, and as a medical profession. Its ultimately aim is to alter society entirely and even the military which can be destabilised by prescribed drugs and erroneous teachings which do not lend to a clear mind and purpose. Today prescribed drugs are the medical profession (see you tube video ‘Psych-Drugs Harm - One: Robert Whitaker - A History - September 16, 2015 – CPH’ ) The legal ‘world’ allows rapists and paedophiles to ‘suffer’ with 2 or 3 years in prison, or in some cases, they are actually employed to work in psychiatry and issue academic papers to frame a treatment? which states more often than not that ‘chemical imbalance’s’ means they are not criminals ?. The drug treatments are actually having the opposite effect and are actually causing psychosis in children, teenagers and adults. In some cases they store the psychosis for future release. Russel Ford, Doctor Christine Blasey Ford husband worked or works at “Russ Ford worked for a company called Zosano Pharma. He gave his title as “Sr Director, System Design and Development.” The USA has been slowly targeted and then saturated with these pseudo treatments, the question is why ? (Woman have been subjected to sexual abuse, yet many women still run brothels and engage in trafficking of woman and children also) The whole protest against Kavanaugh was a staged theoretical television extravaganza, with people shouting in lifts and issuing warnings and death threats to both parties. For the testimonies of Brett Kavanaugh and Doctor Blasey - Ford (and the live streaming was edited by the television networks in places, and in places the video jumps and repeats ) see you tube ‘Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford FULL testimony’ The abortion industry ( a part of population control or reduction) will also go to any lengths and it is closely tied to parts of the pharmaceutical industry. Doctor Christine Blasey - Ford was known as the Director of Biostatistics for Corcept Therapeutics, which manufactures and markets an pill drug called mifepristone,(the company website does carry a clause saying 'Korlym' also known as mifepristone should not be used with pregnancy, yet it has been used in that service covertly, and Christine Blasey Ford is the director ) her brother Ralph Ford allegedly works for a law firm with connections to GPS fusion who issued the famous Trump dossier, and as we have seen, her husband also works for pharmaceutical companies, and her lawyer is connected to planned parenthood George Soros groups. The USA saw this occurring with Judge Roy Moore in 2017 in what was an incredible spectacle see facebook note number 1 and then no 2 and 3 Accusers of Roy Moore and Kavanaugh If found to be false (not mistaken, as many believe Ford did suffer some form of Trauma) should be charged in turn. Doctor Blasey - Fords husband Russ in 2012 could and should have found a way to deal with the situation and unearthed and brought the matter to light. Judge Kavanaugh now realises how important the constitutional amendments are, especially the 4th amendment (and illegal fisa warrants) and innocent until proven guilty, with congress making no law abridging the freedom of speech. Both Dr Blasey – Ford and Judge Kavanaugh have emotional and stressful proximity connections to the terrible events of 9/11.(but also see video; you tube various of the same. 'Donald Trump interview 2 days after 9:11 at ground zero:' ) A question for Judge Kavanaugh is ’does the Patriot Act violate the US constitution’? (Patriot act 2003) and is illegal immigration at the centre of the cross over between the two laws. (The Constitution has superiority over Statute) Free men are citizens born under the US constitution. Youtube Video ‘Andrew Napolitano: The Patriot Act’ (and regarding the federal appeals court decision of January 2017 concerning the law known as section 215 of the patriot act was unconstitutional. which also includes making a warrant on ‘financial institutions’ but has included everyday business’s as financial institutions)
10.10.2018 Supreme Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Congressman representative Keith Ellison, George Soros and Hillary Clinton. Brett Kavanaugh is accepted as a new Supreme Court Judge by 50 votes to 48. He was subject to 6 FBI investigations (before he was nominated and accepted as a nominee) and the new investigation the democrats called for making in the Supreme Court making 7 investigations in total (all not guilty as unproven) It is incredible that simultaneously Congressman Representation Keith Ellison was also accused of domestic abuse yet the media have ignored these claims (and most of the entire case) whether he is innocent or guilty in contrast to the trials of Judge Kavanaugh ? and there are no FBI investigations and no state police investigations or reported crime for Dr Christine Blasey ford ? see also facebook video 'Kavanaugh Protestors Confronted With Claims Of Sex Abuse Against Keith Ellison - Their Reactions Say It All' Ellison has worked for communist and Islamic agencies. (he may be innocent) Christine Blasey Fords company Corcept Therapeutics, Inc is cited here on the facts and on its links to the abortion industry. George Soros is behind Fords lawyer in the case Interestingly Roe versus Wade the 1970's abortion bill was passed because 'Jane Roe' (Norma McCorvey) lied (or was bullied) about being raped. See youtube video 'Roe v Wade was passed because Norma McCorvey lied about being raped. Don't believe me, listen to her' but this information amidst the hysteria, was kept from the public until after the bill was passed at that time.? Hillary Clinton has joined the selective 'outrage' but she has not commented upon the allegation that Bill Clinton was removed from Oxford because he raped Eileen Wellstone ? (he could be innocent) is this all somehow connected to North Korea ?
See also Dr Phil and facebook video Elite Pedophile Rings Exposed' and also 2 videos from the end of chapter 4 which details how woman can fight for Woman's rights which no doubt Judge Brett Kavanaugh will support. (1. Brooke Axtell and 'Captive No More: Horrifying Yet Heroic Story Of Surviving Child Sex Trafficking' 2. '25 Painfully Disturbing Facts About Human Trafficking' ) In the real world (see end of chapter 4) 'Alicia Kozakiewicz in Britain, Europe, America has actually changed the law in the USA, aided by a Republican in Congress, ( i.e. House Republican Tilley with bill HB427 adopted and see mote from Alicia Kozakiewicz on this link here and you tube video 'Alicia Kozakiewicz Washington State Testimony 2015' ) and it also raises funds for future cases, see also the Jane Doe documentary above at the end of chapter 4) This is actually how victims get Justice and bring change and then funds are raised to fight for woman's and children's rights (including unborn children who are woman)
One Woman who was appointed by the Republican administration to be the Us ambassador to the United Nations was Nikki Haley, who has resigned (8/9/10/2018) but she will take up another appointment elsewhere (the debate as to whether we need a UN is a separate question) although she may come back to that position. She did a great job in what is one of the most challenging jobs in the world, and she is a Christian. Her replacement will hopefully carry on her legacy (if that is possible) which has brought about a new paradigm in the Middle East. In the Russian investigation Hillary Clinton has been named as the main suspect in what is a fraud of enormous proportions.
Bob Woodward has said that there is no Russia collusion and Senator Diane Weinstein confirmed there is no collusion between Donald Trump and the 'Russians' Donna Brazile The DNC Chair admitted Clinton hacked the DNC, whilst Nancy Soderberg admitted Clinton and Obama into 2017 not just from 2010 sold Uranium to Russia See video you tube 'Tucker Carlson Battles with Ex-UN Amb. Nancy Soderberg Over Uranium: 'You're Filibustering!'' 18.10.2017 or here on You tube again different address (to find just google title) or here on Fox (after the previous full revelations came out on Air One America) with Nancy Soderberg a former Clinton / Obama advisor ( who calls the bribe a business deal) here Incredibly the whole item was broadcast on 'One America News Network' on May 18th 2017 (video; '.@Liz_Wheeler: We finally have proof of inappropriate financial dealings with Russia' ) Judicial Watch keep daily/ weekly updates
Another Russia who was under suspicion allegedly was (or is?) Oleg V. Deripaska who seems to have been working only for himself, but he was contacted by Bruce Ohr and Christopher Steele, but also had connections with the Clinton foundation. and the current Russia probe is the cover for the actual Russia investigation into Clinton, and the Iran deal etc Oleg V Deripaska had some connection to the internet security system Kaspersky.
Behind these activities (with the Ukraine revolution as the centrepiece of operations) is the hacking of us security, not just the Chinese hack of the OPM ( China accessed over 22 Million files from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) but also the Kaspersky hack of US intelligence in 2015 This tip of the iceberg has continued for nearly 2 decades with US intelligence having a back door open to foreign hackers, but missed during 2008 – 2016. With the recent revelations coming from Israeli security who state Russian hackers were operating worldwide through Kaspersky and its pc security system as a back door even into the NSA (However a 13 year old hacked NASA A 16 year old hacked the CIA Whilst another 15 year old hacked the FBI)
Since 2006 and which increased dramatically since 2008 is the outsourcing of US jobs worldwide but to China especially. Whilst the media plays in synchronised harmony, the lesser story or any story (which must include sexism, misogyny, insensitivity, rudeness or heteronormativity, “blah blah” ) or any other story, and ongoing fabrications, those who want to do something about it are pulled up and cast down at every opportunity (see last post above this dated 07.09.2018) Russia is no longer a communist country and it did split from China (Stalin split from Mao) and China will attempt to re-engage Russia to become a Communist nation again or eventually go to war also with Russia. Since the collusion with Russia by Clinton and Biden and Obama is hidden, the question is how could the Russians have ruined the 2016 election?
One item which has ruined US finance is the Omnibus legislation which wastes hundreds of millions on foreign activities which are so absurd but no one reads the bill. Instead the government can use this frivolous and non-essential money to ‘in-source’ jobs and for US benefit, as was the original intent of congress, but is a way of subverting that institution, especially from 2008 - 2016 when these monies could have housed the homeless vets, helped the disabled and also kept the spending defecit down. Incredible insight in this video (facebook video; The Swamp "Leadership talks to lobbyists. Then the lobbyists leak to the media. We’re always the last to know what’s in a bill." )
The US Supreme Court ruled in July 2018 that it is legal to open carry guns as the 2nd amendment stipulates, and some mothers have taken up the challenge to remove destructive objects from the environment, (wait for it …Facebook video ) Incredibly in their own way the democrats agree. The technical arguments are taken up by people who understand the 2nd amendment. The 2nd amendment has been upheld as the founding fathers intended.
North Korea ( a controlled population without liberty but who obviously want to unite with the south) has signalled it wants to denuclearise fast in mid - late September 2018 and the prospect of unification ( a dream both sides have ) and a joint security template between them is (for them) an attractive proposition.
The US founding fathers gave the 2nd amendment ( a well-regulated militia) to also protect the 1st amendment (most notably on free speech) but the media have tried to cut off the 1st amendment by mind control, with untold media outlets in number yet surreally duplicated in storyline, and with incessant repetition without investigation or depth. Building the wall, with modern security, making 100% employment, preventing outsourcing and protecting the middle and working class and their jobs is all lost in the media show. The US constitution however was designed by men who went the extra mile and said 'what if we become corrupt', hence the 1st and 2nd amendments, which also binds them but for liberty. A rare occurrence in history but a noble one.This is all now under attack, stifling the institutions of Government under the constitution ( a main cause of the 2008 - 2016 administration).The lower courts do not apply the constitution but should for Liberty and Freedom.
The dichotomy between the narrowed ground of debate (between so called left and right) is taken up in the excellent documentary ‘Death of a Nation’ by Dinesh D'Souza
"Death of a Nation" Trailer | Official Theatrical Trailer HD, In Theatres August 3”
The continuation of the Russia collusion inquiry which moves from stage 1 (national) into stage 2 (international) in the USA and Globally, but which has excluded most of those who either went to Russia, colluded with Russia or allowed Russia to gain a foothold in the Ukraine or Syria. Also Robert Mueller’s trip to Russia & Rosneft in 2013, and Greater Israel & Russia.
Use this link to return to the adjacent website in Chapter 3a and heading ‘29.12.2018 – January 2019 Brexit & No Deal ?’
Christopher Steele the figure behind the Russia dossier now admits that he was hired to make the dossier in case Trump won the US election, or as the FBI agent Peter Strzok said to provide an insurance policy against Trump becoming President.
This was denied by democrats and the Special Counsel some of whom were a party to it throughout the Russia investigation. Glenn Simpson of GPS fusion (who made the dossier) has pleaded the fifth amendment.
Michael Cohen and General Michael Flynn. The inquiry (moving away from the above) has moved to Donald Trumps former lawyer Michael Cohen. In the last post above dared 11.03.2018 an almost witness Jerome Corsi claims he was coerced (threatened with legal fees having to sell family home, threatened with extra - long jail time and ruin) and also FBI investigator Dennis Nathan Cain was prevented from relating the Uranium 1 story (which is the real story along with the Iran oil deal) to the legal authorities. Further Huma Abeddin, Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton along with Cheryl Mills and Loretta Lynch have not been indicted of lying to the FBI. ? although Hillary Clinton and John Brennan have had their Security clearances removed. Those who produced the Russian dossier have also been indicted or have pleaded the fifth amendment. Michael Cohen was also friends with Hillary Clinton and Lanny Davis (who worked for Clinton and protected the Obama crime spree) and it is claimed the FBI group who are prosecuting the Russia inquiry are working not for the state or under the constitution but directly for Hillary Clinton and Obama (Peter Strkoz was fired etc) and coercion has been applied to Cohen directly who was (like FBI agent Dennis Nathan Cain ) raided on an illegal Fisa warrant and client – attorney privilege was removed. Like Jerome Corsi Cohen was coerced. General Michael Flynn who disagreed with Obama ideologically on Islam and aspects of the Iran deal (which has now been scrapped) was also coerced and was interviewed without a lawyer and is also threatened with losing his home, and life. Andrew McCabe was also involved in this interview. Two weeks ago it was said Michael Flynn would face no jail time (recommended by Robert Mueller) but on the 18.12.2018 the Judge in his case said he may now face jail time ? two days earlier ‘missing documents or memo’s’ (and missing Clinton documents have been numerous and difficult to obtain) shedding light on the plea Flynn made that he was ‘guilty’ in the rushed and sudden FBI interview (which others say is coercion) were produced, yet the Judge Emmet Sullivan was not moved but had indicated that a coerced guilty plea was not jurisprudence, however Flynn stuck to his plea ? (coercion ) but he could withdraw his guilty plea reversal which some suggest would reveal the illegal Russia dossier compiled by GPS fusion and an illegal fisa warrant for Carter Page who under the influence of Obama was adverse to USA interventionism and Obama has not still not acknowledged his legacy in the Christian genocide. Flynn tried to ‘nix’ a UN resolution condemning Israel which has not been commented upon by Emmet Sullivan. Flynn’s conversation with the Russian ambassador was legal and he was told not to have lawyers ? by the FBI. (see near the end) At the heart of this is Turkeys influence (Turkey now a dictatorship but Turkey, Iran and Saud have influence over Syria which Obama with the Crimea effectively surrendered to Russia) ) over Israel which is proving negative as time proceeds, as Turkey, Iran and Russia threaten Israel strategically.
Repeated from the adjacent website and chapter 3a and heading ‘11.12.2018. The Brexit draft withdrawal agreement publication and the vote on 11.12.2018 which was ‘suspended’ The EU changes its mind’ …. In the USA the current administration has also rejected the UN migration compact. The extraordinary story surrounding the Mueller investigation (which has not investigated the Uranium 1 scandal in over 2 years ?, yet a former FBI investigator Dennis Nathan Cain today says he was raided to stop him telling the story) and the forcing of witnesses to lie. Jerome Corsi PhD states he was called in and effectively tortured into lying. He refused to go along with the coercion and has countersued Mueller for criminal bid to seek false testimony. (the skulduggery also applied to General Mike Flynn who has not received jail time but who was likely to have been forced and coerced as the illegal fisa warrants continue) Jerome Corsi states the Russia investigation wanted him to lie but he would not be a party to it. Huma Abeddin lied to the FBI but has not been prosecuted ? Clinton aide Cheryl Mills was also not prosecuted for lying to the FBI. Obama officials also lied to the intelligence services Conversely and prior to the 2016 election Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch have not been prosecuted for lying to the FBI about the tarmac meeting prior to the 2016 election
Russia (17/18.12.208) has sent a new force to Crimea and Ukraine still want the return of the Crimea. The situation is still not resolved since the Ukraine uprising in 2014 / 2015 but which goes back to the 1930’s and to 1999 and the Orange / Maiden uprising. The Ukraine says it was not a coup-de taut but a counter revolution and resistance against occupation by Russia See ‘Winter on Fire Ukraine's Fight for Freedom 2015 - full movie’
Robert Mueller as well as the involvement in the delivery of Uranium to Georgia for Russia also visited Russia in the June 2013 and met the former Ukrainian leader Victor Yanukovych who fled the Ukraine on the 21.02.2014 not for the EU or USA but into Russia. Yanukovych denied the Holodomor genocide in which 10 million Ukrainians died and wanted the Russia language spoken in the Ukraine. Vladimir Putin’s policy was to allow mass migration into the Crimea from Russia. (Hungary for instance was forced economically to make its own population migrate out of Hungary in the economic straitjacket it was in before
Victor Orban reversed the policy and which has come under economic pressures from the EU which also the Italians recognise and want an end to )The Ukraine who initially promised to co-operate with the Russia inquiry has now said they will not comply with Mueller has they are seeking help from the USA against Russia. Yet why would the Mueller investigation or its presence prevent assistance to the Ukraine ? which has been a feature of the new Republican investigation since 2016. And will increase into 2019. In 2013 Robert Mueller went to Russia and met Victor Yanukovych ( a client of Paul Manafort who worked for Clinton / Obama and the Podesta group) and Oleksandr Yakymenko the head of the Russian security service (the FBI does not have power of arrest outside the USA) but who was a Major General in the Ukraine security service, but who is now wanted by the Ukraine prosecuting authorities along with 15 members of the SBU who are in hiding in Russia. The actions of Yanukovych and Oleksandr were known (innocent or guilty) to the US authorities. Mueller wanted information on the Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Anzorovich Tsarnaev (and discussed EU – Ukraine trade deals ) who was of Chechen descent and who with his now deceased brother openly bombed Boston for the Iraq war in April 2013. Yet Russia says it warned the CIA, FBI and in March 2011 on the activities of the Tsarnaev brothers some 2 years previously ? (yet a name spelling error caused a problem identification) and Obama removed suspects in 2016 and earlier with the help of John Brennan from terror lists in 2013, 7 Iranians in March 2013 (here dated March 2016) breached the US financial services and other institutions for 176 days straight before being caught and then only finally / reluctantly indicted by Loretta Lynch (no one noticed or saw a thing despite previous reports etc. This is separately from the democrat staffer Mr Gehad El Haddad in Cairo In 2013 who fled the USA with intelligence hardware and was employed by the Clinton foundation also ? John Brennan ex CIA director praised Islam a year before the ongoing Christian genocide began (Obama’s legacy) Video youtube ‘Obama advisor John Brennan speaks about the beauty of Islam’ 2010 (China is currently persecuting Christians)
Chinas threat and into 2025 and its technology supremacy attempt. Behind these activities (with the Ukraine revolution as the centrepiece of operations) is the hacking of US security, not just the Chinese hack of the OPM. China accessed over 22 Million files from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) but also the Kaspersky hack of US intelligence in 2015 (The Kapersky hack) This tip of the iceberg has continued for nearly 2 decades with US intelligence having a back door open to foreign hackers, but missed during 2008 – 2016, and ever since Bill Clinton began the process of outsourcing jobs to China, and since 1993/ 1996 (NAFTA now changed) nearly 25,000 companies have been outsourced to China which boosts their economy and causes a ‘rust belt’ in the USA since 1996 and over 3.1 million jobs since 2001. Young people are leaving in higher numbers from the country to go to Cities, and America lost 5 jobs Million jobs in manufacturing which spin off many other industries and smaller companies and then create larger companies and so on.
Bill Evanina (US National Counter Intelligence and Security Centre Director) says China is / was the far bigger threat in comparison to Russia Youtube video Dec 19th 2018 "Threat from Russia paled in comparison to China" - BBC News yet the Clinton foundation accepted donations from China and many countries and also amidst the Uranium 1 scandal which also involved Robert Mueller who delivered the Uranium. (Paul Manafort who was employed by Obama / Clinton it is claimed lost out on the ‘Gazprom’ / ‘RosUkrEnrgo’ deal with Ukraine / Russia and Dmitry Firtash who is close to Putin which was helping to blackmail Bulgaria and many EU nations and in the Baltics i.e. turning off the energy supplies which has been investigated in relation to the EU and which has blackmailed many figures in high office. Once the Ukraine leant towards the EU and away from Yanukovych those contracts were less lucrative, but did Paul Manafort help the Ukraine break away from the EU ?, has this been considered by the FBI today. The Ukraine split would have infuriated Russian Oligarchs who were furious with Paul Manafort. A company called ‘Pericles. Emerging Markets Partners,’ a sub company with western origins was at the centre of this. Pericles (the Lion) was famous for moving the Delian league to Athens from the Island of Delos, which caused consternation with the Greeks, despite the Delian league forming a joint venture of over 450 free confederations of autonomous cities of Greece and to protect Greeks from Persia. The Delian league in moving to Athens forsook the ancient Holy Island of Delos causing the consternation, and it was eventually broken up when Sparta captured Athens in 404 bc, yet the battle of Thermopylae led by Sparta had brought about the salvation of all Greece some 75 years previous in 480bc. Alexander the Great, first went into the Balkans and on up to the Danube before turning on Asia and Persia in 334bc. He later became Pharaoh of Egypt (Cleopatra was of Greek descent)
The fact that the Russia investigation itself is an ‘active measure’ itself (with over 6 different Russia investigations) and which only effects people who are not stable already. The US is massively in debt and has drug and social chaos issues which itself are introduced over decades. (these measures are cheaper than invading armies )Tucker Carlson explains ‘Tucker: Big national issues left unresolved’ ( or here on Fox News) whilst the economy, faith and government systems are nullified, which since the ‘Neo Con Leo Straussians’ say there is a Soviet somewhere spying on the USA, it is in fact larger and more apparent.
Uranium to Russia. Bill and Hillary Clinton are out for themselves, not their state or America or local communities. The example of Bill Clinton meeting with Obama's appointee (the US Attorney General Loretta Lynch ) to pull a threat or bribe to prevent the release of files which the FBI could use to prosecute Hillary Clinton fully over the Benghazi and Clinton foundation and Uranium to Russia scandals. (Cash from Clinton foundation and Uranium to Russia) Which as Russia suspends its USA peace deal on Nuclear weapons (see above) is a ridiculous position for a US presidential candidate with a Muslim brotherhood chief of staff to be in ? (the latter revealed in the "Panama papers" as Endeavour mining ) It is not ridiculous when you realise that "the allies" are to be weakened and the opposition strengthened against America as a deliberate ploy. This is what Hillary and Obama have spent the last 10 or 5 years doing. Further down the US Uranium map shows how the sedition worked.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller (former head of the FBI) who is conducting the investigation, did engage in the bizarre, yet official "secret dealings" (stated as contact with Russia) with Russia related to his 2009 (under Obama) delivery of a sample of highly enriched uranium (HEU) to Moscow ordered by Hillary Clinton, yet it is not clear in what capacity she was acting in. Obviously, Mueller was ordered in the to go as his job, in September 2009, 8 months into Obama's presidency. (Mueller is about to issue over 300 indictments some reports state against paedophiles 10.11.207 and the ongoing 'Lolita express allegations) The sample of highly enriched uranium was Russia's property it is alleged although some reports say it was smuggled to Russia via Georgia but intercepted, and it was originally a US sample. Rosatom the Russian nuclear energy firm took delivery from Mueller. The Uranium 1 deal however was a year after this trip, which would need investigation, yet one year later that's not what Hillary Clinton was doing. Rosatom later in 2010 and to date now own 20 % of the USA Uranium supply. Nancy Soderberg (see above in previous posts) who served under Bill Clinton as Deputy National Security Advisor and as an Ambassador at the United Nations and from 2009-2013, and who served as President of Connect U.S. Fund, in Washington, D.C, admits that the Uranium 1 Clinton business deal is real but it ended in 2010, despite the fact it still live today and ongoing ? and Obama also gave Uranium to Iran in January 2017. Hillary Clinton being such a fierce opponent of Putin, she then dealt him a geo-political blow by selling via Uranium 1 (20% of the USA's Uranium when now the US is importing Uranium?) to Putin and Russia via Canada as Nancy Soderberg admits. If J Edgar Hoover was alive today he would not believe it. The whole Russia investigation is an attempt to stop the corruption removal which began on Nov 8th 2016. The DNC (democrats) now admit the DNC was hacked and taken over by Clinton ? (but blamed Russia first and alone for months) Why is George Papadopoulos connection to Greek minister Tsipras, but more importantly Hillary Clintons & Obama's inside trading deal on Greek debt bonds not mentioned.
Isis being defeated 99% the US announces it will withdraw from Syria (19.01.2018) yet in the USA a Saudi man was arrested for fraud reported on 14.012.2018 …… “OKLAHOMA CITY — A man from Saudi Arabia who is a former resident of Weatherford, Oklahoma, pleaded guilty Friday to visa fraud and making a false statement to the FBI by, among other things, concealing his application to and attendance at an al Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan in late 2000” The man Naif Alfallaj supports the view that Al Qaeda are still active, yet China is also actively building bases around the world. Bill Evanina ( US National Counter Intelligence and Security Centre Director) states that China, Russia and Iran commit spying exercises on the USA and that is everyday and persistent and also involves cyber warfare.. On the 19.12.2018 Trump announced US forces will be leaving Syria after ISIS has been defeated by the USA (99% as the mopping up continues) . Another Al Qaeda member Hamayun Tariq who was then recruited by M16 was instrumental in the USA banning laptops on US flights (Isis) is now on the Syria Iraq border after residing in Pakistan. The decision to pull out of Syria followed a call to Trump from Erdogan in Turkey which has been flatly criticised by Senator Leslie Graham Yet now Russia and Israel have decided to cooperate in Syria (youtube video ‘Russia and Israel resume military cooperation in Syria - TV7 Israel News 18.12.18’) Russia and Israel co-operate despite Israel shooting down one of its military jets in September 2018.
Syria, its why trump won the election. Rand Paul says it is the right the decision ( article Real Clear Politics ‘Rand Paul: Promise To End The War In Syria Is Why Trump Won The Election’ ) as 1. The war in Syria was never approved in Congress under Obama, and 2. the money could be used to build America first and to build a wall on the southern border. 3 It was promised in the election. Further the continuing trade war with China which is changing the world meant protectionism is vital and the Wall and the farm bill was paramount to Americans in the USA 20.12.2018 Trump should shut down the government until it is funded it is also a national defence issue video YouTube ‘Trump reaffirms need for border wall funding, signs farm bill’ and these are the pressures of the debt economy of $21 Trillion. The problem is, it has caused General Mattis to resign.Mattis was pro Iran deal but was also pro wiping North Korea off the face of the earth. Afghanistan troops have also been withdrawn (7000) or announced as such on 21.12.2018 after 3000 were sent in September 2017. Trump also promised to withdraw troops in the election campaign and Afghanistan security forces trained by the USA state it will not make much difference now. Questions as to why the Afghanistan war has not been won since 2001 (although it has stabilized ) with so many killed is a very long since 9/11 and short of dropping 100 ‘mother of all bombs’ and attacking all over Afghanistan many feel a new approach to winning the war is required. Questions on global changes are deep towards full spectrum dominance and China 2025. Troops still occupy the Pacific, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and its new base in Israel which could expand adding many more as Israel could expand. (Assad could become an ally of Israel and Israel has in 2007 preferred Assad to stay in power, but many feel war is inevitable, the departing General Mattis a straight fight is required i.e. a straight invasion with engagement) Armenia and Georgia and Italy could also provide troops for a Greater Israel expansion which does not cover every area of Syria or Iran Many suggest that the USA should have invaded the Crimea, Turkey and Iran by Spring 2017 and which are still options. North and South Korea can still form their own joint security pact.
Putin claims the west is in the grip of ‘Russia Phobia or Putin Phobia 2018’ and not to fear Russia (2015), this is because Israel has made agreements with parts of Northern Syria (and Iran) which are in any case outside of the Oded Yinon plan of the Greater Israel Project, which is promised in the book of Genesis, and its nature is or should be defined by scripture as opposed to communist ideology. (another factor is Putin banned Homosexuality which has fogged the media rationale in many areas in analysis) Israel in 1967 captured the Sinai and could have redesigned the Temple Mount at that time. This all effects the Petro – Dollar yet for over two years Syria could have been captured or under Obama who did not defeat Isis (as he was busy with Transgender toilets for schools) but now America first (or Russia first or China first or any country first will restructure their economies and take charge of them to bring sense back to them) and its enormous debt is affecting plans and restricting them unless a military decision is made and those debts are removed in the west. China and Russia will have to accept the Greater Israel project, with Russia to end funding for Hezbollah and Hamas. The USA may still go to war.
In the modern era (2008 – 2016) the ‘pivot to Asia’ under Obama was really a pivot to Communism and by currency manipulation. This began in the modern era in 1996 but also under the democrats. Can the USA can turn this trade deficit around by tariffs ? but how ? did it all begin ? In the 1996 United States campaign finance controversy which was the attempt by the Chinese Republic to buy the Democrats is how all occurred, since Richard Nixon's 'policy of engagement' with China in the 1960's to Obama's Global policy of engagement in 2009, which did not just effect the USA but also Britain and the EU, with its restrictive manufacturing philosophy. The evolution of Clintons trade deal change of opinions down the years) Both Obama and Clinton (Bill Clinton 1994) have not grappled with the real economy and they are not standing for election to do so.
Brexit, City of London and Obor. (One belt, One Road) Britain’s other deal which is not in the news but is more powerful than the EU withdrawal deal which is all but rejected by rational people is the deal with China. The City has also said that a no deal makes longer / wider financial sense and which is linked to over regulation. of the city by the EU, or the avoidance of over regulation. The world’s biggest project (ever ) the OBOR (one world one belt project) is managed by the City of London and the west could provide SME manufacturing and trades to these projects (but with no movement in North Korea, human rights remain the biggest concern and hindrance, which without resolution could still produce a war) Aside from the 40 or 50 other deals the UK has negotiated (also not in the news incessantly ? ) Donald Trump has offered a zero-tariff trade deal to the UK
Therefore (and returning to Bob Mueller’s trip to Russia and Europe) if the USA was warned on the Tsarnaev brothers in March 2011 and again in 2013 when Mueller went to Russia why did Putin not warn Mueller on the 13 Russian spies who bamboozled the US public who were hypnotised by them in 2016 into voting for Trump / Pence ? but who also apparently also supported Clinton ? and the Clinton campaign also approached Russia for dirt on the Trump campaign (or here YouTube video; ‘COMMENTARY: The Clinton campaign sought dirt on Trump from Russian officials. Where’s the outrage?’ ) Further Obama in effect allowed money laundering with Iran and this extended back to 2010 and the trip by Mueller to Georgia and the Uranium inquiry which was investigated (and still is ) by the FBI (Rosneft etc) The money laundering with Obama also included ‘project Cassandra’ which allowed Iran to engage in drug smuggling and Jeff Sessions instigated a review of that project in light of the Iran deal reversal.
Saving the Artic and Exxon Mobil. Putin could have also warned Mueller of the threat to democracy by these Russian operatives either for or against Clinton or Trump just as they were concerned about the activities of the Tsarnaev brothers who bombed Boston. Obviously, Putin was concerned about US security in his warning to the USA in 2011. They could have also detained him (Mueller) as he had served in the Vietnam war (and won the Bronze star ) as China and Russia were also very heavily involved in Vietnam ? Trey Gowdy describes Bob Mueller as the quintessential straight arrow and Trey Gowdy who led the investigation into summarised his view (he is not going to seek congressional office) in the following video (YouTube ‘Rep. Gowdy on fallout from the Helsinki summit’ ) The Helsinki summit when Putin and Trump met, but Gowdy concludes that Russia and Trump did not collude and the election was far and free in 2016 and also Americans voted for Trump / Pence in 2018 midterms ? Trump appointed Christopher Wray the current FBI director who could investigate the Uranium 1 scandal. (Kim Jong Un has not nuked anyone to date) The USA has announced new sanctions against Russian individuals and terrorists, but also lifts sanctions against energy companies. Christopher Wray has been asked by Senator Grassley on the raid of former FBI agent Dennis Nathan Cain (see near beginning of this post) who had this to say on Uranium 1 China and Russia are looking to widen artic drilling but Exxon / Mobil want a joint contract with Russia to drill in the Artic which could stabilise the Petro – Dollar. Obama opposed this joint contract but did allow Saud, Pakistan, Iran to distribute drugs, non Petro – oil dollars and cult wabbihi death Jihadists all over the earth opening up borders and human trafficking in a scale unimagined in history. Obama watched as Russia and China increased fossil fuels and advanced into new drilling fields including in the artic. Artic explorations and new fields could stabilise the Petro – Dollar but only completely when Russia allows Petro Dollars for Iranian oil instead of Chinese / Iranian currency. A joint contract in the artic or elsewhere (or in the Antarctic, Agartha regions) is preferable to a joint nuclear war in the artic which could melt the ice caps forever. The outrage expressed by the Bundy Ranchers and the Hammond ranchers who in reality have a claim on the land and its minerals (see also heading above r.e. Nafta and UN land grabs) with many being acquitted yet many remain in jail is not going away. (also r.e. Lavoy Finicum)
A statistician Nate Silver Fox news video ‘Nate Silver dismisses Russian trolls’ influence on 2016 election’ describes the effect of Russia was marginal and slight ? and perhaps the midterms have proven him correct also. Russian who we many never see spent $4700.00 on google adds. Many would conclude however that using the same legal standard as is used against Jerome Corsi, General Michael Flynn (On General Flynn Judge Jeanine; Youtube Video; ‘Judge Jeanine: Justice is supposed to be blind to politics’ did Flynn think he was co-operating but lying to people who were not patriots ? ( or here on fox news ) FBI agent Dennis Nathan Cain, Paul Manafort (who did make a personal fortune ) General Flynn, Lavoy Finicum etc were they all used or are they innocent or guiltier ? But by the same measure you could conclude Robert Mueller colluded with Russia. Which could mean Putin is directing the Russia inquiry ? but why or how could Putin do that ? (see the next paragraph on the Iran deal and Ukraine) Further James Comey (and his brother Peter) when deciding on the Clinton emails scandal concluded as policeman and Judge that Clinton was wrong but not a criminal stepped into the role of Judiciary and then also pre-drafted an exoneration text/ memo saying she was innocent, facts (which can also be a feature of sharia law) that those who want to drain the swamp want to remove in Washington (the Inspector General’s report is here ) the lobbying which removes the distinction between the Executive and Judiciary. ( Video Youtube ‘Trump’s full speech at FBI Academy’ & ‘Gowdy prepares to say goodbye to Washington DC’ )
Just as the West is accused of having front private organisations, so to do China and Russia with fake political causes and ‘rent a crowds’, and their aim is to destabilise, takeover or become a enemy’s government. The corruption in Washington and the disgust of the states separated from it is obvious, with corruption, prostitution, trafficking and drugs replacing ‘government’ and lobbying taking precedence over elected officials bribed with the preceding list, the need to disguise the corruption is made with the media providing a level of cover and confusion. Middle America and the states want their capital back, and more power should be given to the state offices themselves. Many nations of course do not get any level of freedom or any level of debate.
Those that pursued the Iran deal have had to side with Putin (Clinton – Obama also with China since 1996 and which has been detrimental to the USA) yet against Putin in Ukraine. Trump has removed the Iran deal as it wants to end the US Petro – dollar system (which is pro USA) as he promised in May 2016 and before, whilst Putin wants to invest $50 billion in Iran’s oil. (or here) and both he and China (who would also benefit from the Russia investigation as they with Saud contributed to the pay to play Clinton foundation / state department) are not concerned with Global warming ?
China want to run the New World Order, (China’s president has become a dictator like Chairman Mao, (go back to the beginning at the start of the North Korea essay above) but the version of Chairman Mao or Stalin was not beneficial to Russia or China or their people in those totalitarian regime’s and ego’s. China and Russia have both introduced hi – Tec & internet of things as ‘security’ measures for the benefit of ‘the people’ ? but in fact to oppress them. Those types of ideologies lead to Slavery.
Incredibly however there is no evidence that Communist China and North Korea have a gay problem North Korea caused by a gay issue in essence ? or here Do they the commies listen to General 'Wong Ho' ... (Rastafari rising Homosexuality 2 of 7or here on Youtube ) they just cant seem to work it out ?
This is what slavery looks like.
Modern slavery not 'denounced'
The Press and activists group have taken up the cause of slavery ? or have they really or is there something they have left out of the debate on this issue (which includes modern slavery and prevalent and inhumane Human trafficking globally, see also the end of chapter 4 above)
Robert E Lee (south, confederacy) did not own slaves, he conceded they should be freed, but Ulysses S Grant (north, union) did, but that is not mentioned in the press. And it was abolished in 1865 one hundred and fifty-two years ago. Slavery and trafficking still exist today, and another slave owner was Mohammed 'the prophet' who did not prophecy anything. That practice is still a legal practice today in Islam. Slavery is a part of Islam as part and parcel of. As with female genital mutilation (fgm) many on the left explain this away by saying it is a 'cultural phenomenon not an Islamic one', yet when a woman is having her private parts spliced off, this distinction is lost on people, as it is a Islamic practice. And with Hijab on woman. It is the same with slavery it is 'cultural' yet ingrained into Islam.
Islam is supported by Obama and communism and therefore Antifa and Black lives matter etc (as long as it remains outside of communist countries) and they de-facto support Islamic slavery. This is Islamic culture and Arabic and it is not just ISIS. Further they feel they have a right to the slaves and especially white slaves and have done for the past 12 years (under the Democrats) and since 600 ad, and Mohammed. It is not abolished or discussed and there is no civil war over Islamic slavery Slavery was not the cause of the American civil war in any case. If slavery had not existed the civil war would have still argued for the limiting of federal power which usurps the constitution as the sovereign government. States having the power away from centralized government. Slavery was one issue in the debate and the south in essence killed off the constitution by seceding as states, i.e. the nuclear solution. Before the civil war ( 1860-1869) there had been 100 years of activity. The Nascent democracy era, the war of 1812, the war with Mexico, in which every effort was made to finish the revolution and constitution. California for different reasons is debating secession today, and they are not slaves, unless they elect a liberal government, like in Canada who are raising small business taxes, regulations in millions, and bureaucracy and immigration (Michelle Rempel, Member of Parliament Canada) Centralized communism. That debate without slavery today still occurs today in the USA. The slavery debate arises because now the left have no financial plan or concern regarding the constitution and state's powers. There is no debate (real debate) on slavery in Islam which actually exists now ? (people who moan about the west can have a debate you cannot in North Korea) Islam supports human trafficking globally, and is the world's source of trafficking. Its Mosques are the bases for these activities.
It is especially prevalent in Saudi Arabia (or here) and United Arab Emirates and Iran as is female genital mutilation. " More than 200 million girls and women alive today have been cut in 30 countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia where FGM is concentrated"
It is not confined to the Middle East, and Islam exports its primitive practices to Europe, the UK and the USA. The public in the UK were first led to believe that the Rotherham trafficking, prostitution and slavery cases (aided by the local labour council who assisted them) involving over 2400 girls was a one off with smaller cases around the UK. In fact, the Pakistan gangs planned and carried out the business from Islamic countries and Pakistan as a business. A business in which they cannot believe they also get benefits, free homes and freedom to enslave a country so freely. The Rotherham gang which prostituted girls as young as 12 shouted 'Allah Akbar' in court as they were sentenced to a combined 80 years (and not life ?) The Rochdale Islamic Pakistan sex abuse prostitution gang operated freely and up to 50 girls on their payroll. The Newcastle Islamic sex trafficking gang 'the Jury found the men guilty of a catalogue of nearly 100 offences – including rape, human trafficking, conspiracy to incite prostitution and drug supply – between 2011 and 2014' Include the hardly mentioned sentencing of 13 Muslim men to 150 years Gaol in Halifax on the 16.06.2016 for rape of a schoolgirl & other offences. A moslem paedophile gang)
A feature of the crimes is people felt they could not complain against the Moslems as it was racist to do so ? Further as the last link relates it is not just these three cases but many towns in Britain, eight are listed here. And this is the Islamic view of Europeans generally. From Pakistan or Islamabad central and from any Islamic centre the conquest of a country is planned by immigration (as straight fights with modern warfare weapons means they will lose) and the capital of a country is targeted and controlled, moving out into other areas. This is the plan for the UK and every European capital and every town in the USA. This is modern slavery supported by Antifa (remove the 1st amendment and free speech don't complain) Obama and Clinton and nearly all democrat representatives and the press in the USA. 200 Million girls have undergone fgm and rape is aided (in the twisted Islamic mind, and by Georgetown University and the International 'Institute for Islamic Thought – an organization with suspected ties to the Muslim Brotherhood') by this 'procedure'. There are millions of Islamic slaves, including white slaves and many African black slave owners owned white slaves for centuries.
The Ultimate sign of slavery of course is the Al As-qua Mosque on temple Mount in Jerusalem which Moslems do not pray towards ? but towards Mecca. Jews and Christians alone should have exclusive rights to Temple Mount, it is not a Moslem shrine in any way and never was legitimate.
There is no need to apologise for being white and reparations for white slaves historically amounts to billions. Today the cost of immigration historically must be met by the country of origin including benefits and housing (retrospectively) Further until this global practice is stopped then all Islamic immigration must stop completely. The hysterical press in the USA should be shut down as they have ignored sedition and ignored prevalent slavery going on around them. (shut down or bulldozed)
Many members of Antifa and BLM (who did not have permit in Charlottesville) have been arrested for destroying public statues. A part of their prison sentence could be to dismantle ( legally and peacefully ) all Mosques in the USA as they are a modern living and practicing symbol of slavery and this should be done by BLM and Antifa and the press could also demand the Mosques which plan and execute this terror including slavery be closed down as could the politicians in the USA and globally. If not the press should be fired. This democrat senator Maria Chappelle Nadal, should be arrested ( and there are whites also), she says her cousin works in the Whitehouse security. All who made such threats are terrorists and it is a national security issue, and the outrages committed by Islamic slavery should be considered in line with the security and sedition actions. Mosques in Britain in entirety should be closed and right across Europe. George Soros, Obama, Trudeau and Frau Merkel (etc) the trafficking overseer's should also be arrested. Here is a map of USA mosques or here (some Mosques have valuable building materials which can be re-used) There are tens of thousands of Mosques and beginning from Charlottesville and working outwards in every state they should be removed. Obamas statue should be removed, and also the communist statues in the USA. End slavery now, (This is the current cry of the press, the left and the so called left on statues of 162 years ago) or rather end real slavery and remove the slave drivers.
Slavery and violent Islamic ideology east and west Antifa, BLM. Antifa is driven by liberalism and it will not protest or castigate Islam ? To understand Islamic communism you have to understand someone like Dr Khalid Abdul MuhamMad who called for the killing of all White people and much more than that (i.e. the woman, the children, the babies, everyone young old, and kill them, all he says and the congregation love it) (video; you tube 'New Black Panthers call for killing all Whites' who are communist and fascist but Antifa 'anti first and second amendment' and 'anti-fascist' ? ) that's Islam and that's Islam and Communism with liberalism and racism and communism extremists, which should be banned and the FBI have labelled BLM, (black lives matter as opposed to all lives matter) these extremists as a domestic terror threat This is the same communist Islamic radicalization that killed 420
people (outside of France) killed since January 2017, in Africa and Egypt and Thailand and in Germany and Pakistan and over a thousand injured since then, or that many of these attacks occurred in Christian churches of schools, directly targeted. In Egypt on palm Sunday on the 9th April 2017 (in Tanta) a suicide bomber killed 29 people and injured 78 in a palm Sunday service. On the same day in Alexandria a suicide bomber (very disturbing video of the attack) killed 18 people and injured 48, as the suicide bomber was trying to enter a church service. In Iran see (video 'Obama Loves The Islamic Morning Call To Prayer' ) all of the above combine today.
It is not just for these issues alone which are disgusting and not mentioned but also for reasons of US security, as it is now confirmed in the press that Imran Awan was working for Pakistan and Russia, (video; 'spy behind Russia dossier may face questions under oath' ) and under the knowledge of Clinton and Obama. He was not the first. There are thousands more like him in Washington DC.
As with Macron in France, Sharia law zones are an extortion racket which also aid trafficking and slavery. The Institute Montaigne encourages Sharia law zones which are then encouraged to grow, which as a part of their 'charity' or tax (as Obama tried to merge in the USA) the sharia law zone uses extortion to exact money from business's which is in turn used to fund Hamas and Hezbollah and the internal terrorism against the country outside of the sharia law zone (compliance with sharia law is a new state in effect) and the human trafficking industry. Hamas and Hezbollah vow Israel's destruction.
Erdogan who encourages Sharia law zones in Turkey (2013) which were once banned there, and now he will implement them in the new Islamic caliphate which is a piecemeal plan in parts and by degrees (with or without the 3rd degree) across the middle east to make ISIL a new severely oppressive Islamic levant / fertile crescent Islamic state. Turkey has just moved to a dictatorship. The EU is part of that plan in a planned 'imperialism' by force or any method.
It is not just in the USA this takeover and slavery has ingrained itself in, but also in the UK. The UK is a state of emergency over these issues. You cannot enforce law or have security without a nation state, and the EU is the system designed as it is in order to facilitate population replacement (see the paragraph 3 down from this, it is not a fable) Britain's problems began when it joined the EU, a state which has no real external border and now allows free traffic through its national countries borders. Britain also chose to go into a socialist phase when Germany went for low debt and rapid growth (see the adjacent website and the date 15.06.2016, and chapter 3 and subheadings 'Economies from the ashes to economic miracle' & 'Jersey and Channel Islands, a small Island separate nation in the sea') Germany's economy was masterminded by Ludwig Erhard it boomed but Britain went into debt and added 8 million migrants (not the usual migratory or casual workers) since and 2 million only in the last 12 years., out fo a population of 30 - 50 million people (as was) It is speeding up and many national people are unemployed. By 1949 - 1951 when Germany was divided into four regions, it became apparent to the west that China and Russia (who had been an ally against Germany) had not stopped their war and they had designs to conquer all of the west and the USA. Infiltrating (Russia) the EU and changing it over time was/is a part of that strategy from 1949 to date. The EU was realised in 1957 but had began after WW2 in 1947. This subjugation is now planned across every EU capital and then smaller towns as a deliberate war. None of this is condemned by Sadiq Khan the Mayor of London who is to the role of Mayor, what Jimmy Savile was to child entertainment. Aside from the numerous towns used for the Muslim gangs, Britain has nine Muslim mayors who of course aid the gangs. They deplore the role of the gangs, deplore the Christian genocide, the Islamic slavery and the FGM and cannibalism against Christians in the genocides including children (see at the end) yet it still continues. It is a plan of Islam as Islamisation, and conquered countries (it believes) occupants are its slaves. Mass deportations can be deplored also. It is a cult and unlike other cults. Jeremy Corbyn (and many British politicians) say Trumps comments are not enough in regard to Charlottesville ? yet his complicity in Islamic slavery daily is sickening to behold. Corbyn the uneasy Stalinist progressive (but ultimately like Mao) makes you wonder what is 'progressive' It begins or progresses (like Trudeau and Macron) by promising an end of student debt or that he would deal with it, which of course is enough to make students vote for him. After voting, he progresses the previous promise by saying he never said it. Finally, the progression forgets all about it. (straight from Mao's little red book ; some students were encouraged? to vote twice for Corbyn) they have no financial plan.
As mentioned Corbyns changing stance (the Hokey Pokey, first out, then in and then out again now in again in the space of 6 months) with Sadiq Khan on the EU is simply to avoid Islam losing its desire to enslave a country and continent and 'MOMA' Make OBOR Mao again.
Brexit. The recent fleeing from the USA (one of many) by Imran Awan of Pakistan who, with a very large team including family members infiltrated the US congress and all US areas of civic life and government, and western intelligence in the USA and worldwide ( under Obama the infiltration could not be criticized) and to distract race baiting is a part of the democratic party's operations to distract from real issues as it is in the UK, and this occurs in the USA every week or so, a last resort of 'political decay'. The recent example regarding the 2017 Dunkirk film is deemed 'sexist and racist' ? set at a time before mass migration in the 1940's, and when woman's military conscription was not as it is today ? It hasn't yet been branded homophobic, yet but the piranha cyborg's are working on it. i.e. a boat captain shouts woman and children first before non-existent transvestites, or something like that. The Brexit voters have already left the EU and they feel they do not owe them anything.
All of these neurotic media led 'storms' are to destabilize the west as soviet communist 'active measures'. This is an aim of Pakistan ISI (inter service intelligence) of which Sadiq Khans father was a member, (although this is denied) but which Sadiq Khan opposed, being as he is a member of the Fabian communists society (subvert slowly rather than in one big wave or war) The ISI of Pakistan has been infiltrated by al Qaeda and the Muslim brotherhood and others (China, Iran, Russia etc) and is no longer what is was (it is now criminal and was involved in 9/11) and this is why 'immigration' by non-refugees (4 out of 5 ) is pushed every day incessantly. Obama and the democrats did this (including race baiting and transgender madness etc etc) and it is not beneficial to the west. Other gangs (of the hundreds) as mentioned in Newcastle have been uncovered. (April - July 2017) This is society as an anarchic breakdown of itself into a type of North Korea, in which the Church is also silenced (yet in Venezuela where the socialist collapse has occurred and this is the aim of the revolution i.e. slow poverty and all equally poor, people are now crying out for Gd) Sadiq Kahn (who should face arrest over the rise of trafficking gangs in the UK) and Jeremy Corbyn should resign (and rehire Sarah Champion who he sacked last week for saying Pakistanis rape and exploit white woman ? ) and Khan is behind the slavery design in many cities throughout the UK.
As for population replacement being a conspiracy ( amidst abortion and debt) the United Nations advertises it This is the main role for the UN and its 'migration dept' but there are no avenues for Europeans going east into its aging populations ? which is a fallacy of population statistics artificially created (and with statistics supplied by a George Soros NGO)
General Mike Flynn is correct (see para above this section) and Obama is wrong (last post dated 3.8.2017) and Vice President Mike Pence summed it up exactly (and no refugees or immigration occurs into Communist China or Islamic countries) next Video;17.8.2017 ' US and allies will drive Islamic terror from the face of the earth: Mike Pence' and especially since the Spanish terror attacks in mid August 2017 (one of many )
The Military future and the USA from Arlington Virginia. President Trump speech (21.08.2017) (or here see also the rally in Phoenix the next day 22.08.2017)
Obama whilst eulogising on twitter about skin colour etc, still denies the following; (They were raped, burnt and beheaded, and some had their hearts eaten by Moslems. Of course it will be 'deplored', but it will not suffice. The cry for safe zones continues) The UK parliament on the 21.04.2016, has voted unanimously to declare the Christian Genocide as Genocide in the Middle East. This followed on from John Kerry's pronouncement of the Genocide on 17/03/2016 and also the US House of Representatives pronouncement on the 15/03/2016 and the European Parliament announcement of the Genocide on the 04 & 05 / 02/ 2016. Following the UK vote, the government has not officially recognised the designation, although the vote does make that statement, yet it is still not far enough for MP's who have fought for the vote.
The Special Counsel Russia Investigation 2022, Ukraine, Switzerland and Russia (the Bolsheviks and modern 'wokeism') The Covid New World Order, The truth about North Korea
( link to the beginning of this north korea chapter ) and here ( link to the end of the North Korea chapter )
The Russia investigation revealed nothing except that Wall Street had paid for the Russian Revolution but this did not come up into the investigation into Trump and the Russians ? in the media furor and hysterics. Led by Robert Mueller and Rod Rosenstein, the real investigation was the power struggle between the Jesuits, Franciscans and the Knights of Malta, which does involve Trump and Biden
Today all central banks including China are moving towards a digital currency and whether it is a digital dollar or decentralized bitcoin they will merge and are in case a part of the internet which distributes both. The internet is owned by an NGO, which manages both. Chairman Mao Zoa Dong was a nationalist but later joined the communist party, formed in China in 1919 / 1921, as was the Nationalist Socialists in Germany in 1918. Communists as Bolsheviks formed national socialism out of which grew Nazism. The finding of left and right as the hegelian dialectic and as Lenin said, "if you cannot beat the opposition become them" Stalin whose real name was "Joseb Besarionis dzе Jughashvili" attended the 5th Marxist RSDLP or Russian Social Democratic Labour Party in London held in May / June 1907. The first was held in Russia in Minsk in Belarus in 1898. Karl Marx is buried in Highgate cemetery in London and Lenin and Stalin frequented many establishments in London and Ho Chi Min (in 1913) and Trotsky (in 1901 - 2) also lived in London, as did Bashar al Assad in 1994.
There has been no real or Lawful economy since 1913, although President Taft refused to sign in the central banking act in 1913 i.e the US federal reserve act, then without the 20 % withholding tax, but added later in the 16th amendment, it was then brought forward, but this amendment was against the original constitution. The 16th amendment also allowed tax free foundations known today as NGOs. Karl Marx denounced money charged at interest (money and interest are 2 separate items. Marx also denounced 'national debt' making in 'Das Kapital' around page 60 - 66. National debts were for 1 year or 3 not to exist ad infinitum at interest increasing taxes) why ? would any nation give away something they already own ( their own money in circulation in their nation) to someone else and then let them charge interest to you for that which you already own. The Torah also warns about usury and national debt making, yet Karl Marx was also anti-semitic (or here again on bitchute ) and every nation in history has also utilized debt making. The Russian Bolshevik pogroms killed thousands of Jews from 1890 but really from 1917 forward and Poles and Ukrainians and Russians were also killed.the UN charter was composed in 1945 to replace the US Constitution
Today the biggest shareholders (institutional and mutual ) taking advantage of the federal reserve's buying of the World are 1. Berkshire Hathaway. 2. Vanguard Group inc 3. Blackrock inc. (WEF) linked back to the 5 star account adjacent website and post dated 21.10.2021 as the sustainable development fund from the USA's bankruptcy in 1999 4. Morgan Stanley 5. Goldman Sachs
The 'Cold' War
Russia after the war became the new Hitler and were then considered enemies of the West in the Cold War. Stalin suddenly turned away from the current (then in 1945) version of the New World Order. When Germany surrendered (although many suspect that this was also a deception) in May 1945, Russia had become the new enemy by 1947 into 1948. China and Russia had gulags and slave camps. Germans were interned in death camps by 1945 see Eisenhower's Rhine land death camps Yet they were now (due to nuclear secrets escaping) in a Nuclear stalemate under the M.A.D. doctrine of Mutual Assured Destruction. Prior to these events Nuclear weapons only existed in the USA (how did Nuclear weapons spread really ?) with the first explosion tested by Oppenheimer on July 16th 1945. Yet in less than 2 years 'MAD' or mutually assured destruction was a reality ? Major Jordan Lacey explains what really occurred with the spreading of Nuclear proliferation from the USA. (Video 28) From Major Jordan's Diaries (Major George Racey Jordan) who said he had shipped on official orders materials to the Soviet Union throughout WW2. Sometime during the new period when the Soviets were the new enemy or even before it was paramount that the Soviets do not get the Atom bomb.
Reports that Uranium had been stolen by Russian spies hit the US newsstands and a panic ensued (as Major Jordan explains) but since he had been shipping Uranium to Russia officially then he naturally wondered what the fuss was all about. Here is some of the background on the fuss, espionage and stealth / deception during and after WW2 in relation to the massive Soviet spy network within the USA (who were now joined by the former German Nazis in Operation paperclip) .Two people at the center of the Nuclear weapons design controversy was Ethel and Julius Rosenberg ( Ethel and Ethel's brother David were communists and they worked for the Soviets as spies. They were hung for treason ) Were they all spies or were they simply couriers ? who took the blame. Major Jordan Racey is pictured here 6. Major Jordan Racey USA being promoted by Soviet Colonel Kotikov his book of his dairies is here and it is full of pictures of him meeting with the Soviets during the WW2 'lend lease' program which supplied food, oil and materials to Britain and France and later the Soviets officially, but not weapons grade URANIUM His book is available also in pdf form here as a photocopied copy Within this the full story of the Enigma machine and Alan Turing's deciphering has not been fully explained to this day.
The smuggling of Uranium to Russia also occurred in 2014 / 2015 under Biden, Clinton and Obama from the USA via a Canadian company known as the 'Uranium one deal'. This alternative Russia scandal was never a part of the 2016 - 2019 Russia scandal prosecuted by Robert Mueller Knight of Malta and Nancy Pelosi after her meetings with the Russians.Should she be impeached ? for more details on this see the adjacent website and chapter 5 on specifically North Korea (scroll down from the top and the entire Russia is within in navy text half through the North Korea blog, as 2 stories in 1 )
Major Jordan's diaries are of course in line with the findings of Anthony Sutton by whose books here detail how Wall Street funded the Nazis, the Bolsheviks and continued to fund Soviet technological expansion since WW1 (as also detailed in the post above on WW1 dated 11.1.2021 under central banking) The Federal reserve central bank then empowered Wall Street to fund the Russian Revolution and World War 1 and 2 see Anthony Suttons "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution" and / or "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler" and once more "Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development 1930 to 1945" which shows that Communism and / or Socialism would not exist in the east without western finance. An interview with Anthony Sutton was made in 1980
Russia probe USA 2016 - 2019 Robert Mueller Was there Russian collusion with Trump or was Trump the only one not to collude with the Russians ? or has everyone and Trump and all in Washington. Ho di the Russia investigation miss that Wall Street had funded the Russian revolution and built up the soviets and to this day ? As well as the testimony by Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger the son of a Nazi who lives in Israel, there are also many Russians in Israel today. Are any of them Russian intelligence or members of the GRU ( Главное разведывательное управление the main intelligence directorate or just main directorate) which has surpassed and outlasted the KGB and which began in 1810. They were accused of the 2018 Salisbury plain nerve agent in the UK Remember the Russia probe in the USA seemed to be selective on Russian collusion, but all too empowering to overwhelm the media and people's senses for 3 entire years. it was a Psyop (Psychological operation) itself.
Russians and Germans in Israel, do they believe in God.? Karl Marx claimed he did not, and as a German for Russia he helped ferment the Russian revolution, with Lenin who was accused of being a German agent The Kaiser (Wilhelm ) also funded the Russian revolution in WW1 Lenin planned to take some of this money (he said) and use the funds from Wall Street and turn it around to fund a Communist revolution in Germany.(he claimed when accused of using Capitalist money to fund the October (1917) Russian revolution.) Lenin certainly ordered the killings of the Russian Royal family who are related to the British Royal family and wider, how was Kaiser Wilhelm involved with Lenin and the Royal family killings. The Czars of Russia had moved against a basic league of nations in 1814 - 1820, and Britain defended Russia in Moscow in 1950 against the USA as the allies. Later Russia as communism under Stalin was opposed by the USA and Britain, such are allegiances of the moment.
In 2022 Russia is at War with Ukraine see the background Jewish History in Ukraine Maps (or here once ore on youtube Jewish History in Ukrainian Maps ) and also the film "Everything is illuminated" Historians or conspiracy theorists, focus on the Khazarian empire and the conversion of the Khazars to Judaism in the 8th century, but they forget that the King James bible 1611 contains the books Esdras 1 and 2 removed before and after this time (which if you read them it makes sense of the bible verses in Matthew 10, 6 & Matthew 15,24, without the books of Esdras these verses make no sense and that is the point) which states that the 10 lost tribes traveled over the Caucasus mountains into the black sea area and Europe and into Britain and eventually the USA. The Khazars are also related to these early travelers. The Khazar's are separate from the Sephardic Jews who left Babylon and went to Spain and wider and also separate from the tribe of Dan who settled in Europe, Russia, Scandinavia and Britain and Ireland and Scotland, Wales and wider into USA as the original Pilgrims also believed (all between 800 to 500 bc) See the adjacent website and the SOVEREIGNTY OF NATIONS (also for common law and WW1 & WW2)
Prophecies of Ezekiel 38 - 40 (and others which are yet to happen) are still to occur are also central to the war in Ukraine Russia. China always feared Ukraine, Russia Belarus, Georgia and Armenia, Ossetia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan etc and others uniting against them and Iran / Pakistan, especially as from west Ukraine to the Caspian sea is overladen with gas and oil in the waning petro-dollar 2022
Putin speaking of the woke lefts contrived political narrative (Putin is a conservative nationalist etc) says that the Bolsheviks invented the B.F.Skinner behavioral science active measures, psychological warfare and perception management approach to control society but carried on by Skinner and Edward Bernays and analysed by Noam Chomsky. Voltaire is very influential to this day. North Korean a test bed for China (and the new digital social credit system) Putin speaking on it here i.e. wokeism Putin Compares 'Woke' Gender Ideology to a Virus and also see here PUTIN: says 'WOKENESS IS EVIL AND IT'S DESTROYING THE WEST' and also The Woke Bolshevik Revolution (or here again on youtube The Woke Bolshevik Revolution - ROBERT SEPEHR ) and also Putin ‘is right’ in claiming the West is destroying itself through woke politics It is also to destroy the Vatican or rather Roman Catholicism as was. (i.e not to change the 1933 Mussolini Vatican bank as Vatican City )
Is Kim Jong Un gay ? It seems not (recently Mrs supreme leader sister in law has recently warned the west do not push us or we will Nuke having found her role as equal, she or Mrs Supreme leader has been determined since childhood The interview:a little Korean girl sings (die America,die) but Volodymyr Zelenskyy the leader of Ukraine is gay. Once an actor playing a person acting to be president in a television series (and was also in dancing with the stars) it actually came true (contd) from television fiction into real politics. The far right in Ukraine have a right to defend their country, as does Russia or any nation.The Azov battalion fight for the Ukraine and are under his orders, and Theodor Herzl was an Austrian Jewish nationalist and also a Zionist. Russia is worried more about bank investigations, which began with the overnight bank rates than they are on Russian spying etc (overnight bank funding rate OBFR crisis of 2019 and the European big pharma money laundering scandals and the Leidos scandal, but no Asian or USA scandal in big pharma sees to get the same treatment in the media) but with little blame on China who still want to run the New world Order, but without Russia in reality. China has a Nuclear treaty with the Ukraine "China protects Ukraine!" so it is in effect helping the Ukraine and partnering with Russia ? as the petro dollar decreases will China want to rule with Russia ? How will all cbdc digital money and all cryptos merge ? into one ? for one world currency under one bank run by AI who only pays the 'strawman' self created at your birth, not you actually, a systen perfected by China, with Google and the big tech Metaverse. It makes no difference to the world order or the CIA in North Korea, if North Korea and South Korea unites but it does make a difference to Koreans (a Korean great reset) North Korea the socialist communist iconoclasts, have closed borders, no abortion and ethno - identity and are in fact nationalists (like Castro) not least because the North Korean population has seen the effects of mind control on the proletariat which they observe very closely .The man in the last video has seen nothing yet. Adolf Hitler of course mentioned in the last video, faked his own death. A tunnel was constructed from the bunker, which is still traceable underground in Berlin. He went to Spain and then onto Argentina and also Neuschwabenland land bases in the Antarctic, and his children and grandchildren became powerful political leaders over time with connections to Bavaria as they plan to rule the world (up until Brexit which has brought change) but the new Schwabians globally will / have emerged and ride to Valhalla. Nations are closing their borders as through the pandemic (it was not a Globalist situation) it in fact encouraged nations to produce at home as much as possible, with some suggesting that nature and wildlife blossomed again afterwards and during. The spiritual attacks however were even more revealing.
The Ukraine may join the EU (although they already have EU membership to the minimal degree known as the Association agreement signed in 2014 sparking the Russia Ukraine war Nov 13th 2013 with the OECD Treaty of summer 2013, to which Russia was influential) The recent details of Ukraine membership are here from 8.4.2022. Putin's daughters have been targeted for sanctions which comes with warnings from Hungary who may Huexit after Brexit with again Italy and others looking at the petrodollar ending ( Russia and Saud doing a deal for Rubles and Yuan for oil ) and the new financial system becoming appealing. Ukraine will then join NATO and the war with Russia will deepen
The EU however is losing members and many are reconsidering membership. Brexit began on the 31.1.2020 and is still going strong, with any nations now realizing that they should be able to make their own trade deals, including whether to buy gas from wherever they wish, or even better produce their own energy needs 100% at home. The EU is a private corporation in which the drama of the European legislators in the "european parliament" is a pointless exercise as it does formulate legislation but only rubber stamps legislation from the EU via the UN. The Dutch 'pedophile party' and the Greens Further as an indicator of decay in Holland, a paedophile party was formed in 2006 to stand in elections, despite protests politicians who promised to remove the party have not and it has judicial support again in 2013. Refounded in 2020 and allowed to stand openly (for "diversity") it has not been raided and no one is arrested ? The PNVD party details are here and they have infiltrated the Green parties in many countries including Germany (see here also ) and also in Ireland amongst the Green party ?but also all the Euro Greens in every country Its not sustainable.
The Chernobyl Nuclear Explosion of 1986 in Ukraine. Reported as an accident many suspect it was not an accident but industrial sabotage. It caused devastation in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus spreading Nuclear waste over thousands of miles affecting millions and millions have been genetically affected. The charity "Chernobyl children'' can give some of the background, but the disaster genetically altered animals and humans and to this day, with the press under reporting the extend of the horror caused by the Nuclear disaster To understand the nonsense that Nuclear energy is clean see more if you can, yet there were no appeals for refugees then as it was not as profitable in the current trafficking slave trade growing globally around the world. The accident polluted soils, food and the water system, and the site was entombed but not before locals were asked to shovel up nuclear waste with spades and wheelbarrows in the madness that ensued. The site has been "entombed" to attempt to clean it up but the central area known as the "elephant's" foot (the shape of the waste looks like) killed people after 5 minutes exposure even in full hazmat suits. This elephant's foot is eating its way into the main underground water systems. See "The Elephant's Foot - Corpse of Chernobyl" (or here also) In March 2022 Russia captured the plant once more but withdrew after 12 days Potentially it could explode again or be used as a tool in the war for devastation , as it is unstable, Chernobyl many religious commentators also means "wormwood" (bitterness) see here for its translated name And this name is mentioned in the bible at Revelation 8:10-11 the area has a massive 3rd Angel statue to mark the disaster (see last link) and the bible verse in Rev 8, 10 - 11, says "And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter" (many suggest that this was also the Tunguska mystery explosion i.e not a meteorite of 1908) yet the waters of Chernobyl are bitter as wormwood as Rev 8, 10 - 11 states.
China's quest to run the New World Order is their declaration of world war
World Government Summit 2022 and the new Pandemic treaty Other lesser heard voices which for the unification of North and South Korea (still issuing threats as is required after the 2018 / 2019 joyous uniting) as it is simply best for them. After the Holodomor and the Russian Gulags from 1917 to 1992 and beyond, those same voices hope that Russia and Ukraine can be free, from forces trying to destroy them and the west The CIA / Mossad papers on Kim Jong Un show no areas of obvious impropriety during his Swiss sojourn. They show that he was an average chubby asian kid who was groomed to become 'Dr Evil' in North Korea, during his training in Switzerland (home of the BIS, Bank of International Settlements, Basel 1, 2, 3 and 4 to come as the ongoing Bretton Woods system, and also hoe of the United Nations ) Warfare is not just a nuclear worry but a bio warfare war is just as devastating. which is real and will continue. (bio - ID bio - metric, bio-engineering, crypto digital currency and disruptive innovation) Ukraine and Nato may go for the Crimea as Finland and Sweden seek to join and pressure Ukraine to join NATO, although nations request to join NATO. The new world order is underway. (see the World Economic Forum, World Government Summit 2022. Stakeholder Capitalism Communitarianism Personal energy credits, Synarachy, the removal of private property, Feudalism, and the coming Pandemic treaty (international agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response) Pandemic Treaty for the entire world 2022 with up to 194 nations and countries to join but perhaps a world with much less people upon it. Artificial Intelligence surveillance will discover everyone, corrupt or not ) For an idea of the summit see here from the Corbett report.Globalists Spill the Beans at the World Government Summit - #NewWorldNextWeek Has the NWO been badly advised on eugenics which does not need artificial change ? The real war with now Jerusale as the capital of Israel (which everyone will have to comply with, without exception, like it or not, and the real war to end wars) is for Greater Israel in full.
In Ukraine the (alleged) Bucha massacre (March / April 2022) investigation is ongoing yet the Ukraine has been subject to massacres for decades from the Bolsheviks
The truth of North Korea. General MacArthur in WW2
and after who oversaw the surrender of Japan was not allowed to win the war in Korea in the late 1940's into the early 1950's. Under orders of the United Nations. President Truman relieved (fired by the UN who put pressure on Truman) MacArthur from his position (it was told he had made military errors leading to an intervention) Incredibly Truman had to first put his plans through the UN who sent the plans to the communists and later General Vasiliev (who also fought in the Ukraine) and this occurred in the Vietnam war also. The United Nations let the Russian general Vasiliev take a long leave of absence to take command of the North Korean army and oversee Chairman Mao in the war (for the rest go to the top of the North Korean chapter) Yet the American UN ? was therefore against the USA ? General Alexandre F. Vasiliev worked at the United Nations at the UN military secretariat, yet had fought for the Red Army and later headed it. The UN Charter was composed by Alger Hiss taking part of the Soviet Russian constitution and communist manifesto into one document. A soviet spy and a big influence on Obama. North and south Korea is to create a Hegelian dialectic of opposing sides who are both controlled by the same side under mainly the UN in this instance. Problem, reaction solution or thesis, versus antithesis equals new Synthesis The UN was not permitting the USA to win the war or any wars (no win wars to be sustained as long as possible see paragraph below on this) but still the military industrial complex was allowed to go to war. This doctrine also appeared in Vietnam.
The documentary (repeated from the very beginning of this chapter on North Korea) on the battle for North Korea before the Vietnam war. China and Russia also involved ( video; 'Chosin Reservoir - Epic of Endurance | KOREAN WAR' or here on youtube 'Our Time in Hell: The Korean War' or here as an MP4 Video file ) and which continues with hopes Korea can be United.
No Win wars as wars to be Sustained. A explanation is given here beginning specifically on Vietnam at 45 seconds and ending 2 minutes 57 seconds Zeitgeist: The Movie - PART 8/9 - [With 2010 Update) ( or here no 7 as an MP4 file i.e the same video) The US army were 'obliged' to fight in a limited grid system and the Democrats informed the Vietnamese of this, they in turn could fight however they wished. Anti war Vietnam protests in the USA did not protest Chairman Mao's regime in China or his attempt to take over Vietnam before (before 1955) the Vietnam war broke out yet Chairman man and the Chinese communist party killed more people than any other regime in history.(Video 23) Chairman Mao s Great Famine & the Communist Party of China (CPC) and also on the Maoists (Video 24)Tibet Beyond Fear, Dalai Lama, Mao & The Great Replacement of its population by Communists From this impossible situation a air bombing campaign was instigated with also Napalm and Agent Orange from Bayer Monsanto. More than 7.5 million tons of bombs on Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia—double the amount dropped on Europe and Asia during World War II
General Hal Moore A general who did not keep to the grid system agreement (because it was insane ) was General Hal Moore, who chose different tactics, and which are told in the film also "We were Soldiers"
The people of the Korean peninsula are trapped or severely controlled within this doctrine to this day. As is the world a virtual 'North Korea' as North Korea was the test area for China (with assistance from Big Tech and especially Google in recent years, but North Koreans did not get much big tech to use themselves as project Dragonfly develops) to perfect its inhuman surveillance and control system to export next for the entire world unless it is subdued or even invaded. Shanghai today (8.4.2022) with millions locked down, children being removed from parents, and food distribution blocked. see also Covid IS BACK?! - Are LOCKDOWNS & JAB PASSES RETURNING? - 4th Shot & China's Lockdowns EXPOSED China has the most efficient killing machine / system for overpopulation especially under Chairman Mao. China soon wants the West to be like China of the 1950's.
( link to the beginning of this north korea chapter ) and here ( link to the end of the North Korea chapter ) (this post added 8.4.2022)
Turkey is now a dictatorship since its referendum in April 2017, but the west considered Turkey a Nato country and with the Iran deal it is hoped they would be 'democratized' instead of becoming a totalitarian regime which is the natural state of Islam and which cannot tolerate the USA constitution.In fact they have gone the other way with only a facade of democracy. Since Turkey was armed by the west it has changed direction away from western values which is exactly what General Mike Flynn suggested would occur, including in Iran. General Mattis has said that the fight against Islam should be a straight fight, as it has demonstrated no concern for Christians in the middle east or other countries it has taken over as it advanced northwards since 630ad and to take over Syria and the middle east. Inquiries into Islam, Russia or North Korea's activities within the USA or anywhere were met with little concern in the USA during the 2008 and 2016 period .
Koreans however may have a chance for freedom for both sides of the DMZ and the argument instead of the huge speakers blasting across insults and historical differences ( which may or may not include Kim Jong Un who denies being gay as some narratives relate, or as it suggests 'nearly gay' ? ) He maintains he is one of the last world leaders not to be gay or nearly gay, ( 'nearly gay' many suggest simply means Heterosexual ) The other narrative suggests other matters are more important and paramount to Koreans in the dialogues across the Korean DMZ divide including Kims intention to wipe out everyone in a world wide Nuclear Holocaust and suffer in its grim aftermath
North Korea's activities which include funding Syria, mean it is at war externally and has also funded other uprisings around the world. The interference now in 2017 by democrats in US foreign policy which they previously supported and the massive southern and northern USA vote for Trump is pushed by also by outside voices including North Korea and Iran and the Muslim brotherhood (in which it is ok to be a muslim supremacist, but not ok to be white and nationalist in your own country as one example ? the hysteria is a false flag, via the left who are also resident to work alongside the useful idiots who are unaware of the hollow hysteria's origins. America is a country in itself, it is not Russia, China or Obama's Islamic Caliphate ) - the Muslim brotherhood who are designated as terrorists by UAE and the USA is considering their status now. The FBI have also investigated CAIR (who are a cult in reality) who were introduced and lobbied by the democrat administration, but who vilify Americans for choosing their own education system which includes civics and the constitution and American history and the bible (inside America ? yet it covers up the violation of the espionage act by Obama and Clinton and the pseudonym Obama General McInerney 19.05.2017 used to liaise with Clinton's emails) These subjects are banned in North Korea also and at the end of this essay you will see Christian persecution in its raw state (and Americans may feel they are living in North Korea through all this very unusual time in history) yet the leadership is well funded in its capital (the pong in yang) but enslaved elsewhere in the country.
What you have to understand concerning the North Koreans, there are two possibilities 1) They are in fact making fun of the west e.g. the theatre / film set (You are limited to only a few types of hairstyle in North Korea which are displayed on boards, like a film set situation. Calling for extras " One 1970's charles bronson shape hair, type must be convincing and a couple of expendable fake gays with hairstyle no 4 for front reception" ) In the capital the following scenarios occur behind the scenes ?, are they are having a giggle as the girls in these photos suggest ? but as soon as a western bourgeois imperialist capitalist approaches (and they refer to tourists by that title in their presence) they get serious and stand to attention (this woman is officious, but gorgeous in the strictly objective non sexist sense of the word, also a random but stunning Marxist member of the North Korean woman's army. ) The privileged seem to distance themselves from the peasants in the Marxist state ? 2) It is a cruel prison (a game of golf at Pyongyang golf course) and is a total nightmare, either way you have to feel for the North Korean people. Whether it is Kim in power or someone else China would make sure Kim or the next leader would push the Nuclear button. That is their purpose. The population serve to exist in and around that function and when you consider that Kim Il Sung's mausoleum is said to have cost US$900 million amidst the poverty, it is clear the situation is deadly serious and very sad. This is aside from 7 million dollar yachts and so on. A 3rd) option exists, see the conclusion below.
Chairman Mao and China created North Korea, yet China wants to revoke " Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation and Mutual Assistance Between the People's Republic of China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea " (July 11 1961) which obliges China to defend North Korea. However even since the Han dynasty 108 bc (and before) into the Tang dynasty and Manchurian wars, China has tried to conquer Korea, but Korea has always resisted. Chairman Mao was a Monster in the extreme but the sad irony is (as many chat show hosts remark upon) with the awful haircut Mao had, today he would have been banned (without Kim granting a dispensation and look at his hair) from North Korea and many afternoon TV liberal celebrity chat shows in the west but ! not for mass genocide. As you will see in the conclusion the North Korean forces with inadequate camouflage (acting) seems to signal Russian and Chinese satellites that the impending Nuclear rumble (By Kim and the Generals) is a real harmless exercise (as opposed to a totally fake one)
What is incredible in Communist vanguards is of course they are a one party state (and Russia and China have killed 100's of millions of people under a one party state). In the west liberal or labor parties challenge elections and place questions in parliament citing freedom and inclusiveness (except for many groups who are excluded) when their government model is an un-elected vanguard which bans other parties and demonstrations and democracy ? Surreal.
An alternative for the North Koreans is to not break for the border but instead "group think" and overthrow the oppressors as the oppressed majority (Marxist communist, Stalinist or Maoist) and have a one big giant Caucasian party. It is unfair and oppressive to believe that white people; and narrowing the target area down (targeted by the critical theorists / cultural marxists in more ways than one over the last 6 years especially see chapter 3 on the adjacent website) to Christians and narrower still, white Christians cannot grasp the theories of oppression that exist in the world, or that they alone are responsible, being as they are the oppressed majority. It is also unfair to assume that they do not understand the complexities of tricky nuclear situations or the delicacies of international diplomacy. Its an outrage.
It is impossible to aptly describe what the hell is going on in North Korea it is so unusual.... On the 1.3.2017 North Korea fired a inter ballistic missile. The last scene/film (even before 1.3.2017) was secretly filmed openly ? ... ( view a strikingly similar scene from the puppets in 'Thunderbirds' ) with Kim and the Generals in North Korea and released as footage to the West ? Spot the difference ? the videos also reveal the real face behind Iran (more puppetry) and the nuclear narrative which seems very staged in most films (staged by China) and which can take your mind off the fact North Koreans are imprisoned and need to be free. Without reform in North Korea and a pledge to let the people be free from China and NK, the combined land, sea and air invasion of North Korea could be over in 2 - 3 days (in a real scenario) Letting North Korea unify with South Korea (which would bring a majority vote across both halves) is being prevented by North Korea, they are firing the missiles and they are maintaining and escalating the war whilst controlling its population with hard drugs which are also used for export whilst enslaving its own population. Russia and China's shadow banking funneled through North Korea and Iran is effectively undermining the world finance, continuing China's aim (which does not include Russia as a full partner but a vassal state) to try and takeover or control the world's economy (see the end of the adjacent website and chapter 3 on 'China' which has rightly banned Islam as it knows Islams genocidal imperialism is against China's interests in its declared 'Holy War' internally and externally. China and its softer Marxist liberal agenda in the West pushes integration onto the west whilst it continues to fund and finance and to combine with Iran China's and Afghanistan border are joined in the east of Afghanistan, and Afghanistan is next to Iran's eastern border. The surrounding nations of NK control the 'state' the North Korean population live in (the Marxist prison) which is still ruled by the Chinese communist party de-facto who crush all other opposition groups and erase human rights. This is too shocking for western liberal minds to comprehend.
Communism and its genocides are a fascist project from beginning to end planned and carried through and also analysed and perfected. Postmodernism (including critical theory) will find the following statement offensive 'Asian have slitty eyes' People are more offended by tribal distinction language than they are of 'genocide' or at least it receives a larger span of attention ( Asian heterosexual woman of the opposite sex who have always been woman have beautiful eyes of course ) It is not considered offensive to westerners who have 'round eyes' to call them 'round eyes' as a nickname or as a derogatory statement of dislike (no one demonstrates or screams hysterically against round eye racism) The correct term is 'epicanthal fold' which is a feature found in Asians but also within some Scandinavians to a lesser extent. (see last link) This is because most tribes originated form one source from the earliest times, but do not discuss that topic with the Marxist 'we evolved from monkey merchants' who haven't had a evolved or enlightened thought since they learnt to wipe their ass. The earliest tribes originated in Sumeria, Egypt, Israel / Canaan etc) The Scythian tribes which are traceable back to these earliest patriarchs (and matriarchs) extend from Ireland and Scandinavia to Mongolia into Russia and China. The 'evolution' of doctrines and philosophies can be traced from the earliest times when someone takes the time (an epic book) see; Ian Taylor 'In the minds of men' mentioned at the beginning of this North Korea essay within the first 15 paragraphs for a history over millennia.
The enclosed experiment in North Korea is a experiment conducted by China to perfect a twisted version of human behavior over decades and to eventually extend this outward (they hope) over the world. North Korea is useful as the subjects live within the closed system. Communism failed but it was never really designed to be a viable model as the 'great leap forward' stage leads to genocide designed and as a aim of the doctrine (i.e. dialectical historical materialism and from its origins in 1. primitive communism / slavery which passed and moved to 2. feudalism, then to 3. capitalism and next to to 4. socialism and then finally towards a 5. better corrected communism than primitive communism making a 'great leap forward' from capitalism to socialism / communism at some stage of development. Dialectical materialism also removes a belief in a soul and God but not by rational argument only theory ) North Korea is one big state corporation which has merged the state and business and law making into a totalitarian entity and dictatorship (communism failed in North Korea also ) this is the fascism of the left, of big government which monopolizes the laws and accepts the most inefficient system within the enlarging debt system which eventually and inevitably leads to decline and decay. In the west laws are made within a system of checks and balances but can also suffer the same problems. Big government is a typical problem leading to corruption and fascism. In the USA in the Constitutional Republic, (and to repeat; a democracy can steal someones property when two people can take the property of one person by voting on it against them) and in the US constitution, its laws and liberties allows; freedom of speech, critical thinking voiced and valued, the right to bear arms, quiet enjoyment of property, the right to be left alone, and liberty and freedom under God. When laws are made by vested interests and the state combined, in an out of control debt system which is also not bringing competition but slow destruction this will produce the same results as the communist collapse. Efficiency and good business are undermined by debt causing wages and profits to become a constant source of angst between employer and employee. Deficit spending which does not reduce the deficit in the good times is not a viable theory. (Keynes hoped the deficit would reduce in a boom but with Obamacare as one example the deficits are rising faster and with rising price costs the health system called Obamacare will eventually collapse leading to complete free market replacement) The US taxpayer however with the deficit being so high, and China funding the wars by buying the debt ....... (which gives them control of the pace and level of a war with Russia is evident in Syria and the in the Iraq reset and Ukraine which are wars the west is losing by the end of 2016 )..... it is such a large debt the US taxpayer are paying the impossible interest payments and higher taxes as a result (There is nothing wrong with capitalism, corporations and the markets in themselves and booms can be sustained but any institution which makes the laws solely with the state is not a democracy or constitutional republic. Markets have set new records since January 21st 2017 and free trade regulated is in effect communism) North Korea has a competition reward system also as a communist state as does China, but it is instilled by fear and not by faith or economic value. China was a communist system and fascist (economics, laws and the state under its sole control = fascism ) but is now a Capitalist state with a communist vanguard who control the state, the laws and the economics = fascism. Communism in the dialectic is not a zero sum or non zero sum game but a method of destruction beyond anarchy. It was never designed to bring long lasting economic value or prosperity or stability. China in either its capitalist or communist guise wants to be the model for a new world order (see the adjacent website and chapter 3)
North Korea is the 'patsy' for Russia and China. If World War is going badly for them, North Korea can take the blame for the first limited Nuclear Strike (as a rouge state) which will of course bring about their own demise. Amidst the 1 million strong army of north korea, the elites in the capital (video, ' 會讓你大喊WOW 可愛到爆表的北韓美女 ' ) have a pleasant and privileged lifestyle in contrast to the actors. They say that it is western propaganda when it is stated people do not act freely or happily. Modern satellites (including Russian and Chinese) orbiting the earth, beam in on North Korea, scanning 24/7 and every second of the day and nighttime (the last link shows the ineffective and attention drawing 'camouflage' employed by the North Korean army. These actions and actors seem to have no relation to reality in these 'scenes' or army exercises, yet they know they are being watched from above etc. Its absurd of course but the North Korean army has special forces who train and undertake operations, and could possibly escape whenever they like one would imagine. Aside from the camouflage blunders or continuity problems, they also release film of their exercises, some are ' Thunderbirds' type scenarios, some are full on communist processions, in which they will destroy the USA and roast it into ash etc. The actors who cannot fake it or become restless or weary from stress and step out of line are thrown in the gulags. 3. A third option exists and that is North Korea is destined to become the inevitable catalyst for a world war, between west and east.This is why it is weird as it now exists to serve that purpose only (now) Limiting a nuclear war is never easy. Its a play within a play (on a level, unparalleled in history ) and the chorus wants to be free and liberated. Its audacious, Chairman Mao meets Madame butterfly, but with a very big stage. Attending a wedding in North Korea a western lady and one of the guests thought everything she saw was faked except the wedding which North Koreans believe in. She says "A visit to NoKo is a metaphorical arms race of Ask Don't Tell. You know it and they know it, and you know they know it, and they know you know it, and you know that they know that you know it, and they know that you know that they know that you know that they know it. Or not. And so on. Ceaseless cognition over what's real and what's not" Asians though and North Koreans think the same about the west. Incredible as North Korea is and given the choice between living in it or one of the Islamabads regimes like Iran and Saudi (as a non westerner) many would choose North Korea every time.
North Korea exists 'de facto' as a nuclear threat. It also can offer backup to difficult trade deals as a threat. Many suspect Kim with a direct line to China and Russia is used as a focusing agent in trade deal negotiations. If an international trade deal is underway, unilateral or bilateral or amongst many countries it may be possible to correlate trade deal and stock market activity directly to Kims nuclear threats. If a China or Russia deal is not going well China rings Kim and requests some Nuke action.Kim issues low or medium or high nuclear threat to the USA and North Korea (general army manoeuvre's and dramatics followed by press statements) Liberals in the west then suggest a compromise fearing to push Kim over the edge but the liberals may as well be working for China anyway, (and probably are) and maybe it is coordinated. Any logarithmic correlation could prove this theory but as a basic loose rule of thumb is; if Kim is beginning a Nuke rumble exercise, then a trade deal may be looking grim for China and a bull market is in play, if Kim gets his way and China is pleased a bear market may follow. What is certain and after a trade deal with China (and Ming the Merciless and the heads of the central organizing committee) ten years later the west is trillions more in debt. Trying to rationalize North Korea and Kim is however a huge folly but there may be a pattern there which may not be present in many economic text books.
It is reported this month that Children work in slave labor conditions as young as five years of age. Amnesty international reported in November 2016 that the gulags (camps) are still in operation. China in 1999 began to exterminate the Fulan Gong but also sold their body organs internationally to the highest bidder, resembling the planned parenthood stem cell scandals in America and Europe. The indecision on North Korea and the stage set scenarios and human rights abuses are less attractive to highlight because they are not 'right wing problems' but the product of eugenics as left wing atrocities and ideological necessity. Chairman Mao and Pol Pot believed this also. Many people reading this North Korea story all the way down from above would be more offended by a critique of 'critical theory' than the organ harvesting of children who collapse from slave labour, or a population in indentured socialist service, or Nuclear war on the US population. Kim (despite the split and move away from China's hold ) still works for China.
Woman have not been liberated by feminism but have become subjugated slowly and to a deeper degree into exploitation. Even 'Femen' the woman's movement who correctly highlight the exploitation of woman in the Ukraine, and who are warriors but who are exploited by their leader (i.e. the leader of Femen) who is a man ? ( and who has obviously failed the feminists eye ball test, see the beginning of this North Korean essay) See chapter 4 above in the heading 'Alicia's law' and see also the The Warrior Women of Asgardia who are also determined Warriors, who are led by a woman. See video 'The Warrior Women of Asgarda'. Being alive and feminine is complete at birth, yet this is removed from the mind, and it is also weakened by being a half gender, a notion lost on modern society. This does not mean heterosexual woman are 'baby factories' or are waiting to get married by being feminine. In China how did woman (young girls and children) move from being warriors and independent (the last images are similar to the Scythian warrior woman see adjacent website chapter 2 and 4, and chapter 4 above on this website) to killing their own parents or sending them to gulags for "un - communist" ideas in the "cultural revolution" under chairman Mao, in which 80 million people died ? (see " Mao's Great Famine HDTV " or MP4 Video file version here & a CIA documentary " China's Great Leap Forward | 1958 | History of China Under Mao Zedong | CIA Documentary Fi or here also on bitchute) and 45 million by famine in the 'great leap forward and cultural revolution' with some estimates suggesting up to 145 million over his entire 'career' The communist party complete silence on this issue has lasted for decades.
Mao was a manipulator of students and the Maoist (little red book) handbook cites this tactic, (as mentioned above in the Nukes for North Korea/Iran scandal above ) employed by Obama Mao (who launched more wars than any other President in history and was the originator of the travel ban. Before taking office he won the Nobel peace prize but the Nobel committee have now asked him to return) and more recently Jeremy Corbyn Mao who promised students that he would reduce or eliminate student debt in student education but framed the question that he would just for votes to only deal with student debt ( encouraged to whip up excitement and he then got the votes) and then denied he said it, and he has not got a clue how to pay for student education. We have all been students. Its not North Korea quite yet but it is getting there. Kim Jong Un should take care of all his people as things are changing.
"Re-education" meant children were indoctrinated and then given command, taking over communities at even age 8 years having first being brainwashed and triggered into a violent collective neurosis. In the same way ISIS operates today, again see all but see 46 minutes fwd in " Mao's Great Famine HDTV " or MP4 Video file version here in effect Mao brainwashed the youth to rise up against their own generals who criticized Mao's famine genocide which he did not acknowledge as his fault. Once the had achieved his aims he then violently suppressed the students in turn. Sounds like the recent 'Obama Mao' years into 2017. It is the same repeated process which follows Mao's Red book (to lesser or greater degrees in various countries) 'Victory' under Chairman Mao usual celebrated with music blaring around the workers meant victory for the elite who watched as workers worked for nothing, starved to death or struggled with the wrong crops in the wrong soil slowly grinding themselves into a slow death. The elite Leninist's (like Obama) continued to encourage the deception. As can be read in this chapter and see the Russian gulags above it is one thing to place people to work in gulags, but it is even more cruel, but ever more satisfying for Chairman Mao(s) to induce people to want to work in a gulag and like it. The Chinese communist committee should resign and let the people take over. Seeds of anything abnormal are sown into society for no other reason than to dominate and then subject the entire population to the deviancy of any useful platform (by 'useful idiots' a term coined by Lenin see Soviet KGB officer Yuri Bezmenov ( or here ) who points out that many young people are not brainwashed and are stronger people who are capable of figuring out economics without being patronized, and many have seen through the deception of liberal relativism, socialism and communism even from their teenage years as subversive against the working and middle class, family and country) Spirituality and faith is top of the list to go.
Kenyan elections 2017 and their unusual events (Kenya or USA, has Kenyan thought influenced the USA 2008 – 2016)
To see this working (in these five paragraphs including this one) in a freer nation (but which is still occurring nevertheless ) whilst trying to overtake the country and ruin its constitution also, consider the Kenyan elections 2017. Kenya is holding an election and initially there was a wide field of candidates, and in August 2017 President Kenyatta won the election (or so he thought) . Some weeks later the supreme court annulled it due to irregularities ( see next the paragraph ) Kenya now has a new constitutional court and outlook and the courts were cleaned up in 2016 and completed under Kenyatta (but began before him) and Kenya has a constitution. The candidates were whittled down to two (as in many elections? ) as a repeat of previous elections. ( i.e. Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta and Raila Odinga) Kenya's leader and wider community, rejected Obama's gay talk in 2016, and in the 2017 elections, and opposition leader Raila Odinga who is a communist, but others say he is also a born again Christian (see further on) but has racist tendencies and (as mentioned above ) supports Islam like Obama Islamic images and Islamic prayers have been removed from the Whitehouse in the USA, recently. (video 'Obama Loves The Islamic Morning Call To Prayer' and quote on his Islamic call to prayer every morning in the Whitehouse ) Odinga is also Obamas cousin (although this is weakly denied) Obama has now illegally interfered with this recent Kenyan election, with the 'Russians' (i.e. Kenya's elections in 2017) and Odinga as a communist is also backed by China and North Korea. To understand Obamas legacy from 2008 – to 2016 which is the Christian genocide (ongoing) and his denial of it, and its Islamic roots, you have to understand someone like (as previously mentioned) Dr Khalid Abdul MuhamMad who called for the killing of all White people and much more than that (i.e. the woman, the children, the babies, the faggots, the lesbians, and kill them, all he says and the congregation love it) (video; you tube 'New Black Panthers call for killing all Whites' ) that's Islam and that's Islam and Communism with liberalism and racism and communism extremists (which should be banned) Kenya also in its communist past had leaders who were helping those responsible for the deaths of 2 million Ethiopians, (by the same methods) with connections to Obamas father. Odinga has also pushed for Sharia law for Kenya, (outlined here also) as communists / socialists do in the EU and Britain.(but not much else for nationalist working class people ?)
Obama's interference in the 2017 Kenyan elections (and others ) began when the constitutional court ruled Kenyatta's electionhad 'irregularities' but Odinga has also been accused of irregularities and in previous elections and in similar circumstances. It is mooted that Kenyatta and Odinga now have motives to dislike the constitutional court, but Sharia law has an even bigger motive as does communism. Odinga called for a new election on 25.10.2017, but then withdrew from the election, but then once more called for a new election with him and Kenyatta as the only two candidates.(sort of) Odinga then went to the UKand met with (amongst others) the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby who is fighting the split on gay marriage in the Anglican church, and MP for Africa Rory Stewart MP. On returning to Kenya Odinga then met a Moslem MP from Suna who warned Kenyatta ( directed at Odinga with no travel law or rights in mind) to leave Kenya? (obviously a criminal) followed by meeting Bishop Robert Wafula where he accepted Jesus as his saviour ( now ? in October 2017) The Black Islamic lobby and Black panthers in the USA or Europe who are not the working class among them, but are racial supremacists are critical theory neurotic. They do not point this out at all in the USA ? (the last link also fails to note the African Americans and woman in the Republican GOP and Mrs Nicki Haley as US Representative to the UN, Sarah Sanders and others, Ben Carson etc ?) In Uganda rejecting the 'gay talk' (see last paragraph above ) from other activists (active in Africa) has brought new insights into the issue, and which came from the President of Uganda ( she was later bailed ) Islam of course just beheads the gay infidels, or traffics woman and children, but before those beheadings by Islam can occur it is vital to liberals (communists) to change a nations laws into the ridiculous. (Obama's transgender toilets costing millions. There are many bushes in Africa for the confused without cost or new laws. Whilst Islam is volatile, Gays who were victims of the holocaust do not mention many gays who were also responsible for it etc ) This confusion (which allows men to marry and which is not biblical, prevents men Priests from marrying ?) is evident (see section on Anarchy above) when both Che Guevara, Fidel Castro and Islam all kill gays (but an issue which is ignored by Obama…mr and mr s ) and Justin Trudeau who admire and worship Che, Castro and Dr Khalid Abdul MuhamMad (for a bribe and position and temporary traitorous exemption status)
A ex - legislator who had previous experience in this area in 1992, ( Former Kilome MP Harun Mwau ) said any fresh elections must include all possible political parties. Odinga's running mate Stephen Kalanzo Musyoka has stepped down for the Kenyatta / Odinga (election version ) only election, and Musyoka feels he was elbowed out in the 2016 presidential election. Musyoka was baptized by a Christian pastor in 2007. Further during the stalled re-election set for 25.10.2017, the ICC the international criminal court was petitioned by an NGO called the International Policy Group It wants the ICC to question Odinga and Kalanzo Musyoka. The international policy group NGO are led by the Fabian society which has become a front for Islam pushing socialism and the re-emergence of communism under China (which moved from socialism to capitalism and stayed there contradicting Marxist theory so far i.e. the world will move from a primitive socialism / Marxism, into capitalism and then finally communism. On the one hand the east is a burgeoning silk road paradise on the other it is a financial mess ? although Russia's debt to gdp is only 13% ) and it feels the west is bankrupt and with its (China's) debts at 300% of gdp + it could change or eradicate international law and its debt obligations and turn the west into one big North Korea by collapsing the world economy (for the Fabián society see adjacent website and chapter 3 and post-dated 17.05.2016 The Growing Conflict & scroll down) These moves against Musyoka in Kenya are designed some suggest to rerun all candidates although it is unclear why there is actually a new election.
In the USA, if this all sounds domestically familiar and in line with Kenyan politics (no country is perfect) it seems to follow the events of 2008 – 2016 as if Kenya had been magically transported to the USA ? Obama in the USA (and Kenya ) still feels he is the President in 2017 and aside from spying on Republicans and subverting the course of the new President in the USA and the new administration and the constitution. he has taken his NGO hyperdrive (non-governmental organisation) into subverting many foreign elections whether he is the President or not ? In Washington the cost of these ventures are now in Trillions over decades and the US taxpayer is sick of them. The Fabian society is however seen as western but is actually undermining the west. Russia has NGO's all over the world also (but are praised by the west, whilst the wests are castigated) working and subverting for it. China also has its own NGO equivalents (as well as military bases and financial institutions worldwide) Both China and Russia are blocking western NGO's in favour of their own (working together) whilst western debts spiral out of control. Kenya is no exception. In the USA the Washington press reports which are later proven false is the morm (Puerto Rican press false reporting uncovered & Legal 'teams' as soft NGO's corrupt for Islam i.e. IIhan Omar 'Lawyer' who has criminally abused the system openly) Many of these western NGO's are working for Russia and China and Islamic front groups, whilst the agents work with US security, army and civil service jobs. The result internal chaos and sown confusion with no one cracking down on it as a criminal conspiracy (where are the swat teams here?) No streamlining or direction for the west to solidify its position and purpose, and the impression is all western NGO's are corrupt (which is not true) whilst all from the East are beneficial to mankind, when Russia and China do not have democratic elections or human rights towards them. This also occurs in the EU and Britain. The ultimate irony is Obama is now (17.10.2017) teachings 'civics' but as a way to destroy the US constitution. And who via George Soros and Hillary Clinton bussed or transported in actors, as left and right extremists in Charlottesville USA on the same bus, in Aug / Sep 2017, yet only the 'right' were castigated ?) For Kenyans what is going on is the attempt by Islam to place their candidate (Obama also funded by Saudis and Iran as with many in the EU) in Kenya either way in the election (with the usual push of liberalism and gay rights and Islam ) Iran is also plying its position in Kenya China is spreading communism with its first Military base in Africa and assisting Islam outside of China. A timeline of the Kenyan election and its events is here but a timeline of Islamic genocide against Christians overseen by Obama and Clinton is here. There (no travel rights or rule of law during the genocide or any rights at all) have also been atrocities and brutal murders committed against Kenyans over decades both from Islam and Communism. Spirituality and faith are targeted first with also brainwashing and the silencing of free speech
4.11.2017 President Kenyetta wins the repeat election in Kenya. Following Obama's interference in the election the Kenyan court asked 'foreigners' not to interfere in the elections or constitution. This may mean Justin Welby but he has recently met with all sides (see below) and this reference is to Obama, who some suggest was born in Hawaii, others the Philippines, others still North America, and Obama himself states he was born in Kenya. It was confirmed that the meddling in Kenya's election was to remove or effect the constitution. 'Police are now investigating a conspiracy by a section of National Super Alliance (NASA) leaders to subvert the Constitution and the rule of law by sabotaging democratic Presidential Elections on 26th October 2017, government spokesman Eric Kiraithe has said' . NASA described as center left with communists has a logo which looks like this ? (change we can believe in) which looks like Obama's logo yet NASA was only formed in January 2017 but planned from 2016 and before. Odinga was instrumentatal (with Obama) in forming NASA and when Kenyotta won the first election in the summer, the legal challenges and efforts to subvert the constitution also began. Obama urging calm in august 2017 Odinga on his relationship with Obama his cousin speaking in 2008 (see also four paragraphs above) However all is well in the end and Kenyotta and Odinga and everyone went to Church on the 4.11.2017 with Justin Welby. It all sounds like the 'Russia investigation' / election in microcosm, but only Obama attends in Kenya.
It is a form of fascism, and it is the same denial and silence also built up and around Nelson Mandela who oversaw punishment beatings and the burning alive of suspected opponents by placing burning car tyres around the victims neck. This includes black woman who died in agony. Nelson was also from a Royal family privileged background. Apartheid nations still exist today and Saudi Arabia is apartheid state. A Saud Islamic royal family can be apartheid under critical theory as they are middle eastern, but others cannot. The US constitution is light years ahead of Obama Mao. Mao allowed the peasants to starve and Pol Pot who killed 3.5 million people in the Cambodian communist genocide of the Khmer Rouge tried the same in the 1970s in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, and the earlier crushing of Tibet. The USSR Russian Genocide and the history of communism and the Holodomor genocide in the Ukraine. Production levels increased by unrealistic targets day and night are not managed by small business and workers were not given set living wages, private property was abolished to the horror and disgust of the Chinese peasants, and the equivalent of crony capitalism was introduced when all grain was given to the government (a watered down record of events which however points out that the dead should be used as fertilizer to increase grain production. Woman workers deceased and boiled down were the largest contributors to the crop) Crony capitalism in the west favors one product over another by government decree. Lobbying and bribes follow in excess. This was also a stage to socialism in practice (and which has been rejected by Brexit) as the products were not always the best and lies and false attributes were allowed to describe a food product or a model of machinery, which set false standards in quality, function and purpose. Just like George Orwells '1984'. Socialism is a stage to communism and a stage to the removal of family rights and private property and wages etc. To see how woman and their surrounding society are imprisoned in NK and Islam see the next paragraph, which also points out the gravity of a Nuclear war. Liberation will come to North Korea one way or the other.
In the West and especially over the last ten years there has been a tendency to trivialize the Nuclear threat from North Korea, especially since Iran intends to wipe Israel off the map (it says) in its Nuclear deal with the West which has encouraged North Korea ( posted 7.1.2017) to step up its threats against the West as North Korea seeks to make ties with Iran deeper (including mining and plutonium searches which China is willing to supply to Iran as well as oil China has a vast Nuclear stockpile of course) and especially since the Iranian revolution of 1979. Iranians (woman included) before 1979 looked like this or this and today they look like this and specifically like this or this and not just in Iran or Saud. Womans rights in Iran are equal to those of Saudi Arabia (which is dire for woman's rights also ) who practice (as does Iran ) female genital mutilation (fgm) Further to comprehend Nuclear weapons and nuclear death consider that in a Nuclear explosion which causes a chain reaction at atomic level inside your own DNA, for several seconds you are cooked alive in extreme agony from the inside out and then on the outside again also. Microwaved is a good analogy (consider the aftermath of the Chernobyl explosion on the Ukraine which is still 'cooking' today)
Family planning as an ideology.The beginning of this chapter asked questions such as is North Korea a homosexual issue ? and other trivialities, and discussed critical theory and the neurotic doctrines which have emerged from Chinese and Russia soviet brainwashing and behavioral mind control techniques. These have turned Iran and North Korea into a subjugated nation and a nightmare. China's cultural revolution meant men and woman including those who were married were separated and sexual relations were regulated by the fish like cyborgs, leading to the socialist one child policy. The ' one child' could inform on you also causing punitive or fatal results, and children were also separated from parents. Today social workers almost have the right to lie ? which does occur in practice already and perhaps its time they were rounded up and sent to the Gulags for re-education. (see the documentary on China's cultural revolution 2 and 3 paragraphs above or here again) They can also order children to undergo homosexual or transsexual evaluation in case they do not know they are homosexual which could take several 'case meetings'. Add the pedophile gender court applications onto this and you see the sickness in full. See chapter 4 above and the heading 'Family planning as an ideology (if you want to know how much Obama plans for the West and America and he must hate them, you are getting an idea and in western countries this socialist re-education can take decades to introduce such as Obamacare which should be scrapped totally. Obamacare is a front with Planned Parenthood and the Clinton foundation which paid Saud and ISIL to commit Christian genocide. All 'Obama Mao' has achieved is an extra $10 trillion in debt see the adjacent website and chapter 3 and post dated 01.01.2017. Obama's crazy vision for the west is similar to Mao's i.e. unstable especially when hidden jobless figures are supported by crippling debts) Parents should lead the way in family planning as it is a broken system based on lunatic theories. They could initiate a new local idea at grass roots level, which could be organically formed and developed into a new state and national service (see chapter 6 in the adjacent website and especially Rotherham labour council to see how ill and dysfunctional a social service system is or can become under a left wing administration) Critical theory and cultural Marxism are not the Christian equivalents as "pc" good manners and they do not follow the ancient Taoism of the east and Yin and Yang ideas. Incredibly they only encourage stasis in society (when mixed with Islam they are completely primitive ) and the proponents of Chairman Mao and critical theory have a pathological dislike or opposition to heterosexuals ('breeders' as they are labelled) as family's and it seeks to destroy the fabric of society without armed conflict. When you look back at the system which is now 125 years old it is beyond belief that people fell for it. North Koreans are forced against their will.
North Korean gulags are denied officially yet poverty in North Korea is evident and democracy and free society is not a feature of its rule. Social doctrines and health questions which are pushed against the national population to suggest a better life for the inhabitants do not materialize or they are purposely run down into non functioning entities. The West is still making excuses and debating over many of these issues yet it is turning into these Marxist states which have killed hundreds of millions and tortured the rest into numb existence. Failed ideological states ? which seek destruction of national patriotism, the family and the economy. The real dilemma for North and South Korea and which other countries (amidst relativism, mass immigration, celebrity worship and cultural Marxism) may take for granted is 1. Keep out the Cultural Marxist critical theory piranhas limiting immigration to legal immigration based upon Swiss models (the Swiss system or similar ) NK are already banning abortion 2. Reform the national economy into a viable entity and vanquish 'Dear Leader' Kim 3. Value the family, faith, children and your country, and keep population levels buoyant and ever increasing in the tribe by mutual agreement (with heterosexual woman who were born that way, remain and always will be woman. No nonsense girls with their original female body parts intact ) 4. Free themselves from China (or similar)
Korea is a country in two halves with different opposing ideologies and it is exactly like trying to fit a round peg into a square hole or the wrong hole. In-between is the demilitarized zone ( DMZ ) with land mines, booby traps and trip wires (deliberate, deceptive and with purpose) in and around the disputed demarcation line and joint security area. It is all very well trying to skirt around the boundaries crossing over into the no go zone, marked 'danger do not enter' for a reason ( the 'Daeseong-dong' or the 'Kijŏng-dong' regions ) or groping around in the dark in the incursion tunnels, North and South Koreans have employed to invade each other, but this unnatural state of affairs will never bring true peace, harmony or unification between the (yang) men and ( yin) woman of North and South Korea.
Looking on the bright side and If you are a Caucasian heterosexual male however do not assume that all Marxist woman are 'stern' or functionally officious as is the stereotype (largely cultivated in 1950's cold war propaganda and later by the South Korean woman's army who are also handsome and terrific ) Far from it. Statistics show that only 2 % of the world identify as homosexuals if that, which means that less than 1% of Marxist woman are, to coin a phrase, ..."above the 38th parallel"
North Korea is not a country in harmony and Yin and Yang are in big trouble Eyes can also tell you a lot about a country (the last link shows woman who can be sent to the camps when elderly, elderly men also as 'progressive Maoism' forbids sexism) in the west or in the east, and woman are they oppressed ? ! and/or worse under the tenants of Socialism of the Maoist communists. This is the fate of North Korea, which as a country, without doubt is a fascinating mystery and one of the most unusual countries and maybe one of he most tragic in world history. Freedom is illusive in every nation and the origins of North Korea's problems are debatable.
PostScript; What else can you say about North Korea (and China) and the 25 million trapped people, except what an incredible intense but absurd journey. Whilst North Korea is hypnotic and invites people into its puzzle, the liberal west is also guilty of ridculous theories of its own and the contrast to North Korea highlights them. North Korean military defense reads and sees everything about itself, but so to do the 'proletariat' who have makeshift internet access. As of January / February 2017 a former North Korean diplomat and defector from the Thae Yong Ho, from North Korea says Kim Jong Un's reign of power, which also persecutes Christians is coming to an end, his days are numbered says Yong Ho, yet there is no indication that North Korea wants critical theory either way. General James Mattis, US Secretary of defense is also visiting Japan and South Korea at this time, just as intelligence reports indicate that Kim Jong Un and North Korea are to fully re-start an old plutonium Nuclear Reactor in the Yongbyon region (The 'Yongbyon' region is one of the most sensitive areas of North or South Korea) Operating at a low level over the past year, at full power, it can produce large quantities of fission nuclear reaction material for fully loaded ready and armed nuclear missiles and for ballistic launch and detonation including for the first time, intercontinental destinations, capable of wiping out entire continents. Looking at you, looking at them, looking at you and looking at them again.This is the meaning of the term a 'Chinese lock' also described by General Michael Flynn and warned upon by Mac Thornberry (Republican -TX), chairman of the House Armed Services Committee (warnings on North Korea and Iran) It is doubtful however that the people of Korea, North and South are likely to be placated by the Nuclear deterrent, especially when the Vatican invites China (on the 7.2.2017) to the 'Asian Organ trafficking summit' with the intent of making communist China answer for its organ trafficking crimes (the Falun Gong movement and others) which also occurs in North Korea and which makes western neurosis on sexism, and gender etc seem trivial in comparison. Further the 1960 / 1970's western protests against the Vietnam war, in which the US eventually withdrew from Vietnam (a war in which the west had narrow parameters of battle areas imposed upon it before the war began and as rules of engagement, when the communists had no such restrictions placed upon it ?) Vietnam today is a capitalist country however. The same 1960's / 1970's protest movement in the west did not (also) protest the 3 million dead (accurately described by Vietnam Vets) as a result of Ho Chi Minh's terror rampage and slaughter across many countries following the US withdrawal. No one demonstrated for them. The west in the narrative is always evil but the East and the South are not, and its leaders are not despotic unstable psychopaths. Some delusional narratives today claim China saved the western economy, but ever since Chairman Mao Zedong ( reigned between 1949 - 1976) up until today, its aim is to bankrupt the west as is evident in the Chairman Mao documentaries in the paragraphs above. Currently after torpedoing the Wests economy, and engaging in currency manipulation, it is supposedly now saving the west, helping to (now) bail out the sinking ship ? It is not likely China and the USA will actually engage in Nuclear war or long range Nuclear war, (as opposed to conventional warfare and the 'one China' policy r.e. Taiwan) although China is engaging in a real and blatantly destructive international trade war against the West in which it wants to dominate any currency innovations to offset its large debts. China's currency fell so low in November 2016, that even attempts ( earlier in 2016) to strengthen it are cited as co-operation in the currency wars ( in 2015) and is clearly still trading lower for exports amidst its own debt. (Russia and China moving heavily into Gold buying all reserves it can find worldwide)For the West this is detrimental to its economy and a large part of the reason the Wests economy has large numbers of unemployed and is unable to compete no matter which policies are introduced, even the EU has nearly 100 million unemployed (700 million people, i.e. way above 10% even to 15 or 20% = 150 million or more) Removing Nafta's restrictions was the first step to correcting the western economy.
On the 20.2.2017 General H.R. McMaster was appointed new USA national security adviser (one of his recommended books is the 'Korean War' by Matthew B Ridgeway) and who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Kim Jungs Uns half brother was killed on the 13th February 2017. He wanted to form a government in exile hence he was killed by North Korea or Iran. The USA currently spends around $600 billion on world defence per year but not into its own army ? but abroad. China and Russia are buying Gold in huge quantities (to level out the playing field it is suggested to bring balance to world gold stock reserves and to underpin China's faltering bubble debt economy especially in the housing market) The new Eurasia trading area costs the US taxpayer as does world military spending, yet jobs and manufacturing are leaving the US, hence Trumps and Pence call for other nations to contribute 2% of GDP to this budget and who despite Hillary Clinton's assertions to the contrary in her election campaign, are committed to Nato and the new EU superarmy. Kim Jong Un and Iran (Iran has breached its deal with Obama and the West by firing ballistic missiles which are not agreed in the deal and is the current situation on 23.02.2017 ) have agreed to strengthen ties with North Korea, with joint defense strategies which is a declaration of war by Islam (not just undeclared or by stealth or as the Koran states as it continues over centuries, but it has chosen to ignore the west and join with China. Russia is still backing Syria) General Flynn should also be re-instated in some form since he was fired ? Ayn Rand was (objectively) Russian and American which did not distract her aims. The Ukraine and Israel (as cited by the Jordanian /Palestinian Sheikh AhMad Adwan) also have a right to defend their borders against the worlds biggest mass murder genocidal maniacs Chairman Mao (via Russia, North Korea and Iran) and Stalin.
In China however you can convert your currency (fiat money in the USA but in China, the 'yuan', 'renminbi' and in small amounts or large and/or possibly even bitcoin can be converted over the counter) to Gold in the central bank as a customer, you cannot do this in the West (hence in a economic collapse the west is lost) 100 % employment, low prices with adequate wages and exports is why Clinton / Obama lost the USA election 2016 but who never had that intention and never will.
NAFTA (which should be scrapped) and the demise of TTP (Trans - Pacific Partnership) & TTIP ( Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership under Trump, has removed the Wests shackles allowing free trade and exports to begin again and allows business and SME's to prosper (after Obama's internal USA restrictions were also removed for SME's) yet its overall economy is in dire straits. War mongering by economics has gone unchecked for decades ? (see the adjacent website and chapter 3 heading / post dated "01.01.2017 US Elections 2016. Economic currency manipulation and the Chinese Communist party " ) The West and the USA have been subverted with with facile and ridiculous economic theories amidst immigration of hundreds of millions (over decades) designed to undermine it, and all of this is actively and systematically planned, but economically planned to fail like the Maoist cultural revolution as one example amongst many more indistinct and subtle economic non entities without substance or point (and by 'Cultural' Marxist distractions; is Marxism the pinnacle of human achievement ? clearly Capitalist China and Russia do not think so ? ask a North Korean or Eastern European and you will get the truth.North Korea also persecutes Christians) many of which disguise themselves as free trade, manufacturing, fair pricing and exports but which never deliver, as is evident today in the USA and the Western economy.
27.04.2017. North Korea has deep resentment following the US bombing of North Korea in 1950. China also bombed Taiwan in 1954 - 1955, and is also threatening North Korea today. North Korea's population in 1940 was 12 million people. China had planned to invade nationalist Taiwan in 1954 / 1955. China's philosophy is also exported and its war is economic and forced emigration from poverty. The USA sent ships to Taiwan in 1950, causing China to intervene and also intervene in North Korea as the North Koreans pushed southwards.China entered North Korea with Russian help (Stalin) in October 1950, foreshadowing its entry into Vietnam in the following years. China's relations with South Korea have sunk to an all time low today. Chairman Mao killed Millions in China's civil war and would go on to kill 120 million people. Stalin would kill 45 million and 10 million more in world war 2. Pol Pot killed 3 million and Ho Chi Min 2 million. Millions more died due to secondary effects of war and starvation which continued on. Savagery and madness. Today China has 150,000 troops sent to the North Korean border in 2017. North Korea's currency however is pegged to the US Dollar.
North Korea, who suffered a famine in the 1990's in which 1 million people died, has been warned in 2016 by the regime it may suffer another famine soon. Sanctions against North Korea should bear in mind to direct them at the regime who are using the population as human shields.Those who have escaped include; Hyeonseo Lee who relates her experience of famine, but also including watching public executions as a child, YeonMi Park also, Eunsun Kim and Blaine Harden (escape from camp 14) are 3 more people who have escaped among many others., including Daniel who was assisted by (an underground oppressed church) Christians in China. They collectively explain how the state controls people but also forces behavioral change which links it to severe post Stalinist / Cult status, and which is also the root of critical theory cultural Marxism (as opposed to a concern for your fellow man ...or woman) The unification of North and South Korea would be a solution and a great day for Yin and Yang. North Koreans threats against Malaysia and vice versa are also escalating.North Korea is also threatening China in April 2017, and the pursuit of Nuclear weapons is forcing intervention by strikes or invasion.
The people of North and South should unite and the US and China should oversee the unification (falling back symbolically to North and South border positions as China has forces in North Korea covertly) allowing Kim to flee to Macau where he has financial interests which some suggest were being misspent (and which China as a measure of intent could remove or confiscate) allowing the entire Korean peninsula to hold elections instead of invasions. A test of true intent, nobility and purpose. Which side or sides would reject such an honorable solution for the whole Korean people and for Yin and Yang, A new Reaganite era which could joyously remove and 'Tear down that DMZ' like the Berlin Wall (an important question for 'Left' 'Right', 'Centrists' & Unelected Marxist communist vanguards, but would China agree ? ) followed by a vote on a new all Korean government.Since the 1950's the Gulags and repression in North Korea has continued for nearly 70 years and it is beyond inhumane and for which there is no excuse. The resurgent war in the Pacific is entering a new era.
09.05.2017 The largest North Korean persecuted group, of up to 1 million (or more) Christians (5%) are held in Gulags if discovered(as are others of any political or dissenting voice) and this still continues in China the new Eurasian paradise of the east. The Open doors report on North Korea also confirms the war on its own population. This is the communist regime and its un-elected leaders, who could very easily arrange for North Korean freedom and an all Island vote on unification as a free Korean peninsula with proportional representation. After a vote only, a symbolic withdrawal could occur to the most southern and northern regions as monitors, to oversee unification. North Korea is trying to develop Nuclear weapons with Iran at this time and which will bring a nuclear war. North Korea only understands force and not fair and open voting, and a sea based strike - (without South Korea's involvement who have just replaced their leader, following the arrest of their previous leader Park Geun Hye, the female president. The new liberal leader Hong Joon-Pyo says he wants unity and peace talks with North Korea) - on Pyongyang limited to government buildings and/or land invasion could achieve liberation in a few days. The imprisonment of people in these conditions is barbaric and unacceptable.
28.05.2017 Sanctions in law and in time of war are extended against North Korea but which are also aimed at Russia, China, Iran and Syria (allies of North Korea) HR1644 the legislative bill, is also to prevent North Korea developing an IBCM missile which can reach across America and the far east. To understand the imminence of the problem and to summarise the serious situation in NK watch the following video which shows how far the missiles can travel and why the situation is so serious. North Korea and South Korea are beginning to communicate (and are now 'allowed' to communicate) across the great divide. Unification, or disarmament of NK nuclear weapons, or invasions. The USA will intervene soon which could be a terrible day for the Korean peninsula.
Contrast that possibility with the outpouring of the 'Holy Spirit' (Ruach HaKodesh who is Gd) which occurred in South and North Korea simultaneously in 1907 but mainly in Pyongyang despite the partition of the country in 1948 - 1953. and which continued as a revival for 60 years and until today (read an account of the revival in the book 'The Korean Pentecost and the sufferings which followed' by William N Blair and Bruce F Hunt, with the other books highlighted a few paragraphs above, and other sources such as the 'church in chains' which highlights the global problem) Korea could unify if both sides withdrew and allowed complete peninsula independence with elections for a period of 20 years or so. Trade and politics will define a new United Korea during that time (Nuclear weapons as mentioned however are a grim hindrance to that ambition) Despite this Gd has worked in peoples lives, yet the revival is only openly accepted now, in South Korea.
28.06.2017 It is becoming clearer to North and South Koreans (and after the corruption purges in South Korea) that the entire peninsula could hold elections, and North and South are today trying to co-host the Winter Olympics and in some minor events this could be possible or even a full winter Olympics if both countries cooperated. The incredible possibility of people in the South travelling North, back into time, and the people of the North travelling South, forward in time (if left alone to rediscover themselves) would be a magical event in Korean ancient and modern folklore. Kim Jong Un after the spate of rocket detonations (which may lead to the destruction of areas of America and a Nuclear fireball over Korea) has released a documentary about North Korea entitled 'the happiest people on earth' (or Trailer) whilst in South Korea the military are happy to worship Gd.
The USA and coalition is considering again a fresh option In October 2017 a pre-emptive first strike against the Communist / Socialist regime in North Korea, as it is clear sanctions are not working, and after it has fired on Japan and threatened wider strikes. China and Russia (are happy to let the situation exist as is so far) Freedom for North Koreans (who speak from the safety of the west in the last video link) and there are many options and possibilities, is their hope, but it is not coming from Communist leader Kim Jong Un. North Koreans could employ Romanians and their advice, who lived through a communist dictatorship prior to the 1980's and then Nicolae Ceausescu's communist dictatorship in the 1980's as it gave way to Romanian freedom in 1989 (total surveillance and brainwashing) Everything (although not as severe) North Koreans have experienced they also experienced. North Korea has not freed the 200,000, or declared its intent to rid itself of Nuclear weapons, or let North and South unite to become a stronger co-equal United country. They deserve unification after 70 years of oppression and separation.
4.11.2017 One further option which is possible is to allow US and Chinese forces to fall back to the extreme Northern and Southern borders, allowing the Korean people of North and South to denuclearize (as a pre-condition) and 'tear down that wall' to quote Ronald Reagan i.e. the DMZ. The armed forces of China and the USA would still be in range of each other (not much difference) and the military costs and expenditure are the near enough the same. What difference would it make (internally it will either mean civil war or peace but any side could fall into that situation anyway) China has the power to do this or make other changes, but has stalled to date ? Romania managed to free itself from the communist dictatorship
General Mattis and Harry J. Kazianis of the Center for the national interest & defense studies update the North Korean crisis and consider a pre-emptive first strike amidst the threat coming from North Korea.
Following the 'Russian collusion' fable, amidst the backdrop of the Uranium to Russia scandal, Congress (who control the US purse strings) is taking advice from China' s Tung Chee-hwa, who opposed Chairman Mao in this CIA report yet the China- United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF) he supports is funded by the unelected communist party from within China. The communist economist and Billionaire (not a Trotskyite or Maoist obviously but a Leninist) and has advised the USA for years (with others ) amidst the US mounting debts and trade disadvantage introduced by Bill Clinton in 1996. At the same time the new framework for a European super army PESCO (Permanent structured co-operation 11.12.2017) is overseen and championed by Italian communist Federica Mogherini who is also a student of integration and immigration (or the worldwide trafficking scam as it is or the actual racism of communist humanism) It is additional to NATO (for now) although Britain has signalled it will not join. (December 2017) In the background The Russia times says it (i.e PESCO ) will reduce the dependence on the US led bloc for fighting (the Presidential debate in Nov 2016 on NATO stipulated these arguments) Britain, Denmark and Malta have also not joined but 25 EU countries have. The UK and France remain the only countries to have Nuclear weapons. The Ukraine has not joined as yet and if it does it could become the new power broker in the EU. Curiously Kirill Logvinov a high level Russian official stated "We are not trying to splinter any group. The better the groups work with each other in the Europe, the better it is for us. The faster they speak with a single voice, the better it is for our relationship with the EU," ? And he seems unconcerned the new military power could attack the Crimea or Syria (which has been solved by Trump and Putin whilst still seeking a greater Israel)
The EU wants restrictions and finance regulations upon the City of London which is at the centre of the Brexit debate and also the ideological debate which seeks to limit free trade for a EU supranational hybrid which has itself moved to Communism since 1957 and its formation. And Russia is very influential in the EU but which has now become a crisis (see also the adjacent website and chapter 3a and dated 25.11.2017 & 05/06.12.2017 )
China wants to lead the New World order it is unelected in its communist / socialist government, and this call for China to lead it (amidst the growing scandal of Russia bribing EU officials and amidst the global Islamic trafficking / slavery trade ) is also followed by George Soros. Who also calls for China to lead the NOW. Soros favours abortion and population reduction methods as a central aim of secular humanism. This Chinese NWO version occurs whilst maintaining its silk road OBOR 'one belt one road' global scheme, claiming it is peaceful and a separate peaceful trade block, yet then it also wants to join the global SDR currency, all of which does not make collective sense (see also the adjacent website and chapter 3 and 3a or above)
Islam and the highest bidder through the US state department and Clinton foundation sought to control middle east foreign policy and also influence the IMF, which is the sister bank of the World bank (to gain access to the World bank you need to have a IMF agreement and from the fund; See the greatest scandal in US history above and sub chapter on the world bank and IMF dated 8.3.2018 ) and which also includes China, who of course feel they should be running the New World Order as the west is burdened with debt of (more now) 70% of 152 Trillion dollars in Oct 2016) China et al seeks to take over World bank and IMF For China to achieve this it would need a new world currency which would have to be agreed with Japan, Russia, the EU, Britain, America and this new IMF 'XDR' is already being floated but which 'bloc' or power will control it ? will any actually control it in the end ? (to replace the Dollar) The IMF (SDR) would become a new currency, you cannot join the World bank unless you first agree to partake of the IMF fund or new the new 5 powers bloc fund. The World bank decides over the IMF (not the other way around )
The USA asked for reform of Chinas access to the World bank in October 2017 and China is a member, its two main banks are trying to control and eliminate the World bank. Which is based in Washington along with the IMF, its sister bank. Rex Tillerson and Exxon Mobil are aware of developments, including the need for the USA, Britain and the EU to harvest the oil and gas of the artic, which is why he was 'let go' as the world could move from a petro – dollar. The vast world debt which If suddenly cancelled could usher in China to take control of the world bank. Russia's debt to gdp ratio is only 13% compared to 80 % or 120% in every western country. This would usher in Communism which Russia and china have rejected and are now capitalist countries, but the west could become communist with a proposal for a 'basic income' for all people which is communism by another name, and which as an idea is not attractive. Crypto currencies (and Chinas experiment with crypto currency. This is how China, unelected communist and a dictatorship could lead the new wold order. China's communist party decides how much freedom its people can have or not have, this is not freedom. The Russia probe also sought to discover how much they had been infiltrated.
All of these activities whilst the USA is impoverished and laden with immigration makes those policies apparent and they make more sense as does Obamas era, when considered in this light. Moving the USA from capitalism to communism ruled over by Islam (a preference) was Obama's aim In January 2016 nearly 2 years ago Kim Jong Un said, to repeat from previous paragraphs above near the beginning "Kim Jong Un in January 2016 is asking for a peace deal with the USA and the people of North Korea await their fate. He visions a united Korea re-unified and free , he says We want to replace the armistice agreement created at the end of the Korean war with a peace pact. Without any foreign interference – especially from the US – we want to create a sovereign state of Korea. This is our dream"
Of course the 'dream' from South Korea is the same but the opposite way around without interference from Russia and China and Iran. Both states could guarantee each other's safety without interference from any of the superpowers or Islamic jihadist dictatorships" Yet since January 2017 aside from the in depth analysis of North Korea, Kim Jong Un has sold missiles and weapons to the Egyptians in October 2017 he has given nerve gas to the Syrians and Iran in November 2017 (Iran who is occupying Syria despite Russia's pursuit of ISIS) and now has missiles capable of distributing Anthrax (December 15th 2017) This is aside from firing missiles at Japan and threatening to blow up the USA and California (which Un has specifically mentioned depending on his latest missile range estimates) also threatened is Britain, South Korea and Australia in and during 2017. He has also personally insulted the leader of Japan and the USA, and is not concerned with international diplomacy. Does UN (Kim Jong Un) want a peace deal ? it seems a very dubious prospect, but if so it also seems a strange way to go about it. What else could he possibly have done to provoke a war ? unless he was sure there would be no war. Is the United Nations valid and should it be closed and defunded, it certainly has not worried Kim Jong Un. China is allowing North Korea to imprison 200,000 people within North Korea, including Christians and its intention is to use North Korea as a model for vassal states ( explained by Claudia Rossett and which means more than just north and South Korea but Global vassal state scenario's ) North Korea is however experiencing increased defections and escapes as sanctions which have to increase are applied. (sanctions advice from Claudia Rossett explains North Korea will not be solved by sanctions, which will never work (video; see you tube UN Security council holds emergency meeting on North Korea' and why with Nuclear weapons it is a threat backed by China ) Its peace plan although stated for decades, does not even now include a free South Korea. North Korea has made the first pre-emptive strike with Iran (Obama protected Iran and Hezbollah, but also gave Iran nuclear material in January 2017 whilst claiming it was wrong to do so a year and a half earlier whilst it threatens to eradicate Israel amidst the Clinton Uranium 1 scandal) The one state solutioj ios the only solution in Israel, 'Gaza' is simply a creation of Jordan. It has effectively declared war as WW3 Russia and China and Iran want their new currency as a replacement to the 'petro-dollar' ( n.b. totalitarian rule, population reduction and control, and war = 'peace' to secular humanist communism perfected by the Stasi, whilst the west is 152 trillion dollars in debt as of October 2016 and it now over 170 trillion )
North and South Korea have announced they will form a United team for the Winter Olympics 2018. As one country (and sanctions are increasing as are NK defections) they would fare better in the long run. Double strength. They could with secure borders form a joint security initative for themselves also. It was Bill Clinton and the Democrats who supplied NK with an offer of a Nuclear reactor and 4 billion in energy aid in 1994, and at this time Nuclear reactor rods appeared in North Korea, and it was Obama / Hillary Clinton (and on 13.01.2017 the FBI issued indictments connected to this matter ) who supplied Iran with $160 billion + and others and Nk with raw USA Uranium (2010 to January 2017 ) despite these offers and deliveries both have continue to develop Nuclear weapons. South Korea and North Korea are hiring interpreters to harmonise new approaches in the difficult area of linguistics, language and politics especially those covered here, which could serve as a bridge on cultural issues. As a reminder however here are some images of communist Hungary from the New York times further to the Romanian insights above (which show the reality of communism and which is second to Islam only as still the worlds biggest killing machine historically. North Korea which separated from China, or South Korea fall outside those histories to a large extent)
The best idea for North Korea is to move the DMZ away and move the joint military boundary to the extreme north and south or Koreas peninsula (as mentioned above) allowing the population to freely mix in-between (a peace deal between USA & China but there have been many talks since 1988 but which should include the immediate release of the 200,000 prisoners including Christian prisoners who should also be free to leave. The world could watch. This demand is a yardstick / measure of the talks in a joint security framework ) The Youth in North Korea and South Korea are looking over at each other and they do not care about the obstacles or ideologies, they want a United freedom (including North Korea see above 28.06.2017 & 4.11.2017) and they want to 'Yin – Yang' (instead of 'DMZ and tense nuclear situation' ) They could overwhelm all obstacles for freedom which has eluded Korea for so long, but time is running out as the world and China hurtles toward WW3.
Has Korea changed? it has certainly seen a remarkable energetic interaction for the better towards the end of 2017 into 2018.
The Winter Olympics 2018 also known as 'PyeongChang 2018', held in South Korea was a remarkable occasion. It was made even more remarkable by the visit of Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong who is rising to power in North Korea (her picture here ) and who was also admired by the South Korean press, the first Royal of the Kim dynasty of the Mount Paektu Bloodline,to travel over the border since Korea was partitioned in 1953. Princess Anne of Britain also traveled to the South Korean Winter Olympics. Korea was once United i.e. historically under the, the Royal House of Yi and the household of the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910) who are inter-related into the Houses of Japan and China, although the Last emperor of China was made famous by the film of that name, directly previous to Communist Chairman Mao Ze Tung. Today the Communist party of China (committee) are the 'royals' of China not the proletariat. Korea (south, but Joseon / Yi) also produced a film 'The Last Princess', (Princess Deokhye ) yet there are members of the Korean Royal lines still living and it's line is very much present. The Royal families of North and South Korea Royal houses are still inter-related, but the Korean empire is now divided. An Asian Monarch who was the worlds longest serving Monarch died in October 2016, Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej reigned for 70 years and was widely respected in Thailand. Thailand became a constitutional monarchy in 1932. The Siamese revolution of 1932 brought the military to rule, but in 1973 a combination of students and the King brought about an end to total military power, and a new prime - minster and constitution was formed. Siam (Thailand) prides itself on having never been defeated and is independent.
The pressures to keep Korea divided are many faceted.
The Winter Olympics also paved the way for Kim Yo Jong to have lunch with South Koreas President Moon Jae – in who is also going to visit North Korea after a formal invite. In whatever form that takes which is positive for the whole Korean peninsula, and follows a historic handshake before the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics, in which North Korea and South united under their flag. Vice President Mike Pence also visited and stood nearly next to Kim Yo Jong, but tensions remain (last video John Bolton, UN video 'Will thaw between North, South Korea go beyond the Olympics' 10.February.2018) even with Kim Jong Un's exports continuing around the world and to the USA ( North Koreas Woollens and Soya beans find their way around the world) It is a great opportunity and with international agreements, the dream of unification of Korea could become a reality, the problems preventing it, are not as great as the benefits of Uniting. Further today the Youth of North and South Korea have witnessed the events over the last year and also the Winter Olympics, and they have internet access to see everything, including western thought as it takes on the false mantle of critical theory and its consequences. The west are not monsters and they also have humour, discernment and taste. Ideology can be shown to be weak and in error or even absurd, and the Youth of Korea will not forget the events, and could seize the opportunity for freedom North and South. (carpe diem) The Winter Olympics reminisced on the great unifying teams of the past, and the great Korean win at Ping Pong (even Forrest Gump would have been impressed) And it is also beyond doubt that North Korean communist woman (or just as woman) could not wait to get stuck in to the Olympics as also noted by South Koreans boys and men all over the Island (and vice versa) A highlight of the Olympics was the traditional music and the arrangement of modern but ancient folk music, such as the 'Airirang' played here by Jasmine Choi (or here in its Orchestral arrangement setting ) traditional stringed instrument the Korean Gayageum (or kayagum) makes, and the drum representing the harmony of the Yin and Yang Ancient Korean creation myths tells us that Mireuk ruled under the five Golden pillars of the world and Korea between Earth and Sky, but Seokga ruined the Harmony.(repeated from above) The incredible possibility of people in the South travelling North, back into time, and the people of the North travelling South, forward in time (if left alone to rediscover themselves) would be a magical event in Korean ancient and modern folklore.
Could a Royal union between North Korea and South Korea's Royal Houses producing a baby help heal history (the partners who may come forward, must be willing, be in love and of course be Heterosexual) Korea has changed but there are pressures all around it. Vladimir Putin says he has untraceable / unstoppable stealth Nuclear weapons now, but even if that were true and for that to succeed he would have to Nuke everywhere else at once and of course the Nuclear Winter would destroy Russia in return as well as North Korea and South Korea also, and China. The USA and China could guarantee a neutral independent phase for all of Korea, talks are to continue and North Korea has suggested it is willing in the urgent situation. Thailand was/is not a Nuclear state yet it was unbeaten and independent and just as Korea has its ancient folklore Christians also want freedom and they should be freed (that is their dream)
Following the visit to South Korea by Kim Jongs Un's sister Comrade or Ms Kim Jo Yung earlier this year, to the the Winter Olympics (who has Japanese family connections also) the visits are to be followed by a visit to South Korea by Kim Kong Un and which may pave the way for a visit with US President Donald Trump Both sides remain cautious yet on the whole the advantages of unification are overwhelming, as NK and SK may move to scrap Nuclear Weapons. Former CIA director and now US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with Kim Jong Un in secret earlier in April 2018, and who is a 'Hawk' on NK and Iran. The Christians who awaiting freedom in North Korea (and all political prisoners North and South in relation to the long war are also awaiting freedom)
4 Videos in youtube
1. 'North and South Korea agree to work toward peace and denuclearization at summit' (or here abc news)
2. 'Korean DMZ: Kim and Moon make history with Panmunjom meet'
3. 'N. Korea's Kim, S. Korea's Moon plant tree for peace'
4. 'Is unification possible?': South Koreans express hope after historic Korea talks'
For Koreans it is a mind-blowing day (one day so far) for many a beautiful day, many thought they would never see
Many are saying the Korean war is over (the world waits to see)
09.10.2018 The Incredible events for the North and South Korean People
Kim Jong UN allows inspections of a Key Nuclear facility in North Korea, and a new summit will be held shortly. between all the actors and which will include Japan. This follows a summit held by North and South Korea on September 19th 2018 in which many new agreements and understandings were reached, and they have committed to a new era of peace between themselves. Kim Jing UN says he wants fast denuclearisation.
On June 12th 2018 some months before the recent announcements, President Donald Trump and Kim Jong UN met in Singapore in an unprecedented and historic meeting since the war began over 70 years ago.
North and South Korea have begun removing landmines around the DMZ (demilitarised zone) which marks the border of the two halves of the Korean peninsula. Every year the annual heavily supervised meeting of Korean families divided in the North and South of Korea takes place. This year only 100 families were chosen by lottery (for added security), yet it is clear (see last link )many tens of thousands of families want to meet without restriction. The 55 boxes of human remains of the US military returned earlier in the year have in part being verified, and South Korea and North Kora have made similar gestures between each other.
This new incredible era in Korea was checked (earlier in the year) when one North Korean Military officer was shot in the possible enthusiasm and joy of Korean unification, (to repeat from the adjacent website) Kim Jong Un had him shot by firing squad, another was shot for trying to increase food rations for his soldiers. Clearly there is fervour and anticipation in all the Korean peoples and also the military who have freedom in their grasp and can make a joint security pact between themselves, (between North and South Korea as a United Korea) yet China and Russia are still heavily influencing the peace plan.
It is nearly 1 year since President Trump and the first Lady Melanie visited the Forbidden City in China in November 2017, (and Arabella Kushner, the Presidents granddaughter ) home to the last emperor of China PuYi and a sacred site for China still to this day. With its flower of life symbolism, along with the ‘Temple of Heaven; its ‘Hall of Supreme Harmony’ and its Palace of earthly purity and heavenly purity, and the Palace of Great Brilliance. The earths diameter and the great pyramid are encoded within its design, and it has sun, moon and earth altars, employed in astronomy in the Ming and Qing dynasty’s and earlier. The Temple of heaven has 9 layers to heaven, which is similar in thought to both Enoch (the book of ) and Einstein. China of course still has one of the world’s largest and most mysterious pyramids. China closed down the City for the visit as a mark of respect for the President and administration. The Forbidden City was rebuilt and restored and part of this restoration was paid for by cancelled debt the US administration waived under US President Teddy Roosevelt around the turn of the 20th century.
North Korea has said it will open doors to Christianity yet many Christians still want their freedom (Open Doors article, which estimates there are, 50, 000 to 70,000 Christians imprisoned in North Korea, who are not prisoners of war or criminals but ironically have probably prayed for the new era all Koreans are now experiencing) They should be released immediately.
There is a new era of economic co-operation between North and South Korea and South Korean companies are optimistic the situation can strengthen and also become their own dream. This is clearly the dream of the Korean people (not just Kim Jong Un, but who has said it is his dream also) who if they choose can serve each other, and for themselves together. It is an historic achievement. Is the Korean war over ? the world still waits to see.
23.09.2020 General 'Yong Ho' and the China 'Kung Flu' syndrome
23.09.2020 (added on 23.09.2020) North Korea's remarkable journey to reconciliation and back again into high intensity operations and words of war disguises the new reality which has dawned around the world and in north and South Korea. The initial breakthroughs between North and South Korea were pre-shadowed by mixed messages from General Ri Yong Ho in 2017 and 2018 who called for a new reality to dawn for North and South Korea, but then also ? (as General 'Wong Ho' ) dialectically threatened to detonate a Hydrogen bomb over the Pacific ocean. The timeline of North Korea up until June of 2020 is here to analyze. The pictures of Kim Jong Un and South Korean leader meeting at the 38th parallel and crossing on 27th April 2018 followed later by President Trump stepping over the DMZ (38th parallel) with Kim Jong Un as the 1st American President to step into North Korea on 1st July 2019, in what is a journey into the unknown or the heart of darkness.
Since these events fake news including Kim Jong Un being in a coma but who is (also ) very concerned about the corona virus especially as China has links to its creation and it is rumored that North Korea has biological weapons (or see here for article and North Korea allegedly delivered missiles to Egypt in the mid nineties on behalf of Russia) which it may deploy, although China has many bio-weapons labs as has many countries around the world. Incredibly through the reconciliation of North and South Korea who had (up to that point) been enemies since Chairman Mao was able to direct events, North Korea feared annihilation via invasion or nuclear or ballistic missile attack, but now both North and South Korea are 'sweating' over a corona virus ? (for more details on the 'pandemic' see chapter 3b on the adjacent website) Despite the tensions between North Korea and Russia both have recently celebrated 1st year of bi-lateral cooperation with each other as Kim Jong Un also crossed into Russia North Korea has expressed concerns that China cannot protect it but North Korea is dependant on China for its economic survival as China and Russia begin joint military exercises (September 2020) as they deepen ties with each other although earlier reports speculated that the two countries were drifting apart. China and Russia many speculate have planted 'UN Troops' but who are in reality China and Russian troops in and onto US soil to create havoc and invasion. US troops may have to engage with these foriegn troops on US soil as well as in the middle east and the pacific (China's Navy and its exercises and circling of India )
In 2018 President Trump expelled Russian diplomats from the USA who were appointed in 2008 - 2015 with Chinese diplomats in 2019 who were also expelled as they were Obama / Biden appointments to work with Iran who had also taken over large parts of US intelligence and then Canada also , (Amazing Polly 'The Iran Swamp Creatures of the USA' and also 'IRANADA - Iran International Swamp Part 2' ) as Western Intelligence was exposed between 2009 and 2013 from within the Obama / Biden administration (i.e by them and paid by china against the west. Doubters ignore the dozens of huge incidents of penetration of Western intelligence between 2008 - 2015 see from the beginning of this section on North Korea in chapter 5 above but which and most notably includes the China hack of the OPM or Office of personnel management in 2015 ) and recently the US closed the Chinese consulate in Houston and China replied by closing the US consulate in Chengdu. China is preparing its bases globally including also into the middle east and Syria preparing for war. All of this is very bad news for North Korea (and South Korea) who will be dragged into the emerging growing conflict, (which threatens many countries including Taiwan also the UK and the USA and others globally) as the Islamic state is named as the most dangerous terrorist threat to the world, with Pakistan receiving funds from China see also ISIS, Christian genocide and Obama Clinton Biden admin mystery in 2014 / 2015 which was also paid for by China. Huawei whose HQ is Wahun in China near the wet market which does not sell Bats wings have now been banned (Jan 27th) in the UK (July 15th 2020) and which should lead to the reinstatement of Gavin Williamson and which ends the Chinese Communists parties aims of bringing in 5G and social control owned by them (anywhere in the West but brought in the Clintons, Obama and Joe Biden et al) should be widely banned (as China threaten another ‘wave’ of Virus’s ahead of an actual outbreak. Similar to predictions made by 'Event 201' in New York in September /Oct 2019 see Chapter 3b on the adjacent website) which are declarations of war, including the economic currency war and threat via the digital SDR liquidity network crypto currency dystopia (see from the beginning above and Chapter 3b in the adjacent website) as Chairman Xi threatens to run the New World Order alone
An act of war by Chinese agents (i.e. Dr Victor Vzau, Dr Chris Elias, Dr Jeremy Farrar, Henrietta Fore, George F Gao (COMMUNISTS) comprise the world health monitoring board (WHO and United Nations) who are being paid by CHINA See Amazing Poly at 33 minutes & 50 seconds fwd & 'who do you trust' or see her youtube channel) Biden, Antifa, Michael Bloomberg and China The corona war and Antifa are paid by China who are interfering in US elections and destroying the USA in plain sight, (the chaos is classic softening to disguise an invasion by foriegn troops such as china or Russia) to create slums and economic chaos as "active measures" whilst democratic Presidential hopeful (for instance) Michael Bloomberg openly praises China's President Xi and Xi admires Chairman Mao the biggest mass murderer in history, the instigator of the Gulag and first 'social credit' dystopia system. Bloomberg unsuccessful himself has donated $100 Million to Biden but in reality to China as the Bidens connections to China emerge (see here also )see also "RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens' Chinese Secrets (Full Documentary)" or on bitchute once again here The democrats are simply working for China and this began in earnest in 1996 under the Clintons (i.e. the selling out of the USA to China) In Hong Kong on the 24.11.2019 Pro-democracy protesters win 17 out of 18 districts in HK elections amidst the protests, pro – democracy voters claimed a historic surge when they won 17 of the 18 districts in Hong Kong, this brought a ‘warning’ from Beijing Protests escalated to 350,000 as police fired non lethal weapons at the crowds last weekend but have employed real weapons (see again . ‘Exposing China's Digital Dystopian Dictatorship | Foreign Correspondent’ which is being exported to the west and to you, see video ‘Exporting dystopia: China’s social credit system | The Weekly’ with its now 380 internment camps and its 'Universities' which are brainwashing centres of the cult as re-education. The fulan gong were exposed to the anti - human state 'laws and rules' deteriorating into Chairman Mao's mass murder agenda / system with organ harvesting over many decades ) Exposing communism as the depopulation anti human ideology it is, China is trying to expel 3 million Hong Kong residents, it is the communist party of china which is the cause of mass murder and world unrest. This war is directed against every person in the west as war as China pushes to build Military bases (with internment camps) around the World
The growing conflict is China (which to repeat includes attempts at taking over the Middle East and Syria. US troops have only been pulled back into Iraq as it emerged that WMD fears were also stoked by Iran in 2002. See further 'Amir Tsarfati: Middle East Update: The Silent Energy War in the Mediterranean' which gives a biblical and/or current state of 'middle east geo politics') fears the west will take over control of the (OBOR) Silk road OBOR (one belt one road project) and manage it as (which many nations including India prefer) the "Free and Open Indo-Pacific strategy" (FOIP) with Sovereignty & respect for independence possible peaceful resolution in disputes, free, fair, and reciprocal trade, & adherence to international rules and norms. What has happened in the last two years is that the CIA have opened up an operational site/base within North Korea (and the persecuted Christians may be able to leave) North Korea's money laundering operations in the USA have been exposed as has its drug operations through its restaurant chains globally. The FOIP (free and open Indo - Pacific strategy) initiative with an unlimited (extremely low interest bearing credit inflation beating Federal Reserve) is the preferred option by agreement or by War. Kim Jong UN'S dream (what has happened to that dream ? ) of a United Korea was there for the taking ?, with increased economic ties between the two countries, could any President have done more ? and it seems any excuse (from Russia and China) not to allow this to occur officially has so far become the dominant policy officially. Kim Jong Un / China will either choose war, low intensity operations leading to conflict or a United Korea.
23.08.2017 (inserted on 23.08.2017) The treason, sedition and corruption charges in the USA (relating to the 2008 - 2016 period) and the North Korea Nuclear situation are becoming a serious threat to South Korea and to the West (see above 1/4 to 1/3 of the way up in Navy type, and post-dated and named, '23.08.2017 The biggest scandal in US history') It is (and/or its potential consequences) threatening western security. One of the most extraordinary wars in western history. 25.10.2017.
8.4.2022. (new post with link below at the end as the next para) The Special Counsel Russia Investigation 2022 under Robert Mueller, Ukraine, Switzerland and Russia (the Bolsheviks inventors of modern 'wokeism' explains Putin) The truth about North Korea and General MacArthur, the UN and Russian General Vasiliev and the Hegelian dialectic. Vladimir Putin's speech on Liberalism. History of Ukraine. The Bolshevik revolution. See the new post in the 'Greatest scandal in US History', also dated 8.4.2022. Will North and South Korea unite before the next pandemic, which is still Kim Jong Un's dream. Is the Korean peninsula, once one nation a sovereign nation or could it become one )
Link to The biggest scandal in US history (half way through the North Korea chapter) The Russia Investigation into 2023
End of North Korea Chapter
The National Health Service, construction, wages and price theory
Immense changes are planned to the NHS (National Health Service in Britain) and around the world as new trade deals are mediated. Whilst this will bring millions of new jobs (and many are objecting because of this 'ideologically') vital public services and wages (required to support the mortgage stockmarket of course.'Wages' are not zero hour contracts) are contractually replaced in the negotiations (see the red paragraphs above at the beginning)
PPP & PFI Construction contracts
Below are finance solutions (as mentioned) of a former website on 'economic democracy', which includes finance options for hospitals and services. The 4 pdf's at the beginning (one main i.e. the first) in chapter 2 also considers PPP contracts or Public Private Partnerships (and alternatives) and discusses the problems of the Project financing model with financers and bankers, considering articles and sources from Construction Companies and NHS consultants including Doctors and Nurses (asking if the associated problems were preferred to alternatives) The value of the document is its date stemming from 2005/2006 when large construction companies were expressing concerns on the viability and practical nature of the finance system which placed undue pressure and stress on companies who were trying to construct public projects. This was obviously just before the financial crash of 2007/2008. One of the articles entitled PPP (Public Private Partnerships and see also PFI and Private Finance Initiative) 'The only game in town' (this is a similar article in name only, and there are many articles of this title) describes those difficulties arising from the pressure of the finance model and supplemental sources adding to the article from industry professionals.
PPP contracts or PFI contracts were introduced due to concerns on the burgeoning large public debts accruing in each country worldwide over decades and they introduced new SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle) They are good ideas in themselves, but complaints that they were failing, gave rise to concerns that they could bring ownership problems if the finance collapsed. i.e. Ownership of the debt and also the Utility/service . They became the main Project financing instrument and are especially utilised in building Hospitals. If we take the NHS (Britain, National Health Service) and new private partnerships with government jointly to finance a project, why are they failing due to debt? moving them from public concerns, to agency status before becoming fully private, is the plan for the NHS. Ideological objectors would prefer private investment is kept out of the Health Service or a slow decline in the service would follow (they suggest). Eventually paying for health services (the NHS is free, although since taxpayers are deducted taxes to support it, it is not free but bought with earned money) will bring an end to the former NHS. The PDF's in chapter 2 show how taxes finance the NHS, and also show how construction professionals (and not just the leftwing ) were also concerned. Obviously PPP / PFI contracts are a long way from Che Guevara's ideals which inspired him to become a Doctor. Further free medicine (which is not free as taxes are collected to pay for it) is also considered the brainchild of communism as socialised medicine by advocates of insurance based medical insurance (including Obamas, Planned Parenthood 'Obamacare') in the USA. Ideology and finance do not need to follow the same route or objective.
If PPP and PFI contracts were introduced to reduce national public debt burdens, then these debts are obviously a problem . If they do not reduce the national public debt which is required in a functioning economy the obvious conclusion is to take away Hospital funding from the public debt completely or look at alternatives to continually increasing the public debt. On this page this view includes proven economic systems which look to cancel out the national debt a building project accrues or adds to the national debt (an asset cancels out the debt, see the Jersey loan scheme above) or transferring the national debt to a annual budgeting scheme and begin again at zero, or simply cancelling a debt owed to ourselves due to sovereign authority. There are other options but first consider a wider view. The four pdfs in chapter 2 chose to look into alternative funding but include a wide and diverse view as possible, including those who rarely would contribute (in the tall towers of London) many of whom turned out to have more of a social conscience than those consulted in normal political public debates.
Hospital anxiety
Most people entering a hospital today are filled with apprehension, as they do not know what to expect. Going in with a minor ailment could mean also contracting a serious 'super virus' which (we are told) have circulated in the building and joined forces with other diseases to form new strains of virus which are potentially fatal including Ebola, 'Superbugs' MSRA, which are resistant to all forms of anti-biotics, bleach and elbow grease, contracting these new ailments could prove fatal. Further to this many hospitals as well as providing maternity wards, also provide abortion wards (although there are no anti-abortion clinics only pro-abortion clinics) and you could also be left outside in a corridor of any ward,(in some cases left to die) whilst professional doctors whizz past and who appear to be manic on coffee or falling asleep due to their overburdened work load and long hours, whilst nurses are reduced to general operatives administrating drugs which are so expensive (in certain economic zones or continents, but not others) that ministerial decisions are required to see if the budget can afford the life saving use. Other natural cures for cancer for example some of which are a fruit drink are not added to the daily diet of the patient (just to see what would happen to the cancer) This includes hemp oil which has interesting results for patients. Cancer cures have been discovered and hidden away for decades. (these also include scientific non-natural cures) Although we are told the vast majority of aborted fetus are dumped and incinerated, it is possible during the hospital visit that in the next ward, the hospital visit is not complete until the remains of aborted babies are left still alive in trays awaiting 'recycling' on the open market, overseen and encouraged by 'professionals' who calculate x amount of body parts = a new Lamborghini (its not a joke but a real example from Center for Medical Progress Project, David Daleiden ) Organ trafficking accompanies the scandal which it seems is not just occurring to the Falun Gong in China. In the West the industry it is confined to the 'fetus' harvesting and stem cells business. By now you may be wondering if the stay at the hospital is not a pleasant holistic journey to recuperation, but a sentence to a concentration camp or gulag. Profit from these ventures also fund pro-abortion groups and lobbyists. The more unwanted pregnancies the bigger the profit. In the USA since abortion was introduced in 1973, unplanned pregnancies have grown despite contraception. The concept of going to a hospital to get well is lost as people have to be processed quickly, hence the work is farmed out to facilities management companies and not healthcare professionals. Do people want better hospitals ? of course they do.
Hospital staff are blamed for these problems, yet they do not get full recognition for their advice on how to solve the problems. Many NHS trust hospitals do not have these concerns, whilst others have them to some degree. The financial crisis contributed to conditions in hospitals, and cities (of the world) now contain 53% of the worlds population, this is going to rise to 70% by 2050. The debate as to whether the world is overpopulated or not depends on your actual view (from your window) as people in cities would say it is, whilst the worlds country areas are largely empty (Billions of acres) Future planning requires larger cities and this will mean more hospitals which will be prone to disease and shortages of beds and facilities, hence the ecologically designed super city will need new planning, construction, finance and design methods. It is suggested that the NHS is deliberatley being run down to enable new finance and to privatize it. Private or Public the solution of funding is not resolved.
Che Guevara was a Doctor, but from a slightly different tradition as his Motor Cycle Diary and Journeys relate. He was from a large family, he was (first marriage) (2nd marriage) married and had children, and secular humanism and the socialist origins of eugenics may not have been subjects uppermost on his mind, and he also mentioned abortion was too easy. (In effect). Communism and Capitalism have created and undertaken huge wars, yet if you are anti-war and protest against it but support the millions of abortion undertaken annually then you are surely pro-war ? Space research would confirm that a single cell organism would be a sign of life (in space) but in the womb it is not life ? It is becoming a profitable business. Profits, R & D & stem cells. The 'lefts' stance against the profit motive is obviously lost at this point.
Recently however major corporations have moved away from funding the planned parenthood racket. Planned Parenthood and Major Corporations are opting to defund from it, (Coca Cola, Xerox, Ford) recognising it as disguised genocide and profiteering from unborn children. Whilst chapters in this page also highlight modern day slavery it is incredible to think this can happen in the year 2015, whilst the accompanying website and chapter 6 highlights the connected services to health and social services which as you can read is dire, sinister and criminal. Not every hospital has these problems (many do, too some extent) and staff who work within them are professional and determined in their vocation, but work within this situation daily.
In describing these conditions and given that 'superbugs' have taken over many institutions it may seem a good idea to demolish all the buildings and purge them with fire, not least because each hospital trust is also overburdened with debt (despite PPP & PFI).
As mentioned PPP and PFI were introduced to stem the rising national public debt levels within hospitals but obviously they are still increasing, and this is because contracts also undertake the long term maintenance of the hospitals which can be 40 year contracts. Inflation over the term however exceeds projections and bonds to fund the private part of PPP and PFI are also still underpinned by taxpayers as all the recent bailouts have shown, whilst the governments percentage of the debts is also a public national debt accruing over time. This means that the primary aim of them is defeated and they are not achieving that aim. Further construction companies due to the pressure of repaying their private loans to fulfil the SPV cannot break even or make a profit due to the onerous interest rates. Interest rates are currently very low spurring work and construction but the raising or lowering of interest rates will not reduce inflation over the term. Low interest rates = low inflation. Zero interest rates = zero inflation. Zeitgeist explain the inflation problem correctly to a limited capacity but the ideological assumptions which follow are subjective and not necessarily true, but are of course a view like any other. It is a problem inherent in money creation since the dawn of time within left or right wing societies. The central banking system is the most sophisticated finance system ever created and can work to create stable money for society. It is desirous that funding for hospitals be deeply considered as ill health and debt only add to the malaise of a nation instead of making it well. Most people who feel the matter can be improved feel better as a result which is proof that health is holistic as well as physical.
It is not just 'Capitalist societies' which suffer these problems as Che Guevara's rejection of the NEP (New Economic Policy of Stalin as it continued through the decades) shows above. The Economic Democracy website which once hosted here (as mentioned), and this chapter was also prepared to report upon the Drop the Debt campaign in 2005, which took place in Edinburgh and London (in London it came to end on 7/7 in the London Bombings which are related in the adjoining website Chapter 3)
Economists and economics and their economic models assume that in the world of 'perfect competition' a normal rate of profit is determined. A standard explanation is the cost of production is the extra cost of one more unit of output, combined with an extra amount (undefined) to allow for the normal rate of profit, known as the marginal cost. This pricing theory (wages and time worked) leads to an inevitable surge for growth. Yet Communist and Capitalist economists in essence agree on the following;
This growth compulsion leads to the ever increasing search for profit, leading to the law of diminishing returns (= Monetarism) and the tendency for profits to decline over time (TRPF, Marxism)
If you read the pdf 'EU, ROME, LONDON ISRAEL' in chapter 1 above The burden of long term fixed capital goods if not modernised leads to eventual losses as they become inefficient, since this investment is also subject to borrowing, then the perfect world of competition is also subject to diminishing returns through inflation. This is also true within PPP or PFI contracts or any business contract arrangement.
Losses are then threefold. Updating infrastructure and long term investment is hindered by inflation which reduces profit. Wages are also reduced and also the extra wages known as Surplus labour which is the source of all profit according to Marxists, yet this is also true in communist societies. Updating infrastructure in a inflationary environment further reduces long term fixed capital solutions as many of the construction companies in chapter 2 PDF's discovered.(many of whom are now bankrupt and out of business) and there is the law of diminishing returns. In Communist countries the 'crisis' leads to moves to ensure 100% employment levels but on a low wage. Throw in a strict Stasi secret police (or here) and the combination produces rigid control which was the intended aim of Stalin. In the West 100% employment meant freedom in the monetarist system, control is kept when unemployment forces down wages.
The world trades within this system which is based upon competitive advantage. Two competing views suggest that the world is moving to Capitalism by first undertaking Socialism and then moving to Communism and then to Capitalism. The directly opposing view suggests Capitalism arrives first and then it is followed by Socialism and then Communism as the ultimate stage in society. Competitive advantage is gained when the currency with a predetermined higher value will have an advantage when it exports its goods. As the currency gains in value, exports may suffer but by capturing a market (a foreign country) the higher currency value buys two or three of the other countries currency of less value, therefore it can also buy the products and the means of production and the poorer country will opt to buy the richer countries goods at the expense of its own agricultural and manufacturing base. Higher wages within the dominating country do not prevent/hinder production if the currency is valued at a higher level. The poorer country will not grow food or make goods but import the other richer countries goods which will be exported in bulk. Energy costs then escalate especially if they are imported fuels. National sourced fuels reduce that cost in the richer country. The higher currency also dominates the stock market increasing its wealth. Eventually the impoverished in the poorer country fight back either by protest or armed rebellion and if successful they will begin to produce and export goods. The former rich nation which has grown rich will become lazy (capitalists) and buy the imported goods increasing its own debts, but not its status as a superpower. This is unfair trade. Fair trade requires an equalisation of all currency values which in turn would require a world bank of one chamber for the entire world. Since the richer nations who propose this always have more votes then it is unequal. This type of development would also require a suppression of rights to introduce, and then it would also become a source of inequality. Nationalism does not require any of these options, whereas fascism will follow the aim of unification by force by either right or left wing agenda's.
This is a standard basic assessment of competitive advantage but to sustain the system, it requires increasing demand and that demand needs to be created. Any eventual superpower who achieves this will eventually control trade, but determining which system you want to live within is a pointer to what your actual beliefs are.
This is in effect the ambition China has been engaging in over the last few years. Not just through production of cheaper goods to export, but by currency manipulation to speed up the process. It is interesting in the USA that most election candidates (August 2015) do not identify specifically the economic situation developing.
Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam
The black panthers followed the doctrines of Marxist dialectical materialism along the teachings and methods of China's Chairman Mao and his Red book.This approach begins with local social community reform and establishes a hierarchy of electable leaders, but elections soon fall away or if the election is lost a coup can re-establish a vanguard. Chairman Mao went on into fanatical measures which caused the death of 120 million people. His actions separated the peasants from the land as well as the landlords and changed communes into concentration camps with forced labour and starvation. One of the first actions of the Black panther party was to march fully armed in "open carry" to protest the states attempt to outlaw carrying guns and rifles in public. This was meant to inspire nationwide revolt but it did not achieve that aim, and over time (or from the beginning some would say) the black panthers became racist and would not allow white people into the party. White exclusion was a key tenant of the black panthers hence it was not then dialectical Marxism, but a national racist movement and freely admitted as such. The right to bear arms is still protected today.
Malcolm x said "In fact I'm a Black Nationalist Freedom Fighter. Islam is my religion" if other groups or revolutionary bodies had said this they would be classed as nationalists and theocratic fascists
The movement passed from those who led the movement to those who are administrators of it. In effect the land was stolen as is depicted in the documentary on China and Mao 4 paragraphs down. As in the Russian Revolution the movement went or passed from the 'people' towards Lenin and Stalin and into another ruling class who without tenure in the land become the new oppressors. Lenin's party lost the election (the first election after the revolution in 1917 ) and a purge or terror was instigated to make the election result null and void by armed martial law imposed upon the people.The masses are then left to the yoke of new rulers, and the land which was fought for against the landlords is then owned by the administrating vanguard, who do not pay wages or allow children to be with parents in the concentration camps you are placed within. Malcolm Little (his real name) or Malcolm X lost his father who was killed by the (allegedly when he fell from a tram) the Black Legion or clan members when he was six and his Mother was committed to a Mental Institution when he 13.
Malcolm was in prison and was recruited by Islam. Islam became the parents he never had. His branch of Islam advocated not just racist views but supremacist views i.e. that Blacks were superior to Whites and for this they require 'critical theory' and also the George Soros funding of illegal aliens in millions if possible and its fraud which has currently been revealed in April 2017. into Europe. Therefore it was not just fighting segregation but making a new segregation or apartheid system which exists in Saudi Arabia today or as exists in Sharia law or in Iran or in also Saudi Arabia. Saudi funds the nation of Islam today and it sent funds to the Nation of Islam in the 1970's as did Colonel Gadaffi and Libya. In the same way today Obama who trained became a Muslim in Indonesia can criticize Isis with the President of France but has sent arms to Indonesia which is passed onto to Isis via Turkey.
There are disagreements on theological doctrine within Wahhabism (Saudi) In its political mode can sends funds to Elijah Mohammed, but theologically it cannot agree with Sunni Muslims. Iran does not agree with aspects of Wahhabism or Sunni, but as Shia Moslems they still all regard Mecca as the center of their religion. Yet 90 % of Muslims do not understand the Kaaba or its Hindi origins in Rama the Hindu God (Ramadan etc ) Clearly Malcolm X had no difficulty being a part of it initially. yet he could not accept its racism or its eugenics which is a part of the movement today. An example of this the Black lives matter group today which has banned white people from its meetings, social media and membership. (all lives matter of course except that ISIS spawned by Islam says they particularity enjoy killing Christians in April 2017 )Similar moves were made to ban white people from the democratic party in the USA . He was criticized for this move by Muhammad Ali, but he later also left the Nation of Islam and joined another Islamic movement.
Islam wants another cultural revolution as Mao planned in China (you tube documentary 'Mao's Great Famine HDTV great leap forward, history of China' ) which is Mao's little red book Islam is employing pushing liberalism under communist dictat taken from communism and its 10 steps or planks.
Today Al Sharpton as a Reverend is also a believer in the Nation of Islam despite being a Reverend, and who with Hillary Clinton also believes in eugenics and receiving funds from George Soros. The support and non-support of radical Islam is a way of avoiding security issues in which the Paris bombings and the Belgium siege and wider have shown are very real. Al Sharpton also support CAIR the Nation of Islam school drive, which has recently seen its leaders arrested for the sexual abuse of 'foreign' (which is also a form of Jihad) children and this has also become a campaign feature of Dr Ben Carson. (the aim is to create Chrislam ? a union of so called Christianity and Islam) in which the Islamic eugenics of Clinton contrasted against the contradictory Black lives matter is shameful. (Dr Carson points out )
Yet the Benghazi affair which is now a FBI investigation which left armed soldiers to die and which was then covered up under oath has a deeper story behind it. The Huma Abedin affair. She Huma Abedin like Obama is a Muslim brotherhood member (and posed as a lesbian under Clinton it is alleged) The compromised access to emails may have cost the lives of the Benghazi 6, and also the soldiers who killed Osama Bin Laden (details of the operation are covered up and their knowledge was not / is not beneficial to the Obama administration) and compromised thousands of others serving around the world (currently serving).
"The most despicable lie of the day came from Hillary's defense of her own conduct via ripping Chris Stevens, the dead ambassador. She spent virtually the entire day suggesting that Stevens knew the risks of his job, that he accepted those risks, and that he died knowing those risks. She even said that Stevens "felt comfortable" on the ground. If that is true, it's certainly odd that the State Department team in Libya asked for more security over 600 times" beyond belief
Clinton and Huma Abedin are truly evil woman who should be prosecuted as traitors as yet she has not testified (Abedin) under oath that she has revealed all her emails. The matter is under FBI investigation. Obama and the Nation of Islam would have been aware of the breach and would have sanctioned the killings with the resultant cover up stories (which involves saying what difference does it make or the Benghazi attack was a video and not real, both of which as statements have been retracted) The criminal investigation of Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton was suppressed by Obama.
Huma Abedin is calling for the nonsensical flood of refugees into Europe and America yet in Egypt the (Obama's) Muslim Brotherhood are (527) sentenced to death. Obama and Turkey have funded ISIS (via Indonesia) and the Muslim brotherhood, and they have attacked France and wider. France has vowed to track down the Paris attackers.(French President Francois Hollande requires more refugees after the attacks ? )
The political wing of the Muslim brotherhood (in the following link) oversees the jihad military operation despite the theological differences (which do not understand the Kaaba stone in Mecca and/or have different opinions on it) Al Sharpton supported Yaser Arafat who killed 40,000 christians in Lebanon and Gaza as well as orchestrating attacks on Israel. The reason these issues are serious are the very reasons why Islamic attacks in Europe and Worldwide are occurring as the current US administration are funding them. The original civil rights movement and Martin Luther King (who was not a member of the Muslim Brotherhood) was the sons of Anarchy (and today allegedly funded by George Soras) and were funded by the Muslim Brotherhood and Gulf States, which funds Hamas and Gaza attacks.
The Sharia law areas (and funding from the Gulf states) will be apartheid areas separated by violence and Islamic law before they are dismantled.The Middle East has seen its christian population slaughtered over a decade and its population reduced by millions.
This dangerous time comes as the USA issues a Worldwide Travel Warning 23.11.2015
Islam separates itself from white and non Islamic society in its apartheid states whether they follow the US nation of Islam or Sunni or Shia paths. This includes immigration as a new apartheid onto other countries. This is how Al Sharpton can abandon Christianity and embrace Islam in a moment, as it is not a faith but an ideology. On the issue of slavery and child slavery with forced torture and prostitution, woman are mutilated as a part of their marriage promise and duties.
Dialectical Materialism then is at odds with spiritual views but forms a bridge between them. Ethiopians wary of dialectical materialism / communism would be especially wary of Islamic equivalents. Malcolm X was killed by the Nation of Islam and (one of killers) his killer is free, Talmadge X Hayer (April 2010) and is still a Muslim (not in the nation of Islam he maintains) but now volunteers in a Mosque. The Nation of Islam itself has not been prosecuted.
Obama's health package and reforms have fallen into extreme difficulties and is collapsing into a racket The co-operative idea or member owned health insurers known as mutual's (mutual insurance) have a precedent and have worked in other countries, but the motivation of them in the first few months and years was similar to the approach from Hunter Patch Adams (a few paragraphs down) i.e. born in necessity, but with a legal framework for expansion. This expansion however forced compulsory payments onto its members which when ratified by the supreme court, the members lost control (which is not then a co-operative structure) and the prices soared and the investment of billions went missing. The USA has a history of co-ops and mutual's many of the oldest Wall Street names started as they did, but costs were paid for slowly and slowly built up geographically and in accounting sense and wise decisions over decades. Real co-operatives become mutual's, become building societies and then banks (is the story of how the West of America was built) but they were built without planned parenthood as an ideology or a underpinning it.
An alternative which explains also the current system position, (of the distribution cycle) a situation which the world trades within is Zeitgeists Resource based economy. (Or full version of Zeitgeists film moving forward) which some suggest is a move towards communism. See also Anarchism, Libertarian Socialism & Anarcho-Syndicalism
Monopolies are a feature of capitalism and communism (i.e. of state capitalism, socialism or competitive advantage) The economic accounting procedures of both systems produce monopoly. A health system should not be a victim of this stage of industry as the issue of long term fixed capital is not resolved hence the problems we see within the NHS and Private health systems. Tendering for health services from private facilities management or corporate services management is not suitable for health services at the point of health or healing (Doctros and Nurses) Since Serco is now running the NHS, and is running into problems as it looks to set its business wider The question remains can a facilities services company which runs prisons also run hospitals (remember some hospitals may have turned into concentration camps or gulags). It is also running Obamacare
Perhaps Doctors and Nurses should run them from scratch and then build up a services schedule and contract from a new starting point. The Labour party have promised to Nationalise the NHS again and the railways fully but there is no new method of financing that project as yet. The conservative party promise to privatise it fully but no new financing model is suggested. It is essentially the same arguments and debates in every election since 1946, even amongst those who suggest they are not conservatives or labour and have a new idea (except when they used to be in the opposing party of course). Recognising medicines are a few cents in Cuba and over €70 dollars in the USA is beyond any economic theory even after wage differentials are accounted for. Serious solutions are not really considered and the NHS is used as a weapon by some in Labour to bankrupt a country (which is very unhealthy) whilst some on the right do not have real long term solutions to a free health service.
Originally BUPA and the NHS were proposed by the same man Nye Bevan. The BUPA insurance for wealthier patients went to fund the free (except for Taxes) NHS. National Health Service, THE BEVERIDGE REPORT (1945/1947) Bevan also introduced private health insurance known as BUPA CARE to balance free health care in effect the PROFIT FROM BUPA helped to pay the NHS.
A similar arrangement is undertaken in the EU health care to the BUPA / NHS model as it is simply funded out of taxation with a small contribution.
'Back to Basics' assumes health is reviewed by the first point of contact. It is a vocation, you are nursed and Doctors are healers. Patients are not customers. The Welfare state however is so broad and international that 'non-taxpayers' or workers (in an examination of price and cost) are included in the budget, yet without remuneration from other national countries. It can never balance a budget therefore. Hunter Patch Adams began his own free hospital and the right to free healthcare. He practices a similar attitude to Che Guevara's consciousness, working for other people and not for money alone. Marxism however forced people into this position for reasons which are nothing to do with brotherly love. He believes that eco – village (clean air, water and good food surrounding a person is beneficial to health) His budgetary system may have taken years to perfect if it ever has, but his patients recovered and their health improved. The Russian and American armies are entitled to free health care, and the cost of their free health care is added to the national debt (a debt George Bush quoted in 2005/2006 as simply a debt we owe ourselves, which can be cancelled against service or work completed). America has 3 Million plus serving army personnel who are entitled to free health care, which should be extended to them in 'Civvy street'. If it can be paid for in the army it can work for the public. (this is not a 'big government' turning socialist, but ordinary people organising themselves. President Jackson was not fond of many banking practices but he recognised national ownership was vital after which you could call it what you like. An early hospital in USA named after him from 1918 is cited here.
3 Million serving army personnel is more than the population of some countries. And as economic principle in certain circumstances ECQUADOR CANCELS NATIONAL DEBT Norway Cancels "US$80 million in illegitimate debts owed by 5 countries: Egypt, Ecuador, Peru, Jamaica and Sierra Leone".
It is perceived that if an interest free loan (which on this page you can see that big business also take, on occasion) is employed to build a hospital and this money is not repaid, then the debt is then outstanding for ever. (this is a description of the current national debt system) A balance sheet of a nation, once any project is completed has an asset to set against the debt it makes. The asset however does not accrue interest but the debt (national debt) does. A built asset can accrue increasing value, but when does the time arrive, if it is sold that the national debt is cancelled against the sale. The proceeds may disappear into other funding avenues, or the asset depreciates. The national debt can be levied against the value of the asset recently built. (in effect this principle is similar to the Jersey loan sanction scheme, but payment of wages meant a tax levy was also required, but they completed the project without debt). It is possible to take it one stage further and apply balance for balance (built asset against national debt) and cancel the debt against the asset's worth. As can be seen the MO money supply (which is in 2 parts 1. Debt free money. 2 Interest charged money) already exists to undertake this public project, and many professionals within the banking industry (see chapter 2 above, and the 4 pdfs) suggested that for social projects this method could apply. At the very least it could alleviate the project budget burden which many construction firms complained of. The point being that public infrastructure projects are vital for a nation and should not be subject to failure wherever possible. Secondary schemes can also borrow at o% interest or very low interest , but semi-private works (in the interest of the country or taxpayer) can be repaid to the exact amount. This is not something for nothing as the money is repaid, accounted against the asset. Public works also have less risk and this type of borrowing is not a risk or subject to risk as they are underwritten by taxpayers. Progress on a public project using this finance method should be audited weekly in lieu of wages and the finance % being released on a results basis only. These two systems can co-exist alongside each other, and as chapter 1-3 relates an increase in 'MO' could have prevented the mortgage crisis which would have been cheaper with less risk if it had been applied and/or appraised over a five year or ten year period before it occurred. Water services, Police, Fire etc are not a risk and stockmarkets who have been bailed out cannot continue to criticize public services that they also use. Having said that one man I knew, rode the subway every day, did not buy private health, contributed to fire and police charities (etc) but still managed to make a fortune on the stock market
Che Guevara first profession was a Doctor, the rest of his interests followed on as a natural progression. One of them was banking and if national public debts are considered too large and PPP and PFI were introduced to reduce them, then solving this problem will improve funding for a health service. If none of the proven examples above are introduced and project financing is also insufficient then it must follow that a mixture of all of the above examples would improve NHS viability or any medical service.
Most public hospitals would require retrofitting and ESCO type M & E services financing to improve their energy efficiency, renewable energy would seem to compliment modern holistic medicine. Renewable energy cost reductions also improve the long term fixed finance problem.
Recycling funds and the Petro Dollar.
Link back to post on the adjacent website Chapter 3b & dated 8.4.2021
One further method deserves consideration as altering arrangements for national debt making or cancelling the interest payments due on the national debts is politically unacceptable. Economies which are facing Debt to GDP ratio difficulties can apply for assistance through the Oil Facility (pages 60 and 61) which has also developed on another tier as reserve lending. When Petro Dollars are recycled from Dollars placed in Western banks, the debt increased (balance of trade deficits) in many countries to unsustainable levels. A remedy known as oil facility aid was a measure first introduced by the IMF. Funds from the Oil facility were deposited into a suitable SPV, and these funds alleviated debt problems which were noticed as a concern and first reported by IMF analysts. Since the USA and many countries have paid the price for protection of the system in military personnel ( in effect without 'taxpayers' joining the armed forces and paying tax the system would struggle to recycle from oil producing nations into western banks) the deal with oil producing nations is indebted to those personnel and as the USA has free health for its army, then the next logical step would be to take this fund (which exist as aid in the oil facility anyway) and as securities are mostly invested in assets (real estate) and in the holding countries nations banks, it is a simple design to invest them into real assets, specifically into building hospitals which would be retained as belonging to the national country they are constructed within (Hospitals as one real estate asset example which would morally at least, offset the difficulties experienced by countries with balance of trade deficits.) It is also a tradition extending back in history to protect and tend to the poor by Knights for those seeking a safe journey to Jerusalem. This initiative would assist the USA in keeping interest rates low, and the free monies (in effect) could pay for a new complete health system, which could train Doctors, Surgeons and Nurses for export around the world (exports require payment in Dollars, and Dollars pay for employee heating costs, car fuel etc whether it is for oil or gas or renewable energy sources. This would be a morally fair deal, and all nations with high imports deficits could avail of this aid) Funds stored within the banks are in effect turned into equity and then capital instead of idle deposits, but are also still recycled, producing an asset of worth. Whilst it would take a political decision economically it could stretch to accommodate such projects under the oil facility remit. Its worth the effort, and monies saved by this initiative would be passed on to other departments, who in turn could pass on their savings increasing growth. Combining this with ideas above could produce a free health service.
Health is a unusual project to finance as it benefits the project owners three times. Once in wages owed for working on a project in your career, once more as it benefits your own health, and once more again to a nation. Banks and finance personnel still use hospitals not all are private. Economic's for vital projects is not frozen as one or another, or placed in a box, but should consider all options. For a balanced view on economics please see and chapter 1 PDF for a balanced view on economics.
PPP & PFI contracts should be allowed to complete a project without undue pressure from banks in return for an increased quality of construction and increased quality control checks. The relationship between these two problems is discussed is chapter 2 and is a source of potential failure in construction
In retrospect funding a 'free' health service (free except except for taxes which underpin the dollar securities in the petro dollar system held in all western banks) has many alternatives and are listed above, which are viable project financing options. Since 9/11 the world economic crisis has stalled progress.(since 9/11 the World trade center is being rebuilt as the 1 world trade center. And there are plans to make the tallest tower in the World in Manhattan. A few suggestions circulate and here is one of them)
It is also interesting when considering which economic theory or ideology you intend to pursue to discuss them with people in Eastern Europe, and ask them what they think of communism or capitalism. Also consider a side to Che Guevara which is not well known. The traditional image and icon is often employed (which Che may never have approved of as a commercial marketing image) but the image of Doctor, Bank Manager or farmer is employed less. People still remain as the most important aspect of an economy.
 Above Guevara (top left) with parents & family
 Above, Comandante Guevara with two units of production.
August 2015 marked the 70 th anniversary of end of World War 2. WW2 began in Japan in 1937 when Japan invaded China. Japan had earlier military expeditions (The Manchurian crisis & withdrawing from the league of nations in 1933) which in turn it blamed on the collapse of the economic system in 1929 in the Wall Street crash. VJ day or Victory in Japan day was celebrated on the 15/08/2015 Some link VJ to the end of the war but it was only a pause before the Korean war and the next war in Vietnam. Many interviews were recorded and many armed service personnel were interviewed. Many of them said however that they were disappointed by the dropping of the Atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, as many wanted to fight on without this sudden ending, although Japans Samurai tradition may not have made it easy. One General who clearly wanted to end the war by 'boots on the ground' was General Patton. By 1948 Russia had become the new enemy of democracy replacing Germany, having previously assisted the allies in 1945.
Russia through Stalin had caused the deaths of 10 million people in the Ukraine in 1933. In 1945 President Harry Truman contacted Stalin to inform him of the invention of the Bomb. Stalin however 3 years later was the new threat to world democracy in 1948/1949, but Russia was not attacked with the Atom bomb in-between these dates when it developed its own Atom Bomb in August 1949 (it was an exact copy of the Nagasaki bomb developed 6 years earlier) Soviet spies Klaus Fuchs and David Greenglass and others worked upon the Manhattan project from 1944 to 1950. These two were arrested in 1949/1950 and like the enigma machine controversy they worked by sending a secret code back and forth but this time to Moscow. This is the official story but Major Jordan Racey who worked in the 'land lease' programme from 1942 to 1944 (and should be regarded as a heroe of World War 2) and from within the land lease programme which was exporting Nuclear materials to Moscow provides a different set of circumstances. Soviet spies (who were 'disguised' as Capitalists, but were not part of the Nazi group in Los Alamos ! ) stole the plans in 1947-1948 from Los Alamos New Mexico. (see the history here or later in the video entitled The Worlds biggest bomb, Tsar Bomba 1961 ) This was of course treason against the USA, but as Major Jordan relates the shipments were approved by Harry Hopkins who was in the Democratic party. D'DAY and the US and allied invasion of Europe would have course preferred to have known about it, but knowing now in retrospect, its doubtful the knowledge and the eventual cold war would have stopped the war, and many would have gone anyway. Why Germany and the allies fought over theological / political differences is wasted history. Of course most Democrats had no idea, but the spread or proliferation of Nuclear weapons begins in these years. Russia is of course now allied to Capitalism without firing a nuclear bomb westward. This meant however from 1945 until 1948 / 1949 the Soviets as the new threat to the West were not attacked with the only Bomb producing nation ?. General Patton wanted to invade Russia in 1945 for liberation and freedom and annex China, invading Japan and controlling the pacific, by defeating Communism which is also the aim of many in Russia and China and North Korea today. Are they Westernised ? or just sick of the ideology which Communism promotes. General Patton in order to do this he co-opted the German army, (who were in prisoner of war camps) many of whom had already been sent to America in the Manhattan project (1943 – 1945) and later also in operation paper clip 1949, and set about making plans to end the war. Clearly the atoms bombs for Japan and the sudden death of General Patton ( 21.12.1945) ended those aims.
Major Jordan Racey's revelations above are gigantic compared to the Soviet spy ring stealing Nuclear secrets, such as the Rosenberg's, Fuchs, Hall, Gold and Greengrass. On the one hand it was espionage on the other it was open policy.
A geographical timeline history of Atomic and Nuclear explosions since 1945 to 1995 outlines the modern problem of warfare which every person on earth is a participant in today. The development of the Atom, Hydrogen and Nuclear bombs has changed warfare and it is a confusing and terrible history. 2053 explosions in the continuing war between 1945 – 1991 (The largest Nuclear weapon in 1961) Warfare then is on many levels but only one belief or culture can ultimately triumph, if world conquest after Nuclear war is a triumph. However you would have to conclude that there is very little preventing the permanent world war and eastern invasion or advance. Many conclude that if General Patton had taken his chosen course, peace in the Middle East would have arrived earlier since 1965-1967 (Russian and China supply finance and weapons for imperialism and Jihad and continual war, including also in Africa). The bomb then did not end the war as after all the war is continuing despite the bomb.
For a more interesting explanation of an intriguing era (which includes the Military Industrial Complex from outer space yarn after the Germans prototype disc stealth from 1940 – 1945 crashed in Roswell.) is offered in the last Indiana Jones film as all of them (which includes being blown across the desert in a nuclear blast in a fridge) Following the phenomenon of Orson Welles 'War of the Worlds' radio broadcast in 1938, in which people believed the alien invasion was occurring, (and thousands took to the hills) it became a preferred method for hiding Aeronautic development. A German prototype saucer similar to Roswell crashed in Germany in 1933. The military deciding against a press release stating the Germans had crashed their new prototype saucer plane in Mexico, and suggested instead they were Aliens and definitely not Germans.Since the development of the the stealth bomber (in the early 1980's) which is an incredible machine, there is no point hiding the fact the technology exists. Since the 1980's how much further has this technology developed. Albert Einstein regretted his part in developing the Atom bomb, but he would conclude that 3 dimensional spaceships cannot travel through 10 dimensions into the 4th and 5th etc (Einstein believed in 10 dimensions) where the laws of thermodynamics break down, as science is discovering and freely admit. Earth is the 3rd dimension, Space is the 4th, String theory (as one model) is the 5th dimension and so on. Nuclear weapons force peace some claim and allows 'Detente' whilst many argue it only slows down the inevitable. Detente in effect simply allows the spread of Nuclear weapons in order they will be widely used eventually.Many other countries have either used or tested Nuclear weapons, including France, UK, Pakistan, India, China, Russia, North Korea etc.Stalin's doctrine was devoid of ideological direction or sentiment. Russia today if asking if it would return to Stalin's dictatorship and poverty, they would say no. General Patton's doctrine was annihilation of the enemy
If you have read this far in the mixed opinions (required to be fair) on ideology and economics which are difficult to discern in younger years, requiring further information as it is actually applied, and discerning which is true or false, although no system is perfect or always correct. If you are 6 years of age to 16 + years of age (the targeted marketed age of average website readers) consider the following mini documentary on the truth of the Vietnam war and above re-read what happened to the people of Cambodia under Pol Pot in chapter 4, or to the DalaiLama in Nepal and Tibet, or the Chinese or Russian people. In the Ukraine, East Germany, or the Baltic States, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Angola (Africa in turmoil everywhere for decades), Congo Ethiopia, Mozambique, North Korea, Indonesia, Armenia, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia and Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and many more including countries in South America, who have endured being caught between ideologies and extreme poverty, and after 150 years of ideological debates on freedom and prosperity are beginning to make a vibrant economy. Holland has also elected many Communist members and had a Communist party before Russia in 1917. The memory of the Dutch Winter starvation period in world war 2 (when Germany diverted all of Hollands food to Germany and in which thousands starved is still a fresh memory in the countries histories. Germany was also starving, due to the strategist bombing it had endured since 1942 to 1945 including the Dresden bombings in 1944. The bombings reciprocal for the the London bombings) The communist party only ever reached 5% of the population vote.
Voting did not mean much in the former USSR anyway. In November 1945 after World War 2 was effectively over, Hungary voted in its first post war elections. The election was won by the 'Independent smallholders, agrarian workers and civic party' with 54 % of the vote compared to 17% of the Communist party. Two years later the Soviets orchestrated a coup de taut against the ISAWC party, and arrested and imprisoned the leader (party members were also forced out of Hungary) and occupied the country. In November 1956 a spontaneous uprising (the Hungarian revolution) against the Soviet occupation nearly forced a Soviet withdrawal, but instead a very large Soviet army crossed into Budapest and crushed the democratic uprising. It was Imperial totalitarianism void of prosperity. The Soviets however left in 1990 following the collapse of the Berlin wall. Poland suffered the same fate as Hungary. It was invaded in late 1939, and it lasted until the Soviet bloc collapsed in 1989. Soviet Russia opposed by Lech Walesa and his political party forced a withdrawal by 1992. Lech Walesa was a Union leader, (with concerns for workers a major success for his Solidarity party) who won an election in the Polish Soviet bloc and formed the first joint opposition party government with a Communist government. He then introduced privatisations and returned to a free market economy. During the brutal occupation and totalitarian system forced upon Poland, people were watched by the secret stasi police and were imprisoned tortured, killed and traumatised. Economics of the free market can be sudden and harsh and the balance of a macro economic low inflationary prosperous society is the difficult aim of many in world politics
Today Lech Walesa is trying to meet with President Putin to discuss the occupation of the Ukraine and Crimea. (17.9.2015) The Ukraine has suffered in the same way and it will not give up the Crimea or any of its terrority. The future for Ukraine is brighter than previous decades but it still requires re-building and expertise. (further down this chapter in Blue text, Norway is advising for example). Lech Walesa is an interesting example, freeing the workers giving trades and training, a system which Germany still retains in its working / planning ideals. This ancient system was introduced a long time before Karl Marx wrote Das Capital, yet Lech Walesa as a nationalist also knew workers were exploited by the Soviet bourgeois. Economics is a key to expanding a population not subduing it and Russia does not follow the system which gave rise to its revolution.
Germany and Holland when its comes to city and town design however are advanced and incorporate traditional design ideals. Germany still practices trade apprenticeships for production and making products which are durable and have long life.This does not suit Communist or Capitalist societies, as durable goods in Communist societies are rarely replaced beyond their (extended) accepted life, Capitalism in over production, produces goods with a short shelf life to boost consumerism. Adam Smith the father of Capitalism would not have recognized this as 'free market capitalism'. (see Zeitgeist 1 hour 16 minutes - 19 minutes), and Adam smith as a conservative would suggest this contemporary system is going to fail. Communist countries however would like to preserve this element of self destruction in Western countries, (which is a part of the currency war and stock market crash in Aug /Sep 2015) The west is afraid to examine this problem for fear of collapse and having to endure communism which is itself a failure. If the stock market machines were turned off and set to zero, and all creditors and debtors even their accounts, the stock market the next day would trade free again in free enterprise. (i.e. since America, and the West is already bankrupt, then equalizing the debt by mutual agreement and leveling debts outstanding as far as possible and beginning again will lead to renewed free enterprise)
The countries named in the 4th paragraph above were led eventually into extreme poverty in or out of war periods, so too were the Vietnamese People. The 'people' have in the main discovered that Communism does not lead to freedom and many do not intend that ambition and of course are not Communist or in office to assist the working class. It is also not (never) practiced by the Soviets. Analysing the economic system and/or alternative economic systems is better than joining a party which has a pre-determined set theory or programme. Communism is not just an economic system and human nature is not tuned to it, as under it money is also a commodity just as it is in Capitalism.Production and 'Cyclical consumption' occur in both and debt collapses them. Given no alternative so far, asking eastern Europeans or other countries what they actually think of the 'soviet' tradition would be a better economic indicator.
The Zeitgeist film below also points out that greed in a artificial economic system leads to corruption. This is not the same as wishing to better your life as an individual or accumulating wealth which is natural. The eradication of poverty however has continued as an aim or ideology by millions worldwide and developing an economic system not a anti economic system is one of those aims.(see Zeitgeist film below at 55 minutes fwd to 60 minutes) Today Vietnam trades with the EU and trades in Dollars, since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 (as 'capitalist communists' which is a famous quote concerning Vietnam from the 1990's) and is a member of the WTO (World Trade Organisation) but has retained a large agricultural base for biodiversity.
Throughout this page and these two website real examples of economics and politics and history are cited. In Greece for example and following the announcement of new elections in September 2015, (following the failed alternative to Austerity so far) they are in need of energy independence, and could over the next year help Cyprus in returning Cyprus to its own full Island ownership. It is a partitioned Island after imperialist fascist forces landed upon it in 1974. Turkey feels it owns Cyprus, but of course as Muslim Oil Imperialist's against the oppressed Greek Western peoples, Turkey is only interested in the Oil and Gas. Norway is currently advising the Ukraine on its energy needs, and could advise and assist Greece. Israel is also becoming energy independent after it received expert help. Soon additional excess energy could be exported to Greece or the Ukraine (Greece has also a need to develop its own oil and gas all over the Aegean / Mediterranean sea, as well as wind and renewables. Norway (population 5 million) has set the best example with its 'Oil find' trust fund, and although the country has diverse political opinions it places the nation and the people first as far as possible and does not 'Sell Out' to political party ideologies which limit its growth and drive. Excess energy which Israel can export is a boon to its economy, but it could also follow Norway example of increasing a trust fund from its oil revenues to eradicate poverty internally and to allow for its expansion into the Greater Israel land size.
One way to end poverty is energy independence. (whether it is Oil, Gas or renewable's or all jointly) The two websites listed below in chapter 6 are/will be involved in 1. teaching (i.e the and specifically to begin with for younger people and the 'Website Images Information link' although the whole site has links to other information, please note this website experiment will be renewed and the website repaired soon) and 2. energy, and design and build. All subjects on these two website pages give real examples of a period in history which can be tested against theory and the media opinion of the events.
Having analysed the Communist, Socialist, Secular Humanist, Maoist & North Korea Hybrid, & also the Darwinist dystopia above, Chapter 6 below will analyse the history of Utopias, Dystopia's and Totalitarian systems of control and their origins in societies and in media / communications. (Content previously in this Chapter 6 will be returned as required)
Chapter 6 (content formally here will be updated and re-presented soon)
Utopia's, Dystopia's and Totalitarian systems of control in societies and by the media / communications ( and Depopulation agendas)
Link back to the top of the website
A brief history of Historical Utopias
7 or 8 main Empires throughout history Utopias and Dystopias have existed since the dawn of time or at least the hope and pursuit or Utopias have. People have learnt over time that Government does not bring Utopia and the history of the state has led to Dystopia and depopulation and slavery for as long as recorded time. Many point to Babylon as the first Utopia although "pre-diluvian" civilisations with their mysterious technology and advanced civilization disappeared, a long time before Nimrod and Semiramis began building their tower to God or to the heavens.Sumeria collapsed after Babylon collapsed, Medeo - Persia collapsed and Egypt collapsed, Greece collapsed into Rome and Europe and Britain have emerged and re-emerged and the USA many suggest is on the verge of collapse. Incredibly in the bible Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 mention all of these 7 Kingdoms (or 8 as 1 was still to appear)
Plato's Republic 'Republic' is very influential on Utopian ideals and Neo Platonic aspirations in the past few centuries especially on ideas of Democracy always upheld as an ideal or marker of virtue in the political parties presented before the public. When the 2 or 3 main political parties are simply the same party then "democracy" is revealed as a sham. Socrates hated democracy, but today Communism which is always totalitarian, states democracy is a fraud if all political parties are simply the same organisation in different colours, but failing to recognise that an unelected Vanguard is by the same definition worse, as the only choice on offer is "the party" who have chosen not to hold any elections once they have achieved power. Pundits have suggested therefore that democracy and totalitarianism are the same. Socialist collectivism is simply a method for herding people and killing them off more easily, transferring lands and wealth into those hands which espoused the vices of wealth and land, but which act as the beneficiaries of money and lands they preached against. Karl Marx who heavily criticised debt economics and national debt making (in Das kapital) said that Marxism was not Utopian but Scientific, yet its final idea of society has now emerged as a technocracy with transhumanism whereby an elite will rule as gds ? As this chapter develops you will see that there have been successful 'Utopias' (even if those making them did not call them Uptopais) but many who claim to want Utopia tried to ruin and destroy them.
Thomas Moore in 1516 wrote Utopia (free e - book here or a free Audio book here on youtube ) and has defined our modern idea of Utopia see "Utopia is Dystopia" or longer documentary here "Thomas More's Magnificent Utopia - Dr Richard Serjeantson"
Francis Bacon wrote 'The New Atlantis' and which appeared after he died in 1626. Drawing on Plato who told of a Lost Atlantis which could be the pre-diluvian world which was lost suddenly and completely. Francis Bacon was/is Shakespeare and Shakepeare was brilliant Manly C Hall wrote also of America's secret destiny which relates how philosophy is really alchemy (Shakespeare / Bacon wrote "You are an alchemist; make gold of that", Timon of Athens) which is not just the transformation of metals into Gold but the 'transmutation' of man and woman and as this has to be 'universal' it is also your destiny, whether you want it or not and depopulation takes care of dissenters, this is the transformation of society into either Utopia or Dystopia making Gold out of lead. History is not alway taught or it is obscured Scythians Scots,Cimmerians, Phoenicians, Isaacsons 10 lost tribes, Tribe of Dan = Tuatha Dé Danann
The Quest for Utopia to many signifies some lost paradise and the hope that it can be found. This was the theme of John Milton's Epic Poem Paradise lost and the sequel Paradise found which has taken extra biblical ideas and brought them into the frame, yet its main theme is obvious, Eden is an archetype for the inspiration for Utopias even today. There are other views on this theme (Video 62)Humans, AI, Gods & Technology,Elites & the 21st century 'gods'(Kevin Kelly & Yuval Harari) Eden is also viewed as a literal place, not just a metaphysical concept but an actual place on earth ( Video 67 B ) Patterns of Evidence Exodus THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL TIMELINE FRAUD solved Archaeology is unearthing cities which date and match those of the bible and modern science is correcting earlier assumptions made in the 1950s and 1960's (Video 66 C) Scientists Find Proof of God in DNA Code Human Genome, Human DNA code began by 2 people Modern Utopian aspirations are certainly moving towards a"new" technological society and even contemplate 'Breaking into Eden' which so far to date have been unsuccessful, but which is viewed as indispensable for immortality physically and metaphysically
Today the United Nations exists to turn Gold into Lead, preaching Utopia but bringing Dystopia in the same way Democrats create slums and broken cities, in which they do not live in, but Lord over. The IRS (Internal Revenue Service) in the USA has not brought a Utopia of freedom, and tax exists not for the benefit of the taxed. The ability to control society, who may be indifferent to those controls requires new techniques and a public willing to accept the brainwashing instrument into their homes (over the threshold) and regard it as an essential part of the furniture and an educational tool for their children. This is essential and psychosis is manufactured through it. "The Manufacturing of a Mass Psychosis" and our perception of Utopia is gleaned today from the media.
The Current 'Technocracy' drive Dystopia 2020 / 2021 an Introduction
In 2020 the whole world was 'locked down' Catherine Austin Fitts Full Interview Planet Lockdown an interview with Catherine Austin Fitts and David Knight is here A Slave System Orchestrated By Central Banks, Catherine Austin Fitts Interviewed by David Knight
As the World get to grips with the CO2 Global warming lies, it seems a new lie has entered the vocabulary of lies, that of the Covid 19 lie. Currently in April / May 2021, India is the newest 'Covid victim' (i.e round the clock cremations in India ?) as it refuses to enter into the "Green" Global Warming fraud as do many countries including Russia and China and the USA despite it having 2 Presidents and 3 systems, albeit 2 are fake see chapter 3b above and the US Presidential Election 2020 (see chapter 3 above for the Green climate hoax and the Global tax credits) "Coming Soon: Climate Lockdowns"
Described as a New Leninism, in fact it is Capitalism with technocracy (which was not possible until AI, Artificial Intelligence under Quantum computers ) stakeholder capitalism (with Utopia for the Elites) but it is closer to state capitalism in which the left have agreed to remove Marxism for a technocracy., in which you own nothing and be happy, but they will own everything ? hence Marx idea that property abolition did not apply to the communit party or the rich elites is now not a theory, as communism is a cult of depopulation and one of the largest ever. (Video 23) Chairman Mao s Great Famine & the Communist Party of China (CPC) The US Government is now run by AI. In February 2019 and finalized & published on 3.12. 2020 Executive Order (Executive Order 13960 of December 3, 2020) placed the US Government under AI FEMA is still running the USA via AI & the military since 13.03.2020 UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !! The US constitution 1776 is suspended but so to is the US Corporation of 1871 with CEO and Secretaries. It is a budding technocracy under FEMA, the military and FEMA. This designation is still to be decided (but Trump and Biden are not running the USA Link back to post in Chapter 3b & U Presidential Election dated 8.4.2021 )
Currently and from 2019 into 2021 and Agenda 21, 25 and Agenda 30 of the United Nations (2030 fwd at least as far as the public is aware) the world is heading into the AI Driven Technocracy Dystopia with a depopulation agenda. Headed by the World Economic Forum under the Trilateral commission, its agenda is laid out by Klaus Shcwab, Chief Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum in his books.The Great Reset Explained by Douglas Kruger - NEW
1. "The Fourth Industrial Revolution" 2017 & also 2. "Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution" 2018 & 3. COVID-19: The Great Reset 2020. The latter proof enough that the Covid 19 (20 & 21 fwd) is proof that the cold / flu was pre-planned many years ago. The Sars 2 Covid 19 Virus is patented Suggested as a race to patent a pre-existing virus from 2002 (see THE RACE TO PATENT THE SARS VIRUS - Melbourne Law by M RIMMER ) from Guangdong province in China (and not the Wuhan bio - weapons lab in 2019, although there are bio-weapons labs in Wuhan and many worldwide. What is their total purpose? The USA operates over 200 biological weapons labs globally. China and Russia have equivalents and many other nations have numerous bioweapons labs also ) The Sars 2 Covid virus and its connection to Nano-technology is not fully understood or it is limited to a few areas of connected study. For a complete history of recent events and Event 201 from September 2019, hosted by the John Hopkins University on behalf of the World Economic Forum. (which predicted the outbreak 4 months before it occurred and had a contact tracing contract in place a month before this) go to Chapter 3b above and follow the events as they occurred. The WEF answers to the United Nations and in this instance the WHO or World Health Organization. The World Economic Forum Youtube Channel or see "Who closed the Worlds Churches ? Event 201 the UN & World Council of Churches / World Economic Forum" or here again as an MP4 Video file "Who closed the Worlds Churches Event 201 the UN & World Council of Churches World Economic Forum"
It is no longer a conspiracy theory and the lockdown / prison is a planned reality see Health Passports: From Conspiracy Theory to Reality (by Computing forever Feb 2021) and see Computing forever in May 2019 "Is China’s Dystopian Social Credit System Our Future?" and Paul Joseph Watson from November 2018 "Paul Joseph Watson China's TERRIFYING Social Credit System Future of World Citizen Control". Very Prophetic but North Korea has existed as a (Hybrid) Communist state since the 1930's but mainly since 1948 and you can read about it in Chapter 5 above (Chapter 5 entitled 'Communitarianism Communism, Socialism, Maoism, all as Secular Humanism etc (Critical theory & Cultural Marxism ) Climate Change, 4th Industrial Revolution, Technocracy and Dystopia' and subsection on North Korea entitled 'North Korea and Gulags and its history (China & Chairman Mao)'
Its relevance is, it was used (i.e North Korea) as a test centre by China and Soviet Russia in social control, perception management and Ideological subversion with its 4 stages as described by Yuri Bezmenov see (Video 31 ) How to brainwash a Nation in 4 stages KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov & Vladimer Kvackov GRU (GRU means 'Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation' and its opinions on current events are given here once more YouTube 'How To Brainwash A Nation' or here full length Youtube 'Former KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov Explains How to Brainwash a Nation (Full Length)')” Edward Bernays How to brainwash a nation “ VLADIMIR KVACKHOV, FORMER COLONEL OF THE GRU ON THE CURRENT WORLD SITUATION! [ENGLISH SUBTITLES]” Vladimer Kvackov again Here in German with subtitles but with the Universal language (applicable to every nation in depopulation) of deception which Communism has.
The GRU IN RUSSIA / PRUSSIA answers to the Pope who is no longer the ‘vicar of Christ’ who has now teamed up with microsoft, IBM etc who says we must love the UN who love abortions for everyone for the vaccination dna material and the UN have redifined what it means to be human and the Pope says it is moral to accept vaccinations with dead baby fetus DNA.
North Korea was analysed and monitored and locked down before Hi - Tec Camera surveillance (as any defector will tell you) to the point they obeyed (after decades) without thinking or reward, brainwashed into any ridiculous or non human paradigm. Today's Corporate (with results forwarded by the Communists and Maoists over decades) media have also used those ( last link Edward Bernays on Letterman in 1985) statistical analysis of the slavery and brainwashing techniques and Edward Bernays was a pioneer in this area of research ( 'Edward Bernays and Group Psychology: Manipulating the Masses' ) Since WW1 and following it public opinion was especially sought before embarking on any event. Today in 2021 despite the reconcilliation of North Korea its communism is preferred to freedom by the worlds elites (nothing has changed) but it (communism) is fake and simply a tool of depopulation.(Video 30) The Bloody History of Communism & The Black Book of Communism
The WEF or WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM is here explaining its roll out of the ‘4TH Industrial Revolution ‘and why the (QUOTE) 'The Very idea of Human Beings as some kind of Natural Concept is really going to change" see 'What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?' from the WEF or here available on Bichute )
(Video 48 ) Technocracy & the 'Great Reset' - Patrick Wood & James Delingpole (2 of 2 as a series) & also see (Video 47) Technocracy, Militarized Medicine Scientific Dictatorship & WEF Patrick Wood (Vid 1 of 2) "Technocracy: How To Build A Utopia" and 'What Is A Technocracy?' )
Historical examples of Utopia and Dystopia and the media (Introduction contd)
The BBC has the oldest broadcast outlet in the world and many others branched out from it or were directly inspired by it.
75 Years of BBC TV - History of the BBC and also Evolution of Television 1920-2020 and the first broadcast in 1926 World First Television Broadcast 1926 (or alternatively "Oldest Television Broadcast Mystery" and the incredible BBC Building 7 mystery BBC Reports Building 7's Collapse More Than 20 Minutes Before It Actually Fell and the explanation BBC's Jane Standley Says Reporting Building 7's Collapse Before It Fell Was A Small & Honest Mistake clearly this was deliberate to confuse and confound people watching. Stories that do not make it onto primetime television, but which occurred in July / August 2020 The World Awakens To Globalist Pedophile Elite which can be back checked in Chapter 6 on the adjacent website The BBC has of course produced wonderful entertainment and actors for the world to enjoy, with public preferred to private by the vast majority of viewers, yet when propaganda replaces entertainment or news as occurred in the Brexit, then something or someone has to go and change. Its children programmes in the 1960' and 1970's were obviously made by people who loved children and that tradition still exists. Yet not long after this period Jimmy Saville was appointed as head of children's entertainment. We now know he abused hundreds of children and committed necrophilia (sex) on dead children. How could this occur ? for more information see (again) the adjacent website and chapter 6 which has a fuller account of these and connected abuse and global trafficking subjects. (many suggest it coincides with Joining the EU) The BBC was hijacked at some point in the past and the prescribed values it had were removed i.e. Truth, Honour and Justice, yet many protests came from within the British media. It is currently used as a propaganda tool unnecessarily against the people of Britain and the World.
18.12.2021 - 2022
Aleister Crowley's Utopia into Dystopia and depopulating the earth to save the earth.
Utopia ? spiritual, agnostic or atheist. Israel, Germany and England. The Ghislaine Maxwell trail.
The IOT Internet of things & IOB Internet of Bodies (& IOB as currency / energy) and the next stage
The 'Boys from Brazil' (a novel & film)
Utopia and Dystopia in Jerusalem and Babylon
n.b. all upload problems, jumbled text, and broken links are now corrected.
The history of Utopias / Dystopias is extensive and an inner desire for paradise or world domination by a person or group spurred on by making a better world or destroying the world is as old as Eden itself. In the 20th century the ability to provide a system or belief towards Utopia / Dystopia was greatly enhanced by the development of the media and broadcasting media, which became available in cinemas and then into people's living rooms as televisions and today upon laptops and Smartphones. Smartphones have evolved and are helping to develop a global control system where humans as data and then biological data can assist them in virtual reality lives (such as within the facebook 'Metaverse' ) but where ultimately, you as your data is collated and assimilated by Artificial Intelligence or Artificial General Intelligence to now (it is underway) to become your currency within the IOT Internet of things and into IOB Internet of Bodies. Information and false narratives are central to Utopia or Dystopia and are often built up over years and decades or even centuries.
You can become your own currency in the alternative reality universe or metaverse. The ultimate Utopia or Dystopia, is shaping up to be a dystopia week by week. (as of December 2021) 1. Central Banks launch Digital Currencies - Perfect Technocratic Control and no 2. Global Central Bank Digital Currency Roll Out 2022 & connected to it (and also to the mRNA DNA changing vaccine is) EU's Plan to Replace Farms - CITIES2030 - Digital Twin of Food Supply controlled by AI & AGI data which can analyze everyone's face / image on earth in 90 seconds i.e all 7 .5 billion (it is also a part or removing governments and there is no use voting for any of the political parties who act as a proxy vote to steal your say in running your country instead of people having their say. Instead of giving a proxy vote to useless politicians who then vote their way for themselves and not you. Cut out the middleman ) Governments and voting is over in the Utopia / Dystopia. "Fit for 55 %", the green EU deconstruction / demolition of the economies of the west began in WW2. Today via "fit for 55" (in the Great Reset) and it's more accurate description by William Engdahl gives the framework. The media is selling this as entertainment but it is propaganda to enslave and not to create a Utopia (Video 65) Transhumanism Utopia & Eden. Will humans evolve 'smarter' or regress into automatons
The emerging dystopia of the metaverse (which in Hebrew means the 'dead universe' ) or any virtual reality system. Today the aim is to conduct all or as much as possible business from home and then in the virtual reality universe. You can even purchase virtual real estate land and a building for a virtual reality office Therefore requiring a cryptocurrency (either central bank or bitcoin which will merge) non existent money token which has no value any more than a piece of cardboard or fiat virtual megabytes you can live forever in the dead verse. Real estate for eternity with Anthony Lewandowski (ex google) who although he has closed his AI religion virtual church others (on the quest to become gds and immortal see below) are picking up the baton of the Artificial general intelligence (AGI) Qubits to infinity faith or into hell but buying it as "real estate" To run this energy intensive system (bad for the outside environment) people will need to peddle a bike (possibly connected to a generator) whilst wearing a virtual reality 3d headset to generate some form of energy, or if this is not enough energy then sell yourself or your soul (IOS to go with IOT Internet of Things & IOB Internet of bodies) to the metaverse as energy / currency as the ultimate virtual reality slavery system. Although you are at home you will be in the virtual reality office earning virtual currency becoming a battery in the Matrix (to repeat the same links from above) All central banks for 2022 are now introducing some form of digital currency. A virtual dystopia, but in these businesses and the great reset "you will own nothing and be happy" which encapsulates the metaverse i.e 'nothing' as currency and as non-existent real estate in the cloud but which lasts eternally until Judgement day.
How did the world go from reality into this brave new world (or 1984) of virtual unreality dystopia from the 2020 massive wealth transfer (the largest in history) which is destroying the middle class, but also in reality depopulating the earth whilst subjecting the earth's population to a live mRNA (DNA) experiment ? with vaccine injuries and deaths
Making the entire world a Utopia / Dystopia is now the aim. See "Who Owns the World" as the US Federal Reserve aims to buy the World becoming buyer and seller of last resort. Issuing its currency as debt to buy the world in effect buying back its own debt. Most people remember the 2008 world financial collapse and understand aa similar one occurred in 1929, but how many know the USA went bankrupt in 1933 and again in 1999 (see the adjacent website the sovereignty of nations) The USA almost went bankrupt on 3.12.2021, but it is now delayed until 15.12.2021. The delay set aside by selling US Oil reserves for cash (as also selling 1/3 of the real estate in cities as Biden is doing as China also buys up US farmland) not just to stabilize prices but to keep the USA running before bankruptcy The last time the US went bankrupt was in 1999 (its 3rd and final time in truth) resulting in the Federal Reserve becoming the total government and the setting up of the 5 star fund (to funnel into the UN as 'sustainable development ) see the aadjacent website and the post dated 27.05.2021 in the top section & heading "United Nations removes Sovereignty & Sergeant Robert Horton"
For a real financial history within the great pandemic reset from 20.03.2020 to date see the following and you can follow developments from it See 'God' or "GoldOilDrugs" ( or again via this link here) all combined with biological convergence of man and machine.
Aleister Crowley and WW1 and WW2
The media's role has been central to this. As we have seen from the heading above in the first post "The BBC" and the Oldest Television Broadcast Mystery' by John Logie Baird from the Selfridges department store in 1925. The first commercial cinema screening took place December 28, 1895 at the Grand Cafe in Paris whilst commercial radio has broadcast since November 2, 1920, via the radio station KDKA, which made the nation's first commercial broadcast but a radio communication was first heard in the midst of a morse code message in 1906 (telephones were common but were first used in 1875 invented by Alexander Graham Bell or by Elisha Gray and Antonio Meucci in 1849 who also developed a talking telegraph earlier than Bell. By 1900 there were almost 600,000 telephones working in homes and offices.By 1948, the 30 millionth phone was connected in the United States; by the 1960s, there were more than 80 million phone hookups in the U.S. and 160 million in the world. The BBC's first broadcast was in August 1932 ( a year before the USA went bankrupt and 4 years after the Vatican became a private corporation under Mussolini)
World war 1 and 2 and preceded by the industrial revolutions speeded up communications globally.The world's faiths and atheism (which is 'scientism' without the science as secular humanism) along with the established ideologies which disguise these positions have become the driving factors of Utopia / Dystopia today. The Truth movement in the dystopia is being hampered by the removal of free speech and total information from all sides
The first radio broadcast amidst the morse code dots / dashes was a radio song of Silent night which sings of the birth of the Messiah. (or 25.12. ever year the Christmas Santa Claus Nimrod Yule replacement of the Christian birth ) The Christian world and a belief in God was already global by 1900 within the 3 main faiths of Christianity, Islam and Judaism and others including Hinduism but Rama was also also an ancestor of Ra of the Egyptians Pharaohs. One other faith which went underground with the death of Nimrod (i.e. Gilgamesh) and Tammuz (who was the son of Nimrod and his wife and mother Semameris) was Mystery Babylon. It was the babylonian faith of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz, which said that when Semiramis husband died (who was Cush of the bible Cush or Kush was the oldest son of Ham and a grandson of Noah. He was the brother of Canaan, Mizraim and Phut. Cush was the father of Nimrod see Genesis 10, 6 - 8 & 1 Chronicles 1, 8 - 10) Semiramis said she could be impregnated by the rays of the son i.e her son Nimrod and when he died, once again bringing forth Tammuz. As Babylon was defeated this faith went underground and became a mystery, it is mentioned in Revelations 17, 5 and also in Isaiah 21,9 and 2 Kings 9:17-37
In the modern era the British Empire encompassed the earth and upon which the sun never set. A person who emerged towards the end of the 19th century was Aleister Crowley (1875 - 1947) who described himself in his infamous book dairies as "The beast" A member of the OTO or Ordo Templi Orientis (with William Butler Yeats who was closely connected to it. Also connected was Alice Bailey June 16, 1880 – December 15, 1949 and Madame Helena Blavatsky 12 August 1831 – 8 May 1891. Blavatsky works include 'Isis Unveiled' which is the story of Isis Osiris and Horus and a continuation of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz )
William Butler Yeats published his poem "The Second Coming" published in the Irish dail (government in November 1920) with the line "And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?" (which also references the sphinx in cairo at the pyramids although there are many from previous civilizations also)
Crowley was a Hierophant and he said he was a reincarnation of the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs Aleister Crowley's (1875 - 1947) father came from the Quakers and he later joined the Plymouth Brethren (Exclusive Brethren, which originated in Dublin born from Anglicanism) When his father died Aleister whilst he was only 11, he grieved and became bitter towards the church, and turned against God and Christianity "venomously". His book diaries "The Beast '' shook society with its perversity, paedophilia and drug taking. He also went to China to monitor the opium trade, but in London he helped develop "psyops" or psychology with drugs as also a form of warfare, and the Chinese also took his teachings to China & China took his teachings and used them to control North Korea as a test experiment area to help and monitor and control China under communism and Chairman Mao. The Ordo Templi Orientis was many suggest German in origin, and Crowley traveled extensively to Germany, the USA and Switzerland, living mainly in London where the OTO also resided, continuing his quest to destroy Christianity but also in reality all religions but his own. His life is detailed in a documentary on his life Aleister Crowley the Great Beast ( & Nosferatu )
One area he helped develop was the 'Gnostic mass' which is not christian or even Roman Catholic in origin. Passover.... became RC communion = Ancient Egypt,Osiris Eucharist & Transubstantiation Horus Wafers and also DPI Ministries: Exposing 'Holy Communion', the Last Supper, and Palm Sunday and also
The 'Eucharist', false Miracles,the Pope, false Christs,& end times deceit (Isis Horus & Set = IHS) with the origins in Nimrod Tammuz and Semiramis (Ishtar) aka Isis, Horus Set & Osiris aka Mary Jesus & Joseph which wished for the transplantation of Jesus Mary and Joseph (Jesus was born in the autumn at the feast of Trumpets, not December 25th) for Isis Osiris and Horus (although the latter never claimed to be this transplantation in its origins but from 1929 when the Vatican became a private corporation (see the adjacent website the sovereignty of nations ) the new belief was drafted in.(Video 71 C) Osiris Christianity Sirius & Gnosticism, rebirth & immortality Genesis 3,22 The Assyrians knew Semiramis as Shemiramoth, and she is named in the Bible in I Chronicles 15,18 - 19 & 1 Chron 15,20-24, 16,5, and 2nd Chronicles 17,8. Assyria grew out of Sumer / Babylon and the king lists from those civilisations extend down to the Egyptian Pharaohs.
Howard Carter's discovery of the tomb in Tutankhamun 1922, brought new understanding and unleashed a tremendous power, which cannot be underestimated. Knowledge was brought back to the west and into Switzerland via all the crusades a thousand years ago, (the Swiss share an ancient history with Egypt and Israel) but new information was added from 1760 fwd. At the same time in 1922 Leonard Woolley began (1922) his excavations of Ur the birth place of Abraham. excavations had occurred in earnest since Napoleon's visit to the pyramids and where he, like Pythagoras and Plato slept inside the Pyramid. New mathematical understanding of the pyramid changed science (its awareness) since it is mathematically impossible. The pyramids were not tombs and the Pharaohs were buried in the Valley of the Kings also newly excavated from the 1920's. Israel has slowly been rediscovered, its towns and cities have re-appeared. For both and the battle for truth see ( Video 67 B twinned with 67 A )Patterns of Evidence Exodus THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL TIMELINE FRAUD solved )
The lost Golden city of Aten has also now recently been discovered 2020 /2021 "Lost Golden City of Aten Discovered - ROBERT SEPEHR"
This was the age of Agatha Christie the mystery crime writer who later became friends with Leonard Wooley (helping and funding his Archaeology), and later married archeologist Max Mallowan Wooleys assistant. who worked in Iraq. She also befriended archeologist Howard Carter who discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun. Agatha (as well as 66 novels including 'death on the nile') wrote a play entitled Akhnaton, about the Egyptian pharaoh The huge interest in the middle east exploded all over the world, and it continues today as Egypt is closed down to prepare for the move of the Egyptian mummies to a new home (April 2021) in a incredible parade named Pharaoh's Golden parade through Cairo "The Pharaohs’ Golden Parade | Egypt | Short Clip | Catch the event in 14 minutes" or here again in English for the 'mummified Royals' "Egypt puts on a show as it moves royal mummies to new home" (or here again in full )
During the war in Iraq in 2003, US forces excavated the Tomb of Nimrod (Gilgamesh) son of Ssemiramis Cush and later husband of his mother Semiramis and their son Tammuz who is mentioned in Ezekiel 8.
Alister Crowley as mentioned thought himself an Egyptian pharaoh or hierophant who could trans beyond humanity and become a gd, (see Richard Seed below on this) and as well as his magical interests he also developed mesmerism and mind control and also developed 'psychiatry' or psyops. This would later become a cover for paedophilia , which was fronted later by Alfred Kinsey. "The book Children of the beast Alister Crowley's shadow over humanity" names Alfred Kinsey as a huge admirer of Aleister Crowley. This is examined in the following videos. 1 of 2. How the Anti - Gay agenda began, Alfred Kinsey & Aleister Crowley (Satanist Pedophiles) and also on the same subject 2 of 2. How the Anti - Gay agenda began, Alfred Kinsey & Aleister Crowley (Satanist Pedophiles) which also used gay men (as has the transhumanism utopia / dystopia today, which you can no longer e gay but you must trans and have 4 vaxx + boosters with the 'exerimental' mRNA dNA altering injection) as guinea pigs in his mind experiments. Jimmy Savile (who had sex with dead adults and children = Necrophilia, raped woman and children and killed people as a part of being a presenter on children's television for the BBC, see the adjacent website and chapter 6)
Heket or Heket (or also kek) within the Hermopolitan Ogdoad (the 8) was the Egyptian goddess of the frogs Gender fluid (but as 2 genders) as some frogs can be as tadpoles but who are cold blooded.In Egypt head cones were often decorative made from Bee's Wax, whilst others were not just decorative or regal in purpose but were also practical as some Pharaohs had elongated skulls and hence the head dress extended back to the early Sumerians and to Babel and Nimrod Egyptians also had Hermaphrodites who were men but were hybrids of male and female, which indicates some kind of Gene Experimentation extending back to Babel and Nimrod (the Egyptian king lists extend back to Sumerian which as one of the first civilisations to form after the collapse of the Tower of Babel) known as Mesopotamia out of which grew the early Assyrian civilisation
Today Switzerland has DNA from the ancient Egyptians within the population as well as the DNA of the Israeli tribes who left Israel as well of course as the Tribe of Dan who embarked on their on journey and for a wider perspective from the lost tribes of Israel Octagon (from the Ogdoad the 8 ) reside in Switzerland and many associate the WW2 obsession with measuring skulls and race in Germany and Russia as belonging to these investigations, (i.e. as the science of 'Craniometry') Many suggest the cuisine delicacies of 'Escargot' ? are more than just a desire for flavoring food and trying new variants. Of course real Vikings Norsemen (northmen or Normans as French Normans like meat and organic vegetables and procreating to increase the population with the opposite sex)
Most Swizz are not concerned with these more ancient histories but are still very interested in tradition or here again "Lisa Stoll und SängerFREUNDe "Mountains" This is the Swiss flag or actually two flags (one has a bear upon it). It is a very private country and does not appreciate troublemakers and anarchists creating chaos ! etc (she has a passport now, and the cows have bells still which save their lives in high alpine snow blizzards and alpine horns were heard all over the high Alpine) and Roger Moore famous for many films including James Bond, passed away in 2017, he lived in Switzerland. People wonder about Switzerland here is an average day. It is a beautiful country, with nice people and with proud traditions such as the world Alpine horn record. A swiss joke, and an electro (to repeat) beat Swiss horn (they love the mountains) A nation which protects its borders and traditions. The patron saint is Nicholas of Flue (Bruder Klaus) who resided near Sion, near Geneva towards the French side of Switzerland.
The Templars however found the most interesting studies in Jerusalem and the Temple of Solomon, Mount Moriah Temple Mount excavations they pursued.
Obviously for frogs it is a very cold climate in Switzerland, yet the Utopian belief and desire is still to reside within and around the Lilly pads of Hermopolis (the city of the sun of the Priests of ON who are mentioned in the bible see Genesis 41:45 and 41:50, as part of the Ogdoad of 8 ) in modern day Cairo, or amongst the sacred lotus flower of the nile. The Lotus was revered by the Buddists from Ancient times and of course it grew out of Hinduism. The Hindu Gds shared the same name derivation (Ra in Egypt ...Rama the Hindu gd... Amun Ra as the Egyptian pharaohs of course Babylon or Babel when it collapsed brought forth many civilisations with a common ancestor, into India even and China which has the largest pyramid in Asia It is hard to hide so it is ignored in China as it of course goes against the secular humanist communist moaist view of history but who are however quite content to push the theory that man and woman kind evolved from the murky swamp and were primitive gradually evolving into primates and then humans, but also along the way they built sophisticated pyramids of mathematical genius and involving incredible feats of impossible construction, with unusual power sources and technology. Babylon produced Hybrids, Assyria produced human hybrids (or here Assyria) and Egypt produced many Hybrids humans such as the Sphinx for example or the Egyptian frog headed goddess as mentioned above Hequet. Greece also with the Minotaur hybrid. Dagon or Oanness also called Johannes was a fish gd but who was beheaded by the captain of the Lord's army in the bible before the Ark of the covenant. (see 1 Samuel 5 kjv) Called the god of the Philistines (who were later named as a joke Palestinians in Judea Samaria) but who was the fish gd of the Assyrians. The original 8 Egyptians gds (although they extend back to Nimrod and Babel in the sumerian king lists) become 9 in the Eanaad (the 9) All of these creatures exist in archeology and today the hybrid industry of films and cartoons is portraying them again in various forms
Ptah one of the Ogdoad, had a son Nefertem who was born out of a Lotus flower from the Nile. Ptah who was also considered the creator gd of all was his father although he Nefertem was born inside the Lotus
Moses the hebrew floats down the Nile in a basket "The Ten Commandments (2/10) Movie CLIP - Baby Moses Sent Down the River (1956) HD" and was found by Pharaoh's family "Bithiah finds Moses - "The Ten Commandments" - Charlton Heston" and see Exodus chapter 2, which is described in the bible and which is symbolic of the Nile as rebirth of the Sun gd or the real gd as the real power behind the sun or behind Sirius. A Pharaoh in death was to travel down the Nile into the sun and be reborn, and this was the story Nimrod father of Cush grandson of Noah, fabricated as he of course later married his mother Semiramis against Torah. Being born on the solstice was not the tradition of Torah, (see Leviticus 23) or Israel. from the Old testament into the New Testament and until today Nimrod Tammuz and Semiramis (Ishtar) aka Isis, Horus Set & Osiris aka Mary Jesus & Joseph and see also the real date of the Messiah which was changed (but the bible is clear) to Dec 25th DPI Ministries_ When Was The Messiah of Israel Born
Noah of course was found (and his family) to be the only Human non hybrid line left on earth. Genesis 6,9 righteous and blameless and perfect in Hebrew extends to his human DNA also not just his morals and character and love of God. The world had degenerated into Human hybrid dystopia and perversity and war.
Today the BBC are making a documentary about their own past employee and childrens entertainer Jimmy Saville (and he was not the only one as they all seem to flock to the source of the biggest media possible, consider Rolf Harris and Stuart Hall and Max Clifford and countless others) again see the adjacent website and chapter 6)
The aim next was spread the doctrine and psyop into education beginning at University level combining it with the hegelian dialectic Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (27 August 1770 – 14 November 1831 who was a German philosopher ) comprising problem action / reaction solution better known as Thesis - AntiThesis = a new Synthesis. Dividing and conquering and the first level children could be separated from their parents and brainwashed. It gradually spread down into lower and lower years until today even 6 year olds believe they are born in the wrong body, but more importantly, a whole new series of generations ( X and boomers millennials etc) could be saved by entering into the new utopia / dystopia of whatever flavor or type they preferred.
New news Channel 'GB News' and Christianity (link to G B News here ) discusses Christianity in Britain raising some pertinent points "Alex Phillips: Christianity has become the punchbag of a confused society" (or here as an article within the website)
Contemporary with Aleister Crowley at least in the era was preacher Charles Spurgeon (19 June 1834 – 31 January 1892) and Crowley and his father may have heard him preach in London drawing as he did some of the (then) largest crowds in world history. A baptist Charles Spurgeon turned London and England upside down with his captivating sermons. (a selection here again also) At the Fast Day, 7 October 1857, he preached to the largest crowd ever – 23,654 people – at The Crystal Palace in London. Charles Wesley ( 18 December 1707 – 29 March 1788) and his brother John had also changed England only 50 years before. Before this John Calvin and Martin Luther King and numerous preachers had also turned the world upside down preaching a future 'Utopia' to come. Competempray preachers include David Pawson and David Wilkerson and many many others. Brother Alexis Bugnolo updates the current drive to Utopia / Dystopia (as editor / publisher of 'from Rome' magazine) "BROTHER ALEXIS BUGNOLO ON THE VACCINE DEPOPULATION EVENT CURRENTLY UNDERWAY" (13.11.2021) Which is supported by the deaths and injuries listed here and which is describing the early stages of the transhumanist Agenda 21 - 30 plan which originated in the Club of Rome in the Vatican.Pope Francis has pushed population control and depopulation via the Laudato Si 'green; encyclical as do most of the major politicians voted into office, celebrities or unelected 'experts' i.e. David Attenborough The world would be paradise if it were not for you people breeding year in and year out Another expert opinion however says in Genesis 9, 7 says we should go forward and populate but making children and adults doubt command is priority for the experts.(see also Genesis 1, 28, Genesis 6,1 Genesis 17,2 Genesis 35,11. Leviticus 26,9, Jeremiah 30, 9, Hebrews 6,14, Hebrews 11, 2 (quoting from Abrahams commands in Genesis 22, 17) Revelations 7, 9 and throughout the bible. Dr Vernon Coleman - Here's Why Most of the Jabbed Will Die Early (or here again on Health Impact News )
Many may view Brother Alexis Bugnolo;s view of depopulation as fantastic and other theories outside of academia yet he is only repeating what the club of Rome envisage. Even Russian special forces and from the GRU. “ VLADIMIR KVACKHOV, FORMER COLONEL OF THE Soviet GRU ON THE CURRENT WORLD SITUATION! [ENGLISH SUBTITLES]” (see below)
(The GRU IN RUSSIA / PRUSSIA answers to the Pope who is no longer the ‘vicar of Christ’ who has now teamed up with microsoft, IBM etc who says we must love the UN who love abortions for everyone for the vaccination dna material and the UN have redefined what it means to be human in the new ‘Astana’ NWO transhumanist religion of equal rights but no rights equally of the ‘left’ Moving the Vatican to Astana in Kazakhstan (see video 'Astana Kazakhstan - The New World Order Secret City' (or here once more on bitchute ) in the proposed global enslaved 'technocracy' ) Vladimir Kvachkov again Here in German with subtitles but with the Universal language (applicable to every nation in depopulation) of deception which Communism has see videos 19 – 31 And then as a part of the system Russia and Yuri Bezmenov (on every level of the media) Yuri Bezmenov former KGB agent explains how to brainwash a nation. Or here as the abridged version in bitchute “How to brainwash a nation” Video; YouTube 'How To Brainwash A Nation' (or here full length Youtube 'Former KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov Explains How to Brainwash a Nation (Full Length)')” Edward Bernays How to brainwash a nation
Common Purpose Ssimilar Edward Bernays is ‘common purpose’ and also psyops ‘perception management’ The question many ask however is; what is ‘Cultural Marxism and Critical Theory’ actually? One further invention to understand is the system of the 'progressive stack' (or here as MP4 Video file ) which reclassifies perceptions of society social standings and everything it (only ) feels is relevant or important but which then excludes many also (it does not mention the very wealthy in China, South America, Muslim countries and Russia ?) Clearly depopulation includes everyone no matter what continent or tribe you are born on or are within
Richard Seed, Transhumanist, Physicist and cloning expert sums up the Uptonian quest as follows; "We are going to become Gods, period. If you don't like it, get off. You don't have to contribute, you don't have to participate but if you are going to interfere with me becoming a God, you're going to have trouble. There'll be warfare.“ (or see here again on Bitchute Richard Seed,Transhumanist becoming a 'gd' in the 4th Industrial Revolution (IOT) Internet of Bodies) Richard Seed is with Ray Kurzewell, Anthony Lewandoski (ex head of Google and founder of the AI religion) and Elon Musk and Bill Gates as tomorrow's thinkers today (Video 35) Elon Musk's Plan To Merge Humans With A.I (Neuralink) Ever since Prometheus stole fire from the gds, the titans once against Mount Olympus are now merging with them, in the ultimate Utopia to become gds on earth. Prometheus believed of course that he was higher than the gds not equal with them. The bible says believers will Judge the Angels ( 1 Corinthians 6:3
) Of course God has the final say on who and who does not become a gd, but this is debated by Forbes magazine and also see (Video 34 ) The Final Creation of Man, Will Artificial Intelligence Become God
Dr Andrew Wakefield This Is Not a Vaccine It Is an Irreversible mRNA Genetic Modification
Was there a Dinosaur Utopia ? What became of them ? (were they depopulated ?) or did they die out, or perhaps they never existed as we perceive today. A psyop to bring in other theories from around 1850 forward ? but in reality just a psyop on mankind. Perception as a "problem, action solution" to bring in fake news.Did they shrink down, grow feathers and fly from their imprisonment on remote Islands in order to evolve ? did they die out ? There are of course flaws or many would say deceptions in the theory of 'evolution' underpinning social darwinism and secular humanism (see various other experts on these matters) If you Think Dinosaurs Are Real Watch This And THINK AGAIN Dinosaur HOAX!!!!! ' 'The Dinosaurs You Love Are Fake' which classifies or reclassifies what you are actually seeing and the second video mentions that many 'species' are simply younger versions or offspring of larger parents etc.(see 'Your Favorite Childhood Dinosaurs Aren't Real' ) From Sumeria and King Menes and the Ari tribes to the Egyptians from Sumeria (and up until the last two hundred years ) the notion of prehistoric (i.e. anti - antediluvian before the emergence of man as opposed to mid / post - diluvian) creatures which were in essence an error which were then erased pre-empting a 'reset' globally amongst living creatures was not accepted as a notion. It was not on a past or future Horizon and did not occupy light minded tribes or literature or oral traditions. First watch Youtube Dec 4th 2016 ' If you Think Dinosaurs Are Real Watch This And THINK AGAIN Dinosaur HOAX!!!!! ' (if the link is not working google the title or try this link here or here (for more information see the adjacent website and chapter 4 )
Aleister Crowley was good friends with media reporter of the day Walter Duranty who was born in Liverpool and who was educated at Harrow and Cambridge, and who covered the Paris Peace treaty at the end of WWI, which became the basis for the League of Nations which became the United Nations. He met Crowley in 1913 and was involved in magical rituals with him. His most infamous writings for the New York Times denied any famine or mass starvations in the Ukraine caused by the Bolsheivieks who systematically set out to destroy the Ukraine creating the 'Holodomor' when 10 million starved or were killed by Stalin in camps. Duranty's efforts ensured that Ukraine received no assistance and his subsequent Pulitzer prize has not been revoked. Durnaty lived in Moscow from 1921. Crowley who also lived in London for the OTO and Germany was very influential on Walter Duranty.
Crowley was good friends with Deitirch Ekhart (both were members of the Thule society and others) whom Adolf Hitler called his mentor, and Hitler was initiated into the Thule society aloso.The Master of the Temple was the opiate-addicted occultist Dietrich Eckhart. He trained Hitler in many of the teachings of the ancient mystery religions. As Eckhart lay dying in December, 1923, he famously said: "Follow Hitler! He will dance, but it is I who have called the tune! I have initiated him into the 'Secret Doctrine', opened his centers of vision and given him the means to communicate with the Powers. Do not mourn for me: for I shall have influenced history more than any other German" Hitler acknowledged Eckhart's influence in his Mein Kampf. The final sentence in the final chapter is reserved for his occult Master:"I should like to mention the name of a man who devoted his life to reawakening his and our people, through his writing and his ideas and finally through positive action. I mean: Dietrich Eckart" Crowley stated:Should we not rather breed humanity for quality by killing off any tainted stock, as we do with other cattle? And exterminating the vermin which infect it, especially Jews and Protestant Christians?,but in affect all 'other' religions and groups. Crowley said "In this way, we shall have a contented class of slaves who accept the conditions of existence as they really are, and enjoy life with the quiet wisdom of the cattle" Crowley, and he was in effect (although later rejected by British intelligence after his lifestyle and infamy) a double agent. Crowley was one of the most influential members of the Illuminati and worked as a double spy/agent for the British and Nazi's. He was a 33rd degree Freemason and was the founder of the O.T.O. He was the phrophet annoucning the New Age and ideology shared with many Bolsheivieks and Nazis in the very high ranks. Crowley also thought of himself as a Prophet of the human will, stating: "I had been prepared in solitude to become such. I was now, little by little, to enter upon my life as the Prophet of the Law of Thelema."
Adolf Hitler eventually purged all secret societies and fraternities and freemasonry lodges to establish a new power structure within Germany, (the Thule society was kept) but he also agreed to make a transfer agreement in 1933 to assist Jews who wanted to go to Judea Samaria / Israel. The Haavara agreement
Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons and Nasa (Ghislaine Maxwell trial)
Another friend of Crowley was Jack Parsons who was instrumental in rocket science development (and 'time travel' )in the 1920;s and 1930's out of which NASA was born. NASA who have hinted or disguised the fact that the world is flat are opposed by those who state the world is round but the Sun and moon are flat. The sun centered universe and the Julian calendar are complete fiction. Amazing Polly gives the details of his story and in relation to the Ghislaine Maxwell trial currently underway in the USA.(rumble) "BOMBSHELL info Ghislaine Maxwell's Deep State Sisters" or here was more on Bitchute BOMBSHELL info - Ghislaine Maxwell's Deep State Sisters. A part of the rocket science industry was Wernher Von Braun Wernher Von Braun went on to work for NASA Many of those who fought in WW2 for Germany went to the USA (for information on 'operation Northwood and paperclip see the adjacent website and WW2 Crowley with Dietirch Ekhart traveled back and forward in the usa, Britain and Germany. It is incredible however that the worlds press do not focus on the global trafficking industry which occurs on every continent not just the European (but controlled by the Vatican r.e today The trafficking agreement between Pope Francis and Syria (Bashar Hafez al-Assad) to bomb and then traffic Syrians into the West has already been exposed. The whole world in 2021 into 2022 is being enslaved slowly .An MP4 file from an Ex Green beret, NSA and ex- Jesuit “Refugee Program Exposed Vatican” Truly Shocking and the vast trafficking sex slave/charity refugee scam and the billions made from them) Also pushed by the United Nations.) and islam as well as other tribes (and for centuries) still regard slavery as legal or semi legal and an everyday occurance. Woman and Children are especially endangered Homesexuals are also still under the death penalty South America and China (Asia) also have their own slavery trade. Obama (Barry Soetoro) family came from a line of Slave traders In 2009 he went to Egypt and decalred he was a Masri (Egyptian) but what he meant was i enslave the Egyptians (for more information see the adjacent website and chapter 6 ) Masri derives from Mizraim the grandson of Noah and brother of Cain.(see Genesis 10, 6, 13 & 14 & Genesis 50,11)
Arab nations also aspired to Utopia in the Arabian 'Nahda' movement Nahda meaning 'awakening' began when Napoleon invaded Egypt in 1798, and was described at the time as a cultural shock. Today the idea of ISIL or Islamic state in the Levant also grows out of this shock. Like most Utopias the traditional versus the modern is a large part of that debate as in the 4th industrial revolution / great reset. Napoleon declared the 'New Jerusalem'. Rome was subdued but since Constantine the Roman Emperor ( 325ad ) it had adopted a policy of blaming the Jews for the death of the Messiah. During Constantine's lifetime believers in the Messiah (Yeshua / Jesus) had risen to nearly 50% of the population. The power base moved towards a new awakening in Rome. Constantine converted to Sol Invictus (symbolized as chi (Χ) and rho (Ρ) but overlaid upon each other. Sol Invictus or Mithraism claimed it was 'Christian' and used this for the state to regain control of Rome. A state controlled religion with the outer appearance of 'Christianity' ( a Greek term for messianic belief and practice) The difficulty was Rome had actually also killed the Messiah by crucifixion, but this policy of blaming the Jews allowed Rome to remove any notion of Jewishness (as Jesus and the disciples were Jewish or from the tribe of Benjamin and who followed the 7 feasts in Leviticus) This anti - Jewishness continued until Martin Luther's day (10 November 1483 – 18 February 1546) The difference with Martin Luther was he realized from reading the newly printed bible that salvation was by faith alone and being reborn The 'Sinners' prayer is Unbiblical but lucrative.Salvation is not by asking Jesus into your Heart and did not require the states input or permission. See chapter 5 on the adjacent website (and for the next paragraph)
Another aspect of Rome's efforts to remove the Jewishness of the Messiah (as mentioned a few paragraphs above in the chapters on the Lotus and Moses etc) was to move his birthdate from the Autumn on December 25th at the winter solstice, the bible is clear that the Messiah was born in the Autumn within one of the 7 feasts of Leviticus 23 (to repeat Nimrod Tammuz and Semiramis (Ishtar) aka Isis, Horus Set & Osiris aka Mary Jesus & Joseph and see also the real date of the Messiah which was changed (but the bible is clear) to Dec 25th DPI Ministries_ When Was The Messiah of Israel Born) Why is this important ? it changes history and manages perceptions of the real world, and moves faith from the creator to the created i.e the worship of the sun alone.
Despite the fact the Messiah was crucified in the Spring (on a feast day) and was born in the Autumn, this is ignored and it is said repeatedly that Jesus the Messiah was born on Dec 25th. Checking the original sources (the classics) reveals a very different story. As other persons from history are also said to have been born on December 25th (as the 'son of gd' ) and later had 12 disciples and were crucified and rose again, what is the truth? Consider a few examples of say Dionysus, Mithras or Nimrod. Nimrod was killed by Esau Jacob's brother. Nimrod was also Gilgamesh so these 2 (as 1) do not fit the sun of god scenario. He (Nimrod / Gilgamesh) was not crucified and he married his mother Semiramis. She said Nimrod's father Cush (grandson of Noah) who was dead had re-incarnated from the rays of the sun on December 25th as was Tammuz, who was later killed by a wild boar which gored him to death. Neither Nimrod or Tammuz had 12 disciples. (Sammu-Ramat, more famously known as Semiramis, was the queen regent of the Assyrian Empire has a similar name from around 800 bc) Dionysus aka Bacchus was supposedly reborn by another mother (Semele) but was also fathered by Zeus (sort of ) but he did not have 12 disciples and died as a mortal man. Mithras (sol invictus) did not have 12 disciples, he was reputedly born on the 25 December (some suggest it is said he was born not as an infant but at around 4 years of age 'from a rock' in a field ? ) Mithras was also said to be born by the rays of the sun, his mother was a temple prostitute who were termed perpetual virgins who could conceive by 'immaculate conception' from a gd or a demon. Dionysus was also born from a temple prostitute 'virgin'. Isis, Osiris and Horus is the same story / myth from Nimrod and Tammuz. Attis is another who was not a gd, and is similar to Mithras but Attis died by going mad and chopping his testicles off. Today they are venerated as having been born on December 25th, born of a virgin with 12 disciples and who were crucified , but in fact none of them were. It looks convincing on a list but it is not reality. The Roman emperors worshiped the Sun which disappeared in the Northern hemisphere around December 22nd below the Horizon for 3 days and then returned, warming up the earth. To the Roman emperors taking this symbolism onto yourself as god was a good way to keep control of society or your kingdom and then you could be continually reborn as your future offspring every December 25th. The facts do not matter when listing these other son of god, but it is perpetuated as is the notion that Jesus Christ was born on 25th despite the bible giving the dates. The Roman emperors are dead as are the Pharaohs of Egypt and Tammuz is still dead.
The sun and the moon will be darkened according to the Book of revelations 6 and 8. They were created and by who is the question ? A child could work it out
Today the Jewish Utopian Tikkun Olam idea is prevalent and will change the middle east as Judea Samaria. Tikkun Olam means 'repairing the world' It is merging with the quest for a 3rd Temple in Jerusalem and also follows the prophecies of Ezekiel and the millennium 1000 year reign. The area of this future reign is as large as the Onid Yinon plan also known as Greater Israel or here again for the total size and area Egypt was prophesied to collapse and never rise again in Ezekiel Chapters 29 - 31. Its Ancient ruins are still ruins and even the Great pyramid of Giza has a crack in its header stone and other cracks are emerging.
Another person who was later ostracized by the British Royal family was Charles Edward, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha 2nd Duke of Albany, cousin of Kaiser Wilhelm (Wilhelm had also funded uprisings in Russia against the Czar again see the adjacent website and WW2 who had fought in WW1 (as had Adolf Hitler and JRR Tolkien) but as a member of the British Royal family. In WW2 he lived mostly in Germany and later an arrest warrant was issued against him by Britain and his lands confiscated. His story is here Carl Eduard Herzog von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha (on on Youtube How Queen Victoria's Grandson Became Hitler's Pawn | Hitler's Favorite Royal | Timeline ) To the modern reader it may seem strange the opposing sides who once knew each other but Kaiser Wilhelm emperor of Germany had been to Judea Samaria (i.e Israel and Jerusalem on a Royal tour organized by Thomas Cook) in 1896 - 1898 and later General Allenby captured Jerusalem in late 1917 Judah. Kaiser Wilhelm II Theodor Herzl (1896/8) & General Allenby (1917) Jerusalem after 2520 years Messianic Germans Jews and Non Jews had begun to return to Israel even by 1860 into 1917 (at around the time of the Balfour declaration) as had British Jews and Messianic Jews and many from around Europe. They were returning home to the Holy land. More details on this are in the adjacent website on and within WW1 and again in also within WW2 The distraction from these events which do fulfill prophecy is focused on the "Anglo bad Jewish good" or "Jewish bad Anglo good debate" when in fact and whether motivated by prophecy or to destroy prophecy it is a question of history and good and evil. Satanists push this narrative to disguise their activities. ( The Wheat and the Tares parable in Matthew 13, 24 - 30 & 36 - 43 & 1 John 2, 18 ) The House of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) is a part of these prophecies when the blessings pass to Joseph from his brothers.The desire and aspiration to create Israel began a long time before oil was discovered as a commodity.
Max Igan showing the oncoming reality. "The Stark reality in Australia" and in the UK Nick Fuentes || Vaccine Kills Countless Lives in the United Kingdom and in Israel Israels Deaths & Injuries from the " Vaccination(s) " The testimonies project (The Strong Delusion) The idea that the world is a Jewish Conspiracy fails somewhat when Israel itself is als being hit with V deaths and injuries. Israel fears new Holocaust Shai Dannon & David Icke ( Vaccinations & the Left - Right paradigm) Around the world throughout 2021 (and 2020) uprisings have started and some have even kicked out entire governments. In California looting and rioting occur every day. Freemason halls are being burnt down as are Hospitals and government buildings. Protests are gaining momentum as Utopia turns into Dystopia.
See also ISRAEL HIT WITH VACCINATED TSUNAMI ILLNESSES & DEATHS & 3RD DOSE COVID PILL WITH HIV DRUG IN IT NOW The left's dystopia of no policies by totalitarian dictatorship in Germany Political Establishment Suddenly Changes Position on Mandatory Jabs After Election and updated here Olaf Scholz is the New German Chancellor and This is What He Plans Incredibly the left in Germany without even forming a full government changed their policy on covid in a complete 360 degree turnaround. The CEO of Pfizer now believes the world requires a 4th pfizer vaccine but Albert Bourla (born in Greece of Sephardic Jewish parents) but he has not taken it himself, maybe he is trying to warn everyone as the Greek side of his mind fights against the Jewish conspiracy.
Manly C Hall explains 1. (Video 66 A )Mystery of Pineal Glands (Occult Anatomy of Man, Manly P Hall,Chakras, DNA & Minds Eye) and also in another of his lectures. (Video 66 B) Adam & Eve,Eden & The Angel of The Flaming Sword,Manly P.Hall (A Path for Gen 3,22 ?)
Soviet Cybernetics to blend with Genome experiments from Germany and wider. The Soviets (communists and in China the Maoists as cybernetics and gene research thrives where there are no human rights including selling organs from 'donor prisoners' or aborted fetal cells) with over 200 camps and gulags (Video 20) USSR's GULAGS (Russia) also conducted experiments with a view to introducing Cybernetics see the background from the Rand corporation pertaining to 1950 - 1962. Ultimately communism failed despite the massive logistical analysis of prices and supply and demand, but cybernetics as a technocracy (as we have today in the great reset) continued amidst aid from the USA to keep the USSR experiment going. Soviet Cybernetics - Red Plenty (Myth20c - Ep229) and today in Israel they are asking via the Human Genome project (Video 62)Humans, AI, Gods & Technology,Elites & the 21st century 'gods'(Kevin Kelly & Yuval Harari) if they can actually create gds or a gd as AI augmented people or consciousness or both (hive mind) (Video 34 ) The Final Creation of Man, Will Artificial Intelligence Become God for a synthetic cybernetic dystopia / utopia (Israel moving towards a total AI society Israel Innovation Authority: AI R&D in Various National Programs – A World Review Nov 2019
Some also suggest that the plot of Big Pharma is starting to resemble the 'Boys from Brazil' ( 1976 novel and 1978 film) , if so there are literally many tens of millions of Boys now, who are of course now men. Communitarians and communists may also have had a plot to create new Stalin's. It is not related to just ideology but a religion. Cloning and twins as a Utopian aim or agenda, have been a major scientific study since the late 1800's (or even much longer) on many continents. Leading to the Human Genome project which is now complete (see WW2 on the adjacent website)
Adolf Hitler who believed in the non frog line, (i.e. descended from Japheth making the Scythian, Celt, Saxon lines, although some of the Shem line also went into Northern europe. Generally speaking Shem was in the middle east and east, Ham went south into Africa, and Japheth north and north west) but who was 'green' although the left deny this. Hitler was not green enough as he believed in not importing energy needs i.e. private or even state utility supplying energy needs for society. He also crushed all other secret societies and fraternities. On meeting with Aleister Crowley (although some say it was Crowley and Carl Eduard Herzog von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha together ) reputedly said "I have met with the Antichrist... [anti messiah] He is cruel and intrepid. He frightened me." Adolf Hitler, 1938.
Other views consider the moving of the Altar of Pergamon from Turkey the throne of the Ancient Greek King Eumenes II in the first half of the 2nd century BC on one of the terraces of the acropolis of Pergamon in Asia Minor (also mentioned in the bible at Revelations 2,13 ) in 1901 to Berlin but which was utilized by Adolf Hitler The Altar of Pergamon - The Seat of Satan yet Adolf Hitler also made a transfer agreement with Jewish leaders from 1933 to move to Judea Samaria from Germany. Other views consider the Sabbatean Frankists who are in reality Sufi Turks. The Sabbatean Frankists Explained By Rabbi Marvin Antelman The potential for 'Dystopia' is biblical. For further information see the adjacent website The Sovereignty of Nations and the 2nd section
Soviet Russia, Communist China and Nazi Germany were all funded via Wall Street. The findings of Anthony Sutton by whose books here detail how Wall Street funded the Nazis, the Bolsheviks and continued to fund Soviet technological expansion since WW1 (as also detailed in the post above on WW1 dated 11.1.2021 under central banking) The Federal reserve central bank then empowered Wall Street to fund the Russian Revolution and World War 1 and 2 see Anthony Suttons "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution" and / or "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler" and once more "Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development 1930 to 1945" which shows that Communism and / or Socialism would not exist in the east without western finance. An interview with Anthony Sutton was made in 1980
The Little Red Book written by Israel Epstein. Instrumental apologist and writer / reporter to the rise of Chairman Mao was Israel Epstein who reported all things good about the world's greatest serial killer ( of 85 million people) . Epstein died in 2005 and was a lifelong communist. Today communism = social credit slavery and AI surveillance in chains, and not freedom in any way. Israel Epstein, Mao Tse Tung’s minister of Finance It was Epstein who wrote 'Maos' little red book. Epstein became the minister for finance under Chairman Mao. "Israel Epstein visited Yan'an in 1944 as a reporter for U.S. media.
Utopia to most people is a far away paradise with natural unowned water, land and food, with the caveats of recognising that childbirth and agriculture are responsibilities not to be taken lightly (and see Genesis 3, 16 - 19) There is a natural noble desire for freedom as within 'Atlas Shrugged' the 1957 novel by Ayn Rand.But the Green movement envisages paradise just without people in it, as a world depopulated. People envisage the Patagonia national park (as one example) as a place to get away from it all (founded by Kris McDivitt Tompkins of the Patagonia outdoor clothing and her Husband who owned the North face outdoor clothing company) who bought the land and donated it to Chile and other areas including Argentina and see the links of Argentina to Antarctica with its own treaty and unpopulated area and in relation to "Operation Highjump" after WW2 on the adjacent website in the 2nd section on WW2 ) Large contributors to "Earth First!" Tompkins has supported communitarian ethics (which earth first shares) and would extend the national park theme over the entire earth if possible and of course protecting trees and replanting all varied species of trees is a good thing. Yet it is not just earth first but the ecological movement which sees the earth as this Utopia but which both Maurice Strong Agenda 21 - 30 and club of Rome, and Kris McDivvit Tompkins conversely came from 'Big Oil' Big Oil were the largest lobby group at the Glasgow climate summit COP26 in November 2021 to bring in "zero carbon" The national parks require rewilding and conservation lands, rezoning and banning development. Egyptian ponds and Lily pads could also bloom.
Extinction Rebellion are rebelling for extinction not against it The Truth About Extinction Rebellion MP4 FILE Extinction Rebellion placed their mural on a chalk horse The original in Uffington, Wiltshire (dating from around 725 bc) The process of protecting and restoring land and waters, wildlife, and natural systems, and the care of animals (a great sentiment) is best served by removing people and depopulating the earth as humans as carbon are superfluous, messy, bothersome and worth less than animals or snowy crested grebes.
Israel has just fought its first Artificial Intelligence War within the Serco Skynet satellite system. Data consumption whether it is in the metaverse (dead universe) or in war is now the the driver of the 4th dimensional world as it joins or leads the International Artificial Intelligence Group called the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence
Changing the world has been an aspiration since Babylon and removing Jerusalem is considered by many as a Utopian aim.The aims of Isaac and Ishmael continue down the millenia.As seen above the tombs of Abraham have been discovered as well as the lost city of Aten (Joseph's tomb has also been discovered in one of the documentaries above) Making Jerusalem into Babylon or Egypt is a part of the driving forces behind Utopian thought although that will not be taught in academia, especially to the lecturers within it.Today Britain has left the EU (January 2020) in what is an incredible achievement and the history of World War 1 and also of World War 2 can be read on these links for the adjacent website. Did they die to create a dystopia ?
The BBC today in its general headquarters in Shepherds Bush has a giant statue of Helios since 1960 (also called Hyperion, Apollo, Mithra, Hermes also known as Mercury and in Babylon Baal or Nimrod ) at its front entrance. It is the same in essence as the 'little boy' statue over at Wellington arch. The Golden boy of Pye corner is Nimrod, as are the 2 bronze statues in St Marys park. Queen Beatrix of Holland (Netherlands) in 1989 unveiled the seven dials sundial in covent garden, but it is based upon an original (dating from 1694 approx) which is now in Weybridge in Kent. It is based upon an asherah (Astarte / Nimrod) pole within the Babylonian and later Justinian time frame. The Horses of Helios are well known at Haymarket, as is the magnificent statue of Ibis (ISIS) on the Serpentine in Hyde Park. In Cannon Street (break the wall of distrust statue) is the Statue of Cain, and at St Pancras new church is the strange statue of Michael the Archangel with his face blown off on one side (and many more around the capital and country)
Clearly these are in stark contrast to the "Lamb of God" stained glass window, say for instance at All Saints Church in Margaret Street.(you can cut through from Marylebone passage) or the Lamb of God in St Vedast on foster lane near St Pauls Cathedral or the Lamb Of God in the Temple Middle Temple Lamb of God i.e The Temple
For further information see the adjacent website The Sovereignty of Nations
to follow.....
The Tavistock Institute, Utopia or Dystopia ?
The oisintrust is a childrens charity, a consultancy, a co-operative and a development management company. 
1) oisintrust 2) disability, access, & children international consultancy 3) erinannach co-operative society ltd 4) ullord (orchard)
Please join, contribute with your skills, ideas or finiancially.
Fis Nua a party which employs federated membership. Its members do not share every view held within it, including the Liberal agenda, which seems to take precedence over and above national economic concerns and issues. The possibilities for Renewable Energy systems and new energy policies in Ireland are vast. The need to create employment and a new type of industry are paramount. (see also & Alternatively ReNua )
See the New New Jerusalem website & a new 3rd website The Sovereignty of Nations
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